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A collection of miniexpansions for Saboteur 1&2

V. 1.2

1. Epic Variant (2x)

See "Epic Variant" thread

2. Rebuilt tunnels(6x)
Rebuilt tunnels cards can only be played [u]on top[/u] of already played cards so they change the
configuration of the tunnel...or not.

As usual, the paths on all sides of the card must fit those already in play. Rebuilt tunnels can also be
rebuilt. "Cave-in" cards played on them remove all cards, leaving a 'hole'.

3. Traps (2x)
Traps are played as any other tunnel card during the game.
The next card played in this tunnel will force its player to reveal his/her character to the rest.

4. Monsters!! (5x)
Monsters are played as any other tunnel card during the game.
Monsters block all cards within a distance equal to the number shown on the card in any direction
along the tunnels. They can also cross doors. Therefore, none can place a tunnel cards if a monster
can reach it or reach the card from which it was "caved", nor reach an exit (or chest or any other
target for that matter) at the end of the game if the way there is blocked by a monster, nor can the
geologist pick those jewels blocked by a monster. The only exception to this is another monster

Monsters can be placed as close at each other as desired. Any monster immediately kills any other
monster(s) at reach. Only one or both monsters may die according to their positions.

Monsters can be:

- trapped with 1 "trapped" card. They can be set free later, though.
- killed with all 3 different "broken" cards, with 1 "Cave-in" card or by another monster.

If a monster is trapped or killed, its card is NOT removed from the game and dwarves can dig
further. Place a token on the monster to mark it.

5. Chests (3x)
Chests are played as any tunnel card. As soon as any chest is available in the tunnels, ANY player
playing a jewel card MUST bring 1VP token from that card to the chest of his/her choice. Tokens
will accumulate there. If the way to all the chests is blocked, then nothing is done.

At the end of the game, teams share those VPs in their chests. Every player in a team must get the
same amount of points (rounded down).

Any VP left is descarded. All tokens stored in all chests which are not reachable at the end of the
game will be shared by the saboteurs.

6. Exits (3x)
Exits are played as any other tunnel card during the game. After the game ends (no matter if the
golden nugget is reached or not) each non-saboteur player can still earn 1 extra VP if they're able to
reach an exit from any ladder. Door rules and monsters apply here. Players in prison cannot escape
the tunnels.

If no player can reach an exit then each saboteur gets +1 PV.

7. New action cards (3x)

Frying pan
Play it on yourself to draw an extra card (nom nom nom!) or
play it on another player to force him to discard 1 card of his choice (ouch!).

Magic potion
Ask a "Yes or no" question to another player. That player must say the truth. (Optional: players can
lie but if they are later discoverd will loose 5 VP))
Such as: "Are you a blue dwarf?", "Is this card the golden nugget?"

Works like a map shared by 2 players. Watch secretly one of the destiny cards. Then choose another
player and show him secretly that card.

8. Exits & Vans

Alternative version to 6). Instead of getting out of the tunnel, teams try to carry the golden nugget to
their own van to score some extra points.

Additionally to the exit-of-the-tunnel cards (see 6) a pile with these 6 van cards is placed face down
somewhere on the table. Its formed by 2 green, 2 blue and 2 black vans (green team, blue team, and
saboteur team).

Every time a player places an exit card in the tunnel, he/she takes this pile, secretly chooses one of
the cards (obviously with his/her matching van) and place it, face down, near the exit he's just

Map cards allow players to see one of these face down cards.

If the treasure is found at the end of the game and after points are scored by each team, players must
still take the golden nugget out of the mine. No other card can be played and doors are not taken in
count for this:

- If there's no exit or no exit can be reached through the tunnels, then nothing is done.
- If there's only one exit, that will be the chosen one.
- If there are more than one, players discuss and vote which one will be used. In case of a tie, the
player who reached the nugget decides.

Once the decision is made, the nugget is carried along existing tunnels, taken out through the exit
and loaded on the van waiting outside. The van card is then revealed and EVERY member of that
team earns 2 extra points.

9. The secret well

The bucket card is shuffled with the rest and the well card is set aside.
The owner of the bucket card may place it anywhere on the table as an alternative starting point.
There must be at least 5 cards of distance from the nearest treasure card. He takes the well card and
place it by himself, showing that he is the only one who knows the secret entrance to the mine: the
secret well. He must also reveal his character.

This new and independent tunnel can only be used by himself and his team mates. So any other
player who wants to add cards to it must also reveal his character to the rest.

If, at any time, this tunnel is reached by the main one, both will be considered one and this
adventage will be lost as long as they remain together.

10. Forgotten dynamite

If the dynamite is reached, all players must discard 3 cards and replace them with another 3 from
the draw pile.



WELL (2x) DYNAMITE (1x) VANS (6x)

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