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Internet and WiFi Network Monitoring System

Starry’s Internet and WiFi Network Monitoring System lets providers manage
every node of the network and observe performance in real time, from
base stations and receivers to in-home WiFi hubs for end-users. This suite
of technologies will be available to small internet service providers or other
types of broadband providers seeking better ways to manage their networks
and subscribers and provide high-quality customer care and service.

Network Overview
This overview of your network lets you
see each site, building, and user. You
can browse all sites or access details like
antenna placement, network coverage
and building sites to make monitoring
your network easier.

Building Profile
This view shows details of connected
devices, total throughput, and how the
beam, switch, and users are connected.
The map also shows the connection
between building and beam site.

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User Profile
This view lets you see information on the
end user, how they’re connected and
their network performance, including
billing information, connected devices
and any issues they’re experiencing.

Contact us
Visit or contact to learn more about our
Internet and WiFi Network Monitoring System.

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