Habits & Normality

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1.2 Habits 3 normality | Example___—— _Use a arly 80 | don't find it citfcuy Expressions + -inginoun —— 1m used to getting UP & * Use be used fo + -inginoun to talk about situations which are familiar to or normal for someone and which they therefore do not find strange or difficult Use get used fo + -inginoun to talk about situations becoming familiar or normal after at first being strange or difficult Use belget accustomed to + -inginoun with the same meanings as be/get used to but used ina more formal context Expressions + -ing Use have a habit of + -ing to talk about things that People often do, especially when these things are considered bad Use be always + -ing as an emphatic exclamation to Gescribe habits causing annoyance or surprise Expressions + infinitive (with to) Use fend + infinitive (with to) to talk about things that People usually do or that usually happen or are true Use have a tendency + infinitive (with fo) with the same meaning as tend; often used when the speaker disapproves of or dislikes something Expressions + infinitive (without to) Use would + infinitive (without to) to talk about things that happened repeatedly in the past > note: used fo also expresses this idea. in a hot COUNTY 80 he hag ‘fused (0 living il Keith wasn't ust at first few problems In tapan Maddy got a Don't worry, you'll get Us cites got accustomed t9 working forg Eventue large organization. 1d to different kinds of foog 3d to travelling long Im atraid | have a habit of forgetting people's names m top. " ‘s complaining! Please st Dove wee aay talking about very strange things! The weather tends to be quite mild at this time of yea, We tend to have dinner at about 7. Tom has a tendency to blame other people for his own mistakes. | When I was young, my father would tell me stories before I went to sleep. -- my father used to tell me stories . Adjectives used to talk about habits and normality typical being a very good example of something because of | having its most usual qualities | everyday | happening regularly or every day and therefore not unusual or special | frequentiregutar happening or done often common usual or familiar; happening or found often and in many places usual that happens or is true on most occasions average normal statistically normal being what people expect or consider usual; not strange 6 UNITT What's a typical dish from this country? J want to find out is like, whal everyday life in that country He makes fret juent visit Are yas eauent visits to the doctor, ‘ular vitor to this country? Hats ike that are quite common in this region, Lessons will start at the Usual time, What's tt he average income for People in this country? Although She's ast orm ie," SSP Says that she leads g ordinary riot unusual, special or different unusual not happening, done or true usually; different from what is normal and therefore strange rare = very unusual > note: You can use it + be + adjective + for + object + infinitive (with fo) with usual, unusual, common, normal and rare. In this pattern, do not use fypical for. Instead, say typical of. I'm going to buy an ordinary CD player that doesn't cost very much, He has an unusual approach to his work. Snow is rare in this country. t's usual for rain to fall in April. It’s very unusual for Joe to be late. It's common for families to eat together Is it normal for trains to run on time here? It's rare for me to have a lot of free time. It's typical of him to get angry if he loses a game. EY Rewrite these sentences using the word in brackets. 1 Lusually have more energy in the morning. (tend) 2 You criticize other people too often! (always) 4. She used to feel exhausted at the end of every day. (would) 5 Ken found it strange to be so poor. (used) 6 Ihaver't driven this 7 Frank doesn't usually tell ies. (tends) of car before. (accustomed) 8 an finds it normal now to sort out other people's problems for them. (used) 9 Asa child, he played some kind of sport every day. (would) 10 Zoe often makes jokes about her problems. (habit) EE] Read this beginning of a novel and underline the CO! Ren My Neighbourho (Geum for thie neighbours to nar ous arguments af Fea out. occurrence in my neighbourhood. I's full of help we viships are very 7 COMAB!2 erage, ng fi aa 2 usual{SEBIREEPpcople doing the 3 Gray stron rear, there’s very little fordinary yeat general things that people do— getting up, ‘Inthe —_ from the police are not very going to work, and then going home again. ing lasts forever, They ksh ce Disc = BB BPS . ; about to find out the weather and their illnesses, and the as we were ee een a government is another 5 (JBIGBVaverage subject {ONMBEallcomm uly remarkable did happen. ry 6 Remarkable events are not a 1 jordinary very crime and vis Tr started as a of conversation. If someone has a problem, it’s i word given. [Fi Complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first, using the gi 1 People quite often arrive late. (common) tis. ssceseineteneeeesesesee OFfve lat 2 Harriet often says things that annoy other people. (habit) Harriet things that annoy other people. 3. I don't find it strange to travel all the time any more. (go!) an evn al the tm, 4 Tell me, do people usually wait patiently in queues in Britain? (usual) Tell me, cant to wait patiently in queues in Britain? 5 think shell always find it strange to work as part of a team. (get) | don't think she'll... sossmuntiscaneeann @8 part of @ team, 6 In fact, I dont usually get as many presents as this. (normal) In fact, its ~ 10 get as many presents as this, 7 In my experience, Noe! doesn't usually lose his temper ke that (rare) In my experience, ‘0 lose his temper lke that. 8 Hard work is a new experience for George. (used) George .. hard, 9 Reg often panics when there's a problem of any kind. tendency) Reg... when there's a problem of any kind, 10 sudy ways found det 0 Give peopl th sack in ero, (soy nan Poop the Sack in her job job. 8 UNIT 1

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