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GNED 101 Unit 4 Test: Epicurus and Nietzsche (20%)

This test requires you to write two long answer self-reflection questions using the theories from Unit 4
(500 words each). To succeed on these questions, you must demonstrate a comprehensive
understanding of each philosopher’s ideas. You must do so as much as possible in your own words. You
must also provide detailed and substantive self-reflection. Give all parts of the questions your attention.
Provide specific and personal examples to illustrate. Avoid vague language and generalized examples.

Academic Integrity Acknowledgement

By ‘signing’ below, I acknowledge that I have completed this test independently without any
unauthorized help. I understand that even when writing an online and open book test or assignment,
Academic Integrity is an important part of the Student Code of Conduct at Humber College.

Name: Parth Patel

Student Number: n01397042
Date: 15/04/2020


Answer both questions.

1. Are you happy?

Rate your current personal happiness level using Epicurus’s ideas. First, describe in detail the three
things that ancient Greek philosopher Epicurus claimed that we need to be happy. Then, to what degree
are each of these things a part of your life*? Do you think you will try to incorporate them to a greater
degree in the future? Why or why not?

*Is COVID-19 affecting your Epicurean happiness? Feel free to include your thoughts here. Not required.

(500 words, 10 marks)

2. Are you living your best life?

Using the theories of German philosopher Nietzsche, assess your current levels of conformity and
creativity*. Then explain how you can become more, again with clear references to Nietzsche’s ideas.

(This answer should incorporate all relevant concepts discussed in our last lesson: Eternal Recurrence of
the Same, Herd Mentality, Our Two Natures (Creature and Creator) and Übermensch. Marks will be
awarded for appropriate use of the theories and specific references to your own life.)

*Is COVID-19 relevant here? Feel free to include your thoughts. Not required.

(500 words, 10 marks)

Submit your answers by 6 pm, Thurs., April 16 via the Assignments link provided on Blackboard.

(1) Though happiness is said to be universal, it can be derived by countless things and actions. Every
individual has different perspectives that trigger their happiness in him or her. In this essay, I
would like to describe the ideas and thoughts of ancient Greek philosopher ‘Epicurus’ and
compare it with my personal happiness level.
According to Epicurus, the first thing which is needed to be happy is – “Friendship”. A great
friendship can make us feel as if we have truly connected with another human being. He
believed it is essential for us to be surrounded by handful number of friends but the true ones,
because they are the one who knows us fully and give unconditional love and respect. Epicurus
emphasized not to be with friend occasionally, but he wanted them to be with them all the time.
The second thing which is very essential to be happy is – “Freedom”. Epicurus believed to live an
unique life; not doing things which a normal people does such as 8:00-6:00 Job, competing with
other, and other monotonous activities. He compared such life as a rat race. Epicurus
emphasized to live a natural and self-reliant life. It is important for us to do work that is linked
with existence of community rather then doing unproductive activities just for the sake of
The third thing required to be happy is – “Thinking”. Epicurus says that every normal individual
avoids thinking on hard part of life. However, those who spend time to space themselves from
everyday hustle and spend time in thinking about some important aspects of their life can
achieve happiness. It may involve thinking about things like our purpose of existence, is money
so important and so on.
I personally believe the things that ancient Greek philosopher Epicurus claimed that we need to
be happy is part of my life ‘Partially’. To be specific, I am living my life with some true friends
who encourages me to be happy. Without finding a true friend, we can easily feel alone in this
life. Loneliness is never a sign of happiness. Thus, to be happy, we need to garner deep
friendship. I also spare some time from my busy schedule in thinking about things such as -
importance of my existence, looking at problem from different point, qualities necessary for me
to adopt and so on. I think the one thing which I lack of is – ‘Freedom’. I think that so because
my current perspective of life is like a normal person which is to earn money, buy a house, cars,
latest gadgets and an uncountable number of unnecessary things which ultimately keeps me
busy in doing unproductive work rather then spending some quality life. However, I agree with
the ideas of Epicurus on happiness. I would integrate this value in my life to a great extent,
because I believe we only live once, and I want to live a happy life rather then wasting time in
other unnecessary things which detracts my happiness.

(2) Nietzsche was a German philosopher who believed, it is very essential to be natural rather then
imitating other people, in order to be happy. He presented his view of being Übermensch. In this
essay, I would like to describe his view to live life and compare it to my perspective of living life
and how I can improve some qualities to become superior.
In order to test whether an individual has created a meaningful life, Nietzsche has created a
theoretical experiment of “eternal recurrence”, where human beings are given a choice to live
their life in the same manner repeatedly. Next, Nietzsche compared humans to a sheep as
human being tends to follow others blindly. According to him, there are two main obstacles in
being happy i.e., we are lazy and can’t take unique measures to be different from others and we
are afraid to be left alone while doing something unique than others. Nietzsche believes that
every individual has two qualities. First, imitating from our surroundings and other people which
he refers as being creature. Second, being real which is referred as being creator. Nietzsche
strongly believes that every individual could become Übermensch if we lived our life according
to our interest. He describes Übermensch is a superhuman who is not afraid of taking unique
decisions and being creative.
I agree with the Nietzsche process of living an extraordinary life. I have formed my own set of
qualities that I embrace the most in becoming my real version. My first quality is independence.
I am particularly talking about independence as I want to do things without being told by other
people how I should do it, for instance I work in a cosmetic factory as general labourer as my
part time job, where I have to follow my supervisors order blindly. Working in strict
environment where I am constantly told what I ought to do, I think like I would not be able to
live a meaningful life. Instead, I would like to work somewhere where I be productive and make
my own decision. I think it will increase my creativity. My second quality is companionship, the
ability to form relationship with other people and to interact with them. At present, I think I am
an introvert person and I avoid socializing with people. I would like to have a small group of
people to spend time within my life. I would make efforts to interact with new people around
me or my neighbour and talk about what’s going on in my life. Maintaining close relationship
with others will help me to engage in discussions with other people. This will ultimately help me
to get rid of my shyness and share ideas with others.
Now, I have recognized my weak qualities and determined how I can overcome it, I will make
efforts to pursue this path. I accept I was part of ‘herd’ but now with the help of Nietzsche
theory I will not be influenced to imitate other individual but I will make effort to be real , so
that I can achieve my own happiness.

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