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Pekudei – Accounts of.

Ex. 38:21 – 40:38.

I. This week’s Torah study begins rather quickly to the initiated,

slamming us headfirst into one of the Key Thematic facets of the multi-
dimensional Redemption Plan! What is it? The word is in the title – paqad.
Unleash the hounds!

Ex. 38:21 This is the sum of the tabernacle, [even] of the tabernacle of
testimony, as it was counted, according to the commandment of
Moses, [for] the service of the Levites, by the hand of Ithamar, son to
Aaron the priest.

‫ֵאֶּלה ְפקּוֵדי‬
The phrase, ‘this is the sum’ is written: Elleh Pekudei.
Although in its pronoun form, #428 elleh means ‘these’ it can be used as a
noun to mean, an obligation by oath to bless or curse, a terebinth, or long-
lived tree, the root of which is EL, Aleph – Lamed, (the Aleph means ‘I will’
bring – Lamed, ‘the teacher’) strong, mighty, etc. The gematria of Elleh,
(Aleph-1, Lamed-30, Hey-5 = 36) the same as Ohel, another word for
Tabernacle or tent.

The word Elleh then, infers an obligation by oath, at which the Terebinth
Tree was planted, to bring us to the Teacher! The word that follows, ‘paqad’,
enables us to draw further conclusions that cannot be arrived at with its
English counterpart – ‘Sum’.

• Sum, #6485, ‫ פקד‬paqad, as a verb, it means to attend, to visit, to search

out, also to number, choose, to appoint, muster, number.

The importance of this word cannot be overlooked, as it is associated with a

specific gate and place connected with the Temple. It is mentioned in several
places – specifically, Neh. 3: 31 where it is repaired by those returning from
Babylonian Captivity. Interesting, since Yahshua is executed outside this gate
perhaps, this is a shadow picture we need to explore?
After him repaired Malchiah the goldsmith's son unto the place of the
Nethinims, and of the merchants, over against the gate Miphkad, and
to the going up of the corner.

Let’s break the KJV down word by word, to see what is truly hidden in this

• After, #310, ‫' אחר‬achar, rendered, the hinder, what comes after, its’
root is Aleph-Chet, Ach, meaning brother. The Resh appended – infers the
head or chief one. Thus, the expanded def. is: The Brother – The Chief One
who comes after…

The personal pronoun, ‘him’ refers to the one mentioned above, Meshullam,
#4938, meaning friend. The root is Shalom, Peace, The Mem inferring ‘out
of, from’. The Friend who is the Source of Peace!
• Repaired, #2388, ‫ חזק‬chazaq, to be bold or strong. The root, Chet-Zayin
means, to see, it is a verb that means literally, to observe something. The Qoph
represents the Back of the Head and is a picture of the Back-Parts of YHVH
seen by Moshe! Seeing the Torah in action makes one strong!

What we see here is exactly as seen in Ex. 33:23 where Moshe asks to see the
Glory of YHVH. He is told he can ‘see’#7200, ra’ah, to see, perceive,
understand, it also means to see an exhibition – demonstration! Moshe saw the
Word in action! The Torah scroll of Messiah! This helps us to understand the
phrase, “By His stripes, #2250, ‫חבורה‬, chabbuwrah, the mark of strokes on
the skin, from #2266, chabar, to bind together, to unite, to join – it also
conveys the idea of being composed – I.E. ‘written’. Healed, #7495,
‫ רפא‬rapha', healed, made healthful, this word can also mean, to repair, to sew,
to patch up. This means more than just healing from the physical ‘stripes’
from scourging. It encompasses the SEWING TOGETHER OF THE TORAH
• Malchiah, #4441, ‫ מלכיה‬Malkiyah, it is defined as a proper name for
Melchizedek – The King of Righteousness. The root is Malak – king, the Yod
suffix = my, the ‘ah’ suffix here indicates the poetic short form of Yahweh.
Thus, it is ‘My King is YHVH’.
• Goldsmith, #6885, ‫ צרפי‬Tsorĕphiy, rendered ‘goldsmith’, it has a far
deeper Hebrew meaning: The root is tsaraph, to smelt, refine, test. It can also
mean to purify by burning. It carries the idea of joining, combining in the
process, thus uniting something in the process of burning! HMMM? What
was united, joined at this gate during the burning of the Red Heifer Sacrifice?
The Bride and Groom who had been estranged from each other!
• Son, #1121, ‫ בן‬ben, Son, to begin to build a family name.
• Place, #1004, ‫ בית‬bayith, house, dwelling, family.
• Nethinims, #5411, ‫ נתין‬Nathiyn, temple slave, belonging to the Temple,
from 5414, natan, to give, bestow, grant, consecrate. The root, Nun-Tav,
conveys the idea of a tracker, one who traces/outlines the way! Our last Torah
portion dealt with 2 groups, those with a willing heart – givers & those who
were wise hearted – those given!
• Merchants, #7402, ‫ רכל‬rakal, to sell merchandise, to trade, to traffic. It
can mean to go about from place to place, inferring ‘to slander, gossip’.
• Gate, #8179, ‫ שער‬sha`ar, gate, entrance, its’ cognates reveal, to cleave,
divide, hair, to sweep away, horrid, disagreeable. Also, to reckon, calculate,
measure as in setting a price. The root, Ayin-Resh means enemy, foe, wakeful.
While the Shin represents what consumes, I.E. ‘fire’. What comes in the gate
can divide, setting a disagreeable price for those who are not awake to the
enemy who consumes like fire!
• Miphkad, #4663, ‫ מפקד‬Miphqad, translated as ‘command’, to number,
count. To take a census. The Mem prefixed means, ‘from, out of, the place of
• Up, #5944, ‫` עליה‬aliyah, roof-chamber, to ascend, go up. Many are
called, few chosen. Pagad is where we get our English word, “picked”, chosen!
• Corner, #6438, ‫ פנה‬pinnah, to turn, corner. It is cognate with Panah, to
turn as the Face! In front of.

Since we’ve learned the Tabernacle is designed in the form of a Man, who like
Adam, would produce the Bride and die for her, we’re being told here in Ex.
38: 21, the summation – paqad, calculating, purpose for numbering, reason
for taking a census of each item of the Tabernacle would serve to remind us…

Not only do we have an obligation, by oath, at which ‘the’ Terebinth Tree was
planted, but…
Our expanded definition tells us far more – “The Brother, the Chief One who
comes after, is the Friend who is the Source of Peace! The Strong One, the
Torah in action, seen by Moshe, the King of Righteousness, whose King is
YHVH. He is the One purified by Burning – uniting in the Process – both Son
and House. He becomes the Way for those in service to the Tabernacle,
trading Himself, becoming slandered at the gate, fulfilling a horrid
disagreeable price for those who would have been consumed by the fire.
Numbering them, He carries them, lifting them up before the Face of

The Temple Gold & Silver Shekel.

Ex. 38: 22-24.

II. The next thing we notice is a parenthetical phrase where we’re told
Bezaleel and Aholiab made all that required blue, purple, scarlet, fine
linen and gold.

• Bezaleel, #1212, ‫ בצלאל‬Bĕtsal'el, Strong’s has it, ‘in the shadow

(protection) of El. However, the root is #6754, tselem, image, likeness.
The Bet prefix = in, His Name meant, ‘In the Image’ and he made,
asah, created, thus, he is a picture of Messiah, who would Create in
the Image, semblance, like manner, as YHVH. JN. 1: 1-3. Bezaleel
has a gematria of 153, the same as B’nei Elohiym, The Sons of
Elohiym. The same also as the number of fish caught by Yahshua’s
• Aholiab, #171, ‫' אהליאב‬Oholiy'ab, ohel, tent, - ab, father. My fathers’
tent. Tent is a Euphemism for Bride. I believe this persons’ name
represents the Bride! Aholiab would be an engraver, workman, and
embroiderer. Aholiab, gematria of 49, the number of Jubilee –
• Engraver, #2796, ‫ חרש‬charash, to engrave, to be dumb, deaf, silent.
• Cunning Workman, #2803, ‫ חשב‬chashab, to plan, calculate, count, to
esteem, value.
• Embroiderer, #7551, ‫ רקם‬raqam, to variegate, mix colours, skillfully
wrought, to be formed, shaped.
This is a Last Day picture of the Bride, who with the Word/Messiah, after
having been dumb, deaf and silent for a time, would again be engraved with
the Word, esteemed worthy to be skillfully adorned with the Coat of Colors!

The next verse, verse 24, has some interesting twists to the Hebrew language.
All the gold that was occupied for the work in all the work of the holy
[place]… *Note, gold is associated with righteousness. Also, there is a
repeated word in the Hebrew, not really understood properly in the KJV,
which uses the English word, ‘work’. Let’s examine them.

• Work, #4399, ‫ מלאכה‬mĕla'kah, translated, ‘work’, property, a

mission. However, Ezra 10:13 employs the word in connection
with divorcing a foreign wife. The word foreign is translated,
‘strange’ in the KJV, from #5237, nokriy, meaning an unknown
or harlot wife. Thus, the gold was used in the mission of dealing
with the divorce of the Harlot Bride (Gen. 3:24)! It represents the
Person of Messiah, whose righteousness is imputed to us! Gold,
zahav, zeh-av – the Father’s Lamb, or the Lamb of the Bet, house!

This is followed by the description of the silver ½ shekels used as the

redemption price for every man of Israel. Ex. 30:15, 16 mentions this shekel as
the atonement price. The word for atonement in both places is spelled with the
same consonants, just a variation of the vowel points. Kaphar, and Kippur,
both meaning to cover, to atone. The Gematria of these words is 300 a perfect
prime number meaning to ransom, forgive, also uncircumcised, and of course,
pomegranates. In our previous Torah portion, we noted the Testing process
the Bride went through which would expose the fearful, those with a willing
heart and finally, the Wise Hearted. This reminded us of Gideon’s’ army
being tested by YHVH in Judges 7: 5-10.

Vs. 5. Every one that lappeth of the water with his tongue, as a dog
lappeth, him shalt thou set by himself; likewise every one that boweth
down upon his knees to drink.

• Lappeth, #3952, laqaq, to lap, lick, to receive, to take in, to get, to

gather. Water, mayim (living water).
• Dog, #3611, kelev, dog, but the translation is corrupt. Kaf = like,
for, from, while lev = heart, thus, from the heart, like the heart of
Yah. This test further separated the camp. The fearful had
already been sent away. Now the willing hearted are being
separated from the Wise hearted! This could read, Everyone that
takes in, receives, the living water, upon his tongue, will be from
the heart.

Vs. 10 mentions Gideon, #1439, to smite, hew and his armor bearer, Purah,
#6513, spelled the same as Parah – Heifer, the (Red) Heifer sacrifice at the
Gate of Miphkad, numbering. This testing determined the NUMBER OF
THE REMNANT who would fight Midian, which has the same root as
Madon, strife, also a quarrel that cannot be stopped once it starts! This is the
picture of today’s teaching! The Quarrel between YHVH and His Adulterous
Bride could not be stopped, it required her death! Thus, Messiah takes the
penalty, becoming the Red Heifer offering at the Miphkad gate where the
Census of the Half-Shekel would be taken before anyone was allowed into the
Tabernacle! 300 is the number seen in Gen. 6: 14, 15, where the Ark is pitched
– Kaphar, covered, atoned. Remember its’ dimensions? 300 x 50 x 30(this was
the 50th jubilee when Moshe came down the 2nd time off of Mt. Sinai. 30 is the
number of the Lamed, the Shepherd’s staff, which urges and lamad, which
means to teach. The Sages teach the number 300 here refers us to the Golden
Calf incident where Israel plays the harlot and is made to drink of the bitter
waters. Yahshua takes that penalty upon himself becoming the Red Heifer

According to Torah an omer, as in ‘counting the omer’ is worth ½ shekel, thus

from Pesach, to Shavuot, 50 days, a jubilee, involves the counting of the
jubilee(s) until the Emancipation Document – Wedding Contract – is read!
We are upon another jubilee, the 120th (120 x 50 =6000) and once again, will
be presented with this document at Sinai!

By the way, Omer also is spelled with the same consonants as amar; to speak,
tell, declare. Thus, when we bring the ½ shekel – omer, to the Tabernacle, we
bring the ability to speak, tell, declare, MAKE, CREATE, that will affect our
own release from the CURSE!

The root of Gideon is gada, to cut off, while Purah represents the Heifer
(Parah) who, like Messiah demonstrates a cutting off, circumcision leaving a
remnant who will stop the quarrel – the Breach between YHVH and His
Bride. Is. 58:12b …thou shalt be called, The repairer of the breach, The
restorer of paths to dwell in.
• Repairer, #1443, ‫ גדר‬gadar, one who walls off, restores, related to
the root of Gideon!
• Restorer, #7725, ‫ שוב‬shuwb, to return, repair, bring back. As in
Returning to Torah!
• Paths, #5410, ‫ נתיב‬nathiyb, path, pathway, one who travels a
pathway. *NOTE! We saw Nathiyn above. The People given to the
Tabernacle whose place were at the Miphqad gate!
• Dwell, #3427, ‫ ישב‬yashab, to dwell with, to marry. The Yod prefix
indicates, future tense ‘I will’, while Shin-Bet, means return.

Those who bring the ½ shekel of redemption become a picture of those ‘Wise-
Hearted’ who understand the price of their ransom. Themselves becoming,
like Gideon, part of the remnant who returns to Torah, repairing the breach
of promise between themselves and their husband. They become those ‘given’
– Nethinim, to the Tabernacle – wholly committed to the Marriage and the
task of bringing others in.

As we count the Omer, we are changed from those who were quarreling with
YHVH and thus are fearful and sent home, to those who being redeemed have
a willing heart, and finally, as we mature we bring our ½ shekel, 1 omer, 7
pints, 1/10 of an ephah (70 pints) representing all 70 of the House of Israel!
Thus, building and furnishing the Tabernacle of YHVH!

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