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Current Affairs for CSS 2020, by Aamir Mahar

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Talking empowerment ability to “question, analyse, and act on the structures

Author: Foqia Sadiq Khan of patriarchal constraint in their lives”; it brings a
Published in: The News change through longer-term processes. Achievements
Published on: February 3, 2019 refer to the outcomes of exercise of agency.
First a few elementary statistics on gender There is a need to move along the continuum from
inequality in Pakistan: according to the Global individual agency to collective power, from private
Gender Gap Index Report 2018, launched in bargaining arrangements to collective action, and from
October last year; Pakistan ranks at 148th position the informal space to the formal arena for legitimate
out of 149 countries. The gender gap in the exercise of power.
country is highlighted by the literacy rate of The three operational resources to promote gender
women (at 44.3 percent) as compared to that of equality and women’s empowerment are progress on
men (at 69.1 percent). Women’s participation in indicators of education, paid employment, and
the labour force is 26.3 percent while men’s is political participation. Acquiring education increases
85.8 percent. And women’s parliamentary the chance for women to take care of their own as well
presence is 20.6 percent against men’s 79.4 percent. as their family’s wellbeing. Research undertaken in
There have been articles recently on the need for rural Zimbabwe revealed that education and paid work
women’s empowerment. Rather than repeating the increased the likelihood of women to access antenatal
commentary here, it may be worthwhile to care and contraception which in turn helped improve
contextualise the broader concepts of women’s maternal wellbeing and survival.
empowerment in social science literature. That In terms of women’s access to paid work and
might add to the debate on women’s resources, microcredit is considered to result in
empowerment. Naila Kabeer’s seminal work positive outcomes in certain aspects. The increasing
(1999, 2005) on conceptualising women’s feminisation of the labour force, particularly in cotton
empowerment is revisited in this article. To picking in the agricultural sector in Sindh and other
contextualise women’s empowerment in general, regions is worth considering. On the one hand, there is
as well as in Pakistan’s perspective, this article a link between nutrition and empowerment and, on the
also looks at some other literature (Khan 2011, other hand, there is a trade-off between earning
Mishra and Tripathi 2011, Farré 2013, income by women and care at the household level
Balagamwala et al 2015). given the hazardous nature of work.
Women’s empowerment is about change and the Agricultural growth intrinsically may not lead to
ability to expand women’s ability to ‘make conditions for pro-nutrition decisions, particularly for
strategic life choices’ and graduate to be able to those who are socially at a disadvantageous position,
make decisions where this ability was not unless the growth process is geared towards inclusivity
available to them earlier. Women’s ability to and provides a conducive environment.
choose means that they have a set of alternatives
The Lady Health Workers’ Programme, which started
available. Lack of choice has a different impact on
in 1994, is worth considering as it has transformed
women and men. In the case of the poor,
into a ‘conduit’ for the operationalisation of nearly all
gender-centric inequalities often deepen the
community health initiatives. Whatever success
impact of poverty.
Pakistan has achieved in bringing down maternal and
In other words, choice, power, option, control over infant mortality rates might not have been achieved
one’s life etc are all linked to empowerment. had it not been for the community work of LHWs.
There are three tightly interlinked dimensions of Moreover, it has also led to some empowerment of the
empowerment in terms of agency: conventional, LHWs as they are becoming leaders in their rural
human, social resources; and achievements or communities and also indulging in collective action to
outcomes. Resources are the ‘enabling conditions’ transition from their short-term work to better work
and operate through societal relationships and entitlements.
In terms of political participation, the ‘strategic
Agency is central to empowerment as choices are presence’ of women through quotas in parliament is
made through it. Agency must be transformative, encouraging. As per the press, the National
giving women, particularly poor women, more Commission on the Status of Women (NCSW)’s

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report on the 2018 elections states that there is However, unless women are stopped being treated as
both “incremental progress” as well as ample proxies or merely added vote bank for the ruling and
room for further improvement. The Election Act other political parties, this transition to meaningful
2017 sets a minimum five percent mandatory political participation cannot be complete. Women’s
quota for political parties to award tickets to political participation at the level of local governments
women. While that led to a steady increase in the is also immensely important.
number of women candidates, the women who Grassroots mobilisation of women, particularly poor
won on general seats were less in number than in women, is the key to holding policymakers
2013 and 2008 elections since in 2018 women accountable for a meaningful process of change and
were given tickets by political parties on women’s empowerment. Similarly, policies to
‘unwinnable seats’. In other words, it was a promote gender equality should include both women
checking-the-box exercise. Similarly, there is and men and not exclusively focus on women;
progress in terms of calling an election result void otherwise it might not be effective.
in a constituency, where women voter turnout is The present government’s initiative of giving 10 days
less than 10 percent. paternity leave to men working in the NCSW is a
In Pakistan, women parliamentarians have welcome step and must be expanded, along with other
contributed in the past in terms of pushing holistic initiatives.
legislation, particularly pro-women legislation.


Algeria’s belated Arab Spring redistributed the country’s oil and gas money, the only
Author: Alvaro Vargas Llosa is a Senior Fellow thing it produces.
with the Independent Institute, Oakland, Calif. At the end of the 1980s, following major riots, the FLN
Published in: Foreign Policy News had in fact experimented with limited pluralism and
Published on: March 25, 2019 freedom of the press. The result, in those hopeful years,
A popular uprising against Algeria’s dictatorship was the emergence of a powerful theocratic organization,
has forced President Abdelaziz Bouteflika, the the Islamic Salvation Front, that won the first round of the
ailing autocrat who has presided over the country elections in 1991. The government then staged a
since 1999, to postpone indefinitely the April self-coup, canceled the elections and put a lid on the
“election” that was supposed to give him a fifth political opening. What ensued was a period of horrific
consecutive term. violence, with the various anti-government groups
warring among themselves while the military battled the
Algeria is the country to which the international armed wing of the Salvation Front and other Islamic
community expected the riots that began in terrorists. Hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians
Tunisia in 2010, which became known as the lost their lives before the military was able to prevail.
“Arab Spring,” to spread quickly and forcefully. Bouteflika, who assumed power in 1999, subsequently
Despite minor attempts to destabilize Bouteflika, tried to ease up a bit, allowing Algeria’s 30 million
that didn’t happen. This gave the dictator and people to speak more freely and play a somewhat larger
former soldier, and the ruling National Liberation role—in theory, if not in fact—in the country’s political
Front (FLN), the wrong idea. They misread the life, replacing brute force as the means to control the
situation as confirmation that their sophisticated traumatized and weary population.
mix of nationalism, socialism and co-option of
Islamist groups had succeeded in pacifying the It’s during this period that Bouteflika and his cronies
public, the dream of every dictatorship. That changed the Algerian constitution, permitting the dictator
could never be the case—unless Algerians to hold onto power beyond the previous two-term limit
were Martians. and continue to govern after a stroke confined him to a
wheelchair and rendered him almost unable to speak.
The same people have run the country for decades, This same man who seldom appears in public and
stifling dissent whenever necessary and allowing spends a good deal of his time seeking medical care in
small doses of free expression and political Switzerland intended to set himself up for a fifth
participation when it was convenient, under a grossly consecutive term in a farcical “election” scheduled
inefficient and corrupt command economy that for April 18, 2019.

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But the Algerian people—now numbering more culturally has facilitated the incubation of fanatical
than 41 million— apparently have decided enough Islamism in opposition to the status quo. That has been
is enough, taking to the streets in massive the tragedy of most Arab countries, where liberal
demonstrations that have surprised the world and minorities routinely are frustrated by the ongoing
forced Bouteflika to postpone the electoral power struggle between secular, corrupt military rule
charade. The people of Algeria rebelled in the and totalitarian theocracy.
1980s because they were dissatisfied with No matter how sophisticated the system and weary the
replacing colonial rule with independent population, authoritarian rule eventually engenders a
authoritarianism. It is now decades later and they popular response, as we are seeing in Algeria’s belated
are still dissatisfied. Arab Spring. Whether the enlightened liberal segments
Algeria’s failure to establish a pluralistic system in of the population will prevail or the religious fanatics
which civil society could thrive economically and will take over the protests, prompting the military to
re-establish its draconian rule, remains to be seen.


The Sino-US trade war – The invisible hand of Smith’s followers has found the
satisfactory answer — sovereign debt. That invention
Why China can’t win it meant: relatively strong central government. Instead
Author: Prof. Anis H. Bajrektarevic. of popular control through the democratic
Published in: Down to Earth checks-and-balances mechanism, such a state should
Published on: March 29, 2019 be rather heavily indebted. Debt — firstly to local
merchants than to foreigners — is a far more
powerful deterrent, as it resides outside the popular
check domain.
With such a mixed blessing, no empire can easily
demonetise its legitimacy, and abandon its
hierarchical but invisible and unconstitutional
controls. This is how a debtor empire was born. A
blessing or totalitarian curse? Let us examine.
The Soviet Union – much as (the pre-Deng’s) China
itself — was far more of a classic continental military
empire (overtly brutal, rigid, authoritative,
anti-individual, apparent, secretive), while the US
Does our history only appear overheated, but is was more like a financial-trading empire (covertly
essentially calmly predetermined? Is it directional coercive, hierarchical, yet asocial, exploitive,
or conceivable, dialectic and eclectic or cyclical, pervasive and polarising). On opposite sides of the
and therefore cynical? Surely, our history warns. globe and cognition, to each other they remained
Does it also provide for a hope? Hence, what is in enigmatic, mysterious and incalculable. However,
front of us: destiny or future? common for both was a super-appetite for
omnipresence along with the price to pay for it.
One of the biggest (nearly schizophrenic)
dilemmas of liberalism, ever since David Hume Consequently, the Soviets went bankrupt by
and Adam Smith, was an insight into reality — mid-1980s — they cracked under its own weight,
whether the world is essentially Hobbesian or imperially overstretched. So did the Americans — the
Kantian. As postulated, the main task of any ‘white man burden’ had already fractured them in the
liberal state is to enable and maintain wealth of its Vietnam war, with the Nixon shock only officialising
nation, which of course rests upon wealthy it. However, the US imperium managed to survive
individuals inhabiting the particular state. That and to outlive the Soviets. How?
imperative brought about another dilemma: if you The United States, with its financial capital, or an
are wealthy, the state will rob you, but in its outfoxing illusion of it, evolved into a debtor empire
absence, the pauperised masses will mob you. through the Wall Street guaranties. Titanium-made

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Sputnik vs gold mine of printed-paper… Nothing financed by the US dollar and spread through the
epitomizes this better than the words of the longest open sea-lanes (Silicon Valley and Hollywood), are
serving US Federal Reserve’s boss, Alan Greenspan, an essence of the US posture.
who famously said to then French President Jacques This very nature of power explains why the
Chirac: “True, the dollar is our currency, but your Americans have missed to take our mankind into
problem”. Hegemony vs hegemoney. completely other direction; towards the
House of cards non-confrontational, decarbonised, demonetised/
Conventional economic theory teaches us that definancialised and depsychologised, the
money is a universal equivalent to all goods. self-realizing and green humankind. In short, to
Historically, currencies were space and time turn history into a moral success story.
related. However, like no currency ever before, They had such a chance when, past the Gorbachev’s
the US dollar became — past the WWII — the unconditional surrender of the Soviet bloc and the
universal equivalent to all other moneys of the Deng’s Copernicus-shift of China, the US —
world. According to history of currencies, the core unconstrained as a lonely superpower — solely
component of the non-precious metals money is a dictated terms of reference; our common destiny and
so-called promissory note — intangible belief that, direction/s to our future/s.
by any given point of future, a particular shiny Winner is rarely a game-changer
paper (self-styled as money) will be smoothly Sadly enough, that was not the first missed
exchanged for real goods. Thus, roughly speaking, opportunity for the US to soften and delay its
money is nothing else but a civilisational construct forthcoming, imminent multidimensional imperial
about the projected tomorrow. retreat. The very epilogue of the WWII meant a full
This and similar types of social contracts security guaranty for the US: Geo-economically —
(horizontal and vertical) over the collective 54 per cent of anything manufactured in the world
constructs hold society together as much as its was carrying the ‘Made in USA’ label, and
economy keeps it alive and evolving. Hence, it is geostrategically the US had uninterruptedly enjoyed
money that powers economy, but our blind faith in nearly a decade of the nuclear monopoly.
tomorrows and its alleged certainty is what Up to this very day, the US scores the biggest number
empowers money. of N-tests conducted, the largest stockpile of nuclear
Clearly, the universal equivalent of all weaponry, and it represents the only power ever
equivalents — the US dollar — follows the same deploying this ultimate weapon on other nation. To
pattern: Strong and widely accepted promise. complete the irony, Americans enjoy geographic
What does the US dollar promise when there is no advantage like no other empire before. Save the US,
gold cover attached to it ever since the time of as Ikenberry notes: … every major power in the world
Nixon shock of 1971? Pentagon promises that the lives in a crowded geopolitical neighborhood where
oceanic sea lines will remain opened (read: shifts in power routinely provoke counterbalancing.
controlled by the US Navy), pathways unhindered Look at the map, at Russia or China and their packed
and that the most traded world’s commodity – oil, surroundings. The US is blessed with neighboring
will be delivered. So, it is not crude or its delivery oceans — all that should harbor tranquility, peace and
what is a cover to the US dollar – it is a promise prosperity and foresightedness.
that oil of tomorrow will be deliverable. That is a
real might of the US dollar, which in return Why the lonely might, an empire by invitation did not
finances Pentagon’s massive expenditures and evolve into empire of relaxation, a generator of
shoulders its supremacy. harmony? Why does it hold (extra-judicially) captive
more political prisoners on Cuban soil than the
Admired and feared, Pentagon further fans our badmouthed Cuban regime has ever had? Why does it
planetary belief in tomorrow’s deliverability — if remain obsessed with armament for at home and
we only keep our faith in dollar (and abroad? What are we talking about here — the
hydrocarbons’ energised economy), and so on and inadequate intensity of our confrontational push or
in perpetuated circle of mutual reinforcements. about the false course of our civilisational direction?
These two pillars of the US might from the East coast Indeed, no successful and enduring empire does
(the US Treasury/Wall Street and Pentagon) together merely rely on coercion, be it abroad or at home.
with the two pillars of the West coast — both However, unable to escape its inner logics and

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deeply-rooted appeal of confrontational nostalgia, Neither more confrontation and more carbons nor
the prevailing archrival is only a winner, rarely a more weaponized trade and traded weapons will
game changer. save our day. It failed in past, it will fail again any
To sum up, after the collapse of the Soviet Union, given day. Interestingly, China opposed the first
Americans accelerated expansion while waiting world, left the second in rift, and ever since
for (real or imagined) adversaries to further Bandung of 1955 it neither won nor joined the
decline, liberalise and bandwagon behind the US. third way. Today, many see it as a main contestant.
Expansion is the path to security dictatum only But, where is a lasting success?
exacerbated the problems afflicting the Pax Greening international relations along with greening of
Americana. That is how the capability of the US economy (geopolitical and environmental
to maintain its order started to erode faster than understanding, de-acidification and relaxation) is the
the capacity of its opponents to challenge it. A only way out. Historically, no global leader has ever
classical imperial self entrapment. And the emerged from a shaky and distrustful neighborhood, or
repeated failure to notice and recalibrate its by offering little bit more of the same in lieu of an
imperial retreat brought the painful hangovers to innovative technological advancement. Ergo, it all starts
Washington by the last presidential elections. from within, from at home. Without support from a
Inability to manage the rising costs of sustaining home base, there is no game changer.
the imperial order only increased the domestic China’s home is Asia.
popular revolt and political pressure to abandon its Hence, it is not only a new, non-imitative, turn of
mission altogether. Perfectly hitting the target to technology what is needed. Without truly and sincerely
miss everything else. embracing mechanisms such as the NaM, ASEAN and
China, the main contestant? SAARC (eventually even the OSCE) and the main
When the Soviets lost their own indigenous champions of multilateralism in Asia, those being India,
ideological matrix and maverick confrontational Indonesia and Japan first of all, China has no future of
stance, and when the US dominated West missed what is planetary awaited – the third force, a
to triumph although winning the Cold War, how to game-changer, lasting and trusted global leader.
expect from the imitator to score the lasting moral
or even amomentary economic victory?


Back to the Afghan Future: been affected by embezzlement and misappropriation.

Many examples can be easily found in Kabul or all over
The security challenges of the country. In Kabul’s Parwan-e-seh district, the main
Afghanistan’s reconstruction road was in a bad shape and looked as if it had been
and development built during the 1970s or the 1980s. According to some
local residents, the road had been built during the 2000s
Author: Gilles-Emmanuel Jacquet. and the main cause of its deplorable condition
Published in: Geopolitical Monitor. was corruption: the road was 9 cm-thick, when it was
Published on: March 18, 2019 supposed to be 18 cm-thick and its maintenance was
Though current talks between the representatives almost nonexistent. Many rural-areas schools were built
of the Taliban and the US government in Qatar are with the financial support of foreign countries, NGOs,
an important step, peace and stability are still or organizations, but a large part of the funds inevitably
beyond reach. Afghanistan’s reconstruction and disappears. As a result, these schools are often found in
durable development requires a satisfactory level unfinished or badly constructed buildings, where
of security and tackling issues such as furniture, windows, a heating system, decent toilets,
unemployment, corruption, and armed violence. and/or electricity can be missing.
Since 2001, many reconstruction and assistance efforts ISAF Provincial Reconstruction Teams (PRT) have
have been conducted in Afghanistan, but their real done some great work since 2001, but this work came
impact is limited by the security context and an end with the withdrawal of ISAF troops. The
Foreign material and financial assistance has frequentlyaction of the PRTs also sparked debates and was

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criticized by some non-governmental organizations, Security conditions and corruption are also closely
as it could create confusion in the minds of local tied to the social and economical problems affecting
populations about the nature of humanitarian Afghanistan’s rural areas. Agriculture is the largest
assistance, as well as the role of foreign armed sector and the basis of Afghanistan’s economy.
forces and foreign NGOs. Many foreign or local Agriculture should be strongly supported, especially
NGOs operating in Afghanistan and Pakistan have when it comes to the eradication of opium poppy
reported that after the elimination of Osama bin cultivation. As per recent UN annual surveys, the opiate
Laden by a team of US Navy SEALs in Abbottabad economy accounts for 20% to 32% of the country’s
in May 2011, they were facing more difficulties in GDP (US$ 4.1-6.6 billion) and 24 provinces out of
carrying out their operations. It can be explained by 34 grow opium poppy, though 69% of cultivation is
the fact that one of the methods used by the CIA to carried out in Southern Afghanistan. Taliban groups
identify Osama bin Laden took the form of a fake control these areas and earn c. US$ 200 million per year
vaccination program conducted in Abbottabad, which from the opiate economy. Eradication efforts have led
seriously undermined the trust of local populations to a decline of opium production from 9000 tons in
toward NGOs, and especially foreign aid workers. 2017 to 6400 tons in 2018 and the price of dry opium
The current security context is dire, as the Taliban fell to its lowest level since 2004 (US$ 94 per kg).
controls from 44% to 61% of Afghan districts and Foreign support is crucial, but the United States
the Islamic State is conducting terrorist attacks government decided in February 2019 to end Operation
throughout the country. The current negotiations are Iron Tempest, an airstrike campaign launched in 2017
an important step, but their outcome will not bring against Afghan drug labs.
about a stable and immediate peace. Only a fraction Providing jobs and decent revenues to rural
of the Taliban has endorsed this process and agrees populations plays a role in decreasing the activities
to participate in it; as a whole, the Taliban movement of insurgent groups in rural areas. This key issue was
remains divided. Some Taliban factions wants a full well understood by the French troops in charge of
withdrawal of foreign troops and of all foreign civil-military operations in the province of Kapisa
presence, as well as the resignation of the current and the district of Surobi. French scholar Bernard
Afghan government. This precondition can’t be Dupaigne explained that during the First Indochina
satisfied as it would put the current Afghan War (1946-1954), “the map of quiet areas coincided
government at risk and trigger a new phase of exactly with the map of regions where hydraulic works
conflict. Such an outcome would not create a improving agricultural yields had been carried out by
conducive environment for reconstruction. French engineers. The areas controlled by the
Moreover, since the fall of its Syrian and Iraqi insurgency corresponded to poor regions from an
Caliphate, Islamic State has found new momentum agricultural point of view.” The French troops
in Afghanistan and some Taliban factions have conducting civil-military operations in Kapisa and
pledged allegiance to Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, while Surobi wished to play a role in the long-term
others refuse to do so and are engaged in a fierce development of these areas, but their mission
competition with ISIS. was ended in 2012.

In this regard, reconstruction and development Eradicating the cultivation of opium poppy and
will depend on the context created by the peace supporting farmers in their transition towards the
deal and a satisfactory agreement for all parties, cultivation of legal crops is expensive. Many efforts
which is far from easy. All parties have ties to have been done and opium production has decreased,
foreign and neighboring countries. It means that but the results are limited by corruption, widespread
foreign powers and neighboring countries should poverty, and the threats made by criminal gangs,
reassess their agendas and interests in Afghanistan. corrupt officials, or Taliban commanders against
They should also find common interests and a farmers. Taking into account such difficulties, some
joint approach, at least with regard to the experts argue that opium poppy cultivation and opium
reconstruction of the country. It’s the only way to production should be allowed and that farmers could
ensure a sound reconstruction process and legally sell their production to the pharmaceutical
especially access to rural areas, where most of the industry. Such alternative could provide stable
work should be conducted. revenues to a part of Afghan rural populations.

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Education plays an important role in the comprehensive and coherent strategy ensuring that
development of Afghanistan, especially vocational Afghanistan will not just own its resources, but it
education and professional training. As one of the will also use the revenues generated by minerals
most influential thinkers and leading practitioners or oil for its development and reconstruction. The
in the field, Dr. Djawed Sangdel has repeatedly current trends on international markets and the
stressed: “Afghanistan may need businessmen and increasing scarcity of some mineral or energy
managers but it needs even more technicians, resources have also led to a crucial issue for
agronomists and engineers.” Afghanistan. Competition among foreign powers
The reconstruction and development of over the access to rare and strategic minerals will
Afghanistan will also benefit from the Belt and also have a negative impact upon the country: it
Road Initiative, China’s new Silk Road, but it could increase corruption, weak governance, and
requires serious security improvements and a aggravate the “resource curse.”
coherent regional approach from foreign powers. There should be a multidimensional strategy
The new Great Game in Central Asia pitting the taking into account these issues and supported by
USA against Russia and China could, in this the United Nations, foreign powers involved in
perspective, prevent Afghanistan from reaping the Afghanistan, and regional powers or neighbors. In
benefits of trade with China and hinder its order to succeed there should be a common and
development. Competition between international radically new approach whereby foreign powers
or regional powers can take on a violent form, and regional powers find common ground and
especially when it comes to the control and common goals or at least, interests. Afghanistan is
exploitation of strategical mineral resources and affected by the geopolitical competition between
rare-earth elements whose value could reach $3 USA and Russia and China, but also by the
trillion. Mineral resources are an important asset US-Iranian crisis, as well as the Indo-Pakistani
for the country and its development, but the rivalry. Iran and the former Soviet republics of
local mining industry is opaque and Afghanistan’s Central Asia (Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan,
Ministry of Mines and Petroleum is riddled with Uzbekistan, Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan) should be
corruption. Moreover, illegal miningbenefits included in this joint approach. Saudi Arabia and
various criminal gangs and the Taliban. Qatar should not be left aside, but the effects of
State control over this sector should be increased, their past influence and their future role should be
sound legal standards should be enforced, questioned. This approach is obviously too
corruption should be punished, and transparency optimistic but the long-term development and
should be supported. Moreover, there should be a stability of Afghanistan can be only ensured by a
genuine commitment of all parties.

as the worst attack in 30 years, who is responsible and
Indo-Pak: economy, brought India and Pakistan to the brink of war.
diplomacy gone for a toss
Author: Bilal Hussain
Published in: Foreign Policy News
Published on: March 15, 2019
Notwithstanding the economic priorities, the two
major nuclear powers in South Asia: India and
Pakistan are engaged in an almost war-like
situation. The state of affairs has taken a heavy
toll on these nation’s financial markets, currencies,
soured business sentiments and potentially could
hurt foreign investment.
It was Kashmiri youth who in a suicide attack killed
Following the Indian Air Force (IAF) fighter
at least 40 Indian forces in Kashmir and is considered
aircraft crossed the Line of Control on 26th of

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February, 2019 and carried out attack on a Cost of military action
‘terrorist camp’. This is the first time since 1971 This military action and the reaction by the two
that the Indian Air Force breached the Line of countries has resulted in any gain on either sides.
Control and entered into Pakistani territory. According to a report, 3 Indian aircraft (two MIG 21
Diplomacy takes a dig planes and a Mi-17-V5 chopper) were brought down,
Justifying the act, the Foreign Secretary of India, resulting in seven casualties (six airmen, one civilian),
taking a first dig to the diplomatic relations as opposed to one Pakistani F-16 down (as claimed
between the two nuclear states in a media report by Indian sources). The cost of two MIG-21 is 6.53
says, “this strike absolutely necessary. It was a billion Indian Rupees. The cost of one Mi-17-V5
non-military, pre-emptive strike.” According to helicopter is 1.45 billion Indian Rupees. That is a net
the ministry of external affairs (MEA), hole of 7.98 billion Indian Rupees in the Indian
government of India in a statement by Foreign exchequer. Also, one of the India’s pilot, Abhinandan
Secretary mentions, “India struck the biggest Varthaman, was captured.
training camp of JeM (Jaish-e-Mohammad) in The Sensex, India’s stock market index, lost as much
Balakot. In this operation, a very large number of as 600 points as Indo-Pak tensions escalated. And the
JeM terrorists, trainers, senior commanders and Indian rupee also fell by 0.41 against the dollar.
groups of jihadiswho were being trained While, the Karachi Stock Exchange, fell by 4%.
for fidayeenaction were eliminated.” While, on Pakistan’s side their climate change minister,
However, countering the Indian claims, the Malik Amin Aslam in a news report has said that Indian
Foreign Minister of Pakistan, Makhdoom Shah MIG-21 has bombed their forest reserves and the govt
Mahmood Qureshi, busted the claims of having of Pakistan is undertaking an environmental impact
targeted a terrorist camp and resulting in assessment, and contemplating to file a complaint at
causalities. Ministry of foreign affairs (MoFA) in the United Nations and other forums against India
its statement rebutted, “completely absurd and is on ‘eco-terrorism’.
based on a false narrative designed to placate War of word
domestic audience.” Yet, other independent The war was going on the media channels as they
reports suggest that Indian bombing inside turned the studios into battle grounds. A war of
Pakistani territory appears to have struck a mostly word, conflicting media narratives not only confused
uninhabited forest and a farmer’s wheat field. the international community, however, those on the
Reacting to the IAF attack, Pakistan Air Force ground too had no idea of what is going on. While a
strikes back and according to the MoFA-Pakistan, report in Foreign Policy mention how India’s media
“This was not a retaliation to continued Indian is war-crazy and journalism has taken a back seat to
belligerence. We have no intention of escalation, jingoism. Besides, the International media be it Al
but are fully prepared to do so if forced into that Jazeera English, Washington Post, New York Times,
paradigm. That is why we undertook the action The Guardian, Gulf News, Daily Telegraph, or Jane’s
with clear warning and in broad daylight.” Information Group, each one of these publications
Nonetheless, MEA-India claimed that Pakistan have questioned the Indian claims of ‘killing 300
de-marched on the act of aggression against India. militants inside Pakistan’.
While, the Indian media reported that at least 325 Concerned over the credibility of media, former Vice
terrorists and 25 to 27 trainers were eliminated at President of India, Hamid Ansari, says that “for the
the camp when the IAF strike took place. Twelve media to play its designated role, it must be impartial
Mirage-2000 jets took part in the operation and and unprejudiced in coverage of news and views
dropped 1,000-kg laser-guided bombs to destroy connected with all segments of society.”
at least six-terrorist camps. Also, India launched Kashmir, a nuclear flash point
a renewed diplomatic aggression by briefing The Kashmir is the nuclear flash point that can explode
diplomats from foreign missions including anytime and is the real theatre of unspeakable violence
China and the UK. and moral corrosion that can spin us into violence and
The military action took toll on religion sentiments nuclear war at any moment. The author, The God of
as well. In a recent move by Pakistani devotees are Small Things, and The Ministry of Utmost Happiness
denied visa. The devotees would miss Arundhati Roy, in a write-up wrote that to prevent that
Ajmer-Urs— at Dargah Ajmer Sharif.

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from happening, the conflict in Kashmir has to be “Just now one pilot project has been completed. Now
addressed and resolved. we have to make it real, earlier it was just practice.”
Besides, one of the founding member of Also, there is a visible de-escalation move from
the Defense Planning Staff, India, Gen Ashok K. Pakistani foreign ministry’s director general South
Mehta mentions in an article, “Pakistan’s reaction Asia and SAARC, Dr. Mohammed Faisal in his tweet
was swift, signaling: ‘you can do it, we can hit mentions that their high commissioner would be
you back’. The big strategic take-away is that returning to Delhi. Besides, India’s foreign
while India may have breached a 50-year old red secretary, Vijay Gokhale is on US visit where he is
line, it cannot claim air raids as the new normal or expected to meet senior officials of the American
a game-changer. So another mass-casualty administration and exchange views on major foreign
terrorist attack in India/J&K will present a policy and security-related developments, officials
decision-making dilemma for the government.” said. The visit to the US comes in the backdrop of
Moreover, former India’s high commissioner to growing tension between India and Pakistan.
Pakistan, Sharat Sabharwal, in one of his Final word
write-ups says, “Pakistan fishes in the troubled The irony is that still 30% of Pakistanis and about a
waters of our own making in Kashmir. Force sixth of India’s 1.3 billion live under poverty, as per
alone cannot build durable peace there.” the World Bank, which defines poor as those living
Peace prevailed on less than $1.9 per day. For the greater good of
The prime minister of Pakistan, Imran Khan, stood both the countries, they should focus on their
up and announced the release and return of India’s economic wellbeing and provide a good governance
captured pilot. Khan also offered peace talk to India. to their population. While, reviving all the diplomatic
However, Indian Prime Minister, Narendra channels between the two nations, it is high time to
Modi refused to accept peace talks. Refusing to address the core issue of Kashmir which could prove
give peace a chance, in a media report Modi said, a nuclear flash point anytime.


Trump's Real Foreign Policy room,” as the popular phrase had it, who would
Author: Jacob Heilbrunn restrain Trump himself.
Published in: National Interest During his first two years, Trump took several steps
Published on: February 9, 2019 that appealed to his base—abandoning the Iran
nuclear deal, withdrawing from the Paris climate
accord, imposing trade tariffs and demanding that
NATO allies contribute more financially—but he
did not fundamentally reorient American foreign
policy. In recent months, with his declarations that
he wishes to withdraw American troops from Syria
as well as Afghanistan, Trump has signaled that he
is returning to the precepts that he enunciated in
2016. But as Trump—besieged by the Russia
investigation and stymied on the domestic
front—lashes out against his real and perceived
enemies, there are ample grounds to wonder whether
Now that he has been in office for two years, he can really fulfill his decades-long exhortation for
Donald Trump is moving to assert control over American retrenchment.
foreign affairs. The most prominent members of
his original foreign policy team—Rex Tillerson, There can be no doubting that Trump himself remains
H.R. McMaster, James N. Mattis and Nikki undaunted by the serial controversies that have
Haley—are gone. Their departure has provoked engulfed his administration. Trump, who has never
consternation among those members of the foreign been shy about touting his accomplishments, offered his
policy elite who viewed them as the “adults in the own assessment of his record this past November in an
interview published in the new book by Corey R.

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Lewandowski and David N. Bossie, Trump’s Enemies. As Lord Macaulay put it in an 1845 parliamentary
In it, Trump suggested that even Reagan, the most speech on the propriety of sugar duties: I do not say
hallowed figure in the modern Republican pantheon, that we ought to prefer the happiness of one
was already eclipsed by him, the sun around which all particular society to the happiness of mankind; but
members of the GOP must now orbit. According to I say that, by exerting ourselves to promote the
Trump, “the amazing thing is that you have certain happiness of the society with which we are most
people who are conservative Republicans that if my nearly connected, and with which we are best
name weren’t Trump, if it were John Smith, they acquainted, we shall do more to promote the
would say I’m the greatest president in history and happiness of mankind than by busying ourselves
I blow Ronald Reagan away.” about matters which we do not fully understand,
A more qualified verdict was rendered by Henry and cannot efficiently control.
Kissinger during an interview with Edward Luce of
the Financial Times: I think Trump may be one of But Trump’s velleities on foreign affairs are one thing.
those figures in history who appears from time to The ability to translate them into actual policies is
time to mark the end of an era and to force it to give another. In an essay in Foreign Affairs, Thomas Wright,
up its old pretenses. It doesn’t necessarily mean that a senior fellow at the Brookings Institution, discerned
he knows this, or that he is considering any great an embryonic Trump doctrine: For the first time,
alternative. It could just be an accident. observers can identify a unified, if still incomplete,
Trump foreign policy in which the administration
Does Trump indeed mark the end of an era? Or accommodates the president’s impulses and seeks to act
will he prove a transitory figure who created a on them. This unified foreign policy is one in which the
mere interregnum in America’s quest for primacy Trump administration has no permanent friends and no
after the Cold War? In speaking about America’s permanent enemies. It takes a transactional approach
purpose, Trump himself has repeatedly made it with all nations, places little value in historical ties, and
clear that he seeks to overturn what he regards as seeks immediate benefits ranging from trade and
the benighted policies of the past. In contrast to procurement to diplomatic support.
his predecessors, Trump has repeatedly disparaged
the notion that America is uniquely virtuous. In But this unified field theory of Trump foreign policy
his inaugural address, he thus signaled that the era may inadvertently ascribe more coherence to it than
of American exceptionalism—the notion that actually exists. On a variety of issues, ranging from
America is an indispensable nation, to borrow Syria to Russia, dissension, not unanimity, appears to
former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright’s characterize the administration’s stands. Director of
wording, that can set wrong aright—was coming National Intelligence Daniel Coats testified to the
to an abrupt terminus. “We do not seek to impose Senate in January that North Korea is unlikely to
our way of life on anyone,” said Trump, “but relinquish its nuclear arsenal. What’s more, CIA
rather to let it shine as an example. We will shine director Gina Haspel stated that Iran is complying with
for everyone to follow.” the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action. Trump
responded with a belligerent series of tweets chastising
In his hostility to the European Union—he referred tothe intelligence agencies. In short, the president can
it in July as a “foe”—Trump has made it plain that propose, but his officials dispose.
he wants to deal with states on an individual basis
when it comes to trade matters, which is why he has Trump’s new crop of cabinet officials has often sought
urged Britain, among other things, to fulfill Brexit to split the difference with him rather than engage in
and conclude a separate deal with America. Similarly, open confrontation. When Secretary of State Mike
he appears to regard America’s European allies as, Pompeo delivered a speech in Brussels in December,
more often than not, mendacious mendicants who for example, he sought to anneal Trumpian nationalism
are failing to fulfill their fiscal obligations to NATO, onto a traditional Reaganite crusading foreign policy. He
the one hand, and exploiting America economically, decried the shortcomings of various international
on the other. Like Lord Palmerston, who declared organizations, from the European Union to the United
“we have no eternal allies, and no perpetual enemies. Nations, and stated that multilateralism could become
Our interests are eternal and perpetual, and those an “end in itself.” In a January 24 interview with
interests it is our duty to follow,” Trump’s inclinations Martha MacCallum of Fox News, he equivocated when
are for independence, not interdependence. asked whether the United States would come to the aid
of new NATO member Montenegro: “I’m not going

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to get into hypotheticals about what might happen decisions that we need to implement.” In addition,
or how a certain scenario might unfold, but make no the Wall Street Journal has reported that Bolton
mistake about it: America has always been there repeatedly solicited plans for a military attack on
when there were important American and global Iran, starting in the fall of 2018—a move that
interests at stake.” alarmed defense department officials. The Trump
Throughout, Pompeo has made it apparent that he administration is hardly the first to feature rival
views America as Mr. Big. In Brussels, Pompeo factions within its ranks. The Reagan
declared : This is what President Trump is doing. administration, for instance, featured fierce battles
He is returning the United States to its traditional, between Defense Secretary Caspar Weinberger
central leadership role in the world. He sees the and Secretary of State George Shultz over the
world as it is, not as we wish it to be. He knows presence of American troops in Lebanon in 1983.
that nothing can replace the nation-state as the But the Trump administration appears to be the first
guarantor of democratic freedoms and national in which the president and his foreign policy team
interests. He knows, as George H.W. Bush knew, continue, at times, to work at cross purposes.
that a safer world has consistently demanded It is also the case that Trump’s episodic attention to
American courage on the world stage. foreign affairs can result in the outsourcing of specific
issues. The administration has struck a stance at
Pompeo is championing a hawkish posture toward
variance with its otherwise emollient approach to
Iran in the conviction that it can lead to internal
authoritarian states in calling for what amounts to
regime change. Writing in Foreign Affairs,
regime change in Venezuela. It has been widely
Pompeo extolled the power of “moral clarity”—a
reported that the administration has deputed
term straight out of neocon 101—in dealing with
responsibility for its policy toward that country to
Iran and North Korea: “President Trump’s actions
Senator Marco Rubio, who has long been associated
in confronting outlaw regimes stem from the
with the neoconservative camp, not to mention Elliott
belief that moral confrontation leads to diplomatic
Abrams, the champion of the Nicaraguan Contras
conciliation.” One area where Pompeo may be
during the Reagan administration whom Pompeo
able to claim success is in speeding the departure
recently appointed special envoy to Venezuela. After
of US troops from Afghanistan. Special
protests took place in Venezuela, Vice President Mike
Representative Zalmay Khalilzad is negotiating
Pence declared on Twitter in both Spanish and English:
with the Taliban to secure a peace deal—one that
“We are with you. We stand with you, and we will stay
would include an enforcement clause that ensures
with you until Democracy is restored and you reclaim
they oppose any attempts by Al Qaeda or the
your birthright of Libertad.” The idea is to execute
Islamic State to establish bases in Afghanistan.
regime change against what Bolton in a November
But as Seth G. Jones carefully explains in this
speech called a “troika of tyranny”—first, Venezuela,
issue, the path to exiting is strewn with serious
then Cuba, and, finally, Nicaragua.
If Trump has performed erratically, it is also the case
Then there is National Security Adviser John
that his critics have often failed to offer much new
Bolton. The rumbustious Bolton has targeted
thinking. At times their writings seem reminiscent of
international organizations and nuked the
the Newspeak term “crimestop” in George
Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces treaty
Orwell’s 1984: “Crimestop means the faculty of
between Washington and Moscow, all with
stopping short, as though by instinct at the threshold of
Trump’s approbation. Trump has also rebuffed his
any dangerous thought.” In assessing Trump, for
efforts to torpedo peace talks with North Korea.
example, Antony J. Blinken and Robert Kagan in
But most recently, Bolton has sought to impede
the Washington Post offered a predictable peroration:
Trump’s expressed wish to depart Syria. While
If the United States abdicates its leading role in shaping
meeting in Jerusalem with Israeli prime minister
international rules and institutions—and mobilizing
Benjamin Netanyahu in December, Bolton openly
others to defend them—then one of two things will
contradicted Trump. He indicated that the Trump
happen: Some other power or powers will step in and
administration would not exit Syria precipitously.
move the world in ways that advance their interests and
According to Bolton, “There are objectives that
values, not ours. Or, more likely, the world will
we want to accomplish that condition the
descend into chaos and conflict, and the jungle will
withdrawal. The timetable flows from the policy
overtake us, as it did in the 1930s.

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But as Ali Wyne observes in this issue, despite the influence beyond its border lagged far behind its
vagaries in its foreign policy, the United States is industrial heft. As Trump navigates what are likely to
the world’s lone superpower; in the 1930s, by be increasingly turbulent foreign policy waters in the
contrast, despite commanding the world’s largest next two years, he will be judged by how he deploys
economy, Washington’s military and diplomatic that influence.

Future of North Korean Despite the fact, that some were anticipating the
results of the deal quite positive as a step building
nuclear program good relationship between the US and North Korea,
Author: Beenish Altaf likewise others were apprehensive of it.
Published in: Foreign Policy News Paradoxically, the country habitual of military
Published on: January 15, 2019 solutions, is evidently foreseeing a “good feeling”
for North Korea this time; with reference to the
North Korea’s leader, Kim Jong-un, recently
June’s summit.
showed his willingness to have a second summit
meeting with the United States President Trump. The Rodong Sinmun of Pyongyang on the other hand
However he conditioned the offer that he will said that “broad and in-depth opinions would be
only cooperate if the US will remove international exchange to establish a permanent and peaceful
sanctions against his country, otherwise the North regime in the Korean Peninsula and to solve problems
Korea will be left with no choice then to return to that are of common concern, including issues to
the nuclear option. realize the denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula.”
Formerly relationship of the US and North Korea has
The North Korean leader in his New Year Day’s
remained on the edge and tensed to the extent of
speech said that “he is willing to meet the United
transferring harsh and threatening statements to each
States president at any time for the betterment of
other at the state level. It was followed by several
our international community. However, if the
missile tests from North Korean side, who up till now
United States does not keep its promise in our
conducted six nuclear tests too (the latest of which
international community and misinterprets our
was in September 2017). North Korea offered a
patience and intention and continues with the
frightening and alarming demonstration over the
sanctions, then we have no choice for the sake
precedent months of its capability to deliver warheads,
of our national interest and peace of the Korean
using missiles that could easily strike South Korea,
Peninsula but to come up with new initiatives
Japan and the United States territory. It was actually
and new measures.”
exasperated by the US plan of installing anti-missile
Previously, the same country that was once defence system in the South, which resulted in further
annoyed strongly against a state, cause of its evoked concerns in the North Korean.
nuclear buildup, was impressed from its
Pakistan always condemned North Korean nuclear
diplomatic twist to the extent that it decided to
ambitions because it damages the global objective of
change its decisions favoring it. At that time point
making Korean a nuclear weapons free peninsula.
in time, President Donald Trump reversed its
More precisely, all that Pakistan wants is peace in
decision of military exercises with South Korea by
Korean Peninsula. It was always desired that all the
calling it as “waste of money”. That happened in
countries in the region including North and South
the backdrop of a Summit held-in between the US
Korea, Japan, China and the US, manage the situation
and North Korea on June 12, 2018 in Singapore.
diplomatically with utmost responsibility.
Since the Prime Minister of Singapore Lee Hsien
However, if look with the lens of a victory, several
Loong welcomed the meeting open-heartedly, the
conclusions could be drawn including: a durable
role of the country, was fairly vital in carrying out
peace is anticipated as the best outcome as North
parlays among both the leaders, North Korean
Korea is now trying to develop good ties with South
Kim Jong-un and the US Donald Trump.
Korea. The top leader, Kim met President Moon
Critically it was believed to be the first remarkable Jae-In and discussed areas of mutual interests.
deal in many years among both the countries.
Besides, the next summit could be a step-up for
Regarding its agenda, largely denuclearization
international community’s disarmament goal that is
was on the top most priority list in the summit.
the denuclearization of Korean Peninsula, ironically,

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the time frame of which cannot be measured at this its military presence in and around Korea likewise the
point of time. Another gain for North Korea could be North Korea is also stuck to its condition of removal
the removal of sanctions from the American side that or lifting of sanctions first before any solid step
will be a further aid in the development of good towards dismantling its nukes.
bilateral relations. However, till present there is
nothing substantial outcome as the US is stick to

Balochistan & and terrorism and even small skirmishes against
Pakistan are portrayed globally suiting their national
Fifth generation warfare interests. Major banks and other financial institutions
Author: Hashim Nadeem as a government policy fund the production houses
Published in: The Nation to that effect. They have been very successful in
Published on: March 30, 2019 floating their national strategy and plan regarding
Media networks have recently had a policy shift their major issues through their films. When they
towards educating the masses aptly packaged with needed to bring reforms in their educational system,
entertainment. People have hardly known how they came up with a film ‘Three Idiots’ and for health
the drug cartel worked and later uprooted before reforms, the central idea had to do with ‘Munna Bhai
tuning in to one of their favourite seasons on MBBS’. Similarly, when they realized that their
Netflix. In the same way, corporate giants are youth and new generation is straying from their
effectively using all possible mediums national heroes like Gandhi, they made a commercial
in establishing a brand image and awareness film in which Gandhi himself appeared as a character
about a certain technological feat. Apple has describing his philosophy of life and non-violent
grown due to highly effective marketing mix struggle in such an interesting way that the film
and stands out as a niche product. The same ended up as a massive success and popular among the
applies to any government’s plans and target audiences bringing billions of local and foreign
propagation of policies in order to attain mass revenue to the country. Very recently, a dying culture
support. People in United Kingdom still consider of wrestling was projected through a film ‘Dangal’
the 48% to 52% result of the first Brexit and it not only revived the wrestling game in the
referendum due to most of them not actually country but brought billions of dividends home.
knowing the real implications that have Unfortunately, Pakistan and specifically Balochistan
subsequently brought United Kingdom to the is left faraway in adopting this very creative tool
brink of a political turmoil. It was government’s (film) to cope up with the real issues. Resultantly, the
duty to inform and build a public understanding youth is carried away with strong Indian propaganda
of the matter before venturing upon a legally through Bollywood. Our emerging youth, most of
binding referendum result. them, don’t really know that names of our national
heroes but are well aware of Indian celebrities, their
One of prime objectives of Information Dept is to
ongoing affairs and even dates and venues of their
publicize and propagate the policies and future
to-be marriages.
plans of Government through its film section - in
shape of short films, documentaries and feature ISPR has been trying hard in recent times to counter
films. The significance of film making is pretty Indian propaganda influx but they have also not used
much relevant in the modern age of social media, this commercial film technology in coping up with
smart phones and web traffic. The first world has the genuine matters. Nowadays, it is rather difficult to
already employed these tools effectively and attract the masses and youth over lectures, debates
during dipolar state regime, USA succeeded in and visual preaching. They can only be engaged by a
conquering the cold war against USSR through subject of their common interest and Government can
its highly effective propaganda machine via film deliver its motive - policy of reforms in a very mild
medium creating a powerful counter narrative and sugar coated manner to masses and youth in
that was adequately propagated. particular in order to convey and get the message
penetrated in their hearts and minds convincing them
India with a Bollywood powerhouse has strategized
of an informed exposure.
the industry in the same manner. Many national
issues such as health, Education system, Kashmir

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The Information Department, Govt of Balochistan is environment of positive public opinion. The
already running a film section under DGPR office but notion of togetherness and sense of ownership can
due to non-technical and less qualified staff, routine be brought while contributing to the government’s
approach and zero funding have left it dormant since exchequer to compensate the costs involved.
ages. The present incumbent Information Department However, the costs of losing this opportunity,
intends to reactivate this section and aims to convert may never by recompensed.
it into a fully equipped film department with the help There is a dire need to establish a film fund for
of outsourced national and international film makers Balochistan that could help new creative ideas
by inviting them to Balochistan for national and flourish and new film makers from Balochistan
international films based on Balochistan issues and encouraged to capitalise on them. This will engage
promoting culture and tourism in Balochistan youth and artists from Balochistan channelling their
naturally in the process while showcasing Balochistan latent talents to noticeable expression and Balochistan
to the world through films. may wriggle out of the perceived identity crises for
The shift in priorities will not only enhance image the international world. This has to be a landmark
of the region in terms of its beautiful landmass, step from government of Balochistan setting trends
cultures and stories but will also inform the world for other provinces.
about the issues of Balochistan creating a critical


When free speech is truly free Paradoxically, there is an inherent tension between
Author: Sundar Sarukkai (The Hindu) free speech and democracy. If free speech is
understood merely as the freedom to say what one
Freedom is a theme which comes up again and wants, then that is obviously not conducive to
again. It is a term, like truth, that has globally meaningful social behaviour. For example, one can
become extremely important today. But it is not an spread falsehood about another in the name of free
easy concept to understand, especially in a public speech. One can insult, lie, create harm and hatred
political discourse. First of all, there are many through free speech. In these cases, free speech
kinds of freedom: freedom to speak, to write, to should rightfully be called rumour and gossip.
think, to imagine, to live our lives, to eat what we Rumour, gossip, fake news and deliberate lying can
want, and so on. Since this term is invoked so be hidden under the guise of free speech. It is speech
quickly and so easily — witness little children with an ulterior motive. To call these as free speech
saying they want their freedom to have ice cream! is a mistake.
— it is important that we understand its diverse
meanings in our everyday use of this term. The answer to the problem of defining what really
constitutes free speech lies in understanding the
Here I want to understand what one of the most meaning of ‘free’ in free speech. What is really free
important expressions of freedom, free speech, in free speech? The freedom to say what one wants?
could mean. We can’t really say what we want all the time since
Freedom to hold forth? We often tend to think all speech is constrained. We are constrained by
that among the main elements of democracy are language, words, concepts and grammar, and even
the holding of elections and a free media. Both by the physical contours of our mouth. We are
elections and free media are important because constrained by the biological and cognitive structures
they stand, among other things, for the notions of related to thought and its expression through language.
free speech and free expression. Casting a vote Socially, we are not fully free to say what we want.
anonymously, of one’s own free will, is an We cannot make certain utterances in certain places.
example of free expression and is broader than A commentator, commenting on a game of cricket,
just ‘free speech’. Similarly, when the media has cannot suddenly give a lecture on philosophy saying
the freedom to air all kinds of views, it is seen to that he is protected by free speech!
be an example of free speech. But is free speech In addition to constraints, all speech also has a cost.
really the essence of democracy? Is it really so When we utter something, good or bad, there is a price
important for an effective democracy? to pay. Even in personal relations with family and friends,
we cannot say what we want. If we do so — that is, if

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we are honest and outspoken — there is a price to pay. free speech is a tool to make democracy workable
Relationships get broken, wars are declared between and it is not really about the individual freedom to
people because somebody spoke ‘freely’. say what one wants.
Thus, the essence of free speech is not really about the Democracy is about governance for others and on
freedom to say what we want. It is more about speech behalf of others. It is a social and public system of
which is free, which comes with no cost. Free speech isresponsibility of governance. The very foundation
actually speech for which you don’t pay a price. But of democracy is collective action and the real
paying a price is not in the hands of the speaker. When freedom in a democracy is the freedom of choosing
I say or write something, I do not know who will take who will govern on our behalf. The ideal of
offence at it. People get upset and take offence very democracy is that we are all potential rulers — any
easily these days! Free speech is nothing but the one of us can be the Prime Minister of our country.
conditions under which the hearer is not allowed to When we elect somebody, we are only putting a
take offence and intimidate the speaker. group of people to govern on behalf of us. Free
speech is the mechanism to make sure that they
The real freedom in ‘free speech’ lies not in the govern correctly and on our behalf. It is only free
freedom of the speaker to say what she wants but speech, defined in this manner, that makes democracy
in the constraint on hearers to allow the speaker to workable.
say what she wants. Thus, when we demand the The true power of free speech lies in its capacity to
right to free speech, we are essentially demanding make those in power accountable to those who do not
the right to stop others from not letting us speak. have power. It is a means to control those in power
The most important consequence of the idea of and is not really about freedom of individuals. The
free speech is that it shifts the responsibility of price we demand for making somebody govern on
free speech from the speaker to the hearer. But our behalf (the elected leaders) is to allow us to say
does this mean that anybody can say what they what we want about them, not as individuals but as
want? Can they slander a person through political leaders.
falsehood in the name of free speech? Is
slandering a person the same as criticising the The power equation: Thus, true free speech covers
government or the nation? After all, our only those acts of speech which speak against power,
governments, independent of which party is in and keep those in power accountable. It thus
power, have effectively used the charge of safeguards the most cherished democratic principle.
sedition to stop certain utterances in public. Free speech by itself is not the essence of democracy
but is the means by which any democracy can be
Criticism as a duty: It is not free speech to sustained. Anybody who doesn’t like to hear criticism
purposefully slander a person. But criticising the of government or government representatives is being
government or nation is not the same as slandering undemocratic. We dilute the importance of free
an individual. Such criticism is not just a right, it speech when we use it to derive personal benefit or
is more a duty of democratic societies. In a true cause harm or do so in situations which are not about
democracy, there is nothing that can be considered power. Speech, in the task of keeping check on power,
as slandering the government, even if a criticism has to be subsidised and made free by those in power.
may be wrong and unjustified. That is because

The Seeds of Intolerance A student killed Prof Khalid Hameed, head of the
Author: I.A. Rehman English department at a Bahawalpur college,
Published in: Dawn Newspaper because he thought that a mixed gathering of male
Published on: March 28, 2019 and female students that was planned to welcome
newly enrolled students was un-Islamic. This is a
The wave of intolerance sweeping across Pakistan new excuse for taking the life of a fellow Muslim,
is posing a more serious threat to the country’s and a teacher at that.
most vital interests and the people’s mental Two Ahmadi doctors were abducted and murdered
equilibrium than any other problem, including the and their bodies stuffed inside a canal head. The level
threat of external aggression. Let us take a look at of brutality against Ahmadi doctors even in personal
some recent incidents of intolerance. quarrels has risen considerably. The campaign of

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vilification launched by the pious and patriotic men Being sent to a shelter for some days to enable them
of the country against the audacity of the women who to make up their minds does not seem to have worked.
joined the Aurat March on International Women’s The questions regarding the marriage of underage
Day continues to become more and more vicious. girls and the age at which a girl’s conversion can be
The prominent targets of male venom include some deemed valid need to be settled beyond any doubt.
of the organisers of the event in different cities. The government should support the new bills on child
From where does the vigilante brigade derive its marriage and forced conversions, especially the
sanction to enforce its morality code? former that should be easy to enforce. Measures to
Two minor girls belonging to the Hindu community prevent forced conversions also demand properly
of Ghotki in Sindh were apparently abducted, thought-out policies and guidelines for the
converted to Islam and married off to Muslim men. law-enforcing and judicial authorities.

What makes these manifestations of intolerance The murder of Prof Khalid Hameed, the abduction
more ominous than they are generally believed to and killing of the Ahmadi doctors, and the frenzy of
be is that the objects of unmitigated violence are attacks on women activists denote a new high in
women and minority communities that deserve vigilante activity, an assertion of the self-acquired
extra protection in view of their known right by any Muslim to question a fellow Muslim
vulnerability. Besides, the government has not about his performance of religious rituals.
taken due notice of the threats to the lives and C.M. Naeem, who has been a distinguished teacher at
peace of mind of innocent citizens. It has not the Chicago University for over four decades, could
bothered to denounce the foul murders nor has it not believe his ears when for the first time in his long
shown concern at vigilante violence except for career he was queried by two of his students about
the last-mentioned incident, which has propelled missing his prayers. The killer of the Bahawalpur
the prime minister into action against the culprits. teacher and the instigators of violence against the
It would be idle and dangerous to pretend that organisers of the Aurat March are the advanced
the latest surge in intolerance is the work of some models of the Chicago vigilantes.
overexcited individuals or groups whereas it is But from where does the vigilante brigade derive its
rooted in the state’s failure to precisely define sanction to enforce its morality code? For an answer,
the place of belief in politics and governance. one has to go far back in the past to the point when
The problem has confronted successive Pakistan decided to become an Islamic state without
governments and none has attempted a complete working out a mechanism for interpreting Islam and
or long-term remedy. left the various schools of thought free to interpret the
Take the case of the alleged forced conversion of state religion in different ways. Ijtehad was sacrificed
two minor Hindu girls — a horrible crime that is at the altar of traditionalism. Came Gen Zia and
un-Islamic too. One should like to see how far the overruled Allama Iqbal’s 1930 call to defreeze
government will go. The existence of centres in Islamic fiqh that had been frozen for 500 years and to
certain parts of Sindh that specialise in free it of the stamp of Arab imperialism.
abduction-conversion-marriage procedures is no Pakistan is now governed under the Zia constitution
secret. These centres have flourished under the of 1985. The conservative traditionalists are
patronage of feudal politicians who have been determined to defend Zia’s version of state-enforced
courted and pampered by the country’s major belief as the original and real Islam. Further, some
political parties. If the government does not people seem to have joined the hisba force Gen Zia
proceed against these conversion centres, it will had proposed for enforcing moral discipline, a move
be guilty of abetment. that was foiled by the judiciary.
Quite a few issues relating to forced conversion need The members of the private hisba force derive
to be earnestly examined and resolved. The women strength from the interpretation of religion by militant
in our subcontinent have been led to believe that extremists, especially their view that jihad can be
victims of forced marriages won’t be accepted by carried out by individual Muslims, and their complete
their parents/siblings and they must resign themselves reliance on the theory of takfir, which means that a
to their fate. Some of them are afraid of being killed good Muslim has a right and a duty to behead a
if restored to parental custody. The courts usually do person who claims to be a Muslim but does not
not allow the victims to meet their parents/siblings. qualify as such by the former’s standard. Hitherto the

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state has gone along with the interpretation of Islam intra-religion discourse and define the role of belief
by traditionalists and militants. If it wishes to break in matters that are apparently outside its jurisdiction.
out of its self-acquired shackles it must encourage


The curious case of

Pakistan's natural gas crisis
Author: Maha Rehman
Published in: Herald
Published on: January 21, 2019
This winter has been marked by not only the
regulars – fog and Kashmiri chai – but also by a
worsening smog and gas shortage. In fact, energy
shortfall and disputes over its allocation have
become regulars as well. From frequent electricity
breakdowns to acute gas load-shedding, these
crises have only worsened in one way or another.
A couple of weeks ago, the gas shortage reached
such a high level in Sindh that industrialists in
Karachi threatened to shut down factories in
protest if the government did not address the
problem. Is there a common thread among these
crises that leads all the way to policy, planning In terms of the provincial share of the demand for
and operational levels? Are we keeping track of natural gas, Punjab and Sindh lead, with 47 per cent and
the basic indicators that are both predictive and 43 per cent, respectively, followed by Khyber
prescriptive of these crises? Or are these indicators Pakhtunkhwa and Balochistan. Sindh is also the major
getting camouflaged in lobbying by industries as supplier of natural gas – followed by Balochistan –
well as by political point-scoring? which makes it strange that the province is also
suffering an acute shortage this winter. According to a
A look at the indicators shows that almost 40 per cent report prepared by Oil and Gas Regulatory Authority
of Pakistan’s energy needs are being met by natural (OGRA) in 2016-17, the gap between supply and
gas. Power sector consumes 43 per cent of the total demand is expected to increase to 3,999 Million
natural gas available in the country, followed by the Cubic Feet per Day (MMcfd) in FY 2019-20 and
residential sector and fertiliser production, each 6,611 MMcfd by FY 2029-30 without imported
consuming 21 per cent of it. gas. These statistics leave very little room for
adjustment if and when demand increases or
supply decreases. Already when there is a 40
per cent increase in the demand during
winter season, it always leads to cuts in
supply but those cuts are never applied to
the two industries — power and fertilisers.
They are, instead, shifted to domestic
consumers and other smaller industries that
run on natural gas.
The growing demand for gas, however, has a
history. It has been driven by not only an
annual increase in its consumer base but also due to a
switch by industries and automobiles from using oil to
running on gas over the past decade and a half. When
the switch started taking place, the policymakers failed

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to gauge its impact on the long-term balance between of the economy. While the larger policy framework
supply and demand. Additionally, the opacity of the should remain stable, it should be flexible enough
way the change was allowed to take place hindered to accommodate changes that occur due to factors
holistic and long-term planning. that cannot be controlled such as weather.
In an ideal policy world, the switch should have been The import of natural gas is impacted by not only
preceded and accompanied by a data-driven forecast national and regional politics but also by industrial
of the shortfall in supply. This, in turn, would have groups that have become dependent upon it. In
helped policymakers formulate a timely and order to ensure transparency and to counter industrial
long-term action plan to address the shortage lobbying, the public needs to demand data-driven
before it happened. accountability that not only clarifies the extent of
So, while we celebrated the cheaper fuel option that the shortfall and its impact but also enables a clear,
natural gas provided, we did not prepare ourselves candid and honest debate so that all stakeholders
for its shortfall and did not consider the fact that its can chart an effective policy for the future.
production as well as import take both money and To create a sense of urgency to tackle the natural gas
time. Now, part of the shortfall is being met by crisis, we must begin by quantifying the indirect
expansive imports in the short term. The continuity impact of the shortfall along with its direct impact on
of even this short-term approach has been rocked various sectors of the economy so that the shortage of
by political and bureaucratic changes. What we not only natural gas but also the overall energy mix is
need is continuity and change going hand in hand, met by an effective, timely and long-term action plan.
especially of measures that impact critical sectors

Pakistan’s Population Threat 60% of the population under the age of 30 and a
Author: Ashar Jawad national median age of 22 coupled with fewer
Published in: Daily Pakistan employment opportunities, population explosion
Published on: March 20, 2019 presents the most serious challenge to the stability
and security of the country. Despite the gravity of
A finite world with finite resources can only support the situation, this issue has hardly figured in the
a finite population. Amidst intense political national discourse.
wrangling and a plethora of national issues, a more
important concern affecting the future of this country Major factors responsible for high population
has almost gone unheeded. The population time growth in Pakistan are high fertility, low
bomb that had long been ticking is now exploding. contraceptive prevalence rate, high unmet need
of family planning, declining mortality due to
Pakistan being one of the high fertility countries with a improved healthcare, custom of early marriages,
large proportion of young adults and children had a male child preference, poverty, illiteracy, patriarchy,
population of 33 million in 1951. Today, the populationreligious constraints, beliefs, customs, traditions
has risen to nearly 210 million making Pakistan the and lack of recreational activities. Add to that the
6th most populous country in the world after China, failure of government to plan and implement
India, United States, Indonesia and Brazil. population control measures. Pakistan had its first
In terms of land, Pakistan is 0.6% of the world area population census after 1998 in 2017 – a gap of
and home to 2.65% of the global population. Every 19 years. Pakistan’s bulging population and its
40th person on the planet is a Pakistani. Population unrestricted rise presents real dangers to political
has soared across the globe since the start of the 19th stability, economy, national security and the state’s
century from 1 billion in 1800 to 7.5 billion in 2018. plans to achieve self- sufficiency is various human
But while the growth rate globally is 1.2%, it is development indicators.
1.90% in Pakistan where on average each family Agriculture is a key contributor to Pakistan’s national
has 3 children. The South Asian country is tipped GDP. With rising population, lands that were used
to become the 4th largest country in terms of for agrarian purposes are now being turned into
population by 2050. villages, towns, suburbs and housing societies. If
With abysmal human development indicators – this trend continues unhindered for long, the country
ranked 150 out of 189 countries by the UNDP, might face severe food shortage in the years to come.

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There has been a rapid rise in urbanization over the Family planning programs were initiated in
past few decades. People have moved in millions Pakistan in the 1950s, and have greatly helped
from rural areas in search of employment which reduce the birth rate from 4.5% in 1947 at the time of
has put further strain on the existing infrastructure independence to 2.9% in the 1990. The figure has
of urban centers. More than 20% of Pakistan’s further come down to 1.90% now, but still a lot remains
population lives in 10 major cities. Shrinking forest to be done as it is much higher than the global rate of
and farm space to make way for infrastructure population growth which stands at 1.2%.
development to facilitate growing population needs The government requires to develop a comprehensive
will cause environmental degra dation through and cohesive strategy to deal with the population
anthropogenic activity, contributing to global dilemma involving all federating units, as well as
warming. Pakistan is the 7th most vulnerable have a mechanism to review progress. Awareness
country to climate change according to the UN. about the ills associated with population explosion
Resources are scarce, and Pakistan has suffered should be promoted through educational programs,
from acute water and energy crisis since the dawn awareness seminars, celebrity endorsements, and
of the 21st century, which has had an adverse effect media campaigns.
on the business industry. Shortage of electricity Though China’s one-child and two-child policies that
and gas has forced many to shut down and go out prevented 400 million births might be deemed as harsh,
of business. With limited job opportunities in the Pakistan can take a leaf out of its Muslim neighbor
market and academic institutions churning out Iran’s book on population control measures. The
degrees, a major chunk of the youth may grow southwest Asian country’s population grew at over 3%
restless and turn to crime, including militancy. between 1950 and 1980. The government in Tehran in
Population threat will also affect Pakistan’s ability the 1990s introduced a comprehensive population
to meet United Nation’s Sustainable Development control strategy, where the clergy declared that Islam
Goals (SDGs). favors families with two children only. Government
Right since independence in 1947, Pakistan’s launched a nationwide campaign and promoted
provinces have wrangled over resources. Water being contraceptives, vasectomies and sterilization. Men and
one, that has often strained relations between Punjab women were required to take birth control courses
and Sindh. On the other hand, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa before getting married. Food coupons, paid maternity
complains about not receiving its share in electricity leaves and other social welfare subsidies were
as much as it should since the province is the major abolished for the third child. As a result, Iran’s
producer of hydel power. Balochistan has had its population growth rate shrank to 0.7% in 2007. It
own share of grievances, mixed with on-off stands at 1.1% now after the government led by former
insurgencies since the 1950s. Limited resources and president Ahmadinejad decided to curb control
ever growing demand to meet the needs of a bulging measures. The problem of overpopulation is very
population could trigger further inter-provincial serious, and has the potential to cause chaos and
competition and rivalry. Recent trends show that anarchy in the coming years as Pakistan faces depleting
those countries facing internal security problems national resources, including water. If not curtailed now,
currently, including Afghanistan, Libya and Syria, it may go on to haunt the country in the future. To
also experienced high increase in population become a progressive, prosperous and stable state, it is
leading up to the turmoil. the need of the hour for Pakistan’s leadership to devise
a sound and dynamic strategy to deal with this peril
before it is late.

Return of Imperialism interest was to get as much profit as possible by
Author: Mubarak Ali establishing commercial relations with Asian and
Published in: The News African countries.
Published on: March 18, 2019 In the second stage, the imperialism became
There are different categories of imperialism which political, which led to the conquest and occupation
emerged, according to the need of the time. In the of countries, and used military power to extract
first category was commercial imperialism, whose the resources of the colonies. The base of political
imperialism was to civilise and modernise

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colonies, which provided an opportunity to exploit territories to the colonial powers. Whatever the
while in the garb of moral values. After the British imperialism did in India, the detail of its
Second World War, colonies gradually got plunder and loot is described in detail by Dadabhai
liberated from European imperialism and became Naoroji (d1917), R C Dutt (d1909) and Rajani
independent countries. However, the performance Palme Dutt (d1974). After Independence, Indian
of most of these countries was poor and dismal. historians started researching and writing the
Their leadership enjoyed all privileges and impact of colonialism on Indian society.
consumed the resources of the countries which left The reason Britain is remembering the old colonial
common people in a state of misery and poverty. days of its glory, grandeur, power and diplomatic
Keeping in view the political, social and economic success is because after losing the colonies, it
condition of the formal colonies, a group of English returned to its small island – losing all economic
historians have been discussing that the efforts of and political benefits and advantages. Britain is also
British imperialism to promote civilisational values acting like those powers of the past, who, after their
to its formal colonies have failed, and they have decline remember the golden days of their rise and
reversed to backwardness and disorder. They have construct a golden period of their history. This
even failed to maintain the imperial system which provides them a refuge against the present miseries
established the supremacy of law, higher and helplessness. In Britain, historians, writers,
educational institutions and led to the introduction filmmakers etc make efforts to make the colonial
of new political and social thoughts which erased past a golden period of their history. In school
conservative traditions and superstitions. textbooks, the heroes who conquered the colonies
Historians have argued that again it is the and exploited their resources are highly admired.
responsibility of Britain and other European Some historians still demand that Britain again play a
countries to take over the rule of those Asian and role to civilise its former colonies by removing corrupt
African countries that are not in a position to rulers and reviving the old imperial rule. This is a
improve their condition, so that their resources dream; neither does Britain have the same military and
can be used for the development of their societies. naval power nor a competent bureaucracy nor economic
However, there is also a group of historians who resources nor nationalist and patriotic spirits among its
oppose this approach and argue that European younger generation nor any ambition to become a
imperialism was not beneficial to its colonies. They colonial power again. Moreover, there is a change in
point out the crimes committed by the colonisers, the newly independent countries. Now Malaysia,
including crushing rebellion brutally, massacring Singapore and Hong Kong are economically highly
people whenever they resisted and silencing all developed and politically well established. In India, the
opposition to their rule by imposing censorship size of the middle class is increasing and Indian
and surveillance by intelligent agencies. They also intellectuals are contributing to scientific subjects and
point out that European countries, including Britain, social sciences. Those countries whose rulers are
fully participated in the African slave trade and corrupt are stabilised by the IMF and World Bank by
earned huge profits by these ugly commercial providing them debt which consequently deteriorates
activities. These slaves were then shipped and sold the condition of the common people because they have
in the markets of South and North America and the to pay all kinds of taxes. And American imperialism
Caribbean Islands. In these islands, the slaves were interferes in the internal affairs of these countries and
engaged in hard labour to cultivate sugarcane and uses their leaders for its political interests. The progress
produce sugar, which was a high-priced item for and prosperity of third-world countries, especially those
the elite classes of Europe. in the grip of the IMF and CIA. depends on people not
These historians question pro-imperialist historians only liberating themselves from their own corrupt and
on how the colonial powers smuggled opium to incompetent leadership but also from world institutions
China and addicted its population, something that that are keeping them backward.
brought not only profit to them but which also The dream of those historians who are in favour of
engaged them with China in a number of wars. imperialism and past glory cannot be realised under
Consequently, forced by treaties, the Chinese the present conditions which have changed the world.
government had to hand over their ports and There is no space for colonialism.


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‘Urdu medium’ English, and charge very high fees that are way
Author: Irfan Husain beyond the means of most parents.
Published in: Dawn Newspaper But if you are lucky enough to graduate with a
Published on: March 30, 2019 relatively sound command of spoken English, many
doors are open to you. Intelligence counts for little as
If you eat at one of Karachi’s upscale restaurants, it is assumed that if you can speak English fluently,
chances are that the conversations you overhear you must not just be bright, but from a well-connected
from nearby tables will be in English. family as well. So you start life with a distinct
This is equally true of ice cream parlours and advantage, looking down on those less fortunate
cafés in the high-end Defence and Clifton areas people whose accent identifies them as ‘Urdu medium’.
where kids chatter on with varying degrees of
And if these lesser beings presume to address you
fluency in English. Ditto high-rise corporate
in English, chances are that you will respond in
offices where executives are almost banned from
Urdu, thus putting them in their place. This kind of
speaking in Urdu by an unwritten edict.
linguistic arrogance divides our society in a way not
So what’s going on in Pakistan, a country that
dissimilar to the division in British society. Here,
gained its freedom from British rule 72 years ago?
attendance at expensive private boarding schools like
Why this growing use of the language of our
Eton and Harrow gives you not just the right accent,
erstwhile colonial masters decades after their
but a certain attitude that immediately identifies you
departure? This trend has marginalised our
as the product of an elite school. To pay for this
national and regional languages, and weakened
privilege, parents will mortgage their homes to
ensure their kids have an edge.
When speaking to friends, we unconsciously
Despite the clear advantages fluency in English
switch from Urdu to English and back when we
endows, there is much confusion and hypocrisy
don’t find the right word in one language. And let
surrounding its teaching and use. Our policymakers
me confess that I am very much part of this
and public representatives extol the use of Urdu and
syndrome. I recall that years ago, we were fined
pay lip service to its propagation. But guess where
four annas (or 25 paisa) at St Patrick’s, my
their children are educated? Even our senior clerics
missionary school, for speaking in Urdu to our
have been known to send their kids to America for
friends during the break. There is widespread
higher education, forgetting the anti-America slogans
recognition that English is the language of power.
they chant so fervently. Admission to schools like
The other day, while picking up some sourdough Lahore’s Aitchison College and Karachi’s Grammar
bread off Karachi’s Zamzama Road, I was School is like gold dust. There are scores of
accosted by a young boy of around 10, asking me applicants for each place, and tiny five-year olds are
to buy a children’s book. This was hardly unusual. examined for suitability, though what such a young
What was unusual, however, was his insistence in child is expected to know is beyond me. But just to
speaking to me in good English, although he was make sure his or her parents are the ‘right’ sort, they
clearly from a working-class family, and thus are summoned for an interview as well.
unlikely to be educated in a private school.
Once admitted, the child’s path in life is more or less
Clearly, there is a widespread recognition that
charted. Graduation is often followed by a university
English is the language of power. Among the
in America; then comes a job in a sound corporation
children of well-to-do parents, ‘Urdu medium’ is
— preferably a multinational — or daddy’s company;
almost an insult. Kids understand early on that
marriage to somebody with a similar background is
Urdu is the language you use to order servants in,
next; and then comes the struggle to ensure admission
while English is used by their parents to
for the children in an elite school.
communicate to friends and family.
But in the midst of this programmed life cycle
Poorer parents also get this message, and sacrifice
of a tiny elite is the huge loss we suffer due to the
much of their meagre resources to pay for their
exclusion of many gifted children born without the
children to study in so-called ‘English-medium’
privileges our elites take for granted. These
schools. However, there are only a handful of
marginalised individuals remain stuck in the
institutions that impart instruction in correct
grooves etched by our adherence to English.

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Thus, we have not only excluded women and a sound grasp of either English or Urdu. And
minorities from important positions, but have inevitably, we lose an important part of our
shrunk our talent pool by focusing almost cultural heritage.
exclusively on English. This has led to a situation
where most kids today leave school without

Daily reminders coming into the world. It is a plain truth that no one
Author: Amin Valliani can achieve his/her goals unless they remember them.
Published in: Dawn Newspaper The ensuing struggle rests on the constant
Published on: March 22, 2019 remembrance of the exact goal.
Human life is at the centre of all Islamic teachings. To obviate this human weakness, every religion has
It is said that Allah created human being in His prescribed certain rites and ceremonies for its
own image, awarded him life and made him His adherents to perform in order to make them
khalifa — vicegerent. He is made superior among constantly aware of their goal. These are not an end
all creatures and supervisor over the land, waters in itself but means to an end. It is for this very reason
and skies (17:70). that Islam stresses on the importance of matters of
practice and the significance of ritualistic acts. These
While on earth, he was promised that whenever are often repetitive in nature because they are our
guidance comes and whoever follows it, there reminders.
shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve (2:38). Thus,
he is required to adhere to and comply with the For instance, the daily ritualistic prayers are
holy guidance in letter and in spirit. But very few considered significant because they are the most
people remember the divine promise while most powerful reminder of our submission towards our
of us are forgetful. Omnipotent Master. Similarly, Islam’s utmost
emphasis on reflecting upon natural signs carries
Forgetfulness is a part of human nature. We are multidimensional significance.
called ‘insaan’ — an Arabic word derived from
verb ‘nasiya’ which literally means to forget. Moreover, nature has devised its own system of
This indicates the human tendency to forget. It is reminding every individual on a regular basis. It
evident through Quran which says “… Indeed manifests signs and signals around every individual’s
We made a covenant with Adam before, but he life to remind him or her to be careful and conscious.
forgot. ...” (20:115). For example, in every society, we observe diseases,
death and distress. These are natural signs for every
In daily life, we experience forgetfulness. individual to be careful and understand the inherent
Sometimes we forget names/appointments or petty message of every occurrence. In short, each sign
items. We often forget what we listen to, read, indicates that life on earth is but a short passage in
watch, think and encounter directly or indirectly in eternity; it is a testing ground and everyone has to
life. Many of us do not even remember what we reap what they sow.
have eaten a week before. The positive side of
forgetfulness is that it ‘lessens’ our mind enabling Though these signs are reminders, they also open new
it to remember what is most essential. It also avenues for further progress and development. They
allows us to be oblivious of the bitter memories of propel humans to think and discover divine secrets,
the past and move forward. Every religion unfold puzzles. They also make humans strong and
prescribes rites to help its adherents be aware. courageous in adversity, humble in success with a
sense of realisation that success or failure is not only
Similarly, nations forget their past enemies with due to human efforts.
whom they have fought wars over years in order
to build a strong future. The example of the But most people do not heed the natural signs and
Second World War can be cited in which many reminders. They are beset by their worldly problems
nations fought against each other but now they with a tendency to be hypnotised by the temporal and
are friendly. to forget the eternal. They just want to improve the
mundane aspects of life by getting good food, good
But the negative side of forgetfulness makes people clothing, good housing and improving their social
ignore their origin and specially the purpose of status. Sometimes they drift away from the right path

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to get things done by indulging in unfair means and other leaders known by different titles/
unethical practices. Thus they forget the noble cause designations who have excelled in their field of
of their life enshrined in the teachings of Islam. endeavour. During the last 1,400 years, Muslim
In addition to this, the task of reminding people is history has witnessed many dignified people who
also assigned to a special group whom Allah has have reminded the ummah of its purpose.
rewarded. Allah says that there should be a group Forgetfulness at the level of worldly matters can
of people inviting to all that is good (3:104). This be excusable but one must not forget the Creator.
group may include a variety of dignified people Allah warns us “And be not like those who
such as Imams, mystics, scholars, historians, forget Allah and He caused them to forget their
intellectuals, philosophers, educationists, and all own selves. …” (59:19).

Pakistan: The impact of urbanisation on society
Author: Muhammad Zafar Khan Safdar Published in The Nation on October 22, 2018.

Pakistan is one of the fastest urbanising countries local citizens and the business community have taken
in South Asia and the share of urban population matters in their own hands and created productive
has risen from 17% in 1951 to 37% in 2010 and to infrastructure and connectivity without the
39.7% in 2017 with annual rate of urban change at involvement of the government. Karachi saw some
2.77%. Projections show that in next 10 to 15 semblance of better governance when it had its own
years half of the population will be living in urban City District Government structure in place between
areas. Population growth and net migration are the 2002-2008. Since 2008, Karachi has suffered from
major forces behind urban growth. About one-fifth benign neglect as the institutional structure of
of the annual rise in urban population can be the City District Government and Town Councils was
attributed to net migration. Large cities with abolished without any alternative system. Land, water,
population of one million and above had a share in transport mafias and criminal gangs have assumed
the total population of 50% in 1998 which by now ascendency to the larger detriment of the citizens of
have risen to at least 66% or more. Urban areas Karachi. Negative externalities have turned Karachi
contribute 80% of GDP, which accounts for 60% into a highly polarized, deeply contested and an
of the employed labour force of the country. almost unliveable metropolis.
Urban poverty rate is almost one half of that the Peshawar, Quetta, Faisalabad, Rawalpindi have
rural poverty rate. Per capita income levels and witnessed some mixed outcomes at different time
growth rates have also been relatively higher in periods but overall do not present a wholesome
the urban areas. picture. Gujranwala, Hyderabad and Sukkur are
With mix positive outcomes, public policy towards typically the worst examples of unplanned urban
urbanisation in Pakistan is like sporadic spurts of sprawl. Multan has made some modest progress in
enlightened political leaders who assume power but infrastructure development over the last 10 years. All
lack foundational stability or consistent planning and these indicators and estimations pose a very alarming
execution. A cursory look at the large urban situation for the country where the business sector is
conglomerates in Pakistan does not provide a small, jobs scarcity is high and economic
satisfactory picture. Master plans are prepared with opportunities are little. Urbanisation has both positive
great effort and at considerable costs only to be and negative sides but the analysis has shown as if the
breached in their practical applications or execution. negativities of urbanisation are not addressed, it will
Around 35 to 50 percent of the urban population still result in far more dangerous implications that
live in Katchi Abadis. In Karachi, there are 500 such overcome all its positive tendencies. By 2025,
informal settlements, with more than 300 in Lahore. Lahore’s population, currently about 11.12 million,
Islamabad has been spared the agony because the will reach to 12.13 million. Karachi’s will be 17.12
master plan formulated 55 years ago is still the main million where it is 14.91 million today. Strikingly,
guiding instrument and the deviations are far and “What these numbers show”, according to renowned
few. Lahore has benefitted by the personal interest economist Shahid Javed Burki, “is that Pakistan is at
taken in its growth by successive Chief Ministers the threshold of a major demographic transition”. It is
over last 10 years. Sialkot is atypical because the also a fact that in Pakistan, the urban development

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has shifted from public land to centring a few and reduce the potentials of growth. Balance
privileged classes. Hence land in Pakistan has between demand and supply of infrastructure
become an important mean for earning money. facilities has faced a chronic imbalance. It is now
This unwanted and unjustified process has left imperative that we should have an urban development
serious implications by setting inequalities in policy addressing infrastructure, improvised basic
urban centres. There is no role of low-income facilities and community based services.
communities in deciding the fate of urban cities. There are certain inherent flaws for urban decay in
Movement or shifting of people from rural to Pakistan, such as, low employment rate, unstable
urban has a direct link with the shifting of economic growth, incapable entrepreneurship and
economy from rural to urban. Agriculture sector weakening of civilian institutions. It is validated that
is the major contributor in Pakistan’s economy. the fastest growth rate in Pakistan is of the ages
This sector accounted for about half of GDP in between 15 and 25. Although education ratio in urban
the years of 1949-50, but with the growth in cities, areas is almost high, finding employment is difficult.
this fact decreased to 27% of GDP for the year Due to incapable entrepreneurship and dearth of
2015-16. Whereas during the same period the employment for youth, emotional distress and
share of manufacturing sector has increased to disappointment emerges, which results in eruption of
29% from 8% to the GDP while the share of street violence and aggression. A study reports the
services sector has reached from 25% to 55%. increase in violent crime during the last 15-20 years
Likewise agriculture sector accounts almost 65% in Pakistan that is yet a reason of unemployment and
to the labour force but it declined to 38% in 2016. lack of opportunities for the youth. Another challenge
Rise of population in cities increases the low- in urban Pakistan is the intolerance towards the
demand for employment in urban areas. Currently, diversity of views and virtues for the future of
Pakistan’s major cities are facing the challenge of Pakistan. On one hand are the conservatives who
housing deficit for about 3 million units (while would like to see the economic growth of cities
nearly 50% of Pakistani urbanites live in slums). divorced from the cultural evolution and diversity.
One of the major indictor of urban decay is On the other hand are the pragmatists who see
infrastructure deficit. According to World cultural evolution a natural outcome of the
Economic Forum survey (2012-13), out of 125 urbanization process. The lack of tolerance towards
countries of the world, Pakistan ranked 67th in divergent views continues to pull urban Pakistan in
lacking basic infrastructure. Poor infrastructure different directions, which is not conducive for
services results in constrained economic activities growth and development.

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