Annals of Nuclear Energy: Bo Pang, Yuan Yin

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Annals of Nuclear Energy 143 (2020) 107454

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Development of a dimensionless rod-bundle CHF correlation based on

stepwise regression method, Part I: determination of the basic form with
CHF data obtained with uniform axial heat flux profile
Bo Pang a,b, Yuan Yin a,b,⇑
Department of Nuclear Science and Technology, College of Physics and Optoelectronic Engineering, Shenzhen University (SZU), Nanhai Avenue 3688, 518060 Shenzhen, PR China
Institute of Nuclear Power Operation Safety Technology, affiliated to the National Energy R & D Center on Nuclear Power Operation and Life Management, Shenzhen, PR China

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Accurate prediction of rod-bundle critical heat flux (CHF) is a main challenge in thermal-hydraulic design
Received 19 March 2019 and safety assessment of Pressurized Water Reactor (PWR). The most widely applied approach is empir-
Received in revised form 12 February 2020 ical correlation developed based on rod-bundle experiments carefully tested with geometry and power
Accepted 5 March 2020
distribution representative to PWR working conditions. The standard procedure is to correlate the exper-
imentally obtained CHF values as empirical functions of local thermal-hydraulic conditions obtained with
subchannel analysis. However, up-to-date empirical correlations developed according to this manner are
in general quite complicated with a number of dimensional coefficients and correction factors with less
Dimensionless rod-bundle CHF correlation
Stepwise regression
or non-physical meanings. In this study, stepwise regression method was used to develop a novel, dimen-
sionless rod-bundle CHF correlation covering typical PWR working conditions. First, various dimension-
less parameters affecting CHF were selected as candidate independent variables. With stepwise
regression, the form and coefficients of the proposed CHF correlation were dynamically optimized and
Ó 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction the heat transfer ability. In a system where the heat flux is con-
trolled, e.g. nuclear reactors, a rapid excursion of the heated wall,
Subcooled or low-quality forced nucleate boiling is utilized in i.e. the fuel rod cladding temperature will take place, which might
the PWR reactor design mainly due to its simultaneous high heat endanger the fuel rod integrity (Cheng, 2005). Consequently, criti-
flux and high heat transfer coefficient. However, the nucleate boil- cal heat flux is one of the parameters that limit the maximum
ing heat flux is limited by the so-called critical heat flux (CHF), power at which nuclear reactor can operate. Therefore, an accurate
which is defined as the heat flux occurring just before a change prediction of CHF is a subject of vital importance for thermal
of boiling heat transfer mode (boiling crisis) (Tong and Hewitt, hydraulic design and safety assessment of a PWR reactor.
1972). The mechanism leading to the change of the boiling heat Despite of continuous progress in developing theoretical predic-
transfer model depends on the flow patterns (Tong and Hewitt, tive approaches, there are currently no fully verified analytical
1972; Cheng and Müller, 2003). In the high-quality boiling region, methods for the prediction of CHF in rod bundles. Therefore,
mostly where annular flow exists, the boiling crisis originates from state-of-the-art reactor design still relies mainly on empirical
depletion of the thin liquid film (dryout). In the subcooled or low- CHF correlations, which were carefully tested with experimental
quality boiling region, where bubbly or slug flow regime prevail, CHF data obtained under flow conditions representative to PWR
immediately after CHF has been reached, a transition of the boiling operation conditions (Tong and Weisman, 1996). The standard pro-
mode from nucleate boiling to film boiling occurs. This phe- cedure is to relate the measured CHF values with the local rod-
nomenon is hence also termed as departure from nucleate boiling bundle flow conditions at CHF location. Since measurement of
(DNB), which is normally associated with a severe deterioration of the local flow conditions at CHF location is practically impossible,
a subchannel analysis is hence required to analytically determine
these conditions, i.e. axial and radial mass flow rate and enthalpy
⇑ Corresponding author at:Department of Nuclear Science and Technology, distribution in the rod bundle. Consequently, CHF correlations
College of Physics and Optoelectronic Engineering, Shenzhen University (SZU),
developed in this manner must be used only with local flow data
Nanhai Avenue 3688, 518060 Shenzhen, PR China.
E-mail addresses: (B. Pang), (Y. Yin).
provided by the same subchannel analysis code when developing
0306-4549/Ó 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
2 B. Pang, Y. Yin / Annals of Nuclear Energy 143 (2020) 107454

the correlation. More importantly, most of the rod-bundle CHF cor- experimental data bank. The local thermal-hydraulic parameters
relations currently available in open literature, represented by the at CHF location were calculated in this study with the subchannel
W-3 correlation (Tong and Weisman, 1996) and the EPRI correla- analysis code COBRA-IV-I (Stewart et al., 1977). In order to build up
tion (Reddy and Fighetti, 1982a), have complex, non-linear mathe- the independent variables of the CHF correlation, dimensionless
matical forms with a number of dimensional coefficients and thermal-hydraulic flow parameters with rigid physical meanings
correction factors with less or non-physical meanings. which might affect the occurrence of departure form nucleate boil-
In our previous studies (Yin et al., 2018; Pang et al., 2019), step- ing in the convective two-phase boiling flow were selected. Fur-
wise regression method was successfully employed to develop a thermore, dimensionless parameters that have been used in
PWR rod-bundle CHF correlation applicable for low pressure con- literature for studying the two-phase flow boiling behavior were
ditions (2–10 MPa). The stepwise regression method is proven to also preferred.
be a useful tool to develop CHF correlation with simplified form
and simultaneously high prediction accuracy. In the current study,
2. Basic idea of the stepwise regression and the initial set of
stepwise regression method was applied to develop a new rod-
candidate independent variables
bundle CHF correlation covering the typical PWR working condi-
tions (10–16 MPa). Differing to the correlations current available
The specific steps and approaches of using stepwise regression
in open literature, represented by the Westinghouse W-3 correla-
method to develop a CHF correlation have been described in detail
tion (Tong and Weisman, 1996) and the EPRI correlation (Reddy
in previous studies (Yin et al., 2018; Pang et al., 2019), hence here
and Fighetti, 1982a), the rod-bundle CHF correlation developed
only the essential idea was briefly summarized. Stepwise regres-
in the current study consists of only dimensionless parameters,
sion is a mathematic approach of fitting regression models in
which characterize the local two-phase flow conditions in rod bun-
which the introduction of candidate independent variables into
dle with subchannel averaged flow parameters that are calculated
the regression model is carried out one by one in a dynamic man-
with a subchannel analysis code.
ner (Draper and Smith, 1981). After each step in which a variable is
The local flow conditions in a PWR fuel rod bundle depends
added to the regression model, all the existing variables in the
strongly on the effect of the lateral flow mixing between adjacent
model will be verified to check whether their significance has been
subchannels (Pang and Cheng, 2017) as well as on the effect of
reduced below a pre-specified tolerance level. If it is the case, this
radial heat flux distribution. The lateral interchannel mixing is con-
so-called non-significant variable will be eliminated from the
sidered as constitutive closure models in subchannel analysis code,
regression model. This process will be performed iteratively until
while the effect of the radial power gradient is also inherently eval-
neither independent variable is included in the regression equation
uated by the subchannel analysis. In a PWR fuel assembly, guide
nor is independent variable excluded from the regression equation,
tubes with unheated cold wall can also affect the CHF behavior.
so that an optimal final set of independent variables with corre-
It is normally agreed that the presence of an unheated rod leads
sponding fitting coefficients can be established. The characteristic
to a decrease of the CHF value (Tong and Tang, 1997). More impor-
advantage of the stepwise regression method lies in the filtering
tantly, the non-uniform axial heat flux profile plays also an impor-
of the independent variables in a dynamic manner, so that the
tant role when predicting the bundle CHF values (Rosal et al.,
collinearity problem can be largely prevented. Prior to discuss
1974). Therefore, a three-step methodology was proposed to
the initial set of candidate independent variables, a dimensionless
develop a rod-bundle CHF correlation applicable to PWR working
boiling number (Bo) was built according to:
 Step I: determination the basic form of the CHF correlation Bo ¼ ð1Þ
hfg G
based on experimental rod-bundle CHF data with uniform axial
heat flux profile and without unheated guide tubes. In this dimensionless number, the critical heat flux (q00CHF ) is
 Step II: the cold wall effect of the unheated guide tube will be non-dimensionalized with the mass velocity G in subchannel
captured with an additional term to the basic form developed where CHF occurs and the enthalpy of vaporization hfg . The boiling
in Step I, which will be obtained based on experimental CHF number Bo can be used in empirical treatment of flow boiling
data with uniform axial heat flux profile but with an unheated because it combines two important flow parameters, q00CHF and G,
rod in the bundle simulating the guide tube. for instance in the generalized correlation of critical heat flux in
 Step III: similarly, the effect of the non-uniform axial heat flux tubes by Katto and Ohno (1984). In the current study, it was also
profile will be described also with an additional term, which used as the dependent dimensionless variable for correlating the
is determined with CHF data with a non-uniform axial heat flux critical heat flux q00CHF .
shape but without unheated guide tube. In order to develop a CHF correlation with the stepwise regres-
sion method, an appropriate initial set of candidate independent
In the above methodology, the effect of the unheated guide tube variables must first be chosen. However, in a PWR rod bundle,
and the effect of the non-uniform heat flux profile will be studied the physical mechanisms leading to the occurrence of the depar-
in separated manner. However, in the actual fuel assembly design ture from nucleate boiling is still confusing due to the limited pos-
the effect of cold wall effect (due to unheated guide tube) and non- sibilities of measuring the two-phase flow behaviors in the near
uniform axial heat flux profile coexist and might interact with each wall region at high heat flux when approaching CHF (Tong and
other in a coupled manner. Assessment of the coupled effect Hewitt, 1972). Consequently, majorities of the proposed CHF
should be performed with test cases in which the effect of cold wall mechanisms are of postulation nature and are not fully verified
and non-uniform axial heat flux profile coexist. This part will be through direct observations (Tong and Tang, 1997). The best suc-
performed in the continuous study. The current paper describes cesses were obtained with the near wall bubble coalescence model
the development work of Step I, which lays the fundamental (Weismann and Pei, 1983) and the liquid sublayer dryout model
framework of developing a dimensionless rod-bundle CHF correla- (Lee and Mudawar, 1988). Accordingly, the process leading to the
tion with stepwise regression method. Selected rod-bundle CHF onset of DNB phenomenon on a heated surface could be summa-
data obtained at the Heat Transfer Research Facility (HTRF) of the rized as the following: during subcooled or low-quality boiling,
Columbia University and published by the Electric Power Research the bubbly layers builds up along the channel until it fills the
Institute (EPRI) (Reddy and Fighetti, 1982b), were used as region near the wall where the convective flow is unable to
B. Pang, Y. Yin / Annals of Nuclear Energy 143 (2020) 107454 3

transport bubbles rapidly. As a consequence, small bubbles begin where g stands for the gravitational acceleration and r stands
to merge and finally a vapor blanket is formed due to the bubble for the surface tension. Eötvös number Eo represents the ratio
coalescence, and a very thin liquid sublayer is trapped under the of gravitational (buoyancy) force scaler, represented by the term
vapor blanket. Under very high heat flux as typically present in a gðql  qg Þ) and capillary force scales (represented by r). Similar
PWR reactor core, this thin liquid sublayer will be rapidly evapo- to a tube flow, the length scale used in its definition is the
rated and a transition from nucleate boiling to film boiling occurs. hydraulic diameter of the subchannel Dhyd .
The near wall bubble coalescence model focuses mainly just before – and the Morton number Mo:
the formation of the vapor blanket, once a critical bubble coales-  
cence level has been reached, it is assumed that DNB occurs, while g ql  qg l4f
Mo ¼ ð4Þ
the liquid sublayer dryout model assumes that DNB occurs just q2f r3
after the vapor blanket is built. As point out by Tong and
Weisman (1996), both models show good accuracy in predicting The Morton number Mo is used together with the Eötvös num-
round tube DNB data, since the point of bubble coalescence and ber Eo to characterize the shape of bubbles or drops moving in a
the point of liquid sublayer dryout are quite close to each other. surrounding fluid or continuous phase. Therefore, the dynamic
Either way, in both phenomenological models, bubble generation viscosity lf and density qf of the liquid water are used in its
and bubble transport in the two-phase flow field of the rod bundle definition.
are the critical factors that might trigger the occurrence of DNB and – the liquid Froude number Fr,
hence affect CHF, i.e. if the generation of bubbles at the heated rod
surface is so intense that the bubbles cannot be effectively trans- G2
Fr ¼ ð5Þ
ported away by the convective flow, DNB might occur. g q2l Dhyd
Furthermore, in a PWR rod bundle, grid spacers are fixed
The liquid Froude number Fr represents a measure of inertial
through-out the entire heated core length with the basic purpose
forces and gravitational forces. Similar to the situation in a tube,
of maintaining relative position between rods (rod-to-rod clear-
the hydraulic diameter Dhyd of the subchannel is chosen as
ance). The presence of grid spacers increases the local flow resis-
length scale in its definition.– the Jacob number Ja:
tance (pressure drop). More importantly, grid spacers in a rod
bundle, especially those with mixing vanes, promote the local tur- cp;f DT
Ja ¼ ð6Þ
bulence level and interchannel mixing by effectively diverting flow hfg
from hot subchannels to cold subchannels and vice versa, thus
where cp;f stands for the specific heat capacity of the liquid
reducing the flow and enthalpy imbalance between subchannels.
water. In the current study, the temperature difference DT was
They also peel off the bubble layers created on the heated rod sur-
defined as the difference between the fuel rod cladding temper-
face to certain degree. The combined effect of the above two
ature and the saturation temperature at local pressure level.
actions leads to an increase of the CHF values just downstream
Jacob number Ja represents the ratio of the sensible heat for a
of a grid spacer.
given volume of liquid to heat or cool through the temperature
Based on the above discussion, the initial set of candidate inde-
difference DT in arriving to its saturation temperature (repre-
pendent variables of the CHF correlation can be categorized into
sented by the term cp;f DT), to the latent heat required in evapo-
three groups in the current study:
rating the same volume of vapor (represented by the enthalpy of
vaporization hfg ).
 Group I: local thermal-hydraulic flow parameters that might
affect the bubble generation and bubble transport in a convec- – the Reynolds number Re and
tive boiling two-phase flow. In order to enhance the physical GDhyd
Re ¼ ð7Þ
interpretability of the CHF correlation, dimensionless parame- lf
ters with rigid physical meanings were preferred. Furthermore,
established dimensionless parameters that have been used in where G is the mass velocity of the two-phase flow in subchan-
literature for studying the two-phase boiling behavior were also nel. Similar to a tube flow, hydraulic diameter of the subchannel
considered. In the current study, the following dimensionless Dhyd was chosen as the characteristic length. Furthermore, since
parameters were selected: the two-phase flow in the low-quality boiling range is still dom-
– The Lockhart-Martinelli parameter for turbulent-turbulent inated by the liquid phase, the dynamic viscosity of liquid water
flow Xtt defined as: lf was also chose when defining the Reynolds number.
– the Weber number We
 0:9 !0:5 !0:1
1x qg lf G2 Dhyd
Xtt ¼ ð2Þ We ¼ ð8Þ
x qf lg rqf
which is the ratio of the fluid inertia force to the surface tension
in which the subchannel steam quality x is inherently included.
force. Similar to the definition of Re, the density of liquid water
qg and qf stand for the density of steam and liquid water,
qf was used in We, since the liquid phase still dominates the
respectively. lg and lf are then the respective dynamic viscosity
two-phase flow in the range of low-quality boiling.
of steam and liquid water. Lockhart-Martinelli parameter Xtt is a  Group II: characteristic parameters accounting for the effect of
classic dimensionless parameter in two-phase flow study and is the grid spacers. In the current version of the COBRA-IV-I sub-
used for instance by Chen (1966) for developing empirical corre- channel code, the presence of grid spacers is described only
lation for heat transfer coefficient in convective nucleate boiling by an axial local pressure loss coefficient accounting for the
flow. increase of the local flow resistance (Stewart et al., 1977). The
– the Eötvös number Eo: variation of the local flow conditions in subchannel down-
  stream of a grid spacer due to enhanced interchannel mixing
g ql  qg D2hyd and peeling off the bubble layers is not properly represented.
Eo ¼ ð3Þ Consequently, dimensionless parameters characterizing the
4 B. Pang, Y. Yin / Annals of Nuclear Energy 143 (2020) 107454

effect of the grid spacers must also be included in the CHF cor- development of the CHF correlation due to their geometrical close-
relation. It is generally believed that the effect of the grid spacer ness to the fuel assembly design of advanced PWRs. Table 2 sum-
decreases rapidly as the flow goes downstream and away from marized the geometrical specifications of the test sections selected
the grid (Rosal et al., 1974). Therefore, the distance of the CHF in the current study, including the axial heated length Lh , rod outer
location to the last grid spacer upstream (term as dg ), as well diameter D, rod pitch P and distance between two neighboring
as the distance between two neighboring grid spacers (termed spacers g sp .
as g sp ) were chosen in this study. The hydraulic diameter of Fig. 1 shows the radial geometry of the test rod bundle, in which
the subchannel at CHF location (termed as Dhyd ) was used as ref- the numbering sequence of the 25 mock-up fuel rods is clockwise,
erence length, in order to build up the dimensionless distance starting at the upper left-hand corner. In all the 5 test section con-
dg =Dhyd and g sp =Dhyd . figurations, all the 25 mock-up rods have uniform axial heat flux
 Group III: ratios of physical properties of liquid water and steam distribution, while the radial heat flux distribution is non-
at saturation temperature, which accounts mainly for the effect uniform. The internal 9 rods, i.e. rod 17 to 25 were heated with a
of pressure on CHF. In the current study, the ratio of liquid vis- relative higher heat flux than the bundle average heat flux. Also
cosity to vapor viscosity lf =lg and the ratio of liquid density to show in the figures is the subdivision and numbering of the 36 sub-
vapor density qf =qg were considered. channels used in subchannel analysis in the current study. On each
of the mock-up rod, 4 CHF occurrence detecting thermal couples
were installed at the same axial elevation close to the outlet of
Table 1 summarizes then the initial set of independent variables
the bundle, with one thermal couple facing each of the 4 subchan-
and their respective relevance to the CHF in rod bundle based on
nels in contact with the mock-up fuel rod. In this manner, not only
the above discussion. The final choice of the independent variables
the rod number at CHF occurrence, but also the subchannel num-
was decided with stepwise regression, which will be discussed in
ber at CHF occurrence were detected and documented.
the subsequent section. All the local flow parameters at subchannel
As shown in Fig. 1, the 36 subchannels can be categorized into 2
where CHF occurs were calculated with subchannel analysis,
types: matrix subchannel surrounded by 4 heated rods and periph-
which will be also be discussed in the subsequent section.
eral subchannel, which is in contact to the unheated blanket wall
of the test rod bundle. Due to higher heat flux of the internal 9 rods,
3. Development of CHF correlation and results evaluation majority of the CHF occurrence was detected at the matrix sub-
channel. Test cases with CHF occurrence detected at the peripheral
3.1. Rod-bundle CHF data with axially uniform heat flux profile subchannel is not representative to PWR working conditions,
hence is not considered in correlation development in the current
The Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) published more study. Overall, 366 CHF test cases with uniform axial heat flux pro-
than 11000 CHF data obtained with 235 test section configurations file covering the PWR working conditions were selected. Table 3
covering a wide range of both BWR and PWR working conditions at summarizes the range of the exit pressure, bundle average inlet
the Heat Transfer Research Facility (HTRF) at Columbia University mass velocity and inlet equilibrium quality. Also included in Table 3
over a period of approximately 20 years (Reddy and Fighetti, are the range of the local subchannel flow conditions at CHF occur-
1982b). These CHF test data includes test section inlet mass veloc- rence, which were calculated with the subchannel code COBRA-IV-
ity, inlet temperature, outlet pressure (reference pressure), average I (Stewart et al., 1977). Details of the subchannel analysis will be
heat flux, CHF location as well as geometrical specification, radial described in the next subsection.
and axial heat flux profile, grid spacer arrangement and the corre-
sponding axial pressure loss coefficient. In this study, 5 test section
configurations of a 5  5 square rod bundle with rod outer diame- 3.2. Calculation of the local flow conditions at CHF occurrence with
ter of 9.5 mm and rod pitch of 12.6 mm were chosen for subchannel analysis

Since it is practically impossible to measure the local thermal-

Table 1
Summary of initial set of candidate independent variables for developing a rod- hydraulic conditions in subchannels of the rod bundle at CHF loca-
bundle CHF correlation. tion, a subchannel analysis is hence required to determine the local
thermal-hydraulic conditions inside the rod bundle. In the current
Dimensionless Number Relevance to Boiling Heat Transfer or CHF in Rod
Bundle study, the sub-channel analysis code COBRA-IV-I (Stewart et al.,
1x0:9 qg 0:5  lf 0:1
1977) was used to calculate the subchannel flow parameters, i.e.
Used by Chen (1966) for correlation boiling heat
Xtt ¼ x qf lg quality, mass and enthalpy distribution. Since COBRA-IV-I code
transfer data
g ðql qg ÞD2hyd Ratio of the gravitational (buoyancy) and uses the one-fluid approach to model two-phase mixture, constitu-
Eo ¼ r capillary force scales tive relations are required to supply information on friction factors,
g ðql qg Þl4f Used with Eo to characterize the shape of
Mo ¼ quality-void relation and interchannel mixing effect. Table 4 sum-
q2f r3 bubbles moving in a continuous liquid phase
marizes the most important models used in the current study
Fr ¼ q2 gD
G 2
Ratio of the flow inertia force to the external
ð l hyd Þ gravitational field when using COBRA-IV-I code to determine the local flow condi-
Ja ¼
cp;f DT Important parameter when study the effect of tions at CHF location.
liquid superheat prior to initiation of nucleate The hydraulic resistance was calculated in the pressure drop
models, which take into account the turbulent friction with the
Re ¼ lhyd
GD Ratio of the fluid inertial forces to the viscous
solid rod surface and the local form pressure drop due to grid spac-
G2 D Ratio of the fluid inertia force to the surface ers. The spacer pressure loss coefficient was provided in the EPRI
We ¼ rqhyd
tension force report (Reddy and Fighetti, 1982b), which was simply determined
dg Dimensionless distance of the CHF location to as a constant value based on measurement. The void fraction at
the last grid spacer upstream
g sp subcooled and saturated boiling conditions were calculated with
Dimensionless distance between two
neighbouring grid spacers the Levy model (Levy, 1967) and modified Armand model (see
lf Ratio liquid viscosity to vapor viscosity Stewart et al., 1977), respectively. The lateral interchannel mixing
qf Ratio of liquid density to vapor density effect between interacting subchannels is decomposed into two
elemental components, i.e. diversion cross flow that induced by
B. Pang, Y. Yin / Annals of Nuclear Energy 143 (2020) 107454 5

Table 2
Geometrical specification of the test sections selected in the current study for developing the basic form of the rod-bundle CHF correlation.

Test Section No. [–] Lh [mm] D [mm] P [mm] g sp [mm]

HTRF-156 4267.20 9.50 12.60 660.4

HTRF-157 2438.40 9.50 12.60 660.4
HTRF-160 2438.40 9.50 12.60 558.8
HTRF-161 4267.20 9.50 12.60 558.8
HTRF-163 2438.40 9.50 12.60 558.8

Fig. 1. Radial geometry of the 5  5 test rod bundle and subdivision of the subchannels, which are categorized into 2 types: matrix subchannel and peripheral subchannel.

Table 3 analysis is the modeling of the turbulent mixing effect. Accord-

Experimental data range applied in the current study for developing rod-bundle CHF ingly, mass flow rate per unit axial (main streamwise) length due
to turbulent mixing from an arbitrary subchannel i to its neighbor-
Parameter Physical meaning Unit Range ing subchannel j with a connecting gap clearance of Sij is given as:
pex outlet pressure/reference pressure MPa 10.3–16.7
Gin inlet mass velocity kg m2 s1 680–4800 Gi Ai þ Gj Aj
0:05 to 0:96 w0ij ¼ b  Sij  ð9Þ
xeq;in inlet equilibrium quality – Ai þ Aj
p local pressure MPa 10.3–16.7
G local mass velocity kg m2 s1 695–4990
xeq local equilibrium quality – 0:07 to 0:41 where b is a dimensionless turbulent mixing coefficient. G and A
stands for the subchannel mass velocity and flow area, respectively.
The subscripts i and j denote then the flow parameters of subchan-
Table 4 nel i and j, respectively. In COBRA-IV-I code, turbulent mixing is
COBRA-IV models used for calculation of local flow conditions at CHF location. assumed as an equal mass exchange that does not produce a net
mass flow exchange between interacting subchannels. However, a
Pressure drop models
Single phase turbulent friction factor 0:184  Re0:2
net exchange of energy and momentum will occur, if enthalpy
Two-phase friction multiplier Armand model and velocity difference exist between interacting subchannels.
(see Stewart et al., 1977) Since the predicted local flow conditions with subchannel code
Grid spacer pressure lost factor 1.250 (see Reddy and depend strongly on the turbulent mixing coefficient b, a sensitivity
Fighetti, 1982b)
study of the turbulent mixing coefficient b on the CHF correlation
Quality-void relations developed in this study with the COBRA-IV-I code was conducted.
Subcooled boiling void fraction Levy model (Levy, 1967)
The objective was to study the sensitivity of the developed CHF
Saturated boiling void fraction Modified Armand model
(see Stewart et al., 1977) correlations to the turbulent mixing coefficient b. The local flow
conditions at CHF locations were obtained with the COBRA-IV-I
Interchannel mixing models
Diversion cross flow resistance factor 0.5 code by keeping all the other models constant but with varying
Turbulent mixing coefficient 0.005, 0.01, 0.02, 0.04, 0.08 the value of b from 0.005, 0.01, 0.02, 0.04 up to 0.08. The respective
error statistics of the CHF correlation are given in Table 5, in which
l ; RMS and s stand for the average value of P=M between CHF pre-
lateral mean pressure difference between interacting subchannels dicted with the correlation and CHF obtained in measurement, the
and turbulent mixing caused by stochastic turbulent flow fluctua- corresponding root mean square error and the corresponding stan-
tion. For diversion cross flow a constant transverse resistance coef- dard deviation, respectively. As shown in Table 5, error statistics of
ficient of 0.5 was used in the current study. The mixing effect due the CHF correlations improve with increasing turbulent mixing
to diversion cross flow was solved in COBRA-IV-I code with a lat- coefficient b. Both RMS and s decrease significantly with b value
eral momentum equation (Stewart et al., 1977). The most sensible larger than 0.02, therefore, a b value of 0.02 was used in the sub-
parameter that might affect the predictive accuracy of subchannel channel analysis in the current study.
6 B. Pang, Y. Yin / Annals of Nuclear Energy 143 (2020) 107454

Table 5
Sensitivity study of the turbulent mixing coefficient b.

b 0.005 0.01 0.02 0.04 0.08

l 1.004 1.003 1.002 1.001 1.001
RMS 0.137 0.0736 0.0567 0.0524 0.0518
s 0.138 0.0736 0.0567 0.0524 0.0518

3.3. Development of CHF Correlation based on stepwise regression and prediction CHF, respectively. Apparently, a random distribu-
method tion of the residual exists in the complete range of the predicted
lnðBoÞ, which proves the validity of the assumed linear additivity.
The dimensionless parameters summarized in Table 1 defines
the initial set of candidate independent variables of the CHF corre- 4.2. Assessment of the prediction accuracy of the CHF correlation
lation. Due to its wide application in various correlations of two-
phase flow boiling behavior, the power function was chosen as In order to assess the accuracy of the proposed CHF correlation
the mathematic form. Furthermore, the choice of power function (Eq. (13)), the ratio P=M between CHF predicted with the correla-
was based on the consideration, that extension of the basic form tion P and CHF obtained in measurement M was investigated.
with additional term to account for the effects of unheated cold The following error statistics were evaluated:
wall and non-uniform axial heat flux profile can be easily con-
ducted. Accordingly, the basic form of the rod-bundle CHF correla-  Averaged value of P=M ratio, termed as l
tion consists of the Boiling number (Bo) as a power function of the
candidate independent variables: X
ðP=M Þk
Bo ¼ a0
Fi i ð10Þ l ¼ k¼1
in which F i could be one of the dimensionless candidate indepen-  Root mean square error, termed as RMS:
dent variables in Table 1 and bi is then the corresponding coeffi- vffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
u N
cient. a0 is also a coefficient. For convenience of linear regression, uX
u ðP=MÞk  1
the above basic form of a power function was modified to an addi- u
t k¼1
tive form of logarithmic terms of the dimensionless parameters. RMS ¼ ð15Þ
This yields: N
X  Standard deviation, termed as s:
lnðBoÞ ¼ lnða0 Þ þ bi lnðFi Þ ð11Þ
u N
This additive form is suitable for development of a linear regres- uX

u ðP=MÞk  l  2
sion model. With stepwise regression, lnðFi Þ was filtered according u
t k¼1
to their respective importance to the prediction of lnðBoÞ and an s¼ ð16Þ
optimal final choice of the independent variables was determined.
This yields: where ðP=MÞk is the P=M ratio of the k-th data point. The average
value of P=M (termed as l ), the corresponding root mean square
lnðBoÞ ¼ 3:486 þ 0:106lnðXtt Þ þ 1:733lnðJaÞ  0:505lnðWeÞ error(termed as RMS) and the corresponding standard deviation
l q d
3:055ln l f þ 5:074ln qf  0:142ln D g (termed as s) were determined as 1.002, 0.0567 and 0.0567,
g g hyd
respectively. Furthermore, of all the P=M data points, 74.0% fall
into the interval between s and þs, 94.3% fall into the interval
between 2s and þ2s and 98.6% fall into the interval between
in which the Lockhart-Martinelli parameter Xtt , the Jacob number Ja,
3s and þ3s.
the Weber number We, the ratio of liquid viscosity to vapor viscosity
lf =lg , the ratio of liquid density to vapor density qf =qg and the
dimensionless distance of the CHF location to the last grid spacer
upstream dg =Dhyd were determined as the primary influencing
parameters of the Boiling number Bo. Accordingly, the final form
of the CHF correlation proposed in the current study is given as:
!3:055 !5:074  0:142
lf qf dg
Bo ¼ 32:639X0:106 Ja1:733 We0:505
lg qg Dhyd

4. Assessment of the proposed CHF correlation

4.1. Assessment of the linear additivity

The implied assumption in the development of CHF correlation

is that a linear additivity of lnðFi Þ for the prediction of lnðBoÞ exists
as given in Eq. (12). Therefore, as shown in Fig. 2, the linear addi-
tivity was checked by plotting the residual between the measured
and the predicted lnðBoÞ, which were obtained with the measured Fig. 2. Residual check for the linear additivity.
B. Pang, Y. Yin / Annals of Nuclear Energy 143 (2020) 107454 7

Residual analysis was also performed by plotting the P=M ratio

versus the local equilibrium quality, the local mass velocity, the
local reduced pressure and the measured CHF, respectively, as
shown in Fig. 4. In the complete application ranges of the proposed
correlation, the P=M data distribution shows no systematic bias as
the function of any parameter as investigated. The P=M data points
are more or less evenly distributed within the interval of 0.8 and
1.2, thus confirming the adequacy of the form of the proposed
CHF correlation and ensuring the reliability of the proposed CHF
Finally, the predicted CHF P as a function of the measured CHF
M is shown in Fig. 5. Almost all of the data points fall into the 15%
limits as indicated with dashed lines in the subfigure. Despite of
the rather simple form of the proposed correlation, CHF calculated
with the correlation matches quite well with the experimental
Furthermore, Fig. 6(a) and (b) compares the prediction accuracy
of the CHF correlation proposed in this study with that of selected
CHF correlations. The W-3 correlation (Tong and Weisman, 1996)
Fig. 3. M/P frequency distribution (histogram) in comparison with the normal and the EPRI correlation (Reddy and Fighetti, 1982a), both devel-
distribution (solid line). oped for usage in rod bundle, were taken as reference, to which
the new CHF correlation will be compared. The main reasons of
choosing the two correlations are as follows:
Fig. 3 shows further the frequency distribution of P=M
(histogram in the figure), which agrees well with the theoretical  First, as mentioned in the introduction, both W-3 correlation
normal distribution as indicated with solid line in the figure. and EPRI correlation are available in the open literature.

Fig. 4. Assessment of the proposed CHF correlation: P/M distribution versus (a) the local equilibrium quality, (b) the local mass velocity, (c) the local reduced pressure and (d)
the measured CHF, respectively.
8 B. Pang, Y. Yin / Annals of Nuclear Energy 143 (2020) 107454

5. Conclusions and outlook

In this study, stepwise regression method was employed to

develop a new rod-bundle CHF correlation for application under
PWR working conditions. Based on consensus characteristics of
the CHF phenomenon, a number of dimensionless physical param-
eters with significant relevance to the convective flow boiling heat
transfer were selected as the initial set of candidate independent
variables. The final choice of the independent variables of the
CHF correlation and their corresponding coefficients in the correla-
tion were carried out with the stepwise regression method in a
dynamic manner. Compared to rod-bundle CHF correlations cur-
rently available in literature, the CHF correlation proposed in this
study has a much simpler form and matches also well with the
experimental data. Furthermore, by using dimensionless numbers
as independent variables can largely enhance the physical inter-
pretability of the proposed CHF correlation. The advantages of
using only dimensionless parameter with physical meanings as
independent variables of rod-bundle CHF correlation was clearly
Fig. 5. Comparison of the predicted CHF values with that obtained from measure-
ment. The two dashed lines stand for þ15% and 15% relative deviation, demonstrated.
respectively. In this study test cases with axial uniform power distribution
were used to develop the basic form of a complete rod-bundle
CHF correlation. Modification of the basic form accounting for
 Furthermore, the W-3 correlation is one of the very first rod- the effect of the unheated guide tube (i.e. cold wall effect) and also
bundle CHF correlations established in engineering design and the effect of non-uniform axial power distribution is required in
has been chosen in many cases as reference for comparison. continuous studies. The current study demonstrates the feasibility
 The EPRI correlation, on the other hand, was developed based of the stepwise regression method as a useful tool when develop-
on the complete data bank obtained on the Columbia Univer- ing simple but reliable CHF correlation consisting of only dimen-
sity’s HTRF facility, which makes the EPRI correlation a correla- sionless parameters, which points out a new promising approach
tion of a wide range of validity. Hence the EPRI correlation was for engineering purpose.
also chosen as a reference for comparison.

It should be noted that, since the W-3 correlation is valid for CRediT authorship contribution statement
local equilibrium quality in the range of 0:15 < xeq < 0:15 (Tong
and Weisman, 1996), only test cases with local equilibrium quality Bo Pang: Writing - original draft, Methodology, Software, Inves-
in this range were included when applying the W-3 correlation. For tigation, Validation, Visualization, Funding acquisition. Yuan Yin:
the W-3 correlation, the average value of P=M (termed as l  ), the Conceptualization, Methodology, Writing - review & editing,
corresponding root mean square error (termed as RMS) and the Supervision, Project administration, Funding acquisition.
corresponding standard deviation (termed as s) were determined
as 0:857; 0:211 and 0:211, respectively. While for the EPRI correla-
tion, l ; RMS and s were determined as 0:927; 0:0655 and 0:0655, Declaration of Competing Interest
respectively. Compared to the W-3 correlation, the proposed new
correlation shows a much better prediction accuracy. The EPRI cor- The authors declare that they have no known competing finan-
relation, on the other hand, has a similar prediction accuracy as the cial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared
new CHF correlation proposed in this study. to influence the work reported in this paper.

Fig. 6. Comparison of the proposed CHF correlation with (a) W-3 correlation and (b) EPRI correlation.
B. Pang, Y. Yin / Annals of Nuclear Energy 143 (2020) 107454 9

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