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1. Discuss why productivity dropped when Butterfield left the Houston plant.

Workers become dependent upon Toby’s demands. He never trained someone

to overtake on his position. Since they depend on Toby’s demands, they no longer
had this direction and they became out of track. Everyone else in the workplace was
enhance as if as they were just a puppet. They lack of something, probably some
motivations to push meet production quotas.

2. If you were Butterfields New York manager, what would you tell him about his
approach? How might he respond?

His approach was kind of good for me. However, it doesn’t mean that I fully
agreed, on his doings. As you can see, Toby’s style in leading the company was
more of an Authoritarian leadership. Wherein, leaders’ style in handling the
employees was to control all the decisions. This was what Toby did, his approach
was to take control over the whole production, make decisions and use his authority
to carry out his decisions. He was ambitious that he did not consulted the staff on
what they can add or say to improve the production team which was supposed to be
the Company’s success. As a manager, it is important to recognize his role and
importance of his role. The ability to fit in the job, efficiency, problem solving and
shaping behaviors are some of the qualities that a good manager should have.

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