Thesis Jayvincent

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Background of the study

Statement of the problem

Scope and Delimitation of the Study

Significance of the Study

Theoretical Framework

Conceptual Framework

Definition of Terms


Foreign Literature

Local Literature


Research Design

Participants of the Study


The free wave-modes of a double-plate system reinforced by joints are analyzed in the
present paper. The types of structure under consideration are lightweight walls and floors.

Examples of structures under consideration can be seen in Figure 1. Lin and Garelik

[1], Takahashi

[2], Skelton

[3] and the present author

[4,5] have all treated periodically stiffened double-plate structures with point or spatially
harmonic excitation. In the past present paper is the excitation instead set to zero so that free
waves can occur, in manner similar to mace.

[6] when studying free waves of reinforced single plate (among other things), and meal.

[7,8] also Nordborg

[9] studied the free waves in a one-dimensional periodic structure.

He used the free wave result to construct the response of a point source (which is the
Green’s function to the problem): Norborg uses the free waves to build up the field caused by the
point source. The approach is suited for the case of a periodically supported beam (Nordborg
studied rail vibrations), or the response of a line forced on a plate. The free wave-modes studied
in the present paper can in a future step be used in connection with flanking transmission. This
can be done in a manner similar to Nordborg used of the free waves.

An excitation present first introduced in order to simplify the derivation of the formulas
needed. A spatial transform technique is thus used, making use of the periodicity. The the
excitation pressure is then tended to zero, whereby the determinant in the matrix equation system
left must be zero fulfill the criteria of non-trivial solutions. The wavenumbers so found are then
Background of the Study

Safety of the people is the no.1 priority of the law how ever what if the law seems
threatening to the specifically our riders. They defended that it will be helpful in reducing crimes
but never heard the pleas of the riders if this will be helpful or useless.

The law requiring two huge license plates on motorcycle is set to take effects this week
but its implementation remain on hold as the government awaits for the delivery of shipment.
The controversial motorcycle crime prevention act better known as “Double plates” law is
expected to be enforced later this year when the license plates arrive at the land transportation

Statement of the Problem

Generally, this study aims to determine na effects of implementation of double plate in

motorcycle riders in the country.

Specifically, this study seeks to find the following questions.

1. What is the demographic profile of the respondents?

a) Sex
b) Age
c) Status
d) Family income

2. What are the strategies of riders during approve the double plates?

3. Implementation of double plates is reliable to the riders?

4. Is there a significant difference on the effects of implementation of double plate

performance motorcycle riders?

Scope and Delimitation of the study

This study focused on how we can prevent the violation of other motorcycle specially
the riders whom violating the rules of having the double plate. This study empowered the law of
double plate in every Filipinos that uses vehicles. To prevent violation and implement the law.
Significant of the study

The main purpose of this study is to know if implementation of double plate is suitable
or useless.

To know what are the benefits of double plate

What are the important of implementation of double plate?

Theoretical Framework

The law requiring two huge license plates on motorcycle is set to take effect this
week, but it’s implementation remains on hold as the government awaits for the delivery

The controversial Motorcycle Crime Prevention Act-better better known as “Double

Plate law” is expected to be enforced later this year when the license plates arrive at the Land
Transportation Office.

The revised Implementing Rules and Regulation (IRR) was released in May.
Republic Act 11235 is set to become effective on June 6, LTO Operations Division officer-in-
charge MJ Paras Leynes said on Monday

Input Conceptual Framework Output

 Profile of the
public and  Implementation of
private riders double plate : suitable or
 Age
 gender

 Conduct survey through


Definition of Terms  Identificationof the

target respondents
Controversial- controversy is a state of prolonged public
dispute or debate, usually concerning a matter of
conflicting or point view.

Derivation- the origin of something such as a word

from which another form has developed or the new form

Excitation- the act of increasing the pridity of the

physical or mental processes stimulation.

Implementing- implementation is the

realization of an application or execution of a plan, idea,
model, design, specification, standard, algorithm, or


Review of Related Literature


The LTO has just released a thirteen-page document containing the implementing rules and
regulations for RA 11235 otherwise known as the motorcycle crime prevention law. Motorist
have know the RA 11235 more as the ‘Double Plaka Law’ and its primary author, Senator
Richard Gordon has faced a lot of criticism for the legislation from a number of concerned
motorist groups. In any case, now that the LTO has released its IRR, its final clause stipulates for
its immediate effectivity.

RA 11235 was design into law on march 8 2019. One of its most controversial provisions which
cauused the ire of criticism from numerous motorist groups was its mandatory requirement for
all types of motorcycle to have bigger number plates in the front and the back, as well as the
stiffer penalties imposed for its non-compliance

Section 5 of the IRR reads, ‘The LTO shall issue a set of bigger, readable, and color coded
number plate for every motocycle, which shall consist of a) a mental number plate to be installed
at the rear of a motorcycle and b) a decal number plate to be displayed in its front. If shall bear a
unique combination of alphanumeric characters using the following format: ABC123.’ The IRR
describes the front decal plate to be made from a sticker like material which will have the
measurement of 135mm wide and 85mm tall. For reference, it’s about the size of an iphone X
smartphone. The IRR also provides for the specification for the rear plate to be made of ‘suitable
and durable aluminum substrate material , with measurement of 235mm wide and 135 tall which
is about the size of an ipad. Violators would be required to pay a hefty fine amounting to
P50,000 to P100,000 or face imprisonment.

Yet, the question still remains, will RA11235, with the installation of bigger and more visible
plates be an effective means to prevent the crime that the law seeks to address with its
enforcement, or will if actually be an effective deterrent for perpetrator to make use of
motocycles as intended by the law.


While holding the biggest protest riders in the country motorcycle history, several riders clubs
are not content with the verbal assurances by some governmert leaders in dropping proposals
requiring them to use twe licence plates to be mounted in front and raer sections of their bikes
under Republic Act 11235

RA 11235 was signed into law by President Duterte last march 8 2019. This triggered outrage
from the riding community particularly then issue of double license plates that are to be bigger in
size and color.

This morning more than 100,000 riders converged at the historic EDSA People Power
Monument authorities, particularly the congress, to intiate amendments in the RA 11235 or
Motocycle Crime Prevention Act.

Sta. Cruz doesn’t just bite any lip service. He stressed the riding community want to see an
official document saying that the provision on double plates has been resived, particularly in the
drafting of the implementing rules and regulations or IRR. Meanwhile, other rider groups are
calling on President Duterte to repeal RA 11235. RA 11235imposes not only hefty fines but also
jail terms for violators.

The riding community is up inarms, particularly against the front license plates made of metal
sheets. It poses a danger to riders and pedestrians if it flies off from its mounting if the bike
figures in an accident or collision another vehicle.



Research Design

This study will be used the descriptive correlational research method. The study will describe
the effects of implementation of double plates. Descriptive research design is a research method
where in it collects all the information through survey and questionnaire

Respondent of the study

The respondent of the study is composed in a 13 page document dated may 11 and signed by
LTO chief Edgar Galvante, rides are required to use decal number plates measuring 135mm by
85mm on the front of motorcycles, instead of big, metal plates proposed originally.

Research Instrument and Validation

The survey questionnaire constructed by the researcher will be as the main gathering tool. The
questionnaire is divided into four (3) parts. Part I contains the information on the demographic
profile. Part II includes places where the respondents experience of implementation of double
plates. Part III what is the effect.
Data Gathering Procedure

A written request seeking the permission of selected riders in cavite. As well as the adviser of the
conduct the study was submitted. As a supplement to the questionnaire, interview of the
respondent were conducted to gather more data for the study.

Statistical Treatment of Data

The following statistical treatments of data to be used.

1. Frequency count and percentage will be used to describe riders age, gender. It was
computed as follow:

P=__________x 100


P- percentage

F- frequency

N- number of respondent

100- contant

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