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Introduction to Machine Learning with R

Course Syllabus
Fall 2021

Instructor: Marco Del Angel, Ph.D.


Course Description

In this course we will cover basic statistics and machine learning models, and learn how
to implement them in the R programming language. The course will mostly focus on learning how
to implement in R the following statistical and machine learning methods: linear and logistic
regression, tree-based methods and simple unsupervised learning techniques.

We will make extensive use of R so we will begin the course with a short introduction to this
language. You can download R at the following link: and I advise you to
use Rstudio, a user friendly interface for R that can be downloaded here: Both R and RStudio are free.


Textbook: James G., Witten D., Hastie T., and Tibshirani, R. (2013). An introduction to
statistical learning. New York, NY: Springer Science and Business Media. 978-1-4614-7137-0.

This book is available as a free download using this link:

Optional additional reference:

Lander, J. P. (2017). R for everyone: advanced analytics and graphics, second edition. Pearson

Course Format
The course will consist of a mix of lectures and interactive coding exercises that we will
do together.

Course Resources
Website: I will use Blackboard to distribute course materials.

Classroom Etiquette
Civility of peers and your instructor is expected at all times, both in the class and outside of it.

March 12, 2021- Introduction to R; Models and Errors; Linear Regression. JWHT Chapters 1-3.
March 25, 2021-Logistic Regression; Cross Validation; Linear Selection (if time allows). JWHT
Chapters 4-6.
April 8 ,2021-Tree Based Methods and Unsupervised Learning . JWHT Chapters 8 & 10.

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