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The Dragon Golem

This oriental Dragon Golem/Servitor will respond to any name you

choose to give him at creation. His form is impressively beautiful and
powerful, His skin is covered with iridescent green and gold scales that
are chiselled with fine detail. The Dragon energy is ancient and
embodies all the energy that defines dragons as mysterious magical
creatures that they are.
This dragon has a massive host of abilities at its disposal which it will
use to uniquely serve you and protect you in all the ways that it can.
This being has the ability to, guide and protect the souls of dead helping
them to reach their destination in their particular afterlife.

The Dragon golem has vast knowledge of the astral world and will be
able to lead you to places there; it will be able to quickly find the places
you want as well. In fact you can even use the dragon as you own steed,
riding it through the astral. It can also help you in your own efforts to
astral project, of course requiring that you do make the effort.

This Golem can also function as your own personal magical familiar, this
means that you and your dragon can work together in magical
practices, it will add its energy, experience and will to yours, making you
even more powerful and effective in your magical workings. There is
also the ability to store large amounts of energy for you or your magical
workings or whatever you would like the energy for, chakra stimulation
or just to pour it into you to feel massively powerful. This Golem can
directly channel Etheric energy and also the energy of the powerful
earth ley lines. This can also be directed where ever you please.

This unique being will never disobey you work in any way against you.
When you have no tasks for him, do not work he will not follow you
around like a helpless puppy, he will be up to his own workings or
resting so that he keeps growing and getting stronger and learning new
things, in fact you can teach it new things or let it observe energy or
magical working so it would be able to do it as well. Being created from
energy it has a very intimate understanding of the inner workings of
energy and would be able to observe and learn almost any kind of
energy working. This being will be your lifelong protector and servant.

Its creation is quite simple, all you will need to do is print out the sigil,
place an item you would like to become the dragon home on top of the
printed sigil then say the call words Draconis Nagi and then the process
will begin. (that’s all, that’s the entire process.)

It should take about twenty minutes to one hour for completion. (Give
it about an hour maximum)

Afterwards call your Dragon, and welcome him. Name him if you like
and begin the start of your extra magical life.

(Printable Sigil Below)

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