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Irena Raudla


Sacred Grove

Pärnamäe Sacred Grove
Pärnamäe Sacred Grove

❏ Harjumaa Jõelähtme Vald Jägala küla.

It is 27 km from Tallinn to East.
❏ Very good access from the Raasiku road. No
parking lot, just park at the edge of the road.
Pärnamäe Sacred Grove

❏ The grove is one of the most visited amongst

Harjumaa sacred groves. Especially locals have
always went there to pray and make offerings.

❏ It is believed, that the grove has been there for the

last 6500 years.

❏ The grove is situated on a 17 ha ridge with flat

slopes. Most of the sacred forest has been cut down.
Just at South-West of the hill, there are left several
300 to700 year old oaks and linden trees. The trees
look monumental and instill awe.
Pärnamäe Sacred Grove

❏ About 15 years ago Tara religious

erected a grove´s gate and held their
ceremonies there. There is still a metal
sign, which represents Tara´s sacred
sign - tõlet.

❏ Later many spiritually orientated groups have

gathered there.

❏ But mostly the sacred grove is visited by common

Estonian people, who like to carry on their
ancestor´s traditions, pray, share, feel gratitude
and oneness under the ancient holy trees.
Pärnamäe Sacred Grove

❏ In a centre of the tree grove, there is a glade with a

sacrificial stone. On an even surface of the stone
ther is a hollow. People leave their offerings on the
stone: metal coins, food etc.

❏ Next to the stone is a young rowan, which lately has

become the main tree to tie colorful ribbons.

❏ There in a tree grove is a huge oak, of which three

massive trunks grow out from the same root.
In between those tree trunks is a nice quiet place,
where a person can sit and meditate.
Pärnamäe Sacred Grove

❏ At the South-East corner of the grove, under the

trees, has believed to be a place for sacrified

❏ Animal sacrifice is a ritual where animal is killed

along with prayers and honoring rituaal service.

❏ A holy meal was prepared from the sacrified animal.

The holy meal was eaten at the other corner of the
Pärnamäe Sacred Grove

❏ The most damage has done during the last century.

According maps, a whole area was covered with
forest in 16.-17. century. But in the beginning of 19.
century most of the holy place was cultivated up.

❏ In 1931 a famous nature conservationist Gustav

Vilbaste wrote on the front cover of Postimees that
at Pärnamäe the farmer has cut down lots of holy
trees and agitated to protect the sacred sites.

❏ A small corner of the Pärnamäe sacred grove was

taken under heritage protection after that.
Pärnamäe Sacred Grove

❏ Nowadays is good to remind what are the behaviour

normatives at a holy grove:

❏ There should be as less as possible human influence

at a holy grove.

❏ It is forbidden cutting down a tree, breaking off a

twigg. Also plouging or digging is forbidden.
Domestic animals are not allowed.

❏ Those who happen defile such places, suffered from

disasters and accidents.
Pärnamäe Sacred Grove

❏ It is an ancient tradition to tie ribbons on a

holy tree. However one should remember, that
only natural materials are appropriate to use.

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