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Term Report

The European Azerbaijan School

Third Term (2019 - 2020)
Prepared: February 07, 2020

Aliyar Baghirov
Grade Advisor
Grade 1 Bahar Hasanova

Aliyar Baghirov
The European Azerbaijan School - Third Term (2019 - 2020) Page 1 of 12
7C Hasan Majidov (7 Basti Bagirova), Yasamal district, Baku City, Baku, Azerbaijan — Tel.: +99125398936
Aliyar Baghirov Term Report
Third Term (2019 - 2020) Prepared: February 07, 2020

Summary of Achievement

Unit Assessment

Units of Inquiry

Grade1 How we express ourselves W2 December 6 weeks

Subject Focus: Russian, Azerbaijani, English, Mathematics, Physical education, UOI, Music, Visual Arts
Class: 1B Art

The Central Idea

Celebrations all over the world.

Lines of Inquiry
• 1.Why people celebrate (History) role-play
• 2.People celebrate in different ways. (Features and traditions)
• 3.Differences and similarities of celebrations

Key Concepts

Key Concepts Key questions and definition Concepts

What is it like?
The understanding that everything has a form with recognizable features that can be observed,
identified, described and categorized.

How does it work?

The understanding that everything has a purpose, a role or a way of behaving that can be

Learner Profile
• Knowledgeable
• Open-minded

Scope & Sequence


Visual Arts


Art skills Semester1

Drawing Simple shapes. Circle. C

Creates simple illustrations with illustrating tools. M

Compares the colors to the emotional mean in the given work. C

Pastel & oil pastel techniques. M

Aliyar Baghirov
The European Azerbaijan School - Third Term (2019 - 2020) Page 2 of 12
7C Hasan Majidov (7 Basti Bagirova), Yasamal district, Baku City, Baku, Azerbaijan — Tel.: +99125398936
Aliyar Baghirov Term Report
Third Term (2019 - 2020) Prepared: February 07, 2020


Demonstrate an understanding of the safe and proficient use of materials, tools, and equipment for a variety of M
artistic processes.

Reflect on and explain important information about personal artwork. C

Independent artistic process. Drawing in a sketchbook. B

Grade1 How we express ourselves W2 December 6 weeks

Subject Focus: Russian, Azerbaijani, English, Mathematics, Physical education, UOI, Music, Visual Arts
Class: 1B AzLang

The Central Idea

Celebrations all over the world.

Lines of Inquiry
• 1.Why people celebrate (History) role-play
• 2.People celebrate in different ways. (Features and traditions)
• 3.Differences and similarities of celebrations

Key Concepts

Key Concepts Key questions and definition Concepts

What is it like?
The understanding that everything has a form with recognizable features that can be observed,
identified, described and categorized.

How does it work?

The understanding that everything has a purpose, a role or a way of behaving that can be

Learner Profile
• Knowledgeable
• Open-minded

Scope & Sequence



Oral language - listening and speaking

Dinlədiyi fikri anladığını nümayiş etdirir.

Dinlədiyi fikrə münasibətini bildirir. A

Şifahi nitq bacarıqlarına malik olduğunu nümayiş etdirir.

Müşahidə etdiyi əşya, hadisələr haqqında və şəkillər üzrə danışır. A

Zəruri dil qaydalarını mənimsədiyini nümayiş etdirir.

Aliyar Baghirov
The European Azerbaijan School - Third Term (2019 - 2020) Page 3 of 12
7C Hasan Majidov (7 Basti Bagirova), Yasamal district, Baku City, Baku, Azerbaijan — Tel.: +99125398936
Aliyar Baghirov Term Report
Third Term (2019 - 2020) Prepared: February 07, 2020


Sözləri hecalara ayırır. A

Ad, əlamət və hərəkət bildirən sözləri tanıyır və fərqləndirir. A

Written language - reading

Qarşılaşdığı yeni sözlərin mənasını başa düşdüyünü nümayiş etdirir.

Mətndə rast gəldiyi yeni əşya və hadisələri adlandırır. A

Oxu texnikası və ilkin oxu bacarıqlarına yiyələndiyini nümayiş etdirir.

Kiçikhəcmli mətnləri düzgün tələffüz etməklə oxuyur. A

Written language - writing

Yazı texnikasına və ilkin yazı bacarıqlarına yiyələndiyini nümayiş etdirir.

Hərflərin elementlərini və konfiqurasiyasını müəyyən olunmuş xətt boyunca düzgün yazır və bitişdirir. A

Bir neçə cümlədən ibarət müşahidə xarakterli rabitəli mətn yazır. B

Grade1 How we express ourselves W2 December 6 weeks

Subject Focus: Russian, Azerbaijani, English, Mathematics, Physical education, UOI, Music, Visual Arts
Class: 1B Eng

The Central Idea

Celebrations all over the world.

Lines of Inquiry
• 1.Why people celebrate (History) role-play
• 2.People celebrate in different ways. (Features and traditions)
• 3.Differences and similarities of celebrations

Key Concepts

Key Concepts Key questions and definition Concepts

What is it like?
The understanding that everything has a form with recognizable features that can be observed,
identified, described and categorized.

How does it work?

The understanding that everything has a purpose, a role or a way of behaving that can be

Learner Profile
• Knowledgeable
• Open-minded

Aliyar Baghirov
The European Azerbaijan School - Third Term (2019 - 2020) Page 4 of 12
7C Hasan Majidov (7 Basti Bagirova), Yasamal district, Baku City, Baku, Azerbaijan — Tel.: +99125398936
Aliyar Baghirov Term Report
Third Term (2019 - 2020) Prepared: February 07, 2020

Scope & Sequence



Oral language - listening and speaking

listen and respond in small or large groups for increasing periods of time B

listen to and enjoy stories read aloud; show understanding by responding in oral, written or visual form A

follow classroom instructions, showing understanding A

use oral language to communicate during classroom activities, conversations and imaginative play A

Visual language - viewing and presenting

talk about their own feelings in response to visual messages; show empathy for the way others might feel B

Written language - reading

participate in shared reading, posing and responding to questions and joining in the refrains B

listen attentively and respond actively to read- aloud situations; make predictions, anticipate possible outcomes B

Written language - writing

enjoy writing and value their own efforts B

write informally about their own ideas, experiences and feelings in a personal journal or diary, initially using simple A
sentence structures, for example, "I like ...", "I can ..." , "I went to ...", "I am going to ..."

Grade1 How we express ourselves W2 December 6 weeks

Subject Focus: Russian, Azerbaijani, English, Mathematics, Physical education, UOI, Music, Visual Arts
Class: 1B Math

The Central Idea

Celebrations all over the world.

Lines of Inquiry
• 1.Why people celebrate (History) role-play
• 2.People celebrate in different ways. (Features and traditions)
• 3.Differences and similarities of celebrations

Key Concepts

Key Concepts Key questions and definition Concepts

What is it like?
The understanding that everything has a form with recognizable features that can be observed,
identified, described and categorized.

How does it work?

The understanding that everything has a purpose, a role or a way of behaving that can be

Aliyar Baghirov
The European Azerbaijan School - Third Term (2019 - 2020) Page 5 of 12
7C Hasan Majidov (7 Basti Bagirova), Yasamal district, Baku City, Baku, Azerbaijan — Tel.: +99125398936
Aliyar Baghirov Term Report
Third Term (2019 - 2020) Prepared: February 07, 2020

Learner Profile
• Knowledgeable
• Open-minded

Scope & Sequence



Data Handling

Gr1 Numicon

Have fluent recall of nearly all adding facts for each number to 10. A

Have fluent recall of nearly all subtracting facts for each number to 10. A

Recall fluently most adding facts within 10 and use them when adding multiples of 10 A

Recall fluently most subtracting facts within 10 and use them when subtracting multiples of 10 A

Have quick recall of 1 more and 1 fewer than a given 2-digit number A

Have quick recall of 10 more and 10 fewer than a given 2-digit number A


Gr1 Numicon

Compare lengths using <, > and = symbols M

Order lengths using <, > and = symbols M

Measure straight lengths to the nearest cm, choosing suitable equipment M

Measure curved lengths to the nearest cm, choosing suitable equipment A

Shape and Space

Gr1 Numicon

Draw different polygons, showing straight sides and lines joined at corners, e.g. pentagon, octagon A

Make different polygons, showing straight sides and lines joined at corners, e.g. pentagon, octagon A

Name the different polygons they have made and drawn A

Identify 2D shapes that are polygons e.g. semi-circle, oval M

Describe 3D shapes in terms of curved faces or the 2D shape of flat faces M

Investigate systematically the number of faces of 3D shapes A

Investigate systematically the number of edges of 3D shapes A

Investigate systematically the number of vertices of 3D shapes A

Grade1 How we express ourselves W2 December 6 weeks

Subject Focus: Russian, Azerbaijani, English, Mathematics, Physical education, UOI, Music, Visual Arts
Class: 1B Music

The Central Idea

Celebrations all over the world.

Aliyar Baghirov
The European Azerbaijan School - Third Term (2019 - 2020) Page 6 of 12
7C Hasan Majidov (7 Basti Bagirova), Yasamal district, Baku City, Baku, Azerbaijan — Tel.: +99125398936
Aliyar Baghirov Term Report
Third Term (2019 - 2020) Prepared: February 07, 2020

Lines of Inquiry
• 1.Why people celebrate (History) role-play
• 2.People celebrate in different ways. (Features and traditions)
• 3.Differences and similarities of celebrations

Key Concepts

Key Concepts Key questions and definition Concepts

What is it like?
The understanding that everything has a form with recognizable features that can be observed,
identified, described and categorized.

How does it work?

The understanding that everything has a purpose, a role or a way of behaving that can be

Learner Profile
• Knowledgeable
• Open-minded

Scope & Sequence




İfa etdiyi və dinlədiyi uşaq mahnılarının müəlliflərini tanıyır. Knows the authors of children's songs which sings and
listens to.

Musiqi əsərlərinin müəlliflərinin adlarını sadalayır Lists the names of the authors of the musical works M

Mahnı müəlliflərini onların şəkillərindən tanıyır Recognizes the authors of the songs from their pictures A

Musiqi əsərlərinin müəlliflərini onların şəkillərindən tanıyır Recognizes the authorsof the musical works from their M

Dinlədiyi musiqi əsərlərində ifadə olunan əhvali – ruhiyyəni sadə formada şərh edir, melodiyanın ritm və tempinə
uyğun hərəkətlər nümayiş etdirir. Explains the mood expressed in the music which listens in simple form,
demonstrating the rhythm and pace of the melody.

Musiqi əsərinin xarakterini (şən , qəmli) müəyyənləşdirir Determines the character (hilarious, sad) of a piece of M

Melodiyanın dəyişən tempinə və ritminə uyğun hərəkətlər edir Takes actions according to the changing tempo and A
rhythm of the melody

Xor tərkibində birsəsli ( unison) oxuyur. Sings unison in chorus

Öyrənmək məqsədi ilə müəllimin oxuduğu nümunələri təkrar edir Repeats examples of teacher readings for A
learning purposes

Oktava daxilində olan notları yazır və oxuyur. Writes and reads the notes in the octave.

Bir oktava daxilində yerləşən notları yazır Writes the notes located within an octave M

Oktava daxilində olan səsləri yuxarı və aşağı oxuyur Sounds up and down the octave A

Aliyar Baghirov
The European Azerbaijan School - Third Term (2019 - 2020) Page 7 of 12
7C Hasan Majidov (7 Basti Bagirova), Yasamal district, Baku City, Baku, Azerbaijan — Tel.: +99125398936
Aliyar Baghirov Term Report
Third Term (2019 - 2020) Prepared: February 07, 2020


Mahnı oxumaq qaydalarını bilir, sadə ölçülü dirijorluq jestlərinə əməl edir Knows how to sing a song, follow simple
gestures of simple conductivity

Düzgün mahnı oxumaq qaydalarını mənimsədiyini nümayiş etdirir Demonstrates how to properly sing songs M

Grade1 How we express ourselves W2 December 6 weeks

Subject Focus: Russian, Azerbaijani, English, Mathematics, Physical education, UOI, Music, Visual Arts
Class: 1B PE

The Central Idea

Celebrations all over the world.

Lines of Inquiry
• 1.Why people celebrate (History) role-play
• 2.People celebrate in different ways. (Features and traditions)
• 3.Differences and similarities of celebrations

Key Concepts

Key Concepts Key questions and definition Concepts

What is it like?
The understanding that everything has a form with recognizable features that can be observed,
identified, described and categorized.

How does it work?

The understanding that everything has a purpose, a role or a way of behaving that can be

Learner Profile
• Knowledgeable
• Open-minded

Scope & Sequence


Physical education



Hərəki fəaliyyətə daxil olan oyunları tanıyır. M

Hərəkətlərin və oyunların icrası zamanı bədənin əyilmə qabiliyyətini nümayiş etdirir. M

Hərəkətlərin və oyunların icrası prosesində sürət-güc nümayiş etdirir. M

Komanda üzvləri ilə ünsiyyət qurur və səmərəli əməkdaşlıq edir. C

Aliyar Baghirov
The European Azerbaijan School - Third Term (2019 - 2020) Page 8 of 12
7C Hasan Majidov (7 Basti Bagirova), Yasamal district, Baku City, Baku, Azerbaijan — Tel.: +99125398936
Aliyar Baghirov Term Report
Third Term (2019 - 2020) Prepared: February 07, 2020

Grade1 How we express ourselves W2 December 6 weeks

Subject Focus: Russian, Azerbaijani, English, Mathematics, Physical education, UOI, Music, Visual Arts
Class: 1B Rus

The Central Idea

Celebrations all over the world.

Lines of Inquiry
• 1.Why people celebrate (History) role-play
• 2.People celebrate in different ways. (Features and traditions)
• 3.Differences and similarities of celebrations

Key Concepts

Key Concepts Key questions and definition Concepts

What is it like?
The understanding that everything has a form with recognizable features that can be observed,
identified, described and categorized.

How does it work?

The understanding that everything has a purpose, a role or a way of behaving that can be

Learner Profile
• Knowledgeable
• Open-minded

Scope & Sequence



Oral language - listening and speaking


Реагирует на простые обращения. M


Произносит усвоенные звуки , сочетание звуков и простые слова. M

Произносит выученные им словосочетания и простые предложения. M

Aliyar Baghirov
The European Azerbaijan School - Third Term (2019 - 2020) Page 9 of 12
7C Hasan Majidov (7 Basti Bagirova), Yasamal district, Baku City, Baku, Azerbaijan — Tel.: +99125398936
Aliyar Baghirov Term Report
Third Term (2019 - 2020) Prepared: February 07, 2020

Grade1 How we express ourselves W2 December 6 weeks

Subject Focus: Russian, Azerbaijani, English, Mathematics, Physical education, UOI, Music, Visual Arts
Class: 1B UOI

The Central Idea

Celebrations all over the world.

Lines of Inquiry
• 1.Why people celebrate (History) role-play
• 2.People celebrate in different ways. (Features and traditions)
• 3.Differences and similarities of celebrations

Key Concepts

Key Concepts Key questions and definition Concepts

What is it like?
The understanding that everything has a form with recognizable features that can be observed,
identified, described and categorized.

How does it work?

The understanding that everything has a purpose, a role or a way of behaving that can be

Learner Profile
• Knowledgeable
• Open-minded

Scope & Sequence



Human systems and economic activities

Social Studies|Strands

Social organization and culture (The study of people, communities, cultures and societies; the ways in which A
individuals, groups and societies interact with each other)

Social Studies|Skills

Formulate and ask questions about the past, the future, places and society B

Use and analyse evidence from a variety of historical, geographical and societal sources B

Aliyar Baghirov
The European Azerbaijan School - Third Term (2019 - 2020) Page 10 of 12
7C Hasan Majidov (7 Basti Bagirova), Yasamal district, Baku City, Baku, Azerbaijan — Tel.: +99125398936
Aliyar Baghirov Term Report
Third Term (2019 - 2020) Prepared: February 07, 2020

Learner Profile









Risk-takers (Courageous)



2 1
Absent Late

Bahar Hasanova
Homeroom Advisor

Aliyar Baghirov
The European Azerbaijan School - Third Term (2019 - 2020) Page 11 of 12
7C Hasan Majidov (7 Basti Bagirova), Yasamal district, Baku City, Baku, Azerbaijan — Tel.: +99125398936
Aliyar Baghirov Term Report
Third Term (2019 - 2020) Prepared: February 07, 2020

IB Primary Years Programme

The transdisciplinary themes above are selected for their relevance to the real world and focus on issues that go across subject

Who we are Where we are in How we express How the world How we organize Sharing the planet
place and time ourselves works ourselves

Aliyar Baghirov
The European Azerbaijan School - Third Term (2019 - 2020) Page 12 of 12
7C Hasan Majidov (7 Basti Bagirova), Yasamal district, Baku City, Baku, Azerbaijan — Tel.: +99125398936

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