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Samples of Assessment from Student Teaching

Assessment Type Sample/Description

1. Observations Throughout lessons whether I was instructing the

students, or my cooperating teacher was, I would
constantly observe. I would walk throughout the
room to assist students with any questions, re-
direct them to their task, provide more explicit
direction if needed, and provide more in-depth
instruction from a one-on-one standpoint.
Observations allowed me to see which students
were grasping a specific concept and which
students needed additional assistance.

2. Pre-Assessments (teacher created) Prior to instructing students with a unit plan, I

created a pre-assessment to assist my instructional
strategies. This type of assessment allowed for
prior knowledge to be exposed. This aided in
effective lesson planning to be centered around
the students, their knowledge, and abilities.

3. Post-Assessment After a lesson from the unit had been taught, a self-
(teacher created) created post-assessment allowed for me to collect
data about student’s knowledge. This assessment
(closely resembled pre-assessment) made it possible
for me to see student’s growth about a specific
standard (concept) being taught.
4. Dry-erase Boards During lessons, I had the students often work on
their individual dry-erase boards. Students
enjoyed being able to use this rather than pencil
and paper. Students would hold their boards up
and allow for me to glance around the room at
student answers. This aided in assessing their
understanding. Students were also allowed to
trade dry-erase boards to check their neighbor.

5. Signals/Movement This type of assessment would include having

students model a movement to show
understanding. An example of this would be,
students had to show thumbs up for
understanding, thumbs to the middle for almost,
and thumbs down for confused. This allowed for
me to see how confident students were regarding a
concept. Students enjoyed this.
6. Sparkle Spelling Game/Game Board This form of assessment (a game) allows me to see
Spelling Game how well students know their spelling words orally
prior to the spelling test. We played sparkle every
Friday before their spelling test, therefore the
students knew to study extra hard so that they could
win at the end of the week.
7. Kahoot Kahoot is an online game that students can play
individually at their seats. This allowed me to assess
students understanding about any concept. I would
implement this into their math lessons, spelling,
vocabulary, comprehension, etc. The students really
enjoyed this.

8. Worksheets (Reader’s notebook) This type of assessment was used for spelling and
grammar practice. The students and I would discuss
directions, work a few together and then they would
have to complete the remainder of the page
independently. This allowed for the students to see
what they know as well as myself. I would
occasionally collect these papers or have them self-
check as we reviewed. A few times, the students would
trade with a partner and check their papers then turn
and teach their “partner.”
9. Summative Assessments (Online – Every Friday, the students had unit tests to take. The
Schoology) unit tests revolved around student’s weekly story.
These tests included grammar, comprehension,
vocabulary, and spelling. My cooperating teacher
would allow me to see their results in order to make
instructional decisions for the next week or what
needed to be reviewed.

10. End of Lesson Projects This type of assessment included students creating a
project that revolved around their lesson standard
and concepts. For example, after a week of learning
about around arrays, the students had to create an
“Array City.” The students enjoy applying what they
have learned into a project of creating something of
their own.

11. Exit Tickets Exit tickets were used as the students left for
resource. I would have the students either answer a
question such as in math or ask a question if they
were uncertain about a concept. This was a quick and
easy formative assessment to utilize for monitoring
students understanding.

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