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Nama : Robbi Kurniawan (20200310100268)

Mata Kuliah : Economic English (H)

Dosen : Irfan Ananto, S.E., M.M

Third Assignment Of Economic English

1. Write your own definition of business! (800 Words)

Business in general cannot be separated from the activities of producing, buying, selling, or
exchanging goods and services. Business is an activity that can provide benefits to the
perpetrators. Business is the activity of selling a good or service, either online through the
media or face-to-face. Doing business has the goal of getting an advantage. Activities in
doing business in general have the objective of obtaining profits for survival and raising
sufficient funds to carry out activities belonging to the entrepreneur himself. Business can be
done independently or in groups depending on the manager. The business concept is the
fundamental idea behind a business. Based on this concept, entrepreneurs can develop a
business model, business plan, and vision and mission of the business.

Business is the main reference for society because business can improve people's lives.
Businesses can grow and become big as long as the manager or owner works actively. A
business success depends on the owner, if tenacious and hard work, the business can grow.
For example, Gojek originated from the concept of cheap transportation services that are
integrated with many motorbike and taxi drivers. As a result, currently many motorbike and
car drivers are Gojek partners. Gojek's success has had a huge impact on the use of online
transportation that makes it easier for the public. Along with the development of the Gojek
era, it does not only serve shuttle passengers, but can also pick up goods, food, etc. This
example proves that a business can thrive if the owner has a hard working attitude and
applies a business strategy.

In Indonesia, business is very diverse, ranging from transportation, food and beverage,
clothing, and many others. An example of a food business is selling regional specialties and
unique foods, both in Indonesia itself and imports. Indonesia is a country with abundant
resources, it makes a great opportunity to start a business if you can manage it properly and
correctly. Basically, the main objective of a business is to turn raw objects into objects of
value and contain rupiah value.

The business itself has several objectives, namely:

• Converting raw materials into useful goods;
• Provide employment to others;
• Meet the needs of the community, and
• Improve the quality of life.
Businesses can be grouped into several types of businesses as follows.

1. Manufacturing business
A business that is carried out by producing goods from raw materials to ready-to-sell

2. Service business
Businesses that provide non-physical products and are generally in the form of services
needed by the community, such as consulting services, psychologist services, and others.

3. Retail and distributor businesses

Retailers and distributors are part of the business that have a role as intermediaries
between producers and consumers.

4. Agriculture and mining business

Business with activities to produce raw goods such as plants, oil and gas, and others.

5. Financial business
Financial business is a business where profits can be obtained from capital management
and investment.

The rise of business people in Indonesia presents challenges to business people,

1. Competition and selection
Other business challenges come from outside or from business competitors. In addition,
the tighter selection from consumers is also another challenge for businesses.
2. Changes in economic conditions
Changing market demand, volatility in raw material prices, rapidly changing currency
rates are challenges that need to be watched out for.
3. Digitalization
The times have had an impact, whether it must be done online or not because there are so
many competitors

Business activities have functions that can be described in the following functions.
1. Business functions to regulate how employees and business equipment are used by the
2. Business functions to market products or services developed, determine prices, and
carry out promotions to customers.
3. The business function in accounting is to regulate how companies earn and use profits
so that the business continues to run.
4. Business functions as a source of information that companies use to determine results
and make decisions.

Apart from getting a profit or profit, it turns out that business also has other benefits,

1. Become the boss

When we have an automated business, we are the boss because all our activities are in

2. Provide your own salary

Doing business can provide benefits, namely providing your own salary. When working
at a company, the salary will remain the same. But when we do business independently,
we can get salaries that change and can even be bigger

3. Free in managing time

If we have a business, we will not stick to a time because we can set our own time

4. Get recognition
Business benefits are not just for profit. If you have a business and it continues to grow,
then society will simultaneously give good recognition to you and the business you have

In a business, there are usually several parties who manage. Starting from the owner,
employees, suppliers, creditors, and customers or consumers who are the goals of the
business. But not all businesses need it, because there are some businesses in the service
sector that do not.
In today's modern era, business is becoming very popular, especially with online media.
It is very easily accessible to all parts of Indonesia and even the world, does not require a
place and is very practical to use, both students and students and adults.

2. How good a worker are you? State your reason!

I can work well, I have basic skills like Microsoft Word, Excel and PowerPoint and I can
manage my time well

3. Have you ever had a job? Describe your most interesting one, How did youget it?
What training or skills were required? What kinds of duties did youperform?
I used to work on a photocopy when I was in school, from there I had a lot of new
knowledge that I had never obtained in school. I work when I have free time. There I
learned about using Microsoft Office, graphic design, etc. so that it was useful when I
worked later
4. Can you take responsibility? Explain and give your reason!
I can take responsibility by completing the work that I do, I can do it because I have
worked before

5. Are you motivated by money? Explain with details

The main goal of work is to get money, but besides that experience in work can also
provide broader insights for ourselves

6. Before selecting a career (the chosen work of one’s life), what should aperson try to
find out about himself or herself and the job?

Before choosing a career, it would be better if you first know what his / her abilities are.
Only then did he choose a career that suited him

7. Can people believe what you say? Why?

If it's just talking, people won't believe it. But we have experiences that people can
believe in if we could

8. How do you react to criticism? And what do you think about The EconomicEnglish
class so far? Explain!
Someone's criticism will make me understand the meaning of a mistake, from which I
can correct it to be better than before.

For the English class itself, so far it is very helpful, because it is explained in great detail
by a broad-minded lecturer so that it is easily understood by students

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