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🙂 PMA 138,39,40,41LC Past Initials

1. D8 organization Consists of how many Countries? 8

2. When did USSR desintegrated? 1991
3. Who was the First Govener General Of Pakistan? Quaid
4. When did UN was founded? 24 Oct 1945
5. Warsak Dam is Built on which River? Kabul River
7. If Matrix A is empty and Matrix B is 1 , What will be The order
Of Matrix ?
9. Makkah was conquered by Holy Prophet (PBUH) on? 08 Hijri
10. Which is the Largest Ocean in the world? Pecific
11. UN General Secretary is appointed for how many years? 5
12. Durand Line is the Boundary between Pakistan and?
13. Which Mission was Passed in the Sub continent during World
war 2? Cripps Mission
14. Which Verb is used to describe the first person?
15. The study of EarthQuakes and the waves occuring is known
as? Seismology
16. Premadasa is: Stadium, President of Srilanka ex..
17. India launched its first Missile with the name of: Prithvi
18. Literacy rate in Pakistan is 57%
19. Jabar-bin-Hayyan was a: Qasim's Uncle
• Chenab and Jehlum flow from Kashmir.
• Tirchmir is the highest peak of Hindukash.
• A bicameral legislature was proposed for the first time in 1973
• Length of Pak-India border is 1,610 km.
• Length of Pak-Iran border is 805 km.
• Length of Pak-China border is 595 km.
• Length of Pak-Afghan border is 2052 km or 1300 miles.
• 5 rivers flow in Punjab Ravi, Sutlaj, Chenab, Indus & Beas.
• Warsak dam is on Kabul River.
• Rawal Dam is on Kurrang River.
• Khanpur dam is on Haro River.
• Tanda dam is in Baluchistan.
• Tarbela deam was completed in 1969.
• Length of Indus is 2900 km.
• Source of Indus is Mansoorowar Lake in Gilgit.
• Muztag pass connects Gilgit-Yarkand (China).
• Khankum Pass connects Chitral-Wakhan (Afghanistan)
• The Shandur Pass connects Chitral and Gilgit.
• Khyber Pass connects Peshawar-Kabul
• Kulk pass connects Gilgit-China.
• Bolan pass connects Queta-Afghanistan.
• Tochi pass connects Pak:-China.
• Length of Silk Rourte (Korakorum Route) is 965 km.
• Geneva Pact was signed on 14th April, 1988.
• Simpla Pact was singed on 3rd July, 1972.
• Numb: of words in anthem=50.
• Numb: of lines in anthem=15.
• Numb: of ammendements made 17.
• Numb: of troops in a division are 12000 to 20,000.
• Numb: of troops in brigade is 4000 to 5000.
• Barrages built on Indus = 8.
• Tarbela dam is in NWFP (Abotabad) on Indus river.(Largest)
• Mangla dam is in AJK on Jehlum River(Highest)
• Warsak dam is in NWFP near Peshawar on Kabul river.
• Direct dialing system was introduced b/w Lahore and
Rawalpindi for first time in 1964.
• Rivers of Pakistan----- Punjab== Ravi+Chanab+Sutlaj.
• :::: Sindh ===Indus, Hub.
• NWFP==Kabul, Sawat, Zhob.
• Baluchistan==Bolan.
• Baluchistan is 43% of total Pak:.
• Geographical divisions of Pak: are 1.Northern Mountains, 2.
Western off-shoots of Himalayas, 3. Baluchistan Plateau, 4.
Potohar Plateau & Salt range, 5. Lower Indus Plain, 6. Thar
• Pak: has 3 stock exchanges (confirm it).
• Broad Peak I is on Karokarum range.

hazrat muhammad (saw)Travel to Madina At what age 40

The largest ocean of asia is ? Indian
who was Hazrat Hamza (R.A) Chacha of Ap SAWW?
Meaning of Rab is Sustainer?
MEANING OF Muhammad is , Js ki tareef ki jaii ?
Meaning OF Quran Most Read Book ?
RAin fall city of Pakistan is Mari
1 . allama iqbal kab peda huy.. 1877 9 Nov
2 . rasool ko english me kia kehty hain.. prophet
3. Muhammad SAW ki ktni betyan thin 4
4.akhri viceroy kon tha Mount Batten?
islam ka 5th pilor kia hay.
14 .sab se lambi soorat kon si hy Surah Bakarah
15 sab se chooti soorat kon si hy Surah Naas
16 pehli soorat kon si hy Surah Alaq
17 zabur kis pe nazil hui thi Dawood AS pr
18. 1937 k election k baad kb election huy thy.. is k options is
tarah thy..1941-1942 ,1939-1940.. means hr option me 2 years
likhy huy thy.. Huee E ni phr subcontinent mein
19. saarc me ktni countries ati hain 8
20. uno ki ktni countries member hain. 193
1= mujeeb ur rehman belongs to witch party
2= largest river
3= meaning of quran pal
4= jamia e quran kis ko kehtay hain
5= zakat ada na karny walon k khilaf sab sae pehly kis nain jihad
6= WTO stand for
7= largest river
8= name of high commissioner of Pakistan in India
9= capital of botan
10= capital of Peru
11= urdu hindi tanaza kab start howa
12= 1973 ka ain kis date ko nafiz howa
13= length of GTA ROad
14= largest bar e azam
15= 2nd largest bar e azam
16= most populas country
17= which union get 3 noble prizes in humanity
18= ............of my friend wished me....
19= he said me Ali........ill..
20= writer of kitab ul asrar
21= mangla dam made on which river
22= kala bag dam situated on
23= sehra cholistan is situated in .....
24= parliment members strenght
25= I hate being lauged.................
26= madni surah of Quran
27= army ka sarbarahh...?
28= jang e uhad main shuda ke tadad
29= tan 0
Karachi center
Q: When did Hazrat sufyan R.A accept islam?
Q: When did khalid Bin waleed R.A accept islam?
Q: Governor of KPK?
Q: who accompanied Muhammad S.A.W.W at the time of
migration to Madina?
Q: Quran mukamal kitne arse me nazil huwa?
Q: Largest Muslim country by Area?
Q: Literal meaning of Quran?
Q: Ruins of Harpa are in?
Q: which continent has most developed countries?
Q:Mangla dam is built over?
Q: who seperated bangal from pak? (persn name)
Q: chemical formula of water?
Q:Land of rising sun?
Q: current Air chief marshal?
Q: who opposed pak membership in UN?
Q: who was the last mughal ruler ?
Q: Ek hadees ke mutabik jhoot bolne wla ____ h?
Q: Numbers of idols when Prophet P.B.U.H entered makka?
Q: Most salty sea of world?
Q: Sin(180-x) = ?
Q: First elected PM of Pak?
Q: when did the seperation of india and pak announced?
Q: Ghzwah badar was fought in the month?
Q: Viceroy of india in 1945?
Q: salt khewra mines are in?
Q: who named pak coin?

Allama iqbal born ? (1877)

Two nation theory by ?(sir syed)
Last viceory of india ? (Lord mount batton)
Naional bird ? (Chakoor)
Lake biggest ? (Manchar)
Sir syed born (1817)
Battle uhad ( 3 )
Congress was in (1885)

Who is the first elected preisdent of Pakistan?

MANGLA daym is constructed on which river? (jehlum)
Who is acting president in absence of President?
( Cenete chirman)
Which city is nicked named as a Manchester of Pakistan ?
faisal abad
Hazrat Ibrahim has how many sons ? 2
Year of grief? 10
who embraced islam firstly in womans ? khadeja
biggest source of electricity of Pakistan ? dam water
biggest thermal power of pakistan ? muzfar gargh
diffeicncy of Vitmans of C leads toward which dieases ? vitman
who is the largest producer of quartz?
wazuu k fraiz> 4
ghusal k fraid? 3
the second piller of islam? nemaz
what was the first name of atom bomb?
chairman of nab? Qamer azman
dirth date of allam iqbal? 9 nov 1877
when did congress made?
who was the last vicroy of india? Mount batin
rawal dam is made on which river?
people read news paper bcz?
total sorah of QURAN? 114
total manzil of QURAN? 7
51: senate seats according to constitution 1973
Ans: 104
52: border line between pak and afghanistan called ??
Ans: Durand line 2252 km
53: length of border with china?
Ans: 523 km
54: in which hijrah qibla direction changed?
Ans: 11 February 624
55: Islamic revolution year in iran??
Ans: January 1978 – February 1979
56: Acting pm in absence of Prime minister?
Ans: In theabsence of Prime Minister , Speaker National
Assembly acts as acting prime minister . ...
57: Defence Minister??
Ans : khawaja asif
58: leader of opppsition??
Khurshid shah
59: cos(lg 1/2) ..
Ans: 1
60: derivative of cosx …
Ans: -sinx
61: one to one function is called?
Ans : injective function
62: matrix with equal number of rows and columns?
Ans : square matrix.
63: if f(x) = 2 what is f(x+2) = to??|
Ans: f(x+2)= 2
64: national bird of pakistan?
Ans: Chukar partridge
65: accroding to indian act 1935 what india is called ??
66: 2nd election year after 1935 ??
67: Biggest Country of Africa ?
Ans: Algeria
68rFamous desert of Pakistan ?
69: How many non permanent members of security council?
Ans: The Council is composed of 15 Members: five permanent
members: China, France, Russian Federation, the United
Kingdom, and the United States, and ten non-permanent
members elected for two-year terms by the General Assembly
(with end of term date): Angola (2016)
70: Simen commission date ?
Ans: Simon Commission, group appointed in November 1927 by
the British Conservative government under Stanley Baldwin to
report on the working of the Indian constitution established by
the Government of India Act of 1919.
71: Who was the first chief of PAF ?
Ans: Air Vice Marshal Allan Perry-Keene (as Air Force C-in-C)
72: Largest producer of Quartz ?
73: How many doors of Khana Kaba ?
Ans: Khana has almost 100 doors. ...
74: Name of the atom bomb which was thrown on Nagasaki &
Hiroshima ?
Ans: A uranium gun-type atomic bomb (Little Boy) was dropped
on Hiroshima on August 6, 1945, followed by a plutonium
implosion-type bomb (Fat Man) on the city of Nagasaki on
August 9.
75: Pilot who dropped atom bomb on Hiroshima & Nagasaki ?
Ans: Paul Warfield Tibbets, Jr. (23 February 1915 – 1 November
2007), was a brigadier general in the United States Air Force. He
is best known as the pilot who flew the Enola Gay (named after
his mother) when it dropped Little Boy, the first of two atomic
bombs used in warfare, on the Japanese city of Hiroshima.
76: Camel name of Hazrat Mohammad (S.A.W) ? ..
Ans: Al-Kaswa
77: 2012 ka t20 cricket wordcup kon jeeta ?
Ans: West Indies
78: Sb se phly kis Ghulam Sahabi ne islam qubool kia ?
Ans: Hazrat Bilal(R.A)
79: National Assembly main total seats ?
Ans: 342 seats
80: 3+6i ka conjugate ?
Ans: 3-6i.

By the grace of Almighty Allah ,,cleared initial test from pano aqil
on 7th dec,,some que are
1,first wife of prophet(hazrt khadeeja
2,kabeela aus and khazraj lived place(chk it
3,,90ka 90%(81
4,Who founded defence urdu language(chk it
5,,dog is to ditch and horse is to(mare
6,old name of makkah(bakkah
7,,if today is monday what will be the day after 24days(is jesy 3,4
qus thy
8,,ages yani umar aur choty bary ky bary 3,4 thy
North south waly 2 thy
Math ka sirf 1que tha
Populest city of pak(krachi
Kotli where(ajk
If 1dozen of pencils of60 rupee then the amount of 5 pensils((25
Duaon mein yad rakhna
My initial academic test on 07 December at Pano Aqil AS&RC.
passed Alhamdulillah
6-8 questions of maths
10 questions were from english.

1. Old name of Makkah?

2. At migration from Makkah to madina who accompanied with
holy prophet?
3. 90% of 90?
4. If price of one dozen pencils is 60. Tell me price of 5 pencils?
5. RCD is old name of?
6. President of Turkey?
7. Host of 2012 Olympics?
8. Injeel revealed on which nabi?
9. Who is called safiullah?
10. Tayyamum literally means?
11. Zakat literally means?
12. When pak-china border was demarcated?
13. Who presented objective resolution?
14. Who thought to create SAARC?
15. In which year Olympics were dismissed due to world war
16. Age of holy prophet at the time of fujjar jang?
17. Opposite of massive?
18. Length of pak-afghan boundary?
19. When quaid e azam left congress?
20. MAO college was established at?
21. Faraizi movement was started by?
22. Name the lord at the time of bengal partition?
23. Leap year comes after how many years?
25. In which year national anthem of Pakistan was written?
26. Ayyat ul kursi is in which para?
27. Which surah is called heart of quram?
28. When delhi proposals by quaid???
Abdul Kareem
I wish you all the best.
remember me in your kindly prayers.
Good Luck

8 dec pma l/c 141 Rawalpindi

Ans ju m ny lagye wo likh ra hu baqi confirm kr lena
1.1st masjid constructed by holy prophet PBUH ? Quba
2.national flower of pak? Jasmine
3.two non parallel lines intersect at how much points? Only at 1
4.pak china border agreement kb hua? 1963
1961 se 1966 tak options thy
5.simon commission m kia hua tha? Muslims k liy provinces or is
tra k tha wo lgya
6.highest point from sea level? K2 much agencies of fata? 7
8.manchar jheel kaha p ha?sindh
9. -i^19 ? -i
10. Circle ki equation i v thi
Agy options thy koi ak put kr k satisfy krna tha shyd.
11.covert 100 15' into radian. ?/720 of matrix in which rows and columns are not equal.
13.inverse of matrix has same value if matrix is
Identity, symmetric, ske symmetric
M ny identity lgya tha
14.qibla ka rukh kab change hua tha? 2 hijri
15.hazrat jibrae. A. S ka quran m ktni dafa zkr aya? 3 dafa
16.kalemullaha kis ka laqab ha? Hazrat musa A. S
17.mauzaten surtae knsi hain? Akhri do surtai
18.who abrogated 1956 constitution? Ayub khan
19.indus treaty kis k under hua tha? World bank
20.SAARC ka idea kis ny dia tha? Zia ul haq
21.UNO Kis din bni thi or pak ny kis din join ki? 24 oct 1945 or
pak ny 30 sep 1947 ko join kia
22.which country in between two continents?
23. n(n-1)(n-2) complete its factorial?
Ans is n! /(n-3)!
24.badr means? Well
25.who libertad juresulm from romans? None
26.which cycle works in jet engines? Rankine
27.gamma rays ka swal tha kis se milti ha?
28.iota ka swal is tra tha us m pocha gya tha iota ordered pair ki
form m likha ja skta?
29.determinant of identity matrix? 1
30.pak china border length ? 595 lagya
592 ce kar 596 tak options thy.
Get ___ the tram? In
32.the public declared ___ pickpockets? From
33.leap year? 4 sal bd ata
34. Opposite of massive?
Yahe aye yad ??
Best of luck

Academic Portion |141th PMA-LC| |22 November 2017|

1.Name of 1st Foreign Minister of Pakistan?

Muhammad Zafarullah Khan
2.Which President of AMERICA visited Pakistan firstly?
3.Which country started Chess?
India (6 A.D)
4.Which country introduced Football?
5.Where is Manchar Lake?
Dadu District, Sindh
6.Old name of Jacobabad is?
7.Length of Pak-China Border is?
523 KM
8.When LOC formed?
3rd July 1972 ( in Simla Agreement)
9.Number of Daughters of Holy Prophet SAW?
10.How many Muslims martyred in Ghazwa-e-Uhad?
70 Muslims
11.Rooh Ullah is the title of?
Hazrat Essa A.S
12.Saif Ullah is the title of?
Hazrat Khalid Bin Waleed R.A
13.Injeel revealed on which prophet?
Hazrat Essa A.S
14. Ayat Ul Kursi is in which Para?
3rd Para (Surah Baqarah)
15. When was UNO created?
16. CPEC was started at the time of which Chinese president?
Xi Jinping
17.Israel was the title of?
Hazrat Yaqoob A.S
18. Who was the last prophet sent to Bani Israel?
Hazrat Essa A.S
19. Muhammad PBUH migrated Madina?
13 Nabwi (622 A.D)
20.Gwadar is taken from which country?
21.Most populated city of Pakistan?
22. n=r if nCr=?

23. National flower of Pakistan?

24. The age of Prophet PBUH at the time of Battle of Fujjar?
20 years
25. At which place the Revelation of first five verses on prophet
26. Khaana Kaaba is rebuilt by which Prophet?
Hazrat Ibrahim A.S
27. .Leaves of the tree needs _______ to grow?
28. Smallest ocean in the world is?
Arctic Ocean
Gud Luck (y) (y)

Questions academic As&Rc Karachi 22_12_2017

1- war of pleasy?
2_ fist martyr of Islam
3_ fst forgion minister
4_ fst ldy pilot of pak
5_ most scour in test cricket from pak side?
6_ world depest point?
7_ coastline of pak?
8_ border length with iran?
9_ National animal?
10_ A line has end?
11_ the point where two line joien or cross tha exect yad nhe are
12_ Conquest of Makkah?
13_ state bank ka iftatah kab hva ?
14_ 10 preposition the
15 _ or Jo yad ay to snd kr do gaa.

initial test at ASRC Rawalpindi Pakistan on 26 December 2017.

Questions Academic:--

1)Which Surah is named as name of Ants?

2) Which of the following is the biggest planet of solar system?
3) The only vice President of Pakistan?
4) Montigo Chemsford reforms also known as?
5)Lucknow Pact in?
6)what was the cause of Failure of Quaid-Ghandi 1944 talks?
7)Who is the highest Run scorer in Tests for Pakistan?
8)I saw him when he __________the road.
9)Which of the following is not a conjunction?
Who Whose Whom That
10)The major Gas which causes Global Warming is?
11)Monto Morlay reforms alsi known as?
12)The name of viceroy at the time of Government of India Act
13)Quaid-e-Azam joined Muslim league in?
14)The nonpermanent members of Security council of UNO are
how many?
15)Sir Syed wrote a book named?
16)Surah e Ikhlas and falaq are called?
17)Number of Muslims martyred in Badar?
18)Second Governor General of Pakistan?
19)90% of 90 is?
20) A shirt is of rupees 30 and sold on 40 rupees.
Profit percent?

Alhamdulilah initial online test clear.

141 PMA L/C.
ASRC Rawalpindi, 2nd January, 2018.

1) f(x)=-2x is maximum at x=?

2) 120 km in 1hr 40min then 15min me kitna distance hoga?
3) 90 % of 90 is
4) Object resolution was presented in the Constituent Assembly
on (12 march 1949)
5) makkah was conquered in which month?
6) Muhammad SAW age at battle fujjar.
7) octagonal has how many sides?
8) National Flower of pakistan?
9)Objective Resolution was presented by?
10) 2nd president of pakistan?
11) Quaid-e-azam left congress on?
12) If twice the age of ali is 4 years more of his father, what is ali
age if father age is 40?
13) 2+2/2=?
14) Jumbled Words (paris)
15)Kotli is located in which province (azad Kashmir)
16)Area wise largest district (Lahore) confirm kr lain
17)How many months contain 31 days?(7)
18) leap year comes after how many years? (4)
19) one quarter of 10 percent of 120?
20) one third of 10Percent of 90?
21)90 Percent of 90 is? (81)
22) The blessing for Fasting is?
23) How many daughters Hazrat Muhammad (S.A.W) have? (4)
24) Hazrat Ismail (A.S) father name is? Hazrat Ibrahim (A.S)
25) How we can boil milk?
26) prepositions k questions thy kuch 3,4
27) speakers national assembly?
28) federal minister of railway?
29) hijrat k waqt Hazrat Muhammad ( S.A.W) k sath kon sy
sahabi thy?(Hazrat Abu Bakr Sadiq (R.A)
30) integral

ALHAMDULILLAH Cleared My Initial Test in PESHAWAR Centre.

{{{On 13/Dec/2017}}}
Verbal and Non Verbal Easy hote hai. Agar banda zra soche to.
Mai ne Verbal and Non Verbal Time se pehle khatam kar liye the
oor almost 90 to 95% theek kiye the.
Academic zra Tough tha. But tyaari kar le to pass ho ja ta hai.

My Academic Mcqs.

1. Nehru Report Date. ANS. 1928.

2 Hazrat Ismail A.s Father name? Ans. HAZRAT IBRAHEEM A.S

3.�0�2 According to Ahadith Jihad for Womens is? UMRAH AND

4. Nisab of zkat ? 52.1/2 TOLAS

5. The word opposite to attractive is ? UGLY

6. Yattrahb is an old name of ? MADINA

7. Loyal muhammdnz of indian was written by?Sir .Syed A.K.

8. Which gases causes global warming

9. Octogon have ..8.. sides ?�0�2

10. 2+2/2=?�0�2�0�2 3

11.�0�2 when Quaid Azam became president of Muslim league


12. HUDAIBYAH is the name of?

13. Which Country Introduced Baseball tha k Basket ball tha

Confirm nahi hon dono k daikh lo.

14. Gwadar is taken from which country?

15.�0�2 National flower of Pakistan?
�0�2 Jasmine {Ye wala QUESTION Verbal mai bhi tha oor
Academic mai Bhi.}

16. When Quaid-E-Azam Leaved Congress? 1920

17. Sir Syed Ahmed ki aik Book{Jis ka name mujhe yaad nahi}
kab Release huwi thi. Options. 1861 to 1879 tak the.

18. First Slave who Embrace Islam. HAZAT BILAL R.A

19. Abid obtained 50% Marks in 6 tests. In next test how much
marks he got to make overal percentage 60%. ???
�0�2�0�2�0�2 ANS�0�2�0�2�0�2 70

20. HAZRAT BILAL R.A owner? Ummaya bin Khalaf.

21. Probability Defination.

22. If we cut a Square vertically then how much side we got.?

23. Which Country Recognized Pakistan First? IRAN

24. Zakat on Silver ? ANS�0�2 52 1/2 TOLA

25. Pakistan Highest Civil Award? ANS NISHAN-E- PAKISTAN.

26.90% of 90???Ans 81

27. If A line parallel to X-Axis then what will be the angle?�0�2

28. Pakistan Bought Gwadar From which Country?

ANS�0�2�0�2�0�2 OMAN

29. Pehli kon si Aahadith ki kitaab mukammal huwi?

30. Coal is found in District _KHARAN_ of Balochistan.

31. The Area Covered by Forest In Pakistan. 5.50%.

32. First Ka'aba of Muslims?

Baaqi k 12 tk English ke the, jab ke 8 tak maths and geomatry.

Allah saaro ko kaamyaab kare mere Saath. Aaameeebnnb.

Pray for me too.

141 Long Course Academic mcqs.


Ye Mcqs Mere dost ke test mai aye the

Test Passed. Kal Medical hai.

1: Badar kis cheez ka name ha ?

2: hud biya kis cheez ka name ha ?
4 : if dog is bitch then horse is ....
Ans: mare
5: Makkah kis maheeny ma Fataha howa ?
Option: ramzan ,saban zilhaj muharm
6: National fower of pak
7: kaleem Ullah kis ka laqab ha ?
8: leap sal kitny year ka bad ata ha ?
10: 90 ka 90% ???
Ans : 81
13: National Anthem written on which date ?
Ans: 1954
14: cholistan desert kahan ha?
Ans: bahwalpur check it
15: world war 1 kab hoi?
18: old name of attack ?
20: Agr mheeny ka 22nd day monday ha to 23 tareekah ko
konsa din hoga ?
Is tarh ka 5 6 question thy
21: sal ma 31 din Waly kitny months hoty han ?
22: Chura churai ka ista kat kuch question tha ek
23: Or ek hazrat jabrel A.s ka naam kitnii bar mentioned hy
Quran mai.?
24: How many muslim in ghazwa badr
25: Integral of sin (px+q)
26: 1st masjid konxii hy??
27: 1st lady poilet
28: 1st lady governor jenral
29: 1st govrnl jenral of india
30: Quit india movement kis ne ki
31: Age of prophet S.A.W at battel of fujjar
32: How many muslim in ghazwa badr
33: Malysia ka capital

Alhamdulliah initial clear toady...... questions ... academic......1)

largest province by area. 2) UNO secretary general
name. 3 ) most populus city of Pakistan.
4) where is mohijodaro. 5) highest point from sea level of
Pakistan. 6) father, mother of hazrat ismael.
6) first moazzan of Islam. 7)tribe of holy
prophet. 8) first qibla of Muslim. 9) total war during life
of holy prophet. 10) at the time of migration who
was the collegue with holy prophet...... 8)
English preposition and 4 pronoun. 9) mathematics
chapter no 1,2,3,4. 2nd year 1) chapter
propability Wala zroor kro..... 4. GD luck.....
AS&RC Faisalabad 6-12-2017

Academic questions , Peshawar center … 6 December √

1: largest province of Pakistan area wise (Baluchistan)

2: Secretary General of UNO belongs to which country
3: Salt mine located in (khewra)
4: Cholistan located in (Bahawalpur)
5: Treaty of Hudaybiyyah (6 Hijri )
6: Battle of khandaq ( 5 Hijri )
7: Battle of Yamama was faught in the reign of (Hazrat Abu
Bakkar RA)
8: Indus water treaty signed in 1960 between Ayub Khan and
( Jawahar La l Nehru )
9: The order of matrix is m×n then the order of their transpose is
( n×m )
10: which country accept Pakistan first (Iran)
11: River zhob located in ( Baluchistan )
12: one question related to to use of since / for 😝
13: two questions related to preposition
14: First female speaker of Baluchistan assembly ( Rahila
dhurrani )
15: American president who Pakistan for first time ( Dwight
16: Total agencies of FATA ( seven ) .
Regards : Eagle 🦅
Remember in prayers ☺

Today acdmic at rwp

1.largest stalite of sola system.
2.pak china boder agrement. of indonassia.
4.currency of turky.
5.if yerstaday is friday what will be tomorro.
7.jang yamama fought b/w .
8.namaz kb farz hoai.
9.hajj is which rukan of islam.
10.diagonl matrix. many son hazrat ibrahim have.

7.Muslims and jew...not cnfrm check it plz
8.2 hijri
11.2 sons Hazrat Ismail and Hazrat Ishaq (R.A)

Academic Portion |141 PMA-LC| |ASRC Rwp| |20th Dec 2017| '
I. Where paternal relatives of Muhammad SAW lived in
II. Who is Jame-e-Quran
(Harzat Usman RA)
III. Another name of Quran
IV. Who is known as Saif Ullah?
(Harzat Khalid Bin Waleed RA)
V. X,Y,Z and 40 average 10, what is the average of X,Y,Z
VI. He is living there -----1956?
VII. Set with one element or member is
VIII. KANUPP was established with the assistance of
IX. Which Afghan territory separates Pakistan from Tajikistan
X. Who presented objective resolution?
(Liaqat Ali Khan)
XI. When was objective resolution present in National Assembly?
(March 12,1949)
XII. Members of first constitutional assembly were --- in
XIII. When Babri mosque was demolished?
(6 Dec 1992)
XIV. (You canʼt throw dust into my eyes) means you canʼt (Cheat)
XV. Which Chinese president inaugurated CPEC?
(Xi Jinping)
XVI. When a gas is converted into liquid, process is called
XVII. When Pak-China border agreement was done?
XVIII. First Kibla of Muslims was?
(Bait ul Maqdas)
XIX. Simplify (iota)19. i19
XX. Word resembles with peaceful, beautiful
XXI. Word used for low quality and less amount
XXII. When was Jinnah station opened in Antarctica?
XXIII. Numbers members in range of “a 1�7 are called?
XXIV. In a sentence auxiliary verb comes?
XXV. Urdu defense association was founded by?
(Mohsin ul Mulk)
XXVI. Warsak dam is constructed on?
(River Kabul)
XXVII. Manila Pact is also called?
XXVIII. Parents send their children to school to?
(groom them)
XXIX. We boil milk to?
(kill germs)
XXX. Literal meanings of Islam?
(Worship, Forgive etc)
XXXI. Which country lies on 2 continents?
XXXII. Battle of Tabuk was against?
XXXIII. Hazrat Ibrahim RA had?
(2) sons
XXXIV. Last prophet sent to Bani Israel?
(Hazrat Essa AS)
XXXV. Plants take---from Soil?
XXXVI. People are cautioned----pick-pocket
XXXVII. ---- is the crop of Kharif season?
XXXVIII. Pakistan is divided into---physical features?
XXXIX. 90% of 90?
XL. 1+4/2 is ?

Makkah old name??

Objective resolution kis na start ke?
Lucknow pact date?
How many hafiz shaheed in jange yamama?
First lady governer?
Why we boil milk??
Turkey president name?
Two parallel line intersect at how many point??
Pak got gawadar from???

Today's initial. Lahore AS&RC center. Online test. Academic

questions. *Yasrab was the name of = Makkha. 2+2/2=3
SafiUllah is the tittle of = Hazrat Adam (A.S) 1st Parliament of
Pakistan had members? =100 First woman elected to the
Balochistan Assembly = Raheela Durrani 90% of 90= 81 Largest
provenance of Pak = Balochistan Quit india movements by =
Gandhi Second pillar of Islam. Prayer A line has how many ends
= 2 end Quaid e Azam left congress = in 1920 Badar is the name
of ? = well When first elections was held in Pakistan = 1970 in
the month of December. The first Commonwealth Games were
held in? = 1930 Or bh th, current affairs k bh th,Constitution of
Pak k bh th, Math k bh th, English me preposition th or tenses k
bh th. Verbal or non verbal 84 and 64 th.

Answer these following recent academic questions that came in

the previous computer initial test of the PMA L/C 141.

1) If n=r then nCr=?

2) What is the factorial form of 12,11,10?
3) Parallel line on x axis angle is?
4) Factorial form of n1, n2?
5) Integral of Sin2x?
6) If np2=30, what is the value of n?
7) A circle intersecting vertically the triangle is called?
8 ) Sin (px+q)=?
9) My friends as well as I _____ appeared in the exam?
10) Additive inverse of (x,y)?
11) If a line is parallel to x axis what will be the angle?
12) Two non parallel lines intersect each other at which point?
13) Inverse of (x,y)?
14) The salt range extends from Tila Jogain to?
15) 1950 Treaty was signed between Gen. Ayub khan and?
16) In matrix, no of rows and columns are not equal is called?
17) First Secretary General of Pakistan?
18) Which punctuation is used between prefix and main verb?
19) Patriotism is which kind of noun?
20) What is it, which is impressive but expensive as well?
21) Karachi nuclear power plant was made by which country?
22) He told me whether I ____ seen you?
23) You received it _____ whom?

These questions might be helpful to you during your initial

computer test. Remember me in your prayers, Jazaka'Allah!

Today at AS&RC Peshawar. 8/12/17

1) After 1973 constitution, when were the first ever ele ctions
2) Narrow strip that separates Tajikistan from Pakistan is ______
3) Who is Ayaz sadiq?
4) When did Abu Sufyan embrace Islam?
5) Who was the first lady speaker of Balochistan assembly?
6) Noble prize has how many categories?
7) When did Quaid-e-Azam become the president of Muslim
8 ) Largest planet of the Solar System is _____
9) When was Pak-China border formed?
10) How many months have 31 days?
11) Hindi-Urdu controversy started from which city?
12) Who was the viceroy at the time of partition of bengal?
13) Number of Muslims in the battle of Badr?
14) A matrix is skew symmetric if ______
15) Radian of 100?15?
16) Another name of the Holy Quran is?
17) What are Muawazatain?
18) Israel was the title of which prophet?
19) ?Army? is which kind of noun?
20) The dot products of two vectors would be zero if ______
Most repeated questions

1.Wardha scheme started by??

2.objective resulotion was passed by? liaqat ali khan
3.literall meaning of zakat is ? to pure
4.Meaning of tayammam?
5.hazrat hajera was the mother of? hazrat ismail

Any one willing to ans

Aslam alikum
Some questions I remember of today's initial at ASRC Rawalpindi
90% of 90(81)
Spirit of Islam book written by(Syed Ameer Ali)
Highest runs by Pakistani player(Younus Khan)
n!=? (1)
Most power generation in Pakistan by(hydro)
Fictorial form of n!(n-1)(n-2)=? (n! (n-1)!)
Fifa world cup invented by= don't know
Israil is title of=Hazrat Yaqoob RA
First lady governor= Rana liyaqat
Saffiullah is title of=Hazrat Adam RA
Who is responsible ________ mess(of)
Length of Pak China border (591 km)
Gateway of gulf countries (Abu Dhabi)
Cpec started under which Chinese president (Xi jinping)
First USA president to visit Pakistan=don't know
First speaker of national assembly=don't know
Capital of Indonesia=Jakarta
National flower of Pakistan (Jasmine),
Angle of Line parallel to x axis(180°)
Surah related to Aunt (Surah Naml)
Jerosalem conquer by =don't know
Yasrab was old name of(Madina)
Governor of kpk (Zafar Iqbal jaghra)
If 4th day of month is Sunday than 14th day=Wednesday
e≤1 kuch es type ka tha
Zaboor on(Hazrat Dawood)
Banu Quraish were=I think Jewish
Baki matrix related thy kuch...........
These are all I remember Duaon main yad rakhna.Best of luck
:) I

25) A matrix in which number of rows an columns

are not equal is called (Rectangular )
26) Latitude of Pakistan ( 21-36 or 24-36) (I
wrote 21-36, but yesterday i saw in the book
24-36, har jaga alag alag araha)
27)"Patriotism" is which type of noun.(Abstract)
28) National flower of pakistan is (Jasmine)
29) Urdu Hindi controversary started from which
city (Benaras)
30) If we cut a rectangle in 4 parts how many
parts will be?(4 pieces)
31) Holy prophet made first mosque in (Quba)
32) Masjid al zarrar was the mosque of
33) A line has ( two end)
34) Geographically Pakistan is divided in how
many parts?(six)
21) 1 national flower of Pakistan
2 which country recognized Pakistan first
3 Pakistan×tajikstan boarder is called
4 chora chori incident
5 bhasha dam on which river
6 cube root of unity
7 attack old name was
8 who presented Pakistan Resolution
9 who was head of civil disobedience movement
in 1930
10 oic formed in
Common wealth game started in which year
11 in 2012 Olympics was held in which
country !!!!!!!!!!!!!
22) 1.Turkey preside t, 2.Hindi paj partion plan
kab announce howa. 3.Octagon k angles,4 if n= r
then ncr? 5.Integral if tanx. 6.2nd general election
kab hoe. 7. Karakuram konsy zoban ka lafs hai.8.
Pak famous fruit, 9. pak national flower, 10.
responsible for. 11.was.12 Pacific ocean connects
which ocean, 13 bari doab kaha hai, 14.a car is
moving with 120 kmhr how much distance in 10
mints,. 15 Definitally is to absolutely then tottaly
is to ...entirely. 16. 90% of ,90.
23) 1.Name of 1st Foreign Minister of Pakistan?
Muhammad Zafarullah Khan
2.Which President of AMERICA visited Pakistan
3.Which country started Chess?
India (6 A.D)
4.Which country introduced Football?
5.Where is Manchar Lake?
Dadu District, Sindh
6.Old name of Jacobabad is?
7.Length of Pak-China Border is?
523 KM
8.When LOC formed?
3rd July 1972 ( in Simla Agreement)
9.Number of Daughters of Holy Prophet SAW?
10.How many Muslims martyred in Ghazwa-e-
70 Muslims
11.Rooh Ullah is the title of?
Hazrat Essa A.S
12.Saif Ullah is the title of?
Hazrat Khalid Bin Waleed R.A
13.Injeel revealed on which prophet?
Hazrat Essa A.S
14. Ayat Ul Kursi is in which Para?
3rd Para (Surah Baqarah)
15. When was UNO created?
16. CPEC was started at the time of which
Chinese president?
Xi Jinping
17.Israel was the title of?
Hazrat Yaqoob A.S
18. Who was the last prophet sent to Bani Israel?
Hazrat Essa A.S
19. Muhammad PBUH migrated Madina?
13 Nabwi (622 A.D)
20.Gwadar is taken from which country?
21.Most populated city of Pakistan?
22. n=r if nCr=?
24) 23. National flower of Pakistan?
24. The age of Prophet PBUH at the time of Battle
of Fujjar?
20 years
25. At which place the Revelation of first five
verses on prophet PBUH?
26. Khaana Kaaba is rebuilt by which Prophet?
Hazrat Ibrahim A.S
27. .Leaves of the tree needs _______ to grow?
28. Smallest ocean in the world is?
Arctic Ocean
25) 25.jinah research cntr when situated???
26.who accept pakostan ist??
27.daughters of PBUH?
28.journalism kn lya tha roman sy??
29.independence war date??
30.national flower??
31.3/2 derivative?? c phly kn c surah nazil hoi??
33.nxt fifa when and where???
34.2013 olympic kdr hva??
35.OIC conference?? 30 sept 1969
36.second PM of pakistan??
37.when ERC converted into RCD???
38.stainless steel made of ???
26) 1: Jinnah research centre kab qaim kya
gaya ?
2: Konse state ny sab sy pehly Pakistan ko
independent state accept kya ?
3: Pak China border length ?
4: nP2=30 then n=?
5: how many letters are formed out of these
letters PAKISTAN ?
6: 1st constitutional assembly consists of _ _ _ _
members ?
7: Where was the venue of 2012 Olympics ?
8: Last World Athletes Olympic ka venue ?
9: What is the meaning of "badar" ?
10: Ghazwa e badar konsi Ghazwa thi ?
A) 1 B) 2 C)6 D)7
11: Where is the Menchar jheel ?
12: Who presented "Qarardad e Maqasid " ?
13: Where is the deepest point of the Earth ?
14: integral of tanx ?
Ye sab krlo apka academic portion clear hojye ga
Initial 141 questions
1) munchar jheel Kahan hy , sind men
2) amarica k kis SDR NY sb sy pehly Pakistan Ka
Dora Kia
3) hzrat abraheem (AS) k kitny baity thy
4) quraan main kitny paighmbron Ka zikr Aaya hy
5) zabeehullah kis paighbr Ka Lqab tha
6) ghzwaye BDR main kitny sahabi shaheed Huy
7) ghzwaye uhd main kitny sahabi shaheed huay
8) 2 dryaaon k drmiani ilaaqy Ko Kia kehty Hain
9) ratio rise over run Kia hy
10) saifullah kis sahabi Ka Laqab tha.
2) 1rKotli pak me Knsi Jaga par ha?
2: Pak ne UNO kb join ki?
3rUNO kb bni?
4rSafiullah Kis Ka laqab ha?
5rHazrat hajra is the mother of?
6: Pak ka qoumi phool?
7: Tayamum Ke meaning?
8: injeel kis par nazil hoi?
9: 4 four roots of 16?
10rSecurity concil k non permanent members?
Bus itny yad hain baqi mostly question
math,phy,aur eng k thy....
Best of Luck
3) (1) 2+2/2=3
(2) most runs from Pakistani player (moeen khan
(3)Pakistan China border build in which year
(4) Pakistan and Tajikistan border(wakhan
(5) guzwa e badr which battle of Muslims(2
4) (6) np2=30 find n=6 not confirm
(7) if we cut triangle in fours parts how many
pieces =4 not confirmed
8) Un established in which year 1945
9) which country recognized Pakistan first (iran
10) largest district of pakistan (chagi
5) 1: Who is current president of uno?
2: which one is national flower of pakistan?
3: what is the border length of Pakistan and
4: who is president of SAARC ?
5: pakistan National fruit?
6: who write pakistan national Anthem and when?
7: hazrat khadija (RA) ke son ka nam?
8: jang e khundaq mai khundaq ki length kia thi?
( in meters)
8: SAIF ULLAH kis ka laqab tha?
9: hindu-muslims tanazia kaha sy shuru huwa?
( city name )
10: largest city by area of pakistan ?
11: uno created in? ( which year )
12: jang e yamama kis ke drmiyan lari?
6) Largeat City by area of Pak?
Largest district of Pak?
Warsak dam is on which river?
River Zhob is in?
Quaid became President of Muslim league in
Battle of Badar is 2 3 or 4?
0 is...............number?
Age of prophet (S.A.W) at battle of Fujjar?
Prophet (S.A.W) migrant Madina with a company
Pak is famous for which fruit?
Pak join UNO in year?
Khalid Bin Waleed embraced Islam after which
First Wife of prophet (S.A.W)?
A line has no end or one end or two ends?
UNO created in ?
Water borne disease are?
Which gas contribute more in global warming?
Banu Quraizh was hypocrite or jews or Muslim?
Musjid Qurtaba was destroyed in year?
Makatib e Quran is ?
Pak creat his first constitution after years of ?
Test pass Alhumdulellah
7) *Cpec started in the presence of which chinese
*Quite india movement started by?
Objective resolutins put forwaded bye?
*how many daughters of Muhammad(S.A.W)?
*n=r then ncr=?
*National flower of pak?
*which is greif year?
*In which battle or year Hazrat Humza was
*Quid-e-azam and Ghandhi talk in which year
and us ka result kya tha?
8) 1:iyaz sadiq kn hy
2-quran ka heart kn c surat hy
3-national flower
4-first female pilot of pakistan
5-first female speaker of balochistan
6- Quran ki pheli 5 ayat kahan nazal hoi
7- Hazart Muhammad (PBUH) ny kb hijrat ki
8-hazarat noah(as) ki boat kis mountain k pass
9-mentoo marley act ki date
10- who wrote the book 'loyals of
11-uno kb start hoi
12-kis ny uno main pakistan ki mukhlfat ki
13- 12.11.10 ko fictorial main likhy
14- if n=r then npr=?
15- the main point of dc motor is
16- additive inverse of (x,y)
9) Kalim ullah kis Nabi ko kehte hn ?
Manchar jhel kha wake he ?
Pakistan ki pehli khaton pilot kon thi ?
Khalid bin waled kis ghazwa k bad muslim hoy ?
Pak China boarder ki lenght ?
National assembly ka speaker kon he ?
-i(19)= ?
Two non parallel lines intersect each other at .....
point ?
Deepest place of the world ?
Smallest occean of the world ?
National flower of Pakistan ?
10) Some of the questions which I remind.
1)additive inverse of (x,y)
2)when did Quaid e Azam join the muslim league
3)malysia capital
4)who was remained as vice president of
5)if a line is parallel to x-xis what will be the
6) army is which kind of noun
7) he is in england------------------ buiseness
(use preposition ).
11) 1.border length of Afghanistan and
Pakistan ??2430km
2.president of turkey?? Recep Tayyab Urdagan which year ASHES started
4.who composed the National anthem music ?
Ahmad G. Chagla
5. In which year the national anthem was sung for
the 1st time1952
6. The largest valley in Pakistan?? Maanchar
7. Maanchar valley situated in which province of
Pakistan??? SINDH
8. the holy book INJEEL came down on which
nabi?? Hazrat Isa (A.S)
9. 1973 constitution
10. sir syed Ahmad Khan's book "the cause of
Indian Revolt"was published in which year?1873
11. How many sons HAZRAT IBRAHIM(.A.S)
had??? 2
12. What was the relation of Hazrat Hamza(R.A)
with holy prophet(S.A.W)?? uncle
13. The title "Saifullah" was given to which
Prophet?? Hazrat Khalid ibn Walid
14. what will be the correct answer for this
sentence "u can't throw dust into my eyes?
(A)deceive (B)hurt me (C)torture me
15. np2=30 What is the value of n??
16. a circle intersecting vertically the triangle this
is called?
17. which one has the highest runs in test series
of Pakistan??(a) moin khan (B) younus khan (C)
inzama ul haq (D) shahid khan afridi
18. sin(px+q) = ????
19. my friends as well as I--------appeared in
the exam.
20. which word is closely related with the term
"possibility" in the the following ?
(A) may (B) might (C) can
12) 1 kotli kis province me he?
2 Badar kis cheez ka nam he?
3 Ayaz sadiq kon he?
4 spirit of islam kis ne likha?
5 Rachna Doab kaha pr he?
6 Badar me kitne kuffar mary gy thy?
7 somion comission ?
8 pehly female governer?
9 Pak afghan boundry lenght+ name??
10 pak india border name?
11 kaleemulllah is title of..?
12 Hazrat hajra is mother of?
13 Pak ne pehly ambassy kis mulk me banaye??
14 Ghaza khandaq kb lary gye?
15 Biggest palnet of solar system??
13) 25.jinah research cntr when situated???
26.who accept pakostan ist??
27.daughters of PBUH?
28.journalism kn lya tha roman sy??
29.independence war date??
30.national flower??
31.3/2 derivative?? c phly kn c surah nazil hoi??
33.nxt fifa when and where???
34.2013 olympic kdr hva??
35.OIC conference?? 30 sept 1969
36.second PM of pakistan??
37.when ERC converted into RCD???
38.stainless steel made of ???
14) 1: Jinnah research centre kab qaim kya
gaya ?
2: Konse state ny sab sy pehly Pakistan ko
independent state accept kya ?
3: Pak China border length ?
4: nP2=30 then n=?
5: how many letters are formed out of these
letters PAKISTAN ?
6: 1st constitutional assembly consists of _ _ _ _
members ?
7: Where was the venue of 2012 Olympics ?
8: Last World Athletes Olympic ka venue ?
9: What is the meaning of "badar" ?
10: Ghazwa e badar konsi Ghazwa thi ?
A) 1 B) 2 C)6 D)7
11: Where is the Menchar jheel ?
12: Who presented "Qarardad e Maqasid " ?
13: Where is the deepest point of the Earth ?
14: integral of tanx ?
Zaboor on which prophet
.konsa pareshta wahi lany prr mamoor that
.first lady Governor
.if today is Monday then what will be the 14th
day of this month
.no of month having 31 days
.product (dot) two vector is zero ,vectors are ...
.pak China boarder date
.objective resolution
.pak Tajik boarder
.90% OF 90
16) 1. fedral legislators in 1956 constitution?????
kon se assembly the(plz check)
2. ? is a _____ number.
3. P and Q ... here and is a___?(conjunction).
4. ravi and chenab meet on which point???
5. Quiet india moment.
6. abu jahal killed in which battle??? badr
7. hazrat hajra is a mother of __? ismail.
8. age of prophet (saw) at battle of fujar? (15)
que no.8 ma 20 ka option nahe tha..15 cnfrm
9. 1st forign ministerof pak??? zafarullah khan.
10. 1st woman speakr of balochistan assembly??
11. pakistan share boarder with Afghanistan.??
12. boarder with iran...????
700km or 900km
13. lattitude of pak...???
14. muslim myrtrs in badr?? 14
15. which game whose ground is in diamond
muja ya sawal be aya tha. must remember
academic of 7 dec rawalpindi.

1. ____ tense is used for habitual action.

2. who recognized the Pakistan first.(Iran)
3. pakistan open first
embacy in ??? (Iran)
4. if a matric has a single row then ???
5. first visited american prisedend ??? (check kr
6. what is difference
karachi. lahore. rawalpindi. quetta. peshawar.
7. coal found in balochistan distric?? (karan
(check kr la))
8. national flower of pak???( jasmine)
9. rooh allah kis ka laqab ha? (Isha a.s)
10. injeel kis pr nazal hoe.
(isha a.s)
17) 1-tito was the son of ?
2-if a is finite set then objects of the set
called........ans(members of the set)
3-how many son of hazrat Ibrahim (A.S)
4-forth piller of islam is
5-if gas is turned in to liquid then which process
is applied (condensaton)
6-Darivative of dy/dx=3x^2
7-if harmonic mean of two numer is 5 if a=2 then
find the value of b
8-shafaf election ki manzori kab or kaha hoi
9-if n=r then nPr=.... ans=(n!)
10- many questions of prepositions fill in the
11-many questions of calendar days of month like
Wednesday is the 2nd day of November then tell
the 23rd day
12-How many months have 31 days
13-Leap year comes after how many years?
14-Matrix have no inverse??(singular)
18) 1) Daughters Of NABI (SAW)...?
2) Objective Resolution Exact Date
3) Kis Ny paish ki objective resolution
4) Islam K phly Mozzan
5)1973 k Aain k bad General Elections kab hoy
6) hm Defence day kab sy mana rahy h tell year
7) Set having no element is called...?
8) ak english ka tha underlined noun ko pronoun
sy replace krna tha
9) UNO ka Konsa idara Sb sy ziada powerfull
10)tayammum K meaning...?
11)First Forgein Minister of Pakistan
19) 1 90 ka 90%
2. India 1st governor General
3. Bani Israel were
4 Idols in khana kaba
5 Quaid e azam left congress
6. National flower of pak
7. Cricket knsy country ki national game ha
8. Nehru report
9. Hazrat ismail kis son ty
10 Bano Quarish were
11. Jhange Yumama kisk dor ma hoi
12. Zafar ullah khon ty
13. Governor of kpk
14. Olympic games starting date
15. Sindh taas k time india ka PM
16. Lucknow pact kis ny lika
17. Hazrat Ibrahim As k sons
18. SAARC Ki ak member ka name ta
20) 1) The basic democracy was intro duced by
(Ayoub khan)
2). First industrial revolution came in (UK)
3). Hudaibya was/is the name of (TREE)
4) When did Pakistan join Non Allignment
5). If |A|=0, the homogeneous equation answer
will be (trivial)
6).The surah which is on the name of Ant is
7) Old name of Jacobabad(Khangarh)
8) When e^1 makes the conic shape (Parabola)
8) Definition of Probability
9)Hazrat Hajra was the mother of (Hazrat Ismael
10)Current President of Turkey (Receb Tayyeb
11)The second pillar of Islam .(prayer)
12) Length of Iran Border (905)
13) Who presented the Objective resolution
( Liaqat Ali khan)
14) Who was tge viceroy at the time of Begal
partition (Lord Curzen)
15) Highest Glacier of Pakistan ( Siachen)
16) Jange yamama was fought in the reign of
(Hazrat Abu Bakr)
17) In General triangle the two lines are
18) The relation between Hazrat Hamza R.A and
Prophet Muhammad S.A.W (Uncle)
19) Literal meaning of Islam (Worship,
forgiveness, help etc, All of them kiya tha)
20) Olympic games of 2012 were held in
(Lomdon, UK)
21)Derivative of Tan x (Sec^2 x)
22) The pacific ocean link with other ocean
23) Smallest Ocean of the world(Arctic)
24) Who is known as jame-Ul-Quran ( Hazrat
Usman R.A)
25) A matrix in which number of rows an columns
are not equal is called (Rectangular )
26) Latitude of Pakistan ( 21-36 or 24-36) (I
wrote 21-36, but yesterday i saw in the book
24-36, har jaga alag alag araha)
27)"Patriotism" is which type of noun.(Abstract)
28) National flower of pakistan is (Jasmine)
29) Urdu Hindi controversary started from which
city (Benaras)
30) If we cut a rectangle in 4 parts how many
parts will be?(4 pieces)
31) Holy prophet made first mosque in (Quba)
32) Masjid al zarrar was the mosque of
33) A line has ( two end)
34) Geographically Pakistan is divided in how
many parts?(six)
21) 1 national flower of Pakistan
2 which country recognized Pakistan first
3 Pakistan×tajikstan boarder is called
4 chora chori incident
5 bhasha dam on which river
6 cube root of unity
7 attack old name was
8 who presented Pakistan Resolution
9 who was head of civil disobedience movement
in 1930
10 oic formed in
Common wealth game started in which year
11 in 2012 Olympics was held in which
country !!!!!!!!!!!!!
22) 1.Turkey preside t, 2.Hindi paj partion plan
kab announce howa. 3.Octagon k angles,4 if n= r
then ncr? 5.Integral if tanx. 6.2nd general election
kab hoe. 7. Karakuram konsy zoban ka lafs hai.8.
Pak famous fruit, 9. pak national flower, 10.
responsible for. 11.was.12 Pacific ocean connects
which ocean, 13 bari doab kaha hai, 14.a car is
moving with 120 kmhr how much distance in 10
mints,. 15 Definitally is to absolutely then tottaly
is to ...entirely. 16. 90% of ,90.
23) 1.Name of 1st Foreign Minister of Pakistan?
Muhammad Zafarullah Khan
2.Which President of AMERICA visited Pakistan
3.Which country started Chess?
India (6 A.D)
4.Which country introduced Football?
5.Where is Manchar Lake?
Dadu District, Sindh
6.Old name of Jacobabad is?

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