Black Cockatoo Veebilehele

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Irena Raudla


Australian Southwest

Black Cockatoo
Calyptorhynchus latirostris
Australian Southwest Black-Cockatoos

Carnaby´s Baudin´s Red-tailed

Black-Cockatoo Black-Cockatoo Black- Cockatoo
Habitat: Only South-West of Australia
Eucalypt-dominated woodland
Nest: Big tree hollows, 1-2 eggs
Lenght: 53-58 cm
Wingspan: 110 cm
Weight: 520-790 g
Life span: 40-50 years
Population: 40 000

Short strong bill.

Plumage mostly greyish black
Prominent white cheek patches
Short crest on the top of head,
which can be raised up and lowered
White tail band
Adult male has a pink coloured ring
around the eye and grey bill
Female has a dark eye-ring and pale bill
Carnaby´s Black-Cockatoo
Eating mostly seed and therefore need to drink regularly.
The bill changes the way they eat their food.
Preferring still water to flowing water of rivers and dcreeks.

Identification of chewed Marri nuts:

Adult pair mate for life. The devoted father can fly more than
12 kilometres a day to feed his partner during egg incubation
and their one chick stays at home with its parents for 18 months.
Big bird with big personality
According to Indigenous mythologies They are playful and seemenly always hungry.
their cries tend to herald significant changes,
like coming of necessary rain. Preferred “footedness”.
Unlike humans handedness, most birds are left-footed.
The black cockatoo represents the power of spirit
come into your life. Social birds: Coming together in flocks every evening
to sleep in trees. Roost trees are often close to waters,
It is said, that when Black cockatoo flies into your life, as they like to drink before going sleep.
there is a potential for great joy and change.
Cockatoos will usually return to the same site to roost,
over weeks and years.
Iconic bird of WA Endangered

Carnaby's black cockatoo is listed as an endangered


Population have declined over 50% over the last 45

years. A large proportion of the remaining population
now is past breeding age. When these older birds die,
there will be very few younger birds to take their place.

Since the 1950s, over 80% of the feeding habitat for

breeding birds has been cleared for agriculture.

Cockatoo nests in hollows situated high in trees with

fairly large diameters, generally Eucalyptus. Suitable
hollows take 130-220 years to develop
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