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,NAItBERTH, PA., THURSDAY, AUGUST 11, 194~9:-. -;-- P_R_IC_E_F_IV_E_CE_N_TS_

I' Gadsden Heads !Asks Cooperation Narberth~s

.. New Junior Chanlpions Protests ~r;ng Halt
Cancer Crusade Of Service Groups To Field House Work;
Named Chairman of Rotary Speaker Sees
1950 Funds Campaign Aid in Solving Problems
May Move Locat;on
Henry W. Gadsden, 638 Loves
., Lane, Wynnewood, has been named
chairman of the fund-raising com-
Augie Becker, metropolitan pro-
gram secretary for the Philadel-
phia YMCA, told Ardmore Rotar-
Finds Dry ce
I Residents Object
T0 Site; D·Isagree
mittee for the 1950 cancer crusade. ians at their meeting on Thursday, .
Gadsden, a graduate of Episcopal
Academy anti the Sheffield Scien-
August 4, that community prob-
lems could be solved by the~ joint
ReII-eves Acne 0 B
n etter ne
1.Ific School of Yale University, is effort of Rotary and other service Wynnewood Physician Work on the new field house Oft
director of the phar'maceutical pro- and civic organizations. Reports Pimple Remedy th,e Narberth Playground will be
ductlon and warehousing at Sharp He began his falk on "Commun- delayed until the question of loca-
'and Dohme. During World War ity Heart Beat" with statistics re- Dr. Carr'oll S. Wright, of 45 W. I d
II he served as a lieutenant colonel lating to the number of juvenile tion can be sett e .
, , in the United States Army and for delinquents and the number of Moreno Rd., Wynnewood, is co- Narberth residents' started to
a time was executive officer of the marriages ending in div?rce.. H! author of a report published this protest on Monday, August 1, when
Philadelphia Ordnance District. enumerated the basic satisfactIons week in the American Medical As- the first stakes were laid and con-
He is a member of the board of DENRY W. GADSDEN which he believes are necessary in sociation's Archives of Dermatol- tinued to protest until the work
directors of the Philadelphia Divis-
ion American Cancer Society and
ser~ed as chairman Df the business
- Tramlng
-- order to iead a full and mature
life. They were family harmony.
satisfactory school experience, ade-
ogy. was halted on the follOWing Wed-
Dr. Wright and DI" Elmer R. nesday, Several persons appeared
quate income, good h~alth, s~ffi.-
and industry division of the 1947
• cancer crusade.
The committee which Gadsen
Begm-S Monday I
cient recreation and leIsure tIme, Shown are the members of~the Narberth,Ju'nior baseball ~quad, 'Yinner of the Suburban Junio~
and proper spiritual development. League championship. Rear: V!Ji Zanten, perrot, Baugh, McMillan, Fitzgerald, and Bes.t; front. row.
Ross reported their finding that dry before the Borough Council 011
ice can be used asan effective aid Monday night and voiced their, ob-
neads will have complete charge CbS '
Dr. F. Kral, professor of vet- Annett Heisler Graham HalIlt,IcAlaine, and Kelly. Members of the squad not shown In the plCtnre in treating commonacne. jections.
• of planning and carrying out next Auto lu ponsors erinary medicine at the University are ~le, Waits, Price,' Mag~l!1i', Tolson, Schwefler, and Klingensmith. (See story on sports page.) Dr, Wright is head of the derma- The present plans call for the
School in Ardmore of Pennsylvania and a ~ormer
year's cancer crusade,

College Summer Theatre

" Czechoslovakian representatIve to Tumpike PIans Wynn.ewood
In Phlla. CollISion
Hurt Conduct Services tology department at Temple Uni- building to be erected 30 feet west
versity Medical School and a mem- of the basketball courts and 25
bel' of the Montgomery County feet nort~ of the wire fence alonl('
•. Ends Season Saturday
A Driver Training .School, under Rotary International, wi.ll speak
the sponsor ship of the Keystone this week on "War Years In Czech-
Automobile Club will open'in Ard_IOSlovllkia.", ' . Bel-ng Speeded , "

Patrick Cavanaugh, 621 Mont·

For Davl-dB Fox Society. • the north side of Haverford Ave.
The Bryn Mawr College Summer ' Gene BaldWIn and BIll Franken- , ~,~ gomery Schoal Lane, Wynnewood, • The report credited the proper Although this has brought protests,
Theatre will close Its 1949 season more on Monday, August 15. field were congratulated for per"' " B r~celved minor. cuts last ,week w~en, M" M D' d application of the dry ir,e with there doesn't seem to be any over-
with a new comedy, "Mary Lou The school will be opened at 57 fect attendance records for,22 and Final Contracts to e hiS ,c~r was Involved In a trIple e~lon
"an" Ie drying and shrinking the pimples all agreement as to which location
and the Beasts," by Harold Lynch. St. James Place, Suburban Square 120 years.
" Performances will be given from for members of the club and their
Awarded Soon
~OI~S~~ at o: Si'- and Abbotts-
., ~hl a elp 1 I a . .
While Flghtmg Surf
o[ the skin. In most oases when would be best.
' , ' Ernest H, Jenkins of Sabine
Wednesday August 10 through I'mmediate families Instruction will
" 'Tr "Warnlngs
fflc - E I' alne d
Xp Th P l ' Turnp'lke Com
e ennsy varua - K'
A car drIVen by Mrs. Helen Bm- Funeral servlceswere conducted used In conJuction WIth other A
f Ph'l d h' ll'd d 'th " B' d F f . h d h
t Id 'I' b
Sa turday August 13 This premiere be given by Robert Prot-evi on Mon- a ' t m, 0 1
I a e p la, co I e WI Tuesday [01' David all' ox, 0 treatments the dry Ice met 0 as f th 0 b' councl
ve., t' hmem h ders some
, .
production will be directed by Fred- days, Wednesdays, and Fridays At County Safety Meet-Ing mission dIsclosed on Tuesday til-a C
avanaug s an
h' d th t ed 613 Z II'
en over urn . , . 0 mger ,ay,
W M" h o e 0 Jec Ions e a to the
euon, w 0 prevented scarring. proposed site. He said that he had
erick Thon, professor of dra~a at from 9 A. M. to 9 P. M. Present Majo' G. Andrew McLaughlin, the last contracts fo~ the ~ctUaI It als~ struc~ Wesley C. Walker, dIed In Ocean CIty on Saturday. He The physicians warned, however, been a resident of Narberth for a.
tI, Bryn Mawr College, and deSigned plans call for just one car, but the superintendent of Lower Merion paving of th~ 100-mlle PhIladel- of Phlladel?hla, who was halted was 48 ye~rs old, , that the treatm~nt co~ld ~~ used number of years and hated to see
by Robin Lacy. number will increase as the de- T'r~nship police reported on the phia extension will be awarded next for a stop s I g n . , Mr. Fo~, who was pre~ldent of only by those skIlled WIth It s use, something ruined that citizens had
• A children's matinee will be mand arises 'L M' , Township is Cavanaugh, an offiCial of Budd the Colomal Federal SavIngs and otherwise it could cause great k d h d f H 'd 'f e
g iven Friday at 4 P. M. Admission Classes \~il1 include every phase playm part, o,;er P erlOnlvania's safety month.
g In ennsy Gov James H Duff announced
Co., was treated at Temple Hos- Loan Association, died of a heart damage to the skin. They pointed wfi°lrd eh so ,ar °tr'd ,e Stahl I hthd
't 1 tt k h'l t l'n ' t n , e ouse IS erec e m e sc e -
will be 25 cents. of car operatIon, traffic laws, ~nd j program, at the Montgomery" pI a . a ac ,w, I e .s rugg I, g agam~ ,a out that t~e method ~s not a new uled spot it will ruin the baseball
several months ,a~o that he had unde:-to\\ eaJ1~, SatUl.da~ 11l01~~~ ?ure, b~t sll~ply a~ aId to be used diamond, basketball court, and will
CIUbwomen A-d
safe driving. Simple autoI?otlve County Safety Council's' meeting.
mechanics will also be explamed.
's n ota only open
He explained the new plan in- asked the CommIssIon to have con-
to a t e" d In the townsh'IP a b 0 ut struchon . f teen
h t··,
Ire ext enslO
Walker Llnvill _.
MI. and Mr., Fox, a ang
1\11', and Mrs. James
It In conjunctIon WIth other treat- interfere with the quoit throwing.
Allend of 807 ments ' that If " It was located on

. In FundR··
TIIe course I ug ur 0
_ T0 day· B A W He said

alslng ,
those who do not know how to two and one half months ago. nder contract by fall owman ve.. ynnehwoo, fWM In the lreatment small pieces of the other side of the basketball
drIve, but IS '1 a so d '
eSlgne d as a e- Undel' r '
this system offendmg mo t 01'- u ·
fresher for those who feel nervous ists are stopped by police and given Pla~s call for. the Penn~y vama
1 . ,
guests at the summer orne 0 r. d"Iy Ice ale . a ppred
I directly to the court it would only mean the dlf-
and Mr~, B. V, ~felffer, of 707 Bow- ble~ish, Dermatologists must first feren~e of 100 yards.

• HI or uncertain when driVing in traf- warning card with their viola- TurnpIke extensIOn from MIddlesex A t tWA t" man" MellOn, , deCide whether or not the treat- John Miller of Forrest Ave who
Sponsor CIrcus to e P fic and for those who only drive oc- ~ion noted They are warned not to to King of Prussia and from the ccoun an as c lve Pre~ld,ent of the Walnut Street ment may be used in any individ- also appeared before the c~~ncil
ChI"ldren' HOSpl aI
S "t '
caslOnally., .
repeat the offense or any oth er, terminus of the TurnpIke
The basic course IS seven lessons under penality of being sent a sum- ,
1 t d 1 t ' 1950
cIty In S ' ty 0f Fr en ds
e b • f'lI Mr.Unio
111 111 er 0 le
Fox League
was also
Ma-a u al ca ~e , , , ' requested that the field house be'
Apphcal10n of the dry Ice causes placed in a unifol'm line with the
Prominent clubwomen of tbis of an hour each, but a spokesman mons with the consequent fine and LIne to b~ co~p e e a e In Funeral services were held today son~, and Potter's 0 LOdgr He wa~ the blemishes to ~rst blister and Community Building.
.port . .In a fund-raISIng' ,
area have volunteered their SU P for Keystone said some persons costs One half of this card is kept or early In 1951.
event w h'IC h learn Wit ' h f ewer 1essons an dso m onefile
' by the polIce, departmen t Th e S ch uyk'll
(Thursday) at 1 :30 P. M, for Walk- ~ tI ustede of the H me 0 thfe Age then to dry and shrInk.
I e x pressway which e"' E. Linvill of 405 Wynmore Rd., m , Cam p en an d
, 1 governor
' f . thor N e_
A meeting of the board of adjust-
ment WIll , be called
• for August 17.
~ill b~nefi~ t~e Children's Hospital, need additional instruction. for future reference. In the event will carry traffic to City Line will wynneWOOd: who died at his home ~~~~~Io~avi~n;~s~~~~I~e~~ue,e a Golf Sessions Planned At this time permissi?n will ~e
In Phllade phla. of a sl'cond offense, summons are have no cross traffic anywhere, no S d I addilion to his wife Marion he B M' L" K' ians sought for an exceptIon to t e
It is the two-week appearance T Me Arrested issued and fines and costs imposed., . f ·th on un ay. . n , ' D 'd 'J am Ine IWan
Y zoning ordinance. The council will
of the Dunn Brothers Miniature
Circus to be heId .Augus,
t 29
n 0WOB00krnakOng Charge
Out of 2000 such cases summons stop hp;~ts, and no mh~rlenceIstwl'll Mr. Linvill, a partner in the fil'm IS sUl'vlv~d by two sons, aVIC'h r"
have been sent to 14.
the ~aT>ld flow of ve IC es. WI .' 18 who IS a student at. Penn
0 ;ible for the motorist to enter of LmvIll and Parry, was a gard- te~' and Drake, 15. a student at wal1lS
Members of the Main Line Ki- meet at a later date to decide what
'Cl b '11 I
u WI pay g
olf at the
action will be taken. ,
through September 1{) In the Glm- Anthony J. Passarello, 22, and ~~ PSt 'the heart of the city uate of the Friends Central School. Hili School Pottstown, Plymouth Co~ntry Club Tuesday, The property committee report~d
bel Auditorium. Louis J. Volpi, 28, both of Jeffer- d M 71 e sys em In r 70 mi b a a ertifiec1 ublic a c c o u n t - ' August 16, WIth Jack Henkel as lhat. about $441 ,had been spent In
.. Among the mem.ber,s of tht: sOJ:! St., West Manl1~ltmk, were! Bala-Cynwy an, " and .to ..trave;t ~:ee. fa 2 !.,);j He WI>, c. P, . ------- - - - - , chairman. Luncheon will b~ serv~d in the work so far. Workmen have
women's committee which is spon- charged with conducting a lottery \ Unhurt When Car Is Hurt thrOUg~ t:e t,ae' nts' ppeared in ant, actI~e m, the hsocl~ty, of Fr~ 'Colleae Group at 12:15 P. M. and tee-off tIme WIll dug the trenches for the founda-
so ring the event are: Mrs. Henry and bookmaking by Lower Merion
.. A. Adams, 701 Merion Square Rd., police on Friday.
Br n Mawr; Mrs. Tristram C.
A 7l-y~a~-0Id Bal~ CY~WYd h
man Lega a ~er IS me a an~, actIve. In t e
Wednesday s p~pers f~r the fin:l Fn.ends, se~:vmg as treasu;er of the
The were held in $1.000 bail e~caped Injury We nes ay ,:" e~ three construct~on proJects on. t e PhIladelphIa Yearly Meetl11g.. .
oClety 0
_ Members f> , he 1:30 to 2 P, M. The usual meet- tion and water ditch, and have
ing will be held at the Conestoga laid the concrete foundation and
Mill at 6:30 P. M. contest.
Coiket "Laurier," Bryn Mawr Ave. each ~or rand jury action by hIS c:'lr was struck at the mter eastern extenSIOn, ~he. projects He also served on the admiSSIOns Replacing the usual meeting .t
and C~opertown Rd., Bryn Mawr, Magistrate gJOSePh B. Allen. secti~n of Lancaster Ave. and cover more than 1~ mIles In Berks cO,mmittee of ~~e Pennsylvania In- Church Or anization scheduled for Tuesday, August 23, Pd - Sft
Mrs. Donaldson L. Lambert, And- Police testified that 1hey arrest- ChUlCl~ Rd, 39 Chestnut and Chl:!~ter countIes. slItute of CertIfIed Acc0l!ntants, He "g" Ithe members will engage in ~ go~f e estnan !1 e y
over R<i" Haverford; Mrs. Edward ed the men in Bala and then went Charles C, Pace, °iaile to sto • ." \V~s a ~ember of the UnI?~ Leag~~ Has LIvely Meetmgs match with the Chester Klwams Plaque Received
B. Leisenring, 235 Gleun ~d., to the home of Volpi's father, Ar- fv.e·thBai~~~Cn~i~~t at ~he intei- RecruitIng OffIce KlwaJlls Club, ~het Ame:I~~n ~.,tilt= Mr, and Mrs. Frederick M. Robb, Club at the LI~nerch C?untry Club.
I A new plaque will be hung it!.
Ardmore; Mrs. Nicholas S. LUdIng- turo, of Hampden Ave" Narberth, or. e tr ck b the auto- Add Open Letter tute o~ ACCO':In an s an "e enn .Jr" and Mr. and Mrs, James H.\JaCk Frazer Will be chaIrman of the Borough Hall this wcek.
ton, "Clovelly,", Mill Creek and Old and received a number of race bets sec~,~n ~~~~a~s ~illia~l Winton, . resses . s~lvama InstItute of CertIflcd Pub- Ferris, co-sponsors of the College day, Dinner will be served at LIan- In behalf of the Borough, Bur-
Gulph Rds., Ardmore; Mrs. GeorgI' over the phqne, mo \e !":herwoo~ Rd according to Deal Graduate. . hc Acco~n,tan1s. " ,Age Group of the Narberth Pres- erch instead of at the Conestoga gess Sterling M, Chain has received
l ' Sharp Munson, 510 N. Latches Detective Shgeant James Smythe of 63 0 ~. li e" The U. S. A~my and U. S. Air II!- addlt,lOn to IllS Wife, Ada~me, byterian Church report that the Mill. a plaque from the Pennsylvania
Force are offerIng you unpara~lell- he IS surVIved b~ a son, J, Balton, interest !Ind attendance of the
Lane, Merion; Miss Letitia B. Scott, picked up the men after watching Lower Menon po c .
Andover Rd., Haverford; Mrs. Wil- them for several days. At the time
~ Iiam Wikoff Smith, Morris Ave., of their arrest police said they, Boy Awarded Bicycle
ed opportunities for a career WIth a of Wayne; ~wo slst:rs, ~rs" Asa P, young, people at the Sunday even-
secure future. . Way, and MISS ~YIVI D. LmvllI, bO~h ing meetings have been 011 the in-
Heat K-II- Y ?
I log OU_
Motor Federation in conjunction
with the AAA and the governor'l
highway safety committee.
Include~ among the umque ~d- of. Lansdowne, and two gran - crease ever since its organization 'I
and Old Gulph Rd., Bryn Mawr; \fOUnd a number of number sliPs'l
Mrs. Harold A. Waterworth, 129 horse plays and pool tickets on the
.. Valley Rd., Ardmore; Jdhn P. men.
For CooperatIon-Pius: .
vantages offered by a, ServIce chIldren.
When playground supervIsors III Career are: good pay wI~h con-
in January 1949.
Some of the members of the
Here's AdVice • It reads, "For excellence, of
pedestrian record, Narberth il
commended for its outstanding rec-
Wheeler, Ardmore Ave., Ardmore; , l'iaroenb were l'ecently asked !o tinuou s incre~ses-world WIde ~ra- Manslaughter Charge group went to Copock's Pool inl M d' IS' ord of No Pedestrian Deaths dur-
and Mrs. Dobert W. Wigton, Hav- B H t When Bike name the most co-operative bOY. In vel-free MedICal ca~e-EducatIon- Md A " tD. Elwyn last Saturday afternoon for County e Ica oClety ing 1948 as reported in the AAA
erford. . , oy ur their group, they all came up WIth al advancem~nt-(thls one appeals a e . gains rIver . swimming 'and pi cn i.c supper. Issues Suggestions National Pedestrian Protection
The tiny big top WIll feature a Is Struck by Auto the same answer. to Pop) retIrement benefits and Robert L. Darden, 2~, Of, Norrls- Among those present were Bill and ' copeI' water pipe.
'II midway, tents. sideshows and the Six-year-old Robert Castello, of Raymond Murphy, of Conway unlimited possibilities for promo,: town, was charged WIth mvol~n- Betsy Lowrie, Barbara Offenhous- "This heat is killing me!" _
tr.adltional circus parade, It is 514 Woodbine Ave" Penn 'Valley, Ave., was agreed upon as being the tion. ., tary mansl~ughter and ~peratIng er, Phyllis BelI, Betty :rhompson, People do die of the heat. There RI G t $300 000
valued at more than $450,000 and was injured Tuesday when he ,rode most co-operative boy, as well as These outstandin? oPP,ortumlIes an ~utomoblle un?er the Influence Walter Rober1s, Philip'Muller, Vir- are three types of heat sickness- e a Ives e" '
• is the result of 18 years of hand his bicycle down the sidewalk of a good sport, and a good ~thle~e. warrant your conSIderatIon when of lIq~or by Maglst~ate Jo~eph B. ginia Keller, Sally and Nancy Law- heat stroke, heat exhaustion, and Dr. Henry Wmsor Estate
carving by the owner, J. Harold his home and into the path of an Because of these .qualIficatIOns, you decide your future., . ~llen In Lo~er MerIon polIce st~- rence, Henry Smith, Miriam Snell, heat cramps, reports the county The $300,000 estate of Dr. Henry
Dunn. automobile. 11e was awarded a bIcycle by Mrs. If you desire further m~ormatlon hon on .FrIday . He was held In Fred Ingeborg and ,Joan RobQ. Medical Society. Winsor of Glen Hill, Cheswold
g~ Funds realized from the sale of The front bumper of the car!F. Price, of Penn Valley. please feel free t? ,stop In ~t 01:lr $2,500 ba~I.. The College Age Group meets in Headache is a warning sympton Lane, Haverford, will go to a sister,
Office in the Mumclpal BUl1d~ng In ~~cordmg to pohce, Dar~en was the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robb, of all three heat sicknesses.
tickets will aid in the support of driven by James McNichol, of 717
" the h~spltal,and enable it to. con- Arlington Rd., Narberth, struck
tinue ItS polIcy of never turnIng a the bicycle and threw Robert t o .
BC Mth
e 0 d-IStS
Upper Darby and see us, or If you d~IVmg west on Coun,ty Lme Rd" 131 Haverford Ave., Narbe~th, Nausea, lassitude, and cessation of to the will filed for probate Friday
prefer, a member of the U: ~. Army VIllanova, .when he faIled to make every Sunday after the evemng sweating are early symptons of heat in Norristown.
niece, and two nephews, according

child away for inability to pay.

the ground, according to Lower
Merion police.
McNichol took the boy to the
EIect Off-Icers .and U. S. Air Force RecrUltmg Ser- a sharp right turn on, !than Ave. service at the church. Members stroke, and first aid for this is cold Dr. Winsor, who died July 26,
vice 'will cal.l at you~ home to ~nd overturne~. HarrIson Down- participate in discussions of re- water bath or spray and cold com- directed that one-sixth of his per-
discuss a ServIce tour WIth you and mg, 20: of NorrIstown, a passenger ligious subjects and refreshments presses. , sonal estate go to a niece, Marion
"Soul" is the subject of the Les- Bryn Mawr Hospital where he was M" '. _ your parents., Simply call. Boule- was kIlled and several other pas- are usually served. Dizziness, sense of exhaustion, Winsor Mirick, and one-sixth to a
~ son-Sermon in all Churches of tr!!ated for cuts. Two Boys at IS510n; vard 4434 and Indicate the tIme and sengers' w~re trea~e~ ,at Bryn ~ The group is comprised of young and nausea are warnings of heat nephew, J. D. Winsor, 3d. Both
Christ, Scientist, on Sunday, August Other Church News day most convenient to YOI1. Mawr HospItal, for mJurIes. people between the ages of 18 and exhaustion. live In Cherry Lane, Ardmore.,
• 14. The Golden Text is: "ThUS salth WRIGHT IN TV DEBUT . Sincerel!, At the hearI~g, Dr. James M. 24 and includes those who are Excessive sweating and dizziness The balance is to be placed in
{ the high and lofty One' that in- Charles A. Wright, author of Mr. Charles R. Scott, teacher and James E. VIckery Shoemaker, polIce s~rgeon, when older but attending college, Col- during or following heavy work are trust for a life for a sister, Ellen
hablteth eternity, whose name Is the "Thinking Out Loud" column coach at the University of Pennsyl- M/Sgt., Air Force "pressed by the magIstrate, .woul,d leges represented to date are Uni- warning of heat cramps. Winsor. After her death the estate
• Holy; I dwell in the high and holy in this newspaper, made his first vania, has been elected general sup- Station Commander not state ~h~t Darden was m~?xt- versii.y of Pennsylvania, Bucknell, For exhaustion or cramps, bed is to be shared equally among the
place, with lIim also that Is of a television appearance Tuesday. erintendent of the Bala-Cynwyd cated bu~ mSlsted tha.t he ~as un- Houghton. Wheaton, Penn State, rest is indicated. Prolonged expo- niece and nephew mentioned and
• contrite and humble spirit, to re- He was interviewed on the "Man Methodist Church School, it was MRS. ~TER BOSSARD . der the Influence of lIquor. Beaver, Drexel, Eastern Baptist,\sure to heat, indoors or out, par- anothel' nephew, Curtin Winsor.
ceive the spirit of the humble, and on the Street" program over announced this week. ' Mrs. Hester Jacobs Bossard, wld-
to revive the heart of the contrite WCAU-TV on the work of a com- The new primary superintendent ow of the late John Bossard, of ~47 HE~LTH REPORT
" ones." (Isaiah 57:15). munity newspaperman.
. ,
and Temple,
ticularly on humid days, should be
The Group has joined with the avoided. Care should be taken of
will be Mrs. William W. Smith with Upland Terrace, Bala-Cynwy~, dIed SIX new case of ?ontaglOus dls- Youth Fellowship and the Bible children who are, playing under
V-II - J.
I anovlans oln
Mrs. Hugh Lamberton assisting at her home Sunday after an Illness ~ase were r.eported In L~,,:er Mer- Reading Fellow~hip of. the church I the direct rays of a hot sun. Old~r

~ County Residents Received with music.

At the 11 A. M, worship next
of over a year. IOn Township last week 0) Hea~th to bl'ing worship servIces to the folks should be kept at rest and In
A life-long resident of the com- Officer Robert J. Thomas, They In- Presbyterian Hospital, the Chil- the shade during extremely hot
All 5tar 5quad

Sunday the Rev Daniel D. Brox, munity she was a member of the elude five cases of mumps and one dren's Heart Hospital Horne of summer days d d
" , d h d' t Ch h f ea Ie .' b . Villanova's Ed Berrang en , an
$1,500,000 Social Security pastor of the Amsterdam, NewlBala-Cynwy Met 0 IS
York Methodist Church, will be She is survived by t~ree slste~s,
urc. 0 J'I'l S s.
Indigent Women m Holmes urg. All persons should eat less so L F t ckle have' accepted
that the circulatory'system Is ~ot in~~tatie:::'to ~lay ~ith the College
More than a million and a half year, and the number of people guest p;:eacher. , Miss Sally G. J:acobs, MISS GeorgIe ATJ;E~~~~ G ld 'th 1121 overtaxed, and plenty of fiulds All-Stars against the New, Yor!<
l' ~lIars were ~ald
. , f e ivin these a ments has in- At the Ardmore MethodIst Jacobs, Mrs. George Walters, and a
r:sl~ents t~ l' r~e secl gb 16 pe~c:nt
Church Lancaster Ave. and Argyle brother, Richard Jacobs, all of Bala- Montgomery Ave., Narberth, IS at-
ontgo::rer~nde~Ut~: Ol~::~ an~ c I: SPire of thes~ increases, Rd., el~sses for all age groups willi C y n w y d . ,
Iza e . 0 sml '.

tending The C~ristiansen Choral

. should be taken. Giants in the Herald-TrIbune s
Because most individuals perspire Fresh Air Fund exhibition football
freely In summer and thereby lose game September 1 in the Polo
, ~~~~i~~rs Insurance provlsi~ns of Hoover stated, there are still some be held during the regUlar ~unday Funeral services were ?eld at ~er sC:loo~U~~:" ~~~~eg e h~~d ~re~=;; body salt, it is adv~sable to take Gr~~~:s'men were standout per-
the Social Security Act. This an- people in this area who are eligible School hour at 9.45 A. M. t~llS Sun- home wednes?ay mornmf' BurIal ~ 1 S hool Cham~ersbUrg Pa salt tablets at mealtIme. . II formers at Villanova the last three
.. nouncement was made today by for payments, but are not receiving day. The adult classes wI1~ com- was in WestmInster ceme ery.. ory c , ,' . Industrla~ ~orkers, espeCla Y years. Berrang, from New Phila-
, H. C. Hoover, manager of the Nor- them, simply because they have bine to hear C. B~ron .~Ich~rds
ristown office of the Social Security failed to file their claims promptly.\speak on the subject FestIval
,. Administration The law will not permit any pay- Songs,"
Serv"ces 'In Narberth Churc h es
_ •

those,workl~g m excessive heat, are delphia, is six ~eet and 205 pou!1ds.
supplIed WIth ,salt, ta~lets to be Ferry stan,ds SIX three and weIghs
taken with theIr drmkmg water. 230. Both mtend to play pro foot-
At the pr~sent time, checks ment being made, he eXPlained'1 At the regular wor;'l~iP hour;~ Baptist (Jhurch of the Evangel, Narberth Presbyterian Church, Many vacation~hare rUir~t~e~r ~l~. B~~~n~r~~~:~shington and
amounting to over $140000 are until ar. application has been filed. 11 A. M., the guest peacher W I , N Windsor and Grayling Aves. Rev. over-exposure to e sun an . e ry •
• being mailed each month 'to bene- "Among the people who filelbe the Rcv. Roger

• County.
Stimson, OflElmWOOd and Narberth Ave.: ar- Robert J. Lamont, minister.
ficiaries living in Montgomery claims with our office each month," the Central Met~odlst .Church of berth. Rev. Lawrence P. Fibger-
' M r . Hoover continued, "a study Frankford. Mr. Stimson IS a former aid, interim-pastor.
Mrs. Ethel Drain will speak on
"The Bible Restored to the People"
Cover D,esign b'" Narberth G irI .Y
These insurance payments are just completed revealed that seven- pastor of the Ardmore Churoh.
being made to qualified retired teen retired wage eal:ners lost Two m:mbers of the Ar~m?re Dr. Fttzgeral. w~
. d'Il s eak at the at 9:45 In the Young Peoples .De-
~ , partment. .
On Current Issue of Coll':er's ..
.. workers, their wives who are 65 or monthly benefits rangmg from PresbyterIan <;:h1:l rch a~e asslstmg 11 A. M. servIce on Humanity s Dr. John Van Ness, pastor emerl-
over, and to their children under $10.00 to. $765 total simply beca~se th? church's mIssIonary In Montana Search for Happiness," tus, will speak on the "Christian's A cover design by a Narberth The cou,nty fail: scene' is COIn-
are 18. In addition to the monthly they waited too long before filing thiS summer. . + + + Estimate of Life and Death" at the . plete with the ferns Wheel, merry-
girl graces the current Issue of go-round, prize animals, band stand,
.. insurance payments to the retired their ,claims," Jame;; M. Armstrong 2, of 1351 B I Trinit Lutheran Church of 11 A. M. service on Sunday. Mr.
work!!l and ,his family, monthly In order to insure that there will Arbordale Rd., Overbrook Manor" Nar~;;th W:odbine and Narberth Charles Heaps will be soloist. At Going Away? Collier's. fortune.teller's tent, and the high
benefit- are also made to widows, be no loss of these payments, the ana Kennard W. Gregory, Jr., of A R ~ Cl tns A. Senft pastor the New Life Hour at 7:45 Dr. Van Have this paper follow Depicting a county fair scene, it diver, and 'all the eager fair-goers.
" children and parents of deceased manager emphasized, ever~ w.age 2928 ~o~rls Rd., Ardmore Man?r, V;~'e R~~. R:bert Benner ~f Ober~ Ness will speak on "Water from you on your vacation. was painted by Jean Simpson, of After graduation Miss Simpson
workers who died Insured under earner who has worked In Jobs are assIstIng the Rev. W. H. ~esslre l' pa will be guest speaker at the Wells of Babylon." Mr. and Write to the office, 8 205Miss Avon Rd, did some free laI?cing for Straw-
_the program. covered by.the Social Security Act at. his Sunday School miSSIOn In t~~ 11 A.. M. service on Sunday. Mrs. Charles Heaps will sing. Simpson, a graduate of bridge and ClothIer, and a ye~r
As of July 1, there 'Yere 6939 should get In touch with the Social MIssoula, Montana. + + + Cricket Ave., Ardmore, Lower Merion High School and ago she opened her own studio In
beneficIaries In the Montgomery Security office when he Is 65 and This Is Kel!-n~rd Gregory's first + + + _ , 0 or phone Hilltop 3600 or the School of Industrial Arts in Philadelphia. Her art work has ap-
I.e Area receiving $140,800 each month. no longer working In a job covered year at the mISSIon. He Is a student Narberth Methodist Church, EI St. Margaret. It. (J. Clhurcb, Z 8 Ardmore 5720, and your PhIladelphia, was visiting a county peared In Mademoiselle a~d ~n ~he
These ligures, Hoover explained, by the law, so that his rights may at Haverford Township High sex and Price Ave•• Rev. Harold Narberth Ave. Father Jame. F. subs~ription . will be f ir In Connecticut when the idea cover of House Beautiful s GUIde
represent a substantial :ncrease be protected. Similarly when a School. This Is Mr. Armstrong's Flood, p..tor. Toner, pBlltor. changed to yoti!' summer for a the cover came to her. Her to the B'd 1'1 es."
., over the payments for the same worker dies some member of his third summer assisting the Mon- The Rev. Frederick L. Pedersen, Masses on Sund~ will be heid, at address. If you are not a cover was accepted almost immedi- She Is a member of the College
period a year ago. The amount of family should always notify the tana mlssl~n. He is planning to as~oclate secretary of !-he home the regular hours: 6:30, 7:30, 9 and subscriber, why not start ately upon, presentation to the Age Group at the Narberth Pres-
e money being paid out ,each month Social Security Administration of ente:: Princeton's theological school ~l1SS~OnS, will conduct the 11 A. M. 10:15 A. M. and two masses for. the editor. byterian Church.
Jai0 percent greater thall 'last the death as soon as possible. next year" , serVIce on Sunday" upper and lower church at 11.15. your subscription now~

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