Guidelines For Site Supervisors

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Annex III: Guidelines for Site Supervisors of Building Construction Project

Annex III




Annex III: Guidelines for Site Supervisors of Building Construction Project

Table of Contents
1. INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................................................7
2. SITE SUPERVISOR .........................................................................................................................7
2.1. Responsibilities of the site supervisor ...........................................................................................7
2.2. Accountability of the site supervisor .............................................................................................9
2.3.Limitations of the site supervisor .................................................................................................9
3. PREPARATION AT THE OFFICE .................................................................................................10
3.1. Documents....................................................................................................................................10
3.2. Equipment and Stationery ...........................................................................................................10
4. INVESTIGATION AND PREPARATION AT THE SITE ..............................................................10
5. SETTING OUT .................................................................................................................................11
5.1. Checking of a right angle ............................................................................................................11
5.2. Checking of Measurements .........................................................................................................11
5.3. Checking of Levels ......................................................................................................................12
6. EXCAVATION ..................................................................................................................................12
6.1. Acceptance of work ......................................................................................................................13
6.2. Measurement to be taken .............................................................................................................13
7. FOUNDATION ..................................................................................................................................13
7.1. Foundation in Stone Masonry .....................................................................................................13
7.2. Check List of Stone Masonry Foundation ...................................................................................14
7.3. Acceptance of Work .....................................................................................................................14
8. CONCRETE ......................................................................................................................................14
8.1. Cement .........................................................................................................................................14
8.2. Sand (Fine Aggregate) ................................................................................................................14
8.3. Coarse Aggregate .........................................................................................................................15
8.4. Water ...........................................................................................................................................15
8.5. Concrete Mix ...............................................................................................................................15
9. FORM WORK ..................................................................................................................................20
9.1. Vertical Supporting Forms ...........................................................................................................21
9.2. Horizontal Carrying Forms ..........................................................................................................21


Annex III: Guidelines for Site Supervisors of Building Construction Project

Table of Contents
10. STEEL REINFORCEMENT ............................................................................................................21
10.1. Bending of Reinforcement Bars..................................................................................................21
10.2. Planning and Splicing of Reinforcement Bars ..........................................................................21
10.3. Check List for Concrete Work ....................................................................................................22
11. BACKFILLING ................................................................................................................................23
11.1. Internal Backfilling ...................................................................................................................23
11.2. External Backfilling ...................................................................................................................23
11.3. Checklist for Backfilling ............................................................................................................23
12. HARDCORE .....................................................................................................................................23
13. MASS CONCRETE ..........................................................................................................................24
14. MORTAR ..........................................................................................................................................24
14.1. Lime ...........................................................................................................................................24
14.2. Cement .......................................................................................................................................24
14.3. Sand ...........................................................................................................................................24
14.4. Water ..........................................................................................................................................24
14.5. Cement Mortar ...........................................................................................................................25
14.6. Compo Mortar ............................................................................................................................25
14.7. Precautions in the use of Mortars ..............................................................................................25
15. WALLS ..............................................................................................................................................25
15.1. Walls of Hollow Concrete Blocks ...............................................................................................25
15.2. Bricks Delivered to the Site ........................................................................................................27
15.3. Wooden Walls ............................................................................................................................28
15.4. Check List for Hollow Concrete and Brick Walls ......................................................................28
15.5. Check List for Wooden Walls .....................................................................................................29
16. PLASTER AND POINTING ............................................................................................................29
16.1. Cement Plaster ...........................................................................................................................29
16.2. Compo Plaster ............................................................................................................................29
17. STRUCTURAL STEEL WORK .......................................................................................................29
17.1. Fabrication and Erection ............................................................................................................29


Annex III: Guidelines for Site Supervisors of Building Construction Project

Table of Contents
18. ROOFING AN DCLANDDING .......................................................................................................30
18.1. Galvanized Steel Sheet Roofing and Flashing ...........................................................................30
18.2. Steel Hook Bolts and Nuts .........................................................................................................30
18.3. Roof Fixing ................................................................................................................................30
18.4. Gutters and Downpipes ..............................................................................................................31
19. PAVIOR .............................................................................................................................................31
19.1. Cement tiles shall confirm with ES. CD3. 302 ...........................................................................31
19.2. Work Performance of Tiles Pavior ............................................................................................31
19.3. Wall Tiles ....................................................................................................................................31
19.4. P.V.C. Tiles ................................................................................................................................32
20. CARPENTRY AND JOINERY ........................................................................................................32
20.1. Standards ..................................................................................................................................32
20.2. Materials ...................................................................................................................................32
20.3. Joinery and Carpentry Wood ....................................................................................................32
20.4. Storage Protection and Treatment ............................................................................................33
20.5. Insect Damage ...........................................................................................................................33
20.6. Seasoning of Timber .................................................................................................................33
20.7. Surface Treatment ....................................................................................................................33
20.8. Pressure Impregnation .............................................................................................................33
20.9. Protected Joinery ......................................................................................................................33
20.10. Fabrication and Fixing ............................................................................................................33
20.11. Fabrication ...............................................................................................................................34
20.12. Fixing Joinery ..........................................................................................................................34
20.13. Bedding Joinery.........................................................................................................................34
20.14. Flush Doors ..............................................................................................................................34
20.15. Iron Monger ..............................................................................................................................35
20.16. Cleaning ...................................................................................................................................35
20.17. Position .....................................................................................................................................35
20.18. Check List .................................................................................................................................35


Annex III: Guidelines for Site Supervisors of Building Construction Project

Table of Contents
21. CEILING ...........................................................................................................................................35
22. PAINTING .........................................................................................................................................35
22.1. Work Performance for Painting ................................................................................................36
23. WATER AND SEWER SYSTEM ....................................................................................................36
24. WATER WELL ..................................................................................................................................36
25. WATER SUPPLY LINES ..................................................................................................................36
26. PLUMBER AND SANITARY INSTALLATIONS ..........................................................................37
27. SEWER SYSTEM .............................................................................................................................37
28. SEPTIC TANK AND SOAK AWAY PIT ........................................................................................38
28.1. Measurements to be Taken ........................................................................................................38
28.2. Check List for Water and Sewer System ....................................................................................38
29. ELECTRICAL INSTALLATION ....................................................................................................38
29.1. Internal Electrical Installation ..................................................................................................39
29.2. External Electrical Installation ..................................................................................................39
29.3. Measurements to be Taken ........................................................................................................39
29.4. Checklist for Electrical Installation ...........................................................................................40
30. SITE WORK ......................................................................................................................................40
30.1. Excavation .................................................................................................................................40
30.2. Backfilling and Terracing...........................................................................................................40
31. RETAINING WALLS .......................................................................................................................41
32. ROADS AND FOOT PATHS ............................................................................................................41
33. DRAIN CHANNELS AND CULVERTS ..........................................................................................41
34. FENCING AND GATE .....................................................................................................................42
35. VARIATION ORDERS ....................................................................................................................42
35.1. Programme Change ...................................................................................................................42
35.2. Alteration of Design ...................................................................................................................42
35.3. Excess or Reduction in Quantities .............................................................................................42
35.4. Unforeseen Items ........................................................................................................................42
36. INITIATION OF VARIATION ORDERS ........................................................................................42
37. PREPARATION OF PAYMENT CERTIFICATES .......................................................................42


Annex III: Guidelines for Site Supervisors of Building Construction Project

Table of Contents
S U MMARY .........................................................................................................................................44
FORM – 01 ACQUISTION OF DOCUMENTS ..................................................................................................... 47
FORM – 02 HANDING OVER THE WORK FOR THE CONSTRUCTION ....................................................... 48


FORM – 05 REQUISTION FOR MATERIAL TESTING .................................................................................... 51

FORM – 06 EVALUATION OF TEST RESULTS ............................................................................................... 52

FORM – 07 CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS REPORT ....................................................................................... 53

FORM – 08 SITE DIARY .................................................................................................................................... 55

FORM – 09 WORK ORDER .................................................................................................................................. 56

FORM – 10 RESUME OF FACTS AND ACKNOWLEDGEMENT .......................................................................... 57

FORM – 11 RESUME OF FACTS AND ACKNOWLEDGEMENT........................................................................... 58

FORM – 12 PAYMENT CERTIFICATE FORM....................................................................................................... 59


Annex III: Guidelines for Site Supervisors of Building Construction Project

These Guidelines for site supervisors is issued in order to ensure a uniform system of supervision of
building construction projects at different sites. It is to be observed mainly when construction works
are carried out by contractors, but can in some ways even be used for construction works carried out
by direct labor and sub-contractors. In these Guidelines, the responsibilities, liabilities and limitations
of the site supervisor are briefly mentioned. The steps to be followed in checking building
construction works are expressed in general terms. Details of construction are specified in the
drawings, the technical specifications the general and special provisions of the contract. The site
supervisor’s duty is to ensure that the construction works are executed in accordance with the contract
requirements. Therefore, in the application of these Guidelines, the details specified in the contact
documents always precede the application and use of it.


A site supervisor is either a professional engineer, associate engineer, or engineering aide assigned on
site for supervision of building construction projects. Depending on the size and complexity of
building construction, the designer or the consultant will determine the level of professional
competence required for supervision on site.

The site supervisor shall be appointed before the contract for the construction is signed. The
concerned parties shall be informed in writing on the appointment of the supervisor and whenever he
is changed.

No person having any relationship or business connections with the executing contractors shall be
allowed to supervise the construction works.

2.1. Responsibilities of the site supervisor

The site supervisor shall be responsible for:
2.1.1. Maintaining, for the duration of contract period, signed copies of contract agreement,
technical specifications, bill of quantities, drawings and other referenced standards.

2.1.2. Familiarizing him-self with and understanding fully the details in the contract documents
which include the technical specifications, the general provisions, the special provisions
and any other referenced standards.

2.1.3. Inspecting all works done and materials used to make sure that the contractor has
complied with the contract specifications.

2.1.4. Reviewing regularly construction progress schedule and alerting the contractor of possible
delays and consequences.

2.1.5. Arranging periodic and regular site meetings with the designer of the project, the
contractor and the client.

2.1.6. Consulting with the designer on schedule for testing materials and submitting to him detail
field observations on material characteristics with indications on tests required.


Annex III: Guidelines for Site Supervisors of Building Construction Project

2.1.7. Considering and evaluating suggestions and recommendations which may be submitted by
the contractor or the client and reporting them with recommendations to the designer.

2.1.8. Maintaining orderly files of correspondences, minutes of site meetings, change orders,
measurement sheets, test results, and copies of payment certificates.

2.1.9. Keeping a site book and recording in it, for the duration of the project such as the
following and any other matter relevant to the works;

a) Sequence of operations and their accomplishment dates.

b) Conditions and qualities of construction works.

c) Variations made on the work and subsequent changes in cost.

d) Register of minutes of meetings.

e) Names of the responsible technical staff for the construction of the project.

f) Change in the technical staff.

g) Incidences affecting the progress of the construction work.

h) Performance errors or faulty workmanship by the contractor or errors in the design

and the solution to rectify the same.

i) The results of inspections performed by the technical inspectors, designer, or client.

j) The date of receipt on site by the contractor of any part of designs or modifications
and the persons who delivered them.

k) Materials received that do not comply with the contract specifications.

l) Delays in operations and their causes.

m) Site instructions given to the contractor.

n) Comments and clarifications on all matters affecting the execution of the works.

o) And all other matters related to the construction works that have caused delays and
extra expenses or that have helped for the efficient operations and satisfactory
completion of the project.

p) The designer also records in the site book any observations he made and
clarifications he gave on the construction works. Whenever the designer, the supplier
and the supervisor happen to be the same organization then the recording shall be
done by the supervisor appointed by it and the designer.

q) All recordings shall be in Amharic or English and shall be dated and signed.


Annex III: Guidelines for Site Supervisors of Building Construction Project

2.1.10. Keeping a diary or logbook recording daily activates occurrences, etc. in accordance with
Form No. 008.

2.1.11. Taking regular measurements of executed works and preparing payment certificates
regularly as required in the contract.

2.1.12. Submitting construction monthly, quarterly and annual progress reports to Head Office.

2.1.13. Rejecting any work or materials that fail to conform to the contract specifications after the
same are thoroughly assessed, and informing the designer of such an action in advance.

2.1.14. Suspending that portion of work where in his opinion there is an imminent danger to the
safety of the workers, to the safety of the public and to the safety of the works, provided
however such suspension shall obtain the approval of the designer or the consultant.

2.1.15. Accepting works executed and materials delivered on site in conformity with the contract
drawings provisions and technical specifications.

2.1.16. Performing all other duties that may be delegated to him in writing by the designer or the

2.1.17. Performing his duties with a professional standard of conduct, ethical behavior, integrity
and honesty.

2.2. Accountability of the site supervisor

The site supervisor will be called upon to account for:

2.2.1. Unauthorized absenteeism from site.

2.2.2. Acceptance of un-checked works.

2.2.3. Acceptance of materials that do not conform to specifications.

2.2.4. Inclusion of un-executed works in payment certificates.

2.2.5. Failure to make reports and to prepare measurements on monthly bases.

2.2.6. Failure to fully carry out his duties as specified above and in accordance with contract

2.3. Limitations of the site supervisor

Unless authorized in writing by authorized body, the site supervisor cannot:

2.3.1. Authorize deviation from contract documents.

2.3.2. Issue unapproved variation orders.

2.3.3. Issue direct payments.


Annex III: Guidelines for Site Supervisors of Building Construction Project

2.3.4. Grant time extensions.

2.3.5. Authorize the owner to occupy the building in whole or in part before provisional
acceptance formalities are completed.


Before starting work on a new site, the site supervisor shall have an office, documents, equipment and
stationery at the site.

3.1. Documents

The following documents should be in the site office:

a) One copy of the contract agreement.

b) One set of approved drawings.

c) One set of approved bill of quantities and specifications.

d) One copy of general conditions of contract

e) One set of Technical Specifications and Method of Measurement.

f) Approved standard documents

g) These guidelines for supervision

h) Construction supervision follow-up forms

3.2. Equipment and Stationery
The site supervisor must have all necessary field equipment and stationery to enable him carry
out effectively the supervision works. The site supervisor should have one pocket meter tape
and one pocket calculator in addition to items furnished by the contractor as required by the


4.1. Visual inspection should be made on site in order to obtain data on surface soils, surface water,
slopes, adjacent construction and accessibility to the site. The site should also be checked in
order to determine whether underground utilities may cross it. Available maps showing
underground structures and utilities should be checked to avoid breaking them during
construction. Pits should be dug to make visual inspection of soils in place and to obtain
undisturbed soil samples for laboratory testing whenever deemed necessary.

4.2. The site plan and the layout of buildings and sewer system shall be very carefully checked
especially concerning levels and soil condition.


Annex III: Guidelines for Site Supervisors of Building Construction Project

4.3. If changes are necessary a written report shall immediately be submitted to the designer.

4.4. Area to be cleared off shall be decided upon and measurements taken. Trees within the
foundation shall be cut and rooted up. Permission must be obtained from the local authorities
before cutting trees outside the foundation areas.
4.5. Boarder-lines shall be checked and agreed with local municipality or other relevant offices and
corner stones placed.
4.6. Connection points for water and electricity shall be checked and agreed upon with local
municipality or other concerned offices.

It is necessary to check that the setting out is done correctly with proper measuring tape and leveling
5.1. Checking of a right angle

There are two easy ways of checking a right angle.

a. “3:4:5 Method”

b. “Diagonal Method”

4m 5m PEG-A PEG-D

First, put the corner peg A. Measure 3m from the
corner peg A along one wall and put in peg B. When the four corner pegs A, B, C and D are
Measure than 4m, from, the corner peg A along the placed, check that the distance between peg A
other wall and put in peg C. if the corner angle is and C is equal to the distance between peg B and
right, the distance between peg B and peg C shall be peg D.
5.2. Checking of Measurements

All measurements shall be taken horizontally. If the ground is sloping use the method shown
First Stage

PEG-1 Plumb Second Stage

PEG-2 Plumb



Annex III: Guidelines for Site Supervisors of Building Construction Project

5.3. Checking of Levels

Check that the leveling instrument is accurate. Find and secure the elevation reference point in
accordance with the survey map. If no reference point exists establish one and fix the elevation
of this reference point going out from one corner of the border lines. The elevation is always
written on the survey map. Going out from the reference point, check that bottom of trenches
and floor levels are according to the elevation shown on the drawings.

Establishing points and preserving of reference points shall be done as shown below.

10 Protection of
Wood, Painted Red


Steel PEG embedded
in concrete



Check that the excavation for foundation is executed 20 cm wider than the thickness of the
foundation wall and to the exact depth. Required depth of excavation shall be determined by the
Designer unless the supervisor is delegated for such works.

Min–10cm (The working space is

determined by the methods of measurement
depending on the depth of excavation.

If the ground is sloping the bottom of the trench shall be excavated according to one of the two
following methods


Annex III: Guidelines for Site Supervisors of Building Construction Project

a) Gently Sloping Ground


Bottom of trench shall be level.

b) Steep Sloping ground



Bottom of trench shall be excavated in steps.

6.1. Acceptance of work

Excavated materials and foundation depth shall be compared and checked against soil test
report. Excavated soil shall be properly identified in accordance with the specifications.

6.2. Measurement to be taken

Remember: The contractor will be paid for excavated quantities in accordance with the
Technical specifications and method of measurement. Final foundation depth shall be checked
and approved by the designer using a proper form.


Foundation work must be checked very carefully. If the foundation drawings do not correspond with
the conditions on the site, a written report shall immediately be submitted to the designer.

7.1. Foundation in Stone Masonry

7.1.1. Stone shall be of the type specified. It shall be hard, sound, and free from cracks, decay
and weathering and shall be freshly quarried from an approved quarry. Stone with round
surface shall not be used.


Annex III: Guidelines for Site Supervisors of Building Construction Project

7.1.2. The stone when immersed in water for 24 hours shall not absorb water by more than 5%
of its dry weight when tested.

7.1.3. Stone masonry shall be laid with specified mortar, and with well filled joints. Check that
the stone masonry during execution is kept free from solid and other kind of dirt.

7.1.4. The length of stone shall not exceed three times its height.

7.2. Check List of Stone Masonry Foundation

a) Trench clearance
b) Stone quality
c) Mortar quality

7.3. Acceptance of Work

Stone used should be compared with the design specification and should be identified among
the following two types of stone.
a) Basaltic stone
b) Hard trachetic stone

Executed works should be checked and accepted by the site supervisor using a proper form. In
case of doubt inform the designer.


8.1. Cement
Cement shall be of specified type and quality and delivered to the site in the manufacturer’s
original sealed bags, fresh not older than six months.
The cement shall be stored in a dry and well ventilated store with a wooden floor which is
raised minimum 20 cm above the ground level.

The cement should be stacked separately and a card bearing date of arrival of the consignment
should be pinned to it.

This would help in using cement in the same order as it arrived, thereby avoiding dead storage.
Cement more than six months old (after production) should be tested to ascertain that it satisfies
the specified requirements.
8.2. Sand (Fine Aggregate)
Fine aggregate shall be clean river or pit sand of approved quality. It should consist of hard,
dense durable uncoated rock fragments. It should not contain harmful amounts of clay, silt, dust,
mica, organic matter, or other impurities to such an extent that either together or separately, they
render it impossible to attain the required properties of concrete when employing normal
proportions of the ingredients. The gradation of fine aggregate should meet the specification
requirements. If there are any doubts about the quality, samples should be sent for testing.


Annex III: Guidelines for Site Supervisors of Building Construction Project

Remember: Before any sand is delivered to the site the quality shall be checked against the
following field tests.

8.2.1. Rub a little sand between the fingers. Stains left on fingers will indicate the presence of
clay impur ities.

8.2.2. Taste of sand shall provide a suitable check for the presence of salts.

8.2.3. Vigorously stir a sample of sand in a glass of water and allow it to rest. Amount of clay
or silt present in it would settle on sand.

8.2.4. Stir a sample in a three percent solution of caustic soda and keep the bottle corked for 24
hours. If the color of liquid turns brown, it indicates the presence of organic matter.

8.3. Coarse Aggregate

8.3.1. Coarse aggregate shall be crushed basaltic stone or gravel of approved quality.

8.3.2. It shall consist of hard, dense, durable, and uncoated rock fragments.

8.3.3. It shall not contain any clay, soft, thin elongated or laminated pieces and shall be free
from alkali and organic matter.

8.3.4. The gradation shall comply with the specifications.

Remember: Before any coarse aggregate is delivered to the site, the quality shall be
checked and approved at the quarry by the Engineer/Supervisor.

8.4. Water

Water used for mixing concrete should be clean and free from injurious amounts of oils, acids,
alkalies, organic materials or other delitescent substances that significantly affect the hydration
reactions of Portland cement, thereby reducing the strength of the concrete.

If there are any doubts about the quality of the water a sample shall be sent to the designer or
consultant for testing.

8.5. Concrete Mix

8.5.1. Mechanical Mixing

In order to attain a condition where the four ingredients are uniformly distributed
through the mass, proper mixing involves effort and requires close inspection.

a) The mixer shall be thoroughly cleaned from hardened concrete and other kind of dirt
before use.


Annex III: Guidelines for Site Supervisors of Building Construction Project

b) The mixer drum must be tight to avoid loss of mortar. The valves must not be
leaking mixing water.
c) The specified mixing time should be carefully adhered to.
d) The mixer must not be overloaded. Check the capacity of the mixer and do not allow
the contractor to mix bigger batches than specified.
e) The tilting type mixer is considered superior because it discharges more quickly,
with less segregation and is easier to keep clean.
f) In charging, the materials should enter the drum rapidly.
g) The blades in the drum must be kept clean. Worn out blades must be replaced.
h) The discharge mechanism must be so designed that segregation does not result in the
act of discharging.
i) Cement, fine and coarse aggregates shall be measured by weight or volume,
depending on what is specified.
The material shall be placed into the mixer in the following order.
a) Half the volume of water
b) Coarse aggregate
c) Fine aggregate
d) Cement
e) The rest of the water
Remember: The water-cement ratio shall always be kept constant.

8.5.2. Hand Mixing

A common method of mixing by hand is to spread the sand over the platform to a
uniform depth and then spread the cement over the sand. The sand is then shoveled over
the cement using a turning and spreading motion. The whole mass should be so mixed
with shovel until a uniform color is obtained. A crater is then formed in the center and
water is added slowly. To hasten absorption of water, material from the edge may be
shoveled into the wetter center mass. This is continued until a consistency somewhat
wetter than the required final concrete consistency is obtained. The coarse aggregate is
then spread over the mortar and the whole mass is turned until a uniform texture results.
If too dry, additional water may be sprinkled on and the mass again turned.
Hand mixing shall only be allowed for class II concrete and shall under no
circumstances be allowed for concrete of class C-20 and higher.
Before any casting starts at the site, test cubes or cylinders shall be made and sent for
testing and decision by the designer. No concrete shall be placed until the reinforcement
and formwork are properly checked by the site supervisor.
Form No. 04 should be filled out by the supervisor and approved by the designer before
casting starts.

8.5.3. Standard Concrete Mixes

The following standard mixes (Table 8.5.3a or 8.5.3b may be used in the absence of
approved design mix.


Annex III: Guidelines for Site Supervisors of Building Construction Project

Table 8.5.3.a Standard Mixes for Concrete Per 50 kg bag of Cement

Nominal max. size of Aggregate

Concrete (mm) 40 20 14 10
Grade Workability Medium High Medium High Medium High Medium High
Limits to slump that may be expected
(mm) 30 – 80 60 – 120 20 – 50 50 – 100 10 – 30 30 – 60 10 – 25 25 - 50
C5 Total Aggregate (kg) 640 550 540 480
Fine Aggregate % 30 – 45 30 – 45 35 – 50 35 – 50 - - - -
Vol. of Finished concrete (M3) 0.312 0.275 0.277 0.252
C 15 Total Aggregate kg) 370 330 320 280
Fine Aggregate % 30 – 45 30 – 45 35 – 50 35 – 50
Vol. of Finished concrete (M3) 0.200 0.180 0.178 0.160
C 20 Total Aggregate kg) 305 270 280 250 255 220 240 200
Fine Aggregate % 30 – 35 30 – 40 30 – 40 35 – 45 35 – 45 40 – 50 40 – 50 45 – 55
Vol. of Finished concrete (M3) 0.165 0.155 0.156 0.143 0.146 0.130 0.137 0.121
C 25 Total Aggregate kg) 265 240 240 215 220 155 210 175
Fine Aggregate % 30 – 35 30 – 40 30 – 40 35 – 45 40 – 50 40 – 50 40 – 50 45 – 55
Vol. of Finished concrete (M3) 0.147 0.137 0.137 0.127 0.130 0.118 0.124 0.110
C 30 Total Aggregate kg) 235 215 210 190 195 170 180 150
Fine Aggregate % 30-35 30 – 40 30 – 40 35 – 45 35 – 45 40 – 50 40 – 50 45 – 55
Vol. of Finished concrete (M3) 0.134 0.127 0.124 0.115 0.115 0.106 0.109 0.097

Note: To get volumes of fine and course aggregates proceed as follows:

1. Calculate the weights of fine and course aggregates by using percentages within the given ranges
2. Calculate the volume of fine aggregate in it, by dividing the weight in kg. by 1.40
3. Calculate the volume of course aggregates in it by dividing the weight in kg. by 1.25


Annex III: Guidelines for Site Supervisors of Building Construction Project


Nominal max size

of Agg. 40 20
Concrete Grade Workability Medium High Medium High
Limits to slump 30-60 60-100 20-50 50-100
that may be
expected (mm)
Sand 5A 6C 6C 4A
C5 Coarse Agg 7A 7C 7C 5A
Water (liters) 48 48 48 48
Sand 3A 3B 3B 2B
C 15 Coarse Agg 4A 4B 4B 4B
Water (liters) 30 30 30 30
Sand 3C 2A 2B 2C
C 20 Coarse Agg 4C 3A 4B 4C
Water (liters) 25 25 25 25
Sand 2A 2B 2B 2C
C 25 Coarse Agg 3A 3B 3B 3C
Water (liters) 23 23 23 23
Sand 2B 2C 2C 2B
C 30 Coarse Agg 3B 3C 3C 2B
Water (liters) 20 20 20 20

Standard Box sizes (sizes in CMs)

A. 40 x 50 x 20
B. 40 x 50 x 18
C. 40 x 50 x 16
8.5.4. Checking of Concrete Workability
The consistency of fresh concrete is an important characteristic in that it affects its
workability. Consistency is commonly measured with the slump cone as shown
Ø 10 cm

º º
ººººº · 30 cm
º º º ºº
Ø 20 cm

The slump test is made by measuring the number of centimeters (A) which concrete
subsides when a standard conical mold into which concrete subsides when a standard
conical mold into which it has been tamped is removed. The slump test is made on a


Annex III: Guidelines for Site Supervisors of Building Construction Project

flat, level, moist, nonabsorbent surface. A representative sample of concrete is placed

in the slump cone in three equal layers. Each layer is rodded 25 times with a round
metal rod of 50 cm. length and 20 mm diameter using strokes which penetrate into
the layer below. After the top layer is struck off, the cone is carefully raised
vertically. The slump is the amount the concrete subsides (A) as measured from its
height when in the cone. The cone and rod must be washed clean after each use
slumps should not vary more than 20 percent from the specified slump, provided the
average of three determinations is used for comparison.

8.5.5. Placing of Concrete

Concrete shall, if possible, be transported from the mixer to the point of deposit in
wheel barrows. Concrete older than half an hour shall not be allowed to be used in
the construction unless approved by the designer/supervisor. All placing of concrete
shall start from one end and continue in the same direction with-out any break, in
order to avoid unnecessary joints. Unless special arrangements are made, it is not
allowed to pour concrete from a height of more than 1.5m.

All concrete shall be vibrated with an adequate mechanical vibrator. The vibration
shall be carefully done, but the concrete shall not be over vibrated.

In general, the vibration shall continue until the surface of the concrete is fairly
smooth, where after the vibrator shall be removed slowly and carefully.

8.5.6. Construction Joints

Construction joints shall be avoided as much as possible. If it is necessary to make

joints, they shall be made against a form in an approved position. All joints shall be
executed as shown below or as indicated on drawings.


B/3 B


2-5 cm

Before the casting continues the joint shall be cleaned from foreign matter and
thoroughly watered.

8.5.7. Curing of Concrete

When the casting is finished the concrete shall be kept damp for at least 7 days or as
specified, in order to prevent it from drying out too quickly. The longer the curing
period, the stronger the concrete will be.


Annex III: Guidelines for Site Supervisors of Building Construction Project

8.5.8. Test Cubes

For test cubes prepared on site, the forms shall be of wood or steel properly made
with shall be of wood or steel properly made with right angles and right dimensions:
15x15x15 cm.

If the concrete is going to be compacted by hand, the form shall first be filled up to
the half height and the concrete compacted with 20 stamps by a steel bar of 50 cm.
length and 20 mm. diameter. Thereafter, the form shall be completely filled and
compacted as described above, and the top surface shall be smoothed. If the concrete
is compacted by vibrator, the form shall be placed on the vibrator, which is lying on a
plank. Between the plank and the vibrator soft material like jute bag shall be placed.

It is forbidden to dip the vibrator into the concrete. Fill the form with concrete and
vibrate it. Stop the vibration when the top surface is smooth. The form can be filled
and vibrated as described above. The first two days after casting, the test cubes shall
be covered with wet paper or jute bags. After two days the form can be removed and
the cubes kept in water or wet-sand for another 3 days.

During the rest of the curing period, the cubes shall be kept in a proper store and
moistened at regular intervals, the cubes shall be sent to the laboratory in good time
before the testing date and shall be marked with the casting date and the project

8.5.9. Test Result

Test results shall be checked and evaluated by the designer. Results shall be recorded
and filed using form No.06. One copy each is kept by the supervisor and the


Strength with an adequate margin for unexpected loads is a basic requirement for the safety of
both the workmen and the structure itself. If addition to sufficient strength the form must be
sufficiently rigid under the construction loads to maintain the shape called for on the plans.
Tightness of form is essential to prevent loss of mortar with resulting honeycomb. Forms erected
for some time before concreting must be carefully checked to see that lumber shrinkage does not
open up originally tight forms.

The form or at least its lining, must be designed to produce the desired concrete surface texture to
carry out the architectural effect specified.
Forms must be designed so they may be stripped from the hardened concrete easily in order both
to protect the concrete and to reduce labor cost. For the safety of the workmen and the concrete
structure itself its assembly and bracing should be carefully inspected for strength by the

There are two different kinds of forms, vertical supporting and horizontal carrying.

Vertical supporting forms are in general used for walls, columns and tie beams. The form carries
the lateral pressure from the concrete during casting.


Annex III: Guidelines for Site Supervisors of Building Construction Project

Horizontal carrying forms are in general used for suspended slabs and end beams. The forms carry
the load from the concrete until the concrete is strong enough to carry itself.

Forms can be either wooden or steel. Wooden forms for unexposed concrete surface are executed
of sawed boards with sharp edges and of the same thickness, wooden forms for exposed concrete
surface are generally of tongued and grooved boards of the same thickness and free from knots,
holes, cracks and splits.

The specifications shall apply to individual case.

9.1. Vertical Supporting Forms

The contractor/sub-contractor is responsible for the design and the stability of the form

Before any casting of concrete starts, it is necessary to check that the form work has the right
dimensions, is straight, has the correct level is properly done and free from holes and dirt,
the top level of the form shall be at the same level as the top of the finished concrete.

Vertical forms can be removed much earlier than horizontal forms. The specifications must
be checked for the individual case.

9.2. Horizontal Carrying Forms

The contractor is responsible for the design and stability of the form work.

Before any casting of concrete starts, it is necessary to check that the form work has the right
dimensions, is straight, is in the right level, properly done and free from holes and dirt.

Removing of formwork shall be in accordance with the specifications.


All reinforcement bars shall be of the specified quality. If there are any doubts on the quality, the
Engineer/designer shall order the required tests.

Dimension, length and shape of the reinforcement bars shall be according to the drawings and

10.1. Bending of Reinforcement Bars

Bending of reinforcement bars shall be done with adequate bending tools. It is not allowed
to use heat for bending of reinforcement bars. All bars with cracks or splits at the bend
shall be rejected.
All mild steels shall have their end hooks. The bending radius shall be as called for in the

10.2. Planning and Splicing of Reinforcement Bars

All reinforcement bars shall be free from loose rust, grease and oil, mortar and other kind
of dirt, when they are placed in their position. The bars shall be placed in their position


Annex III: Guidelines for Site Supervisors of Building Construction Project

according to the drawings and firmly bound together with soft annealed wire, diameter 1-2
mm. longitudinal splicing of reinforcement bars shall be done by over-lapping in the
places and manner shown in the drawings and described in the specifications.

Before the casting of concrete starts, all reinforcement bars shall be lifted up, placed and
fixed on precast concrete blocks, in order to get the right thickness of the covering

The minimum thickness of concrete cover provided shall be checked against the
requirements of the drawings and specifications.

Mass concrete: the reinforcement bars shall be placed in the middle for mass concrete and

It is easier to use support of reinforcement as shown below, when the reinforcement shall
be placed in the right level.

Remember, that before any concrete is cast, the reinforcement shall be checked and approved
by the designer or by the supervisor if delegated, using the form No. 04.

10.3. Check List for Concrete Work

The following are to be checked:

a) Quality and storage of cement;
b) Quality and size of aggregates;
c) Quality of water;
d) Quality and stiffness of the concrete mixture;
e) Quality bending and position of reinforcement bars;
f) Dimension, level, straightness and cleaning of work; and
g) Curing period of the concrete.

Remember to order trial mixes and cube or cylinder tests of the concrete before any
concrete work starts in an area where the quality of the local materials have not been
properly determined.

The frequency of testing shall be agreed upon with the designer/supervisor at the start of
the work.


Annex III: Guidelines for Site Supervisors of Building Construction Project


All materials used for backfilling shall be of approved quality and free from organic material, such
as pieces of wood, roots, bushes and black cotton soil.

All backfilling shall be well rammed and consolidated, using methods specified in the

11.1. Internal backfilling

All internal backfilling shall be done with approved material, if possible with material
excavated on the site.

The backfilling shall be filled in layers not exceeding 20 cm. Each layer shall be well
rammed and consolidated with the addition of water if necessary.

Before the backfilling starts, check that the ground is cleared, free from grass, bushes and
pieces of wood.

11.2. External backfilling

All external backfilling around foundation walls and behind retaining walls shall be done
with approved selected material, if possible with material excavated on the site.

The backfilling shall be filled in layers, not exceeding 20cm. up to the ground level. Each
layer shall be well rammed and consolidated. If there are any pipes or electrical cables in
connection with the backfilling, the work shall be executed very carefully, so they do not
break or get damaged.

All trenches and places where backfilling shall be executed shall be clean from grass,
bushes and pieces of wood.

Where roads, foot-paths or parking places are constructed on backfilling the compaction
shall be very carefully done.

11.3. Checklist for Backfilling

The following must be checked that:

a) Ground is clean before the backfilling starts;
b) The quality of the backfilling material is good and approved;
c) Each layer does not exceed 20 cm thickness;
d) Ramming and consolidation of each layer is properly done; and.
e) Backfilling in connection with pipes and electrical cables is carefully done.


Stone for hardcore, shall be of approved quality all stones in the hardcore shall be of
approximately equal size, well rammed and consolidated with the top surface tightened with
crushed stones or gravel and sand.


Annex III: Guidelines for Site Supervisors of Building Construction Project

The thickness of the hardcore shall not be less than specified.

Remember that the stone quality shall be approved in the quarry. If there are any doubts about the
quality, the designer must be consulted.


All mass concrete shall be of specified thickness and quality with reinforcement if any, placed
according to the drawings and the specifications. Before the casting starts, it is necessary to check
that the hardcore is free from pieces of wood and soil and that the reinforcement is well fixed in its
correct position, all are in accordance with the plans and specifications. Just before casting
concrete, the surface of the hardcore is to be wetted.

All casting shall start from one side and continue without any long breaks in the same direction
until the whole slab is completed.

If there is any slope indicated on the drawing, it shall be executed in the mass concrete as well as
in the paving. If any kind of pavior, such as cement tiles, is prescribed, the finishing of the floor
surface shall be done at the same time when the casting of the mass concrete is done. The type of
surface shall be as prescribed in the drawings and the specifications.

Later application of cement screed shall be avoided. The mass-concrete shall be kept wet for at
least 7 days.

Remember to make test cubes or cylinders where specified and to check that installation in the
floor are done properly.


All mortar shall if possible, be mixed in an approved mechanical mixer.

14.1. Lime
Lime shall be freshly burnt limestone. It shall be delivered to the site in large lumps,
slaked, run to putty and matured for not less than two weeks before use.

Alternatively, hydraulic lime may be used. Hydraulic lime shall be stored in the same
manner as described for cement.

14.2. Cement
Cement shall be Portland cement.

14.3. Sand
Sand for mortar shall be of quality as described for concrete works.

14.4. Water

Water shall be of quality as described for concrete works.


Annex III: Guidelines for Site Supervisors of Building Construction Project

14.5. Cement Mortar

Cement mortar normally consists of one part cement to three parts of sand (1:3), measured
by volume, but the specifications should be followed for each particular case.

14.6. Compo Mortar

Compo mortar normally consists of one part cement to two parts of lime to nine parts of
sand (1:2:9) measured by volume. Again the specifications should be followed.

14.7. Precautions in the use of Mortars

All mortars prepared for masonry works shall be used as soon as possible with the time
limits given below.

Cement mortar shall be used within 30 minutes compo mortar shall be used within 2 hours
of the addition of cement. Partly set and dried mortar should not be re-tempered and used.
In case of masonry work with lime mortar, it is desirable that after a height of about 1.5
meters is reached the masonry work shall be allowed to set for at least two days before
starting further construction over it.


15.1. Walls of Hollow Concrete Blocks

Hollow concrete blocks shall conform to ES.C.03/30/1973.

15.1.1. Hollow concrete blocks are classified in three classes.

Class “A” & “B”, load bearing units suitable for use as:
- External walls pointed, rendered, plastered and the like.
- Internal walls and partitions
- Panels in steel frame and reinforced concrete framed buildings.

Class “C” non load bearing units suitable for use as:
- Non-load bearing walls and partitions
- Non-load bearing internal panels in steel framed and reinforced concrete frame

15.1.2. Hollow Concrete Blocks Delivered to the Site

Hollow Concrete Blocks shall be free from laminations, cracks and other defects
that would impair the proper setting, strength or permanence of the construction.

They shall be well compacted, properly cured and shall have uniform colour and

15.1.3. Compressive Strength

The minimum compressive strength for each class of hollow concrete blocks shall
be as indicated here below, according to ES.C.D3/3D/1973.


Annex III: Guidelines for Site Supervisors of Building Construction Project

Average of 6 units Individual units

A 4.2 42 3.8 38
B 4.0 35 3.2 32
C 2.0 20 1.8 18

15.1.4. Hollow Concrete Blocks Manufactured on the Site

When hollow blocks are to be manufactured on the site, the quality of cement and
sand shall be as described for concrete works.

All blocks shall be manufactured in an approved special hollow block machine.

Before any manufacturing in big scale starts, test samples shall be made, cured and
sent for testing.

Test results must be approved by the designer/Engineer before any manufacturing

in big scale starts.

For every 5 thousand blocks manufactured six samples shall be tested unless a
different frequency of testing is specified by the designer.

15.1.5. Curing of Hollow Concrete Blocks

The blocks shall be kept moist, at least for seven days. This can be done by
covering the blocks with sand, wet sack cloth or other suitable means and frequent
sprinkling of water to keep the blocks wet during the whole period. The blocks
shall be properly dried before they are used for construction. This is necessary,
because concrete blocks are subject to shrinkage upon drying. The minimum time
for drying under shade shall not be less than 14 days.

15.1.6. Work Performance for Hollow Concrete Block Walls

Only blocks free from defects shall be used for construction and if damaged blocks
are found in the wall, they shall be replaced with good one at the expense of the

The hollow blocks and the walls shall during the execution be kept free from soil
and other kind of dirt.

All joints, vertical as well as horizontal, shall be well filled with proper mortar and
partition walls filled with proper mortar and partition walls shall be bonded to
elevation walls.


Annex III: Guidelines for Site Supervisors of Building Construction Project

It must be checked that the joints as well as the walls are in plumb and level.

Min1/3 of Block Length

Elevation Plan

15.1.7. Load Bearing Walls of Hollow Concrete Blocks

If the wall is designated as load bearing by the designer, special care must be
taken for the execution of the work.

The thickness of the joints shall not exceed 15mm.

The drawings must be checked carefully if any extra reinforcement or expansion

joints are prescribed.

15.1.8. Non Load Bearing Walls of Hollow Concrete Blocks

The thickness of the joints shall not exceed 15mm. Compo mortar shall be used
only above ground level.

15.2. Bricks delivered to the site

15.2.1. Bricks shall not be dumped at site

They shall be stocked in regular tiers as they are unloaded, for minimum breakage
and defacement. The supply of bricks shall be so arranged that, as far as possible,
at least two days requirements of bricks are available at site at any time. Bricks
selected for use in different situations shall be stocked separately.

15.2.2. Work Performance for Brick Walls

Bricks shall be soaked in water for a minimum period of one hour before use.

When bricks are soaked they shall be removed from the tank sufficiently in
advance so that at the time of laying, they are surface dry. Such soaked bricks shall
be stacked on a clean place where they are not spoiled by dirt, earth etc. all brick
works shall be laid in English bond, even and true to line, plumb, level and all
joints accurately kept. All joints vertical as well as horizontal shall be well filled
and the thickness of joints shall not exceed 10mm. Only bricks of the same
dimensions shall be used in the same dimensions shall be used in the same wall.


Annex III: Guidelines for Site Supervisors of Building Construction Project

Partition walls shall be bonded to elevation walls as shown in the fig. below.

Min1/3 of Block Length

15.3. Wooden Walls

All kinds of wood used for construction shall be of the type and dimension required in the
specification and the drawings.

All woods shall be well seasoned, free from major knots, splits and bends.

All wood for construction shall be well protected against rain and stored free from the

All wood shall, if specified, be treated with anti-termite liquid.

15.3.1. Work Performance for Wooden Walls

Only wood free from defects shall be used for construction supporting members in the
structure and shall not be joined unless indicated on the drawings. Dimension, placing
and numbers of nails shall be according to the drawings.

It must be checked that the wall is in plumb and level.

15.4. Check List for Hollow Concrete and Brick Walls

It is necessary to check that:

a) Material used for hollow concrete blocks and mortar is of the right quality;
b) Manufacturing and curing of hollow concrete blocks is properly done;
c) Hollow concrete blocks, bricks and stones are tested and approved;
d) Storing of hollow concrete blocks and bricks are properly done;
e) Specified type of mortar is used;
f) Joints are well filled;
g) Blocks, bricks, stones and walls are kept free from soils and other kind of dirt; and
h) Walls are in plumb and level.
Remember: To send test samples of hollow concrete blocks before any manufacturing
starts on the site and to send three test samples for every five thousand blocks


Annex III: Guidelines for Site Supervisors of Building Construction Project

15.5. Check List for Wooden Walls

It is necessary to check that:

a) Quality and dimensions are according to specifications and drawings.
b) Storing of wood to be used for construction is properly done.
c) Joints in the supporting members of the structure are placed according to the drawings.

15.6. Check List for Magnesium Oxide Board Walls & Ceilings

It is necessary to check that:

a) Cured or dried and undamaged boards have to be issued to projects sites.
b) Boards have to be properly stacked and arranged for safe transportation & arrival to
project sites.
c) Quality and dimensions are according to specifications and drawings.
d) Storing of boards to be used for construction is properly done, properly stacked by
dimensions (Thickness & Area).
e) Joints are properly filled and painted so that parts joined are homogenous and even.


Plaster is divided in two major groups, cement plaster and compo plaster.

Cement plaster shall be used where water effect is expected such as in toilets, laundries and
external walls.

Compo plaster shall be used in all other cases, unless otherwise specified.

Before any plaster is applied, the wall shall be thoroughly cleaned form dirt and dust.

The wall shall, depending on the material, be kept wet for some time before any plaster is applied.
It is not enough to sprinkle water to the wall just before the plaster is applied. All plaster shall, if
possible, be mixed in a mechanical mixer of approved type.

Where pointing is prescribed, check that it is done in plumb and level, pointing shall be done with
cement mortar.
16.1. Cement Plaster
The quality of material shall be as described for concrete thickness and type of surface in
the specifications and drawings.
16.2. Compo Plaster
For quality of material see 14.1. For mixture, thickness and type of surface, reference to the
specifications and the drawings is important.


The Light Gauge Steel (LGS) or Structural Steel shall comply with the requirements of the
specifications and the manufacturers’ standards.


Annex III: Guidelines for Site Supervisors of Building Construction Project

Unless specified in the contract specifications, welding shall comply with the requirements of
B.S.449 part 2.
Block bolts and nuts shall comply with B.S. 1976 mild steel electrodes shall comply with the
requirements of B.S.639.

17.1. Fabrication and Erection

Production and assembly of LGS & steel structure shall be carried out in accordance with
the detail drawings, the specification and further details as may be issued from time to time
by the designer.
Steel before and after fabrication shall be straight and free from twist.

17.1.1. Cutting and Welding

Cutting shall be done by shearing, cropping, sawing or machine flame cutting.

Cutting by hand operated flame shall be done after approval. Sheared or cropped
edges shall be dressed to a neat machine work and shall be prepared for welding
finish. The maximum gap for but welded sections shall be less than 3mm. welded
sections shall be inspected and approved prior to priming.

Each weld shall be continuous, sound and without interruption and free of craters.
Immediately after welding slag should be taken away and the weld cleared with
metal brush. The ends of rectangular and square hollow section (RHS) shall be
sealed by welding to prevent ingress of moisture.

17.1.2. Assembly

Component parts shall be assembled in a manner not to produce twist or other

damage and shall be prepared with the chambers as shown on drawings.

17.1.3. Erection

During erection, the steel structure shall be securely bolted to plates, channels or
angle cleats. No direct bolting to sides of hollow steel section shall be allowed.

Holes for fixing of electrical fittings, partitions, etc. shall be correctly positioned.


In this section, reference is made to the following Ethiopian standards.

ES C. D7. 001 Galvanized plain sheet
ES C. D7. 026 Galvanized Corrugated Sheet

18.1. Galvanized Steel Sheet Roofing and Flashing

Galvanized-steel sheet roofing and flashing shall comply with ES C. D7.001 and ES C.
D7. 026 for plain and corrugated sheets.

Galvanized steel ribbed sheets shall comply with Manufacturer’s specifications.


Annex III: Guidelines for Site Supervisors of Building Construction Project

18.2. Steel Hook Bolts and Nuts

Steel hook bolts and nuts shall be zinc coated, the size and use of which shall be as per the
manufacturer’s instruction.

18.3. Roof Fixing

No person other than workmen fixing roofing shall have access to the area while roofing is
under construction. Fixing of roofing and flashing shall be fully water tight and performed
to the standard of best workmanship.

Galvanized steel sheet roofing and flashing shall be fixed to timber members using chiseler
diamond edge and convex head nails made of mild steel round wires. The steel sheets shall
be fixed to steel members using galvanized steel hook bolts and nuts the use and size of
which shall be as per manufacturers instruction.

Galvanized ribbed sheets shall be fixed to steel and wooden trusses and purlins using hood
bolts and nuts as above. Flashings, aprons, edge trims shall be performed to the required
shapes in galvanized steel sheets..

Fixing holes shall be drilled in crown of corrugations of roofing sheets. Holes shall be
5mm larger in diameter than bolts or screws and not less than 40 mm from edges of sheet.

Sheets shall be laid with and laps not less than 150 mm. Side laps shall be minimum one
and a half corrugations. Sheets shall be laid with upper laps away from prevailing wind.

18.4. Gutters and Downpipes

Gutters and down pipes shall be formed with the specified guage galvanized mild steel flat
sheet from suitable lengths and to shapes shown on the drawings. Gutter hangers and down
pipe supports shall be 2.25 mm anti-rust-painted flat sheet spaced at 1m center maximum,
unless otherwise specified. Joints of gutter shall be overlapped 15cm and welded. The area
around the weld shall be treated with three coats of zinc paint.


19.1. Cement tiles shall confirm with ES. CD3. 302

19.2. Work Performance of Tiles Pavior

Before any paving starts, the mass concretes shall be completely free from standing water.

Unless specified in the contract, slurry of cement and water shall be brushed in the mass
concrete surface immediately before the bedding is laid. The bedding shall be cement
mortar, one part cement to four parts sand, and the slump shall be 2-5cm and over. The
thickness of the bedding shall be 2-3cm. and the tiles shall be gently knocked down into
the bedding so the mortar will be forced up in the joints approximately 5mm.

The joints, which shall be 2-4mm wide, shall be filled with cement mortar, when the
bedding is hard enough (after one day).


Annex III: Guidelines for Site Supervisors of Building Construction Project

Expansion joints shall be executed as indicated on drawings. During the construction time,
for the first 14 days, the complete floor shall be kept wet and be well protected against

19.3. Wall Tiles

Wall tiles shall be soaked in clean water before laying and taken out just before use. Tiles
shall be bedded with straight joints in cement and sand (1:3) and grouted in white cement.
After completion it should be cleaned properly before approval.

19.4. P.V.C. Tiles

P.V.C. tiles shall be laid on floor screeds with approved glue and in accordance with
manufacturer’s instruction.

Remember: Only tiles free from defects shall be used for the construction. Damaged tiles
found in the pavior shall be replaced with good ones at the contractor’s expense.


20.1. Standards

ES C.D 1. 023 – 027 Ethiopian Woods

ES C.D 1. 101 Chip Boards
ES C.D 1. 103 Play Wood
ES G.D 4. 120 Nails

20.2. Materials

Hard Wood, kerero, Bahr-Zaf, Softwood, Tid and Zigba.

20.3. Joinery and Carpentry Wood

The following types of wood are commonly specified.

Door Frames - Pressure impregnated wrought kerero timber

External Doors - Tid purlins
Solid cores for flush construction - Pressure impregnated wrought kerero timber
Face panels for internal flash door - Kerero plywood
Face panels for cabinet and cupboards - Kerero plywood
Face panels for construction in partition - Chip wood
Ceilings - Chipboard
Roof truss - Eucalyptus and Zigba timber
Roof purlins - Zigba timber

Timber for carpentry and joinery shall be as specified and of the best quality obtained from
an approved source. The timber shall be reasonably straight grained.

Play wood - shall comply with EX. D1. 103


Annex III: Guidelines for Site Supervisors of Building Construction Project

Chip Board - shall comply with DES.C.D1.101. The

boards shall be weather proof bonded with
synthetic resin.
Nails, Spikes and Bolts - shall be best quality mild steel or wrought
iron of approved length and weights. Nails
shall comply with ES G. B4 120.

Samples of the above materials and their

sources of manufacture must be approved
before use.

20.4. Storage, Protection and Treatment

Timber shall be purchased immediately after taking over the site and is to be open stacked
for as long as possible before use. Timber as it arrives shall be inspected and any timber
not approved must be removed forthwith.

Timber and assembled wood work shall be protected from rain and sun and stored in such
a way as to prevent attack by termites, insects or decayed fungi.

20.5. Insect Damage

Timber ready for use shall be free from live borer beetle or other insect attack. Measures
necessary to eradicate insect attact of timber which becomes evident, including the
replacement of timber attacked or suspected of being attacked, shall be approved.

20.6. Seasoning of Timber

Timber shall be seasoned to a moisture content of not more than 20% for carpentry and
12% for joinery.

20.7. Surface Treatment

Timber shall be treated after matching and before assembling by applying three coats of
approved preservatives to all new surface exposed by cutting.

20.8. Pressure Impregnation

Pressure impregnated timber shall be treated with preservative chemicals at a pressure of

not less than 10 atmospheres and in accordance with the chemical manufacturer’s

20.9. Protected Joinery

Fixed joinery which is liable to become bruised or damaged in any way shall be
completely protected until the completion of the construction. Exposed and finished items
shall be removed and or loosened and protected, eg. by polythene bags, while decorations
are being carried out, and afterwards re-fixed.

20.10. Fabrication and Fixing


Annex III: Guidelines for Site Supervisors of Building Construction Project

Actual dimensions of scantlings for both carpentry and joinery shall not vary from the
specified dimensions and shall be uniform throughout. Boards shall hold up to the
specified thickness and timber shall be as long as possible and practicable in order to
eliminate joints. Carpentry work shall be left with sawn surface except where other
finishes are specified. Profile of sections shall not be modified form those shown on
drawings without approval. Where timber need to be extended into a wall, it shall be
thoroughly “brush treated” with approved wood preservative.

20.11. Fabrication

Joinery shall be accurately set out on boards to full size for the information and guidance
of the artisans before commencing the respective work, with all joints, iron work and other
works connected therewith fully delineated. Such setting out must be approved before
joinery is commenced.

Joinery shall be kept and framed together soon after the commencement of the building or
as in practicable, but is not be wedged up or glued until the building is ready for fixing
same. Any portion that warps, winds or develops shakes or other defects within twelve
months after completion of the construction shall be removed and new ones fixed in their
places together with all other related works which may be affected thereby.

Joinery shall be properly mortised, tongued, housed, shouldered, dovetailed, notched,

wedged, pinned, etc. as directed and made up properly with approved glue.

Joints are to be made loose where shrinkage is liable to occur and glued where sealed
joints are required.

Glue for load-bearing joints and where conditions are dump must be resin type. Exposed
surface of joinery work shall be wrought and all areas “eased off” by planning and sand
papering to an approved finish.

20.12. Fixing Joinery

Beads, fillets and small members shall be fixed with round or oval brades or nails well
punched in and stopped.

Large members shall be fixed with brass screws, the heads let in and pellated to match the

Grounds for external and internal works shall be in soft wood or tid wood. Holes for
plugging-in grounds must be completely filled with mortar after inserting the grounds.
Grounds for fixing joinery shall be spaced at 500 mm intervals.
20.13. Bedding Joinery
Door and window frames, sills, water bars etc. which are fixed to bricks, blocks or
concrete works by means of grounds, lungs, etc. shall be bedded solid in mastic and


Annex III: Guidelines for Site Supervisors of Building Construction Project

20.14. Flush Doors

Vertical and horizontal edges of doors shall be lipped with edging strips tongued to the
stiles in approved hard wood matching the wood and showing a minimum of 10 mm on
Doors to cupboards and cabinets shall have their sides, tops and edges lipped and edged
with hard wood matching the plywood.

20.15. Iron Monger

Iron monger shall be stored in clean and dry conditions and kept under lock and key until
the construction is completed.
Butts, latches, locks etc., mortised or sunk into doors and frames shall be properly and
neatly fitted stroking plates shall be properly set to hold the door firmly into the rebate
without rattlings and to enable latches and bolts to engage smoothly.
20.16. Cleaning

Cut ends, shearings and other wood-wastes from all parts of the building must be cleared
out and destroyed or removed as the construction progresses and at completion of the

Exposed items shall be finally washed with soap or detergent and left clean and sound. At
the time of final inspection of the work, all keys shall be available for verification of the
proper operation of locks.

20.17. Position

Unless otherwise specified, hinges shall be at 3 points, one at center and one each at 200
mm to the center of hinges above the bottom and below the top of the opening leaf.
Locks and handles: 1100 mm above finished floor, unless otherwise specified.

20.18. Check List

a) Right type of door is fixed in the right place and that the door swings in accordance
with the drawings.
b) Door frames and window frames are fixed straight and in plumb.
c) Hinges, locks, latches and handles are of approved type and properly fixed.
d) Window panels are of the right thickness and properly fixed.


Material and dimensions shall be according to the specifications and the drawings. Before any
mounting starts, painting of pacts in connection with the ceiling, such as steel guides and walls,
shall be completed.


Annex III: Guidelines for Site Supervisors of Building Construction Project

Check, that the ceiling is cleaned and well fixed when the work is completed.


Kind of paints to be used shall be according to the specifications or the designer’s instructions.
Applying of the paint shall be done according to the manufacturer’s instructions.

The paint shall not be diluted unless specified by the manufacturer.

22.1. Work Performance for Painting

For painting, only skilled workmen shall be used. All surfaces to be painted shall be clean
form dust and dirt, absolutely dry and free from defects before the painting starts.

All brushes and tins used for the painting shall be clean and free from old paint.

When the painting is completed, the room shall be closed until the paint had dried in order
to prevent dust from sticking to the paint.

Remember: that all electrical appliances, iron and brass works shall be removed before the
painting starts and that they are properly re-fixed when the painting is completed.


The water and sewer system are often neglected by the contractors, therefore, much attention has
to be paid to this part of the construction.

All material delivered to the site shall be according to the specifications and drawings.

Delivered materials shall be checked before the installation starts and damaged materials shall be

All installations shall be done by specialized workmen.


The water well shall be executed according to the specifications and the drawings and shall, if
possible, be dug during the dry season.

It is important to check very carefully the position of the well, in order to prevent it from being
infected by nearby situated septic tanks, soak away pits and dry latrine. If it is necessary to change
the position inform the designer.

When the digging is completed, a water sample shall be submitted to an approved testing institute
for test.

The masonry work must not be started before the test result is known.


Annex III: Guidelines for Site Supervisors of Building Construction Project


Dimensions and types of pipes and tubes, valves and water tower shall be according to the
specifications and drawings.

All valves shall be buried in the ground at a minimum depth of 30 cm, unless otherwise specified.

All valves shall be placed according to the drawings. Before any backfilling starts, the line shall
be inspected and approved by the site supervisor.


Dimensions and types of pipes, tubes, valves and sanitary ware shall be according to the
specifications and the drawings.

All pipes and tubes to be installed in the floor shall be placed in position, fixed and all joints shall
be checked before the mass concrete is cast. The pipes and tubes shall either be placed in the
hardcore with minimum 10 cm covering layer of sand as shown in figure or in channels in the
floor as indicated on the drawing.
Sand Min 10 cm

All sanitary ware shall be properly fixed in its correct position. Connection between sanitary ware
and sewer system shall always be done with siphon of prescribed type.

All exposed pipes and tubes shall be well cleaned and painted as specified.


Dimensions and types of pipes and inspection pits shall be according to the specifications and the

Excavation for sewer lines shall be executed with measurements according to the drawings.

The excavation shall be done in a straight line between the manholes. No pipes shall be laid before
the trench is inspected by the site supervisor.

Unless otherwise specified, the pipes shall be laid on a sand bed with a minimum thickness of 10
cm and in an absolutely straight line with an even slope of minimum 1:100. Covering soil layer
shall be minimum 50 cm.

A full circular section of daylight shall be possible to see when looking through the pipes from
one inspection pit to another.


Annex III: Guidelines for Site Supervisors of Building Construction Project

The joining of concrete to pipes shall always be done with cement mortar and with the joint
completely filled all around.

Joining of PVC pipes shall be done according to the manufacturer’s instructions.

Inspection pits shall be done according to the drawing. All pipes connected to the inspection pit
shall come approximately on the same level and channel shall be formed in concrete at the bottom
of the pit

When the inspection pits are completed and the pipes are laid, joined and inspected and approved
by the site supervisors, the backfilling can start.

The backfilling can be done with excavated material if it is of good quality and free from stones.
Top soil shall not be used for backfilling.

The backfilling shall be filled in layers not exceeding 20 cm. Each layer shall be well rammed and
consolidated with the addition of water if necessary.

If vibrating machine is used the thickness of the layer can be 40cm.


Dimension and type of septic tank and soak away pit shall be according to the specifications and
the drawings.

It is necessary to check very carefully the position of the septic tank and the soak away pit in order
to prevent nearby situated water wells from being polluted. If it is necessary to change the position
inform the designer.

During the construction it must be checked that the level of the overflow pipes between the
different chambers and inlet and outlet pipes are according to the drawing.

All plastering, in and outside, shall be with cement plaster with thickness and mixture according to
specifications and the drawings.

All waterproofing shall be done according to specifications and drawings.

28.1. Measurements to be taken

a) Measurements of the lengths of all trenches.

b) Measurements of the lengths of all tubes and pipes.
c) On the site plan the correct position of the water and sewer systems should be indicated
and a sketch must be sent to the designer for preparation of the as-built drawings.

28.2. Check List for Water and Sewer System

a) The position of water well.

b) The position of the water tower.
c) The trenches for the pipes and tubes.
d) The laying and the joining of the pipes and tubes.


Annex III: Guidelines for Site Supervisors of Building Construction Project

e) The backfilling of the trenches

f) The fixing of the sanitary ware.
g) The cleaning of the sanitary ware.
h) The position of the septic tank and the soak away pit.


The electrical installation shall be requested from EEPCO or its local representative and no final
payment for the electrical installation shall be passed until a certificate of approval is submitted to
the supervisor. Materials to be used for the installation shall strictly follow the specifications and
the drawings.

It is important to check that the electrical subcontractor has a valid certificate of competence
issued by EEPCO before he starts his work and that he keeps a competent foreman on the site
during the execution of the electrical installation.

29.1. Internal Electrical Installation

It must be checked that the conduits are free from defects and that they are covering the
wires all the way.

It must be checked that all switches and outlets are placed according to the drawings and
that they are properly fixed. Connection of wires shall always be done in junction boxes.

29.2. External Electrical Installation

It is necessary to check that all materials used outside, such as switches, junction boxes
and light points, are of specified type.

All external cables shall be placed in concrete or PVC pipes with a minimum dimension of
10 cm and at a minimum depth of 40 cm in the ground, unless otherwise specified.

The excavation shall be done in a straight line between the inspection pits. Inspection pits
shall be constructed every 30 mts at most, unless otherwise specified.

No pipes shall be laid before the trench has been inspected and approved by the site

The pipes shall be laid on a sand bed with a minimum thickness of 10cm.

The joining of the concrete pipes shall be done with cement mortar and with the joint
completely filled all around. Joining of PVC pipes shall be done according to the
manufacturer’s instruction. When the inspection pits are completed and the pipes are laid,
joined, inspected, and approved by the site supervisor, the backfilling can start.

The backfilling can be done with excavated material if it is of good quality and free from


Annex III: Guidelines for Site Supervisors of Building Construction Project

Top soil shall never be used as backfilling. The backfilling shall be filled in layers not
exceeding 20 cm. Each layer shall be well rammed and consolidated with the addition of
water if necessary. If vibrating machine is used the thickness of the layer can be 40 cm.

No joining of underground cables is allowed unless it is done in special water-tight

junction box, approved by EEPCO or designated professional.

If junction boxes are used, they shall be placed in the inspection pits.

29.3. Measurements to be Taken

a) Measurements of the length of all trenches.

b) Measurements of the length of all cables.
c) On the site plan, the correct position of external cables and pits shall be indicated and a
sketch shall be sent to the designer for preparation of as-built drawings.

29.4. Checklist for Electrical Installation

a) The material delivered to the site;
b) The trenches for cables;
c) The laying and the joining of the pipes;
d) The backfilling of the trenches; and
e) The fixing of all electrical fittings.


Site Clearance

The clearing shall only be done in areas where construction work is going to take place.

The clearing for the buildings shall be done up to 2m from the elevation walls on all sides.

Clearing for roads, footpaths and parking areas shall be done up to 1m from their boundaries.

Permission must be obtained from the designer for clearing outside the above limits.

Roots shall be taken out within the building area and under roads, foot path and parking areas.

All cut trees belong to the client and shall be piled up within the site at a place decided by the site

Roots, bushes and other debris shall be transported away from the site by the contractor.

30.1. Excavation
All top soil shall be excavated separately and piled up within the site at a place decided by
the site supervisor. Removal of top soil shall be done up to 2m outside the building


Annex III: Guidelines for Site Supervisors of Building Construction Project

Excavated material not necessary for backfilling and terracing shall be transported to a
place within the compound or outside as decided by the site supervisor and in accordance
with the contract.

30.2. Backfilling and Terracing

All backfilling and terracing shall be done in layers not exceeding 20 cm. each layer shall
be well rammed and consolidated with the addition of water if necessary.

If a vibrating machine is used the thickness of the layer can be 40cm.

If excavated material is not suitable for backfilling and terracing, the contractor shall bring
material of good quality from outside. Backfilling and terracing shall never be done with
top soil.

Before the casting of concrete footing starts, it is desirable to check that the bottom of the trench is
free from loose soil, roots and pieces of wood.

The stone wall shall be executed with measurements according to the drawing and laid in cement
mortar (1:3) with well filled joints, necessary drainage openings (Weep holes) shall be provided.

All stones shall be of good and approved quality. The stone and the wall shall be kept free from
soil and other kind of dirt during the execution.

Remember: If the drawings indicate expansion joints, this shall be executed both in the footing
and the wall.


Excavation for roads and footpaths shall be executed at least to the bottom level of the hardcore of
the building.

Backfilling for roads and footpaths shall be done with non expansive selected material. If possible,
material excavated on the site shall be used.

The backfilling shall be done in layers not exceeding 20cm. Each layer shall be well rammed and
consolidated with the addition of water if necessary. If vibrating machine is used, the thickness of
the layer can be 40cm. Before the backfilling starts, it is necessary to check that the ground is free
from top soil, grass, bushes, roots and pieces of wood. Stone for hardcore shall be of approved
quality. All stones in the hardcore shall be of approximately equal size, well rammed and
consolidated and the top tightened with crushed stones or gravel.

The thickness of the hardcore shall not be less than specified. The hardcore as well as the top
surface shall be executed with a minimum slop of 1:100 towards the sides.

The top surface shall be executed with material according to the specifications and the drawings.


The flow of surface water shall be studied and the drawings indicating the position of the drain
channels/pipes shall, if necessary be changed by the designer so that they comply with the actual


Annex III: Guidelines for Site Supervisors of Building Construction Project

condition on the site. The drain channels/pipes shall be executed with measurements according to
the drawing and with a minimum slope of 1:200, unless otherwise specified in the sanitary

Stone channels shall be executed on a bed of hard-core or well compacted gravel and with joints
and pointing in cement mortar (1:3). Channels of half concrete pipes shall be placed on a well
compacted layer of fine aggregate with a minimum thickness of 10 cm.

The half concrete pipes shall be laid in and joined with cement mortar (1:3).

Soil channels/pipes and culverts shall be constructed in accordance with the plans and


Type of fence and gate and area to be fenced shall be as specified in the specifications and the
drawings. Foundation for fence poles shall be done according to the drawings and specifications.


Variation orders occur during construction works for a number of reasons, among which the
following can be listed as the main ones.

35.1. Programme Change

a) Addition in works or
b) Reduction in works

35.2. Alteration of Design

Which can involve:

a) Modification in architectural, structural etc. drawings, details and specifications.
b) Change in materials and their specifications.

35.3. Excess or Reduction in Quantities

Which can be attributed to:

a) Inclusion of provisional quantities in the contract due to incompleteness of design
work, or other lack of information.
b) Mistakes in quantity computation.

35.4. Unforeseen Items


36.1. Variations for items No. 35.1. and No. 35.2 shall be initiated by the Client and Supervisor
of the project.
36.2. Items No. 35.3 and No. 35.4 shall be initiated by the site supervisor and/or mainly by the


Annex III: Guidelines for Site Supervisors of Building Construction Project

36.3. Initiated variation orders shall be submitted for checking and approval by the supervisor or
the Client using the official forms.

36.4. All variation orders shall be checked and approved by the Consultant and Client in
accordance with the procedures set out in the General Conditions of Contract.


37.1. Payment certificates should be prepared on official formats.

37.2. Payment certificates should be prepared by the contractor in sufficient copies as needed.

37.3. Payment certificates should be signed by:

a) The supervisor
b) Consultant, if there is a contract provision for such supervision.
c) The contractor
d) The Client

37.4. The supervisor shall check payment against:

a) Arithmetic error
b) Contract prices
c) Contract quantities
d) Contract time
e) Actual measurement sheets
f) Variation orders
g) Supplementary agreements
h) Validity of performance bond
i) Progress reports.

37.5. Since most of the current contract agreements are based on measurements, quantities may
vary, subject to additions or deduction from contract amount as provided in the current

37.6. Excess in quantities shall be paid for under a separate title together with variation orders.
On the other hand, deduction for reduction in quality shall be made on the normal payment

37.7. Tender discount or rebate is applicable to the main agreement as well as to the variation
orders, unless otherwise specified.

However, supplementary agreements generally have terms and conditions governing

discount or rebate different from the main agreement.


Annex III: Guidelines for Site Supervisors of Building Construction Project


The site supervisor is responsible for the control of works in order to ensure that the project is executed in
accordance with plans and specifications. In general terms, the items of work to be checked are the

a) Earth work
b) Layouts
c) Excavations
d) Foundations
e) Structures
f) Non technological installations, indoors and outdoors.
g) Layout of equipment
h) Erection, installation and connection of service technical networks, indoors and outdoors.
i) Erection, installation and connection of technological networks.
j) Insulation and protection
k) And others, such as windows, doors, flooring, ceiling and roofing works with all their details as
specified in the plans and specifications.

a) Earth Work

The compaction shall be checked by means of field and laboratory tests as specified in the contract

The layout of the platform, its levels and the grade of slopes shall be checked means of topographic

b) Layouts

The correct locations of working areas shall be properly staked out.

c) Foundations

Foundation bed level and relative moisture


Annex III: Guidelines for Site Supervisors of Building Construction Project

Steel reinforcement (quality and placing)

Concrete quality (field and laboratory tests)
Prefabricated elements (resilience tests)

d) Structures

D.1. Prefabricated concrete


Quality certifications of elements

That the sides of elements are at right angles
Setting and fixing of insert elements
D.2. Concrete structures cast at site.


The vertical and horizontal sides, slopes dimensions and shapes.

Type, shape, placing and quality of reinforcing steel.
Concrete quality and its curing.
Placing of inserts, joints and ducts.

e) Metal and wooden structures


Dimensions and locations of anchor pins

Dimensions and sections of structural elements and junctions or connections fixed by screws, bolts or
pins, and in the case of metal structures, the welded joints ensuring that they are executed in
accordance with the plans and the specifications.
That the elements are straight both vertically and horizontally.

f) Installations


Dimensions of ducts and type of material

Locations, supports and grades of networks
Quality of splices.
Water tightness and protection of the installations.

g) Layout of equipment


The correct location, alignment and leveling of the equipment in the assigned areas according to the
coordinates indicated in the contract drawings.

h) Insulations


Annex III: Guidelines for Site Supervisors of Building Construction Project


Shapes and dimensions of the anti vapor barriers

Suitability of insulating materials, way of location and fixation.
Correct application of adhesives.
Dimensions and locations of ducts for temperatures or absorbers.
Mechanical protection of the insulation

The site supervisor shall ensure that the terms and conditions contained in the contract for the
execution of the work are dully fulfilled, controlling.

The range of operations of each location

The schedule for the execution of the work
Executed works and corresponding payments.

The site supervisor shall pay special attention to the works being done that will remain covered
underground. Proper inspection shall be made for compliance of each work with the specifications.

The site supervisor shall record in the site book all incidences affecting the work during the period of

The site supervisor shall participate and collaborate on the report on the final technical and
economical evaluation of the investment, furnishing detail information with regard to:

Fulfillment of the main schedule

Changes made on the investment during the execution of the work
Proposals on the solutions of non- solved problems of the investment.

The site supervisor shall participate in the inspection for provisional acceptance of the project.


Annex III: Guidelines for Site Supervisors of Building Construction Project

FORM – 01


PROJECT : ___________________________________________________

SITE : ___________________________________________________

EMPLOYER : ___________________________________________________

CONTRACTOR: ___________________________________________________

SUPERVISOR : ___________________________________________________

This is to acknowledge that I have received the following set of documents concerning the

1. CONTRACT DOCUMENT NO. ________________________________________

2. ARCHITECT DRAWINGS NO. ________________________________________

3. STRUCTURAL DRAWINGS NO. ________________________________________

4. ELECTRICAL DRAWINGS NO. ________________________________________

5. SANITARY DRAWINGS NO. _________________________________________

6. BILL OF QUANTITIES _________________________________________

7. OTHERS NO. _________________________________________



Annex III: Guidelines for Site Supervisors of Building Construction Project

_________________________________ ________________________________

DATE: ______________________________


Annex III: Guidelines for Site Supervisors of Building Construction Project

FORM – 02

PROJECT : ____________________________________________________

SITE LOCATION : ____________________________________________________

EMPLOYER : ____________________________________________________

CONTRACTOR : ____________________________________________________

SUPERVISOR : ______________________________________________

This __________________________ day of _____________ 200_________ the work for the

construction of the ________________ has been officially handed over to the contractor;
represented by ________________ in the presence of supervisor: _______________________
and the Investor’s representative: ___________________

The contractor hereby acknowledges the taking over of the work with all its explanation clearly
defined in the specification and drawings.

The contractor also acknowledges that the completion date of the said work counts as from the
date mentioned above within the terms and conditions of the contract.

In witness thereof this document has been signed by all present in six copies one of which for
the investor, one for the supervisor, one for the contractor
___________________________________ _______________________________
___________________________________ _______________________________
For WVE For the Contractor

Witness: ____________________




Annex III: Guidelines for Site Supervisors of Building Construction Project

FORM – 03



PROJECT : _____________________________________________________

SITE : _____________________________________________________

EMPLOYER : ____________________________________________________

CONTRACTOR : _____________________________________________________

SUPERVISOR : _______________________________________________

SOIL TEST REPORT NO. ___________________________ DATE _____________________

Specified Soil Recommended

Type Test Actual Soil Specified Depth in Foundation Remark
Report Condition Test Report Depth


NSTRUCTION PASSED TO THE CONTRACTOR ___________________________________
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF SUPERVISOR __________________________________________


Annex III: Guidelines for Site Supervisors of Building Construction Project

FORM – 04




PROJECT : ___________________________________________________

SITE : ___________________________________________________

EMPLOYER : ____________________________________________________

CONTRACTOR : ___________________________________________________

SUPERVISOR : ______________________________________________

PRESENT CONSTRUCTION STAGES (S) _______________________________________







1. ______________________________________________

2. ______________________________________________

3. ______________________________________________

4. ______________________________________________

INSTRUCTION ISSUED BY ___________________________________________________

NB. All the construction stages listed in the construction schedule should be checked and approved
by using this form.

Date ________________________


Annex III: Guidelines for Site Supervisors of Building Construction Project

FORM – 05



PROJECT : ___________________________________________________

SITE : ___________________________________________________

EMPLOYER : ____________________________________________________

CONTRACTOR : ___________________________________________________

SUPERVISOR : ___________________________________________________








TEST REQUESTED BY : _____________________________________________


APPROVED BY : ___________________________________________________

DATE: __________________________


Annex III: Guidelines for Site Supervisors of Building Construction Project

FORM – 06



PROJECT : ___________________________________________________

SITE : ___________________________________________________

EMPLOYER : ____________________________________________________

CONTRACTOR : ___________________________________________________

SUPERVISOR : ___________________________________________________

TESTING LAB ________________________________ TEST NO. ____________________

DATE OF TESTING __________________________________________________________

KIND OF MATERIAL TESTED ________________________________________________


SPECIFIED QUALITY ________________________________________________________


TEST RESULT ______________________________________________________________





APPROVED BY : _____________________________________________

C.C To Site Supervisor

To Contractor


Annex III: Guidelines for Site Supervisors of Building Construction Project

FORM – 07


Report No. _____

(2) Project ________________________ (3) Week From _____________ to _______ 198 __________
(4) Contractor ____________________ (5) Employer ____________________________________
(6) Consultant ___________________ (7) Contract amount Birr ___________________________
(8) Contract time ____________ days (9) Time Elapsed _______________ (10) Amount Earned
(11) Commencement date ___________________________________________
(12) Amount Earned Birr ____________________________________________
(13) Completion date _______________________________________________

(14) Major items of work in progress, remarks (15) Wheat her fine __________
(17) Time Elapsed ___________
(18) Amt. Earned%____________
(19) Amt. Executed% _________
(20) Personnel _______________
Engineers ___________________
Technicians _________________
Foremen ____________________
Time Keepers ________________
Guards ____________________
Electricians _________________
Bar Benders _________________
Chisellers ___________________
Masons ____________________
Carpenters __________________
(16) Materials on site (21) Major Equipment Plumbers ___________________
Plasters _____________________
Painters ____________________
Metal Workers ______________
Laborers __________________
Others ______________________
Total _______________________

____________________________ ______________________________

(22) Remarks : (1) Chief of Construction Supervision Section _________________________________


Annex III: Guidelines for Site Supervisors of Building Construction Project

FORM – No. 07 (Continued)

Weekly Progress No. ________________________________

Week From __________________________________ To ________________________________






Construction Supervisor
Item No. Description of Percentage of Executed Work Percentage of
Work Total

Total ____________________________

Prepared by _________________________ Checked By ________________________

Date _____________________________


Annex III: Guidelines for Site Supervisors of Building Construction Project

FORM – 08
Project : _____________________________________________________________
Site : _____________________________________________________________
Employer : ______________________________________________________________
Contractor : _____________________________________________________________
Consultant : _____________________________________________________________
Site Supervisor : ____________________________________________________________


DATE _________________

1. Weather Conditions : Morning ____________________ After Noon _____________________

2. Staff on Site : __________________________________________________________________
3. ________________________________________________________________________________

4. Labour Force Foremen ________________________________ Carpenter ________________

Plumber ____________________ Unskilled ______________ Masons _________________
Painters ____________________ Electrician _____________ Others __________________

5. Work Executed to date : _________________________________________________________


6. Work Executed to date Materials delivered to date

_________________________ ________________________________
_________________________ ________________________________
_________________________ ________________________________

7. Given Instruction __________________________________________________________


8. Remarks: ________________________________________________________________

Drawing :________________________
Received: _______________________
Missing: ________________________

Signed by Contractor Visiting Official Signed by Site Supervisor

________________ _____________ __________________


Annex III: Guidelines for Site Supervisors of Building Construction Project

FORM - 09


Project _________________________________________________________________________

Employer _______________________________________________________________________

Contractor ______________________________________________________________________

Consultant or Designer or Supervisor _________________________________________________

Work Order No. ______

Date _______________

I, We _________________________________________________________________________

have recommended and instructed the following.

____________________________________________________________ SKETCH
____________________________________________________________ Sketch and enclosed
____________________________________________________________ drawings should be
detailed enough to work
out quantities.)

Consultant or designer or Supervisor

____________________ _____________________
Contractor Site Supervisor

CC: Client


Annex III: Guidelines for Site Supervisors of Building Construction Project

FORM - 10


Project ___________________________________________________________________________

Employer _________________________________________________________________________

Consultant or Designer or Supervisor ___________________________________________________

Variation Order No. ________________________________________________________________



These changes are transmitted to the contractor through

Work Order No. __________________________ Dated _________________________________

__________________________ _________________________________

__________________________ _________________________________

__________________________ _________________________________

__________________________ _________________________________

__________________________ _________________________________

These facts are acknowledged by:

1. ___________________________
The Consultant or the Designer or Supervisor

and Approved by

2. ___________________________
The Employer

N.B. This sheet should be prepared in six copies and should be attached next to the cover format of
the variation order.


Annex III: Guidelines for Site Supervisors of Building Construction Project

FORM - 11

Project ___________________________________________________________________________

Employer _________________________________________________________________________

Consultant or Designer or Supervisor ___________________________________________________

Variation Order No. ________________________________________________________________

Quantities Under Items No. __________________________________________________________



are due to MISTAKES IN QUANTITIY COMPUTATIONS these facts discovered by

Employer (Name)

Supervisor (Name)

Contractor (Name)

These quantities are checked against original take off sheets, and the mistakes are accepted as valid
by the designer.


Date: _____________________

N.B. This sheet should be prepared in six copies and should be attached next to the cover format of
the variation order.


Annex III: Guidelines for Site Supervisors of Building Construction Project

FORM – 12-A


Contract No _______ Date of signature of contract ______________ Page
No. _____
Certificate of payment No. ______
Amount ( Birr )
Project: ___________________________ Main Contract
Location:__________________________ Supplementary
Owner: ___________________________ Contract
Contractor: ________________________ Variation Order No. 1
Variation Order No. 2
Variation Order No. 3
Total Sum

As per the attached measurements, the value of the Amount

works executed and/or materials supplied to date is: ( Birr )

Previous Payment
No Date Amount ( Birr ) DEDUCTIONS Amount ( Birr )
1. Previous Payment
2. Rebate
3. Retention
4. Penalty
5. Advance Payment
6. Others
Net sum due to the
VAT 15%

I/we certify that the contractor is now entitled to the sum of Birr __________________________

__________________________ __________________________

Verified by Approved by



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