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World Economy Governance Gender Africa India Russia Europe China Innovation

The Third Industrial Revolution:

How the Internet, Green Electricity, and 3-D Printing are
Ushering in a Sustainable Era of Distributed Capitalism

By Jeremy Rifkin

grow the German economy, the EU

economy, or, for that matter, the global
economy, in the last stages of a great
energy era and an industrial revolution
built on it?”
It is becoming increasingly clear that
the Second Industrial Revolution is
dying and that industrial induced CO2
emissions are threatening the viability
of life on Earth. What we need now is
a bold new economic narrative that can
take us into a sustainable post-carbon
future. Finding that new vision requires
an understanding of the technologi-
cal forces that precipitate the profound
transformations in society.

A New Economic Narrative

The great economic revolutions in
history occur when new communica-

ur industrial civilization is at a governments, the business community, tion technologies converge with new
crossroads. Oil and the other and civil society have been embroiled energy systems. New energy revolutions
fossil fuel energies that make in a fierce debate over how to restart make possible more expansive and inte-
up the industrial way of life are sunset- the global economy. While austerity grated trade. Accompanying commu-
ting, and the technologies made from measures and fiscal, labor, and market nication revolutions manage the new
and propelled by these energies are anti- reforms will all be necessary, they are complex commercial activities made
quated. The entire industrial infrastruc- not sufficient to re-grow the economy. possible by the new energy flows. In
ture built off of fossil fuels is aging and Let me explain by way of an anecdote. the 19th century, cheap steam powered
in disrepair. The result is that unem- Just months after arriving in office, the print technology and the introduction
ployment is rising to dangerous levels new Chancellor of Germany, Angela of public schools gave rise to a print-lit-
all over the world. Governments, busi- Merkel, asked me to come to Berlin to erate work force with the communica-
nesses and consumers are awash in debt help her administration address the ques- tion skills to manage the increased flow
and living standards are declining ev- tion of how to create new jobs and grow of commercial activity made possible by
erywhere. A record one billion human the German economy in the twenty- coal and steam power technology, usher-
beings — nearly one seventh of the first century. I began my remarks by ing in the First Industrial Revolution. In
human race—face hunger and starva- asking the chancellor, “How do you the 20th century, centralized electricity
tion. Worse, climate change from fossil
fuel-based industrial activity looms on
the horizon, imperiling our own species’ It is becoming clear that the Second Industrial Revolution
very ability to survive. is dying. What we need now is a bold new economic narra-
Since the beginning of the Great tive that can take us into a sustainable post carbon future.
Recession in the summer of 2008,

8 The World Financial Review

communication — the telephone, and later radio and tele- different from the sum of its parts. In other words, the syner-
vision — became the communication medium to manage gies between the pillars create a new economic paradigm that
a more complex and dispersed oil, auto, and suburban era, can transform the world.
and the mass consumer culture of the Second Industrial The public/private financing of the Third Industrial
Revolution. Revolution infrastructure build-out across the world will be at
Today, Internet technology and renewable energies are be- the very top of the agenda for the international banking and fi-
ginning to merge to create a new infrastructure for a Third nancial community in the first half of the 21st century.
Industrial Revolution (TIR) that will change the way power is
distributed in the 21st century. In the coming era, hundreds of The Shift To Lateral Power
millions of people will produce their own renewable energy in The Third Industrial Revolution is the last of the great
their homes, offices, and factories and share green electricity Industrial Revolutions and will lay the foundational infra-
with each other in an “Energy Internet” just like we now gen- structure for an emerging collaborative age. Its completion will
erate and share information online. signal the end of a two-hundred-year commercial saga charac-
terized by industrious thinking, entrepreneurial markets, and
mass labor workforces and the beginning of a new era marked
Internet technology and renewable ener- by collaborative behavior, social networks and profession-
gies are beginning to merge to create a al and technical workforces. In the coming half century, the
conventional, centralized business operations of the First and
new infrastructure for a Third Industrial
Second Industrial Revolutions will increasingly be subsumed
Revolution (TIR) that will change the way by the distributed business practices of the Third Industrial
power is distributed in the 21st century. Revolution; and the traditional, hierarchical organization of
economic and political power will give way to lateral power
organized nodally across society.
The establishment of a Third Industrial Revolution infra- Lateral power is a new force in the world. Steve Jobs and
structure will create thousands of new businesses and millions the other innovators of his generation took us from expensive
of jobs and lay the basis for a sustainable global economy centralized main-frame computers, owned and controlled by a
in the 21st century. However, let me add a cautionary note. handful of global companies, to cheap desktop computers and
Like every other communication and energy infrastructure in cell phones, allowing billions of people to connect up with one
history, the various pillars of a Third Industrial Revolution another in peer-to-peer networks in the social spaces of the in-
must be laid down simultaneously or the foundation will not ternet. The democratization of communications has enabled
hold. That’s because each pillar can only function in rela- nearly one third of the human population on earth to share
tionship to the others. The five pillars of the Third Industrial music, knowledge, news and social life on an open playing
Revolution are (1) shifting to renewable energy; (2) trans- field, marking one of the great evolutionary advances in the
forming the building stock of every continent into micro– history of our species.
power plants to collect renewable energies on-site; (3) deploy- But as impressive as this accomplishment is, it is only half
ing hydrogen and other storage technologies in every build- of the story. The new, green energy industries are improving
ing and throughout the infrastructure to store intermittent en- performance and reducing costs at an ever accelerating rate.
ergies; (4) using Internet technology to transform the power And just as the generation and distribution of information is
grid of every continent into an energy internet that acts just becoming nearly free, renewable energies will also. The sun,
like the Internet (when millions of buildings are generating a wind, biomass, geothermal heat and hydropower are available
small amount of renewable energy locally, on-site, they can to everyone and, like information, are never used up.
sell surplus green electricity back to the grid and share it with When Internet communications manage green energy,
their continental neighbors); and (5) transitioning the trans- every human being on earth becomes his or her own source of
port fleet to electric plug-in and fuel cell vehicles that can buy power, both literally and figuratively. Billions of human beings
and sell green electricity on a smart, continental, interactive sharing their renewable energy laterally on a continental green
power grid. electricity internet creates the foundation for the democratiza-
The creation of a renewable energy regime, loaded by tion of the global economy and a more just society.
buildings, partially stored in the form of hydrogen, distribut-
ed via a green electricity Internet, and connected to plug-in, Distributed Capitalism
zero-emission transport, opens the door to a Third Industrial Energy regimes shape the nature of civilizations—how they
Revolution. The entire system is interactive, integrated, are organized, how the fruits of commerce and trade are dis-
and seamless. When these five pillars come together, they tributed, how political power is exercised, and how social
make up an indivisible technological platform—an emer- relations are conducted. To understand how the new Third
gent system whose properties and functions are qualitatively Industrial Revolution infrastructure is likely to dramatically

March - April 2012 9

The distributed nature of renewable energies necessitates collaborative rather than hier-
archical command and control mechanisms. This new lateral energy regime establishes
the organizational model for the countless economic activities that multiply from it.

change the distribution of economic The emerging Third Industrial and publishing field with the emergence
power in the twenty-first century, it is Revolution, by contrast, is organized of file sharing of music, eBooks, and
helpful to step back and examine how around distributed renewable energies news blogs, is wreaking havoc on these
the fossil fuel–based First and Second that are found everywhere and are, for traditional industries. We can expect
Industrial Revolutions reordered power the most part, free—sun, wind, hydro, similar disruptive impacts as the dimin-
relations over the course of the nine- geothermal heat, biomass, and ocean ishing transaction costs of green energy
teenth and twentieth centuries. waves and tides. These dispersed ener- allow manufacturers, service indus-
Fossil fuels—coal, oil, and natural gies will be collected at millions of local tries, and retailers to produce and share
gas—are elite energies for the simple sites and then bundled and shared with goods and services in vast economic
reason that they are found only in select others over a continental green electric- networks with very little outlay of fi-
places. They require a significant mil- ity internet to achieve optimum energy nancial capital.
itary investment to secure their access levels and maintain a high-performing,
and continual geopolitical management sustainable economy. The distributed Democratizing Manufacturing
to assure their availability. They also nature of renewable energies necessi- For example, consider manufacturing.
require top down command and control tates collaborative rather than hierarchi- Nothing is more suggestive of the indus-
systems and massive concentrations of cal command and control mechanisms. trial way of life than highly capitalized,
capital to move them from underground This new lateral energy regime estab- giant, centralized factories equipped
to the end users. The ability to central- lishes the organizational model for the with heavy machines and attended by
ize production and distribution— the countless economic activities that mul- blue-collar workforces, churning out
essence of modern capitalism— is crit- tiply from it. A more distributed and mass-produced products on assembly
ical to the effective performance of collaborative industrial revolution, in lines. But what if millions of people
the system as a whole. The centralized turn, invariably leads to a more distrib- could manufacture batches or even
energy infrastructure, in turn, sets the uted sharing of the wealth generated. single manufactured items in their own
conditions for the rest of the economy, The extraordinary capital costs of homes or businesses, cheaper, quicker,
encouraging similar business models owning and operating giant centralized and with the same quality control as the
across every sector. telephone, radio, and television com- most advanced state-of the-art factories
Virtually all of the other critical in- munications technology and fossil fuel on earth?
dustries that emerged from the oil cul- and nuclear power plants in markets is While the TIR economy allows mil-
ture—modern finance, telecommunica- giving way to the new “distributed cap- lions of people to produce their own
tions, automotive, power and utilities, italism,” in which the low entry costs virtual information and energy, a new
and commercial construction—and that in lateral networks make it possible for digital manufacturing revolution now
feed off of the fossil fuel spigot were virtually everyone to become a potential opens up the possibility of following suit
similarly predisposed to bigness in order entrepreneur and collaborator, creating in the production of durable goods. In
to achieve their own economies of scale. and sharing information and energy in the new era, everyone can potentially be
And, like the oil industry, they require open commons. Witness twenty some- their own manufacturer as well as their
huge sums of capital to operate and are thing young men creating Google, own internet site and power company.
organized in a centralized fashion. Facebook, and other global informa- The process is called 3-D printing; and
Three of the four largest compa- tion networks, literally in their college although it sounds like science fiction,
nies in the world today are oil compa- dorm rooms and thousands of small it is already coming online, and prom-
nies—Royal Dutch Shell, Exxon Mobil, businesses converting their buildings to ises to change the entire way we think
and BP. Underneath these giant energy green micro power plants and connect- of industrial production. Think about
companies are some five hundred global ing with one another in regional elec- pushing the print button on your com-
companies representing every sector tricity networks. puter and sending a digital file to an
and industry—with a combined revenue What I am describing is a fundamen- inkjet printer, except, with 3-D print-
of $22.5 trillion, which is the equivalent tal change in the way capitalism func- ing, the machine runs off a three-di-
of one-third of the world’s $62 trillion tions that is now unfolding across the mensional product. Using computer
GDP—that are inseparably connected economy and reshaping how compa- aided design, software directs the 3-D
to and dependent on fossil fuels for their nies conduct business. The shrinking of printer to build successive layers of the
very survival. transaction costs in the music business product using powder, molten plastic, or

10 The World Financial Review

metals to create the material scaffolding. The 3-D printer can Near Zero Cost Marketing and Logistics
produce multiple copies just like a photocopy machine. All The democratization of manufacturing is being accompanied
sorts of goods, from jewelry to mobile phones, auto and air- by the tumbling costs of marketing. Because of the centralized
craft parts, medical implants, and batteries are being “printed nature of the communication technologies of the first and
out” in what is being termed “additive manufacturing,” dis- second industrial revolutions—newspapers, magazines, radio,
tinguishing it from the “subtractive manufacturing,” which in- and television—marketing costs were high and favored giant
volves cutting down and pairing off materials and then attach- firms who could afford to devote substantial funds to market
ing them together. their products and services. The internet has transformed mar-
keting from a significant expense to a negligible cost, allow-
ing start ups and small and medium size enterprises to market
In the new era, everyone can potentially
their goods and services on internet sites that stretch over
be their own manufacturer as well as their virtual space, enabling them to compete and even out compete
own internet site and power company. The many of the giant business enterprises of the 21st century.
process is called 3-D printing. Consider Etsy, a brash, web start-up company that has
taken off in the past seven years. Etsy was founded by a
young New York University graduate, Rob Kalin, who made
3-D entrepreneurs are particularly bullish about additive furniture in his apartment. Frustrated that he had no way
manufacturing, because the process requires as little as 10 to connect with potential buyers interested in hand-crafted
percent of the raw material expended in traditional manufac- furniture, Kalin teamed up with a few friends and put up a
turing and uses less energy than conventional factory produc- website designed to bring individual craftsmen of all kinds,
tion, thus greatly reducing the cost. from around the world, together with prospective buyers.
In the same way that the Internet radically reduced entry The site has become a global virtual showroom, where mil-
costs in generating and disseminating information, giving rise lions of buyers and thousands of sellers from more than fifty
to new businesses like Google and Facebook, additive manu- countries are connecting, breathing new life into craft produc-
facturing has the potential to greatly reduce the cost of pro- tion—an art that had largely disappeared with the advent of
ducing hard goods, making entry costs sufficiently lower to modern industrial capitalism.
encourage hundreds of thousands of mini manufacturers— Connecting multitudes of sellers and buyers in virtual
small and medium size enterprises (SMEs)—to challenge space is almost free. By replacing all of the middlemen—from
and potentially outcompete the giant manufacturing compa- wholesalers to retailers— with a distributed virtual network
nies that were at the center of the First and Second Industrial of sellers and buyers and eliminating the transaction costs
Revolution economies. that are marked up at every stage in the marketing process,
Already, a spate of new start-up companies are entering Etsy has created a new global craft bazaar that scales lateral-
the 3-D printing market with names like Within Technologies, ly rather than hierarchically, and markets goods collaborative-
Digital Forming, Shape Ways, Rapid Quality Manufacturing, ly rather than top-down.
Stratasys, Bespoke Innovations, 3D Systems, MakerBot
Industries, Freedom of Creation, LGM, and Contour Crafting
The Internet has transformed marketing
and are determined to reinvent the very idea of manufacturing
in the Third Industrial era. from a significant expense to a negligible
The energy saved at every step of the digital manufactur- cost, allowing start ups and small enter-
ing process, from reduction in materials used, to less energy prises to compete with many of the giant
expended in making the product, when applied across the
business enterprises of the 21st century.
global economy, adds up to a qualitative increase in energy
efficiency beyond anything imaginable in the First and
Second Industrial Revolutions. When the energy used to Etsy brings another dimension to the market—the per-
power the production process is renewable and also gen- sonalization of relationships between seller and buyer. The
erated on site, the full impact of a lateral Third Industrial website hosts chat rooms, coordinates online craft shows, and
Revolution becomes strikingly apparent. Since approximate- conducts seminars, allowing sellers and buyers to interact, ex-
ly 84 percent of the productivity gains in the manufacturing change ideas, customize products, and create social bonds that
and service industries are attributable to increases in thermo- can last a lifetime. Giant, global companies mass-producing
dynamic efficiencies— only 14 percent of productivity gains standardized products on assembly lines operated by anony-
are the result of capital invested per worker— we begin to mous workforces can’t compete with the kind of intimate one-
grasp the significance of the enormous surge in productivi- to-one relationship between artisan and patron.
ty that will accompany the Third Industrial Revolution and Although still in its infancy, Etsy is a quickly growing en-
what it will mean for society. terprise. In 2011, Etsy’s sales topped nearly $500 million. In

March - April 2012 11

a recent conversation, Kalin told me micro-power plants. To date, more than including distributed and collaborative
that his mission is to help foster “em- 1 million buildings in Germany have research and development strategies,
pathic consciousness” in the global eco- been converted into partial green micro open source and networked commerce,
nomic arena and lay the foundation for power plants. Companies like Siemens, performance contracting, shared savings
a more inclusive society. His vision of Bosch and Daimler are creating sophisti- agreements, and sustainable low-carbon
connecting up “millions of local living cated new IT software, hardware, appli- logistics and supply chain management.
economies that will create a sense of ances and vehicles, that will merge dis- The skill levels and managerial styles of
community in the economy again” tributed Internet communication with the Third Industrial Revolution work-
is the essence of the Third Industrial distributed energy, to create smart build- force will be qualitatively different from
Revolution model. Etsy is only one of ings, infrastructure, and green mobility those of the workforce of the Second
hundreds of global Internet companies for the cities of the future. Industrial Revolution.
that are bringing together producers and
consumers in virtual marketing spaces
The transition to the Third Industrial Revolution will re-
and, in the process, democratizing mar-
keting costs across the global economy. quire a wholesale reconfiguration of the entire economic
As the new 3-D technology becomes infrastructure of each country, creating millions of jobs
more widespread, on site, just in time and countless new goods and services.
customized manufacturing of prod-
ucts will also reduce logistics costs with
the possibility of huge energy savings. The transition to the Third Industrial The lateral scaling of the Third
The cost of transporting products will Revolution will require a wholesale re- Industrial Revolution shifts the fulcrum
plummet in the coming decades because configuration of the entire economic of power from centralized global com-
an increasing array of goods will be pro- infrastructure of each country, creat- panies to distributed small and medium
duced locally in thousands of micro- ing millions of jobs and countless new size enterprise networks. The rapid
manufacturing plants and transported re- goods and services. Nations will need decline in transaction costs brought on
gionally by trucks powered by green elec- to invest in renewable energy technolo- by The Third Industrial Revolution are
tricity and hydrogen generated on site. gy on a massive scale; convert millions leading to the democratization of infor-
The lateral scaling of the Third of buildings into green micro power mation, energy, manufacturing, market-
Industrial Revolution allows small plants; embed hydrogen and other ing, and logistics, and the ushering in of
and medium size enterprises to flour- storage technology throughout the na- a new era of distributed capitalism that
ish. Still, global companies will not dis- tional infrastructure; lay down a green is likely to change the very way we think
appear. Rather, they will increasingly energy internet; and transform the au- of commercial life. The Third Industrial
metamorphose from primary producers tomobile from the internal combustion Revolution offers the hope that we can
and distributers to aggregators. In the engine to electric plug-in and fuel cell arrive at a sustainable post-carbon era
new economic era, their role will be to cars. by mid-century. We have the science,
coordinate and manage the multiple net- The remaking of each nation’s infra- the technology, and the game plan to
works that move commerce and trade structure and the retooling of industries make it happen. Now it is a question of
across the value chain. is going to require a massive retraining whether we will recognize the econom-
of workers on a scale matching the pro- ic possibilities that lie ahead and muster
New Business Models and Jobs in fessional and vocational training at the the will to get there in time.
the 21st Century onset of the First and Second Industrial
Germany is leading the way into the new Revolutions. The new high tech work- About the author
economic era. The Federal Government force of the Third Industrial Revolution Jeremy Rifkin is the author of The New
has teamed up with six regions across will need to be skilled in renewable York Times best selling book, The Third
Germany to test the introduction of an energy technologies, green construc- Industrial Revolution, How Lateral Power
energy internet that will allow tens of tion, IT and embedded computing, nan- is Transforming Energy, the Economy, and
thousands of German businesses and otechnology, sustainable chemistry, fuel- the World. Mr. Rifkin is an adviser to the
millions of home owners to collect re- cell development, digital power grid man- European Union and to heads of state
newable energies on site, store them agement, hybrid electric and hydrogen- around the world. He is a senior lectur-
in the form of hydrogen, and share powered transport and hundreds of er at the Wharton School’s Executive
green electricity across Germany in a other technical fields. Education Program at the University
smart energy internet. Entire commu- Entrepreneurs and managers will of Pennsylvania and the president of
nities are transforming their commer- need to be educated to take advan- the Foundation on Economic Trends in
cial and residential buildings into green tage of cutting edge business models, Washington, D.C.

12 The World Financial Review

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