Our Town April 7, 1949

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r:AR,BER1'H, Pl>. •


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• • ;.

'. 0 \ '
NAliEl1H, flA., ~~AY, APRIL 1, 1949 PId IWI UN1S ...
, . :~ .~> ',:,. .. .
THE SPECTATOR, ' Gladwyne Artist Youthful Narb~~~b, l\1usicia~ Narberth Man, 28, Four Churches Here'
,. Narberth Today· fJ Tomort:'o'W Embarrassed by Present ,Concert ~.:)1,:unday Killed W h e n Hit Com" I•
ne•,n Se'rv,ce
There is general satisfaction with the change that has 'Tidy'B,urgI A potential Mischa Elman or loc Michigan, where 'he held
Jose Iturbi in the Narberth area the", st 'chai~ in the tr.-ombone sec-
' , '
e Crane '
t '
By Hug' ,
I ' Sun
d 'a
• occurred recently in the administration ()<f the borough
" business. Richard L. Miller, who has been the Burgesll for Started to Pay for
ar will, be given full opportunity to tionin the orchestra and baritone
indulge his musical talent during in' the band. He is a graduate of
the "Musical :flour," arranged by Lo:-ver Merion High School and a Dominick R" Ercole, Jr. for Pam . y
the Narberth Youth Orchestra, on former captain of the Lower Mer- Mid t th 0
seven years, is now the Tax Collector. Sterling M. Chain, Gasoline ••• Found Sunday, at 4 P. M., in the Narberth ion High School Band. In 1947 he,
Presbyterian Church, Windsor and waS eJected to the National High On Glenoden Job
ang e 0 ea
S~,,'er C....IIi.
H0Id AnDuaIE'
, who was ser~ing his first term in Council, has becom~ His Wallet Empty
Grayling Aves. School HQnor Society. Smith also
Burgess. Thus is being followed the pattern which was set The ,~in Line's "pocketbook The Orchestra ia comprIsed ofa plays ,in the Main Li~e Symphony Dominick R. Ercole, Jr., 28, of ltt Baptist Church
) • when John Hall became Tax Coilector after several terms blu'glar, who has looted more than group of Narberth youths between Orchestra. ' 310 Iona St. Narberth who was .
as Burgess, to a dozen homes i'n th.ts ~rea since the ages ?f 10 and 16, who have Patrons !,f music in the suburban born and rai~ed in Lo~er Merion
be succeeded by Mro Miller, who was then a January, struck agam m Lower been meetmg once a week since the area consIder the youth of N a r - . ' , '
8tart"log 7:45 P.M

• member of Council. Merion. To:wnship la.st Thursday .•• first of October to practice and berth favored in having such a Townsh~p, ~s, mangled to death
and thiS tIme hiS tldyness was the pl~ as a group together. The .Or- capable musician interested in on April 5 m Glenolden by the Congregations of four Narberth
The plan worked well the first time and so it will again. cause of much embarrassment to a chestra was 'organized and· spon- their creative growth. Hil enthusi- gears of his own crane, while six churches will participate in a com-
Mr. Miller is well informed on what it i-s that makes Nar- Gladwyne artist. . sored by Mr. and Mrs. James Mc- as!n ,and dir\lcting ability have in- workmen stood beside the huge bined Palm Sunday service, to be
.When H~nry Lmdenmeyr, of 31 Dill, of Narberth Ave., who have spired the group, of youths to machine unaware of the tra ed ' held at the Baptist Church of the
berth a good community and he has a fiscal eK'perien~e Rl,ghters MIll Rd., Gladwyne, start- two boys playing in the Orchestra. greater effort in the musical field. .'. , g y. Evangel, Narberth and Elmwood.
ed to pay a gasoline station at- Each Monday evening, from 12, :t>resent membership inclutles Police saId Ercole s death result- Aves., at 7.45 P. M.
which will serve him exceedingly well m the collection of tendant that morning, he found an to 16 young people congregate at Cork,y Bunting, Mary and Paul ed from his attempt to ~lear, with The churches include Narberth
the tithes. He has well earned the confidence and respect em~ty w~llet " •• and .the wallet the McDill home to enjoy an hour Cooper, Anne Brown, Lynn Cuth- his own hands, the guiding cables Presb,yterian Church, Narberth
of his townsmen and it can be' expected that he will be has contamed $40 'ha.t mght befo~e of playing their instruments to- bert, Robert Drennen, Sally Fiese, revolving on a front drum of the ~~:~~:;'~t C~~~:~~'an~Ot~e ~~~N?t
• heartily approved for a f·ull term when lhe election oc:curs he told Lower Menon Township gether under the able leadership of Dick Gillis, Walter Gorin, Jimmy
, '
Henry Smith, a ;Narberth boy of LUdwig, Joan McClintock, George gasolme-operate crane. He was
Church of the Evangel.
SUbsequent investigation showed unusual talent. " a n d Jim McDill Jill Morrill Es- dragged by the left arm into the The Rev. Harold D. Flood, pas-
next fall. that Lindenmeyr was not the onl¥ Smith is a freshman at the Uni- peranza Seco d~ Lucena R~bert gears, and had no opportunity to tor of Narberth Methodist Church,
As Bu,rgess, $terling C'hai'll w~)l demonstrate ''hat he loser in his family. Nis wife's pock- versity of Pennsylvania' this ~ear, Senft, Charles Stevens, J~dy Stev- shout for help. ' will preach. His sermon topic will
etbook had also been looted of $85. having been awarded a !our-year ens and Robert Clear, pianist. Th tr d d th be, "Speaking from Explll'ience."
fig an alert eKecutive a.nd he will not ~ail to utilize every !=loth wallet a!,~ pocketbook were Presser Foundation Scholarship on Any Narberth youth who plays a e age y occurre .on e ' The choir of the Baptist' ~hurch
opportunity within 1ll:le authorityol hi-s office *<> advance In.tact in the hVIng room when the his graduation from High School. musical instrument is invited to west bank. O.f the Muckmapatus will sing appronriate music. "
L d t t b d t 1 A C k di d Gl Id f The combined service will be
m enmeyrs wen 0 e. a . At present, he is directing the Uni- jQin the ~oup at one of its Mon- ree, VI mg, eno en rom held in addition to individual serv-
the general well-being ()<f iJhe people whose oivic leader he M. Thursday they told police.
T th h i t d b th versity of Pennsylvania ROTC day night meetings, where musical Folcroft, where the Hutchison ices at the respective churchel
has now become. Narberth is most iortanate HI. the . wo 0 er omes 000 e y e Band. ' I effort and recreation are com- Construction Co., of Clifton Heights earlier in the day.
tIdy burglar the same morning were Last summer, Smith attended the bined for the advantage of player . , .
selootion. ~', those of C. E. Gettinger, of Righters International Music Camp at Inter- and aUdience. IS laymg a 42-mch sewer pipe. Ministers of the churches who
+ + + Mill Rd. and Chauncey Lane, Penn ' , Ercola attended the Merion have planned the event include the
IUs difficult ilo see what Na-roorth's future ts goinO'to Valley; and of Harry W. Hakes, of
f!> 830 Chauncey Lane, Penn Valley. reen ea s
ion Junior High School,.
H d
Square School and the Lower Mer- REV. ROBERT D. CLABJ.: Rev. Flood, of the Methodist
Church; the Rev. Senft, of the Lu-
be. More bhan 25 years ago, in this department, a reason- Mrs. Gettinger told police that ' He is survived by a brother, at whothewillannbal
give the meditation theran
f th Church;
P byt'the Rev.
Ch Lamont,
ably accurate prophecy was made' as to what was likely to $25 cash had been taken from her
happen in the sections which at1'. now oalled Penn Valley pocketbook which had been left o n a n C e r , r u s a
C C de communion of
Michael, of Hughes Park; another the Main Line Association of 0
brother, Anthony, of ,Ardmore; sis- Men's Bible Classes.
e res erIan
urc, an
the Rev. Middleton, of the Baptist

ters, Mrs.Mar~ Amadio, of West

and Merion Park.
a table in the first-fioor hall; and
Hakes reported that $50 had been
In neither development was an.y pl'ovisiol1 made for taken fl'om his wife's purse, also
. ,. '
.: Ardmore Attorney Manayunk; Mrs. Emily Kessler, of
W Id W V
Prospect Park, and Mrs. Caroline yman
Baptist Church of the Evangel,
Elmwood and Narberth Ave., Nar"
'or ar eteran
the young, those starting a newl~ married life. Nor does
a particular place e~dst for them in Narberth, as one can
ift the ·:drst.f!.oor hall.
s ' , LG
eymour . reen, 0 ,
VeneZiale, of Upper Darby, and his
f 435 B k mother and father, Mr. and Mrs.
er - D . E 1 S resses 0
tor. t Add
berth. Bev. Robert Middleton, PBS-

Morning worship on Palm Sun-

learn if he checks up on the cubby-holes where comfortably B.C R o t a r y Club· ley Rd., Haverford, will head the ommlc rco e, r. day will begin at 11 A. M. Mr. Mid-
F" d f H' D - . WII S k W Id
reared boys and girls must take abode as they venture forth EI Offi 1949 ,Cancer Crusade in Lower Mer-
ion -Township. IDe or IS riVIng, i pea at or
H 'II J k C
dleton's sermon topic will be, "We,
:roo, Must ~hoose." Servi<;es will
on a marital career. From all aocounts, the possibility of eets eers •" Green,
'. ,
who. mamtalns law offices Says e un ar ' Servl'ce DIOnner Monday mclude specLal+ Easter + + mUsIC.
an apartment being empty is regarded as a state secret ~ Arc;m~re'l~\gra~uat~~f ~he Asserting that "1 have junked Lyman Hoover of the Interna- Holy Trinity Lutheran Church
and the precious news reserved for only one's most trusted Denman New President; S ahverlor th c uoo.' t .te t par on my car and don't' intend to get tional Committee of the YMCA, of Narberth, Woodbine and Nar-
· d
f nen s. n
A d th .
e prICeS th t h ......
e yoangs ers ave \,v payor f th e FOIve erl osen Oth Ch c 00 0 f and
sylvania e the
DlverSI enn- another, " Charles Gessner, 3~, 0 f who was World Service Secretary berth Aves. Bev. CIetus A. Senf..
U. yof0 P. Law ..
" b an db - oxes some 0' f th m e d'n
e succ e 1 g ettl'ng would se e m t"
v The Bala.~nwyd-Narberth Ro- '
SchO:O~. • , E . Spring Ave., Ardmore, paId a. Pastor.
fine of $200 and costs after plead- m Chma for 16 years, Will be the At Palm Sund~ services the Rev. 0 0

indicate this rent-control could do with a few mQre teeth. tary Club held its annual election . D~png World .War II, Green ing guilty to a drunken driving speaker at the World Service Din- Senft's sermon topic will be, ''1
Apparently many m.ore apartments are inevitable in of officers on March 29. The new ~rrvededasI a/atryptam ~tlalt~ thef'l:1t~h charge before Judge Knight, in ner at the Main Yine YMCA Mon- Promise." The Senior ChOir will
. fo 'n Ie house nd president is Dr. A. 'J. Denman. Carl thmor II, an . :.a
B IOn 0 e Montgomery County Court, April 6. day at 6.30 P. M. sing "Swing Wide the Gates." Rob-
N arb erth , as there IS no more room r SI g s a B. Metzger, Jr., was elected vice- 9 k Arm.ored ~::stlhon'G He w~s The defendant was arrested by Walter E. Rosengarten, vice- ert Godsall choir director, will sing
the land value would be too hi"'h
eo if there were. For a boy president. SEYM01JB GREEN t
tha enB prisoner
ttl f th
Uo:f B e iermans
d In L ower M' enon,T ownsh'Ip pol'Ice a ft- , a tenor so I' or, "The P a Ims." S erv-
and his girl to get a house elsewhere in the countryside
means not onl~1 an llndull1 heavy investment, but also an
. :1." .
Other officers include: secretary,
Frank W. Humes; treasurer, Her-
vey C. Keim; directors, Fred E.
WB. Dean Wm·s e a e 0 e u ge an was er the car he was driving crashed
rtheleaRsed. several tmhonthst latefr btY against the rear of another vehicle
e uss~ans on e eas ern ron. at City Line and Haverford Aves.
ices, which will be the annual Con-
firmation service, will begin at 11
A. M. Ten boys and girls will be
• Caball~ro. and Albert G. S~imer. . Green IS a m~m~er of the Amer- Gessner, a service station opera-
eKpenslVe locatIon as regards 1lt'ansportabon, etc.
A young man mak-ing his way with expectation of a' A DIstrict Assembly meetmg was
. .' . '.. held March 31 at Caballero's home
Pa • •
t e n t Rights Ica~ Bar ASSOCiation, the Pennsyl- tor testified the damage caused to
vama and the Montgomery County h' h ttl' $245 h d
Preparatory services for Holy'
" Oil Id t 8 P M
famIly , IS called on to pmch hIS penDles and It can also be 149 Vassar Rd., Cynwy. d Th ose' , • B' A . t' H' t
ar ssocla IOn. e IS a pas com- been paid. t e ot er car, 0 a mg , a Communion
on Wednesday. WI be Holy he Communioft
a .•
" understood that if bne boy and girl have been brought up in present included District Governor Boro Man s Invention mander of Bull.ock-Sand.erson Pos~, will be on Thursday at 8 P. M.
the suburbs, they are not keen to adopt a c-it,v habitat if it Joseph Avery, publisher of the S h T " R"d
.I~~, .)r~mberof,theVetera~s ~L()OKING.,~BACK ~tb:di~ ,h.~-
No. 136, American Legion, and IS
• can,,po,ssibly, be a:voided. . . Reading Eagle Times, and the. moot sralD ._a of For- Na.rberth, Ch
" ' +' + ,+. "",' ," t'''' J.',~" Cynwyd-Narberth'
eJ18,irmen,and"oftlcers/of",the 'Bala- An~thel" Narbel'thIllVl!htor.>-OIe (,i'it Wars a~ the:$(l~,and. Eight" : '
Rotary ClUb: . ' -. ..". Society. He also holds memberships IN OUR TOWN ... "" .. ,_.' . .. p...' Ii . Be'Vi'Ha 14
sex ,and rlu ves. v. ro
• Supper was served after the busi- third m as many weeks - was in the Historical Society of Penn- , D. Flood, Pastor.
Durbin. M\d Howard mould have some Mlswe,rs. TheIr ness meeting. awarded one of 583 patents grant- sylvania, Main Line Chamber of Twenty-five Years Ago Tilis Week Palm ~unday will be obs~rved at
1.3 b" the -~-I·tI·ng poI'nt of "11 ap"rtment
.. uOfJ:ce-"'I't'"
0 ,,,'" n . . '" 00.. \;HU.. /!Va "" "" Th e c1ub now 110Id't SIS regu1ar e d t h'IS week b y th e U. S. P a t ent Commerc e, M' am L'me K'Iwams . StraWbridge and Clothier pre- the
. 1 serviceh 'at 11 A.th M. With . spe- d
• deveIopmen\,; -1.& 0 d . d rio I
eVlse pa :lCU ar y()<r u } f L:he n h' h
YON g, W IC mee mgs a ,e a a 0 t' t th BIG If Cl b .
u In- Office, according t<l .offiCial an- , ClUb Ado B ' • _ . .
'. r m re usmess .tUIsoclatl~n sented a style show for the' Wom- CIa emp aSls on e
the message. The pastor will bringmusic an
would continue 110 Windsor Avenue Mid perhaps comprise stead of the Overbrook Golf Club. nouncement. a~d IS on the boards of the Mam en's Community Club at the t 1 h' . f Lenten ser-
Dr. Earl S. Rudisill, author, psy- Lme YMCA, Community Health . C B h l o a c ose IS series 0 "
• that borough-owned property at Windsor and Forrest Ave- chologist , ' and stUdent of the Italian Walter B. Dean, of
" , '. 26 Narberth and Civic Association . and Com- YMCA. ~IS. E. . at~
ported brlefiy on congressional hap- e or re- mons on the theme
th Christ Think of Me?" of What DoesThe
nues. A :freedom f.rom taxes for four or five years would &enalss~nce, was guest speaker at Park, Narberth, IS the mventor ~f mumhes ~outh ASSOCIation. penings, inclUding the "Tea Pot m:ssage of Palm Sunday morning
help 1lhe cause along &nd assure Iilubstantial iMurance funds a meetmg of the BalaoCyn~Yd- a shock absorber for use on rall-
.cJU' th" proJoect. Nalrberh~h R?tary.Club on AwPr11 5. way car trucks. The device, a hy- 'Ch 'I T · Dome Oil Scandal" in which Sec- will be, "What Does the Christ

0I T Ik H' e
retary Fall, of President Warren's Think of Me as His Friend1"
J.'v~ ' r
.. n IS dISCUSSion of "onder
OR Windsor AvenNe ttself, both sidell flrom. rona 10 at Men of Old Florence," Dr. Rudisill drauhc-type shock absorber, helps
. arm s ople'
ca~me~~k w~er~~:~at ·c ~0~;S
' 0

Mrs. lR~;'a~s
"'I.e years ah""d """uld """e a v"""'l'~-ble a,part- s'ated "To make a DaVinci today to reduce pitching of cars at speeds a er w 0 and
lass s Mrs.e George. N'. G:ll I. - LYMAN HOOVER Jones
that are WI appropriate
1 P ay organ se e occa-
to the 10
least Dudley, \,"11 ....
\;IV """ .... _ ' . ' .

G... "'hat stretch of l"'nd now has tQO few o.ne would need combine the quall- of 70 mIles per hour and upwards. The Reverend W. S. Dawson be- chairman of the Board of Man- sion Robert Frankenberger bari-
me,nt chasm, "'" u 0.
.t I h t" ties
p' of Thorwaldson
th . t'.the KSCUlptor'
tt " D ean h as I'Ive d'In th e commUni" y tMISs· Gwen Schoch, of the Schoch came the new pastor 0 f th e 1oca1 agel's, 'Y lll . preSIde.
' tone. SOlOist,
. WIll .. smg uP,alms,' ' , by
occupants for the great commum y va ue in eren m It. JC~sso, fe pam ler , t e . erEmd~' since 1931. He was graduated from Charm School will be guest speak- Methodist Episcopal Church, su- Others serving on the committee Faure. The combined youth and
oJ P r etty n e arly al'l of th e houses " I'n the area are more ' than engmeer t h '0 Genera
t Md oors,
T . 1-. the Massachusetts Institute of er at the sprmg , ' meeting of the Sis- perse d'mg Dr. W,aII s, t 0 rna k '
e arxangemen t s for th e d'ill- semor. chOirs ' WI'11' sIDg "Jerusa1 em,"
50 years old and none of them has that haHowed or mellowed Sthone , musIcian e. ~nven, or, an, dio~dcanll~l, Technolo ' th 1 f 1928 terhood of Temple Adath Israel to Benjamin H. Ludlow, of Lower ner and the meeting are Hollis L. by Parker, with solos by Walter
• b . A ~ thO rt l' D R d' il'l In b .one
fi 10 VI ua. i d . gy In , e c ass , 0 . be held Monday, April 11, at , 8.30 MerIon, . .
was rUnl~lOg f ~r 8: ssembl.y- Danley, of Havertown; J ames D' . Norcross, tenor, and Robert F ran- k
_ aspect th a t 0 ld age somet lmes rmgs• .t'Ui IS repo 'er Ives h r' URIS . rle y summabr ze WIth a degree m mechamcal engl- P M in the Synagogue 410 Mont man from the First DIstrict. Wm- Howson, of Wayne; Annie E. Rob- enberger.
in one of them (and not the worst of the lot) he s,peaks as o~ th,e t dena~s:hn~e 1~a;;e a °t~' t neering. g~me'ry Ave Wynnewo~d - field H. Cook, of Narberth, was inson, of Merion, and Dr. A. J. Wil- • • + rcb
one whose house is indubitably due for a change and no ant pOlm e ou a th a IdwG,as e Patent examiners ruled that Miss Sch~~h's topic wiil be "A the Democratic standard-bearer in liamson, of Ardmore. Narberth Presbyterian Ch'1 ,
na ura successor 0 f e 0 r A
doubt about it, within a fewer years than most think.
Montgomery Coart Apartments are assessed fQr more f Me dhlscussAed A?1
Roman . clvlllzation. .
. Dean's
" invention
, differs from any Mrs
Ch .
armmg JaCOb You."
Schachter of Nar 'Mrs.
th F' t D' t 'ct

vesPuccdl, SImilar deVice ever patented in six berth' president of the Sisterhood- Thursday evening at the home of
e IrsVan ISNess rI: Bible
' M Wm B·
Class met

Wi d nd G
n sorJ. aLamont,
Robert m~. ves.
ray MInister.
Palm Sunday will be observed

t han 'P
~200 000 h' h
,w ' Ie. means an ac ua va ue 0 more
f th Gorll'lw om 1 d' merl?a t~fias:liname f; different ways, Pateri£ was applied wlll ;onduct the business port'IOn of' D. Warren Wright on Woodside
an a I eo, ea mg sClen 'I c gure 0
moral re- for on Januar~ 26, 1945.
G S k ••
' '"
with services at 8.30 A. M. and 11
. . '
a half-million. Mr. Shand, the former owner of the site, th . Sa n ola
sold his house and land for about $40,000. The Borough's his actiVities, and Machiavelli, of Philadelphia, t'O Whom he has the meaning a~d, observance of Fifteen Years Ago T~ls Week
,the meeting. Mrs. Harry Butin of Ave.
fo:m:;e~ho V::a: pu't ~o death for Dean is employed by Budd Co., Merion, will deliver an address' on . + + +. ues 0
pea er
, •
A. M., whIch WIIJ mclude he sacra-
ment of baptism, and the reception
(-Continued on Page Tello)
l'ecent purchase of the Muller residence was also an index famed olitical hiloso her ' " Passover, and Will have on display The Narberth Public School and Mrs. WIlham H. Belster, JI., of
. I., too h' h p p p. aSSigned ~a:ent rights. HIS shock a traditional Passover Seder table. St. Margaret's Parochial School, Drexel Hill, treasurer of Delaware, •
of. intrinsic Iand value. Tha t vaI ue IS u.y no means 19 absorber IS. In current use on cars Officers will be elected from the closed by a measles epidemic since County, wlll be guest speaker at Narberth Girl Scouts
for the kind of multiple-family construction that eould come Narberth of the Florld,a East Coast Railroad slate presented by the nominating March 19, reopened on Wednesday. the meeting of the Main Line Sor- T R
° Badges
to pass all along the avenue.
+ + otes L M · · C 'Zl D ·
' and also of the Chesapeake &: Ohio. committee at the March meeting. The Narberth Choral Society an- optimist Club, Wednesday, April 13 0
nounced that it would present a in the Haverford Court Hotel. Eleven members of Narberth Girl
And after a speH of living in all apartment, the new S h I N C 00
ower erton a s tSCUSS concert. Violin selections were to Mrs. Beister, in addition to be- Scout Troop have completed the
be presented by Eleanor D. New- ing the first woman treasurer in requirements for scout badges, it
• family, when the pay envelope gets fatter, should get them-
man's feet should be on kis own land,
Th row 'Re '"tc f B arbartsm'
On Friday, March 25th, in the
. 0
ton and piano solos by Margaret the history of Delaw,are County, was announced yesterday by the
Squier. A male quartet, including has held many. important offices, troop leader, Mrs. Frank Denll¥..
selves a house, for a auditorium, Mrs. C. Brenner pre- Robert J. McClelland, Henry P. locally and nationally. She heads They are Carol Eby and Jill
and tJhere's no real substitute for it. sented a very interesting program. 'Branding discus and javelin "This is the second incident of Carr L. Sarle Brown and J. Til- the Speakers Bureau of the Red Paden, who are eligible to receive
-THE :SPECTATOR. The theme of the performance was thr~ws ,~s "dangerous. relics of bar- this sort on our field," Superinten- bury: was to sing. Cross, served as co"ch~irman of the their Child Care Badge; Helen
"Stop the Music." Thil> program barlsm, Lower Merion Township dent of Schools Frank A. Dubois Voting registration showed 2456 Greater Philadelphia Committee of Dwyer, Carol Eby and Margaret
_ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - " - - - - - - - - .- - - consisted of many talented people school offiCials this Tuesday drop- said yesterday, "and it's time to Republicans and 384 Democrats in the Emergency Food Collection for McGinn, Cooking Badge; Bonny
·d t t R ece.ve
· and was a total success. ped both events from the school stop it. Both the discus and javelin the Borough. Europe, was a member of the Upper Boardman, June Cotter, Helen
N ar berth R eSt en S 0 During the week of March 28 the track sch~dule.
Narberth students adjourned to The action followed an accident in inexperienced hands."
are dangerous pieces of equipment Winthrop Derby, of Narberth, Darby School Board and is past Dwyer, Carol Eby, M:argaret Mc-
was told by letter from the Health national president of the American Ginn, Jill Peden. Shlrl~y Powell
Free Chest' X-Rays Soon , .
their homes to spend Thursday and Monday afternoon. in which Fritz Stating that both throws are ac- Officer that 13 dogs in his house Legion Auxiliar~.
Friday v,acationing. These two days Bre.nnan~ popular Ime coach at t~e tually "relics of barbarism," Dubois were too many. Derby replied in-
and Janet Sherwood, Sewing Badge.

.. ~ryn Ma~r and Penn Wyn?e who unknowmgl~ ha~bor the were given off 'for the annual semor hl~h school, .was str~ck.m pointed out that neither is used in dignantly he owned only four.
reSidents Will be first on the bst germs, and by dIscovering theae Schoolman's Week. the le!t Jaw by a dISCUS whIle m- the Philadelphia public or parochial "What do yoU call those nine other
Count·" Ma'" Get Another Judge
when the mass chest X-ray survey unsuspected cases, it ,,is asserted, Forty of the N. P. S. pupils took structlng five trackmen in 'the art schools or in suburban parochial furr;y
. of Lower Merion ~nd Narb~rth th.e efforts to wipe out tuberculosis a trip to Town Hall to be enter- of discus throwing. and private schools.
~keci the Health Officer. "Pups,"
aseO rp hans ' C t. B urd en
gets under way AprJi 19. Stations WIll be furthered tained by a magic show. They con~ Brennan, who only last week was H "t l' . Derby replied. He finally agreed to '
will' be set up in other locations as The X-ray machine enables phy- sidered the trip worthwhile and all appointed assistant track coach, f ~ saId I Mwo~ d, shll be. pOSSIble get rid of all but two. Montgomery County may obtain of the Orphans' Court, thus reheV-
the drive progresses. Merion, Ard- sicians to detect tuberculosis in its had a nice time sUffered a double fracture of the or t ow~rh erJon to Win tra~k .In a quarter-page advertisement an additional J'udge much sooner ing the burden on President Judge
more, N arbertrJ, .. GI adwyne, W est eariy t sages 1ong be fore the fi l'S t ' The Sun DIal . ' WIll . present an- l Owet>'Jaw wh en one 0 f th e stu d ents mee. s WIt
Ch It out'h the two throws 'Carroll Clt- Brothers of Haverford' th t f't ·u t d J . Burne tt H 0 II an d.
Manayunk and Bala-Cynwyd will recognizab~e symptoms appear.. other issue of their paper in a few stationed. ml?re t?~n 100 fe:t aw~ m~ e en am as an exampl~. Ave,; offered: ripe bananas, 19 all ~os 0' I, S CI zen~ ex?ec e, After Senator ~ood's bill cl,eau
follow in that order. Films wJil be read by physiCians weeks. It will be theil' April Mition. ~s a retl'l~ver, miSJudged his throw a dC~elte?ham dropped the d~~cus cents a dozen, and shoulder of lamb follow1J1g the mtrod~chon m t~e the ~enate JudICIary Commltt~"
.' The schedUle calls for complete at the Bryn Mawr Hospital and We all know it will be enjoyed 10 returnmg the fiat, rourtd disc n. J~ve~n ~~veral ~ears ago, he 18 cents a pound. State Senate on Api'll 5 of a bIll and IS approved by the Senate It
coverage of the Township and Bor- confidential reports will bemailedbYall.to.thestartingcircle..s~~d... anshlwontheChamplon-+++.thatwouldcreatea~add.ltion~1 will go. to t~e ~ouse Whic~ must
, ,\gh of Narberth by May 30. Ever;y to each person X-rayed. In all but The coach had turned his head Sip. . Common Pleas Court Judge m thIS concur m legIslatIOn to pr~vlde the
:/erson 15 years of age and over a slight percentage of cases, the " t o explain a technical point to one He said that the discus throw Ten Years Ago ThiS Week County. additional judge here.
will get a free chest check and readings are expected to show Ala.! and
Boys ClTls of the students when the discus had been part of Lower Merion's Franklin C. Hutchinson, a 20- The bill was introduced by State Senator Wood's proposal embod-
preparations are being made to healthy chests. 0 ~" M G" U S h I edge struck him full force in 'the program for the past 15 or 20 year resident, became a member of Senator Lloyd Wood ,and resulted ies the recommendation of a panel
., handle 30,000 persons in these mu- The 1S-year age limit has been asf Il1e II C 00 left jaw, according to head track years, while the javelin was the Narberth Council, succeeding from the direct action taken by of possibly five names of Montgom-
nicipallties. ' set because persons under that age D ," ,°.J
g Il' t' H ays ' coach John Marzucco. brought in about ten yeats ago, William H. Fretz who had died. the Bar Association, of which 'u.il- ery County attorneys to Governor
X-ray units provided by the State rarely are victims of pulmonary a In, e.QI er 0 la, " Taken to Bryn Mawr Hospital in and that fewer than a dozen boys It was announced that Miss liam F. Fox is the President. "the Duff. The Governor, in turn, would
"Department of Health, Bureau of tuberculosis. There il no limit above Our new' reporter phoned in a police ambulance, Brennan was went out for the two throws. Janet Bogue would marry George Association, at a meeting on March probably select from this·group the
Tuberculosis ContrOl, will be set up that age, however., a very surprising story yester- X-rayed for his injurlel? and later T.he track will stlIl include the S. Trimble on April 15. 14 last, unanimously adopted a fifth judge for the Montgomery
in the public schools of the Lower Luther Parsons, who lives at the day. removed to Hahnemann Hospital, varIous races, such as 100-yard and First honors for the semester in resolution asking appointment of County (38th Judicial) District.
• :'1:erion districts and all who live, Knox Home, Ardmore, has asked He said that boys and girls Philll,delphia, where the school's 2oo~y.ard dashes, mile relay, mile the eighth grade of Narberth Pub- an additional Orphans' Court The Bar Association's resolution
, fork or attend schools in these dis- to be the first to get a chest B-ray. throughout the local area were football team physician, Dr. Wil- IndIVidual and quarter-mile races; lIc School were won by Thomas Judge. asking the creation of another
'. "rlcts are expected to participate. He will be 92 this spring. quite disturbed because they liam L. Martin, is chief surgeon. the broad jump, high jump and Butler, John Gorman, Robert Mil- The Bar Committee has been de- Montgomery County judge was the
,.n Narberth, the station wIll be in The s~rvey is sponsored by tlte will be forced to stay home Brennan returned Tuesday to his cross-country. ler, Neil Moxon, Mabelle Adams, scribed as being "satisfied" with a first affirmative action taken in
the Community Building. CommunIty Health and Civic As- from school' a few days for the home at 5137 Cedar Ave., Philadel- Concurring in the decisiol'l to Mary Clive Bates, Jane Bennett, compromise arrangement, although that direction, although the ques-
.. The hours will be from 2 1;0 5 in sociation. Among those cooperating Easter holidays.' phia. He is reported in good aondi- stop the discus and javelin throws Virginia Durbin, Phoebe Jane the Bar Association has asked for tion of help for Judge Holland had
the afternoons and from 'f to 9 in are the Boards of Health of Lower He said he hali talked to the tion. were DUbois, Marzucco, George H. Ezickson, June Heller, Lois the additional Orphans' Court been discussed for some time.
'the evenings. . Merion and Narbert~, the Mont- boys, and girls and ,that they Monday's accident was the second Gilbert, senior high school prin- SchenCk and Carol Schrodel·. Judge. Copies of the resolution had
Both Lower Merion Township gomery ~ounty M~dIcal Associa- had said they would much In a period of six years In which a cipal, and Vincent V. Pearce, high Rachel Bully Trunk, of Merion, The compromIse effects a· coop- been sent to State Senator Wood
and the Borough of Narberth have tlon and ItS Main Line Branch and rather be in school than out Lower Merion coach was struck school athletic director and as- "well-known Main Line portrait erative al'l'angemel1t whereby the and the five County Assemblymen•
• Ir.~ued proclamations urging the th~ Mon~gome~ County Tubercu- playing games, going on trips" by a discus. In 1943, Albe,rt Adam, slstant principal. painter," talked briefly to members newly appointed Common Pleas It was pointed out that the Or-
;. ':I1Ic to cooperate. " losls and Pubhc Health Society. hav1pg dates, or "just resting." former football and track coach, Before coming to Lower, Merion of the Junior Women's ClUb, of Court judge will assist with the phans' Court work In Montgomery
.The survey is part of a Mtion- The cost will be met chiefly from Something. tells us we had was hit in the rIght jaw. His jaW two years ago, Brennan was line Bala-Cynwyd. Mrs. James Bricker, work of the Orphans' Court. Fifty County Is gr.e ater than that of any.
Wide move to eradicate tuberculo- the fU1'ld raised annually tMoulh; better get a new reporter 110 was also broken and he lost anum- coach at West Catholic HigbSehool of Grayling Ave" was chairman of percent of the new judge's time is other ~h:ird-"lass Count&' it\ N\e
sis. Inlee~lon is llpread bN peHOftII the I8Ie of Ohl'istmas Sealll. Hplael 0Uf! ,Ilew NPone.. , 81' of teeH1. tor JnlUl!V' )lears. tofte AiIt .DepM'tment of tile group. expeeted to be devoted 110 1lhe c:tu4li .s~at".

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