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Unit Test 1

Based on Unit 1 & 2, Multiple Choice Questions,

All questions carry equal marks (1 Mark)

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1. Notch is the Disturbance of the normal power voltage waveform lasting less than
____________. *
(1 Point)

(A) 1 cycle

(B) 10 cycles

(C) 2 cycle

(D) half cycle

Option 2

2. __________ is an unwanted electrical signals that produce undesirable effects in the

circuits of any systems in which they occur. *
(1 Point)

(A) Distortion

(B) Noise

(C) Harmonics

(D) Disturbance

Option 2

3. Filters are used to reduce which of the following: *
(1 Point)

A. Harmonics

B. Voltage distortion

C. Voltage sag

D. All the options are correct

Option 2

4. Electrical transient characterized by a sharp increase in voltage or current is called as

(1 Point)

(A) Sag

(B) Surge

(C) Swell

(D) Transient

Option 2

5. __________ is the RMS increase in AC voltage at power frequency from half of a cycle
to a few seconds’ duration. *
(1 Point)

(A) Swell

(B) Sag

(C) Transient

(D) Surge

Option 2

6. Subcycle disturbance in the AC waveform evidenced by a sharp, brief discontinuity of
the waveform is known as ______________ *
(1 Point)

(A) Swell

(B) Surge

(C) Sag

(D) Transient

Option 2

7. The primary characteristics that define a transient are (i) peak amplitude (ii) rise time
(iii) fall time (iv) frequency of oscillation *
(1 Point)

(A) (i), (iii), (iv)

(B) (i), (ii), (iv)

(C) (ii), (iii), (iv)

(D) (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)

Option 2

8. ______________ are low-frequency phenomena that result in voltage sags or swells. *

(1 Point)

(A) Power frequency disturbances

(B) Power system transients

(C) Power system harmonics

(D) Electro magnetic interference

Option 2

9. Grounding is done (i) for safety (ii) to provide a low-impedance path for the flow of
fault current in case of a ground fault (iii) to create a ground reference plane for
sensitive electrical equipment *
(1 Point)

(A) Only (i)

(B) Only (ii)

(C) (i) & (ii)

(D) (i), (ii), (iii)

Option 2

10. Most electrical equipment is designed to operate within a voltage of ± _____ of

nominal with marginal decrease in performance. *
(1 Point)

(A) 5 %

(B) 1 %

(C) 10 %

(D) 0.5 %

Option 2

11. In in urban areas, the utility frequencies are rarely outside ± ________ Hz of the
nominal frequency. *
(1 Point)

(A) 50

(B) 1

(C) 10

(D) 0.1

Option 2

12. A penalty from industrial and commercial users of power is levied if the power factor
is below ___________. *
(1 Point)

(A) 0.96

(B) 0.95

(C) 0.99

(D) 1

Option 2

13. Interruption is___________________ *

(1 Point)

(A) Momentary loss of voltage

(B) complete loss of voltage

(C) Momentary loss of current

(D) all the above

14. Which of the following is long-term (hours-long) voltage sags caused by system
overload: *
(1 Point)

(A) black out

(A) brown out

(C) voltage surge

(D) voltage dip

Option 2

15. Number of complete cycles of a periodic wave in a unit time, usually 1 sec is called
as_________. *
(1 Point)

(A) Phase angle

(B) Amplitude

(C) Phase Difference

(D) Frequncy

Option 2

16. The protection cost in power system ______ *

(1 Point)

(A) Increases as we move towards consumers

(B) Increases as we move towards utility

(C)Remains same throughout the power system

(D) Maximum at the customer level

Option 2

17. CVT, Magnetic synthesizers, Active series Compensators, UPS can be emloyed for
supressing mainly ________. *
(1 Point)

(A) Voltage Flicker

(B) Votage Sag

(C)Voltage Swell

(D) None of the above

Option 2

18. Ferroresonant transformers are basically_________. *
(1 Point)

(A) Step up transformer

(B) Step down transformer

(C) One to one transformer

(D) Auxilary Transformer

19. Active series compensators provides voltage boosting upto________. *

(1 Point)

(A) 50 %

(B) 100 %

(C) 150%

(D) 200 %

Option 2

20. Factors that affect volatge sag type. *

(1 Point)

(A)Fault type

(B)Transformer Winding Connection

(C)Load Connection

(D) All of the above

Option 2

21. Factors governing severity of sag. *
(1 Point)

(A) Distance to the fault

(B) Type of fault

(C) Fault impedance

(D) All of the above

Option 2

22. Lightening and Tree striking on a live conductor is an example________ Power Quality
issue. *
(1 Point)

(a) Voltage Sag

(b) Voltage Swell

(c) Interruption

(d) Surge

Option 2

23. Typically, _________________ are produced due to starting on large loads, such as an
electric motor or an arc furnace *
(1 Point)

(A) Voltage sags

(B) Voltage swells

(C) Voltage surges

(D) Voltage notches

Option 2

24. A set of curves representing the withstand capabilities of computers was developed
by _______ *
(1 Point)

(A)Computer Business Equipment Maintenance Association (CBEMA),

(B) Computer Business Equipment Manufacturers Association (CBEMA),

(C)Computer Business Electronics Maintenance Association (CBEMA),

(D) Control Basics Equipment Manufacturers Association (CBEMA),

25. Choose the correct option. (i) Isolation transformers do not help in curing voltage
sags (ii) Isolation transformers helps in curing voltage swells (iii) isolation
transformers help to minimize noise coupling *
(1 Point)

(A) Only (i) & (ii)

(B) Only (i) & (iii)

(C) Only (ii) & (iii)

(D) (i), (ii) & (iii)

Option 2

26. ______________ devices that can maintain a constant voltage (within tolerance) for
voltage changes of predetermined limits above and below the nominal value. *
(1 Point)

(A) Voltage regulators

(B) Lightning arresters

(C) Isolation transformers

(D) Shielded transformers

Option 2

27. The full form of UPS is ________________. *
(1 Point)

(A) Unidirectional Power Supply

(B) Uninterruptible Power Supply

(C) Undefined Power Supply

(D) Unified Power Supply

Option 2

28. Points on wave of initiation and ending is defined usually by_____(Sag) *

(1 Point)

(A) 90% & 10 % of nominal voltage

(B) 80% & 20 % of nominal voltage

(C) 100% & 110 % of nominal voltage

(D) None of the above

Option 2

29. Difference between the actual voltage during the event and the voltage as it would
have been if the event had not taken place is known as _________________. *
(1 Point)

(A) True voltage

(B) Missing Voltage

(C) Average Voltage

(D) RMS Voltage

Option 2

30. SEMI F47 is the specification for _____________ *
(1 Point)

(A) Semiconductor Processing Equipment

(B) Semiautomatic Processors Equipments

(C)Only for computers

(D) None of the Above

Option 2

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