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God morgon Pratar du svenska? is also a common way to ask Do you speak
Good MorningHej / God dag Swedish?, though it is considered more informal.
Hello / Good DayGod kväll 2. PRONUNCIATION
Good EveningGod natt Swedish letter(s)English soundchshckkgg before a, o, u, å, or
Good NightHej då / Adjö (more formal) unstressed egj before e, i, y, ä, ö and after l or rgk before tgjjksoft ch
GoodbyeSnälla sound, before e, i, y, ä, öqkschshti(on)shtjsoft ch soundv, wvxkszs
PleaseTack (så mycket)
Thank you (very much)Ingen orsak / Varsågod 3. ALPHABET
Don't mention it / You're welcomeJa / Nej aahkkawuoohbbaylelvvaycsaymemxeksddaynenyeweayoohzsay-
Yes / NoHerr / Fru / Fröken tahfefppayåaw (with lips rounded)ggayqkooäeh (as in bed)hhawrairöer
Mister / Misses / MissHur är det? / Hur har du det? (with lips rounded)ieesess jyeettay
How are you?Hur mår du? 4. NOUNS & CASES
How are you? (How are you feeling?)Bra Nouns in Swedish have two genders, common and neuter, which
Good / FineInte så bra. adjectives must agree with when modifying nouns. These genders are
Not so goodVad heter du? signified by the indefinite articles: en and ett. In the vocabulary lists, a
What's your name? Jag heter... noun followed by (n) means that it is a neuter noun and it takes the
I am called...Mitt namn är... indefinite article ett. The majority of nouns in Swedish are common
My name is...Trevligt att träffas! gender, so they take the indefinite article en.
Pleased to meet you!Välkommen!
Welcome! The only case of nouns that is used in Swedish is the genitive (showing
Varifrån kommer du? possession), and it is easily formed by adding an -s to the noun. This is
Where are you from? Jag kommer från... comparable to adding -'s in English to show possession. However, if
I'm from...Var bor du? the noun already ends in -s, then you add nothing (unlike English
Where do you live? Jag bor i... where we add -' or -'s). Anders bok = Anders's book
I live in...Hur gammal är du? 5. ARTICLES & DEMONSTRATIVES
How old are you? Jag är ___ år (gammal). There are two indefinite articles (corresponding to a and an) in
I am ____ years old. Talar du svenska? Swedish: en and ett. En is used with most of the nouns (words
Do you speak Swedish?Jag talar [inte] engelska. denoting people almost always use en), but you will just have to learn
I [don't] speak English.danska, norska, franska, italienska, which article goes with which noun. The definite article (the) is not a
spanska, tyska, holländska, ryska, japanska separate word like in most other languages. It is simply a form of the
Danish, Norwegian, French, Italian, Spanish, German, Dutch, indefinite article attached to the end of the noun. Note that en words
Russian, JapaneseJa, lite grann. ending in a vowel retain that vowel and add an -n instead of adding -en.
Yes, a little bit.Nej, inte alls. And ett words ending in -e just add a -t.
No, not at all.Jag förstår [inte.]
I [don't] understand.Jag vet [inte.] En words (common)
I [don't] know.Ursäkta / Förlåt
Excuse me / Pardon meHa det så bra! Ett words (neuter)
Take care!Vi ses senare / snart Indefinite
See you later / soonHej / Hej då Definite
Hi / ByeJag älskar dig. Indefinite
I love you.Jag saknar dig.
I miss you.

Definiteen banana bananabananenthe bananaett borda tablebordetthe To form the future tense of verbs, just add ska before the infinitive. Jag
tableen stola chairstolenthe chairett köka kitchenköketthe kitchenen ska vara = I will be; hon ska ha = she will have; etc.
gataa streetgatanthe streetett äpplean appleäppletthe apple 8. USEFUL WORDS
This, that, these and those are expressed in Swedish by using den, det bothbådaoftenoftasomenågon, något, någrausuallyoftastagainigen,
or de plus the word här (here) and där (there). The noun is always in åternownubetweenmellanandocha lot, manymångabutmenof
the definite form after these demonstratives. And if any adjectives coursenaturligtvisorellera littlelite grannverymycket / väldigtnot at
follow the demonstrative, they must add an -a to the ending. allinte allsherehäralmostnästantheredärreally?verkligenwithmedit
isdet äreach othervarandrathere is/aredet finns
with en wordswith ett wordswith plural wordsthis / theseden här 9. QUESTION WORDS
biljetten - this ticketdet här tåget - this trainde här biljetterna - these WhovemWhosevemsWhatvadWhichvilken, vilket,
ticketsthat / thoseden där biljetten - that ticketdet där tåget - that vilkaWhyvarförWhere tovartWhennärWhere
trainde där tågen - those trains fromvarifrånWherevarHowhur
6. SUBJECT & OBJECT PRONOUNS Which has three different forms depending on the gender and number
Subject & Object Pronouns jagImig (mej)meduyou (singular)dig of the noun that follows it.
(dej)youhanhehonomhimhonshehenneherdenit (with en Vilken is used with en words, vilket is used with ett words and vilka is
words)denitdetit (with ett words)detitmanoneenoneviweossusniyou used with plural words.
(plural)eryoude (dom)theydem (dom)them 10. CARDINAL & ORDINAL NUMBERS
0noll 1en,
Man can be translated as one, we, they or the people in ett1stförsta2två2ndandra3tre3rdtredje4fyra4thfjärde5fem5thfemte6s
general. When referring to nouns as it, you use den for en nouns, and ex6thsjätte7sju7thsjunde8åtta8thåttonde9nio9thnionde10tio10thtio
det for ett nouns. Formerly, du was the informal you and ni was the nde11elva11thelfte12tolv12thtolfte13tretton13thtrettonde14fjorton1
formal, but these distinctions are rarely used anymore. The forms in 4thfjortonde15femton15thfemtonde16sexton16thsextonde17sjutton
parentheses are the informal ways of spelling these words, which is 17thsjuttonde18arton18thartonde19nitton19thnittonde20tjugo20thtj
closer to the actual pronunciation. ugonde21tjugoen,
7. TO BE & TO HAVE tjugoett21sttjugoförsta22tjugotvå22ndtjugoandra30trettio30thtretti
The present and past tenses of verbs in Swedish are very simple to onde40fyrtio40thfyrtionde50femtio50thfemtionde60sextio60thsexti
conjugate. All the forms are the same for each personal pronoun. The onde70sjuttio70thsjuttionde80åttio80thåttionde90nittio90thnittiond
infinitive of the verb to be in Swedish is vara, and the conjugated e100hundra100thhundrade1,000tusen1,000thtusendemillionen
present tense form is är and the past tense is var. The infinitive of the miljon billionen miljard trillionen biljon
verb to have is ha, and the conjugated present tense form is har and 11. DAYS OF THE WEEK / VECKANS DAGAR
the past tense is hade. MondaymåndagTuesdaytisdagWednesdayonsdagThursdaytorsdagFr
att vara - to be idayfredagSaturdaylördagSundaysöndagdaydagmorningmorgonafter
att ha - to haveI amjag ärI wasjag varI havejag harI hadjag hadeyou nooneftermiddageveningafton (before 6 pm) /
aredu äryou weredu varyou havedu haryou haddu hadehe ishan ärhe kvällnightnatttodayidagtomorrowimorgonday after tomorrowi
washan varhe hashan harhe hadhan hadeshe ishon ärshe washon övermorgontonightikvällyesterdayigårday before yesterdayi
varshe hashon harshe hadhon hadeit isden ärit wasden varit hasden förrgårlast nightigår
harit hadden hadeit isdet ärit wasdet varit hasdet harit haddet nattweekveckaweekendhelgdailydagligweeklyveckolig
hadeone isman ärone wasman varone hasman harone hadman To say "on" a certain day, use på before the day.
hadewe arevi ärwe werevi varwe havevi harwe hadvi hadeyou areni
äryou wereni varyou haveni haryou hadni hadethey arede ärthey
werede varthey havede harthey hadde hade
JanuaryjanuariFebruaryfebruariMarchmarsAprilaprilMaymajJunejuni How's the weather today?Vad är det för väder idag?It's colddet är
JulyjuliAugustaugustiSeptemberseptemberOctoberoktoberNo kalltbeautifulvackert /
vembernovemberDecemberdecembermonthmånadyearårmon finthotjättevarmtclearklarticyisigtwarmvarmtwindyblåsigtclou
thlymånatlig / varje månadyearlyårlig dymolnigthazydisigtmuggyråtthumidfuktigtfoggydimmigtIt's
To say "in" a certain month, use i before the month. snowingdet snöarIt's rainingdet regnarIt's freezingdet är
13. SEASONS kallt/kyligt
Wintervinterin (the) winterpå vinternSpringvårin (the) springpå 18. FAMILY / FAMILJ
vårenSummersommarin (the) summerpå sommarenFallhöstin ParentsföräldrarMothermamma / mor / moderFatherpappa / far /
(the) fallpå hösten faderSonsonDaughterdotterBrotherbrorSistersysterGrandfath
You can also use i before the names of the months to express this: i erfarfar (father's father) / morfar (mother's
vinter = this winter father)Grandmotherfarmor (father's mother) / mormor
14. DIRECTIONS (mother's mother)Grandsonsonson (son's son) / dotterson
(daughter's son)Granddaughter sondotter (son's daughter) /
NorthnorrNortheastnordostSouthsöderNorthwestnordvästEastösterS dotterdotter (daughter's daughter)Niecebrorsdotter
outheastsydostWestvästerSouthwestsydväst righttill (brother's daughter) / systerdotter (sister's daughter)
vänster lefttill höger straight ahead rakt fram Nephewbrorson (brother's son) / systerson (sister's
15. COLORS son)CousinkusinUnclefarbror (father's brother) / morbror
orangeorange, orangeapinkrosa / skär, skärt, skärapurplelilablueblå, (mother's brother)Auntfaster (father's sister) / moster
blått, blåayellowgul, gult, gularedröd, rött, rödablacksvart, (mother's sister)BoypojkeGirlflickaChild / Babybarn / baby /
svart, svartabrownbrun, brunt, brunagraygrå, grått, bebis / spädbarnAdultvuxen (n)ManmanWomankvinnaFriend
gråawhitevit, vitt, vitagreengrön, grönt, gröna (m)vänFriend (f)väninna
Since colors are adjectives, most of them agree with the noun they känna - to know people
describe. The first word is used with en words, the second with veta - to know factspresent (know, knows)
ett words and the third with plural words. Some words remain känner
the same for all three (such as lila.)
vetpast (knew)
16. TIME / TID kände
What time is it?Vad är klockan?It is 2 AMKlockan är två på
natten6:20tjugo över sexhalf past 3halv fyraquarter past visstefuture (will know)
4kvart över fyraquarter to 5kvart i fem10 past 11tio över ska känna
elva20 to 7tjugo i sjunoonmitt på dagenmidnightmidnattin the ska veta
morningpå morgonenin the eveningpå kvällenIt's exactly...den 20. FORMATION OF PLURAL NOUNS
är precisAbout/around 8.omkring åttaAt 8.klockan An en word takes one of the following endings when it is pluralized: or,
åttaearlytidigtlate(r)sent (senare) ar, er. An ett word takes an n or no ending at all.
Sweden uses the 24 hour clock for official times such as train Indefinite Plural
En words that end in -a
drop -a and add -or
en klocka - klockor
a watch - (some) watches

En words that end in -e

drop -e and add -ar
en pojke - pojkar
a boy - (some) boys
En words with stress on last vowel
add -er
en kamrat - kamrater
a friend - (some) friends
Ett words that end in a vowel
add -n
ett ställe - ställen
a place - (some) places
Ett words that end in a consonant
no ending
ett rum - rum
a room - (some) rooms
To form the definite plural, you must first form the indefinite plural and
then add these endings to that word.
Indef. Plural En wordsadd -naklockor - klockorna(some) watches - the
watchesIndef. Plural Ett words that end in a voweladd -aställen
- ställena(some) places - the placesIndef. Plural Ett words that
end in a consonantadd -enrum - rummen(some) rooms - the
There are some nouns that change their vowel in the plural. These
nouns usually take the -er ending when forming the indefinite

en natt - nättera night - nightsen bonde - böndera farmer - farmersen

stad - städera town - townsen ledamot - ledamötera member -
membersen hand - händera hand - handsen fot - föttera foot -
feeten tand - tändera tooth - teethen rot - röttera root -
rootsen strand - strändera beach - beachesen bok - böckera
book - booksen rand - rändera stripe - stripesen man - mäna
man - menett land - ländera country - countriesmannen -
männenthe man - the men

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