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-i College Whirl

Bryn Mawr ~irl Committee States· Permission" Given To

be:;~~~~httonightI'mleaVingDies of Polio; Whyi~Endorsed 8u,·'d F,·eld H·o' U·5e
S ·k
for Blue Mountain Lake, N. Y., for
amp C B05 k f P t

:::tl~::.~'~t::n:;'d':~:'t=: Pupil at Cynwyd

a short vacation, but I've seen and trlc en at WIC or os

time out from packing and get Academy Rec~ntly

Believes HiD. Well
Qualified for Tasks
Near Haverford
Z · V·
A v.
you caught up on the news. -Marked 15th Birthday On School Board Wynnewood Home Robbed onmg arlante
Three local girls have been en-
joying quite a lark working for a Funeral servicE!'3 were held Mon- The Citizen's Committee of Low-
Whol F ·1 V
1 e amI y
d Grant ed Without
few weeks for the Bell Telephone day for the Main Line's first polio
er Merion Township, which Is en-
dorsing Harold S. Bostwick for
The home of Theodore H. Wick-
wire, 3d, of 1335 Remington Rd.,
ny ro est
Company helping them prepare, to , . election to th~ Board of School 01- Wynnewoo~, was comple~ely ran-
shift over to dial telephone in the ,The victim, Margaret Mary Ker- , ,'" sacked while he and hIS family In answer to demands from Nar-
' rlgan, 15, of 10 Warner Ave., Bryn rectors, IS supporting him because were in the Poconos Lower Merion b th 't' th fi
ans owne area, Tb e th ree, AI Ice ' , ' ' er CI Izens, e new eld house
Itl h d d
L CliP d Mawr, was taken ill of bulbar polio ~' of the contrIbution he can make as polIce reported. t b d
Ncar ::n~h
:1'0 ne eery, an at the Little Flower girls' camp, " '., )i;.:~.::j }':.;:~: ;
JAPJo.!'4 . an' educator to the Board of School Wickwire, Who is president of ~ e erecte 'Ion the c~mmunity
aney e er,ee" were amon~ a Tobyhanna Pa., and was taken to Directors" Trent, Inc., electric heat manufac- p ayground WI 1 be bUilt nearer

• ::::~a:~
, h'
~:::t~~;~:g ~O;l:~:r:~~: aday.hOsSPhltald'.atd
e Ie
sscrantdon last Tues-,l ,
atur ay.
. ~~ fjf'.~
:,': .'~
. . .' ,~his q~alifiCatiOn"
among othe,rs, ;:I:~: :i~~~:Vi:i:~~~t,t~ec:~~~~~= H';::~=i~v~as
IS In agreement with the quahfi- silver set a movie proJ'ector two nesda 'h't '
granted on Wed-
Wit a phone m that area to tell , Th 'I d
e glr, aughter of M d
r. an . '
cations mad~ by the League of gold watch chains, and a Swiss Z n' , y mg
B d f at a tmeeting of the
them how t~ work the new dial Mrs. William B. Kerrigan, was: ~; . " \ .... \ Women Voters. The League has watch purchased in Switzerland in 0 mg oar or he Borough of
phones. CallIng , up thousands of spen d'Ing her SIX . th year at , recently listed. the responsibilities 1890. , Narberth. '
people and giving each of them the h' h . d b Detective Sergeant James Smyth The orlgmal.plans called for the
, t' d t l'k camp, w IC IS operate y of the School Board as (1) Erect- said the thieves forced the rear building to be constl'ucted 30 feet
, mstruc IOns soun some I e S cranton Ca th a I'D'IC IOce3e. She 1ng, malntalnmg
., , an d improvmg . kitchen window. t f th b k tb II t d
It would, get awfully ' " dull, partic- wen t t 0 th e camp ear Iyin, ' JU IY and wesf 0t eth as e af cour s an
u Iarly since I . can t Imagme any- ~e Ie bra t ed h er 15 t h'bl rt hd ay on1y a
school buildings and grounds, (2)
For .po I'ICles
. concern,m, g staff and H· hHek
ItC I H Id er e
ee Ave,
f th
nor 0The enew ence on Hav-
plans wI'11
one . not knOWing how. to work a f ew days be fore her dea th . salaries, (3) F or setting the school, mov th fi ld I 'th' t
dial phone, but the girls seem to When her illness was diagnosed
have had a lot of fun. Nancy, who's she was first taken to the Merc;
a Shipley School graduate, has'Hospital, Scranton, and then re-
tax rate t~ pa~ for the above" and i
(4). ~or
dlrectmg the .educatlonal n
ISh I ft
e 00
e e e lOUSe WI In abou
three feet of the fence on the
S southwest corner. It was pointed
gone up to Cape ~Od to spend the moved to the Municipal Hospital. poliCies .of the Township. Ch d W·th T kO' out that th' 'II t ' f'
rest of her vacation , from Cedar . The camp was promptly quaran- . . , Committee
The CItizens ' ,
beheves B arge I °a InG' e the basketball IS WI
court>3 no orIn the rmge on
Crest College. Alice, of course, Will tined that directing the educational poli- aUery, Gas Shirts ball dl'amond. It wI'II also not I'nter-
?e returning t~ Harcur~ Jr. College Th~ girl was a pupil at Mater
m the faU, whl~e C~rolme, who at- Misericordiae Academy, Montgom- ~ies of the Township is the most A battery from a jeep, 25 gal- fere with the fireworks on Fourth-
tended the Umverslty ?f Roanoke ery Ave., Cynwyd, Requiem MaS'3 Important work of t?e, School Ions of gas, and three workmen's of July.
~or her first two yea~'s, IS transferr- was celebrated Wednesday at 9.30
mg to Gettysburg In the fall for A. M. at Our Mother of Good Coun-
Board, and that new bUIldings and ,
a fine staff mean little without shIrts were stolen from the grounds Protests started on August 1
her junior year. Caroline repre- sel Church. Bryn Mawr. sound educational policies. of Lower Merion High School last when the first stakes were laid for
sented Roanoke as a Princess at The Kerrigans formerly lived on 'lIn this respect Mr. Bostwick is week. the field house and continued until
the Shenandoah Apple Blossom Aubrey Ave, near Morris Rd., Ard- eminently qualified," the Commit- John Carl BlackweU 26 of Nor-' Wednesday when the work wall
Festival during the spring, and was more Manor. They have a son Wil- tee states. "In ' fact, d'd
he is the
f only th f0Ik, Va., was ch arge'd'WIth . lar- halted, At a ~eeting of the Bor-
thrilled by the presence of Bob Ham, J., 19. Mr, Kerrigan is divi- person w h0 IS a can I ate or e " ough Council on Monday August
Hope and many other dignitaries, sion manager of the William Jami- Scho,OI BO,ard possessing this quali- ceny and ~eld In $500 ball by Joseph 8, it was announced that a'variance
Anne Derham, who's finished son division of Seagram's, Inc. ficatlOn. A person whose interests B. Allen In Lower Merion Police of the zoning ordinance would have
two years at Smith College since Although polio throughout the and background are along educa- Station, to be obtained before any change
her graduation from Baldwin, had, nation has shown a startling in-; ti~nal lines would be aJ;>le, to con- Blackwell told police he hltch- could be made.
a wonderfUl summer working as a crease over last year, the Main I tribute much to the thmklng and , . In presenting the petition to the
counselor' of dramatics at the Bryn Line area has been happily free, planning of t~e B.oard as a whole." hl~ed from New YOI'k to Phlladel- Zoning Board, Counci!mun Joseph
Mawr College Day Camp, spon- Only one case has been reported so A NEW WALL FOR OLD CHINA Mr. BostWIck IS a graduate of phla where he stole a Dodge sedan. P. Tripician mentioned that sev-
sored by the Red Cross and other far this summer, that of a Haver-
local organizations, The children I ford • Township woman, who has
were encouraged to show their own since returned to her home.
R otary
d' L. M. Pol';ce Solve B';g M"'ster"',·
urge " ".Y.y
L?wel' Merion High School, and He switched tags from a Packard eral other locations had been sug-
hiS two sons are recent graduates, coupe and then drove to Lower gested for the field house, but the
The Citizen's Committee is also Merion High School where the new present one was considered to be
creative talent and helped compose • • endorsing Dr, Wilbur Zimmerman cafeteria is being built. He took the mo,;;t practical. Some of the other
their own plays. as wel! as produc- Former Ardmore Or~,anist
jng several regular plays at their
I C bike
n OS ova Wh'" Fundless Man RIdes TaXIS
zee la .y
~nd Dr. Joseph ~nderson, the two gasoline from an air compressor suggestions received were: by the
mcumbents, feehng that the past on the grounds and two shirts bleachers, on the property at Con-
Parents Day entertainment, Anne's Dies at Prospect Park dO ° U d HO I "But Why," inquied the Lowerl At 54th and City Line the cab record of each is excellent. which were hanging on a line. way Ave" or attached to the com·
n er It er, Merion Police ' who alwa"s
biggest thrill " came when the girls h Mrs. lizEabeth
s h e was directIng presented er mer orgamst at the Ardmore Pres- R d D
With a gardenia corsage for which byterian Church, died at her home
L, McCurdy, a for- Con Illons
e s
°b d H
escrl e ere
solving mysteries, "do you ride in .
enioy:Iwas s t oppe d by L ower M'
airplane'';; and taxicabs if you are IIceman EmdIll.PlqueKt for IdgOhl~gl
enon P 0-
' A
r more
d L·b
h He wasf picked d l up by
' police when munlty
e was oun as eep In the stolen
N b'building.
0 0 Jec IOns were ma e () he
r a r y car at 3:35 A. M, Thursday morn- zoning variance, Which C. Fred
d t t

they had saved their pennies at the in Prospec· Park on Thursday She
conclUSIOn of Parents Day, I he~r was 64,
. " . "More t an
h 30000
h b k?"
persons ave 1'0 e.
left Czechoslovakia," Dr. Frank PrOUdly replied Maurice K. Leon-
through a re Ight, atz to
about his passenger
Add 50 V I ing,
Kuebler, Jr., chairman of the zon-
b d 't d
mg oar, pom e ou was most
from, Anne that Clem ~owen, IS Mrs. McCurdy stUdied musi~ at Kral, a former professor of vet- ard. 27 years old, of Mattapan, Leonard was arraigned before 5 0 umes Alert Policeman Finds unusual. The zoning ruling in this
~orklllg a~ a ve~~ compll,cate~ Job Wellesley College and taugh~ plano erinary medicine in that country, Mass.: "It's all a matter of taste." Magistrate, Joseph B: Allen a~d F A FO ° B ' S I BO I area calls for a 25-foot frontage•
. lor AtlantIc Refmmg until Prmce- and organ. She waf' an asoclate of told Ardmore- Rotarians on Thurs- The police amazement was charged With defraudIng a pUbhc orty re Ichon ; oy s to en ICyc e The exception will allow for the
ton begins ~ts next academic year, the American Guild of Organists d a y . · · caused by the fact that Leonard conveyance. A telegram, to his Eight Non-Fiction An alert Lower Merion police- field house to have only a 12¥..-foot
CI~m helps In. the process of separ- and a member of the Teachers For- Dr, Kral, who i'3 now a professor hired a cab at New York's La-I father brou~ht $75, Katz said Leon- man made a Wynnewood boy happy frontag~. ,
atlng crude OIl. . _ um. . , l 1 - _th~ l[niv.erslty of Pennsylvania, G~ardi8: AirporJ and told t,he driv, ~J;'d owed him $69,. but he .:5ettled Fifty new books have been added this week.. '. Supermtendent of ~Ubhc Works
Spent a pleasant evening recen-l In additIOn to her hUSband, she said t that in 1938 there were 47 er Bernard Katz of Bro·oklyn· to ~or $50. Leonard paId $5 costs and to the Ardmore Free Library, 42 Richard Geyer, '14, of 379 Penn- George B, Suplee said that the
tly at the Bryn Mawr College ~u~- ~s surVived, by two, daughters, Mil'- Rotary clubs with 1400 memb~rs take him to the' White ,HOUS~ in $5 fin~. With the rem~ining m?~ey fiction and eight non-fiction. Rd., Wynnewood, came out of the borough work~en would probably
:mer theater, and was enthuslastIcl1am, of PhIladelphIa, and Mrs, Hel- in hiS country. When Hitler m- Washington, where he said he was detectIves bought him, a tIC.,:t The new fiction book'3 are: Ardmore movie at 4.45 P. M. Mon- resume work thiS week on the field
a~out the excell.ent performance en D. Morrison, of Prospect Pa~k, vaded, he ·ordered all Rotary clubs going to get a job. for home and started lum on hiS Dead Lion, John and Emery day and found the bicycle he had house. .
given by Jay Lanm, the son of the 1and a son, James L., of Pon~lac dis301ved, Following the war Com- During the conversation, Leon- way. Bonett; Blood and Thirsty, Fran- received for Christmas was miss- Henry A. Frye announced that a
popular orchestra leader, Howard and a son, James L" of PontIac, munists came- into power and they, ard told Katz he. didn't have any But, alas, not in a taxI. And not cis Bonnamy; A Summer's Tale, ing. Very dejectedly he reported it waiver would be sent to all of the
Lanin" Jay is a senior at Rutgers, Mich. too, made it difficult for freedom- money, but that )"Ie would get some in an airplane. Just in a train. Such Gerald Brace; Strong Citadel, to Patrolman Frank ~ilson. . sub contract,ors notifying them ttf
BaldWIn sc~ool alumna, Anne • ° loving organizations. when he got to Washington. taste. . Katherine Burt; The Track of the At 11.50 P. M. that m?~t WI1so~ the change In location.
Cat, Walter V, Clark; Journey Into saw a 17-year-old boy rldmg a b~-
HaWk,S, who s had two. yeflrs at Ardmore MIdshipman

Who's a Mount. HOlyo~e

RadclIffe, and Catherme SCott,
student, On, O~erseas Cruise

Dr. Kral added that many of the
30000 persons who left the country Ch
now in refugee camps, He de-
b i N b b Me.
u r c es Conduct: ar ert
Spring, Winston Clewes; It Hap- cycle the same as that of Geyer s
15510n pens. Every, Spring, Valentine on Lancaster Ave., near Ardmore,
W ynnew.
d V II a ey
were among the aUdl~nce" and. Midshipman Paul K, German, scribed some of the existing con- Dav~es; PlaytIme Is Over" Clyde A v e , . ,
B~tty ~nd n~argle
Jane Zebley 11'- USNA, son of Paul K. German
WID made an attraclve pal,!' of u~h- 115 Walnut Ave.,
~f ditions in· Czechoslovakia and told
Ardmore, IS of his own experience in escaping to
W k R
or er eturns
DaViS; Rustlers' Band. WIll Er- When questIOned. the boy said: Plans Bloom Show
mine; Snare for Sinners, Ruth Fen- that ~e had stolen It and that he

erettes. Betty Jane is transferring scheduled to visit Cherbourg, G . any and the United States. isong; The Man Who Made Friends ha,d Just been r,eleased from Glen Women's Club, Civic
to Goucher College in the fall af~er France, Augu"t ,15, ,aboard the ~~ a result of Dr. Kral's talk, Visiting Clergymen Speak Philip Young Spent with Him"elf, Christopher Morley; MIlls after servmg 16 months for
two ~ears at Centre College, while ba~tleshlp Y~S ~ISSO,Url, one of the the international committee of the I p. So W k · K k· Blackthor~e House, John Rhode; the same offense. Group, Schedule Event
MargIe (who pronounces her name ships partIcipating In the Second A d ore Rotary Club has decided n Several ulplts IX ee s 10 entuc y Pink MagiC, Margaret Runbeck; ------
with a hard "g", as in the terrific I Midshipmen's Summer Practice tor s:d packages of food and other . Philip Young of Bala-Cynwyd 0 Careless Love, Hobert Skidmore; Bala-Cynwyd Man The first annual :flower and gar-
I. Brown) has been working in the
book of the same name by Kenneth! Cruises Task Force,
There are more than 1.200 train- necessa y
Bryn Mawl' C0II ege. ees e~ bar k~ d'~n th e crUIse ' h' sons
. r items to a displaced per- The Rev. Donald A, Ottmger . .
camp. ' wee k
'In B oonevi'11 e, K
' Song of the Susquehanna, Herbert
will be guest preacher at the Ard- returned to hIS home Tuesday after Stover; Tomorrow We Reap, Preceptor at Colgate
den show in Wynnewood Valley will
be 'sponsored by the Wynnewood
D ean s 0 ce at SIPS, Ke neth E. Shull superintendent more Methodist Church next Sun- SIX s y. James Street. and James Childers; Russell T. Blackwood, 3d, son of Valley Women ,s Club and CIVIC ' ,
since she finished a secretarial 'including midshipmen from the Na. of u~itication for the Philadelphia day morning during the regular Young, a ministerial candidate of Come Clean, My Love, Rosemary Mr, and Mrs. Russell T. Black- Association on September 13, It
course at Drexel. val Academy and Naval Re3erve su:urban Water Co will speak at ' h' , H '11 the Narberth Presbyterian Church Taylor. wood Jr., of 32 ConShohocken will be held In the Wynnewood
Pete KnaPP, who was captain of Officer Training Corps Units from the next meetlng o~ "Magic As a morning wors Ip service. e WI , t' th R R b t G' Also, Iris in Winter, Elizabeth State' Rd" Bala-Cynwyd will con- United Presbyterian Church. Any-
the track team ,bef?re graduating various colleges, and universiti,es. Hobb." occupy t~e pulpit in· the ab3ence was assls Ing e , ev. 0 er . Cadell; Let Love Come Last, Tay- tinue as graduate preceptor at Col- one in the Wynnewo~d Valley ~rell
from Lower Menon In June of 1948, Before returmn~ t? the Umted y of Dr. ClInton M. Cherry.. . McClure. He superVised and taught lor Caldwell; Dog Eat Dog, Mary gate University, Hamilton, N. Y., may enter, Entries Will be received
has finished his fr~shman year at State the MiSSOUri Will stop off at Hl gh School Teacher Minister of the Clifton Methodist in the Daily Vacation Bible School, Collins; Joan Foster, Junior, Alice for his second year. between 9 A, M. and noon, and the
the Penn State Center in Swarth-! Guantana~o Bay, CUba, for g~n.

Church in Clifton Heights for the visited among· the people, and 01'- Ros3 Colver; The Flying Horse, The announcement was made by show will be open to the audience
:more, and is all set to go upstate to: nery exercises and underway tram- Takes Science Course ., M" ganized a physical training pro- Frances Crane; Come Be My Love, Howard L. Jones, director of pre- from 2 to 9 P. M.
the main campus at State College, ing, in- past nme ye.ars, r. Ottinger IS a Lavinia Davis; Miracle at Carden- ceptorial studies. General chairman for the show
In September. Pete is getting in I William M, Keim'M sc~enceH' h graduate of the Spring City High gram. rigg, Tom Hanlin; A Little Sleep, Blackwood a graduate of Lower is Mrs. Thomas F. Walsh. Her com-

out for track at Penn State. Dot B C N R

practice with the thought of going New Member Addresses
CI' b
structor at Lo;er d :r~~n f ~g School, Ursinus College and the He said that the one thing he a Little Love.. Norman Ka~hov; Merion 1righ 'School, will work with mittee' includes Mrs. N. F. Wiley,
Sc~ool, was gra uatEe tr~ aY , rnm Theological School of Drew Uni- desired more than anything else Hangman's ChOIce, Clifford Kmght; a group of freshmen In an advisory in charge of judges and publicity;
awey.. K en Web st er, J 1m ' B arr,·, _ _ olary u, a six-week
"0 General Cl ec e SSchen-
lIe nc cle ce versit holdin both the bachelor was to get $500 for a combination Covel'H'IS F ace. Th omas Ky, d' p.Ie- capacity . "
while studYing courses Mrs. E rnest Thornton, ' f
III charge 0
and I·Andy Harvey also should be Dr. Edward Hoge Vlck. of 323 N. progl am at Um n 0 g, •
L ~. g ' . ' h pare Them for Caesar, Mary leading to a master of arts degree. prizes and properties; Mrs, Nels .~

about ready for their sophomore Narberth Ave,. addressed members ectady, N. Y. of sCience and the bachelor of stove, refrlgelator and smk for t e IIVlabie; Give Him My Love, Mar- He received his bachelor of arts Johnson and Mrs H Maurer host-
~ear at State. and visitors of the Bala-Cynwyd K elm ' was one 0f 50 high school divinity degrees. . d'Irec t or 0 f re l'IglOUS e dlIca f Ion In " garet Mackay; The RunnIng degree in philosophy from Dart- esses; Mrs. Peter " Hoffman, and
That's about all the news for Narberth Rotary Club on Tuesday. teachers from, t.e~ nor~h~ast~n Guest soloist for the "ervice will that area. At present she coo~s Thread. Drayton Mayrant; Perilous mouth College in 1948. Mrs, John De Pietro, in charge of
now, Don't forget to send birthday Dr. Vick, a new member. gave a states and the Dlstnct of 0 u~, la be Mrs Blanche Jennings of Ard- ove~' a hot plate, ke:ps the food In Passage, Arthur Mayse; The Stum- staging and decorations; and Mrs.
cards to nlurlel Minton, who resume of his life and work in ac- who was selected o.n a competitIVe, ' a Imed garbage pall and washes hUng Stone, Aubrey Menen; Thun- Ardmore Youth InJoured William White who will classify
working at Bell Telephone, and cordance with a custom of the club, basis to, tal~e part III the progr~m. more" , the ?i~hes in a bath tub. "del' on the Buckhorn, Frank • entries. '
Mary Anne Ziegler, who has a sum- There were 12 visiting Rotarians Only experienced teachers hOld ng Classes Will meet during the reg- William Moore, another mlnIS- O'Rourke: The Little Voyage, Le- When Motorcycle Skids There will be enough classes
:mer j9b with the Fidelit.y-Philadel- from neighboring clubs present at at, ~east a bachelor's degree were ular Sunday School hour at 9,.45. terial candidate, from the Nar- I. itia Osborn,e; A Tent in Corsj~a, Robert Bechtel 19 of Cricket both specimen and arrangement:
phia Trust Company until it's timelthe meeting. Represented were elIgible to apply" " The combined adult classes meet- berth Pre~bytenan Church, al~o Martin QUigley; Time for MISS Ave., Ardmore, "';as i~jured Wed- for all entries, and only the table
to return to Bucknell for her jun-jLansdowne, Darby, Ardmore and The course~ InCIU~ed ~OPI~St In ing will hear Mr Willard S White worked With Mr. Mc<?lure ~hlS Boo, Margaret. Runbec~; 0, Shep- nesday night when hi'3 motorcycle setting class will be limited, There
lor year. Saturday is Muriel's ,Philadelphia, modern phYS1~S an c emls ry, : ." " summer. After a ~onth m, the field herd, Speak" Upton Sinclair; ,My skidded and overturned on Nar- will be special classes for children,
birthday, while Mary Anne will be Next week W, J. Drennen, chair- mode~n chem,lcal mea~~rements, speak on the tOPIC. Praise for the he returned to hiS home m U~per La~p Is Bright, Dorothy Sml~h; berth Ave. near Montgovery Ave., featuring only wild flowers.
blowing out candle-3 on Sunday. man of the vocational and service expe~lments In ~lec~rl~lty and Words of God." Darby ~hel'e .he m3:de preparatlO~s TWIlight on the ~Ioods,. Marguerrte Narberth. A silver cup will be awarded to
Love, committee, will have charge of the chemistry and phYSICS In mdustry, The Youth FelloWl3hip of the for an Immediate trip to .Campus In Steen; !-,,~aternIty Village, Ben He was taken to Bryn Mawr the person receiVing the most
BOB. meeting. Ardmore Presbyterian C h u r c h, Bt~ell :VoOddsl Contferfence tlhn cua~ada. WwllhattmS; Wronghand, Ger- Hospital by Lower Merion. police. points, and garden shrUbs and other
Driver Falls Asleep; Montgomery Ave. at Mill Creek ,I IS a e ega e ,rom e mver- a me ya, , . ._ He suffered a possible fracture of prizes will be awarded to the blue
·on Candl·~ates k S· Rd, artici ated i the Pro g r m of SIty of Pe~nsylva~la,Chapter of t~el ,The new non-fictIon are. Me~1 the jaw.
J ' . Ph E P l' n h Id t Ma'fili Inter-Varsity Chl'lstlan Fellowship. Icme on the March, Marguente
ribbon winners of each class,
120 Lower Merl
Car Hits Par ing 19n
Orael S. Williams, 43 W. Athens S
Ave., Ardmore, escaped injury Tqua~e In 0':1
eWls vange Ism e a In, . "
' S th Ph'l d 1 h' 1 t MarJOry Havlrck, who IS gomg to Clark; A Manua or 1 ers, ' ,
I f R'd L W

Practl·ce Thursday
Tuesday when he fell asleep at the ues ay evenmg.
I a e p la, as West Gameroun this fall as a mis- Durrell; The Best American Short
sionary, returned to her home in Stories of 1949. Martha Foley, ed,; Every Da'Y Is Father's Day
Open f' t b'l On Saturday, August 27, the Narberth August 7 after a month's Switzerland. Dore Ogriezek; Peace
By BOB JOHNSTON dates also were examined by the wheel 0 hiS a':l o~o Ie. You,th Fellowship will meet at the work in Rhode Island, She 'con- of SOUl, Fulton SI,Ppn; Golden
Charle'3 Richard (Dick) Mattis team phY'3ician at the same time su The automobile Jumped the south ParIsh House at 9 A. M. and go ducted a Daily Vacation Bible Doorway to Tibet, J. C. Rufenacht; In Narberth Playground
will begin his ninth season as Low- that there will be no delay in be- curb at Lancaster Ave. near In- t Mt G t f d f
er Merion High's head catch this ginning brisk bodily contact work. dian Creek, Rd. and broke off two? . re na or a ay 0 recrea- School and held services at church- Treasures in Truck and Trash, Parents, too, take an enthusias- man, Penn baseball coach and Wax-
:Thursday at Chichester Field, Ard- M~ttis, who turned out !ug!"Ily reflectors and a "No Parking at ~~~~te~ll young people over 14 are es in East Providence and Little Ni~ol Sm,ith; ~ebster'~ New Col- tic part in activities at the Nar- riors basketball star. In 1948 he
:more. when about 120 hopefuls re- effic,lent ~eams at Lower Merion Any Time" sign. According to leglate DlctlonalY, MOlg~n Tow~e.
Ju~lOr be~~iS~~~:U~I%c~~:rl~~oa~n:~nter
.. Compton.
port for L. M.'s 1949 football team.. High for 12 years before Lower Merion police the .iar prob- The Rev. ,R. Earle. Marcus, pas- worked out with the Phillies. ,
Of these huskies who'll engage in taking ?ver the Ac~s, plans to :5tage ably awakened Williams. He tried tor of the First Baptist Church, of
pr~ctlce two wee~s.
Serv':ces ';n Narberth Churches
fdr young people only, but Is a Another member of the Seifert
bodily contact
unt'l ea.'o' from.
fI 1 the first dav. a With only game
lettermen avall- to swerve the car . back , on the Parkerford,
at the Lower wlll beMerion
guest preacher
Baptist " • . playground where parents also have f ami'1~ W I10 IS . ac t IVeInt s 'II
.lett~rm~n "~~o : : e, r:ge~i~ .. a~~ able, Mattis naturally isn't opt!- road, but Instead ~t Jumpe~ the Chuch on Sunday August 21 and Baptist Church of the Evangel, missions, will conduct the 11 A_ M. fun and aid in playground coach- Ronme. 15, who attends Lower
.·~the 1948 'team Whi~~ won ~:ven mistlc. But then, he never is. Dick curb at the north SIde and shpped SUl1day August 28 The se~'Vices Ebnwood and Narberth Ave. Nar- service on Sunday. ing: , M e r i o n High School. He plays in
concluding with a 34-6 triumph dolefully'predicts that "It looks bad down the embankment. wl1l be 'at 11 A M 'In he Me etin : . . .. .. One of these parents is Charles the outfiel~ for Narberth in the
'Over Radnor, and lost three. De.- -v.:e do~:t have any boyo,; with ex-
:feats were administered by North- penence, Policeman Unhurt as
House corner ~f GuI
rt Rd B M P
and Rob: berth. Rev. Lawrence 1'. Fitzger- Narberth Presbyteria.n Church, Seifert, of Forrest Ave., Narberth, YMCA semor league which is
ald, interbn-pastor. Windsor and Grayling Aves. Rev. who can be seen almo3t daily on coached by J. T. Guilfoyle.
leas'. which won the inaugural 7-6 He did admit, though, that somp e s s.. ryn awr, Th R F't ld '11 . du t Robert J Lamont minister. the baseball diamond at the play- Playground directors not only
• to snap Lower Merion's two-ye~r, help might be ~xpecte~ from Ard- Car and Truck Collide Mr. Marcus I~ vlce-pr.eslden~ ,of e ev. I zge~ae WI con c The R;v. Arthu~ L. Hen'ies, pas- ground. He works constantly with teach athletics, but they also en-
1:> .'me st~eak, Chester,. a 7-6 VIC- ~ore Junior High, whIch was un· George D. Potter, a Narberth the Penns~lvama Baptist MIniS- the 11 A. M. servlc . tor of the Calvin Presbyterian his own boys and aids In directing deavor to teach good health hab-
tory and Rldney Township (19-13) DeaJen h!a~t :rl!ar, :nd Bala-Cyn- policeman who was off duty, es- tel's' CounCil, and .. + .. Church in Philadelphia wllf speak the Legion and Cub teams as well. its, citizenship, sportsmanship, and
T.' ,Idovers include Capt. Tom :iIuh; ~ig 'b~YSS~~iSufall~~ee~t~f caped InjUry Tuesday night when urer of the Baptist Mip.lsters' ~~n. Holy Trinity L~tberan Chureh of on "The Secret of the Lord" at the Seifert, who Is with Montgomery to aid the children In solving their
,IW l:h, who s~arted the last four the Ardmore crop reportedly Is the car he was driving collided ~erence for Philadelphia and VICIn- Narberth, Woodbme and Narberth 11 A. M. service. At the New Life and Scott Brokerage In Phlladel· social problems. Jerry Farrell,
, :g .... at tackle In 1~48; Cha:lle Al Claroccl, a ball carrier. with a 2-ton truck. Ity. Aves, Rev. Cletus A. Senft, pastor. Hour at 7:45 he will speak on "A phla, was a semi-pro baseball play- Narberth playground director,
'It ~ .I,lstWllwho filled In for aillng Assisting Ma~tis this sea"on will William J. Boyer, of Phlladel- The choir, under the. leadership Dr. Robert D. Clare, of Upper Stone Called EbenezeI'." er In New York and Pennsylvania pointed out that Charles Seifert
Rr h~ so~ at halfback In the be Glen Etzweller, from !"ashing- phia, who was driving his truck on of Ruth George, organist-director, Darby, will be guest speaker at the + .. + until an arm Injury brought a halt does much In this phase of play-
d .1Bil1g~e, .G~ards Tom 13oyl~ ton &. Jefferson, and Fntz Bren- Windsor Ave., failed to halt for has been active all through the 11 A. M. service. St. Margaret's R. O. Church, 208 to his baseball playing. ground work.
'::ckle TOnyOPJ!~uttl~~dT~rii ~~~: :~~r~~eaffearc~:~ccr::n:u~~rl~-a ~top signal at the Intersection of sum~er months and will present .. .. + Narberth Ave. Father James F. His son, Bill, ~as also had hIs He also keeps a constant watch
land, halfback. trick practice last spring. Mart; Wmdsol' an(l Essex Aves., In Nar- speCial music each Sunday. Narberth Methodist, Church, Ea- Toner, pastor. baseball playing mtel'1'u~ted. He?n young baseball players, to see
Suits for the season's first drill Howell and Joe Quinn will contlnup berth, and was struck by Potter.
~ere Issued Tuesday, when 48 were to coach the junior varsity team Boyer told police he didn't see the mid-week services of the church Flood, pastor. I
Next Wednesday. evening the sex and Price Aves. Rev. Harold Masses on Sunda;v will be held at was Injured last fall while playing If any have big league pOSSibilities.
the regular hours: 6:30. 7:30,9 and football for the University of Penn- Several boys have .had an opp~r­
given out, and Wednesday when th.e and Jack Murray has been added as car and Po~ter said he thought the will be in charge of Frank B. Es- The Rev. Frederick L. Pedersen, 10:15 A. M. and two masses for the sylvania. He played on Penn's fil'st tunlty to tryout With the phUlie.
lut 42 Were checked out. CaMI- equipment specialil;t and trainer. truck was going to stop. penshade.. . associate secretary, of the home upper and lower church at U:15. nine and worked with Howie Dall- through the efforts of Seifert.

News of Social and Club Activities
Owned ami Operated by America.. Sfol'84 Company ,

Another Acme 81g

Ardmore Jrs. CJ tnt
..0ocia . e.1
Wynne'Yd. Man
Weds' Sa~rday
Engaged ]. C. Pennock
Tal<:es Brl-de
a $1 SALE

Approve Budget Mrs~ ~uckley

49 8

Popular sale is repeated "ecause so
Prdjects for Fall
Season Are Discussed
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Duff, of Church. The Rev. Cllnton M. W'll'
Montgomery Court Apts., Nar- Cherry performed the ceremony.
berth, are recei~ini congratula- + + +
1 lam
Mr. and
. agel', r., ford, announce the engagement of
Marries at Horsham.
Warder, Jr., of "Arundel." Haver- B
ala.Cynwyd Man
their daughter, Miss Anita Warder, Weds in Massachusetts \.
many folks recognized its many . ' Mrs. J. Morton Poole, who has and M Ch'l H I R b rts
The 1949-50 budget of the Ard- tIons on the birth of a .daughter been spending several weeks at The marriage of Miss Mary r. al es 0 mes . 0 .e , The Church of Our Saviour.
lIIoney-savin, values on pop~lar foods. . W Cl b d's born August 14 at the Bryn Mawr Cape 'May, N. J., will soon return Phebe Llewellyn daughter of Mr 3d, son of Mrs. Charles Holmes Brookllne Mass was the scene
_::::..-_--~~~---- more JunlOl' omens u was I - , h t' 421 . , , .R b J f M Rd ",
d Hospital. to occupy her new ouse a and Mrs. William T. Llewellyn, of 0 erts, r., 0 anor ., Wynne- last week-end of the marrIage of
cussed and approved by officers an + + + Lancaster Ave., Haverford. Hatboro and William H Sa er wood, and the late Mr. Roberts. Miss Mary Eugenle Straub, daugh-
chairmen who met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Baker, of + + + , " . ~, MIss Warder who is a graduate tel' of Mr. and Mrs. William Clen-
their president, Mrs. C. Wallace 14 Dudley Ave., and. sons, Joseph Mr. ThOmas Wood Zinsser, son Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. William f th A i : . 1 S h I d don St~aub, of "Longwood Towem,"
. f 37 Rittenhouse of Mr. and 1\[rs. John Sharman H. Sager, 01 327 Wister Rd., 0 e gnes IW n c 00, ma e Brookline, formerly of Summit N
Stuard, .TI., 0 and Robert, spent las~ w.eek-end Zinsser, of Bryn Mawr, will Gpend Wynnewood, will take place Satur- her debut in the fall of 1947. She J., and John Carroll Pennock, 'so~
Place. Ardmore. with Mr. and Mrs. BenJamin Wal- two weeks with Rev. and Mrs. Pal- day at 3 P. M. in the Horsham is a member of the Junior League of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Morton
The main project for the com- bert, of Allentown. frey Perkins, of Boston, at South- Friends ~eeU,:g House. of Philadelphia. Pennock, ~f 12 E. Lodges Lane,
ing year will be in charge of the + + + wfesir.Har~or, ~e. ~h~.engag~m~nt ;'he b:lde WIl~thweabr tah gown11 of Mr. Roberts who attended St. DBala-CynWYd. The R;ev. Stephen
elfare committee. Club members Miss Rosemary McClatchy of 0 ISS orne a er inS an r. w It e ~Ique, WI er a co ar, , '. ' avenport, of Chl'lst Church,
w.. ."t 1 . _' Zinsser has been announced. and a yoke of torshon lace. The Andrew s School, Middletown, Del., Salem, performed the dOUble ring
Will write to vetelans hosPI as 400 Woodbine Ave., Penn Valley, + + + Gklrt will also feature an insert of and Ursinus Colege 'served for two ceremony.
and find out In what way the Ard- is touring Europe this lSummer ~ith Mr. and Mrs. Thoma~ Johnson, the sa,?e lace, and she will weal' years with th~ N~val Air Force. The bride, who was given in mar- -
more Tuniors can help. The sug- the Beaver College European Field ~f 309, South Ave., Media, are re- lace mitts and lace Juliet cap. The H' h R ' rlagll by her father wore an ankle..
.' - Sh e ,WI'11 arrive
1'0 • \ ill then be discussed and T IIp. . h ome a b au t celvmg
.. congratui at 'Ions on th e cap WI'11 h 0 Id a fill u - eng th vel'1 0 f IS fat er was a epresentatlve length gown of white '. .
ges I ns v August 22. Among the places she birth of a son, Donald Thomas, tulle. She will carry a round bou- from Massachusetts when the fam- with lace bodice. Her waist-length
O....waod Grapefruit Juice 4 ~:~~ 490 voted o n " . . has visited have been, SWitzer~and, born August 10 at B~yn Mawr quet of. white chrysanthemums and ily lived in Boston, veil of tulle was held by a mar-
Ideal Soup ~~';I':b'; 6 1~~~~z 490 Under the- direction of MIS. Stu- France, Luxembou~'~' BelgIUm, Hospital. Mrs. Thomas IS the for- green IVY. + + + quisette cap and orange blossoms.
ard, new committees were formed Holland and the British Isles. mer Jean Awkerman, daughter of Mrs. Glenn H. Shoun, of Ober- HOOPES-WADDELL Miss Alan Dingman, of Ridg~
HurR's Aspal"agus Soup 10 l~~~:z 490 and the duties of each were dis- + + + Mr. and Mrs. T. F. Awkerman, of lin, 0., the bride's sister, who will . . wood, N. J., waG maid of honor,
HUI.'H's TOlllato Soup 10 l~~~:z 49C Mr. and Mrs. John J. Hosey, of 327 Righter's Mill Rd., Gladwyne. be matron of honor, will be gowned The engagement of MISS Varney and the bridesmaids were Miss 4-nn
cussed, . N. Rose. Lane, Haverford, have re- + + + in dark green piqUe of the same Twaddell, daughter of Mr~. John Herrigel, of Short Hills, N. J .• and
Gartb'. "served FiIS~~k::.nd:l li~~ 490 Those who attended the meetmg turned from a week's vacation at Miss Emily S. Smith, of "Tilton style as the bridal gown, but with- Pawling Tawdell, of GUlph and Miss Janet Gutterson of Waban
Speedup Soap Ilakes 2. I:k~: 49C were Mrs. Hugh Kistler, treasurer; Atlantic, City, N, J. Before. go~ng Lodge," Haverford, is spending t~e out the lace. Her ense~ble will be Merion Rds., Bryn Mawr, and the and COhasset, Mass. 'They were
Mrs. Richard -Kistler Jr., cores- away, Mrs. Hosey entertained at rest of the month at the DenniS, completed by short mitts and yel- 1 t M T del. 11 d M Alb t gowned in dresse3 of white organdy
ponding secretary' Mi~S Jane Par- a luncheon at her home. Guests Atlantic City, N. J. low chrysanthemums with green a e r. wa e, an r. er with white eyelet embroidery bod-
sels co-chairman' of the program were Mrs. J. Earl Smith, of Atlan- + + + ivy. Warfield Hoopes, Jr., son of Mr. ices.
corr:mittee; Mrs. John Reimer, tic City;. Mrs. James Flanigan, of Mr. and Mm. Joel C. Huber, Jr., The bridesmaid~, Miss and Mrs. A. W. Hoopes. of "High- The bridegroom's brother, An-

j1JNA FISB Grated

Reg Price
~n 27c 4. $1 for
house committee; Mrs. David Wat- Ocean City; Mrs. Richard Kelly, of of Mt. Pleasant and Valley Rds., PomOl·y. of Baltimore, and MISS land Manor," West Chester, has thony Phillips Pennock, of Amity-
son, finance, and Mrs. Joseph Smith, Penn Wynne; Mrs. L.. C. McArdle; Haverford. will leave ~~on to spe~d Nancy .Foge~, of. Germantown,. will been announced.
publIcity. Mrs. S, A. Bachofer,. Mrs. R. A. several months at their house m be ~ttlred. m lIght green pIque, Miss Twaddell attended the Bald- ushers inCluded Phillip Roswell Me-
ville, L. I., served as best man. The

lOc 11 $
The meeting time of the execu- Fitzpatrick, Mrs. J. J. Luniack, and Bermuda. fashIOned lIke the. matron of hon- win School, and Mr. Hoopes, a Ginnis, of Jamaica Plain, Mass.,

liSCO BEANS::::~
Reg Price
tive committee has been changed Mrs. G. C. Wilson, all of Phila- + + + . or's dress. The Will ?arry bronze graduate of Bucknell University, and LouiG W. Mead; of Chicago.
l:a~z for from Tuesday to the fourth Wed- delphia. Mr. and 1\.'Irs. J. H?wa~'d Buzby, chrysanthemums and IVY· served as a lieutenant in the navy The couple will make their home
nesday of each month at 8:30 P. M. Mrs. Ho~ey Was also co-hostess of the Den~Is, Atlantic City, N. ~., .Au.brey P. Sager, Jr., of 14~O during the war. in Massachusetts.

PINEAPPLE c~::~ 29c 4 $1

Reg Price
! On October 4 new members of recently ~Ith Mrs. Leon S. Caplan. had. as theIr guests recently theIr HIllSide Rd., WynneWOOd, w~ll + + + -------
~~~2 for the club will be welcomed. Mrs. of the R~ttenhouse Plaza, at a son-m-law and daughter, Mr, and ~erve as best man. The u.s~ers Will CUNNINGHAM-HAROLD
j Stuard will direct a business meet- luncheon m honor of Mrs. Arthur Mrs. John B. Emack, Jr., of 57 Sta- mclude Theodore Bremmg, of M d M J h S H . Id f
B tr
- th s
PEACHES 1~ls~::es Reg Price
No~o~'12 2~'c 4 $1 for
Lichtenstein, also of the Ritten- tion Rd., Haverford.
h PI
October 18 Mrs. Jane T. Watson, .aza, who waG leavmg for
+ + +
. _
Wayne; David Charles, Jr., of 414 Dr. an Rdrs'Llo n h' ato, 0 At Bryn Mawr Hospital
H f'd To
aver 01
h·' J k R bl
wns Ip. ac
ar y " anerc, announce
0 n- the engagement of theIr daughter, To Mr. and Mrs. James Crawford,

SUNSWEft ~~:: Reg Price

b::1 27c for $1 I
women's club director of Straw- CalifornIa.
bridge and Clothier, will speak on . . + + +
.MI". Wylie G. Borum, of 182 son, of Germantow~, and Robert Miss Phyllis Harold, to James Cun- 01' The Mermont. BI'yn Mawr, a
Fishers Rd., Bryn Mawr, left re- Llewel~yn, of GlenSide, brother of .
"G ac'ous Livin " She will also MiSS Claire Mehl daughter of cently for nEgland and Ireland, the bl'lde.
l' I, g, t. d fi
nmgham. son of Mr. H. F. CunnIng-
Mr and Mrs Theod'ore Ashmead where she will visit friends until A reception in the meeting house ham, of 182 Midfield Rd., Ardmore. To Mr. a..nd Mrs. John Faulds,
. dau hter born August 8.

H, Reg Price
l~a~z 27c 4 $1for
present SIX table set mgs an
er arrangements
On October 29 'a barn dance will brook Hills. who will become the
, -
Mehl of 1425 Dorset Lane Over the middle of October
+ + +

Will follow the ceremony. After a
G ' y L
hOneymoon at. Lake eorg~, N. ., ower er on g
be held at the club house for club bride of William Monroe Snyder, of Mr. and Mrs. Leo,:ard C. Pratt, ~he couple WIl! make their home
ISS H -aro Id'
M I Hi h S h 1
I·S a gra ua e 0
e 00.
t f 546 Baue
. tt Av.,
born August 9
No, date has been set for the To Mr. an~ Mrs. Charles LeWIS,
e H aver f ord, a son

Reg Price
21~t~:Z25c 9 $1for
mem ers an
d f' d
nen s.
Narberth on September 17 was Jr., of 229 CrosshIlI Rd., Penn m Jefferson CIty, -Tenn.
guest or' honor at a show~r and Wynne, are receiving congratula-
tea given last week by her sister, tions on the birth of a daughter, LANGHAM~SMITII

+ ... +
of 33 Lanfan' Rd., Ardmore ,a
tel' born August 9.
To Mr. and Mrs. George Martin,
PITITOts Ideavh.~I- f:cg Price
2':~?-2~ I for $l :Anne C Dooner •
Mrs. Frank H. Tait, of Philadelphia. Allison Frazier, on August 1. Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Smith, of Captain and Mrs. Walter C. of 234 E, Spring Ave. Ardmore.
+ + + Pratt is the former Miss Joan A. 1609 Hampton Rd" Brookline, have Greene, of 827 Dover Rd., Penfield daughter born August 9.

BALlES DlleOTS ~~=

Reg Price
':;,119C 7 for $1 Mr. and Mm. Edward M. Field- Wallworth, daughter of Mr. and announced the engagement of their Downs, announce the engagement To MI'. and Mrs. Louis DiFilippo,
ing, and their daughter, Miss Mrs. Foster T. Walhvorth, of 16 daughter, Miss Marilyn Ruth of their daughter, Miss Patricia of 24 Holland Ave., Ardmore, a
Mathilde Elizabeth Fielding, of Green Hill Lane, Overbrook. Smith, and Lawrence Langham, son Anne Greene. to David Knowles, son bOrn August 10.
: .
Reg Price
~~'nl 150 7 for $1 "Four Winds," Haverford. have
returned home after spending sev-
+ + + of Mr. and Mrs. John Langham, of son of Mr. and Mts. Arthur L
Mr. and Mrs. La\1rence H. Eld- Philadelphia. Knowle-s, of Braintree, Mass.
To Mr. and Mrs. Ernest .Tackson,
of 220 Sheas Terrace. Ardmore, a
eral weeks at Skytop, in the Poco- redge. Miss Mary Harriet Eldredge, Both Miss Smith and Mr. Lang- Miss Greene is a graduate of Mt. daughter on August 12.
Ho..-de-Lite nos. and Miss Helen Louise Eldredge, of ham are graduates of the West Ida JuniOr College, Boston, and of To Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Patter-
Real + + + Mt. Pleasant and Green Valley Philadelphia High School. Pierce College, Philadelphia. son, of 229 ROse Lane, Haverford,
MaJoaaail' r~r 33e MI'. and Mrs. Herbert N. Heston, Rds" Bryn Mawr, have returned No date had been set for the No date has been set for the a son born August 12.
hla;'I~' -;,/. o. 45 of 622 Bowman Ave., Merion, en- home after vacationing in Cape wedding. wedding. To Mr. and Mrs. John Casey, at

Oli ves S.....OIiVar
lIld (luto.
Onves 1Ilirir Plain
Dill Pickles Beat BUY
10·0. Iir 47c
ot l.r 23c
tertained recently at a tea for par- May, N. J.
ents and stUdents
Frederick, of Hood
Md. Guests College,
included Dr. Mr. and +Mm.+ William + HINT Wikoff f R H M[ MAKER5
~ ~ .
322 W. Lancaster Ave.• Ardmore,
~ a daug;hter
To Mr. born and August
Mrs. Joseph13. Mc-

Z large"l
bots &,
Plus OjIPosit an'd
1!,00000000L ~u_,la,p~.~ ••mols
India Relish
Olives Stuffed
pt Jill' 19c
4'/.·0. Jar 39c
Pickle (;hips ...1 Buy pt Jar 17c
Andrew G. Truxal, pre-sident of the Smith and children, of "Colebrook
college; Miss Barbara McLean, Manor," Bryn Mawr, are spending
Overbrook; Miss Marian Craig, the rest of the season at Nantucket, By RUT H W ELL E 5 • K Y W
Cafferty, of 134 St. Pauls Rd.,
Ardmore, a son born August 13.
Tuna Fish Elklmo Flaked '/3 ca. 32c Overbrook Hills; Miss Gretchen Mass.
Bob Roy Beverages C!ra-x Educator Crock.,. Ib pkg 25c Obold, Havertown; Miss Janet + + + Director of Women'. Features 30 YEARS ....
6 l~~z ~OC Peek, Radnor, and Miss Linda Mrs. A. duPont Wickes and chil- (Ruth Welle. is heard on KYW Monday. through Friday. at 9:30 A.. M.) Of Good Main Line Roofing
Plus Deposit and
Penna. Tax In
PeaRL Markets
Walker, Narberth.
+ + +
dren. of Green Vall~y Rd., Bryn I T SEEMS like everybody has live alone, 1 bou,ght a set of gay
Mawr, have left to spend several" something special." The man pottery to liven up my one-woman
It Sheet Metal Work
:' Mrs. David D. Day, of 31 City weeks at Bay Head. N. J. who said that to me operates meals. R. J. COOK, Mgr.
Line Ave., Bala, entertained Tues- + + + an. elevator Wit~ cou~teSY an~ ef- 1 heard about a woman recently Phone NARBERTH 4040
daye Ven mg · t b ff t d Mr ~nd Mrs Willl·am MeL flClency and he IS qUite a philoso- .
a a u e \>upper an P . ~ f G' Rd . pher in his own quiet way It gave who has four chIldren and who doesl~===;;;=;;:;;;;:;;;~~;;;;~
shower in -honor of Miss Jean omeroy, 0 lynwynne '. Hav- . ' I.
Louise Ruleff, daughter of Mr. and erford, are traveling in California m~ somethmg to al~ her own housework, and who
Genuine Spring Lamb
Lamb Roast StiOUlder.......5 •. cut I
Ib 45c Neck of Lamb
Lamb Chops Shauldir Ib 59c Breast or Shaok Llllb
Ib 19c
Mrs. Bl ayny R u1ef, 'f 0 f Mt. Airy, an d th e Cana+la~
whose marriage to Mr. Robert Cor-

R k'
o+c \es.
thmk about • • ,
that remark. be-
cause too many
still finds time for two or three
hobbies. She paints beautiful trays;
she is an expert photographer and
Expert Watch and
don Leek, san of Mr. and Mrs. Nel- . Mr. and Mrs. Charle's C. G. Chap- of us think we develops her own films; anp-as
son H. Leek, of Oak Lane, will 1m, of College Ave" Haverford, are don't have a thing though that were not enough for Clock Repair

Fresh·Killed, 'Grade" A"
take place August 27 in' German- spending the summer at "La Selva" to work with. so
+ + +
Mrs. A. Reed McIntire and Miss
Bar Harbor, Me.
... + ...
1\lrs. Harold J. Clarke,of,Haver- thing except go
what's the use of
trying to do any-
one woman-she makes beautiful 232 BaJa A vee
"But I'm not artistic," you may I ;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
say ~t this point. "I couldn't dol!
Cyn. 325G

F' R M Iff B d f d V'll H ·f d 1 t th along in the same that.

R ~ancAe~d' c n lre , ~ Ie dyn 01"1 I at fa~eht or ,w 10 SP~~h h e old way. We cook "Well, it seems as though every-

BEN TURKEYS ( 16;b5 )

i French Fashion Fete
" I more, are Gt aymg at the eal y par 0 e summer WI
Dennis, Atlantic City ,this month. daughter and son-in-law. Mr. and m:alss~m:ay with
+ + + M~s. George T. Pew, of Bay Hea.d, about the same
er th three body has something special." What
can you do?
+ + ...
All fancy broad breasted birds
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred r. Leyburn, saIled ,last week on the Caro':Ia f 00 d s replacing Ruth Welle. It's fun doing what you like to
Boiling Beef I
Ib 2Sc Lamb's Liver
Short Ribs of Beef Ib 33c Bacon Ag..... SII....
Planned for September 13 and daughters, of 715 Panmure Rd., for a six-week motOr tour of SWlt- each other in a dull, mOnotonous do, and I'll bet there are plenty
Invitations have been issued for Haverford, have moved to their zerland, Italy and France. She is cycle. And then we wonder why of ideas you have been putting off
a "French Fashion Fete" to be new home in Atlanta, Ga, Mr. Ley- accompanying Mrs. Joseph W. the children refuse to eat and why until you have more time for them.
CANNED CHICKEN Clo,;o:~:~om 3 ;:'$1.79 presented at "Greenbank Farms," burn has been transferred to the Gro:os of 404 Minden Way, Wynne- mealtime is so boring to everybody Don't wait too long. 1 know of no
home of Mrs. S. Laurence Bodine. Sixth Federal Reserve District wood: in the. family. We do the ~eek's more pathetic woman th~n the one
For Cold Lunch or Picnic fancy Large on Tuesday September 13 at 3 there Miss Virginia Leyburn will + + + w~rk In a pattern, too,. and If we Who. has devoted he~ life to her
slip up on the schedule It seems as famIly to the exclUSIOn of ,every-
In All Branc es
Cole Slaw or potato Sal,d Ib 27c
Dried Beef SlicOd LDlf ,/. Ib 29c Buttemsla Ib21c ,P. M.
, . ... . . .
at~end the Umverslty ?f Geo~gIa, Mr. Alexander Wheeler,. of ~.r~en though we never get caught up.
Tbe event IS fOI the benefit of MISS Nancy Leyburn Will contmue Valley Rd., Bryn Mawr, IS VISIting N t h ' t b
thing else. Then when tne children
lif go their own ways as they should
D -E N N I 5
Corned Beef v. Ib 18c Whiting D .....d 'b15c the Chester Count~ Hospital, the her st~dies at Rosemont C?llege, Mrs. C..Bai Lihme: at ~atch Hill. at aY~'If i~sd~~~,f~ffec~ ~~~~ the~ d~, she is left alone. The children 10 • 12 E. SPRING AVL
Cheese =~:::~ v. Ib 17c Shrimp F..cYCocktall Ib 59c Chester County Girl Scouts. the and MISs Helen Leyburn WIll at- R. I., WIth Mrs. Llhme s daughter you won't even want .to read the pIty her and she feels very sorry Phone ARDMORE 5386
Liver Pudding Ib 49c Cod Fillets Ib2Sc Children's Hospital of Philadelphia tend school in Atlanta. and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Clem- 'rest of this column. But if you do fOr herself. I~~:;~~~~~~~~~~~::
Deviled Crabs 19c Perch Fillets Ib29c and the children of Ville de Com- + + + ent A. Griscom, 3d, of Radnor. feel as -though you are caught in So, get yourself a hobby. /'
piegne, France. It \s one 0% a num- Mrs. Ann Lillard. of Bryn Mawr, + + + this kind of a life an.d you don't This woman says you don't have "f'eos Don't
bel' of events preceding the COm- has announced the marriage of her Mr. and Mrs. James T. Dooley, enjoy it too much, perhaps it might to have any: spec!al talen~s. All you Bolher M.
PET-AGREE DOG • CAT,.FOOD Made to Veterinarian's Formula
bined Bryn Mawr and Chester daughter' Miss Dorothy Lillard to of York Lynne Manor Merion ac- be a good idea to get a fresh start. need is a little ImagmatlOn and a
County Horse Show to be held William Theodore Hartman so~ of companied by thei~ debut'ante because . . .' "It ~eems liI~e every- sense of. humor. And one ~f the
I'm Dusled with
D. ' '" body has somethmg special." And nICest thmgs about a hobby IS that
_ ' ?
,September 22. 23, and -4 at evon. M1. and Mrs. M. Brantley Hart- daughter, MISS Marie COrnehajthat means you' you can give it as much or as little
6J.tJiIIM dJ.lUJ4I, dJ.1U4JU 11 Vet;~ Committee members include Mrs. man, of Malvern. which took place Dooley, are vacationing at the
A. Balfour Brehman,. Haverford; July 29 in the Ardmore Methodist Monmouth. Spring Lake, N. J. PI
• + .+ +
d 't thO k I
time as you please. It will keep you
t- from gossiping with your neighbors
and Mrs. Joseph Harl'ls~n, Jr., of ing t~:: YOo: leav::the ~:::n~~~g~~n over the bac~ fen~. Having found
HONEYDEWS C~~;:~i~ , each 4gs Ardmore. Among the Judges ?f itself and go out looking for your tb;e ~obby Whl~h SUIts yo~ best. you
self-expression. If you have a home won t ev~n mISS the frl;1it less part

Large Clu.l.r, Sw.el
SeediessGrapes2 25c
Pears ~1If. ~I.n Ib 10c
YAMS pJ~}gcJI~~N lb. 25c
the best-dessed and best-hatted In
the audience will be Mrs. Alexander
Biddle, Mrs. Howard C. Fair. and Needleeraf t ..,.

.1." eW8
and a loving family, do be gratefUl o.f your hfe and you Will find de-
for it. and remember tJ'tat plenty lightful n~w frIends because of

Mrs. George Strawbridge, of Bryn of women would change places with yo~r new Inter.ests. CAT OWNHS:Toridr-acofScasand
Mawr. yoU at the drop of a hat . . . any It ~eems I~ke" everybody has Ike. be sun: co . - ....IftX R.OTENONE
old hat But I am suggesting that somethmg speCIaL And that does fkaPowdcr-.Spcci3IIJ~e-aa.
Eatra Large
Stalk lie R
MI" eserva
~tatlOn Rd"

GordonIOns F.may
H ' d'
b made wI·th
Milnee 18 South
aveIfor, or y ca
b U-
you look . ar0l;1nd you to see what I:~~~~'~;;;;;;_;;;;;;_;;;;;;_;;;;;;_;;;;;;_~~~~~~~~~~~~~;:~
you can do WIth what you have at
hand to make your life more inter-
mean you.


Dairy DepfS mg Bryn Mawr 1824. SUN time is the time to look to your grooming. This doesn't mean that groom- esting and richer. • EXPERT REPAmlNG. PRESSING
ing isn't very important at all times of the year-we know it is. B'!'t the First of all, if it is at all possible
GLENDALE CLUB Uninjured in Crash
23 75"
Cheese . &-or
food pkg
box ... Ardmore, escaped injury Saturday
simmering, sullry days of July and August demand that we pay partIcular it helps to make meals more inter-
John A. OrIel', of 107 Cricket Ave. allelllion to keeping ourselves as unflurried and cool looking as possible. The esting to serve different types ot
coolcr you look the beller you will feel, and your disposition will reflect your foods and to serve them on different
Bala-Cynwyd Cleanen
Quality Films when his car collided with that of ease of mind and body. dishes. Use the best dishes once in PHONE CYNWYD ~036 205 BALA AVB.
Sharp Cheese Ib69c Firsl of all a word of caution. Sum. a while on a hot evening and see if PICK UP & DELIVERY SERVICE
G·27 - 5 roll. $1.00 Gruyere Nest... Ch.... II·"" pkg 35c Patricl, Doran, of Wayne. llIertime is sun time and we know that it doesn't do something. special for
G-20 - G-620 4 roll. $1.00 Kay' Natural Ib 55c tum Doran was ma){ing a left hand
on Lancaster Ave. from Crick- run~ine~~~~'_~~~
please treat this wonderful gift wilh
6-16-G-616 3 rOil, $1.00 Margarine P~I~':: p~:21c et Ave. when his car was struck by respect. A severe sunburn can be
Satisfaction Guaranteed
ar new roll film free Margarine Alco Ib pkg 28c that of OrIel', who was going south dangerous; a lesser burn is ugly and ,l

on Cricket Ave. from Station Rd. uncomfortable. It may cause unat·

tractive peeling, perillanent freckles
Heat-flo Roasted -LI,G,\L NO'i'ICES and do irreparable damage to your
ESTATE OF ARTHUIC:r.DENMAN. skin drying it up of all natural oils,
Ia.te of Borough of Narberth, Mont-
gomerv County. pa.. deceased, Letters Take the sun in small doses in the
Don't Forget Travelers Cheques!
testamentarv on the above Estll.te beginning, thcn later on you can in.
having been- granted the undersl~nf"d_ crease the amount of time you enjoy
all pers0l1s Indebtcd to said Esta.te
,Win-end CoIfee~~cli~"J b~g 41C:~far$1.1' 'are requested to make ImmedlA.te its rays with safety and no ill effects.
payment, and, t.hose havlnR le~al Get in the habit of using sunburn pre.
When you go on a trip, make sure that your travel funde; are safe. Don't carry a
Ideal CoIfee ~~~ c~n S2c:3 for$1.SZ chilms, to present same without de- \'cntives liberally on all f1arts of the
lay to .. substantial amount in cash. Travelers Cheques can be cashed anywhere. They are good
Ideal Tea Bags S~~::~IY .50 pirg 38c ANNA OATH DENMAN, . skin that are bared to the sun.
Executrix. Start each morning with a cool, reo
Ideal _ Grapefruit Z No.2 only with your signature, and if lost you will get a prompt refund. Get them conven·
can, :l7c
Fancy Whol. 119 Windsor Ave. freshinK showcr followed by a gen·
_ _ _ _ _ _ _.:..Sections , Narberth, Pa. I crous head to foot application of
Or her Attorney:
HENRY A. FRYE Hower·like cologne. Be sure to use a ienlly here. They cost only 75 'ients per $100.
SUPREME BREAD Supr.m. In flavar. texture ,and IOlting f",.hneu
1608 Walnut st.
Ph lin" Penna.
deodorant rCllulllrly. You can experi.
OT a-1S-st menl with either liquid or creme var·
- - ieties to determine which ia the most
Buy TJ. S. $a,vings Bonds
ESTA'rE OF JONATHAN R. JONES. effcclive for yotl. Shampoo your hair
late of Borough of Narberth. Mont- oftcner during the summer for oil and
PRICES EFFECTIVE IN FOLLOWING MARKETS gomery County deceased. Letters of perspirl1,tion make hair straggly.
Administration, d,b,n,c.t.a., on the 1£ you want to help yoursclf to feel .-'. -.i
above estate having been granted the cooler, don't wear too much jewelry _~.:_,~·_,~t.~ ··-_,,:,..-. .,_~_ . _,_L-_J
114-18 N. NARBERTH AVENUE undersigned. all persons Indebted to on hot days. A slriking set of earrings .
said estate are requested to make will eliminate the need for • neck· \ band at the 'top. The midriff top is
O PEN FRIDAY TILL 9 P. M. - SATURDAY, 6 P. M. Immediate payment' and those having locc. Scatter pins on your dress will ~hirred with elastic thread Cor a snug
legal claims to present the same with..
out delay to gencrally serve all your jewelry reo fit. The bloomers are bloused and can
quirel11ents., be made oC broadclolh in your favorite MEMBER FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION
CITY LINE CENTER ~~~ER~~:D ~~~N~: DE':v::6g~E!: :::~:nt.
Ir you --desire an all·over even tan color. Directions for making this SUN
(and who among us doesn't), face Ihe SUIT are available 10 you. Just send.
sun in this brieC and flattering sun suit. stamped, seIr.addressed envelope to the MEMBER FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM
OPEN TUESDAY. THURSDAY. FRIDAY TILL 9 P. M. Or Its Attorney, Bryn Mawr, Pa, You won't have 10 worry about Ilrap Needlework Department of thi. p.per.
' SATURDAY TIL L 6 P. M. - PLENTY FREE PARKING Norristown, ,Pa, OT8-1l-at marks becall:le .Y!lU ~.n adjult the fUme requelli'!J Leaflet No. E02300•.
Thursclay;, August 18, 1949
+, • •' ==:ft:c:. ., !

. ,. News and Features 01 Interest to Women --Amusements, Notes

Radnor Hunt Club
Willlenge Cup two-mile brUSh race; the
IReddin g Furnace Farms Chal-
Helen Albertson Invited C0 11"ege ShOpS -
-- O pen L oca I R
aClDg e~son lenge Cup, a three mile timber top-
·' D' . P .
To V181t lOr In arts
Guess what! Recently we wrote O·lSP1ay Wares ~lim Figures Are Required The Radnor Hunt Club Will in-\per, and the conciuding Caldwell
augurate th.e local hunt racillg sea- plate llat race of two miles.
son in mld-Septemner when it William C. Hunneman, Jr., con-
about Christian Dior's two new per'-
fum/es, "Miss Dial''' and "Diorama," When we llip the calendar to
To Suit New French Fashions I
stages its third annual fall race tinues as chairman of the race
meeting on the club's own course committee, with George Straw-
.. which are di·.stributed in this coun- August, t~en-agers begin to think By BELEN S. ALBERTSON •
near Whitehorse. on Saturday after-, of Bryn .Mawr, as vice-,
try( by Charles of the Ritz. And the in terms of school, stores open their chaIrman. Thomas H. McKoy, Jr.,
other day, by air mail from Paris, College Shops and wardrobe plans There's a good old American hand they in effect say, "Oh, that." noon, September 17. " of Haverford is treasurer; Edward
, th f 11 . 1 tt slang expression-"go jump in the It would seem. that having created
came e 0 owmg eel': are in the air. Clothes rate very lake." From what 1 can gather in w h a t a 11 b ut amounte d .t a h avoc Four races are carded: the PreS-lB. Smith, Jr:, Edgemont, secretary,
ident's Plate, a mile and a quarter land Algenon A. Craven, Ambler,

// high with the college girl, for after . last year, they let the skirt-length
on the fiat; the Fairy Hill Chal- assistant racing secretary. .
.,' Miss Helen S. Albertson all, first impressions are important. readIng about the new French question drop. As for the skirts
Tri-County Publishing Co. This year, as always, good grooming fash~ons, that's what we'd aU better themselves, they're going up-any-
do, jump in the lake, pool, or what- where from 13 to 15 inches seems to . AIR CONDITIONED Ample

good taste, good clothes are in the ever body of water is handiest and be the accepted length, although
Dear Miss Albertson,

I want to express my sincere

long run a better bet than flashy
fads that denote a lack of back-
ground and poise.
start swimm'ing like mad not for Schiapa~elli seems to be abo~t the
. ' only desIgner who shoots a hIgh 15.
pleasure or relIef from the heat, but The consensus seems to be that such
. . .'. Starts T~~~~•• Aug. 18 for 7 Days
This fall, knits are in the ascen- swimming for sJimming. a decision should be up to the in-
thanks for your Interest in my French designers are showing dividual wearer, let her choose the
new perfumes. It gives me dency, for knitted fabrics are young, skirts so sli.m that even a mole will length best suited and most flatter-I
great pleasure to see how over- well-styled and decidely ·practical mar the Silhouette. Jacques Fath ing to herself. somebody certainly ~. ROBINSON
~ii;;j;l~HAYWAR~n' CliiflE .
wnelmingly receptive the because they do not need to be spows a very tight sheath, Paquin should have come up with that no-
pressed. Sweaters and skirts are calls his slim silhouette the "Tor- tion long merry ago, if you ask me!
American press has been in
refully coordinated . . . camel's pedo." Pencil sUm describes skirts The Slim Look
every conceivable way. ca in the Molyneux collection, while
When your travels bring you hair color is news .•• sweaters and
skirts of matching camel's hair are
Jacques Griffe comes up with a "Ci- This slim look, introduced pretty
gar" silhouette. Robert Piquet generally, gets many variations. \\,"'( OF .",
JOSE'~ 2.9:.11
• to Paris, I should like to have
worn with a camel's hair topcoat. sounds a bit more fanciful by na- Fath uses accordian pleated godets
you visit my salon. The same coat teams equally well ming his line the "Roman Candle," to enliven his tight sheaths; in some
Appre~iatively, this is a very slender silhouette with cases these are placed directly in
Christian Dior with a green, wine, rust or beige the .top extending into high coat t h e back lIke . a rudder, s~ .you see beau's sport togs is purely deliber-
For a gentleman in the midst of knitted dress accented by a tiny collars or with upstanding, turn- what I mean about exerclsmg, you ate-for sentimental as well as
getting his. new collection re~dY to neckerchief which this season takes over collars on both dresses and can't wear a dress .witli a rudder practical reasons.The odd jacket is This Feature Will Not Be Shown
be shown
midst the world"
of Instriking and In t
workers, we the hplace of theebig scarf. . suits. e ff ec t on t op 0 f one a f your own.I a distaff version of his favorite wool At the Saturday Matinee, Aug. 20
1 realize that fashion goes in a This particular silhouette he calls tweed and the skirt, of similar Feature: 5.45-7.45-9.45
thought this was an extremely nice Thirty-six inches is news for fur cycle and that in a certain given "Jal'11'Issante,',which
. means gushmg. material.
' will keep 'in fashion stride
gesture and thought you might be coats and wool topcoats. Little off- year we are due for certain styles, like a fountain, this to explain these with his slacks. She chose the jacket "BATTLE OF THE COWBOYS"
•• interested in reading it. the-face cloches, berets and bretons but still, it confuses me completely godets which instead of a ruddel from a gray, green or brick assort-
are slated to be favorite campus Cool and Comfortable - Wear it, how designers can create behind location may be placed one at eac ment-for about $18-and the skirt,
Saturday Matinee, August 20-12:30 P. M.
numbers. Sailors of felt worn pack it, wash it, enjoy it - here's closed doors, keeping their ideas side of the skirt. in black spiked with red' checks or : ROY ROGERS HOP-ALONG CASSIDY
FOR BETTER "t . ht
s ralg
on w
ith h' h
Ig er
crow a dress that will go anywhere, any- under lock and key, and yet when Paquin's "Torpedo" silhouette i green with gold, was hers for about
n time, always looking like a million! collections are open for all to see not t.nly slender; it moulds. HI $11." This Tilly Schanzer ensemble ."F~r Frontier" .vs-~'~~ppy's Holiday"
HEARING- than formerly have a fresh, new The fabric is a smooth spun rayon the main theme is pretty much the slender waistlines are beltless. Tha is from four pages of "I wear fab-
look. . made of rayon yarns that will hold same; it's just the variations which means ours must. be spare tire-less, rics like his" in Good Housekeeping
You see are more'Sonotones
The cardigan fashion is bigger its shape and resist wrinkling, even make up the difference. too. Tight. drapes are featured on magazine.
People bappv wltb every SOnotone vea.r. than was predicted cardigans of In . t. h i t wea tlleI'. It h as'th e
e lottes Th e casual treatment of skirt some afternoon and evening things
hearinll:! ltd f ' h ' f goodwearing qualities which are lengths I find extremely amusing. and there is some fullness below the las does its interpretation. The ex-
SONOTONE every eng h an or every OUr a characteristic of spun rayons, and They are virtually ignored by de- knees. But the over-all silhouette tending collars give the "shooting
The House ot Hearin!: the day. There are boleros and bell it looks like a fine handkerchief signers themselves, unless question- shows all. up" effect, hats further it with
406 U;~~~ ~'r~F~~~ BIde. hop types at one extreme and long, linen. It washes like a dream, too. cd. Then with a Gallic ~ave of the The Molyneux line sounds like height. achieved by point or flatter-
BOULEVARD 2240 torso-fitting types at the other. the kindest of all. His daytime ing trimming. At this house belts
307 \~~~I~lwtr~g?:t:'!~hlla. There are knitted fabric jerkins COOKING skirts are pencil slim with the ex- suggest the lowered waistline and
RI 6.9732 with matching skirts and there Is ception of a couple of trim woolen the figure looks flatter at both back
' . These Ver atl'le Su nunerD· h'es
§:111111111111111111111111111111ll1l1ll1ll1ll1l1ll1l1l1l1l1l1l1l1l1ll1g a new rever~lble fitted cardigan,
• I •

frocks with circular skirts, but af- and front.

• §
NOW READY' ~ grey on one SIde, blue on the other,
_ §_ with reversible buttons. Are Good Ser'ved Hot or Cold
ternoon frocks include many wide We can take some comfort frO!,
skirts. Some of his skirts are stiff- the fact thnt generally speaking.
ened, slim around the hips and Paris. fashions are not copied . d
litel Bo kbl-ndcrs SEA FOOD HOUSE, Inc., dn the centllr of town,
• .. § ~ Simulated, hand-knitted jackets spreading to the hem in big petal- all~ In ~his country, th~y Just on 0 tbe only restaurant owned and operated by mem-
§ belted in the back and straight-
By JUDY BANCROFT like scallops. The petal theme is fit m. WIth .our. way of lIfe. Can
liked and used often with much imagme clImbmg on a bus, dashIng Pblladelphia
... ~o ~t. g'IEJh~v~~~si»li~~~ct~~~~~ngu~oli.
bel'S of the original BOOKBINDERS fami1y Serv-
§ ~
BRACKBILL'S= fronted are wonderfUl buys for the By the time we get to this part
college girl. They come in flatter- of August we're beginning to feel
protein-so be sure to serve it often.
Here's a tested recipe for a pi-
'n Co for a train or running for a troJley
to be critical, just the in a hobble skirt? No, we won't bC
Air Conditioned.
--L-I-C-K-------A-m-er-j-ca-·-s-M-u-sl-cal ShOW-Place. N-ow--p-e-g-I::-y-Le-e--
§_ H G ~
ing bright colors and fasten with pretty fagged out a.round the edges. quantly :flavored liver loaf which is '
same, it would seem that Jacques "hemmed" in to quite that t degree,
C volvlllg stage.
Nightly Dinner Shaw
Coast-to-Coast 7 P. M.from
Broadcasts superb
hugeFood re-
§ ome rown ~ smart gold buttons. Fun is not The heat's been around a long time moist and tender. Griff.e might have fOU,~d. a ,~o~e! but t.hiS you c~n be sur~. he gen- Cafe ThpJllre-Bar and Beverage. popular prices. Meet your friends
§ ~'neglected
in the college wardrobe and when it. comes to planning lY2 pounds beef liver. poetIc name. th~n
t.he Clgal' Sil- eral Idea of slimness soon bc wll~ ~~r.rl~~tel~l~il~t
16th at ~~mr~tXt~Il~~t~~ARMEN CAVALLARO
. ==
Golden Bantam= either and sho s are showin ' good I
. = . ' . p.
menus, t.hls eternal chore of tempt- 4 slices bacon
houett.e. ThiS IS slender but fre- reflected on our own Mam Street.
quently widened around the hips So my opening admonition holds
-=-----In the-'--' -, -,-,.-.....- . --.- - ---. -
unique and friendly atmosphere of an old
d~apery peplu~.
looking skI sweatel"5 and smart. .' . Th F VIllage forge. you will enjoy Philadelphia,'s finest
§ \\\\\\
SWEET§knitted fabric after-ski 1.apestry lIlg appetites, It seems Just too
skirts with velvet bodice or boleros. much.
§ .
egg, beaten
medium onion
cup soft bread crumbs
by crushed or by a good-one, .two, three, stretch-
And so, no hips of your own are In four, five, SIX, bend; a.fter all,
order if you would be.a follower of shion wise or not, a slIm figure IS
e orge
l:lth st., llelolV Walnut. conditioned.";\«gJ.u'?~~m~i::'J~ o~ii~
food and drinks. Come for luncheon. cocktail

I~~~ ~ I)hlladelp~ ---------.,-~-:----:--:-:::::--:-:-::;-::---

i 'I.
;£ ~
CORN ~_ § College Cheerl; How.ever, we have to keep going
Gay little accessories are almost and it's an excellent idea to buy
§ as much a part of back-to-school a dish t.hat can be served hot one
2 ta.blespoons lemon juice
%. cup catsup
now t~at ':Ro~an .::....-____________
t.his designer. Take Robert Piquet, the pretty one and worth the effort
Candle Idea has real ImagmatlOn, may be.
to get or keep whichever your case LATIN CASINO
1309 W 1m t St
No Cover-No Minimum At Anytime
= § plans as clothes themselves. Along night., sliced cold. another. Ham is
tl' r o t h G' f f '
1 teaspoon garlic salt

Strangers Pf, 5- ~2(
. , a 4': I • Three ShOWS Nlghtly--8:15-11 :00-1 :00
'S ~ = liS me, oro y lay 0 ers a a natural for this and certaInly it's
§ bright contribution with "Three \ ,. ' . ,
§ Cheers," a cunning little red purse Jlretty much of a. umversal fa\ 01'-
1Y2 teaspoons salt
l4 t easpoon pepper J P-I
PE 5-4164
b-' - - - -2-Shows--- ---
nightly first-shoW
- -8:30.
- -Sat.
- -first
-- -
filled with three lipsticks in shades ite. When you get aown to the "bits- . Drop liver in boiling water and a urn 0 S ner
7:30.forA two,
lavlsoa party
redecorated setting, Famou~
or a banquet. whether PalumbO'
It's dln-

~S b b S ~ q~' ~om'.
1 especially picked for their fashion and-pieces" end, try it in a ham Sll'Kmer for five minutes. Put liver, 824 catharine st. Full Course Dinner Including cocktail. pnvate ban-
A elm tightn", with th, n,w fall .1010... and potato ..lad foe a .haog'. To baon• •nd oalon through. moot phI"dOl,.'" ""ow md"dOO. '<t, PM""'. WA , .....
~ u ur an q.. r Oreg The lipsticks themselves are creamy 1'll cups diced cooked ham and Ph grinder, using medium blade. Mix R--A'LP-H'-,S RESTAURANT FamoUS for Its ltaIlan Food Since 1900
i . Malvern
~ in~
g and long clinging and shades can • h Fine Beverages Served
2 •
• ,t;§ be chosen according to a girl's cups dIced cooked sweet potatoes, 1 WIt other ingredients and pack in 760 S. 9th st. . Air Conditioned For Your Comfort
'I Villanova. Wayne dividual coloring. Practical as well cup diced celery, 1 ,cup diced apples, greased loaf pan. Place in a shal- Open dally. lncludmg SundaY to fA M.
II 51111I1111111I11I11I1111I11111111I11I111I11I111111I11111111I11I1111I';:; as beautifying is this gadget, for. 1 cup orange sections and 1-4 cup of low pan of hot water and bake in TILLES SEA FOOD - STF.AKS - SANDWICHES - BAR
the little red pouch can later do nut meats if desired. Combine all a moderate oven (350 F.) for one 1"28 t:hestnut St. BUSINESi:lSHOPPER'S
duty as a change purse. ingredients, toss lightly with just hour. it08 sansom St.
Complete Menus Pbone
6-1690. PI!:
9 P.lL
SUBURBAN enough mayonnaise to
chill. Serve in crisp lettuce cups.
and S un d ay's the day when everyone
relaxes and you can plan on a
")"Ine Foods in a Homey
SQUARE Liver Loaf special breakfast t.o get the day off
to a good start. Try bacon French
Good Food - Hospitality IH:SING PLEASURE.
, A good \\'a~' to include liver in i toast, a dish t.o crow about. It calls CA'fEIU:SG TO SMALl. PARTIES
l,llNCH and I>lNNER

the menu
. during.warm' weather is 'f or.12 sI'Ices 0 f b aeon, 2 eggs sl'Igh t- '339 N. lansdowne Ave.
to gIve the DAILY & SUNDAY
. .famIly liver .loaf.
, You Iy bea t en, 1 cup ml'lk , 1 -4 teaspoon IlRI';XEI. IIU.L Clearbrook 9150
fflAff AMIN ! can bake It In the mormng If you s a, It 2 t a bl espoons f a t an d 6 s1-

coolel~ se~'ve I~ ~I~~

wish and slice it cold . for dinner.
. Ibread. M'IX t oge th er eggs, ml'lk an d
Cleaners Since 1890 ?n days, hot. salt in deep bowl. Dip slices of STRA1H HAVEN
Late arrivals are expen-
• size - in money and
friendship! Don't make
IS exceptIonally hIgh In nutritive bread in this mixture and fry on
va ue bemg .
rIch ..
. YltamInS
III A. B, both sides in hot fat. In the mean-
C, and iron, as well as high quality time , pa n b1'01'1 baeon sl'IceS b y 1ay-
Susan Ha'""'ard
' .. and Richard Conte in a tense scene from
"House of Strangers," Twentiet h Century-Fax'S gripping melo-
drama coming to the Suburban Theatre today for seven days.
Edward G. Robinson rounds ou t the trio of stars in this prOOuc-
Enjoy the beauty
'for wedding
and Rardens. Idea., settlnR
14 COULTER AVE. rooms. Every receptions
Thursday.and 5:30speCial functions In our variott, dlninl!
to 7:3(}--Serve-vourself-aIl-VO\;l-wa.nt-
a habit of them. Let us

~ng Illrti~o;n:.~~;~~~~~~:~~~~~~~:~~~~~'III~~~$l;'O~O~d~i~n;ne;r:;~~~~~~~~;p;h~0~n~e~s~w~a;rt:h~m~0~r~e~0~6;8~0~
ARDMORE 0117 fix your watch. 4

-~ ~
low them
heat and turn frying
slices' occasion- SWARTHMORE, PA,
STevenson 4-8700 J. Giannini
P. "Your Exterminating Service
in cold pan; use
ally. Cook until bacon is crisp and \ BELMO'NT' UPHOLSTERING CO. ................ .

... ~,.-_~It Jeweler" SlIADFI.EAS
2 E. LANCASTER AVE. - l\IOTIIS. 'ETC. drain on ab'.sorbent paper. Top the l EAT - DRINK - RELAX
Ardmore, Pa, Ardmore 6860 'l'ERI\IITf;
_ I!'REE EST. French toast with crisp ripples ofl REAL ITALIAN SPAGHETTI and

I II~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.~"~~~~~~~
OPEN FRlnAY EVENING BA 9-7787 golden bacon,-my, oh my , is that COCKTAIL LOUNGE RAVIOLI - STEAKS - ClIOPS
: _ _ • ever a dish. Tremendous savings cus-
on and RESTAURANT Every tiling Cooked
- l'IZZA Order
_____ . ._,,,__ _ .._. upholstered furniture p I 1 Banquet ROODl-
Sandwicll Treats tom ma d e t 0 ord er, or Township Une
DREXF.I. 1111.1. &. Burrnont Rd.
SUNSf;T 9992 r va .e
No Parkin!!: Problems
C. WALLACE STUARD, SR. C. WAllACE STUARD, JR. For informal week-end suppers, your present furniture re- ,..~-,.~~-,.-~--~
sandwiches are usually in order and upholstered like new. Our Food That Is Grand
TAILORED CHARLES M" STUARD & SON if you give ~hem a novel twist, workmanship guaranteed
JUlt the Place for
the Whale Falllily
everyone is sure to be happy. Here 10 years.
FUNERAL DIRECTORSare three ideas to try-1. Pork roast
(Formeriy Schussler'tI)
TaWlIshlp L1l1e at Drexel Ave.
Sunday 1 P. lIf. to 9 P. "'L
Open Dally--4:30 P. !\t. to I P....
"FIVE GENERATIONS SINCE 1822" and apple sandwich: Spread slices Closed Monday
Drexel Hili. Pa, Sall5et 9801
65 ST. JAMES PL. Phones'
ARDMORE 0243 & 01'52
of bread with butler or margarine.
Place slice of pork on one slice of RADIATOR ENCLOSURES *
~=~~~~~~~=z=~~~~~===~~~==~==~~==~~=~~~~~~~~==~~~~~llibread and top with thin pieces of STORM WINDOWS
The Finest Food at All Times
unpeeled, cored apple. Top with
second slice of bread and serve with
Custom Made Venetian
BLiNDS-45c Sq. Ft.
DODOa hue '.
cheese-stuffed celel'y stalks and
potato chips. 2. Bacon and banana Wood Blinds Refinished s ·SEA FOOD
Closed Saturdays in August sandwich: Pan broil strips of bacon CHOPS
Retaped.Recorded 62nd & WALNUT STS.
and drain on paper towels. Spread
whole wheat bread' with butter or
margarine, cover one slice with ba': TERMS If DESIRED-:CALL FOR fREE ESTIMATE
con strips, slices of ban,na and 680 Pont Readinft Rd. Ardmore 6477 Famous for Fine Food
Hamilton Room
salad dressing and add the second ":lI Our Chef Caters
slice of bread. 3. Ham and pine- 11~~~O~P~P~O~S~'I~T~E~8~E~L~M~O~N~T~S~T~A~T~I~O~N~O~F~A~R~D~l\l~O~R~E~T~R~O~L~L~E~Y~~I.~IN~E~~
apple open face sandwich: For a I~ to Cocktail Lounge I
your every whiml
sophisticated sandwich, toast slices Chestnut at 39th Steaks - Chops - Lobster
THE MAIN LINE MEN'S STORE of bread on one side and spread the AIR.CONDITIONED ,

new t men's Koroseal

ARDMORE untoasted side with butter or mar-I
garine. Top with thin slices of ham
and add two strips of cheese to form I
an X. Broil until the cheese melts.
In the meantime, fry slices of pine-
elub bags, brief eases apple and place on top of cheese.
Fill center of pineapple slices with
rO~N.:..::S:..:T~A..::;G==E -=-ATI:.:A:::.:~=1l~8~~:::~::.::~~• ..:;:'::..::~. ...::O;.;;N-..,;SC~R=EE;;;;;N..
Boll:nr_ . . . . . Feslartulr 'l'IIK GB1!A'l'
red jelly and garnish with sweet IS NOW SERVING
18" club bag
Brief case each 9.98* pickles and olives.

Amedea'. Famo.. Slor)' Teller l"Ias A SECOND I'EATIJBE
Koroseal, made by B. F. Goodrich[ "Mind" is the subject of the Les-
son-Sermon in all Churches of EVERY EVENING
Looks like leather but is so much Christ, Scienti:3t, on Sunday, Aug-
more scuff, serateh ~d dirt resist-
ant! Ideal for men who insist on
ust 21. The Golden Text is: "Who
hath known the mind of the
Lord? or who hath been his coun-
cuums - WAftB SPORn
hard 'wearing, smart looking lug- sellor?" (Romans 11:34) THE GENE
gage. In ginger or suntan, zipper SHIPPED DIRECT TO US fROM
closures. Write, or phone WAlnut SPENCER Support Shop
2-4500. , Corsets and Bmssleres

·Plua 201ll u.s. t u Indlv!lluaUy deslltDed for cool
summer wear.
Three Famous Meme Bones • 6 FIlIi Bo_ - Orpn Beci&alll ROUTE 422 LIMERICK" PA.
II W. Lancaster Ave.• Ardmore ,.:J t.OW,4f)MI5·SIOItl Phone Linfield 2933.
• &: C-MoiA Line M...•• SIolW Hours 10 to .. or by, appt.
Ard. 1024 - Home. HlIItoD 4458-,1 --------
Th~rlday, Augultli1l, 1949
,. O'U;R,' TOW.H",11
Your Health
C.prtlht ,....
The Sunshine Patriot In ancient Rome'it was "Beware Fo_u_n_d_e_d_in_l_9_1_4_b_y_t-h_e_N_a-rb_8_H_h_C_f_v_ic..:.,~~..;;·,
...;;.,. :."DC::._..;;i~;...t_io_n _

Thlnkilit) \
Out Loud X Marks the Spot the Ides of March", and today in
Eastern United States it is "Beware
·of August Fifteenth"
President and Publisher • , • • ". '• • • ' GEOROm!; WALlDlR
Editor, NA.NC~ S. SEELy • Aesoclate Editor. SUZANN'll Y, WINGATE
Managing Editor . • • • • • • • • • • CHARLB:S A, WBIGRT
,-----' the Ragweed • Advertlelng Manager • • , • • • • • • • . JACE aOBENKMAN
Two of our staff members have that the swimmer was still going ":'~";;ii~
covered a story, story to all our papers. Ten per cent of the population is Bntllred as second class matter october, 1938. at tb:e Post Of!lce
and we suspect that for years after. Another assignment that the edi- susceptible to the pollen of ragweed at Narberth. Pa.• under the Act of March 3. 1879.
ward whenever they visit Wildwood tor gave us on a "tired day" was to and will be . anllcted with. hay fever DeaclJlne for advertising and news Copy-Wednesdn.y, 12 neou.
they'll think of their t,l:lp ror the wait outside' a West Philadelphia until the first fro'st, the County Published Every Thursday.
paper. hospital. where a famous movie star _ Me dl cal Society reports. Subscription rate: $:01.00 per veal' in advance.
Such associations are natural for was expected to visit. Through the A calender is not needed to te-I ...-
PubUcatlan amee: 8 Cricket Avenue, _._- Ardmore, Pa.
Phones: Ardmore 5720. Rllltop 3600. GReenwood 3-7'140
newspaper people who, after a few morning we amused ourl!elf by mind these people of August 15, for
years of experience, can hardly go watching the ants crawl around on most of them developed characteris-
anywhere without saying: "Oh, yes, the step where we were sitting. The tic symptoms of hay fever exactly
this reminds me of the time I was movie star didn't arrive until late
I on this day. KNOW YOUR STATE
here on a story." afternoon, by which time we could-
A reporter not only "meets such n't Se€ the ants anymore, but we
In,,,,,tlng ,.opi." but al" vi,i" h.d • ,,,tt.y good id.. wh"" thoY
insects are not attracted to it.
Unlik. the r ... and ,u,h aUu,,"g
· S ta b·'·tzes W ork
Ragweed Is an ugly plant a n d l - - - - - - - - - - - -
D'·tVerSt·f·tcatwn t
"such interesting places," and the were crawling. blooms that attract insects to carry
include where a tree we have Philadelphia,
in West found news + +. + ' their the
upon pollen
windsabout, ragweed calls As a whole, PennsylavDla
that blow. . ,s great- for the Jomt .CommIttee
, on the
a bit of pavement in front of a store We have reportorial memorles of And with success, for ragweed est insurance against large scale Economic Report, U. S. Senate. a
in Ardmore, a cranberry bog in Atlantic City, both of which fill us '.'''''. pollen is carried by the air for hun- unemployment is the diversification current picture oj the extent ot
South Jersey, the lawn at the White with dread. Because on both '!Ie ~ . .;:.i: dreds of miles.
- of its industry. While employment unemployment in t;he feld of manu-
throug~out ~acturmg ~1Rd.
House, and the inside of a prison lost the our
people who were to provlde - ..,-...., ern Ragweed
United grows
States allmaking
over theit East- . hlg.her,
. the. :r:-r . .can . ,be . Empl?yment
p~oPle man~facturmg
cell in Delaware County. us with story. dlffI- lS ,

We visited the tree during the The first dealt with a carload of cult for allergic to get away than many prevlous. year m his· m :ndustrles m Pen-
tr..-.'ting fad nf y.." ago, tho hoy, and .id" whom w. had boan
pa"m.n' whon a ,,,ubl.d ,,,,,,ty a"",mpany"g alt woak and who on
owner decided to tell his troubles this day we were to accompany to ~
" f"m It
. 1mm;""atiun to raow"d pollon ...."al. month~
tory ", durmg tho -
nn.mpioym. .t "'" po~'-w"
gives relief in about 90 per cent of been mcreasmg. The Keystone ThiS contrasts with 24.8% In Ver-
p.ak i, D~"h",
n,ylvama h"" d••"ad •.'% "om a

to 'ho gov.mor, tho "anb",ry bog 'h. """ho". Oniy w. miM.d tho
whon an .i",i'n' ,,"'hod th.", ,,,in and had to follow down on a
~". __
_ _'"'" ""...
"';'n '0, th'" are fi.. haY faver
Stat., howav." h"" not "'n aftact- mon'.. 2O.8% In lsland, 16.9..
to tho ..,.. d...... "" n.ighho.... 10 COno..ti.., ... ,45"
In Ma....
",~, ~mploymen~
and the White House when "Silent later train, fearing that some dire . . '-"- victims out of a hundred, for whom Ing and other large. Industflal chusetts. The decline in

~-'-- Departm~nt dlsclos~S.

Cal" Coolidge, without even crack- calam!ty might occur to the boys the only relief is a journey to areas states, the State PlanDlng, Board, from a post-war peak

~ -0- N.~
ing a smile, presented medals to a and girls .and we wouldn't be there where the plant' does not grow. of Commerce, m surroundmg states are as follows:
grou, of h."" boy, and gid, aod to ",oct ,to Bnt whon w. go' to tho
teachers. We visited the prison boardwalk we found them there, """- une~ployment
UhOOntro1lOd ",,'va'd hay feYor. Th. ,ron.ry ....on for tho r'"
leads to asthma and in extremely m
York 12>, Now Jor"", 12....
has been the de- OhIO 9.9. Maryland, 14.8, and Dela-
building the day before it was ,for- safe and sound, and never let them
~. '_'"
~_"" . ' •.-J severe cases, relief in oxygen tents creas~ numb~r
ce~tam ~~nufacturm~ m the employed. In ware 9.0.
mally dedicated, which was lucky; out of our sight again. '--- -..:: is indicated. industnes. It can be seen that Pennsylvania,

~ ~
the next day, during the dedication We weren't so lucky with the _ "'" . • : ThiS condltlon is not umform among the second largest, 1'llanufacturing
exercises, some dirty skunk, pre. English viscount, who rode to the '"""- t".l the various types of industry, since State in the Union, is more than
' ; / / ; . Four Awarded Degrees
.~ ~".i~ ploy~ent tak~n i~
sumably a visitor, picked the war- shore in the cab of a locomotive. although sizeable declines .in em· holding its own dl.lring the present
den's pocket. Railroad regulations wouldn't a l - , , - - ""'- " ! At Temple Commencement have place the decline of unemployment. With the
+ + + low us to ride in the cab, too, so we Four local students received de- texb.le, non-electr~cal machmery large number of p-ersons continuing
, ' ,went down in the day coach. But . and Iron and steel mdustries, other to be employed in other fields, such
. For ,SIX

tel", we came back to The B.

while teachl,ng somehow his lordship eluded us at
Journalism durmg the fall and WI?- the Atlantic City station, and ,al-
~Iletm though we spent the day walkmg
Anne Althouse G d US P
Two Local Inventors
t t t
. . ., . grees on Tuesday m the largest groups such as food processing, as agriculture, construction, mining,
anythmg Similar ever prevlously Summel" school commencement in automobiles and prln.ting and pub· transportation and trade, present
patented or known. .1 the history of Temple Univernity. llshing have shown no over-ali de· conditions do not warrant a pessi-
as a summer reporter and It. was up and down the boardwalk, we ran e •• a en S William S. W. McCarter, of Ard· Ruth Ansley of Wynnewood cre,ase in employment during the mistic outlook.
just as well that our slud~nts ~ouldn't didn't hi~e find ~im. Leads at Vlellage
nor hair of Two local inventors were grant- more, filed a patent on a method Park Apts., Wynnewood, received past year. Pennsylvania has num·
assignments. There ~vas wa~
see teacher on some of hiS summer rhat was espeCially embarrassmg,
the time because it
when, to reach a tram wreck near of that summer With the paper.
T k F' PI'
our. last assignment
a es Jrst ace In
States PatentOfftce. Im,p~ovmg
ed patents recently by the United f'
0 a~sorbent
the ~e- and
a master of education degree' An- erous firms engaged in practically Miss Sally Robertson daughter
thony J. Giangiulllo, 144 St. Paul's every type of manufacturing so that of Dr. and Mm, Hugh 'Robertson.
colanzmg properties of Georgla- Rd Ardmore bachelor of arts' unless there fl; a major recession of 310 Winding. Way Merion is
'IS tol , ,e : a nd th e plotographer
. ortunate Iyha~ 1appen 50 Yd F \ I R
on a _ . reesty e ace . E . Gee , of Montgomery
. ' FI'dor~ a F ~ 11'er s e~r~. h He was Thomas .E. . Montgomery, Wyndon
' general widespread unemployment' tom'ing the West Indies with,seven.
.~o ~~"b, a~ng ~':'~'ib\~o~, s~nd~y A~" ~.,~;'thd ~ .:~-
F · ti d Norman , ' .

a 1 M'' '
M'.. R~·
~ llo~r ~ih~ ~ va~ ,~m ~ ~d
had Sa'urnay, .. w. '!,il had to Ann. AlthoU"" of Coionial con;, .. ," .. "'d"';' w"h 10 ,,,gmal idoa' in ApC, Wynn.woOd, b..h.'or of ocl- 10 tho Staf.', m.nnf..'u,ln, lndu'- othor ",il.g. ,t,d..", Robart·
.. 0'
way. ,
a"" ., :h t :;, - fiod 0 " m.n, wh..h '" d, w,th a Villa,., ,;,'uaily 'M".d h",.1f of
:vas Id a h e telephone call to hiS hotel at 7.30 the swimming championship of the Wd.hfflC Ptt:n ~:ammers '::' 0 at 'X> • "va, , ..n.. >on w,'h h" o,""oton. Pat- .n.., John R. S,hilg.n, 128 tri.. I.
rUt e f was ent rights !lave been aSSigned to Winchester Rd., Merion. bachelor Frbm a report prep.ared by the dolph Macon WOlllan's College in
onn will b. • ...homo" at

u In a nelg onng e c ose A. M. The lord was annoyed at be. C . 1 V'll S' , Cl· b I eren ln . ree respec s rom Attapulgus Clay Co.,' Philadelphia. of science SUb-committee on Unemployment Ly,nchburg Va
that particular time to come snort- ing disturbed so early, but we told oloma I ,age, h u " ." ,.
ing around? "Should we be brave him we were annoyed at the way he and the ~resldent s . up w:c goes
and continue," we wondered, "or ran out on us, so he finally agreed to the wmner o~ thiS conte~t when
should we beat a strategic retreat?" to talk to us in his hotel room at s~e added 11 pom~s to her already
The correct answer, dear students, 9 A, M. ~Igh total by takmg a first place
is that a newspaperman lets noth· "How does it feel to ride in the m the 50-yar? freestyle race and
itit keep him from his story . (P. S. ca b ~ f a I o~omo '
lVe. we .as k ed , second
1'?" place-oS In The
diving contests. the meet
to be heldand
-We found another, longer but keepmg penCil and paper ready to ' F 'd ft . '11 - 1 d
:safer way, around) t k t thiS fl ay a ernoon WI conc u e
, '. a ~ no es. , the competition for the season
And there was the· time, when HIS 10rds111~ thought deeply and among the members of the club.
the Perkiomen flooded at College- then opened hiS mouth to speak. On Saturday Augu,·t 20 the Col-
ville, that we I~ad to take off our "It wa~ all right." h~ sai~., onial Village ~wimm~ng team will
shoes an~ stockmgs and roll, up our ,We think, of that luslorlC mter- meel at home the strong Rose Val-
trousers m order to wade m after view ':!verytlme we pass that hotel. Ie Club swimmers in a contest t
our story. We were so glad the dean
of women didn't see us that day,
because pI:of~ssors are supposed to
Vacat··Ion Dont's scrleduled to start at 10,30 A. M.
The following week these two clubs
will join in a triangular meet with

be so. so dlgmfied. i ,. the Martin's Dam Club at Martin's
And what. of the time at the
prison, when the photographer'
And Do s LIsted Dam.
Junior girls' 25-yard free:>tyle:
couldn't get anybody else to pose. R d Mdt" First, Vicki Yoskin, Merion; second,
and used us as his subject? For- ecommen 0 era Ion Connie Yoskin, Merion; third, Gail
~unately he took a rear view, show- For Health, Safety Witherow, Merion. Time, 22 sec-
\11g the back of our head, and as we onds,
had just had our hair cut it was a Every year thousands of Amer-
pretty safe bet that nobody would icans and dozens of Philadelphians First Jud Vosburg, Strafford; sec-
recognize us as a college instructor. are injured during vacations when ond, Dave Detweiler, Wayne; third,
Junior boys' 25-yard freestyle:
1 I
.+ + + Joe Dougherty, !than. Time, 15.5 I
children and adults are indUlging in seconds. I
We thought It very considerate sports and travel. Senior girl-oS' 50-yard freestyle: I
of the city editor that, whenever we Vacations should be the time for First, Anne Althouse, Colonial Vil-
looked. tired,. he gave us an assi,gn- relaxation, fun and the restoration lage; second, Carolyn Althouse,
ment Involvmg the least posslble.o h ' I
effort. As the job got. us up at 5 f. P YSlca we
II-b' " Colonial Village; third, Molly Mc-
em~ after months Hugh, Merion. Time-35.5 seconds.
A. M" we looked tired most of the of work 01' study. 'I he secret ?f a I
time, and so became. a past master safe vacation lies in a little com- First Bob Woronoff Havertown;
Senior boys' 50-yard -freestyle:
at, assig~ments such as covering tenlmon sense moderation and in being seco~d, Bill HBurns, Valley Forge; I
nule sWims up the Delaware,
A ten mile swim is a perfect as- c' s" H"
prepared for "summer emergen-t 1 , I!U
, ,
tl l'l'd J'm
30,0 seconds,
1\ unch Merl'on
, !U . Time-
signment for a tired reporter be- dlen:5 e~e IS a list of do,S and! Junior boys' 25-yard back,~troke: I
cause the swimmer does all the 0 t, fOl that happy va.catlOn of First, Jud Vosburg, Strafford, sec- I
work. While the swimmer battles ~o~rs: prep,ared by the Phlladelp~ia. and, Dave Detweiler, Wayne; third, I
the current from Vine St. to Pal- .u ~Iculosls and Health ASSOC18- Joe Dougherly, Wayne, Time-23.5 I
m~'ra, the reporter rides in state on ibon. , seconds. I
the motorboat that trails behind. j)~N T try to, crowd strenuous Senior girls' 50-yard backslroke: I
Occasionally the reporter wakes phYSical sports .mto a ~hort, ~wo First, M:olly McHugh, Merion; sec- I
from his nap long enough to tell ,~eeks ,after a wlIlter of mactlvlty. and, Anne Althouse, Colonial Vil- I
the swimmer: "Don't give up, pal. lake II ,easy. Let ~our body' get lage; lhird, Joan Yoskin, Merion.
You'll make it. It's easy."

ll th

· t'
leaveer the
nee boat
s IS energy
used to Violent exercise by degrees. Time-45 seconds.
DO get your sun tan slowly and
at the gradually , s
Senior boy.' 50-yard backstroke'
A afe'l~Ie 'IS no't more First, Bill Burns, Valley Forge; sec-.
than five. or ten minutes exposure and Bob Woronoff Havertown'
es ma IOn an wa to the nearest . .
dtelephone. Once there was a fresh ~he, fil~t day a!1:d then gradual~y third, Jim Griffin, Merion. Time-
mcr easmg the tune as your skm 45 seconds
, , '
I 16.4~-
,cub hi ah10 ng th whth 0 ran t 0 thte t eIep h one'd' becomes 1ess sensItive. . , Junior boys' . . diving' First Dave
v c e o er repor ers consl -
ered unsporting because they felt
DO b
. e care u w ~ you ea an Detweiler, Wayne; second, Bill
f I h t
obliged to run, too. The onl qther drmk when t:a~elmg. Carefully Mattis, Ardmore;
t d . ,

third, Joe
break in th l' Y d b clean all fresh fl mts and. vegetables Dougherty Ithan
a reporter who e rou me was
didn't cause
like the y be fo ~'e e~ l'mg. !Ua
water•. M k e cer t'
am 0,f pur- Senior girls'" diving: Firs, t 1\H
!UoII y
· b t b'l Ity of 111l1k and water when m un- McHugh, Merion; second, Anne Alt- ,

_ ._
He covered
so would drive the sw ar-1m ytoau someomopoint
I e. f Tlar' t ern,'t'
ami OlY'. house, colomal . Village;
' '
in Kensington or Bridesburg and ..DO!'!'T ,go. away without a small olyn Althouse, Colonial Village.
and make up the .amount for savings I I. Have you ever lost YOlir temper you'd do with the money ifa rctaiM
when we drew near we would signal fn st aId kit m the car. and a kn?w- . - ---- I . Do yo'u ever daydream about how with an inadequate old stove, i<:ebox, should leave you a small fOl'llane'l
ledge of how to use 11. It's a Vital McGOLDRICK-WELSH
parI of your vacation luggage. A The engagement of Mis.,; Helen
vi~it to your family doctor or the Merrick Welsh, daughter of Mrs.'
pleasantly you'll spend your time when later on?
I or other piece of out·dated household 4. lIave you ever been di1hJJbed by

[j Th e L
..ega l
you can quit work and retire? 4. equipment that you cen't afford to

local he~1th department to learn Andrew Richard Welsh, of 2931 Do you expect to live in a more the idea that you might be a:finan~
what to do until the doclor comes Berkley Rd" Ardmore Manor, to 2. Have you ever bought a sweep- comfortable home or own a more ex- repilloe' burden to your children sClmet\me ill
might help you to save a life. Owen F, McGoldrick. son of Mr. stake5 ticket, bet on a horse race or
CllnlC __
DO have a wondel'ful and safe and Ml'S. Owen McGoldrick, of 6044
vacation and come back rested and Colunlbia Ave., Overbrook, has been
taken a chance on an automobile?
3. If you had some money earmarked
pensive car ten years from BOW than
you have today?
2. Do you want your children to have the future when they're I"0Wll and
an education 1Ii good as or better than setting out on their ownJl

By A SUBURBAN LAWYER I refreshed. announced. the SGhooling yo", yourself had?
5. Do you seem to save less money •• Does a bona fide SU value pricIIct f
for savings and you saw a good buy in a. Ita•• you ever enwNd a conte8t
Q.-ls it necessary for B person to
have a ·Iawyer handle a case ~;='::l II fishing rod you wanted very much.
out of each pay check than you ~
you should? p'"
with a big cash or thought what at SUI•• appeai to JDu'l
in court'? Has anyone ever
.pled, his own case before II
would you be tempted to buy the rod

court and jury of late '? l1IJAWA spend. it, and is iAvllkd. for you in ynited Stat.. Bond&.
A.-If by necessary, you mean is F YOU ANSWERED more questions with a "Na" than a "no,"
it mandatory under the law,
then the answer is no. If a per-
I you're very human indeed! It's the safest, most profitable investment you could make.
It's natural to want the f~ture to bring you more of the things Every dollar is guaranteed by the U. S. Government. Every
son does not choose to have 'n
lawyer handle his ca'.e in court, dollar grows fast. In onlf ten years, you get $4 for each S3-
that money can buy.
then he may handle his own
you invest today!
case, ,However, he may not It's natural, too, to find it hard to put away money for the
have anyone else handle his So join your company's Payroll Savings Plan today. If you're
future-with so many ways to spend it today.
case except a lawyer 0[' him-
not on a payroll, sign up for the Bond-A-Month Plan at you.
self. Many people altempt to "Fhe Payroll Savings Plan for buying U. S. Savings Bonds
plead their own cases. Practi- bank, There's no surer, safer, easier way to acquire money·
takes full account of human nature. Once you sign up, the sum
cally every term of criminal today for the things you'll want tomorrow!
court some one attempt;s to be you specify is automatically saved before you get a chance to
his own lawyer.
Q.-I made a purchase of some
atock in m)' wife's name and
my own name. The stock cer-
tUicate I received from the
corporation had my name on it
and my Wife's name. After
OUI,' names it said "As joint
tenants with right of survivor-
ship and not as tenants in
r •
common." U anything should
'. bappen to me, would my wife
be the owner of the stock? OUR TOWN
Would she have to pay an in-
heritance tax on it?
;A.-If anything happens to you,
your wife becomeoS the sole
owner of the stock automati-
cally under Pennsylvania law.
She would not n~ve to pay any "".
- •
THE HERB F. DAVIS STORE of DODqE '41-Fluld Drive, 2 door,
52000 items is intere;;ted in loca-
I 'F
equIpped. Is spotless car in and
Flapahammer one of out. One owner and fully guaran- LIGHT HAULING
App-.r. iD all the foUowing papen: FOB YOUR 11 WEEKS OLD. TROS. KNmBS, Wfile w~~na Savablt's best friends. teed, $1295. 24 months GMAC plan.
i HAVERFORD TOWNSHIP N •• • I BEP~OID:D MOVING _ FOLLOWING FOR lovely blonde hair, shoulder length; Township Line &: Burmont Rd. D.B.
I LOWER MERION TOWNSHIP NEWS SALE-Royal Long Carriage dancing 'blue as the sky' eyes; gor-
geousness, accented to very rlld cu-

EXCELLENT WORK, type.wrlter, $30. Deluxe modern pld bow lips, slightly r o u g e d l - - - . - - - - - - - - - - - I WITHOUT DRIVER
and the CITY LINE NEWS w. D. BEADING refrIgerator, 9 cubic ft., $90. yacu- cheeks; lovely to look at, from all CHEVROLET '47-Black Aero se-
'(Jro Include conrap In Ci'rJ/ LiNE ~EWS, copy mud be received by TueetJay at II P. ... 4U'-53 W. STILES STREET ' um cleaner, $8. Large deSIrable angles; age 23, rhythm in every mo- dan with new whitewall tlre~, radio PICKUP a DlliVIRY
For other tbl'ee papers, deadline Is WednesdaY II P. AL) OB '-0765 OB ,-6011 water proof dog house, $30. Large tion' delicious to look at, delightful and heater and an exceptional buy
Iii words or lelll: '1.40; additional wordl: Ie - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I l i g h . t weight dog shipping crate, $8. to know; personality disarmingly at $1395. 24,months GMAC plan.
AIk abent .pedal reduced contract rat.. VENETIAN BLINDS-Factory to WhIte ruffled crocheted bedspread, dangerous. It is rumored that she EVANS CHEVROLET CO GRANI'fE 4·7424
d 37740 you, Cash or Terms-Old blinds $75. Large electric fan, $2. Baby was last seen on the 3d floor of the .' •
Phone: Ardmore 5720-5721, Hilltop 3600, GReenwoo - refinished Ilklt new. Estimate ch~r- car seat, kiddie car and sterilizer, Davis Emporium, in the fan and TownshIp Lme &: Burmont Rd. D.H.
roa ...., Rlnel moue, oreler, stamp• • penonal check, Adelr. . aU eommnntcaUoDi to tully given. Suburban Vanetlll!' $1.50. New fleece lined ski-jacket, hammer department, counting Sunset 7840
L REAL ESTATE-SALE WANTED TO RENT son 6- 9581. Wayne 0538-J. • ~re ~ao~\i~~~reto~alIfri::s3 ~;i:~1 sedan completely e9uipped. A one ent, courteous service, reasonable
_ _ _ _·~H~I:L~'~W;;:A~N;T::E:D=----I-_;~~_;;_KAA:;Cr·~:.r.:;j'jm-lo::-:-::-=;:=-:::~:;:-= =~-';::==;::'L.:;:: WINDOW SHADES-VENETIAN
FAMILY OF FoUR-Immediately MOVING SOUTH-Contents of 8 Iand
em .blkes,
. 'k'i'
even I ~s. Th".IS rumor. owner car InforbeautIful
Guaranteed $1295. 24condition.
months rateS ' One piece or entire house•
I!'JmK&I.& YOUR DREAMS DESIGNED need 3 bedroom unfurnished BLINDS, Linoleum. HOBSON & room house. Genuine Walnut bed- is bemg thoroughly mvestlgated. GMAC plan. Full or p~rt loads, cario Insured.
THIS HOME house near Main Line transporta- OWENS 1015-1017 Lancaster Ave.. ropm suite complete. Girls 3 piece ' Day or nlgh~ service. 6043 Wood·
You dreamed of "someday" owning tion. Up to $125. Please phone Mr. Bryn Mawr. bedroom suite complete with single ~VA.NS CHEVROLET land Ave.. Phila. CaD AI.. BE 6·1703
GIRLS an exquisite home in a magniflcient Hawkins, LO 7-0290, 9-4 P. M., or bed One Maple Double bed' .com- BARRIS CONVALESCENT TownshIp Lme &: Burmont Rd. D.H. any t.iDla.
suburban community ... with tree- write Box S. J., No. 350, Ardmore, ROOFING plete. Maple Desk, 3 piece living HOME nd- SUNSET 7840 -------------
YOUNG WOMEN lined streets, finer environment and Penna. \ room ~u~le, : Mahogt;tny D~ncan LIcensed by. State. . .Recomme 0 , L I G H T HAULING-IN P&-n..A. &
A few Positions are avallable
for those who can quaI.i!Y
~:~r t~iit;' iSco~:~n~~~~ed:~" h.a~d: U'm~rr~dG::s~~st~i~~Ugd~~~'mtob~~
, ., th I , ',
II. 1. SMITH ~~~;:la~~I~~pIO~ftc~~~e't;gl~le~~d~:~e~,yC~::~~~
chairs. Mahogany quamt cupboar .
g,~:~f~~~:n£ S~~l~ P~YeX:~Yirtfe ':~;-;,r~;rA-t~~~;:. TRi~~~R~~as~?e
Only $275 12 months plan
1n and the prIce IS lower. an even room, bath and kitche.n. Up to $65 ROOFING G. E. refrigerator, Maytag washer. W. GARDNER AVE., EVANS CHEVROU~T .
you dreamed of! $58 IS the un- including utilities. MalO Lme near SPOUTING AND GUTTERS Walnut secretary desk and rUGh GLENOLDEN . . 7007, Ll 9-1620, TR 7·9978.
ARDMORI LLANERCH believirble low cost, including taxes transportation: Wayne 1054. chair. Ice Skates. size 7. Other Farragut 9-U!D TownshIp Lme & Burmont Rd. D.H. _
CYNWYD 69th ST. SECTION and ~29 mortgage savings! Corner BUSINESS WOMAN & DAUGH- Estimates furnished household items. TR 7-1044. SUNSET 7840
Segln a Career ,In the Teleph,one &_ semi-detached ho~es only $2 TER-desire 4 room apartment, Re-roo1ing our specialty
Busmess net monthly cost addItional. .Come unfurnished. Overbrook or. Main - 820 Montgomery AVit. - MOVING MUST SELL-Solid Ma- WEDDING IlSVITATlON8 PACKARD '48 7 passenger lImou-
EKcellent WorkIng Conditlollll see the home your dreams bUIlt ••. Line section. Up to $70. Phone TR
and today! 7-4212.
NARBERTH 4428 hogany Dining Room Suite, $95.
Breakfast set, table and chairs, PRINTING
sine. 8 cylinder deluxe model
with white. wall tires, radio, heat- 'ICED' CREAM
A FrIendly Place to Work INSTANT OCCUP~NCYI YOUNG RESPONSIBLE COUPLE SANITARY WORK Solid wood, $20. Window 8" fan, er. Chauffeus driven, 5000 miles. THE GOLDEN GUERNSEY
Good Wages with Scheduled Ve~e.r!"n8, No Down ,Pay~ent' -desires 3 room apartment in ~~~~~. ~O~~~g L~~Ct~~~s,ta:~~. :~~ . WILMER COLEMAN ~:6~::r. $3000. Phone Swarthmore Hof Weather Delicacy
Increases ClVll1ans-~. H. A. Fmancmg suburbs. Convenient transporta-
Your home lOcludes 6 rooms, 3 tlon Occupancy immedi~tely. Up
Septic Tanks Cleaned
d .
glasses, $19. Beautiful carve 11- BlLLTOP 8S66-M
1 Visit TIle
Game In tor anJ.nterv ew bedrooms, "model" kitchen, tiled to $60 per month. Phone Hilltop Oelorleu Exea'fatID& brary table. 29x72, $35. Radiator NEW. IMMEDIATE DELIVERY.
e r Lo ... Pd cover, 45x42, $15. Antique Bible ' WILLYS 410 N 63 d St Phila
1631 Arch Street bath, g·arage, Ianscape d Iawn, l' a 1198-W. .lnrwh1re. Anytime - we... - Chest, $20. Metal table and Under- ATT~N'l'lON . CHURCHES A~D ~ 4-8866 . Ai
r ., .
New Snack Bar
Philadelphia garden plot and 24 luxury features. TEACHER and wife--desire attrae- WM. •• RICKMAN wood Typewriter, $12. Antique CHARITY GROUPS.Make extra •
1~55 'fermlnal Square WAR~~-WEST COR~OR~TION tlve, 3 room unfurnished apart- Coffee Grinder Etc. Ardmore 8009- money now! Order your ChrIstmas ~============~III Serving 8roskmead
Upper Darby America s foremost re~ldenbal de- ment, vicinity Main Line. Please Phone West Chester 1454 W. 10 A. M. t~ 5 P. M. Cards today. No char~e for "pers?n- AUTOMOBILES WANTED Buttermilk, Milk Shakes,
A d A velopers offers homes m two mag- phone Norristown 6499. alizing" your cards. Fmest selectlOn l _
Sandwiches, Coffee, Etc.
45 n erson P ve., nificient communities. _ ._ . =::sa: UPBOLSTI:B'f &NO . .AIRING MOVING MUST SELL-Zimmer- in stock. C~ilto~ ~ard Corner, Open MOhE MONEY
Ardmore, a. TO WESTBROOK PARK REAL ESTATE WANTED man Kid Mohair Living room every evemng tIl 10: GR 7-5035. FOR CLEAN USED CABS!! All 8rookmead Golden
,,"I BILL TELEPHONI Phone, Madison 9785 FOR TIlE ~ T • suite, Win~ chair, Complete pining 1 1 Guernsey Dairy Products
.OMPANY OF PENNA. DIRECTIONS: From 69th St. T~r- Attention Property Owners :- The IN UPHOLSTERING Room"GUlte. , oval table. Queen Lovel hand-made pottery-for GET OUR PRICES
To Take Home
... mlnal take "0" bus; by auto, drive Office ot Karl T. Kehrwleder IT'S Anne, 10 pIeces: genume blue theY New Baby or Youngsters
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1straight out Baltimore ave., 3 miles 1225 West Che~ter Pk. . Sunset 5115 LEWIS leath.e~, Rugs, RadIO, Lamps. many Birthday-MADE TO ORDER. wn.L VALL WIm V&SB
from 61st and Baltimore. By trai~ Needs good I!s~ings. t? supply de- UPHOLSTERING CO. r:r
~t~el tems . Ardmore 4691-W. after BOWLS-MUGS-PLATES. Individu- AT YOUR ROME
BERMAN MOTORS Ulltll 12 Mldll19ht
YOUNG WOM'llN from Broad Street Station to PrI- mands of waIting clvlllan and GI Furniture Repairing . . alized with name and birth date. GR 3-3149
H to 25 Years of Age moo station walk 2 blocks north buyers, who want fast· sett~ement. Mattre&.>es Renovated A REAL BUY Phone WA 4-0276. Household Delivery for over
Several desirable positions are on Oak ave. All roads lead to beaU-\we ~lso need rental pr~pe~b~: an~ Rush Seats-Seats Recaned FIVE BLUE WHITE I~:~~~~~~~=~~~=~I~=~==========~I 30 IThlrty' re.,.
ff II fur ished sample home at apar ments for an exce en c ss 0 Slip-Covers DIAMONDS SET IN EY
available lD Bryn Mawr and eyn- I U ~ B ~. We tbrook tenants. Can us for estimate of sale Needle Point Mounted PLATINUM BAND-$400 AUTOMOBILES Phone MISS BRADL
wyd for young women who have Oak a Imore aves., s or rental value, no obligation. EXPERT APPRAISAL VALUE. PRIVATE 1 BROOKMEAD
had sam. high school training. P~~. DREXEL PARK GARDENS Estim~~e~~~e~~~K:u~itted ~:~~YE~~~.r~U~~:~ LINCOLN MERCURY, GR 3.7740-HiIItop 3600 GUERNSEY DAIRIES
Th.s, positions ofter a good start- Phone TRinity 7-9917 FOR ONE OOMMISSlOli WAYNE 1498 GR 2-8118
In& salary with freque~t Increases, I?IRECTIONS; ,From 69th St. Ter- g~B~ ~?:~~227 • LEancaster Ave Wayne, P a . . GUARANTEED USED CARS Lallcaster Pike, Way...
pleasant working condItions and a minal take •I Ardmore bus or YOU AT TOP PRICE QUICKLY R~JEC'1:' kItchen equIpment. Cab- dr d di to place your ad in these SI,,, Of The"seV Cow
hane for advancement. drive out City Line to Haverford THROUGH ALBERT M. GRII!'J!ITB met smks, save $35 to $60. Gas! 40 CADILLAC--4 • se an, ra$89~
C •
Write giving age, education, u- ave., urn sou
t th 2 bl k 0 take
fOc, s; , r
rooo....... __
2 GEORGE \'Y. Blv..........,S. - - Furniture Upholstering ~
d ranges famous make''> $25 to $60 and heater ---------- _.
Wall ~nd base cabin'ets at Cllst' '42 PLYMOUTH-4 dr. sedan. radio
- CO umns.
., t I h 31 car west to end 0 Ime, wa lk W 7-7S37 REALTOR LO 7-1001 Repairing . .. . . h t $745 - - - - - -
perlence, if any, and e ep one bl k All r ut lead to beauti- CUSTOM MADE SLIP COVERS KItchen EqUIpment Exchange, 4458 and ea er -----------
... 1.. N 350 oc s. . 0 es . Germantown Ave. GL 5-3650. '41 FORD-2 dr. heater $765
number to Box....· o. 'fully furmshed sample home at 738 Bur~ont Rd., Drexel HIll . - . - - - - '41 DODGE-ClUb coupe. radio. • •
A.rdmore, P.. Haverford Rd. & Malvern ave.. HOME IMPROVEMENTS For free estimate- TELEVISION-R. C. A. VICTOR- heater $895
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ IOverbrook Park. Salesman will Clearbrook 9-0932 Mo~el No. 8TS30..30 tubes. ~d~al, '41 MERCURY-Station
WOMAN the next few years can direct you to Drexel Park Gardens Evenings-Clearbrook 9-2272 for fringe areas. 10 m~h set orlgm- . Wagon $875
. be the' most important in your or apply Sample Home at State Rd. BEAUTIFY YOUR HOME·I _ ally $.37~. C;:0mplete WIth table .and '42 LINCOLN-Convertible, radio
. . f . DIP k - magnIfymg lens $195. Madman d h ' $750
Me. If you are planmng for uture and Lansdowne Ave., rexe ar PAlNDNG II PAPEJUIAl'IlGING 6 6 7 6 3 ' an eater -----------
security with excellent immediate Gardens. . WITH FLAGSTONE & SLATE - . '46 FORD-ClUb Coupe, radio and
earning;;, Empire Crafts Corp. off- S. CBJIi'l"ENS &I SON BED COMPLETE _ Bureau to heater --------------- $9~5
ers you an exceptional career in FURNISHED OR INSTALLED PAINTING match Wing chair small table '46 MERCURY-2 dr. sedan, radIO
a fascinating pleasan~ field. The MAI N LIN E ARDMORE FLAGSTONE CO. INTERIOR & EXTERIOR radio. Transit Level' Tripod and, and heater -: $1075
woman we want for thIS area must 2527-35 Haverford Rd., Ardmore. H Target Victor adding machine Set 46 FORD-2 door, radIO and heater
be active, have initiative, be of STRAFFORD ARDMORE 9491-8 to 5:30 Beautify &: .Preserve Your . orne of loo;e leaf ledger backs. phone $1125
smart appearance an.d hll,Y~Jhe use - GR. 3-1798 after 6 Prompt Servlce-- Free__Estlmate& Highgate 7751-W. '41 FORD-2 dr. heater :-_$765
ot a car. She will be-groomed for a 852 N. Wynnewood Rd. '41 CHEVROLET-2 dr" radIO and
responsible directive position with a Rambling one story homes, 3. full CINDER & CONCRETE BLOCKS GR 7-3686 9x12 Green Velvet Regular $107.50 heater $825
nationally-known conce~n on !'-II bedrooms, .C.hoice of large dmlng C E R T I FIE D Reduced for one week to $72: '40 MERCURY-Convertible, radio
excellent percentage baSIS. For 10- area off hvlOg-room, or separate A d r ed h , Other buys THEODORE SHIHA- and heater $725
tervlew appointment, Call Mary dining room-modern kitchen-tile Lny a;nou.nt, elVer anyw ere. WHEN AUTUMN COMES. f DEH 116 Cricket Ave. Ardmore '47 CHRYSLER-Town & Country,
Wallace, Clearbrook 8128-W. bath, laundry, large cellar, hu~e ~esuX.~~;'; 2d & FAmVlEW WILL YOU BE FAR BE~, 3446.' ' radio and heater $1525
____________ . - - I storage attic, oil. heat, e~ectrlc • FERNWOOD BEAUTJFY YOUR HOME. 0 • . . '39 PLYMOUTH- 2 door _. $550
EXECUTIVE type woma~ WIshing range, fireplace, pIcture wmdo:v. DEC. 3411 day SUN. 9456-R. Dite I P~G. STEEL FILE, 52x15,2 Oak FlIes, '47 LINCOLN-Coupe, radIO. and
to earn as much as $75 m a week. Many other features found only I n ' ntenor- x error 4 drawers each. Oak Desk and heater $1385
Full time position. Pleasing per- custom building. CARPENTRY AND BUILDING Free Estimates chair. Reasonable. Phone Narbert.h
lIonality. education, good health, also CARPENTRY 1 7 2504. evenings Monday thru Wed-
car, willingneSG to work 3-9 P. M. l'f th M in CARPENTRY McCabe HILLTOP 09 -W neS9ay after 6 P. M. RAYMOND P. SCOTT. Inc.
required. No canvassing or parties. E.lljOY ,country I e on e a, , 265 East Lancaster Avenue
Training given If qualified. For Lme. ~mest schools, PRR a~d Phll- BUILT IlS BOOK CASDJ PAPERHANGING-Expert work- POC?L TABLES! 2: som~ used fur- Wynnewood, Penna. ,Since the end of the war, we have placed in service a
personal interview write, MARIAN adelphIa and Western. Large lots AND SHELVING m shi reasonable Prices No mture; 2 anttsue chaIrs; Hobart total of 59 entirely new central offices ••• we have
WIGGINS, 1546 Powell, Norristown <.110 ft. frontage) high cool eleva- <A Specialty) • job ~~o ~aU. Estimates cheertu1l1 d!sh was~ing mac~ine; Fastsp~ay Ardmore 2600 added to the equipment in every one of OUI' other
Penna. tlon. G:~tf~~~ given. THOMAS B, BURROWS. dIsh 'yashmg machme: table; DItto Ope-n Evenings Till 9
central offices ••• we have added more than 93,500
poles and 1,400,000 miles of wire 'to our network.
BUSINESS OPPORTUNir'f Drive out and select your site HILLTOP 8617 PARK SUNSET 616L MAPLE DINETTE SET-Hutch
<Only a limited number of orders .2429 Wynnefield Dr~ H,vertoWIL. Cabinet, Not one year old. Rea- -------------1 Most important of all, we have added more than
For Woman wth Use of car. No for possession this year), Ask the I~============~I FOR SALE sonable. Phone Ardmore 0993-M. NASH '46-4 door Ambassador, ra- 813,000 telephones to the 1,680.562 in service on
capital needed. representative to show the artists HARDWOOD FLOORS dio heater, An excellent one V-l Day.
conception-the actual floor plan- WANliD-' TO BUY--- owner car, Spotless in and out.
and· to explain the speclficati?ns Are you moving to your own bOlDef BUY' Guaranteed and an unusual buy at This vast expansion program was made possible bJ
WRITE-Box R. L. No. 350 the New Money I nflested ;11 T elephont Secur;t;tI.
Ardmore, Pa, that will satisfy the most exactIng Why not make work easier for the A REAL. 1 ·-R-.-C-O""L-E=-MAN---B-UY--'-So---S-IN-G-ER-

$895. 24 months GMAC plan.

$13,850. little woman? Refinish those shab- LAWSON LOVE SEAT MACHINES - Marble furniture, EVANS CHEVROLET Important dollars, these. Vital dollars. To continue
______________1 by floors with an easy-to-operate Antiques. old fashioned and used Township Line & Burmont Rd. D.H.. to attract them, we must keep them secure. And we
FOR LARGE CHRISTMAS busi- equipment with completlt instruc- urn ure. rugs, rames, p~mtings, SUNSET 7840 must see that they earn a fair return.
hess and profitable all year round OPEN 1-5 DAILY tions. HAND BLOCKED IRISH old lamps, docks, banks. Jewelry,
income opportunity. Earn $1.00 to 1-8 ON SUNDAY DELATE "- MORGAN
FILLED- 1--------------1
old gold and slIver, fine china, cut
$2.00 per hour. Write, Box A. C., 4 Central Ave. gIass, Nanos.
' f eath ers. ha i r. DIS- FORD '46-Super 2 door deluxe.
No. 350, Ardmore, Pa. DIRECTIONS: Lancaster Avenue BRYN MAWR 1454 ONLY-$U9 TANCE NO OBJECT. 907 N. 7th Radio and heater. One owner, ex- The Bell Telephone Company
AVON COSMETICS will train you to Covered Wagon Inn, Strafford,I=============~1 St. LOmbard 3-9332. cellent motor and guaranteed at
and show you the way to spare turn right on Old Eagle School ELE<1l'RICAL SERVlcm F U ~ NIT U R E I N N WANTED TO BUY _ Scrap Iron, only $93E5V'A24NSmoCnHthEVsRGOMLAECT plan.
of Pennsylvania
t.ime income. Good earnings, pleaG- Road, 3-4 1,l'lile to Old Eagle Estatesl-----G-RA--N-T-'-S---- 19 CrIcket Avenue, Ardmore old and wrecked ears Shank's
ant work. Write to Mrs. Agnes turn in School Lane. Ard. 0910 GR 3-7177 Auto Part& Phone Wesi CbesterlTownshlp Line &: Burmont Rd. D.H. •
Cliver, BrlGtol, R. F. D. No.2, Pa. RADIO & ELECTRIC 1617. SUNSET 7840
% day each week, preferably Sat-
'urday. Apartment House. Phone
Hilltop 0598~R. I'!!!!~~====~==~~ REFRIGERATORS BRAND NEW
U;==EiiPLoDIENT AGDma- REAL ESTATE FOR RENT 18 W. Chester Pike, Llanerch
OVERBRoOK-Unfurnished 3 room GRIFFITH
Meyer Employment Agency and bath apartment. 3rd. fioor, ELECTRIC SERVICE CARTON No. 1 in the aeri•• "Your Heril4p." Watch for the ..."f in tJn early i"ue of fhia PtJ_~
6 W. Lancaster Ave. Ardmore private entrance. Best. ~ransporta- ..
ARDMORE 7761 tlon and shopping fa~lhtles.. Near Have your electnc servIce entrance
1949 MODEL J - $99
STENO.-Sub., 5 days $40-$45 churches. Available ImmedIately. checked now for uninterrupted
CLERK-TYPIST-' $75. GR 3-0053. electrl('Jll living this winter. No HAYDEN, BRYN MAWR 1137 W~ter serves man in many specimens found were the bones
-SUburban, 5 dayl $35-$40 FOR RENT-SmalI apartment, pd- charge. ways. Not the least of the'se 18' of a rare saber-toothed tiger
\ vate back entrance, perfect for ,. ~,
TYPING, MAILING SERVICE business couple. $50 per month. HILLTOP 4005-M ":HILE THEY LAS~ its help in preserving a record that lived at the time of the
DONE IN THIS OFFICE . Utilities inclUded. Phone Hilltop of the prehistorI'c past. Cen- hairy elephant. Tapirs, giant
Day'S Work-Couples-Week'I Work 7606. Member PhlIa Elec. Assoc. FOR SALE-New and Used auto
parts, MUfflers, Springs, Axles, turies ago, swamps and sudden sloths, giant beavers and cave
CORLEY'S ·DOMESTlC EMPLOY· ROOMS FOR RENT FRED P. McCARTHY & SONS Windshields, Door Glass, Glass inundations trapped and killed bears with teeth and jaws
MENT AGENCY-Have now on Channels, Window RegUlators,'
hand, couple for weeks work and NICELY FURNISHED ROOM-Pri- . the animals and plants of the larger than today's average
weekly housework. Referenca In· vate adult family. Brookline sec- ELECTRICIANS Brake Linnings, IgnitIOn Parts,
vestigated. Norristown 3769. tlon. Convenient to Brookline Sta- Head &: Tail Light, Lens, Water tim!,!, holding them fast until grizzly also were unearthed.
• tlon. Phone Hilltop 5263-W. NARBERTH 3811 Pumps, King Pin Bolt Sets, Uni- modern man discovers their Thus water helps increase
TILEVIS ION REPAIR versal Joints, Tires, TUbes, etc. f, ill' d . man's knowledge. Yet other
NICELY FURNISHED ROOM, kit- Cynwyd 1425.W Pooli 2010 vEerything .for Inspection for Pas- OSS ze remaIns.
---~~--:=:-:-:=--=::------., chen privlIeges. Convenient tran- A tst d' 1 f benefits of water-its contri-
BADIa-TELEVISION sportatlon. Business man or wo_I============!!!!!!!!~lsengerCars and Truck.>. Shank's n ·ou an mg examp e 0
man. Phone Ardmore 4691-W. GLASS &NO MIRRORS Auto Parts, Westtown road. Next this-the result of a sudden butions to man's health and
ROOMS WANTED to Greenmount Cemetery. West inundation, scientists· think- well-being-are even more val-
Chester 1617.
WANTED-Comfortable room and Glass & mirrors for all purposes I=="",===-=--:--::--:-:,.---=--1 is the Port Kennedy Bone Hole. uable. It is with this in mind
N&KBEBTB good board for elderly lady. Must Old mirrors remodeled & resilvered. BEAUTIFUL 7 piece Living Room Discovered in 1871, this find m'
a.EOlIUO II RADIO 00. be clean, preferably 1st floor. Vi- Wall mirrors made to order. Suite, like new. Priced for qUick that we devote 24 hours a day,
Sorrest and Haverford Av. . c1nity Narberth. Write Box H. W., TAGYE'S, BOULEVARD 3082. 7315 sale. Must see to appreciate. Ard- :l quarry near the Schuylkill every day, to safeguarding the
. , NABBEBm uaz No. 350, Ardmore, Pa. West Chester Pike. more 1592-R. River threw new light on the traditional wholesomeness of
VIRGIL dark past. Among some 400 Pure Springfield Water.

• ------
Choosing a Career-Electricity Haverford High Media to Invade Narberth;
~ra.,kliD f~eld
Villanova to Pia,
, Y••'11 It. pI_d with AAP'. By SYDNEY LAHN, 0pens G·d
rl rl s t'W ayne a·t M.anoa In
· PIayoifs
his life. He need not cast about to Dell At
C_d a...
DIrector, PennsylvanIa. Institute, find a field In whiclt to work after Villanova College will meet
Eve~ N W do . d
School of ElectricIty his education Is comPleted. North Carolina State on the
N,w Paek sup~rvlsor t
ex e es ay
As you cross the Delaware River the me.rchant or factory By BARRY ELLSWORTH University of Pennsylvania's
Franklin Field In theIr Nov, it I
Bridge from Camden a brightly wll1 find a c?urse In elec- A lightly-regarded Narberth nine lead, then weathered a two-run
illuminated sign reads, "Philadel- has prepared hIm better for Fifteen lettermen wllI be avail- and ever-dangerous \yayne drew rall.y by the Stars In the sixth football game, it was announced I
,k 1m. twln1<1~
phia the Electric City." hIS Job. He has learned how to
",nJln...- ".d blu.print', h. Imo,," hOW to' w'O g.
hie h
th' M.ln Lin.' Book" got two of th• •Ight hi'"
Ii,n that ythb b truly an ,""trie ,ope with m"bani,al ",bI."" of o"t fn,thall wnrkout noxt W:"- pl.yoff, by whipping and giv.n np hy Lefty Bill G"to", of
Haver!ord Hi h hold- its first blood in the opening round of innmg to go on and win. Albie yesterday by Bill Connelly VU· ,
I.nova ath'.ti dI
Th. 'hlft m:d. ;:~~ wh••

. manufacturing and merchandising nesday (Aug. 24) at the Brooklme Manoa, the defendmg champIon Glenolden. penn offered It f Iliti b "
c y n an e ec. ric
I dage. as he . '
IS familiar . Stinson.
WIth the point of field under Coach BIll . e second an d thOI.r d ga~e 0 f
Th . J oe Irvm
" s N arberth" Jmx con- s ac that
cause it is not playing es d e·
y ,. •
on ~Iew ~h~ ma~.
I t
it aI e a YPlca ay, . fbi" T . . ., . theIr best-of-five senes WIll be tmues to hold Irvin's Drexel L a . •\
T k wake
You t up early and snap 0 la, or ng rammg Stmson Will. be starting hIS 20th played this weekend. Narberth and Hili team lost 'the' finals to Nar- ast season, Villanova met . \

WJtal: 1llIblt·. aood meat· ~e,.rt·

the electric lights. The weather m electrICIty IS a solid seaGon at the Haverford helm. As-
inj~ed ~~~~~~"~~~~ 1am'~'lO':I"\
Media play on Saturday and Sun- berth there in 1946 and to Wa ne Texas at the same site. ---

~ ~anoa
is warm so you plug In the electric in the future. _ sisting him will be Gerald (Doc) day at Narberth, while Manoa in 1947 . . . Gil Gekoski, .... lUi

MUhlenb~rg ~u!lday. De~ision cha~pions ~

menl? fan. You shave with an electric
V.II H Id Harter backfield coach and John plays Wayne at Manoa Saturday
~ .Ito~i.1,';&t:l
- Vacuums ~
catcher, may be back in the
Here ~ dIe!Jaillgs we 1BDt yOIl
10 fincl~ JOlII' AAP_iclePa~
f,op. grala 01 """ fit ~oner·
"Super" is the word to descrlb. •
the array of fin. New Pack
canned foods at your A&P Super
razor, Down to breakfast, your
.I"o-Ie "".~ak" and p.....'_
wife is brewing the coffee it} an

ing the toast

I' • on
the Ga a.
me c. cur
_ F.
I anova 0 S '
, ,ed Steve
Keefe 'former

gamed the 3-2

out Glenolden,

playoffs by on Sunday
on Sat- MAINagamst
and at Wayne
wh, h'lp.d eoach th. j.yv." I",t th'" t, Ov•. gam~ w'" mod. at • tlng th. h"t pit'hmg in the lox... ~ .

Irst Workout year.Keefe replaceo3 league meetm~ last week.

~arberth LINE Media.
&adl d
extend the prehmmary series from

. .• Gnewek lo~ked extremely good ~ SERVICE of M RRITT

to lmeup for the

~ 126 W. Chester Pike.:. L1anercb .

\ this week
end ... Narberth IS currently get-

eFoorttYdsetvh~~ ~~~~~.
Market. You'll be delighted with You rush to the office where the _ . Haverford s head basketball coach, urday, In the fourth playoff Saturday's' Score: Narberth 3' Sunset 9081#
the high quality end attractiv. darkness of the day caUs for the footkball hcandcldatehs who stepped down from the post games. The two clubs finished in a Glenolden 2 '
7'~i~ing 0/ Uftu 1111 tmd ~1If prices. t rIghts'. You a dd Jim fo~rth.
al'd 0 f fl oure-"cen
• r preLeonardI'"held
weehis first
w enworkout
o a of c, hne coach to assist . Harvey Hu- tie ' for the . '
posltl<?n. .'
Prehminarr Play-offs
New Pack up. figures .on an electriC calc.u- for Villanova College hopefuls. ber with the junior varsity.
s Hits Deelde, (Best of Five Games? IT'S GREAT SPORt'
P[o~r 7tliJTketl p,rictl, ~1IIt ..'machme,
. keep
. cool with
. aIr- Among them were 19 lettermen Among th e H averf ord h 0 Id overs th.Medla '. s i outhlt
Narberth,. S d10-5, b mt Sunday: Narberth 3'" MedIa 2 e
For Extr. Flavor! condltIonmg and have a drmk from from last year'S teBm, which w o n ' , e l l er .es penE;r on un ay, u W. L. Pet. ., f
'CI/les ind
. honest weiB"'.. an electrically cooled fountain. seven games, lost two and tied an- are four backs, a complete Ime, and good clutch pltchmg by Slender Ed Narherth 1 0 1.000 ••• ,es It s un-
And so it goes, from one electri- other in addition a Harbor extra tackle and guard for good Gnewek pa:r thc way to a 3-2 Media 0 1 .000 packed aftert:loons and
CWui, sanitdtf conditions. Gl'een Glaal cal gadget to another throughout Bowl triumph over Nevada. measure. The majority of these a N~b~~t~t:lt:J.ed ff 't 20 evenings
~"1't.rt 6ulchers and' CMUll 01 W ynnewoo eSI entd R °d .
PEAS s~oes tac~le, w~llle
the day and night . Ray Mantone will likely fiU LoU . were
D'A t·regulars,t ' inclUding
1 d Dick
h If Iea d one. e t aPII'les ?
smg'IJum In thO. e secon
tum. It is a small wonder then that Ferry'S at left gos mo, cap am-e ect an a - and fourth innings. Bob Hannum'" . ' •
electricity has become such a deslr- Al Schmid ,has been shIfted l";tO back'de r ' ". • home run in the sixth and singles Named Navy Mentor 69TH ST. BOWLING CENTER
Prompli ~rteoUl."er~
Do yau 8et all these thiqs At
Z I:~: 39- Ex-Gl's searching for a

source 0
able career for so many young men Ed Berrang G post at end. Schmid, ASI

urne 0 back on defense. Paulmier,

f om D AgO'"tmo, the back- by Larry Aigeldinger and Wavne
one ?f the Nation's top-flight boot- field boasts fullback !'rank Crouse, Boyd set up another score for Me- Cmdr. Asbury <Red) Coward, of TAKE OFF'EXCESS WEIGHT
d tel's, IS figured to move over to half- quarterback Dave DIlj<es, and Lou dia in the fifth tying the score
halfback John Cirillo . " , . '
Wynnewood has been named coach
. . ' ,
By JOI'nl'ng Your Fr·lends
this fieldf which holds such varied G r P lk t th d B b H . '11 b th Narberth Iced the game m t.he of the U. S. Naval Academy s Plebe in an Afternoon of
nu~ber a~ ~ene o~
please let UI know where we're
falliDg dowu. Please Wrile:
Lord Mott's , "
posslbllltles. , .
eo ge ava 0 ra es at
one left guard
e an 0 oover WI
Eddie ends, with Keith Kern and
e at e eighth phen Albie Becker scored f tb II t
from third as Aigeldinger tossed a a eam or
f th 4
e 19 9 "cam- Bowling.
.The pr~c~lcal advantages of ele~- Lamgan ~nd Ted Or<;>skl sh~re Nauta at tackle, Ned Hollmgs- dOUble-play ball over the first base- palgn.
(1ist0lMl' RefatiOll$ Dtparfmlllr, French Style StrintJless
trlcal trammg over purely academiC guard dutl~s
on the right. WIth worth and Roger Taylor, guards, man's h e a d . '
training can hardly be measured. th~ gra~uatlon of Syl Yan~lli, John and. Tom Agnew, center:
Coward coached Navy'S 150-pound •
A&P Food ;,lores
420 Lexington Avenue BEANS Media worked a triple play in grid teams for the last three sea- FREE BOWLING LESSONS.
Once a man becomes a skilled elec- V'(ltsch IS expected to fill m at the ,BI~1 Cll;rano and Al WIldes, who the sixth inning. Al Papa singled sons. He succeeds Ben Martin,
PIV~t Col1~ge
trician he possesses a money-mak- post. dl?n t Win letters las,t year, also and Joe Coleman walked. Gnewek Prospect Park husky who recent- One of our many serv-
New York 11, N. Y.
Z Ic~:33c II
ing trade which he may practice all . Villanova tr.avels to
It!on, Tex., for the opener With Tex-
as A '!" M, followed, by Penn State,
Sta- WIll be back at the wmgs.
Wayne Beaten
after trying to bunt, lined a sav- ly was appointed varsity end coach.
age drive to pitcher Whitey Bialow- Coward was born in Alaska and Bialowski speered the ball, spent. much of his boyhood in the
ices for your convenience

New fack ~ood DetrOIt, St.. Mary s, TU!-3a, Du- tossed to Hannum to get Coleman Orient. "Ao Conditioned"
IB F d5, 7 t0 3
d Are you a Driver? quesne, Boston College, George- at first:. Hannum threw to Aigel-Ir;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;'111
LEARN TO DRIVE town and North Carolina State. dinger to nip Papa in i close play For Quick Results

Standard (j)uality
Van's Auta Driving SCHOOLS" COLLEGSE Y or
Before a throng estimated at
.t ",,"d.
Wayne NipS ManQa :
F E CABALLERO 69th Street
~~~~. ~~7lennJnaJ
3 19-0%
: cans . .
"lac School
I Lellsons, $11 _ License Test $I
Safe, courteous Instructors
more than 1500, Allie Cornog's Hav-' Wayne jumped on Roy Allen for'
erford Township A. A. defeated seven runs in the second innIng to
7-3, Mondayof the
at Main Line League, whip
Brooldine. Nojunas Manoa going excellent
pitched away, 10-4.
• "r.IERJON. PA.
Specializing In the Sale of
Al GR. 3-1804
Suburban Real Estate
CYN 1804
57 So. 69th St., Upper Darb" BOulevard 1233 7
Ira Harnish, former Haverford ball for the 10'3ers after that.
High star, gave his usual depend- Buddy Lownes paced the 10-hitl.:'
able pitching performance, limiting Wayne attack with three hits and' CONSTRUCTION • MAINTENANCE •
..,r:~__~-l"'"~~)1 seven. hits. His ~<nuckle ball proved two..Jim ~ovello limited ~he los~rs I MUGGAH Constru,t·lon C
New Pack Mickey Gavin's Wayne team to outfielder Dick Sweeney garnered
eS eC18l1Y puzzlmg to the invader3 to SIX hItS, Boh PolettI commg
p ~ 0., I'net
Cherries 2~;:I 17 especially with men on base.
The Cornogmen's__
across with two hits.
attack was Manager Ted Westervelt present- 1:227 E. DARBY RD.
l5-0z paced by Ace Bell, who had a triple ed a ~atchw?rk Manoa lineup. Bob HAVERTOWN. PA. '771
Bigebel'ries .N~tv~~~K can
and three singles. Manny Menen- Polcttl, too III to catch, played the
dez clouted two singles 'and Walt outfield; third baseman Joe .John-

Plantz belted a long home run. ston caught, and shortstop Bill Kee-

In the field, Walt Armstrong con- gan played third.
tributed three spectacular stops at J{aires in Form ....
This advertisemenl appeared second base. ~he game. wa'3 .c1o?ely Bill Kaires twirled a masterfUl
recently in the local' preS$. contested until the Sixth I~Jll!1g, five-hitter as Narberth broke its
when the Fords went on a hlttmg season-long jinx by nipping Glen-
Fall term opens September 6.
Secretarial classes start Sep- spree to ,.score four run~... olden, 3-2, in the fourth place pla,,-
NEW LOW PRICE! ANN PAGE Featul1!1g for the VISitors was off Saturday. Kaires fanned seven
1-4.0% tember 6, 12, 19, and October .John Mald,en, first baseman \vho and walked fOUl' in posting his ~
K·ETCIIUP bottle
3. Evening School opens Sep-
tember 19.
had fo.ur smgles. H,e wa.., the only seventh win of the season.
member of the Gavm Gang to solve Narberth gained an early 3-0
for over 70 years we have given

ARMOUR'S CORNED BEEF Peirce training can be your

passport to security. Regis-
Harnish's offerings for more than I
one hit. I,
:::::============1 uninterrupted service to this com-
BASR can '
tration office open daily. Call,
write, Dr telephone PEnny-

Ai 'eldinger, is
ab r h 0 a
4 0 1 2 3
Exclusivelv with
munity. The second and third
generations of families Clontinue
TOWN HOUSE CRACKERS BY packer 5-2100 for further , Hrnry, c.

I:k: particulars or for catalog. 4 1 1 9 1

~}. 31e 4 1 1 5 4 to call upon us in time of need.
AI'mstrong, 2b
Bell,3b. 4 2 4 2 1
3 1 1 7 0
~ ~~
~: KEEBLER Z5 c :.~: Basilio, If 2 0 0 0 1
fOUNDED 1865
III/ro% Plantz, cf 3 1 1 0 0
Approved for veterans' "ra;n;ng "The Busy Office"
Harnish, p 3 0 0 0 2 DIRICTORS O. FUNIRALS
Pine Street We.t of Broad
SCHOOL OF TRADES Marschhausen, cf 1 0 0 0 0 1820 CHESTNUT STREET
Philadelphia 2. Pa. ----- VISIT OUR MODERN
30th & MARKET SA 2-6731 33 7 11 27 12 PICTURE GALLERY
"Super-Right" Meats Totals
ab r h 0 a
Telephone RI 6-1581 MARV A. BAllI. Presld"'"
;.! You're always sure of getting grand values Lownes, ss 4 1 1 0 4 OAKMONT
when you buy Super-Right Meat< at your DiMaggistl'iS, If 4 0 1 1 0 HILLTOP 9070
A: &P Super Market. Stop in today! Sweeney, cf 3 0 0 1 0 SERVING THE SUBURBS
--.... .Johnson, rf 3 1 1 0 0

~ Prime Rib
Maiden, 1b
Clark, 3h
Mauck, 2b
4 1 4
4 0 0
3 0 0
3 0
2 1
1-:------·---------.·. -----.·. . -. ------------------.. . .

Schneider, e
Falcone, c
West, p
2 0 0
2 0 0
2 0 0
5 2
3 0
63c '
CUT lit
T-o qualify Ipr high paying jobs
guidance cOunsellors are avail-
New fleld. for a_nc.... I""
Byrne, p
Watson, p
0 0 0
1 0 0
0 1
0 0
able to help' you. Arl'Qnge for writer~. odorl and prad_n.·'
Troininprofessionalstudias.Brolld- Total" 3337248

free consultation.
COlt over metropolitan slaliGll..
IECRITARIAL Narberth Court R P
goin valuabl. experience. 1ft.
eludes p.rsonallty covrs. " Playoffs 9pen A T '.
fa_I John Pow.rl School. Three teams-Franlcford, West
Philadelphia and Narbrook Park- S
IN THE PIECE-MIDGET 'OME IN ACCOUIITIIIG are assured of playoff places in 0 •
Ib Ask '" OlE tlncripliwe . . . .
pare for C.P.A. or bUlln... ad·
miniltration. SMALL CLAS5II.
the Narberth Summer Basketball
League as the regular season
scheduie concludes· this week.
T •

Unlimited opporlvnitia and 1ft.
Still battling for the fourth post
before the titular playoffs open
next Monday at Narberth courts
I 300/0
corn. for TWNEO sal_on.: Ten
week ooune given br dyn4mlc are Wayne, which ha'3 won 12 of 17
games thus far, and North Phila- C
sales leaden.
delphia, with an 11 and 5 record.
Frankford currently is leading S
Shari course prepar.. men and
the league with 14 victories in 16
tries, while West Philadelphia has
14 and 3 and Narbrook Park, 13 anrl
women for own business or desir·
able and profltablo .mployment.
3. They'll tangle with either Wayne
or North Philadelphia in the
Shaughnessey playoff's semi-final
~;I;: 1 None *:
t.;.: Gain self confldenc. In business
round Monday, on a best-of-three
Oasis. D I
IOC Pric::ed
and social conlacbo Course in·
eludes conference. elltemporane-
QUI and platform Ipeaklng.
Narbrook Park advanced at the
expense of Bryn M.awr on Monday
before a crowd varioU'31y estimated
at 800 to 1,000, winning by 52-29.
U N .-
C~~EJI.Y iumbol9C
APPROVED college preparakllY
or commercial. SMALL CLASSES.
Frankford defeated North Phila-
delphia, comprised of former Tem-
ple stars, 47-46 in overtime, and
C G , )


Tak. ad.vanlall. of your .....
Individual o"enliGll. !am whll.
you learn. Maturo students In
IlIss IIni••
Wayne rallied to upset Merion, 47-
Matt Guokas, former St. joseph'S
cldlollal Pdvll.... NOWI and Philadelphia Warriors' ace is
Frankford coach, His clUb trailed I
CORN 12. 19c-- 11,- .1 by 12 points in the last 10 seconds.
0 N
bu t rallied to tie at 43 and force ,.:s
the game into an extra period. Ed
School & College Directory Clayton led the winner., with 14
points, while Ike Borsavage and N 0
The schools or colleges lIst.ed here will l:ladl, send ,ou detailed
mformatlon upon request
Martello led North Philadelphia.
W. L. S W
Frahkforrl 14 2
Busmes8 '" SecretarIal

.~&~ \\\~~r \ \~~,~\~

West Philadelphia H 3
PEIKCE SCHOOL OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION . Narbrook Park 13 3 Due to increased factory efficiency we have voluntarily lowered our
1420 Pine St. . PE 6-2100 Wayne . 12 5
North Phila. 11 5 selling price on the ORIGINAL Fully Ventilated ALL·ALUMINUM '(" .....
R1 6-9536
Bryn Mawr
5 9
4 11 Lifetime Awning. Get the best noW at a tremendous saving.
1211 Chestnut st.. PhUa. '1. Pa. Bala-Cynwyd 3 12
"., .. Narberth 2 12 Your Choice of

All prices In this ad~ertlSement ellecttve A&P Markets daDN bSdfrtb-

d Electronics, Television
Swarthmore 1 13 f.H.A. Approved
Beautiful Baked
e' .
service Food Stores In Ardmore.. Bryn Mawr, Brookline an ar e LO 7-7780
. '. ~20tb Market sta.. PhUs.. S. Pa..
8 E C &;

t:lectroDJc8, ~elevlslon,
RefrijtCratloD. on Burners
World Series Color
Up to 36 Months
To Pay - Send for
Enameled Colors.


Booklet "u"
Will Greet Waitkus Details. Now.
All-Year Protection.
1533 Pine St. 10 6-0745 A ball park decorated as for a
ARDMORE, PA. EngraVIn~ewelry RepalriDjt-MaklDz: & Besln World Series will greet Eddie Wait-
I iirtoiliE. or MAIL COUPON1ODa.,: r---. . .·jjjj . .-_·~ ,
PHILADELPHIA SCHOOL OF ENGRAVING INC kus and the Philadelphians turning
Rittenhouse Place 202B No~ Broad st., Phlla. 21. Pa. . • • PO 5-0227 out to welcome him home to Shibe


omce Tratnlnr
Park this Friday night.
Flags and bunting will transform
the park Home,'
inside Eddie"
and out, wilth
_ u. PI: 5-9851 "Welcome signs in-
933 Montgomery Ave. tel'spersed among the colorful lec- 821 Ne Broad St•• Phila. 23, Pa.
Practical NUl'IInIt orations as the Phillie'';; and Giants
BRYN MAWR, PA. NATIONAL SCHOOL OF NURSING clash. A cap.aclty crowd iii expected FRemont 7-6711
UlOO &amom 6'.. Phlla.. Pa. lU 8-0412 to greet the .300 hitting first-base-
... 755 Lancaster Avenue ..:I:~ ;.:.:..~ .:~:::... man who was dropped by a bullet Pd rl.
at Chicago earIler this year. • p
• • p

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