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Winery Machinery EHS Acceptance Checklist

Assessment Team Members Date of Assessment:

Equipment Description:



Risk Manager: Approved By:

Other: Date of Approval:

Corrective Action Plan Summary

Item Corrective Action Dates
# Corrective Action Responsible Person Due Completed Status

Machinery EHS Acceptance Checklist
# /NA
Operation & Maintenance
1 Are copies of manufacturers operating and maintenance instructions/manuals available onsite?
2 Will installation / modifications impact nearby areas or equipment (e.g., exit route, restrict clearance of electrical panel)?
3 Operating controls properly located?
4 Operating controls (e.g., toggles switch) located or protected from start-up due to accidental contact?
5 Operating controls properly located?
6 Operating controls clearly identified and labeled?
7 Emergency-stop cord(s) properly located (multiple employees in area, conveyors, etc.)?
8 Have projections/unsafe edges been eliminated or otherwise made safe (guarded, padded, painted, signed, etc.)?
9 Have all necessary caution, warning, and danger signs/labels been installed and maintained (i.e., not removed/covered/damaged)?
10 Are written operating procedures available/complete/current?
11 Have operator-training requirements been identified and delivered?
12 Have preventative maintenance requirements been identified and communicated to production and maintenance teams?
13 Have permit or permit modification, agency notification, or EHS procedure requirements been completed/updated as necessary?
14 Have any unusual hazards/safety features been identified and addressed?
Inputs (liquid, product, materials, steam, pressure, gas, thermal, corrosives) are compatible with (i.e., can be safely handled by) new
equipment and point of processing / operation?
Outputs (liquid, product, materials, steam, pressure, air emissions, thermal, waste, product, corrosives) can be safely handled by receiving
connections, valves, equipment and vessels?
17 Will any new hazardous chemicals be required (e.g., lubricants, adhesives, caustics, cleaners) for operation and routine maintenance?

Programmable Logic Controls

18 Remote/computer control devices cannot override or bypass mechanically locked out parts?
19 Computer controls used to lockout equipment have been demonstrated (i.e., tested) to be at least as effective as mechanical controls?
20 Pause devices (e.g., interlock switches) designed for fail-safe mode (i.e., switch failure/defect causes circuit to open and machinery to stop)?

21 Wiring, enclosures, connections, conduit, junctions, are properly installed, protected, and enclosed?
22 Equipment is listed by a recognized association (e.g., UL)?
23 Equipment (frames, motors, conduit, circuits, etc.) is properly grounded?
24 Ground fault protection provided for equipment operating at >50 vac and in wet/damp environments (e.g., lines subject to wash-down)?
25 Wiring, enclosures, connections, conduit, junctions are rated for hazardous atmospheres (spirit storage, processing, filler heads, etc.)?

Machinery EHS Acceptance Checklist
# /NA
26 Local electrical disconnects present, labeled, and properly located?
27 Power supply circuit and breaker/fuse are properly rated?

Energy Control
Local disconnects/power controls present for all energy sources (electric, pneumatic, hydraulic, thermal, chemical, radiation source, laser
source) and properly located?
29 Disconnects/power controls can be locked out?
30 Parts with more than one energy source have written equipment-specific energy control procedure posted at the machine?
31 Areas/parts with stored energy can be stopped (mechanically or with PLCs) only in lowered/relieved/secure position?
Areas/parts with stored energy that can’t be stopped (mechanically or with PLCs) in lowered/relieved position are identified/signed (both
area/part, and switch or valve controlling the area/part)?
Areas/parts with stored energy that can’t be stopped (mechanically or with PLCs) in lowered/relieved position can be safely bled, relieved,
drained, blocked without employee exposure?
34 All energy control devices, switches, interlocks, sensors, E-stops, etc. have been functionally tested while machinery was in operation?

35 Employees are completely protected from exposure to any & all kinetic energy / moving parts (i.e., can’t reach into, around, over, or under)?
Employees are completely protected from other energy sources (electric, pneumatic, hydraulic, thermal, chemical, radiation source, laser
37 Guarding is properly installed (complete, fixed, interlocks connected, sensing devices calibrated, e-stops tested, etc.)?
Routine adjustments, clearing, un-jamming conducted with machinery stopped and with operator’s exclusive control when moving parts are
39 Employees are protected from exposed moving parts exposed during routine adjustments, clearing, un-jamming, tool, etc.?
40 Controls are located such that routine adjustments, clearing, un-jamming can be conducted without allowing for two-handed jogging?

41 Is access to areas of operation and areas of routine maintenance made safe through the use of ramps, platforms, handholds, footsteps, etc.?
42 Does layout prevent workers from awkward positions/postures (leaning, reaching, twisting) during operating, adjusting, and maintenance?
43 Does layout prevent operators from applying excessive force or lifting during operating, adjusting, changeovers, and maintenance?
44 Does layout provide for appropriate working heights at areas of operator interface?
45 Has layout provided for safe and effective operator comfort (seat, floor pad, etc.)?
46 Are materials feeds and processing areas automated, preventing repetitive operator tasks?
47 Can change parts be safely removed and installed (sized or split parts to reduce weight, mechanical lift device, handholds, footsteps, etc.)?

Machinery EHS Acceptance Checklist
# /NA
48 Can controls and parts be properly handled with the use of required PPE (e.g., gloves)?
49 Will there be adequate lighting for all operating, adjusting, and routine maintenance areas?

50 Noise output from all parts of operation is less than 85 dBA?
51 Noise reducing techniques have been considered and incorporated (e.g., materials, speed)?
52 Noise abatement controls installed at areas generating 85dBA noise output?
53 Noise abatement controls will not cause excessive heat build-up and are of non-combustible materials?
54 High noise level equipment is signed (e.g., Hearing Protection Required)?

Hazardous Substances & Tasks

55 Are necessary pressure relieving, anti-siphon, and back-flow prevention devices properly installed (size, location, orientation, etc.)?
56 Are employees properly protected from hazardous substances (shielding, flange collars, sensors, etc.)?
57 Are any required emergency eyewash and/or shower units installed within 10 seconds of clear travel from hazard area?
58 Are fire extinguishers properly placed and unobstructed?
59 Is ventilation adequate to protect workers from machinery generating air emissions (dusts, vapors, gases)?
60 Have PPE requirements been properly identified?
61 Have written safety procedures or permits been updated to reflect changes?
62 If a confined space, has access and egress been made as safe as possible (fixed ladder, wide opening, bottom hatch, etc.)?
Are areas requiring even only occasional access to elevated areas 4 feet or more above lower levels adequately protected (guardrails, swing
gates, toe guard, etc.)?
64 Are areas requiring even only occasional access to unprotected elevated areas safely accessible from lifts or fixed/portable ladders?
Are areas requiring even only occasional access to unprotected elevated areas requiring the use of personal fall arrest systems (PFAS)
equipped with engineered/approved anchorage points?

66 Are conditions in compliance with any required environmental construction and operating permits?
67 Are provisions made for minimizing and managing waste (materials, hazardous wastes, used oils, special/universal wastes)?
68 Are provisions made for minimizing impact to water and energy use (limiting devices, cycling, re-circulating loops, timers)?
69 Is effluent directed to permissible outfall only (i.e., sanitary sewer)?
70 Are laser and ionizing radiation sources registered, controlled, signed, and included on updated source inventory?

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