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ow do we manage change in come, we need to add new beliefs and All Problems Are Systems
H our organizations? Not very skills to what we are currently doing. Problems
well, apparently. According to statistics, Throughout history, the sales profession
the success rate for many planned The Systems Aspect of has adopted an outside-in approach,
change implementations is low: 37 per- Change focusing on providing a solution/fulfill-
cent for Total Quality Management; 30 By failing to look at change as a system ing a need and ignoring the fact that
percent for Reengineering and Busi- rather than an event, our existing change any purchase represents a change for the
ness Process Reengineering. management models don’t go far buyer. As a result, the success rate in the
Regardless of the industry, situa- enough in helping us manage change. field is dreadful, with a 7 percent close
tion, levels of people, or intended out- In fact, in many cases, they actually con- rate. In the traditional model, a sales
come, change seems to be sabotaged in tribute to the resistance we get. representative pushes a buyer to adopt a
unknown ways, causing the real possi- For decades, I’ve been teaching a seemingly rational solution to a prob-
bility of failure: change management/decision facilita- lem. The challenge is that even when
• Internal partners are unable to get tion model, Buying Facilitation™, to buyers are interested in making a pur-
the help they need as they attempt to sales folks as a tool to help their chase, their current reality is usually
promote the proposed change. prospects navigate through the unique, working “well enough,” and getting
• Leaders get blindsided by unknowns, private, and often unconscious buy-in them to make the decision to alter that
with no clear way to overcome obsta- journey they take before they can current reality can be an uphill battle.
cles without creating more problems or decide to make a purchase. Like our Likewise, in change initiatives, even
becoming part of the problem. typical efforts to manage change, sales- when people within an organization
• The system gets disrupted, harming people generally approach a potential recognize the need for a shift, they con-
people, relationships, and initiatives. sale (which exemplifies change to the sciously or unconsciously push back.
• The change doesn’t get adopted as buyer) as if the recognized problem is In both sales and change manage-
conceived, with financial and personal an isolated event, independent of the ment, we tend to look at making a
fallout. system within which it is operating. purchase or buying in to a change ini-
As change agents, the models we Based on what I’ve learned about tiative as an isolated event. As a result,
use to address these issues have met helping sales professionals better navi- we end up with far more failure in
with limited success. Is it possible that gate buyers’ decision-making processes, both sales and change management
our approach is causing some of the in this article, I will: than we should have, given the efficacy
problems? • Explain how the underlying beliefs of our solutions. Indeed, it’s quite pos-
The good news is that it is possible inherent in current change manage- sible to create buy-in before attempt-
to have a successful change outcome in ment models often lead to failure, ing to instill change, thereby
any situation—successful in its ease, • Show how to minimize resistance circumventing resistance.
simplicity of buy-in, ability to enable and maximize leadership and creativity, All systems are made up of inter-
all participants to embrace leadership • Familiarize you with a systemic view dependent parts that work hard to
roles, and encouragement of creativity of change management, maintain homeostasis and will defend
at all levels. But to achieve this out- • Show it’s possible to achieve buy-in the organism against anything new that
by influencing, reweighting, and might cause disruption.Whether it is a
expanding decision criteria, company resisting reorganization or a
• Introduce a way to make change a user group resisting new software, the
welcome part of the system. issues are the same.
TEAM TIP Because my background is in the To maintain congruence through-
Experiment with following the steps sales field, I’ll first use an example from out the change process, systems must:
outlined in this article the next time
that industry.Then I’ll present a parallel • Maintain Functional Stability:
you launch a change initiative.
model used to help change leaders Systems have specific and idiosyncratic
achieve buy-in in environment. functionality. For a system to remain sta-

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ble, it must create workarounds for any couldn’t purchase it at this time. Through our conversation, Linda
problems that crop up. A system’s daily LR: I am! I LOVE the technology! It’s gained the perspective to reestablish
routines and behaviors serve to maintain PERFECT for us. I’m so disappointed. equilibrium within her work and per-
these workarounds.Thus, a change SDM:What stopped you from being able sonal systems. Once she realized that
agent must take these routines into to purchase it? she needed to make a work-related
account as part of the change process. LR:We have this new HR director with decision separate from her personal
• Achieve Individual Buy-In: whom I share a leadership role. He is so issues, she was able to reevaluate her
Whether consciously or unconsciously, contentious that few people are willing to choices while maintaining her own criteria
a system will resist anything from out- deal with him. After meeting with him, I and just reweighting them.
side that threatens the status quo, get migraines that leave me in bed. I’ve Rule: Until or unless people view
regardless of the efficacy of the change. decided to limit my exposure to him, dis- a solution as matching their
• Maintain Underlying Rules and cussing only things that are emergencies. So underlying criteria/values, no
Beliefs: Great data or solutions do not I’ve put a stop to all communication with change will happen regardless of
influence the change if it runs counter him just to keep me sane. He would have the necessity of the change, the
to the system’s beliefs and rules, overt been my business partner on this purchase. size of the need, the origination
or covert. SDM: Sounds awful. I hear that you have of the request, or the efficacy of
From my research, I have found put your personal feelings ahead of work the solution.
that accepted change management requirements and now don’t have a way to
models have no tools to create sys- get the necessary buy-in for when your Current change management
temic, criteria-based buy-in before the employees might need additional tools to do models assume that a rational, data-
requested change initiative begins. their jobs better. based change request will supplant
LR:Wow.You’re right.That’s exactly what unconscious bias or belief-based, idio-
Systems Alignment in a Sales I’ve done. Oh my. I’m going to have to fig- syncratic responses. But any kind of
Environment ure that out because I’ve certainly got a change disrupts the status quo, causing
Here is a story that highlights the simi- responsibility to the employees. resistance as the system fights to main-
lar problems within sales and change SDM:What would you need to know or tain homeostasis.This is why most
management. In this case study, the believe differently to be willing to work change management models heavily
seller gave the buyer ways to help her through the personal issues and figure out rely on developing skills to manage
work through personal issues and how to be in some sort of a working rela- resistance, focusing on the problem
address the impediment to make a pur- tionship with the HR director for those rather than figuring out how to man-
chasing decision. Note: All buyers or times your employees need new tools? age the underlying cause.
change problems must address these LR: Could you send me some of these Rule: Whether it’s sales or change
impediments with us or without us. great questions you’re asking me so I can management, until or unless the
Until now, we’ve left them to manage figure it out, and maybe use them on him? folks within a system are willing
on their own. I sent her a half dozen facilitative to adapt to, and adopt, the
I was with a client in Scotland questions.Two weeks later, Linda called requested change, they will either
when he received a call from a long- back to purchase the solution. take no action or will resist to
standing prospect—a learning and What happened? maintain the homeostasis of the
development manager with whom he 1. While the university needed a bet- system.
had been talking for 11 months—to ter flow of information to employees,
say, “Thanks, but no thanks” for the the poor relationship between the HR How Change Happens Within
product purchase. After three trials and director and the L&D director created a System
a close relationship developed over the hidden, ongoing dysfunction.The Fortunately, it is possible to get buy-in
course of a year, what could have hap- obvious problem could not be resolved before attempting a change initiative.
pened? The software was a perfect while the hidden problem remained in 1. Behaviors are merely beliefs in
solution for the university; they were place. action.
not speaking to any other providers; 2. There was no way to resolve either 2. Most of our beliefs are unconscious.
and price didn’t seem to be a problem. problem as long as the L&D director— 3. By asking people to change before
At my client’s request, I called the the ultimate decision maker—avoided they have understood, mitigated, or
L&D manager. Here is the conversation: the HR director. Given the level of the reweighted their unconscious beliefs
directors, the effects of this unhealthy and bought in to new roles, jobs,
SDM: Hi, Linda. Sharon Drew here. Is dynamic permeated many decisions in behaviors, and mental models, we are
this a good time to speak? Pete said you’d the university. creating resistance.
be waiting for my call around now. 3. In Linda’s decision to forgo a solu- Change must happen from inside
LR:Yes, it’s fine. How can I help? I already tion in favor of maintaining her avoid- the system. Indeed, it’s necessary to first
told Pete that we wouldn’t be purchasing ance, she unconsciously weighted her teach the system to re-weight criteria,
the software. personal criteria above her criteria for reorganize and adjust to potential dis-
SDM: I heard.You must be so sad that you doing her job. ruption, and figure out how to maintain

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its baseline values. And any proposed Joseph initially wanted to take look like, who might do what, what
change must include ways to manage control, issue edicts, and fire those who would have to change, and what the
and replace workarounds or it will com- didn’t comply with the initiative. He change would look like for those
promise the integrity of the system. realized he had to choose between involved. He asked them to consider:
Since it’s not possible for an out- enforcing the behaviors and outcomes 1. What jobs would change? What
sider to lead from inside, we must teach he had in mind, or creating the struc- jobs would be added/subtracted—and
the system how to lead itself through ture and teaching the employees how what would happen with the people
change, much like a GPS system leads a to become creative leaders who would whose jobs might be affected?
driver to a destination. Like a GPS sys- design their own behaviors. I helped 2. What needed to stay the same
tem, we can be neutral navigators with him decide to build a creative structure, internally, no matter what? And how
no agenda other than to use systems which meant giving up some of the could this be included in the new ini-
coordinates to guide change through its details of his plan while maintaining tiative?
route from one aspect of the status quo the congruence of what the outcome 3. Which might be the possible fall-
to another—not based on our agenda looked like. out from the staff and from customers?
but by teaching the system how to do Joseph put together a list of his basic 4. What could get in the way of a
the necessary internal change work first. criteria and then left open the financials, successful change initiative?
Here are the rules: job descriptions, timeline, activities, and
1. Enter with no bias. Help the system other decisions. He called a meeting Eventually, employees got into
recognize the internal areas that must with the entire company—even groups teams and developed solid implementa-
buy in to the change.These include that the change process wouldn’t neces- tion plans.Those folks who had to
anything—jobs, people, initiatives, rela- sarily touch—and told them that he was change jobs or had their work signifi-
tionships, departments—that the new thinking about expanding the customer- cantly restructured in a way that might
solution will touch. service operations. He asked everyone to cause resistance joined a management
Rule: Entering the decision- take a few hours to discuss, think about, team or focus group and became part
navigation portion of the change and brainstorm what it could look like if of the solution.
experience with bias will impede they had an unlimited budget, and said Did Joseph get everything he
the process and create resistance. he’d meet with them the next week to wanted? Well, yes and no.The new
get their ideas. organization ended up far exceeding
2. Help the system recognize all of He told them that this process was anything he had conceived. It had
the parts—the people, rules, relation- highly important, and he wanted it to more creativity and leadership. It also
ships, presuppositions, workarounds— be part of people’s daily discussions cost more than he realized (time and
that maintain the status quo. over the next week. He asked that each money) to put everything in place. And
Rule: Until or unless the system group have a spokesperson and histo- there was no resistance because every-
recognizes all of the factors and rian to keep track of all ideas. one had bought in to the idea and
ensures that they buy in to the Joseph’s criteria included: made it their own.
change, it will not be able to give 1. Maintain the company’s integrity,
agreement. professionalism, and level of service The Steps
2. Design a mix between technology Here are the steps to begin a change
3. Help the system figure out how to and human interaction process that avoids resistance and devel-
reorganize around the new change so it 3. Provide customers with better ops leadership and creativity:
will not face disruption and will have access to more data and meet their 1. Announce the change strategically.
all of the pieces in place to accommo- needs more proactively Request that folks start thinking about
date the change. 4. Create award-winning service that issues of choice, difficulty, confusion,
Rule: The change cycle is the time would differentiate the company from and ultimately bring in creative ideas
it takes for the system to figure all competitors and keep customers for adopting the change.
out its own trajectory so there will over time 2. Help the group organize around
be minimal disruption during the The next week, Joseph met with problems, change issues, and new prac-
change process. employees again and asked for their tices. What structures are holding the
input. He captured the ideas by audio problem in place and must buy in to
Buy-In: A Real-World Example and on an idea board. He set up an being changed? How does the group
A coaching client of mine in a small interactive website for the new ideas and propose to manage the shift in status
company (around 150 employees) had a told people to add their thoughts. He quo if a change will disrupt major por-
problem: He wanted to implement a then sent them back to consider the tions of the system?
new customer-service initiative but had ideas offered and generate even more. 3. Help the group recognize what it
just joined the company and was fearful At the next meeting, he asked currently does (and what each person
of making waves.Yet as the chief market- workers to take all of the ideas now does) that could be useful in the new
ing officer, he knew the quality of the floating around and use them to brain- initiative, and figure out how to include
company’s customer service was lacking. storm what the new initiative would it so the old can meld with the new.

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4. Let the system determine how to happen to mitigate that interference, derful change models out there. But we
disband the old and bring in the new in look at how to manage workarounds, first need to get buy-in, and then the
a way that maintains systems congru- and figure out how to ensure that change will be welcomed rather than
ence. Change agents must be prepared you’ll have an intact, non-resistant, spurned or sabotaged.
to give up their bias regarding what the functioning system that will welcome Note:Thanks to Barry Sugarman
ultimate change will look like. the new initiative.Then you can intro- for his help in thinking through the
5. Let the system create new rules, duce the change. current state of the change manage-
policies, job descriptions, and so on. Until now, we’ve assumed that ment field. •
6. When the new system has been resistance is a normal part of the change
created, celebrate—and continue to process because we’ve been taught that Sharon Drew Morgen is the author of the New
create plans for maintaining it over the we need to push change into a closed York Times business best-seller Selling with Integrity as
long run. well as six other books and hundreds of articles that
system.We’ve ignored the rule of systems
explain the behind-the-scenes issues buyers must
and forgotten that the change we are manager before they can buy. She is the thought
Conclusion suggesting will encounter a status quo leader behind Buying Facilitation™, a sales paradigm
Before introducing any change initia- that is trying to maintain homeostasis. that focuses on helping buyers manage their behind-
tive, discover who needs to be the-scenes issues to get the internal buy-in they
But as we’ve explored above, it is possi-
need to make a purchase. Sharon Drew’s blog is #6
included, recognize what would get in ble to get buy-in without resistance.We of all sales/marketing blogs. Her most recent book is
the way of success and what needs to don’t have to throw out the many won- Dirty Little Secrets.




THIS ARTICLE ORIGINALLY APPEARED IN Elements of the Language the key elements involved.
VOL. 2, NO. 3, APRIL 1991 Systems thinking can be thought of as a Diagrams also facilitate learning.
language for communicating about Studies have shown that many people
anguage has a subtle, yet power- complexities and interdependencies. In learn best through representational
L ful effect on the way we view particular, the following qualities make images, such as pictures or stories. A
the world. English, like most other systems thinking a useful framework for systems diagram is a powerful means of
Western languages, is linear—its basic discussing and analyzing complex issues: communication because it distills the
sentence construction, noun-verb- essence of a problem into a format that
noun, translates into a worldview of “x • Focuses on ‘closed interdepen- can be easily remembered, yet is rich in
causes y.”This linearity predisposes us dencies.’ The language of systems implications and insights.
to focus on one-way relationships thinking is circular rather than linear. It
rather than circular or mutually focuses on closed interdependencies, • Adds precision. The specific set of
causative ones, where x influences y, where x influences y, y influences z, “syntactical” rules that govern sys-tems
and y in turn influences x. Unfortu- and z influences x. diagrams greatly reduce the am-bigui-
nately, many of the most vexing prob- ties and miscommunications that can
lems confronting managers and • A ‘visual’ language. Many of the occur when tackling complex issues.
corporations today are caused by a web systems thinking tools—causal loop Example: In drawing out the rela-
of tightly interconnected circular rela- diagrams, behavior-over-time diagrams, tionships between key aspects of a
tionships. To en-hance our understand- systems archetypes, and struct-ural dia- problem, causal links are not only indi-
ing and communication of such grams—have a strong visual compo- cated by arrows, but are labeled “s”
problems, we need a language more nent. They help clarify complex issues (same) or “o” (opposite) to specify how
naturally suited to the task. by summing up, concisely and clearly, one variable affects another. Such label-

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