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An enhanced fuel consumption Machine Learning

model used in vehicles

Our project recommends a data summary approach which is based on distance rather then
traditional time interval when developing personalized machine learning models for fuel
consumption. This procedure used in conjunction with vehicle speed and seven predictors
derived from road grade to produce a neural network model using machine learning that predicts
a average fuel consumption in vehicles. The proposed model can be easily developed for each
individual vehicle and fitted into one fleet to optimize fuel consumption over entire fleet. The
model’s predictors are comprehensive on fixed window sizes on the distance travelled. Different
window sizes are evaluated and the results mean that the 1 km window can estimated the fuel
consumption with a coefficient of 0.91 and it also means less than 4 % peak to peak percentage
error for routes that includes both city and highway duty cycling sections.

Keywords:Vehicles, Fuel, Distance, Kilometer, Prediction, Model

Fuel consumption models for vehicles are of interest to manufacturers, regulators and consumers.
They are required at all stages of the vehicle life cycle.

Physics-based models: -These are taken from a deeper understanding of the physical system.
These models describe the dynamics of the vehicle’s parts.

Machine learning models: - These are data driven and represent an abstract mapping from the
input space containing a set of predictors selected for the output location indicating the target

Statistical models: - These are driven by data and establish a mapping between the probability
distribution and target outcome of the selected set of predictors.

An easily developed model is proposed for individual vehicles on a large fleet. Depending on the
exact models of all the vehicles in an fleet, a fleet manager can optimize route planning for all
vehicles that estimate fuel consumption based on each specific vehicle, thereby ensuring that
route assignments are aligned to reduce overall fleet fuel consumption. These types of fleet are
available in a variety of sectors, including road transport, public transport, construction trucks
and rejection trucks. For each fleet, the methodology must adapt to many different vehicle
technologies without a detailed knowledge of the specific physical characteristics and
dimensions of the vehicles

Literature Survey:
[1] B. Lee, L. Quinones, and J. Sanchez, “Development of greenhouse gas emissions model
for 2014-2017 heavy-and medium-duty vehicle compliance,” SAE Technical Paper, Tech.
Rep., 2011

Of all existing modes of transportation, on road motor vehicles are the largest contributor to
greenhouse gas emissions and fuel usage. The Environmental Protection Agency and the
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration finalized regulations in April 2010 to reduce
greenhouse gas emissions and improve fuel economy for 2012-2016 model year light-duty
vehicles. In November 2010, both agencies jointly proposed the first ever greenhouse gas
standards for medium- and heavy-duty trucks which are expected to take effect for model years
starting in 2014.

[2]G. Fontaras, R. Luz, K. Anagnostopoulus, D. Savvidis, S. Hausberger, and M. Rexeis,

“Monitoring co2 emissions from hdv in europe-an experimental proof of concept of the
proposed methodolgical approach,” in 20th International Transport and Air Pollution
Conference, 2014.

The European Commission in joint collaboration with Heavy Duty Vehicle manufactures, the
Graz University of Technology and other consulting and research bodies has been preparing a
new legislative framework for monitoring and reporting CO2 emissions from Heavy Duty
Vehicles (HDVs) in Europe. In contrast to passenger cars and light commercial vehicles, for
which monitoring is performed through chassis dyno measurements, and considering the
diversity and particular characteristics of the HDV market, it was decided that the core of the
proposed methodology should be based on a combination of component testing and vehicle

[3]S. Wickramanayake and H. D. Bandara, “Fuel consumption prediction of fleet vehicles

using machine learning: A comparative study,” in Moratuwa Engineering Research
Conference (MERCon), 2016. IEEE, 2016, pp. 90–95

Ability to model and predict the fuel consumption is vital in enhancing fuel economy of vehicles
and preventing fraudulent activities in fleet management. Fuel consumption of a vehicle depends
on several internal factors such as distance, load, vehicle characteristics, and driver behavior, as
well as external factors such as road conditions, traffic, and weather. However, not all these
factors may be measured or available for the fuel consumption analysis. We consider a case
where only a subset of the aforementioned factors is available as a multi-variate time series from
a long distance, public bus. Hence, the challenge is to model and/or predict the fuel consumption
only with the available data, while still indirectly capturing as much as influences from other
internal and external factors. Machine Learning (ML) is suitable in such analysis, as the model
can be developed by learning the patterns in data. In this paper, we compare the predictive ability
of three ML techniques in predicting the fuel consumption of the bus, given all available
parameters as a time series. Based on the analysis, it can be concluded that the random forest
technique produces a more accurate prediction compared to both the gradient boosting and
neural networks.

[4] L. Wang, A. Duran, J. Gonder, and K. Kelly, “Modeling heavy/mediumduty fuel

consumption based on drive cycle properties,” SAE Technical Paper, Tech. Rep., 2015.

This paper presents multiple methods for predicting heavy/mediumduty vehicle fuel
consumption based on driving cycle information. A polynomial model, a black box artificial
neural net model, a polynomial neural network model, and a multivariate adaptive regression
splines (MARS) model were developed and verified using data collected from chassis testing
performed on a parcel delivery diesel truck operating over the Heavy Heavy-Duty Diesel Truck
(HHDDT), City Suburban Heavy Vehicle Cycle (CSHVC), New York Composite Cycle
(NYCC), and hydraulic hybrid vehicle (HHV) drive cycles. Each model was trained using one of
four drive cycles as a training cycle and the other three as testing cycles. By comparing the
training and testing results, a representative training cycle was chosen and used to further tune
each method. HHDDT as the training cycle gave the best predictive results, because HHDDT
contains a variety of drive characteristics, such as high speed, acceleration, idling, and
deceleration. Among the four model approaches, MARS gave the best predictive performance,
with an average percent error of −1.84% over the four chassis dynamometer drive cycles. To
further evaluate the accuracy of the predictive models, the approaches were applied to real-world
data. MARS outperformed the other three approaches, providing an average percent error of
−2.2% over four real-world road segments.

[5] S. F. Haggis, T. A. Hansen, K. D. Hicks, R. G. Richards, and R. Marx, “In-use

evaluation of fuel economy and emissions from coal haul trucks using modified sae j1321
procedures and pems,” SAE International Journal of Commercial Vehicles, vol. 1, no.

2008-01-1302, pp. 210–221, 2008

Diesel equipment owners often desire knowledge of the direct feasibility and impacts of different
technologies, retrofits, or fuels on their fleet under their specific operating conditions. This is
now possible with the advent of portable emissions measurement systems and other in-use
measurement technologies. The SAE J1321 Fuel Economy Test and Title 40 CFR 1065 in-use
emissions testing procedures were adapted for use in an off-road mining haul truck environment
over long time periods. Fuel consumption was directly measured using coriolis mass flow meters
on two pairs of test and control trucks. Gaseous emissions were also measured with a Horiba
OBS-2200 portable emissions measurement system. Testing was completed under steady state
loads analogous to laboratory dynamometer modal tests and during normal in-use operations for
12 hour test periods with real-time emissions and fuel consumption data obtained.

Problem Definition:
Our project aim is to model average fuel consumption for vehicles during the operation and
maintenance phase.

Proposed Methodology:
The basic idea of our model is to take input of some set of predictive that capture the accurate
state of the system. In the proposed model, all predictors are integrated with respect to fixed
window indicating the distance traveled by the vehicle, thus providing better mapping from input
location to output location of the model. The proposed method is different from those used in
previous models, because the input space of the predictors is calculated with respect to fixed
distance over a given period of time. As we use algorithm (Artificial neural network )
interconnection of assembly of nodes with their structure using a directed link.

ANN consist of a single layer of output with multiple input layers. An ANN is based on a
collection of connected units or nodes called artificial neurons. An artificial neuron that receives
a signal then processes it and can signal neurons connected to it. The "signal" at a connection is a
real number, and the output of each neuron is computed by some non-linear function of the sum
of its inputs.

• We use Neural Networks technology to develop a digital models.

• In Neural Networks we use Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) algorithm.

• In this algorithm, it consists of a single layer of output with multiple input layers.

• For this model, we mainly extract 7 predictor features from the data set.
• No_of_stops, time_stopped, average_moving_speed, characteristics_acceleration,
aerodynamic_speed, change_in_kinetic_energy, change_in_potential_energy.

• Above seven features are recorded from vehicles which traveled up to 100 km.

• Using these features as inputs we generate the average fuel consumption for heavy

By using the Data Sets we can generate model for vehicles , and we can predict the average
utilization of fuel in each and individual vehicles by training the data set. Training the data sets
using the seven predictor values gives an estimate values or the number of units of fuel is
consumed in each vehicle. Different window sizes are evaluated and the result shows the
average fuel consumption in each vehicle with a peak to peak percent error less than 4%.

A machine learning model that can be conveniently developed for every heavy vehicle on a
heavy fleet. The model relies on seven predictors: number of stops, stop time, average moving
speed, characteristic acceleration, aerodynamic speed squared, change in kinetic energy and
change in potential force. The last two predictors helps to capture the average dynamic behavior
of the vehicle. All predictors of the model was taken from vehicle speed and road grade. These
variables are easily accessible from telemetric devices that are integrated into connected
vehicles. In addition, the predictors from these two variables can be easily calculated on-board.

[1] B. Lee, L. Quinones, and J. Sanchez, “Development of greenhouse gas emissions model for
2014-2017 heavy-and medium-duty vehicle compliance,” SAE Technical Paper, Tech. Rep.,

[2] G. Fontaras, R. Luz, K. Anagnostopoulus, D. Savvidis, S. Hausberger, and M. Rexeis,

“Monitoring co2 emissions from hdv in europe-an experimental proof of concept of the proposed
methodolgical approach,” in 20th International Transport and Air Pollution Conference, 2014.

[3] S. Wickramanayake and H. D. Bandara, “Fuel consumption prediction of fleet vehicles using
machine learning: A comparative study,” in Moratuwa Engineering Research Conference
(MERCon), 2016. IEEE, 2016, pp. 90–95.
[4] L. Wang, A. Duran, J. Gonder, and K. Kelly, “Modeling heavy/mediumduty fuel
consumption based on drive cycle properties,” SAE Technical Paper, Tech. Rep., 2015.

[5] Fuel Economy and Greenhouse gas exhaust emissions of motor vehiclesSubpart B - Fuel
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[8] S. F. Haggis, T. A. Hansen, K. D. Hicks, R. G. Richards, and R. Marx,“In-use evaluation of

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pems,” SAE International Journal of Commercial Vehicles, vol. 1, no. 2008-01-1302, pp. 210–
221, 2008.

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