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A Research
Presented to the Faculty
of Lapu-Lapu City College

In Partial Fulfillment
Of the Requirements for the Degree
Bachelor of Elementary Education



MARCH 2021
Republic of the Philippines

Lapu-Lapu City College

                                Gun-ob Lapu-Lapu City

A.Y 2021-2022


This Design proposal entitled, “THE JOURNEY OF THE TEACHERS IN

ONLINE ASSESSMENT” prepared and submitted by Meliza A. Angga, Kristel Ann

Castillo, Maya Donaire, Mary Honeylene Echon, Cherry Mae Ngujo, Marinel Tumubo,

Jhoan Mariell Tupas in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor

in Elementary Education has been examine and is recommended for acceptance and






Adviser Member



The researchers want to convey a profound gratitude and sincere appreciation to

those persons whose kind assistance, guidance, encouragement, and inspiration made

possible with the completion of this research;

Mrs. Mary Jane A. Obispo, Dev. Ed. D, Research Adviser, who helped the

researchers in revising their title and gave suggestion on what the researchers should do

with their study, for being patient in teaching the researchers all about research that really

helped during the actual study and for being supportive during difficult times that the

researchers went through;

The researcher’s beloved parents for their moral and financial support,

encouraging the researchers to work hard in the research study;

The Lord Almighty who gave researcher wisdom and strength to continue and

fulfill this research study; and finally

And to all those who were missed to be mentioned, who helped and touched the

researchers lives thank you.



This study is wholeheartedly dedicated to our beloved parents, who continually

provide us their moral, spiritual, emotional and financial support and become our source

of inspiration and strength amidst all the struggles we encountered.

To our family, friends, relatives and classmates who shared their words of advice

and encouragement to pursue this study.

To our teachers who shared their guidance and wisdom throughout this

challenging endeavor.

To fellow researchers who shared their vast knowledge and had extreme effort

in completion of this research.

And lastly, we dedicated this study to the Almighty God, for His guidance,

strength, power of mind, protection, skills and for giving us a healthy life. All of these,

we offer to you.



Rationale of the Study
Theoretical Background of the Study 3
Statement of the Problem 8
Significance of the Study



Related Literature 10
Related Studies 15
Design 20
Environment 21
Respondents 22
Instruments 22
Date Gathering 23
Chapter 1



The Education System all over the world is facing a great challenge now in

sustaining the quality of education due to this pandemic brought by COVID19. Here in

the Philippines there is a rigid discussion between education heads and the Philippine

government whether to proceed with the normal schedule of opening of classes or not. It

is not unknown to all that there is a rescheduling of the opening of classes due to

unpreparedness of the materials and other resources to conduct the classes.  The

Department of Education is concerned with the time that will be wasted if classes won’t

be conducted because of this pandemic. They are concerned about what would happen to

the learnings of the Filipino children if the classes won’t be pushed through. Concerning

the K-12 program, another year will be added before the students will finish schooling.

The Philippine government has been supportive with the plans and ideas of the

Department of Education to push through the classes through Online, Modular, and

Blended mode of learning. This mode of classes has big adjustments not only for the

students but also to the teachers and the parents. Parents as well are affected in the sense

that they need to spend money for the gadgets to be used by the children during online

class and buying the cellphone loads. Parents also need to go to the schools to get the
modules for those children who preferred to have the modular class. These are just

examples of what was going on now in the education system due to this pandemic.

Lapu-Lapu City College is adapting Online and Blended Learning. Teachers used Google

Classroom to upload their modules and classwork. Online assessments are done in

Google Forms with the option of having a time limit or not. Somehow there are times due

to internet connection problems we need to go over again to the first question since the

answers won’t be saved automatically. Thus, it brings headaches and stress to the

students. There are teachers also who prefer to send the examination through the

messenger and take pictures of the answers and attach it to Google Classroom afterwards.

Still teachers have the option to have the time limit or not. Online oral recitations also are

being done by the teachers. These are the means of assessment where Lapu-Lapu City

College does. With the scenario mentioned above it shows that students are having

difficulties and struggles in the new mode of learning. How much more with the teachers

who are the source of all those instructional materials? Not all of the teachers are ICT

oriented and don’t even know how to operate laptops and smart cellphones. 

The purpose of this study is to know the struggles and the journey of the teachers

towards the online assessment. Students find difficulties in the online assessment much

more to the teachers who prepared the assessment. Are they fully equipped with the

knowledge and training for them to execute their functions to efficiently do the online

class and online assessment. What are the ways they do to cope up with the new mode of

learning? With this research students will be able to know and understand the difficulties

and challenges of the teacher in preparing and implementing the online learning.
Furthermore this will give the teachers the chance to impart to the students what are the

attributes needed to be successful in the new mode of learning. Students will appreciate

the efforts of the teachers just to have a better teaching and learning experience despite

the challenges brought by this pandemic.

Theoretical/Conceptual Framework 

         This study will focus on how the teachers manage to still efficiently do the new

mode of learning specifically the online assessment.  This will also relate to the attributes

which teachers and students should keep to successfully manage this new mode of

learning. Due to the current pandemic brought by COVID 19, most of the schools are

doing the online and blended mode of class. 0nline assessment also is being practiced in

conducting minor and major exams. This study will benefit the school administrators,

faculty and students in knowing what are the challenges the teacher encountered in online

assessment with the following theories: The Theory and Practice of Online Learning,

Terry Anderson (2011), Social Constructivism by Lev Vygostsky, John Dewey, and Jean

Piaget, Connectivism by George Siemens (2004). 


Figure1.  Outline of Theoretical/Conceptual


The Theory and Practice of Online Learning Terry Anderson looks at learning

theory in general and focuses on interesting attributes of online learning. Anderson

claims that quality online learning will be knowledge, community, assessment, and

learning centered. He further presents a model of e-learning based on students, teachers,

and six forms of interaction between them and the content. The theory emphasizes that

collaborative and independent study modes are the two predominant forms of online

education. The researchers believe that the independent study mode has a large potential

for improvement and deserves further development. Finally, the author reveals so much

confidence in a future semantic Web that he claims it is premature to define a particular

theory of online learning. Although not an old discipline by academic standards, distance

education practice and theory has evolved through five generations in its 150 years of

existence (Taylor 2001). In the 20th century there is a rapid development of online

learning supported by mass media of television and radio, another by the synchronous

tools of video and audio teleconferencing, and yet another based on computer


         Social constructivism Theory is a variety of cognitive constructivism that

emphasizes the collaborative nature of much learning. Social constructivism was

developed by Soviet psychologist Lev Vygotsky. Vgotsky described the learning process

as the establishment of a zone proximal development in which the teacher, the learner,

and a problem to be solved exist. The teacher provides a social environment in which the
learner can construct with others the knowledge necessary to solve the problem. Same

with John Dewey, he claims that learning is a series of practical social experiences in

which learners learn by doing, collaborating, and reflecting with others. The use of

reflective practice by both learner and teacher is a pedagogical aspect for interactive

discussions that replaces straight lecturing whether in a face-to-face or online class.

Vgotsk’s theory of social learning has been expanded upon numerous later theorists and

researchers. Vgostsky believed that learning takes place primarily in social and cultural

settings, rather than solely within the individual (Schreiber & Valle, 2013).

Connectivism Theory George Siemens (2004), one of the early Massive Online

Course (MOOC) pioneers, has been the main proponent of Connectivism. Connectivism

is a model of learning that can guide first year advising “the integration of principles

explored as chaos, network, and complexity, and self-organization theories “ as well as “

understanding that decisions are based on rapidly altering foundations. Learning can

reside outside of ourselves (within an organization or a database), is focused on

connecting specialized information sets, and the connections that enable us to learn more

and are more important than our current state of knowing”. Internet technology has

moved learning from internal, individualistic activities to group, community, and even

crowd activities. In the end, the interconnectedness of all knowledge leads to learning.

According to connectivism, knowledge is distributed across an information network and

can be stored in a variety of digital formats.  Learning and knowledge are said to “rest in

diversity of opinions” (Siemens, 2008, para. 8). 


All of these theories support this study since teachers are using online applications

in conducting assessments and seeking help to the experts on how to manipulate such

applications during conducting online assessments.  In the new mode of learning teachers

depend on the network to transmit information to the students and also in evaluating the

results of the online assessments to measure the students' learning. 


Statement of the Problem

  This research aims to assess the problems of the instructors of Lapu-Lapu City

College in this field of learning related to Journey of Teachers on online Assessment.

Thus, sought to answer the following:

1.     What is the profile of the correspondents relating to?

1.1 Age

1.2   ICT background 

1.3 Civil status and;

1.4 Years of teaching experience

2. What are the struggles of the teachers in handling online assessment?

3. What are the ways to cope with the challenges of online assessment?

Significance of the Study

This research is focused on the Journey of Teachers on online Assessment. 

Online assessments, test and examine both teachers and students capabilities in using

assessment tools such as Google Form, Google Form, Polls, etc.  Assessments are the

most significant part of the education system as it gives an accurate picture. Online

exams greatly reduce the administrative burden on the school, helping save the time and

effort on the printing and distribution of exam papers, the setting up of examination

centers and classrooms. However, the classic drawbacks of online assessment center

around technical difficulties. On the other hand, online instruction boosts the technical

aptitudes of students/teachers; it has also developed as

another key challenge for them. Online classes are completely dependent on proper web

network and functional systems (computers or smartphones). In smaller cities and towns,

a steady connection with decent speed may be an issue. Without a reliable web

connection for students or instructors, there can be a need of coherence in learning for the

child throughout the learning process.

The findings of the study will benefits the following:

Teachers, this study can benefit them by providing insights and information that

will inform and guide them throughout The Journey of Teachers on Online assessment as

well as to the learners’ learning. 

Administration, this study can benefit the administrator by providing insights

and information and provides teachers a profile that serves their guide on The Journey of

Teachers on Online assessments as well as to the learners. 

Students, this is beneficial for them to appraise their practices of having an online

assessment, this study can enlighten them on how to be responsible enough since they are

having an online mode of learning. 

Researchers aim to contribute to the future and past studies, they will give

information about The Journey of Teachers on Online Assessment. 


Expert- the person who is more knowledgeable enough to share his/her knowledge about

doing some stuff with his/her colleagues. 

Online Assessment- this is defined as an evaluation of students ' performance through


Chapter 11


This chapter must consist of related literature, concepts, and writings of

recognized local and foreign experts both with significant bearing or problem-related

under investigation. It also provides relevant study, reading reviews reviewed by critical

researchers to provide an understanding of the current study.

Related Literature

As respects how assessment practices are right now being reshaped within the

Philippine higher instruction, the Commission on Higher Instruction (CHED) issued the

COVID Advisory No. 6 arrangement of 2020 articulating rules with respect to

assessment. It authorized the higher education institutions to decide how to best meet the

contact hour necessities for the completion of a subject or degree program. It was

encouraged to attempt elective assessments and remediation and consider student

evaluation and computation of grades to be based on current student records and school

academic policies. Such rule was general and Philippine tertiary schools ought to

embrace distinctive methodologies to put an evaluation of student learning in place. A

few of these techniques include mass advancements, postponed necessities, and conceded

grades (Yumol, 2020).

There are recent reports that students are genuinely confronted by challenges on

technology get to, financial stability, and emotional support particularly those who are

stranded (Alvarez, 2020; Cahapay, 2020; Tria, 2020), so procedures got to be attempted.


Human compassion aside, the address that has produced diverse suppositions from the

instruction partners, be that as it may, is the degree to which these techniques will be

sensible representations of student execution (Mateo, 2020). In CEBU CITY, Philippines

learning within the “new normal” has begun for understudies and instructors in private

institutions. Although the classes in public schools are set to open on October 5, 2020

however, a few private schools have chosen to step into instruction delivery under the

new normal in August, or for some, even earlier. As classes are generally carried out

online, guardians and teachers concur that the challenge in learning beneath the unused

typical goes past the quality of one’s internet connection. embarking on a journey of

teaching beneath the new normal . Unlike in physical classes, the students comprehend

with the materials that they can manipulate and do meaningfully (Abatayo, 2020). A

meta-analysis of online learning detailed by the US Department of Education (2009)

recommends that online instruction, in common, can be more useful than conventional

face-to-face (f2f) instruction for both K-12 and more seasoned learners. In expansion,

second arrange meta-analysis of the impact of any application innovation on learning

over 40 years by Tamin, Bernard, Borokhovski, Abrami, and Schmid (2011). As

distinguished by Bransford, Brown, and Cocking (2000, pp. 1–28), assessment is a center

component for effective learning. The authors indicate that teaching and learning

processes got to be assessment-centered to provide learners with opportunities to

illustrate their developing capacities and get bolster to upgrade their learning. It is

important to note that, in spite of the fact that developmental assessment (assessment to

support learning) and summative assessment (for approval and accreditation) are not


separate or settled processes, pressures exist between them (Wiliam & Dark, 1996).

Assessment can moreover be profoundly implanted in pedagogy. For illustration,

investigation of problem-based learning emphasizes inserted assessment and

demonstrates that the levels of the knowledge structure being created have implications

for assessment strategies (Gijbels, Dochy, Bossche, & Segers, 2005).

Blended learning (BL), or the combination of face-to-face associate degreed

online instruction (Graham 2013), is wide adopted across instruction with some students

pertaining to it because the “new ancient model” (Ross and Gage 2006, p. 167) or the

“new normal” in course delivery (Norberg et al. 2011, p. 207). However, chasing the

correct extent of its growth has been difficult due to definitional ambiguity (Oliver and

Trigwell 2005), combined with establishments’ inability to trace an innovative practice,

that in several instances has emerged organically. One early nationwide study sponsored

by the Sloan pool (now the Net Learning Consortium) found that 65.2% of taking part

Institutions of Higher Education (IHEs) offered homogenized (also termed hybrid)

courses (Allen and Seaman 2003). 

Learning analytics, adaptive learning, calibrated peer review, and automated essay

marking (Balfour 2013) are advanced processes that, provided they're sensible interfaces,

will work well with the teacher— permitting him or her to focus on human attributes like
being caring, creative, and engaging in problem-solving. This can, of course, as with all

technical advancements, be accustomed to save resources and augment the role of the

teacher. For instance, if artificial intelligence may be used to work beside teachers,


allowing them longer for private feedback and mentoring with students, then, we'll have

created a transformational breakthrough. The Edinburg University declaration for

teaching on-line says bravely, “Automation needn't impoverish education – we have a

tendency to welcome our mechanism colleagues' ' (Bayne et al. 2016). If the United

States of America wisely, they'll teach us additional regarding ourselves, and about

what's really human in education. This rising mix will have an effect on info and policy

questions, like the what? and what for? The new traditions for education are going to be

in perpetual flux. Floridi’s (2014) philosophy offers us tools to grasp and be in control

and not simply look on and watch what happens. In several respects, he has addressed the

new normal for blended learning.

Flexible learning as of late risen as a buzzword in Philippine higher instruction

when the Commission on Higher Instruction (CHED) urged universities and colleges to

adjust adaptable learning options beginning SY 2020-2021 (Philippine News Office

(PNA), 2020). This can be in reaction to the health threat postured by the Covid-19

pandemic, which, appropriately, may possibly compound within the usual residential

learning models (PNA, 2020). Whereas the widespread incited CHED to move Philippine

higher learning into adaptable curricular measurements, adaptable learning has long been

a solid topic in higher education (Wanner & Palmer, 2018; Naidu, 2019; Veletsianos &
Houlden, 2019) to manage with the open, network-based, and learner-centered instruction

required by globalization and technological progression (Ananda, 2013).

Assessment in Philippine higher instruction is fundamentally recognized with

Results Based Education (OBE). This is often stipulated within the Commission on


Higher Instruction (CHED) Execution Handbook for OBE and ISA (CHED, 2013). The

handbook characterizes outcomes-based instruction as an approach that focuses and

organizes the instructive framework around what is essential for all learners to know,

value, and be able to do to attain a wanted level of competence at the time of graduation.

CHED (2013) views learning results as a combination of competencies. Results

fundamentally is what each graduate can know, do, and be (CHED, 2013). For Biggs and

Tang (2011), learning results must be considered in choice related to learning exercises

and evaluation.

Learning Outcomes are established on learning competencies. Learning

Competencies (LC) in this manual alludes to particular and quantifiable information,

aptitudes, and values that portray what learners will know, or be able to do, as a result of

locks in in a learning or appraisal movement. This specifically pertains to the

competencies that learners may procure at the conclusion of each lesson in a course. As

CHED (2013) set, combining these competencies make up the learning results. Learning

results in this manual are gathered as Course Results (CO), Program Results (PO), and

Graduate Attributes (GA).

Online learning overlaps with the broader class of distance learning, that

encompasses earlier technologies cherish correspondence courses, instructional

television, and videoconferencing. Earlier studies of distance learning according overall

impact sizes close to zero, indicating that learning with these technologies, taken as a

whole, wasn't considerably completely different from regular schoolroom learning in


terms of effectiveness (Bernard et al., 2004; Cavanaugh, 2001; Machtmes & Asher, 2000;

Zhao, Lei, Yan, & Tan, 2005).

Related Studies

The COVID-19 widespread has affected education, and teacher education in

particular, in various ways. As a result of the closure of universities and schools, teachers

and students had to quickly adjust to further instruction. Instructor instruction is no

exception. The have to be make learning environments for student teachers doing their

instructor instruction planning suggested decisions, choices and adjustments in arrange to

meet not as it were the desires of students but moreover the necessities of teacher

education as well as the conditions in which both universities and schools had to operate

(Flores and Gago 2020). On the primary day of classes for public schools, teachers in a

public school in Mandaue City struggle to learn and embrace apps and suffer through

some internet connection problems. Teachers still battle to embrace utilizing the apps

since they were not so used to it but they ought to adjust to the new normal, integration of

the new technologies and different apps that would make the lesson very interesting. The
MCSHS and Mandaue City Comprehensive National High School are the only open

schools within the city that executed both modalities having online classes and modular

separate learning classes. Modular learning includes utilizing printed modules for lesson

discussions and activities whereas online learning uses the internet and digital modules

for the classes. Modular learning fits students, who don’t have access to the internet or


those who seem not to have gadgets required for online classes. (Sagarino, 2020). The

rapid, unexpected and ‘forced’ move from face-to-face to remote teaching has entailed a

number of challenges and limitations but moreover openings that got to be examined.

Existing literature points to an ‘emergency inaccessible teaching’ (Bozkurt and Sharma

2020, i) or 'emergency learning’ (Murphy 2020, 492) and to difficulties related with poor

online instructing foundation, inexperience of teachers, the data gap (i.e., constrained data

and assets to all students) and the complex environment at home (Zhang et al. 2020). In

expansion, need of mentoring and back (Judd et al. 2020) and issues related to teachers’

competencies within the utilize of computerized instructional designs (Huber and Rudder

2020) have too been recognized. As far as teacher education is concerned, descriptions of

how institutions and stakeholders adjusted to the new situation made by COVID-19

widespread (Bao 2020; Flores and Gago 2020; Quezada, Talbot, and Quezada-Parker

2020; Zhang et al. 2020) as well as preparing procedures and experiences of innovation

(Ferdig et al. 2020) have been reported. Whereas accounts of how higher education

institutions and teacher educators reacted to the move from face-to-face to online

instructing are significant, more ought to be done in this respect.Although only a few

studies focused primarily on the social presence in online teaching and learning (e.g.,
Hramiak 2010; Komninou 2017; Li 2011; Satar and Akcan 2018; Yeh 2010), the vast

majority of the papers examined included issues related to this presence and highlighted

its centrality when it comes to teaching and learning effectiveness.The capacity of

learners and teachers to interact, collaborate and build connections with other individuals

was a source of satisfaction for students (Biasuttie 2011) and significantly impacted the


cohesion of learning communities (Komninou 2017), the co-construction of information

among participants (Jaber et al. 2018; Jackson and Jones 2019) and the effect of online

teaching and learning practices (Bicen, Ozdamli, and Uzunboylu 2014; Yeh, 2009). As it

were Rakap, Jones, and Emery (2015) found rare interactions and troubles in building

connections with classmates to have a small effect on teachers’ learning and centered on

course content to compensate for these social limitations. Out of the social affordances of

online instruments, collaboration was seen as a key highlight (Theelen et al. 2020) and a

viable approach to social nearness included reliable support, prompt communication,

normal gathering discourse, convenient and relevant commitments and commitment to

the assignment (Vinagre 2017). The discussion of participants’ experiences of teaching

throughout a range of mediums was critical in understanding the challenges and the co-

construction of information almost the educating calling (DeWert, Babinski, and Jones

2003; Fletcher and Bullock 2015). Among others, blogs fostered portrayal, intelligent

hone and portrayed cognition (Farr and Riordan 2015); online gatherings enabled the

sharing of accounts that enhanced the skill of noticing and led to changes in their practice

(Fernández, Llinares, and Rojas 2020), and; web conferences permitted students to

engage fundamentally with diverse educational issues (Dyment and Bringing down
2018). Both structured and unstructured groups of cooperation given opportunities to

reflect on key things related to educating practice; however, in doing so, Jones and Ryan

(2014) appeared that members did not engage in basic reflection on their practice but

created learning by sharing encounters significant to their particular practice-based

circumstances. In the preparation of sharing personal experiences, the asynchronous


highlights of a few of these devices gave members extra time to reflect approximately

each other’s ideas, coordinate different points of view into their claim considering or

address educational challenges (Jaber et al. 2018; Rodeslier 2015). Too, those

interactions that went beyond unimportant portrayal of field encounters were more likely

to advance in-depth discussion between members and facilitate quality reflection (Krutka

et al. 2014; Stagg and Slotta 2009). Facilitating teaching and learning in an online

environment poses a number of challenges to educators, who often struggle with adapting

the practices they have found effective in F2F classes to an online environment (Mills,

2015). Fletcher and Bullock (2015) argue that in this respect, teacher educators are

particularly challenged because asynchronous online environments may impede the

fostering of positive relationships between the educator and her students, a relationship

that is considered central to meaningful teaching and learning by most teacher educators.

Their results indicate that, ideally, professional teaching programs should not be based on

asynchronous teaching only, but should be blended with synchronous online class

sessions and F2F interaction as well. To sum up, the factors that have proved most salient

in relation to the educator’s role in e-learning, blended learning and online learning in the
literature reviewed include: •establishing strong educator presence in online settings and

•building online learning communities that foster positive relations.


Chapter 111


This chapter contains the research study design and the methodology used in the

conduct of this study; it incorporated the sampling technique, sources of data, the

research subjects, population of the study, the instrument utilized to gather data, as well

as the statistical tools employed in processing the data. This chapter is showing how this

study and how these data were analyzed, interpreted in the easiest way possible. 

Research method

The researchers had used purposive-convenience sampling for this study. The

researchers utilize a descriptive method to accurately and systematically describe a

population, situation or phenomenon. Purposive - convenience sampling incorporates

nonrandom selection of participants, that's implied that the researchers are subjective in

choosing the subject of the study. Convenience sampling alluded to the researching

subjects of the population that are effectively open and promptly accessible to the
researcher. In this way, the elements may be chosen within the test essentially as they

fairly happen to be situated, spatially or administratively, near to where the researcher is

conducting the data collection. Purposive sampling subjects are chosen based on study

purpose with the desire that each participant will give unique and rich data of value to the

study. The researcher chooses what should be known and sets out to discover individuals

who can and are willing to provide the data by virtue of knowledge or experience.


 The variable of the study that needs to be qualified, the results of the survey

about The Journey of Teachers in Online Assessment in Lapu-Lapu City College. In this

study, the researchers will use a phenomenological design that includes the description,

analysis and interpretation of the data throughout the process. Phenomenological design

aims to focus on answering the “what is it” question rather than questions of frequency or

magnitude such as “how much” and “how many”. This design will help the researchers to

collect and gather data. To see the outcome the researchers will conduct online interviews

for more accurate results.

Research Environment/Locale

The research was conducted in Lapu-Lapu City College at Gun-ob Campus Lapu-

Lapu City. It is a local government college under the local government unit of Lapu-Lapu

City. The college was established in 2010 under the City Ordinance No. 354-2010 to

provide less tertiary education to the marginalized sectors of Lapu-Lapu City and provide

them access to quality and affordable education. The building occupied by Lapu-Lapu

City College was formerly used by the Department of Education Lapu-Lapu City
Division. Since Department of Education of Lapu-Lapu City transfers to its new building,

the college had occupied the space known as STEC campus through the initiative of the

city government. LLCC-STEC Campus is currently occupied by the College of

Administration and College of Technology. The College of Education and College of

Hospitality Management was relocated to the newly built Gun-ob campus.


LEGEND:      Lapu Lapu City College (Main Campus)

         Lapu Lapu City College (Stec Campus)


Research Respondents

The respondents of this study were the Lapu-Lapu City College Education

Teachers which are teaching the following professional courses:






In this study, the researchers prepared an interview questionnaire and set a time

schedule on the one on one online interview base with convenient time for the

interviewee. The online interview will allow respondents to give answers based on their

feelings, perception, opinion and ideas. After constructing the questionnaire and

arranging the interview schedule, the researchers consulted the research advisor before
the interview schedule for additional instructions and hints. The questionnaire and online

interviews will help the researchers to identify the Journey of Teachers on Online

Assessment. This instrument will help the researcher to effectively gather and analyze the

data of the research.


Data Gathering Procedure

In this research, the researchers will use online interviews, which consist of

questions that answer the question “What” that allow respondents to express their

opinions, ideas and feelings. In this type of questionnaire the respondents will answer

about The Journey of Teachers on Online Assessment in Lapu-Lapu City College. The

researchers will make a letter of approval to the college President Mr. Eduardo A.

Ompad. The questionnaire was presented and checked by Dr. Mary Jane Abadilla

Obispo, the instructor of research. After the approval, the researchers will begin to

conduct online interviews with the College Education Teachers. The researcher’s

presence during the online interview was highly required so that the respondents concerns

and questions will be promptly answered. The data was gathered and was analyzed by the



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Curriculum Vitae

Name: Maya G. Donaire 

Address: Masulog, Basak, Lapu - Lapu City

Cebu, Philippines,6015

Mobile Phone: 09959171255



Date of Birth: May 18, 1999

Place of Birth: Teguis, Poro, Camotes , Cebu

Age: 21 years old

Citizenship: Filipino

Religion: Roman Catholic

Marital Status: Single



Bachelor of Elementary Education

Lapu-Lapu City College

2018 - Present / Third Year


Pajo National High School

Pajo, Lapu - Lapu City

2017 - 2018


Teguis Elementary School

Teguis, Poro, Cebu

2011 - 2012  
Curriculum Vitae

Name: Kristel Ann A. Castillo

Address: Sta. Maria, Pusok, Lapu - Lapu City

Cebu, Philippines,6015

Mobile Phone: 09090394737



Date of Birth: October 16, 1996

Place of Birth: Tagbilaran, City Bohol

Age: 24 years old

Citizenship: Filipino

Religion: Roman Catholic

Marital Status: Single



Bachelor of Elementary Education

Lapu-Lapu City College

2018 - Present / Third Year


Holy Child Academy 


Poblacion Ubay, Bohol


Calanggaman  Elementary School

 2003- 2009

Calanggaman Ubay, Bohol

Curriculum Vitae

Name: Marinel M. Tumubo 

Address: Deca Homes 4, Bankal, Lapu - Lapu City

Cebu, Philippines,6015

Mobile Phone: 09565347472



Date of Birth: December 25, 1996

Place of Birth: Neuva Vista Don Vitoriano, Misamis Occidental

Age: 24 years old

Citizenship: Filipino

Religion: Roman Catholic

Marital Status: Single



Bachelor of Elementary Education

Lapu - Lapu City College 

2018 - Present / Third Year


Bankal National High School

Bankal, Lapu - Lapu City

2017 - 2018


Poblacion 2 Elementary School

Poblacion 2, Oroquieta City, Misamis Occidental

2011 - 2012  
Curriculum Vitae

Name: Jhoan Mariell Tupas

Address: Basak Kagudoy Lapu-Lapu City

Cebu, Philippines,6015

Mobile Phone: 09225489227



Date of Birth: October 26, 1999

Place of Birth: Isabel, Leyte

Age: 21 years old

Citizenship: Filipino

Religion: Roman Catholic

Marital Status: Single



Bachelor of Elementary Education

Lapu - Lapu City College 

2018 - Present / Third Year


Bankal National High School


Bankal Lapu - Lapu City


Bagong Silang Elementary School

 2011- 2012

Bliss Pajac, Lapu -  Lapu City

Curriculum Vitae

Name: Meliza A. Angga

Address: Malinao Agus, Lapu-Lapu City

Cebu, Philippines,6015

Mobile Phone: 09672468455



Date of Birth: June 30, 1981

Place of Birth: Malinao Agus, Lapu-Lapu City

Age: 39 years old

Citizenship: Filipino

Religion: Roman Catholic

Marital Status: Married


Bachelor of Elementary Education

Lapu - Lapu City College 

2018 - Present / Third Year


Marigondon National High School

Marigondon Lapu-Lapu City



Agus Elementary School

Agus Lapu Lapu -  Lapu City

Curriculum Vitae


Name:         Cherry Mae T. Ngujo 

Address:      Sangi Road Pajo Lapu-Lapu City

Mobile Phone: 09286237753



Date of Birth:           January 14, 2000

Place of Birth:          Opon Maternity House Lapu-Lapu City

Age:                         21 years old

Citizenship:             Filipino

Religion:                  Roman Catholic

Marital Status:         Single



Bachelor of Elementary Education

Lapu - Lapu City College 

2018 - Present / Third Year


Pajo National High School

Pajo, Lapu - Lapu City

2017 - 2018


Pajo Elementary School

Pajo Lapu-Lapu City

2011 - 2012  

Curriculum Vitae

Name: Mary Honeylene V. Echon

Address: Ceres St. Gun-ob Lapu-Lapu City 

Mobile Phone: 09996682113 



Date of Birth: September 25, 2000 

Place of Birth: Lapu-Lapu City

Age: 20 years old

Citizenship: Filipino

Religion: Roman Catholic

Marital Status: Single


Bachelor of Elementary Education

Lapu - Lapu City College

2018 - Present / Third Year


University of Cebu Lapu-Lapu and Mandaue

A. C. Cortes Ave, Mandaue City, 6014 Cebu



Lapu-Lapu City Central Elementary School

P. Rodriguez, Poblacion Lapu-Lapu City

2011- 2012

              APPENDIX A 1.1

Transmittal Letter

Republic of the Philippines

Lapu-Lapu City College

                                Gun-ob Lapu-Lapu City

A.Y 2021-2022

March 16, 2021

Dr. Eduardo A. Ompad

College President

Lapu - Lapu City College

Carajay, Gun - ob, Lapu - Lapu City

Dear Dr. Ompad:


The researchers are presently conducting a research, entitled:


In view of the foregoing, we humbly request that we will be given a permission to

conduct this research to the selected teachers of the college of education.

Thank you for the kind and utmost consideration.

Respectfully yours, Noted by:


Researcher’s Group Representative Adviser

Noted by: Approved by:


VP Academics & Dean.CoED President
              APPENDIX A 1.2

Transmittal Letter

Republic of the Philippines

Lapu-Lapu City College

                                Gun-ob Lapu-Lapu City

A.Y 2021-2022

March 16, 2021


Lapu-Lapu City College

Gun-ob, Carajay Lapu-Lapu City

Dear Teachers:

As partial fulfillment of our Research process (RES) subject, we are obliged to conduct a

study.  The proposed title of our study is “The Journey of Teachers in Online

In line with this, we would like to ask permission from your office to allow us to conduct

a survey to the selected teachers.

We are hoping for your positive response to this matter.

Respectfully yours, Noted by:


Researcher’s Group Representative Adviser

Noted by: Approved by:


VP Academics & Dean CoED President
              APPENDIX B

Transmittal Letter

Republic of the Philippines

Lapu-Lapu City College

                                Gun-ob Lapu-Lapu City

A.Y 2021-2022



Do the following factors affect you upon conducting online assessment?


1. Low internet

2. Unfamiliar with the

used programs
3. Lack of
on the software

4. Minimal
background in ICT

5. Lack of resources
(e.g. load, PC &

6. Technical

7. Workload and time


8. Unforecasted

For additional factors not mentioned above please indicate below





1. How do you overcome those factors that affect you during online assessment?



2. What are your adjustments in the new mode of assessment?




3. What is your message to the students who encounters difficulties in online assessment?




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