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A nuclear power plant or nuclear power station is a thermal power
station in which the heat source is a nuclear reactor. As is typical in all
conventional thermal power stations the heat is used to generate steam
which drives a steam turbine connected to an electric generator which
produces electricity. As of 23 April 2014, the IAEA report there are 435
nuclear power reactors in operation operating in 31 countries. Nuclear
power stations are usually considered to be base load stations, since fuel is a
small part of the cost of production. Their operations and maintenance
(O&M) and fuel costs are, along with hydropower stations, at the low end of
the spectrum and make them suitable as base-load power suppliers. The cost
of spent fuel management, however, is somewhat uncertain.
The neutron was discovered in 1932.The concept of a nuclear chain reaction
brought about by nuclear reactions mediated by neutrons was first realised shortly
thereafter, by Hungarian scientist “Leo Szilard”, in 1933.Inspiration for a new
type of reactor using uranium came from the discovery by “Lise Meitner”,” Fritz
Stresemann” and “Otto Hahn” in 1938 that bombardment of uranium with
neutrons produced a barium residue, which they reasoned was created by the
fissioning of the uranium nuclei On june-271954 the USSR Obninsk Nuclear
Power Plant became the world’s first nuclear power plant to generate electricity
for a power grid, and produced around 5 megawatts of electric power.The first
commercial nuclear power station, calder Hall in Sell afield, England was opened
in 1956 with an initial capacity of 50MW (Later 200MW).

Tarapur Atomic Power Station (T.A.P.S.) was the first nuclear power plant in
India. The construction of the plant was started in 1962 and the plant went
operational in 1969.The 320 MW Tarapur nuclear power station housed two 160
MW boiling water reactors (BWRs), the first in Asia. The Tarapur Plant was
originally constructed by the American companies Bechtel and GE, under a 1963
123 Agreement between India, the United States, and the IAEA. The Tarapur
Atomic Power Station is under the control of Nuclear Power Corporation of India


In nuclear physics and nuclear chemistry, a nuclear reaction is semantically
considered to be the process in which two nuclei, or else a nucleus of an atom and
a subatomic particle such as a proton, neutron, or high energy electron8 from
outside the atom, collide to produce one or more nuclides that are different from
the nuclide7s8 that began the process. Thus, a nuclear reaction must cause a
transformation of at least one nuclide to another. If a nucleus interacts with
another nucleus or particle and they then separate without changing the nature of
any nuclide, the process is simply referred to as a type of nuclear scattering, rather
than a nuclear reaction. There are two types of nuclear reactions.

• Nuclear Fission
• Nuclear fusion

Nuclear Fusion

In nuclear physics, nuclear fusion is a nuclear reaction in which two or more

atomic nuclei collide at a very high speed and Join to form a new type of atomic
nucleus. During this process, matter is not conserved because some of the matter
of the fusing nuclei is converted to photons (energy).Fusion power is the energy
generated by nuclear fusion processes. The origin of the energy released in fusion
of light elements is due to interplay of two opposing forces, the nuclear force
which combines together protons and neutrons, and the Coulomb force which
causes protons to repel each other. The protons are positively charged and repel
each other but they nonetheless stick together, demonstrating the existence of
another force referred to as nuclear attraction. This force, called the nuclear force,
overcomes electric repulsion in a very close range.Most nuclear fusion reactions
involve the fusion of two hydrogen isotopes (Deuterium and Tritium) to form a
helium atom releasing huge amounts of energy and a neutron.
Fig-2 A schematic representation on nuclear Fusion

Nuclear fusion is currently in its experimental phases and is not being utili9ed for
commercial purposes due to its requirements of high initial energy and pressure so
as to overcome the columbic forces and bring the nuclei in close proximity.

Nuclear Fission

In nuclear physics and nuclear chemistry, nuclear fission is either a nuclear

reaction or radioactive decay process in which the nucleus of an atom splits into
smaller parts7lighter nuclei8. The fission process often produces free neutrons and
photons (in the form of gamma rays), and releases a very large amount of energy
even by the energetic standards of radioactive decay.

Fig.3 A schematic representation on nuclear fission.

Fission as encountered in the modern world is usually a deliberately produced

man made nuclear reaction induced by a neutron. In an induced fission reaction, a
neutron is absorbed by uranium-235 nucleus turning it briefly into an excited
uranium-236 nucleus, with the excitation energy provided by the kinetic energy of
the neutron plus the forces that bind the neutron. The uranium-236 in turn splits
into fast moving lighter elements (fission products) and releases three free
neutrons at the same time, one or more “prompt gamma rays” are produced as


Nuclear Fission Nuclear Fusion

Definition Fission is the splitting of a large nuclear fusion is a reaction in

atom into two or more smaller which two or more atomic nuclei
ones come close enough to form one
or more different atomic nuclei
and subatomic particles

Natural Fission reaction does not Fusion occurs in stars, like Sun
occurrence of normally occur in nature
the process
By products of Fission produces many highly Few radioactive particles are
the reaction radioactive particles produced by fusion reaction
Conditions Critical mass of the substance and High density, high temperature
high speed neutrons are required environment is required.
Nuclear One class of nuclear weapons is One class of nuclear weapons is a
Weapon a fission bomb, also known as hydrogen bomb
atomic bomb
Fuel Uranium is a primary fuel used in Hydrogen isotopes are the primary
nuclear fission fuel used in nuclear fusion

[Table.1 comparison between nuclear fission and fusion]


Fig.4 A schematic diagram of nuclear power-plant

The Various Components of a Nuclear Power Plant are ;-

• Nuclear reactor: A nuclear reactor is a device to initiate and

control a sustained nuclear chain reaction. In its central part, the
reactor core’s heat is generated by controlled nuclear fission. With
this heat, a coolant is heated as it is pumped through the reactor and
thereby removes the energy from the reactor. Heat from nuclear
fission is used to raise steam, which runs through turbines, which
in turn powers either ship’s propellers or electrical generators.

• Cooling System: A cooling system removes heat from the reactor

core and transports it to another area of the plant, where the thermal
energy can be harnessed to produce electricity or to do other useful
work. Typically the hot coolant is used as a heat source for a boiler,
and the pressurised steam from that one or more steam turbine
driven electrical generators.Almost all currently operating nuclear
power plants are light water reactors using ordinary water under
high pressure as coolant and neutron moderator. A neutron
moderator slows down the speed of the neutron as a medium,
thereby turning them into thermal neutrons capable of sustaining a
nuclear chain reaction involving uranium-235.

• Steam Generator/Boiler: The heat from the reactor is used to

convert water to steam. this steam is used to run a turbine to
produce electricity.The position of the boiler depends on the type
of reactor. The two mostwidely used reactors are:--

 Pressurised Water Reactor (PWR)

 Boiling Water Reactor (BWR)

• Pressurised Water Reactor(PWR):-These constitute the majority

of the reactors, the above diagram shows a PE2. The primary
characteristic of PE2 is a pressurize, that is a speciali9ed pressure
vessel that stores the coolant in it and is sent into the reactor as per
the requirement. In a PE2 the boiler is situated in a different
assembly, away from the reactor. Two fluid systems are used in a
PE2, one coolant cycle circulated in the reactor and pumped into
the steam generator. This hot fluid from the reactor is used to heat
the water to generate steam to be sent to the steam turbine. The
water used in the turbine is not radioactive.

• Boiling Water Reactor (BWR):- BWR are characteri9ed by

boiling water around the fuel rods in the lower portion of a primary
reactor pressure vessel. A boiling water reactor uses – U235,
enriched as uranium dioxide, as its fuel.The fuel is assembled into
rods housed in a steel vessel that is submerged in water. The
nuclear fission causes the water to boil, generating steam. This
steam flows through pipes into turbines. The turbines are driven by
the steam, and this process generates electricity. The main
characteristic is that the boiler here is the reactor itself and the main
characteristic is that the boiler here is the reactor itself and the
coolant itself is used to drive the turbines. The fluid used in the
turbine is radioactive coolant itself is used to drive the turbines.
The fluid used in the turbine is radioactive.
• Feed water pump:-The water level in the steam generator and
nuclear reactor is controlled using the feed water system. The feed
water pump has the task of taking the water from the condensate
system, increasing the pressure and forcing it into either the steam
generators (in the case of a pressurised water reactor) or directly
into the reactor (for boiling water reactors).

• Steam Turbine:- The steam generated from the boiler is used to

drive the turbine. This turbine is connected to an electric generator
so as to generate electricity. Care is taken in maintaining the
condition of the turbine as it handles steam of very high heat
capacity. The turbines used in BWR have to be radioactively sealed
so as to avoid leakage of the radioactive water.

• Electric Generator:-he generator converts kinetic energy supplied

by the turbine into electrical energy. Low pole AC synchronous
generators of high rated power are used.

• Cooling Towers:- A cooling tower is a heat rejection device which

extracts Waste heat to the Atmosphere through the cooling of a
water stream to a lower temperature.cooling towers may either use
the Evaporation of water to remove process heat and cool the
working fluid to near the Wet bulb air temperature or, in the case of
Closed circuit dry cooling towers, rely solely on air to cool the
working fluid to near the Dry bulb air temperature.

1. Nuclear fuel:- Fuel of a reactor should be fissionable material

which can be defined as a fissionable material which can be
defined as an element or isotope whose nuclei can be caused
to undergo nuclear fission nuclear bombardment and to
produce a fission chain reaction.The fuels used are U238,
U235, U234 Fertile materials, those which can be
transformed into fissile materials, cannot sustain chain
reactions. Ehen a fertile material is hit by neutrons and
absorbs some of them, it is converted to fissile material.

2. Reactor core:- This contains a number of fuel rods made of

fissile material.

3. Control rods :-The energy inside the reactor is controlled by

the control rod. These are in cylindrical or sheet form made
of boron or cadmium.These rods can be moved in and out of
the holes in the reactor core assembly.
4. Reactor vessel :- It is a strong walled container housing the
core of the power reactor. It contains moderate, reflector,
thermal shielding and control rods.

5. Coolant:- This removes heat from the core produced by

nuclear reaction. The types of coolants used are carbon
dioxide, air, hydrogen, helium, sodium or sodium potassium.

Nuclear power is the fourth largest source of electricity in India after thermal,
hydroelectric and renewable sources of electricity.As of 2017, India has 21
nuclear reactors in operation in 7 nuclear power plants, having an installed
capacity of 6780 MW and producing a total of 30,292.91 GWh of electricity
while 6 more reactors are under construction and are expected to generate an
additional 4,300 MW.


Advantages of Nuclear Power Plant:-
 Space requirement of a nuclear power plant is less as compared to
other conventional power plants of equal size.
 A nuclear power plant consumes very small Quantity of fuel. Thus fuel
transportation cost is less and large fuel storage facility is not needed.
 There is increased reliability of operation.
 Nuclear power plants are not affected by adverse weather conditions.
 Nuclear power plants are well suited to meet large power demands.
They give better performance at higher load factors (80-90%).
 It does not require large quantity of water.
 Currently, fossil fuels are consumed faster than they are produced, so
in the next future these resources may be reduced or the price may
increase becoming inaccessible for most of the population .

Disadvantages of Nuclear Power Plant:-

 Initial cost of nuclear power plant is higher as compared to hydro
or steam power plant.
 Nuclear power plants are not well suited for varying load
 Maintenance cost of the plant is high.
 It requires highly trained personnel to handle nuclear power plants.
 Nuclear power plants are objectives of terrorist organizations.
 Decommissioning of nuclear power stations is expensive and takes
a long time.
Widely used nuclear energy can be of great benefit for mankind. It can bridge the gap
caused by inadequate coal and oil supply. It should be used to as much e>tent as
possible to solve power problem.With further developments, it is likely that the cost of
nuclear power stations will be lowered and that they will soon be competitive.nuclear
power stations are taking an important place in the development of the power
potentials of the nations of the world today in the context of “The changing pattern
of Power”


 An Introduction to Nuclear Power generation by P.K NAG,

 Nuclear power-plant by R.K Rajput,

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