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Hi Mark,

Thanks a lot for your last letter and also for your invitation. Sadly, I can’t come to your farm in
summer because of my new job. Nevertheless, I will do my best to see you as soon as possible.

As it is known, I moved to a new house six months ago and after all this time I still haven’t get used to
live there.

I have met new people from the neighbourhood and I must say that they are fine. After I got my new
job, as a software developer, I usually get up at 8 o’clock and went to work. I definitely like my new
job. Everything is so comfortable and at the same time so exciting, not like my last year’s job. Then
when I finish I often go to the cinema with John, a friend of mine that we have met when I have
moved to my house. He actually lives in the house next to mine, so we are neighbours. In the
evening, I’m used to relax after the long day, so I listen to music or read books before I go to bed.

Anyway, I must go now, as it’s getting late. I want to start a healthier life so tomorrow I will get up
earlier so I can go jogging before work. Can’t wait to hear from you.

All the best


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