Caballero, Krizah Marie C. Bsa 1a Gad Module 1 Assignment

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Carlos Hilado Memorial State College

Alijis Campus | Binalbagan Campus | Fortune Towne Campus | Talisay Campus

To be a leading GREEN institution of higher learning in the global community by 2030

(Good governance, Research-oriented, Extension-driven, Education for Sustainable Development & Nation-building)

MODULE 1 - Assignment

Name: Krizah Marie C. Caballero Instructor’s Name: Ms. Jessica Villarosa

Course/Year/Section: BSA 1A Total Score: ____/30 Date: March 20, 2021

Instructions: Write your answer on the space provided. Read the rubric for rating before
you answer the questions.

CRITERIA: 2- observed; 0 – not observed Total Score

1. The explanation is brief but understandable; thus, it contains at
least 5 sentences.
2. The explanation provides relevant examples from the texts
studied in the lesson.
3. The explanation contains ideas that are clearly connected and
make sense.
4. The explanation is easy to read and is organized.
5. The explanation contains deep understanding and original ideas
of the student.

a. Expound the difference between WID, WAD and GAD concepts. (10 pts)

Women in Development originated in the early 1970s, pioneered by Ester

Boserup who was the first to systematically delineate on a global level the problems
of women that existed in the agrarian economies. Women in Development helped to
recognize and integrate women in aid policies and programs. Calling for treatment of
women issues in development projects. It advocates legal and administrative
changes to ensure that women would be better integrated into economic systems.
Women and Development emerged in the second half of the 1970s. Women
always have been integrated into their societies and whatever work they do both
inside and outside the household is central to the maintenance of those societies.
Women and Development offer a more critical view of women’s position than does
the WID.
Gender and Development emerged in the 1980s. It is expected to bring
together the lessons learned from the WID and WAD. Gender and Development
emphasize the equality to both women and men. It is concerned about the social
construction of gender and the specific roles, the responsibilities, and expectation to
both men and women.
Carlos Hilado Memorial State College
Alijis Campus | Binalbagan Campus | Fortune Towne Campus | Talisay Campus

To be a leading GREEN institution of higher learning in the global community by 2030

(Good governance, Research-oriented, Extension-driven, Education for Sustainable Development & Nation-building)

b. Based on your own understanding, discuss the impact of climate change on

both men and women. (10 pts)

Climate change is one of the problems that the world is fighting for many
years. Climate change is caused by the rapid burning of fossil fuels, large-scale
deforestation, and emission of greenhouse gasses. If we keep on doing the things
that trigger climate change, we will be the ones who will suffer for the consequences.
Climate change is now increasing the intensity of cyclones and that can cause a great
damage to us or worst-case scenario, can kill us. Ice glaciers are now melting and
that can cause a rise of sea level affecting the people who lived nearby the shore.
Climate change often burdens women more than men because it can reduce the
ability of women to be financially independent especially to those who are in
economies that are heavily based on agriculture. This is due to the gender roles,
which means women are often dependent on the natural environment for subsistence
and income.

c. Explain the consequences of Development to the Environment. (10 pts)

As we step into modernization, big buildings, malls, resorts, and other

infrastructures arises. We can’t deny that the 21st century has the best technology
yet, but with these developments in the world comes with consequences. As humans
migrate all over the world, forests are displaced, making room for fields, towns, and
settlements. The overexploitation of the environment has put a large section of the
world population at risk. Millions of persons have lost their livelihoods, face severe
health risks, and have been forced to migrate to the already overpopulated cities in
search of alternative employment. The indigenous peoples across the world or tribes
have collectively campaigned against the destruction of their natural habitats, which
has cut into their source of livelihood and forced them to migrate in search of
employment. Resources are becoming increasingly scarce.

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