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Level: Bachelor Semester – Fall Year : 2009

Programme: BE Civil (Diploma Holder) Full Marks : 100
Course: Computer and Programming I Time : 3hrs.
Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far
as practicable.
The figures in the margin indicate full marks.
Attempt all the questions.

1. a. What do you mean by digital computer? Define various functional 10

components with help of block diagram.
b. What do you mean booting? Define the role of system software.
2. a. Define the following terms with supporting function (Any Two) 5
i. Napier Bone
iii. Herman Hollerith machine
b. How does data processor vary with word processor? Define
characters and function os MS Word and MS Excel. 5
c. What is computer generation? Define the 3 rd and 4th generation of
computer with their characteristic features.
3. a. Define the common operators of C programming with their 7
b. What is Universal Gate? Realize the NAND gate into basic gates.
4. a. How does an algorithm contrast with flowchart? Write an algorithm 5
to print first 20 odd numbers.
b. Solves by using K map then realize the result in circuit diagram.
A BCD  ABC D  AC  BCD  ACD  ABC D 5
c. Convert the followings:
i. (1111101)2 = (?)8 = (?)16 5
ii. (7122)8 = (?)10 = (?)16
5. a. Find out the final value of a, b, c, x and z: 5
Void main()
Int a=1, b=1, c=10;
x+ =++a+b--+--c;
y* = a+++--b+--c+15;
a- = ++x+--y+10 }
b. Trace the output of the following program code:
#include<conio.h> 5
void main()
int I,j;
for (i=1;i<=5;i++)
for (j=1;j<=5;j++)
printf ("*\t");
c. Write a program to read 3 digit's number then detect whether it is
Armstrong or not.
6. a. With support of Algorithm write a program to read a user's 7
number then test it is prime or not.
With reference of an algorithm write a program to print the
multiplication table for user's number n.
b. What do you mean by control structure statements? Define 8
various types of loops with flowchart and source program.
7. Write short notes on (Any Two) 5×2
a. CUI and GUI
b. Program execution cycle
c. White box testing and Black box testing

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