Algebra P3 (Part 1)

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Advance Level (P-3) 2018
Teach Your Self
Teach Your Self A-levels

By Muhammad Afrasiab
contact# 03049954334
Teach Your Self A-levels

Part 1
P-3 Algebra
Assess yourself
1. Binomial.
2. Polynomials.
3. Partial fraction.
4. Modulus function.
5. Exponential and Logarithmic function.

By Muhammad Afrasiab
contact# 03049954334
Teach Your Self A-levels

Topic 1
As bi means two and nomials means terms so binomial means two terms expansion.
In this chapter, following sub topics will be discussed with example.
 Derivation of formula.
 Expansion of formula when power is a positive integer.
 Expansion of formula when power is any real number.
 Application with condition.
The basic concept of binomial was taken from Pascal triangle which is given below.
 Write 1
1 1
 Take sum of lower 1 1 and write in the third line in the centre of these 1 1, and write 1
1 in beginning and end of these as mentioned below.
1 1
1 2 1
 Take sum of lower 1 2 and 2 1and write in the fourth line in the Centre of these 1 2
and 2 1, and write 1 1 in beginning and end of these as mentioned below.
1 1
1 2 1
1 3 3 1
 Take sum of lower 1 3 , 3 3 and 3 1 and write in the fifth line in the centre of these 13 ,
3 3 and 3 1 ,and write 1 1 in beginning and end of these as mentioned below.
1 1
1 2 1
1 3 3 1
1 4 6 4 1
 Take sum of lower 1 4, 4 6 , 6 4 and 4 1 and write in the sixth line in the centre of
these 1 4,4 6 , 6 4 ,and 4 1and write 1 1 in beginning and end of these as mentioned
Pascal triangle will be formed as given below;
1 1
1 2 1
1 3 3 1
1 4 6 4 1
1 5 10 10 5 1
And this procedure will be carried on.
Now considering two terms (a + b);
If (a + b) power is zero then (a + b)0 =1
If (a + b) power is 1 then (a + b)1 = a + b.
If (a + b) power is 2 then (a + b)2 = a2 +2ab +b2.
If (a + b) power is 3 then (a + b)3 = a3 +3a 2b +3ab2 +b3.
If (a + b) power is 4 then (a + b)4 = a4 +4a 3b +6a 2b2 +4ab3+b4.
If (a + b) power is 5 then (a + b)5 = a5 +5a 4b +10a 3b2 +10a 2b3+5ab4+b5
In the above expansions, it is observed that
 As power increases, the number of terms increases.
 As “a” power starts with the value of n and decreases in every successive term where “b” power

By Muhammad Afrasiab
contact# 03049954334
Teach Your Self A-levels
starts from zero in the first term and increases in successive terms.
 The coefficients of “a” and “b” can be linked with Pascal triangle numbers as mentioned above.
Relation between Pascal triangle and ( a + b)n ,where “n” is power.
 When n=0, then (a + b)0 =1 and in 1 is the first number in first line of Pascal triangle.
 When n=1, then (a + b)1 =a + b and in 1 1 are the numbers in second line of Pascal triangle which
are coefficients of a, b.
 When n=2, then (a + b)2 =a2 +2ab + b2 and in 1 2 1 are the numbers in third line of Pascal
triangle which are coefficients of a2, ab and b2.
 When n=3, then (a + b)3 = a3 +3a 2b +3ab2 +b3. and in 1 3 3 1 are the numbers in fourth
line of Pascal triangle which are coefficients of a3, a 2b ab 2 and b3.
 When n=4, then (a + b)4 = a4 +4a 3b +6a 2b2 +4ab3+b4. and in 1 4 6 4 1 are the
numbers in fifth line of Pascal triangle which are coefficients of a , a b , a b ,ab and b4.
4 3 2 2 3

When n=5, then (a + b)5 = a5 +5a 4b +10a 3b2 +10a 2b3+5ab4+b5

and in 1 5 10 10 5 1 are the numbers in sixth line of Pascal triangle which are
coefficients of a5, a 4b , a3 b 2 ,a2 b3 ab4 and b5
So in the same way (a + b)6, (a +b)7 ……can be expanded.
Note: When Pascal triangle is not applicable:
 If the coefficients of “a” and “b” are 1and 1, then this is applicable but if not 1 ,1 then it will not work.
 If the power is an positive integer then it works but not for other form of numbers.
 If the power is very large then it will be difficult to draw Pascal triangle.
To over come this difficulty, the concept of Combination will be used.
nCr = _n!____

r! (n - r)!
Where “n” represents the power of (a + b) and “r” represents the required term.
The sign “!” represents factorial sign and its values are given below:
0! =1
1! =1
2! =2x1=2
3! =3x2x1=6
4! =4x3x2x1=24
5! =5x4x3x2x1 =120
5C2 = _5!____ = 10
2! (5-2)!
8C3 = _8!____ = 56

3! (8-3)!
12C5 = _12!____ = 792

5! (12-5)!
So this will be used in binomial expansion with the following formula,
(a + b) n =nC0 (a)n(b)0 + n-1C1(a)n-1(b)1+n-2C2(a)n-2(b)2 + n-3C3(a)n-3(b)3+………nCn(a)0(b)n where n є
With simplified form, it will be written as
n n n
(a + b)n = ( ) an b0 + ( ) an−1 b + ( ) (an−2 )(b)2 + … … …
0 1 2
n 0 n
( )a b
n(n−1) n(n−1)(n−2) n−3 3
OR = an + nan−1 b + 2 an−2 b2 + a b + ⋯+……… where n є R+ ………..(1)
where nC0 = 1 , nC1 = n , nC2= (n)(n-1) , nC3=(n)(n-1)(n-2), nC4= (n)(n-1)(n-2)(n-3)
2! 3! 4!
So equation 1 can be written as :
(a + b)n = an+ n(a)n-1(b) +n(n-1) (a)n-2(b2)+(n)(n-1)(n-2)(a)n-3(b)3+
2! 3!
By Muhammad Afrasiab
contact# 03049954334
Teach Your Self A-levels
(n)(n-1)(n-2)(n-3)(a)n-4(b)4 …………..(a)0(b)n where n є R………..(2)
R belongs to real number.

 As-levels:
Q=1. Expand (2a +3b)2 , (3a+4b)3 , (2x -3y)4.
1. (2a +3b)2 = 2C0(2a)2 +2C1(2a)(3b) + 2C2(3b)2
= 1x 4a2 +2x6ab +1x 9b2
= 4a2 +12ab + 9b2..
2. (3a +4b)3 = 3C0(3a)3 +3C1(3a)2(4b) + 3C2 (3a)(4b)2 +3C3(4b)3
= 27a3 + 108a2b+144ab2 +64b3.
3. (2x -3y)4 =4C0(2x)4 +4C1(2x)3(-3y)1 + 4C2 (2x)2(-3y)2 +4C3 (2x)(-3y)3+4C4(-3y)4
= 16x4 -96x3y + 216x2y2 – 216xy3 + 81y4.
Q =2 Expand (a +b)8.
=8C0(a)8 +8C1(a)7(b)1 + 8C2 (a)6(b)2 +8C3 (a)(b)3+8C4(a)4(b)4 +8C5(a)3(b)5 +8C6(a)6(b)2 + 8C7
(a)7(b) +8C8 (b)8
=(a)8 +8(a)7(b)1 + 28 (a)6(b)2 +56 (a)5(b)3+70(a)4(b)4 +56(a)3(b)5 +28(a)6(b)2 + 8(a)7(b) + (b)8.
Q=3 Expand (2x -y)5.
= 5C0(2x)5 +5C1(2x)4(-y)1 + 5C2 (2x)3(-y)2 +5C3 (2x)2(-y)3+5C4(2x)(-y)4 +5C5(-y)5
= 32x5 -80x4y + 80x3y2 -40x2y3+10xy4 – y5.
Q=4 Expand (a +b)8
=8C0(a)8 +8C1(a)7(b)1 + 8C2 (a)6(b)2 +8C3 (a)5(b)3+8C4(a)4(b)4 +8C5(a)3(b)5+8C6(a)2(b)6 +
8C7 (a)(b)7 +8C8 (b)8
= a8 +8a7b + 28a6b2 +56a5b3+70a4y4 +56a3b5+28a2b6+8ab7+b8.
Q=5 Expand (a -b)8
=8C0(a)8 +8C1(a)7(-b)1 + 8C2 (a)6(-b)2 +8C3 (a)5(-b)3+8C4(a)4(-b)4 +8C5(a)3(-b)5+8C6(a)2(-b)6 +
8C7 (a)(-b)7 +8C8 (-b)8
= a8 - 8a7b + 28a6b2 -56a5b3+70a4y4 -56a3b5+28a2b6-8ab7+b8.
Q=6 Simplify (a+b)8 - (a - b)8
As solved in Q=4&5,
={8C0(a)8 +8C1(a)7(b)1 + 8C2 (a)6(b)2 +8C3 (a)5(b)3+8C4(a)4(b)4 + 8C5(a)3(b)5+8C6(a)2(b)6 +
8C7 (a)(b)7 +8C8 (b)8 }–{8C0(a)8 +8C1(a)7(-b)1 + 8C2 (a)6(-b)2 +8C3 (a)5(-b)3+8C4(a)4(-b)4
+8C5(a)3(-b)5+8C6(a)2(-b)6 + 8C7 (a)(-b)7 +8C8 (-b)8 }

By Muhammad Afrasiab
contact# 03049954334
Teach Your Self A-levels
= {a8 + 8a7b + 28a6b2 +56a5b3+70a4y4 +56a3b5+28a2b6+8ab7+b8}- { a8 - 8a7b + 28a6b2
56a5b3+70a4y4 -56a3b5+28a2b6-8ab7+b8}

 A2-Levels:
Expansion of (1+x)n and (1-x)n by binomial theorem
Using equation (2)
(a + b)n = an+ n(a)n-1(b) +n(n-1) (a)n-2(b2)+(n)(n-1)(n-2)(a)n-3(b)3+
2! 3!

(n)(n-1)(n-2)(n-3) (a)n-4(b)4 …………..(a)0(b)n where n є R………..(2)

R belongs to real number.
Where a =1 and b=x , then eq.2 will be
(1 + x)n = 1n+ n(1)n-1(x) +n(n-1) (1)n-2(x2)+(n)(n-1)(n-2)(1)n-3(x)3+
2! 3!
(n)(n-1)(n-2)(n-3)(1) (x) …………..(1) (x)
n-4 4 0 n

(1 + x) = 1+ n(x) +n(n-1) (x)2+(n)(n-1)(n-2)(x)3+

2! 3!
(n)(n-1)(n-2)(n-3)(1) (x) …………..(1)0(x)n where n є R………..(3)
n-4 4

For (1-x)n , put a=1 and b=-x in eq.2
(1 - x)n = 1n+ n(1)n-1(-x) +n(n-1) (1)n-2(-x)2+(n)(n-1)(n-2)(1)n-3(-x)3+
2! 3!
(n)(n-1)(n-2)(n-3)(1)n-4(-x)4 …………..(-x)n
(1 - x)n = 1- n(x) +n(n-1) (x)2 - (n)(n-1)(n-2)(x)3+
2! 3!
(n)(n-1)(n-2)(n-3)(1)n-4(x)4 …………..±(x)n where n є R………..(4)
If n =odd number then last term will be negative.
If n =even number then last term will be positive.
 Examples:

Q=7 Expand up till first four terms in ascending power of x

II.(1- 2x)-3
For all such type of expressions will be solved by using the equation 3 or 4.
I. (1 + 4x)6
(1 + x)n = 1+ n(x) +n(n-1) (x)2+(n)(n-1)(n-2)(x)3+
2! 3!
So (1+4x) 6

= 1+ 6(4x) +6(6-1) (4x)2+(6)(6-1)(6-2)(4x)3+………

2! 3!
= 1+ 24x + 240x +1280x …………
2 3

By Muhammad Afrasiab
contact# 03049954334
Teach Your Self A-levels
II. (1- 2x)-3
As (1 - x)n = 1- n(x) +n(n-1) (x)2 - (n)(n-1)(n-2)(x)3+…………
2! 3!
So (1 -2x)-3 = 1- (-3)(2x) +(-3)(-3-1) (2x)2 - (-3)(-3-1)(-3-2)(2x)3+………
2! 3!
= 1+6x +24x2 +80x3…………

III. (1+3x)1/2
As (1 + x)n = 1+ n(x) +n(n-1) (x)2+(n)(n-1)(n-2)(x)3+……….
2! 3!
So (1+3x)1/2 = 1+ (1/2)(3x) +(1/2)(1/2-1) (3x)2+(1/2)(1/2-1)(1/2-2)(3x)3+……….
2! 3!
= 1+ 3x - 9 x2 + 27x3………..
2 8 16
IV. (1-5x)-1/2
As (1 - x)n = 1- n(x) +n(n-1) (x)2 - (n)(n-1)(n-2)(x)3+………….
2! 3!
(1-5x) -1/2 = 1- (-1/2)(5x) +(-1/2)(-1/2-1) (5x)2 - (-1/2)(-1/2-1)(-1/2-2)(5x)3+……
2! 3!
= 1+ 5x + 75 x + 625x ………..
2 3

2 8 16
Q=8 Expand up till first four terms √(4+20x) .
As √(4+20x) = (4+20x)1/2
For such kind of problems , take constant number as common
(4 + 20x)1/2 = {4(1+5x)}1/2 = 41/2 (1+5x)1/2 =2 (1+5x)1/2
2 (1+5x)1/2 = 2{1+ (1/2)(5x) +(1/2)(1/2-1) (5x)2 + (1/2)(1/2-1)(1/2-2)(5x)3+……}
2! 3!
=2( 1+ 5x - 25 x2 + 125x3………..)
2 8 16
= 2 + 5x – 25 x2 + 125x3 ………
4 8
Q=9. Expand up till first four terms √(25+100x) .
As √(25+100x) = (25+100x)1/2
For such kind of problems, take constant number as common
(25 + 100x)1/2 = {25(1+4x)}1/2 = 251/2 (1+4x)1/2 =5 (1+4x)1/2
5(1+4x)1/2 = 5{1+ (1/2)(4x) +(1/2)(1/2-1) (4x)2 + (1/2)(1/2-1)(1/2-2)(4x)3+……}
2! 3!
=5( 1+ 2x - 16 x2 + 64x3………..)
8 16
= 5 + 10𝑥 − 10𝑥 2 + 20𝑥 3 + ⋯ … … … ..
Q=10. Expand up till first four terms 3√(125+600x) .
As 3√(125+600x) = (125+600x)1/3
For such kind of problems, take constant number as common
(125 + 600x)1/3 = {125(1+4x)}1/3 = 1251/3 (1+4x)1/3 =5 (1+4x)1/3
5(1+4x)1/3 = 5{1+ (1/3)(4x) +(1/3)(1/3-1) (4x)2 + (1/3)(1/3-1)(1/3-2)(4x)3+……}
2! 3!
20 16 2 320 3
=5( 1 + 3 𝑥 − 9 𝑥 + 81 𝑥 + … … … . . )
100 80 1600
= (5 + 𝑥 − 𝑥2 + 𝑥3 + … … … . . )
3 9 81

By Muhammad Afrasiab
contact# 03049954334
Teach Your Self A-levels
 Expansion of binomial theorem and finding square root with it:
Q=11. Expand up till first four terms √(1+8x) hence or otherwise evaluate √1.08 , √108 ,√3
As √(1+8x) = (1+8x)1/2
(1+8x)1/2 = {1+ (1/2)(8x) +(1/2)(1/2-1) (8x)2 + (1/2)(1/2-1)(1/2-2)(8x)3+……}
2! 3!
=( 1+ 8x - 64 x2 + 512x3………..)
2 8 16
= 1 + 4x – 8 x2 + 32x3 ………
For evaluation of √1.08
√1.08 = √1+0.08 = √ 1+ 8(0.01)
As (1+8x)1/2 = {1+ (1/2)(8x) +(1/2)(1/2-1) (8x)2 + (1/2)(1/2-1)(1/2-2)(8x)3+……}
2! 3!
=( 1+ 8x - 64 x + 512x ………..)
2 3

2 8 16
= 1 + 4x – 8 x + 32x ……… (1)
2 3

Putting x=0.01 in eq.1

√1.08 = 1+ 4(0.01) -8(0.01)2 + 32(0.01)3……..(neglecting higher values)
√1.08 ≈ 1.039232
For evaluation of √108
√108 = √ 100 +8 = √100(1+8/100) = 10 √1+0.08 = 10 √1.08
As √1.08 = 1.039232
So √108 = 10 x(1.039232)
≈ 10.3923
For evaluation of √3
at first √3 will be converted in form of √108 or √1.08
√3 = √3x36 = √108
√36 6
Since √108 ≈10.3923
So √3 = √108 = 10.3923 ≈ 1.73205
6 6
For any specific term or coefficient of any term in (a+b)n
Tr+1 = nCr (a)n-r(b)r…………(5)
Note : remember to use above formula ,both “n” and “r” should be only positive integer.
Where T , n , r , C , a and b represents term , power , required term , combination, first term and
second term .
Q = 12 Find 6th term and coefficient of x8 in the expansion of (2 + 3x2)10 .
Using formula (5)
For T6, r = 5 as r+1 =6
Put n= 10 , r=5 , a= 2 ,b=3x2 in eq. (5)
T6 = 10C5(2)10-5(3x2)5
=252 (2)5 (3)5(x2)5
= (252 )( 32) ( 243) x10
=1959552 x10
For coefficient of x8 ,
As r is not known because it is not confirmed that which term will give us that specific term , so first r
will be calculated.
Tr+1 = 10Cr(2)10-r(3x2)r
= 10Cr(2)10-r(3)r(x2)r
Combining constants and variables (i.e. x)
= 10Cr(2)10-r(3)r(x2r)………(1)
By Muhammad Afrasiab
contact# 03049954334
Teach Your Self A-levels
For required x8 , from eq 1
x2r =x8
comparing bases , 2r = 8
now put r=4 in eq.1
T5 = 10C4(2)10-4(3)4(x2)4
= 1088640x8
So required coefficient is 1088640.
Q=13.Find 8th term and coefficient of x9 , x8 and independent of x (i.e. x0) the expansion of (x + 2x2)10
Using formula (5)
For T8 , r = 7 as r+1 =8
Put n= 10 , r=7 , a= x ,b=2x2 in eq. (5)
T8 = 10C7(x)10-7(2x2)7
=120(x)3 (2)7(x2)7
= (120 )( 128) (x3)( x14)
=15360 x3+14
For coefficient of x9 , x12 ,x0
As r is not known because it is not confirmed that which term will give us that specific term ,so first r
will be calculated.
Tr+1 = 10Cr(x)10-r(2x2)r
= 10Cr(x)10-r(2)r(x2)r
Combining constants and variables (i.e. x)
= 10Cr(2)r(x)10 -r(x2r)
=10Cr(2)r(x)10 –r +2r.
=10Cr(2)r(x)10 + r……….(1)
For required x9 , from eq 1
X10+r =x9
comparing bases , 10+r = 9
r = -1
as r=-1 which is not possible so this term will not exist or its coefficient is zero.
For coefficient of x12
x10+r =x12
comparing bases , 10+r = 12
put r=2 in eq.1
= 10C2(2)2(x)10 + 2……….(1)
= 180x12
Thus required coefficient is 180.

For coefficient of x0 or independent of x,

x10+r =x0
comparing bases , 10+r = 0
r = -10
as r =-10 which is not possible so this term will not exist or its coefficient is zero.
Q=14.Find the coefficient of x3 in (1+x +2x2)(1+ 4x)6.
At first (1+4x)6 will be expanded by theorem.
(1 + x)n = 1+ n(x) +n(n-1) (x)2+(n)(n-1)(n-2)(x)3+
2! 3!
So (1+4x)6
= 1+ 6(4x) +6(6-1) (4x)2+(6)(6-1)(6-2)(4x)3+………ignoring the higher terms
By Muhammad Afrasiab
contact# 03049954334
Teach Your Self A-levels
2! 3!
= 1+ 24x + 240x2 +1280x3…………
Then for coefficient of x3 in (1+x +2x2)(1+ 4x)6.
= (1+x +2x2)(1+ 24x +240x2 +128x3…..)……….(1)
For the required coefficients only those terms will be multiplied with each other which give x3 from
above product.
1 will be multiplied with 128x3, x with 240x2 , and 2x2 with 24x only in eq.1.
So for coefficient of x3
(128 +240 +48)x3
Thus required coefficient is 416.
Q=15.Simplify up till the x3 in the expansion of (1+4x)6
(1 -2x)3
Solution: (1+4x) = (1+4x) (1-2x)
6 6 -3

(1 -2x)3
First both expressions will be expanded individually.
(1 + 4x)6 = 1+ 6(4x) +6(6-1) (4x)2+(6)(6-1)(6-2)(4x)3+………
2! 3!
= 1+ 24x + 240x +1280x …………
2 3

And (1 -2x)-3 = 1- (-3)(2x) +(-3)(-3-1) (2x)2 - (-3)(-3-1)(-3-2)(2x)3+………

2! 3!
= 1+6x +24x2 +80x3…………
Now (1+4x)6(1-2x)-3 = (1+ 24x + 240x2 +1280x3….)(1+6x +24x2 +80x3…)
Multiplying only those terms with each other which not exceed x3 .
(1+4x)6(1-2x)-3 = (1+ 6x + 24x2 +80x3+24x +144x2+576x3+240x2+1440x3+1280x3..
= 1+30x +408x2 +2076x3……..
Q=16. Simplify the first four terms in ascending power of x of following
Solution: √(1+3x) = √(1+3x)(√1-5x) = (1+3x)1/2(1-5x)-1/2
As (1+3x)1/2 = 1+ (1/2)(3x) +(1/2)(1/2-1) (3x)2+(1/2)(1/2-1)(1/2-2)(3x)3+……….
2! 3!
= 1+ 3x - 9 x2 + 27x3………..
2 8 16
(1-5x) -1/2 = 1- (-1/2)(5x) +(-1/2)(-1/2-1) (5x) - (-1/2)(-1/2-1)(-1/2-2)(5x)3+……

2! 3!
= 1+ 5x + 75 x2 + 625x3………..
2 8 16
(1+3x)1/2(1-5x)-1/2 = (1+ 3x - 9 x2 + 27x3…)(1+ 5x + 75 x2 + 625x3……)
2 8 16 2 8 16
= 1+ 5x + 75 x2 + 625x3 + 3x +15x2 +225x3 -9x2 -45x3 +27x3 …
2 8 16 2 4 16 8 16 16
Simplifying like terms
= 1 +4x+12x2 +52x3……

By Muhammad Afrasiab
contact# 03049954334
Teach Your Self A-levels

 Assignment 1
1. Expand up to four terms (1 + 4x) 2

2. Find the value of A, B, C in the expansion of (1 + 3x)−1/2 ≈ A + Bx + Cx 2

3. Expand up to cubic power of x, neglecting higher powers, √

4. Expand (1 − 2x)3 up to first four terms and hence or other wise expand
i. (8 − 16x)3
54 3
ii. (27 − )
1 1
iii. hence use (1 − 2x)3 and evaluate (0.098)3 and use part (i)result to evaluate 7840

By Muhammad Afrasiab
contact# 03049954334
Teach Your Self A-levels

5. Expand (1 + x + x 2 )−3 up to x 4

By Muhammad Afrasiab
contact# 03049954334
Teach Your Self A-levels

Topic 2
Poly means more than two and nomials means terms so polynomials means an expression or
equation which has more than two terms.
a (single term) mononomial
a+b (two term) binomial
a+b+c (three terms) trinomial
a+b+c+d (four terms) tetranomial
 Degree of equation :
Degree of equation means the highest power of the variable if equation is in terms of one variable
and combining power the of variables in a term if it is in more than one variables.

Type Degree
X 1
3x2+x+2 2
2x3+4x+5 3
x2y2+ x3+y2 = 0 4

S.NO n (degree) Name Type

1 0 Constant A
2 1 Linear Ax+B
3 2 Quadratic Ax2+Bx+C
4 3 Cubic Ax3+Bx2+Cx+D
5 4 Quartic Ax4+Bx3+Cx2+Dx+E
6 5 Quintic Ax5+Bx4+Cx3+Dx2+Ex+F


A like terms are added and subtracted to each other.
Q: Add 3x+4y-5z to -2x +5y+9z
Ans: 3x+4y-5z-2x+5y+9z = x+9y+4z
Q: subtract 3x+4y-5z from -2x +5y+9z
Ans: -2x+5y+9z – (3x+4y-5z) = -5x+y+14z
 Rules for multiplication: multiply each term of on term to each term of other term and then
Q: Multiply 3x+4y-5z to -2x +5y+9z
Ans: (3x+4y-5z)(2x+5y+9z)
= 6x2+15xy+27xz+8xy+20y2+36yz-10xz-25yz-45z2
 Rules for division:
Arrange both dividend and devisor in descending order. Divide first term of dividend by first term of
divisor and then multiply this to each term of divisor and subtract it from the given dividend. Repeat
this procedure till the degree of remainder is less than the degree of divisor.

Q: (4x4 +6x3-2x2+3x-7) ÷ (2x +3)

By Muhammad Afrasiab
contact# 03049954334
Teach Your Self A-levels

2x3 –x +3 quotient
Divisor 2x+3
4x4 +6x3-2x2+3x-7 polynomial (dividend)
- -
-2x +3x -7

-2x2 -3x
+ +
6x -7
- -
-16= remainder

 Relationship between polynomial, divisor, quotient and remainder

P(x) = d(x)Q(x) +R(x)
1. Degree of polynomial is equal to the sum of degree of divisor and degree of quotient.
2. Degree of remainder is at least one degree less than the divisor.
 Examples:
Q 1: Find the degree of quotient and remainder when 4x4 +6x3-2x2+3x-7 divided by 2x +3.
Ans: As degree of polynomial is 4 and the degree of divisor is 1 so by rule 1, the degree of quotient will be
3 and by the rule 2, degree of remainder is 0.
Q 2: Find the degree of quotient and remainder when 4x4 +6x3-2x2+3x-7 divided by 2x2 +3.
Ans: As degree of polynomial is 4 and the degree of divisor is 2 so by rule 1, the degree of quotient
will be 2 and by rule 2 , the degree of remainder is 0 which means constant or the degree of
remainder will be 1 which means linear.
Q 3: Find the degree of quotient and remainder when 4x4 +6x3-2x2+3x-7 divided by 2x3 +3x2 -5.
Ans: As degree of polynomial is 4 and the degree of divisor is 3 so by rule 1, the degree of quotient
will be 1 and by rule 2,the degree of remainder is 0 or 1 or 2..
Q 4: Find the degree of quotient and remainder when 4x4 +6x3-2x2+3x-7 divided by 2x4 +3.
Ans: As degree of polynomial is 4 and the degree of divisor is 4 so by rule 1, the degree of quotient will
be 0 and the degree of remainder is 0 or 1 or 2 or 3.
 Finding quotient and remainder
There are three methods to find quotient and remainder.
1. Identity method.
2. Simple division.
3. Synthetic division.
 Identity method
In this method, the basic rule will be used which is
P(x) ≡ d(x) Q(x) + R(x)
Q 1: Find quotient and remainder when 4x4 +6x3-2x2+3x-7 divided by 2x +3.
Solution: As degree of polynomial is 4 and the degree of divisor is 1 so by rule 1, the degree of
quotient will be 3 and the degree of remainder is 0 which means constant.
As degree 3 equation will be Ax3+Bx2+Cx+D and degree 0 will be E (constant) so as defined earlier
4x4 +6x3-2x2+3x-7≡ ( 2x +3)(Ax3+Bx2+Cx+D) +E
Now multiply on right side
4x4 +6x3-2x2+3x-7 ≡ 2Ax4+2Bx3+2Cx2+2Dx+3Ax3+3Bx2+3Cx+3D+E
Combine like terms
4x4 +6x3-2x2+3x-7 ≡2Ax4+(2B+3A)x3+(3B+2C)x2+(3C+2D)x+3D+E…………(1)
Comparing coefficients of equation 1:
For x4 , 4=2A
By Muhammad Afrasiab
contact# 03049954334
Teach Your Self A-levels
For x3, 6=2B+3A
For x2, -2=3B=2C
For x, 3=3C+2D
Constant -7=3D+E
Now substitute the values of A, B, C, D and E in quotient and remainder form,
Remainder= E=-16.
Q 2: Find quotient and remainder when 4x4 +6x3-2x2+3x-7 divided by 2x2 +3x+1.
Solution: As degree of polynomial is 4 and the degree of divisor is 2 so by rule 1, the degree of
quotient will be 2 and the degree of remainder is at most 1 which means linear.
As degree 2 equation will be Ax2+Bx+C and degree 1 will be Dx + E (linear) so as defined earlier
4x4 +6x3-2x2+3x-7≡ ( 2x2 +3x +1)(Ax2+Bx+C )+(Dx +E ).
Now multiply on right side
4x4 +6x3-2x2+3x-7 ≡ 2Ax4+2Bx3+2Cx2+3Ax3+3Bx2+3Cx+Ax2 + Bx+C +Dx+E.
Combine like terms
4x4 +6x3-2x2+3x-7 ≡2Ax4+(2B+3A)x3+(A+3B+2C)x2+(B+3C+D)x+C +E…………(1)
Comparing coefficients of equation 1:
For x4, 4=2A
For x3, 6=2B+3A
For x2, -2=A +3B+2C
C= -2
For x, 3=B +3C+D
3=0 +3(-2)+D
Constant -7=C+E
ow substitute the values of A,B,C,D and E in quotient and remainder form,
Remainder= Dx +E=9x -5
 Division method :
The method is already defined above.
Q:1 Find the quotient and remainder when (4x4 +6x3-2x2+3x-7) divided by (2x +3).

By Muhammad Afrasiab
contact# 03049954334
Teach Your Self A-levels
2x3 –x +3 quotient
Di divisor 2x+ 4x4 +6x3-2x2+3x-7 polynomial (dividend)
- -

-2x2 +3x -7
-2x2 -3x
+ +
6x -7
- -
-16= remainder
Q 2. Find the quotient and remainder when (4x4 +6x3-2x2+3x-7) divided by (2x2 +3x +1).

2x2 –2 quotient
Divisor 2x2+3x+1 4x4 +6x3-2x2+3x-7 polynomial (dividend)
- - -

-4x2 +3x -7
-4x2 -6x - 2
+ + +
9x - 5 remainder

 It is only applicable when divisor is linear
 Arrange polynomial in descending order
 If some term is missing then put its coefficient equal to zero.
 The first coefficient will be shifted down as it is and then this number will be multiplied to the
divisor number which is obtained by putting linear divisor equal to zero and placed under the
second number and added ,this procedure is carried till last number as shown below:
 Example:
Q1. Find quotient and remainder when 4x4+x2-3x-4 divided by x-3.
3 4 0 1 -3 -4
12 36 111 324
4 12 37 108 320
Now remainder is 320 and quotient will be 4x3+12x2+37x+108 as 4,12,37 and108 are the coefficient
of cubical polynomial because the given polynomial is of degree 4 which is divided by linear divisor x
 Solution means the real values of x in the polynomials.
 The total roots are equal to the highest power (degree) of polynomial.
 It is possible that all roots may be real, some real and some imaginary (for which values of x cannot
be calculated) and may all imaginaries .
 To check, how many are real and how many are imaginary, DESCRATE RULE will be used.
Descartes (change of sign) rule:
Change of sign means that from one term to other term if signs changes (positive to negative or
negative to positive) then it will have one root.
 Example:
1. Let p(x) = x2- 1
By Muhammad Afrasiab
contact# 03049954334
Teach Your Self A-levels
Now x will be either positive or negative number to make p(x) equal to zero to become root/s.
As the degree is 2 so total roots are 2 which are either real or imaginary .
Total roots =2
P(x) = x2 -1
For positive real roots, put +x in terms of x in equatio .
P(+x) = (+x)2 -1
P(+x) = x2 -1
As from first term (x2) to second term (1) the sign changed so there is one positive value of x (one
positive real root) which makes the equation equal to zero.
P(+x) = x2 -1
For negative real root, put x= -x in equation.
P(-x) =(- x)2 -1
P(-x) = x2 -1
As from first term (x2) to second term (1) the sign changed so there is one negative value of x (one
negative real root) which makes the equation equal to zero.
As total roots are two and both are real so no imaginary root.
2. Let p(x) = x3 +3x2-x -3
Now x will be either positive or negative number to make p(x) equal to zero to become root/s.
As the degree is 3 so total roots are 3 which are either real or imaginary.
Total roots =3
P(x) = x 3 +3x2 –x- 3
For positive real roots, put +x in terms of x in equation.
P(x) = x 3 +3x2 –x- 3
P(+x) = (+x) 3 +3(x)2 –(x)- 3
P(+x) = x 3 +3x2 –x- 3
As from first term (x3) to second term (x2) the no sign changed , from +3x2 to -x ,sign changed so
there is one positive value of x (one positive real root) which makes the equation equal to zero and
from –x to -3 no sign changed thus there is only one time sign changed and therefore it has only one
positive real root.
For negative real root, put x= -x in equation.
P(-x) = (-x) 3 +3(-x)2 –(-x)- 3
P(-x) =-x 3 +3x2 +x - 3
As from first term -x3 to second term 3x2 the sign changed, from +3x2 to x , no sign changed and
from +x to -3 again sign changed thus two times sign changed in the equation so there are two it
has two negative real root.
As total roots are three in which two are negative and one is positive real root with no imaginary
3 . Let p(x) = x3 +3x2+x +3
Now x will be either positive or negative number to make p(x) equal to zero to become root/s.
As the degree is 3 so total roots are 3 which are either real or imaginary.
Total roots =3
P(x) = x 3 +3x2 +x+3
For positive real roots, put +x in terms of x in equation.
P(x) = x 3 +3x2 +x+ 3
P(+x) = (+x) 3 +3(x)2 +(x) + 3
P(+x) = x 3 +3x2 +x+ 3
As from first term (x3) to second term (x2) , no sign changed , from +3x2 to x , no sign changed ,
By Muhammad Afrasiab
contact# 03049954334
Teach Your Self A-levels
from x to 3 no sign changed thus there is no time sign changed and therefore it has no real positive
For negative real root ,put x= -x in equation.
P(-x) = (-x) 3 +3(-x)2 +(-x)+ 3
P(-x) =-x 3 +3x2 -x + 3
As from first term -x3 to second term 3x2 the sign changed , from +3x2 to -x , sign changed and
from -x to +3 again sign changed thus three times sign changed in the equation so there must be
three negative real root but it is observed that only one negative root exists where other two are
4. Let p(x) = x4- 1
Now x will be either positive or negative number to make p(x) equal to zero to become root/s.
As the degree is 4 so total roots are 4 which are either real or imaginary.
Total roots =4
P(x) = x -1

For positive real roots, put +x in terms of x in equation.

P(+x) = (+x)4 -1
P(+x) = x4 -1
As from first term (x4) to second term (-1) the sign changed so there is one positive value of x (one
positive real root) which makes the equation equal to zero.
P(x) = x4 -1
For negative real root ,put x= -x in equation.
P(-x) =(- x)4 -1
P(-x) = x4 -1
As from first term (x4) to second term (-1) the sign changed so there is one negative value of x (one
negative real root) which makes the equation equal to zero.
As total roots are four but only two are real and others two are imaginary root.
S.No Equation Total Real Imaginary
1 Linear Ax+B = 0 1 1 0

2 Quadratic Ax2+Bx+C = 0 2 2 0
0 2
3 Cubic Ax3+Bx2+Cx+D = 0 3 3 0
1 2
4 Quartic Ax4+Bx3+Cx2+Dx+E = 0 4 4 0
2 2
0 4
5 Quintic Ax5+Bx4+Cx3+Dx2+Ex+F = 0 5 5 0
3 2
1 4
6 Hexic Ax6+Bx5+Cx4+Dx3+Ex2+Fx+G = 0 6 6 0
4 2
2 4
0 6
7 Heptic Ax7+Bx6+Cx5+Dx4+Ex3+Fx2+Gx+H 7 7 0
=0 5 2
3 4
1 6
By Muhammad Afrasiab
contact# 03049954334
Teach Your Self A-levels

NOTE: As it is mentioned in the table above table,

 That imaginary roots are in pairs (conjugate of each other which will be discussed in topic Complex
numbers) .
 At least one real root will exist when highest power is odd number.
There are four methods i.e. hit and Trial, identity , division and synthetic .
As methods are already mentioned, now solution of these polynomial will be explained.
Let the polynomial is qxn + ………..+p =0
For example, 2x4-2x3+3x +6 =0
Where q = 2 and p = 6.
 Find all possible divisors of constant “p”. i.e. p=6, so divisors are ±1,±2,±3,±6.
 Find all possible divisors of coefficient of highest power in expression i.e. “q” if it is not equal to 1. i.e.
q = 2 so ±1,±2
 Divide each value of “p” by each value of “q”.
 Make list of all possible divisors of p and p/q i.e. x = ±1,±2,±3,±6
 Put one by one value of x from list of p, p/q in the equation if it gives answer zero then x- (that
number) is a factor of polynomial.
Q: Solve x3-6x2+11x-6=0
There are four methods to solve the cubic polynomial.
Method 1: Hit and trial
As 6 is constant, so factors of 6will be +1,2,3,6,-1,-2,-3,-6
P(x) = x3-6x2+11x-6
P(1) = 1-6+11-6=0 then x-1 is a factor.
P(-1)=-1-6-11-6=-24 then x+1 is not a factor.
P(2)= 8-24+22-6=0 then x-2 is a factor.
P(-2)= -8-24-22-6=-54 then x+2 is not a factor.
P(3) = 27-54+33-6=0 then x-3 is a factor .
So the three factors are (x-1)(x-2)(x-3)=0
x= 1, 2, 3.
Method 2: Identity method
Q: Solve x3-6x2+11x-6=0
 By hit and trial method, first find one value of x which can make equation equal to zero.
As 6 is constant, so factors of 6will be +1,2,3,6,-1,-2,-3,-6
P(x) = x3-6x2+11x-6
P(1) = 1-6+11-6=0 then x-1 is a factor.
 As this factor will be linear which is (x- 1) so using the formula,
p(x) = d(x)Q(x) + R
As R=0 , because (x -1) is a factor.
x3 – 6x2 + 11x -6 = (x -1)(Ax2 +Bx +C)…………….(1)
=Ax3 +Bx2+Cx – Ax2-Bx –C
= Ax3 +(B -A)x2 +(C-B)x –C
x – 6x + 11x -6 = Ax3 +(B -A)x2 +(C-B)x –C……..(2)
3 2

Comparing coefficients of x3, x2, x and constants in eq 2

For x3, 1 = A
For x2, -6 = B –A
-6 = B – (1)
B = -5
For x, 11 = C – B
11 = C – (-5)
By Muhammad Afrasiab
contact# 03049954334
Teach Your Self A-levels
C =6
Put values in eq. 2
x3 – 6x2 + 11x -6 = (x -1)(x2 -5x +6)…………,(3)
Factorize x2 -5x +6 = (x -2) (x-3)………. (4)
Put eq.4 in eq.3
x3 – 6x2 + 11x -6 = (x -1)(x -2)(x - 3) =0
Thus x= 1, 2, 3.
 Method 3: Division method
 In this method also first linear factor will be evaluated by using hit and trial method.
 Divide polynomial by linear factor evaluated in first part.
 Factorize the quotient.
 The product of divisors and factors of quotient will be factorization of polynomial.
 Get the values of x by putting each factor equal to zero.
Q: Solve 12x3+20x2+x-3= 0
Sol: As p=3 and q=12 so factors of p are ±1, ±3.
As p(x)= 12x3+20x2+x-3
So p(1)= 12(1)3 +20(1)2 +(1) – 3≠ o thus (x-1) is not factor.
Again p(-1)= 12(-1)3 +20(-1)2 +(-1) – 3≠ o thus (x+1) is not factor.
Again p(-3)= 12(-3)3 +20(-3)2 +(-3) – 3≠ o thus (x+3) is not factor.
Again p(3)= 12(3)3 +20(3)2 +(3) – 3≠ o thus (x-3) is not factor.
Now making factors of q =12 are ±1,±2,±3,±4,±6,±12
Thus possible factors of p/q are ±1/2, ±1/3, ±1/4, ±1/6, ±1/12, ±3/2, ±3/4.
Now from these possible values, trial will be done.
p(1/2)= 12(1/2)3 +20(1/2)2 +(1/2) – 3≠ o thus (x-1/2) is not factor.
p(-1/2)= 12(-1/2)3 +20(-1/2)2 +(-1/2) – 3=0 thus (x+1/2) or 2x+1 is a factor.
Now polynomial will be divided by this factor.
6x2 +7x -3quotient
Divisor 2 x+1 12x3+20x2+x-3 polynomial (dividend)
- - -

14x2 +x -3
14x2 +7x
- -
-6x – 3
-6x -3
+ +

Thus 12x3+20x2+x-3 = (2x +1)(6x2 +7x -3).

Now make factors of 6x2 +7x -3=(3x -1)(2x +3).
Thus factors of 12x3+20x2+x-3 = (2x +1)(3x -1)(2x +3)= 0
Ans. x = -1/2, 1/3, -3/2
 Method 4: Synthetic division
By Muhammad Afrasiab
contact# 03049954334
Teach Your Self A-levels
 Steps:
 Find the first linear factor by hit and trial method
 Use synthetic division by using the first factor.
 Make the equation of quotient.
 Factorize quotient.
 Find the product of linear factor and quotient factors.
 Get the values of x.
Q: Solve 2x3 +x2 -2x -1 =0.
 By hit and trial method, first find one value of x which can make equation equal to zero.
As 1 is constant, so factors of 1 will be +1,-1.
P(x) = 2x3 +x2 -2x -1
P(1) = 2(1)3 + (1)2 -2(1) -1=0 then x-1 is a factor.
1 2 1 -2 -1
2 3 1
2 3 1 0

Now remainder is 0 and quotient will be 2x2+3x+1.

Factors of 2x2+3x+1= (2x +1)(x+1).
Factors of
2x3 +x2 -2x -1 =(x -1)(2x +1)(x +1).
So solution of 2x3 +x2 -2x -1=0 are x= 1,-1, -1/2.
NOTE: All above equations were cubic.
For quartile and higher polynomials, following steps will be taken for each method.
If the polynomial is of degree 4, then its steps are:
 Use same procedure as for hit & Trial method.
 Example: factories x4-5x3+5x2+5x-6
P(x) = x4-5x3+5x2+5x-6
As p = 6, divisors of 6 are ±1 ,±2,±3,±6;
P(1) = 1-5+5 +5-6 = 0, then x-1 is a factor.
P(-1)=1+5+5-5-6 =0 then x+1 is a factor.
P(2)= 16 -40+20+10-6=0 , then x-2 is a factor.
P(-2)= 16+40 +20 -10-6 ≠0 then x+2 is not a factor.
P(3) = 81-135+45+15-6=0 , then x-3 is a factor.
P(-3) =81 +135 + 45 -15 -6 ≠0 then x+3 is not a factor
So the four possible factors are x4-5x3+5x2+5x-6 =(x-1)(x+1)(x-2)(x-3).
For Identity method, first find the two factors with hit &trial method and then multiply these linear
factors to become divisor. Use the formula
P(x)= d(x)Q(x) + R , where R =0 as d(x) is a factor.
The quotient will be of degree 2 (quadratic) and that can be factorized .The product of linear factors
of divisors and of linear factors of quotient will be the factors of polynomials.
 For Division method, first find the two factors with hit &trial method and then multiply these factors
to become divisor. Divide polynomial by divisor and factorize the quotient to get all factors.
 For synthetic division method, first use the two numbers one by one which gives remainder zero and
then the quadratic quotient will be obtained. Factorize that quotient to get all factors.
If the polynomial is of degree 5, then its steps are:
By Muhammad Afrasiab
contact# 03049954334
Teach Your Self A-levels
 Use same procedure as for hit & Trial method.
 For Identity method, first find the three factors with hit &trial method and then multiply these linear
factors to become divisor. Use the formula
P(x) = d(x) Q(x) + R, where R =0 as d(x) is a factor.
The quotient will be of degree 2 (quadratic) and that can be factorized.
 For Division method, first find the three factors with hit &trial method and then multiply these
factors to become divisor. Divide polynomial by divisor and factorize the quotient to get all factors.
 For synthetic division method, first use the three numbers one by one which gives remainder zero
and then the quadratic quotient will be obtained. Factorize that quotient to get all factors.
NOTE: For repeated roots, either synthetic division or derivative of
Let y =p(x) ……….(1)polynomial can be used for its evaluation.
 For repeated roots, with the use of differentiation, following steps will be taken.
 Find dy/dx
 Put dy/dx =0
 Solve it to get value /s of x.
 Put these values of x in eq.1
 For that value of x in eq .1 ,y =0 is repeated root.
Example: Factorize x3 -3x2 +4
Let y= x3 -3x2 +4
dy/dx = 3x2-6x
3x2 -6x =0
3x(x-2)= 0
Either x=0 or x-2 =0
So x =0 ,2
Put x=0 ,2 one by one in eq.1
y =p(0) = (0)3-3(0)2+4 ≠ 0,so x=0 is not repeated root.
y =p(2) = (2)3-3(2)2+4 = 0,so x=2 is repeated root.
So factorization of x3 -3x2 +4 ≡ (x-2)(x-2)(Ax +B)…….(2)
x3 -3x2 +4≡ (x2-4x+4)(Ax +B)
x3 -3x2 +4≡ Ax3 +Bx2-4Ax2-4Bx +4Ax +4B….(3)
Comparing coefficients of x3, x2 in eq.3 on both sides
For x3 , 1=A
for x2 , -3= B -4A
-3 = B - 4(1)
Put A and B in eq,2
x3 -3x2 +4≡ (x-2)(x-2)(x+1).
For repeated roots, with the use of synthetic division, following steps will be taken .
 Find a number for which remainder is zero.
 Repeat the same number till remainders are zeros.
 Example factorize x3 -5x2+7x -3
1 -5 7 -3
1 -4 3 x-1 is factor
1 -4 3 0
1 -3 x-1 is factor
1 -3 0 x-3 is quotient

Factorization of x3 -5x2+7x -3 ≡ (x-1)(x-1)(x-3).
By Muhammad Afrasiab
contact# 03049954334
Teach Your Self A-levels

Q=1 What is the degree of this polynomial -2x3+4x2-3= 2? [1]

Q=2 What will be degree of quotient if polynomial is of degree 4 and the devisor is of degree 2? [1]

Q=3 What is degree of (2x+3) (-3x+1) (2x-1) [1]

Q=4 Fill the blanks in the form of the choices given at the end using relationship between polynomial,
divisor, quotient and remainder
P(x) = d(x)Q(x) +R(x)
I 3x4+5x2-4x+3 = (3x-1)( )+( ) . [2]

II 3x4+5x2-4x+3 = (3x2-x-1)( )+( ) [2]

III 3x4+5x2-4x+3 = ( )(2x2+4x-1)+( ) . [2]

By Muhammad Afrasiab
contact# 03049954334
Teach Your Self A-levels
IV 3x4+5x2-4x+3 = ( )( )+(Ax2+3x-2) . [2]
 A
 Ax + B
 Ax2+Bx+C
 Ax3+Bx2+Cx+D
 Ax4+Bx3+Cx2+Dx+E

Q=5 How many positive real roots are of the equation x3+2x2-x-2 =0? [2]

Q=6 How many negative real roots are of the equation x3+2x2-x-2 =0? [2]

By Muhammad Afrasiab
contact# 03049954334
Teach Your Self A-levels

Q=7 How many real roots are in the equation x3+1=0? [2]

Q=8 How many imaginary roots are in the equation x4- 1=0? [2]

Q=9 when x3+2x+1 is divided by x2+2 ,it leaves the remainder 1 and quotient as x but when x3+2x+1=1and x
is the divisor of x3+2x+1 then what will be the quotient ? [3]

Q=10 Factorize x6 –y6; [3]

By Muhammad Afrasiab
contact# 03049954334
Teach Your Self A-levels

Q=11 Solve 12x3+20x2+x-3= 0 [3]

Q=12 Solve 4x4+20x3-25x2-5x+6 =0 [3]

If 3x3+ax2-bx+ 8 when divided by x-2 it leaves the remainder 32 and
x +2 is a factor .calculate a,b? Also find the unsolvable quadratic. [4]

By Muhammad Afrasiab
contact# 03049954334
Teach Your Self A-levels

Q=13 Show that when 2x4-x3+4x2-x-3 divided by x2+x+1 leaves the remainder 4x-1 .Hence or otherwise 2x4-
x3+4x2-x-3 = 4x-1. [4]

Q =14 Solve x4-5x3+3x2+15x-18=0 [4]

By Muhammad Afrasiab
contact# 03049954334
Teach Your Self A-levels
1. Using the factor theorem, or otherwise, show that (2x + 1)is a factor of f(x), where
f(x) = 12x 3 − 4x 2 − 13x − 4. Solve the equation f(x) = 0.

1 4
𝐀𝐍𝐒. − or
2 3
2. If f(x) ≡ αx 3 + (α + b)x 2 + (α + 2b)x + 1 is exactly divisible by (x + 1), express b in term of α,
and find the quotient when the division is carried out, expressing the coefficients in term of α
only. Prove that in this case the equation f(x) = 0 has only one real root if α2 − 6α + 1 < 0. 𝑆ℎ𝑜𝑤
that this inequality imlies that 3 − 2 2 < 𝑎 < 3 + 2 2.

𝐀𝐍𝐒: b = 1 − α; αx 2 + (1 − α)x + 1
3. Find the values of α and b if f(x) = αx 3 + bx 2 + 12 is exactly divisible by both (x + 1)and
(x − 2). with these values of α and b, Solve the equation f(x) = 0.

By Muhammad Afrasiab
contact# 03049954334
Teach Your Self A-levels

𝐀𝐍𝐒: α = 3, b = −9, x = −1 or 2 only.

4. The function f is defined by f(x) = αx 4 + 4x 3 + bx 2 − 3x, (x ∈ R), where α and b are constants.
1 1
(x + 1)is a factor of f(x) anf f(x) has stationary value at x = , i. e f ′ ( ) = 0. Find the values of
2 2
α and b. With these values of α and b, find all the roots of the equation f(x) = 0.

𝐀𝐍𝐒: α = 3, b = −1; 0, −1, (−1 ± 7)
5. Find the value of the constant k such that (x + 1)is a factor of 2x 3 + 7x 2 + kx − 3. With this value
for k solve the equation 2x 3 + 7x 2 + kx − 3 = 0.

𝐀𝐍𝐒: 2; , −1, −3
6. The polynomials P(x) and Q(x) are defined by P(x) = x 4 − 1, Q(x) = x 4 + 4x 3 + αx 2 + bx + 5.
(𝐚) Showthat x − 1 and x + 1 are factors of P(x).
(𝐛) It is known that when Q(x) is divided by x 2 − 1 a remainder 2x + 3 is obtained. Find the values of
α and b.
(𝐜) With these values of α and b find the remainder when the polynomial [3P(x) + 4Q(x)] is divided
by x 2 − 1.

By Muhammad Afrasiab
contact# 03049954334
Teach Your Self A-levels

𝐀𝐍𝐒: (b) − 3, −2 (c)8x + 12

7. The polynomial P(x), where P(x) = x 4 + ax 3 + bx 2 − 2x − 4, has factors (x − 1)and (x + 2).
(𝐚) Show that α = 3 and b = 2.
(𝐛) Find the third real factor of P(x)and show that this factor is positive for all real value of x.
(𝐜) Find the set of values of x for which P(x)is positive.

3 1
𝐀𝐍𝐒: − , −1,
2 2
8. Find the number α, b, c such that 2x 4 + 2x 3 + 5x 2 + 3x + 3 = (x 2 + x + 1)(αx 2 + bx + c)for all
values of x.
By Muhammad Afrasiab
contact# 03049954334
Teach Your Self A-levels

𝐀𝐍𝐒: α = 2, b = 0, c = 3
9. The polynomial x 5 − 3x 4 + 2x 3 − 2x 2 + 3x + 1 is denoted by f(x).
(𝐚) Show that neither (x − 1) nor (x + 1)is a factor of f(x).
(𝐛) By substituting x = 1 and x = −1 in the identity f(x) ≡ (x 2 − 1)q(x) + αx + b, where q(x) is a
polynomial and α and b are constant, or otherwise, find the remainder when f(x)is divided by
(x 2 − 1).
(𝐜) Show, by carrying out the devision, or otherwise, that when f(x) is divided by (x 2 + 1),
the remainder is 2x.
(𝐝) Find all the real roots of the equation f(x) = 2x.

𝐀𝐍𝐒: (b)6x − 4 (d)1, 1 ± 2

By Muhammad Afrasiab
contact# 03049954334
Teach Your Self A-levels
10 .It is given that g(x) = (2x − 1)(x + 2)(x − 3).
(𝐚) Express g(x) in the form Ax 3 + Bx 2 + Cx + D, giving the values of the constants A, B, C and D.
(𝐛) Find the value of the constant α, given that (x + 3)is a factor of g(x) + αx.
(𝐜) Express in partial fractions.
(𝐝) Solve that inequality g(x) > 3𝑥(x + 2)(x − 3).

𝐀𝐍𝐒: (𝐚)2x 3 − 3x 2 − 11x + 6

(𝐛)a = −14
2 1
(𝐜) −
5(2x − 1) 5(x + 2)
(𝐝)x < −2 𝑜𝑟 − 1 < 𝑥 < 3

By Muhammad Afrasiab
contact# 03049954334
Teach Your Self A-levels
Topic 3
RATIONAL FUNCTION , where g(x) ≠ 0
In this topic , the following sub topics will be discussed.
I. Simplification of algebraic expression
II. Change into mixed fraction where numerator degree is more than denominator
𝑃(𝑥) ≡ 𝑑(𝑥)𝑄(𝑥) + 𝑅(𝑥)
where p(x) = polynomial , Q(x) = quotient , R(x) = remainder and d(x) = divisor
III. Partial fraction with distinct linear factor in the denominators
IV. Partial fraction with repeated factors in denominators
V. Partial fraction with unfactorizable quadratic factor in denominator
VI. Use of binomial in partial fraction
 Steps:
I. For only simplification, factorize numerator and denominator with factor theorem.
II. Check the degree of numerator and denominator , if numerator has more or equal degree than
denominator then first change into proper fractional form as
𝑃(𝑥) 𝑅(𝑥)
≡ 𝑄(𝑥) + 𝑑(𝑥)

where Q(x) = quotient , R(x) = remainder and d(x) = divisor(already explained in polynomial chapter)
III. Check the nature of denominator (divisor) factors i.e. distinct or repeated or unfactorizable quadratics.
a. Distinct (ax +b)(cx+d)(ex+f)
b. Repeated (ax +b)(cx+d)2
c. unfactorizable quadratics (ax +b)(x2 + c2)
IV. For binomial , shift all denominators to numerators changing their power and expand using binomial
theorem for required expansions.
 Simplification of algebraic expression
Factorize numerator and denominator and cancel like terms.
(𝑥 2 – 5𝑥 + 6)
Q= 1 simplify (𝑥 2 −4𝑥+4)

(𝑥 2 – 5𝑥 + 6)
Solution: (𝑥 2 −4𝑥+4)

(𝑥 2 – 2𝑥−3𝑥+ 6) (𝑥−2)(𝑥−3)
(𝑥 2 −4𝑥+4)
= (𝑥−2)(𝑥−2)

By Muhammad Afrasiab
contact# 03049954334
Teach Your Self A-levels
(𝑥 3 −5𝑥 2 +6𝑥)
Q=2 simplify (𝑥 2 −𝑥−2)

(𝑥 3 −5𝑥 2 +6𝑥)
Solution: (𝑥 2 −𝑥−2)

𝑥(𝑥 2 − 2𝑥 − 3𝑥 + 6) 𝑥(𝑥 − 2)(𝑥 − 3)

(𝑥 2 − 2𝑥 + 𝑥 − 2) (𝑥 − 2)(𝑥 + 1)

vi. Change into mixed fraction where numerator degree is more or equal than denominator
𝑥 2 +3𝑥+1
Q=4 Express in proper form (𝑥+1)(𝑥+2)

𝑥 2 +3𝑥+1 𝐵𝑥+𝐶
Solution: (𝑥+1)(𝑥+2)
= 𝐴 + (𝑋+1)(𝑋+2)

Taking L.C.M on R.H.S and canceling denominators

𝑥 2 +3𝑥+1 𝐴(𝑥+1)(𝑥+2)+𝐵𝑥+𝐶)

𝑥 2 +3𝑥+1 𝑥 2 +3𝑥+1

x2 +3x +1≡ A(x+1)(x+2) + Bx +C ………(1)

x2 +3x +1 ≡ A(x2 + 3x +2) + Bx + C……………(2)
comparing coefficients of x2 , x and constants:
x2 , 1=A
x, 3=3A+B
B= 0
Constant, 1= 2A +C
Putting A,B,C values
𝑥 2 +3𝑥+1 𝐴+𝐵𝑥+𝐶 1−1
≡ (𝑥+1)(𝑥+2) ≡ (𝑥+1)(𝑥+2)

Partial fraction with distinct linear factor in the denominators

 Tips:
VII.Write one variable for each distinct linear factor in numerator
VIII.Put each denominator equal to zero to get respective value in numerotor.
𝑥 2 +3𝑥+1
Q=5 Express as a partial fractions form (𝑥+1)(𝑥+2)

First, it will be converted to proper form as numerator and denominators degree are equal.
𝑥 2 +3𝑥+1 𝐴+𝐵𝑥+𝐶 1−1
≡ (𝑥+1)(𝑥+2) ≡ (𝑥+1)(𝑥+2) (1)

Now (1) will be written as

1 𝐴+𝑏
(𝑥 + 1)(𝑥 + 2) (𝑥 + 1)(𝑥 + 2)

By Muhammad Afrasiab
contact# 03049954334
Teach Your Self A-levels
Taking L.C.M on R.H.S and canceling denominators
1 = A(x+2) + B(x+1)
Comparing coefficients
x, 0=A +B
constants 1=2A+B
solving above simultaneously
B = -1
Putting in (2)
1 −1
= (𝑥+1)(𝑥+2) (2)

Putting (2) in (1)

𝑥 2 +3𝑥+1 𝐴+𝐵𝑥+𝐶 1 1
≡ (𝑥+1)(𝑥+2) ≡ (𝑥+1) − (𝑥+2) (1)

Now (1) will

𝑥 2 +3𝑥+1 1 1
≡ 1 − (𝑥+1) + (𝑥+2)
Q=6 Express as a partial fractions form 𝑥(𝑥+1)(𝑥−1)
2 𝐴 𝐵 𝐶
≡ 𝑥 + 𝑥+1 + 𝑥−1 (1)
2 ≡ A(x+1)(x-1)+B(x)(x-1)+(x)(x+1) (2)
For the values of A, B, C either identity method will be used or by putting each denominator equal to zero.
2≡ A(x2 -1) +B(x2 -x) +C(x2 +x) (3)
Identity method.
Comparing coefficients
x2, 0 = A+B+C
x, 0 = -B+C
constants 2= -A
solving above equations
B=1 , C=1
Putting in (1)
2 −2 1 1
≡ + 𝑥+1 + 𝑥−1 (1)
𝑥(𝑥+1)(𝑥−1) 𝑥
Alternative method:
For A , put x=0 as x is denominator of A in eq. (3)
2= A(0-1)+B(0)+C(0)
A= -2
For B , put x +1=0 as x+1 is denominator of B in eq. (3) thus x=-1

By Muhammad Afrasiab
contact# 03049954334
Teach Your Self A-levels
2= A(0)+B(1+1)+C(0)
For C , put x -1=0 as x-1 is denominator of C in eq. (3) thus x=1
2= A(0)+B(0)+C(1+1)
Put A, Band C in (1)
2 −2 1 1
≡ + 𝑥+1 + 𝑥−1 (1)
𝑥(𝑥+1)(𝑥−1) 𝑥

IX.Partial fraction with repeated factors in denominators

 Tips:
I For repeated factors , write factors starting from power 1 and proceed it up till the highest power given
each time with new variable.
II Only the highest power variable will be calculated directly putting it equal to zero where rest will be
calculated by comparing coefficients.
𝑥 2 −11
Q=7 Express as a partial fractions form (3𝑥−1)(𝑥+2)2
𝑥 2 −11 𝐴 𝐵 𝐶
≡ 3𝑥−1 + 𝑥+2 + (𝑥+2)2 (1)
𝑥 2 −11 𝐴(𝑥+2)2 +𝐵(3𝑥−11)(𝑥+2)+𝐶(3𝑥−11)

(3𝑥−1)(𝑥+2)2 (3𝑥−1)(𝑥+2)2
x2 -11 ≡ A(x+2)2 +B(3x-1)(x+2) +C(3x-1) (2)
put 3x-1=0 or x=1/3 for A in (2) being distinct linear factor.
1/9 -11 = A(1/3+2)2 +B(0) +C(0)
1−99 (1+6)2
=𝐴 +0+0
9 9

-98 = A(49)
A= -2
As the highest power is the denominator of C , so for C , put x+2 =0 or x= -2 in (2)
4 -11 = A(0) + B(0) + C (-6-1)
-7 = -7C
B can be obtained by comparing coefficients of x2 or x or constants only in (2)
1 = A + 3B
1= -2 +3B
B= 1
Put A,B,C in (1)
𝑥 2 −11 −2 1 1
≡ + + (1)
(3𝑥−1)(𝑥+2)2 3𝑥−1 𝑥+2 (𝑥+2)2
Q=8 Express as a partial fractions form (2𝑥+1)(𝑥−1)2

By Muhammad Afrasiab
contact# 03049954334
Teach Your Self A-levels
𝑥−4 𝐴 𝐵 𝐶
≡ 2𝑥+1 + 𝑥−1 + (𝑥−1)2 (1)
𝑥−4 𝐴(𝑥−1)2 +𝐵(2𝑥+1)+𝐶(2𝑥+1)

(2𝑥+1)(𝑥−1)2 (3𝑥−1)(𝑥−1)2

x -4 ≡ A(x-1)2 +B(2x+1)(x-1) +C(2x+1) (2)

put 2x+1=0 or x=-1/2 for A in (2) being distinct linear factor.
-1/2 -4 = A(-1/2-1)2 +B(0) +C(0)
−1−8 (−1−2)2
= A +0+0
2 4

-9/2 = A(9/4)
A= -2
As the highest power is the denominator of C , so for C , put x-1 =0 or x= 1 in (2)
1-4 = A(0) + B(0) + C (2+1)
-3 = 3C
B can be obtained by comparing coefficients of x2 or x or constants only in (2)
x2 , 0 = A + 2B
0= -2 +2B
B= 1
Put A,B,C in (1)
𝑥−4 −2 1 1
≡ 2𝑥+1 + 𝑥−1 − (𝑥−1)2 (1)
Partial fraction with unfactorizable i.e. (x2 + a) quadratic factor in denominator
 Tips:
I If denominator has unfactorizable quadratic then use linear form i.e. Ax +B In its numerator.
II Its values are calculated only by comparision.
Q=9 Express as a partial fractions form (2𝑥+1)(𝑥 2 +1)
𝑥−4 𝐴 𝐵𝑥+𝐶
≡ 2𝑥+1 + 𝑥 2 +1 (1)
(2𝑥+1)(𝑥 2 +1)
𝑥−4 𝐴(𝑥 2 +1)+(𝐵𝑥+𝐶)(2𝑥+1)

(2𝑥+1)(𝑥 2 +1) (2𝑥+1)(𝑥 2 +1)

x -4 ≡ A(x2 +1) + Bx(2x+1) +C(2x+1) (2)

put 2x+1=0 or x=-1/2 for A in (2) being distinct linear factor.
-1/2 -4 = A ((-1/2)2 +1) +B(0) +C(0)
−1−8 (1+4)
=A +0+0
2 4

-9/2 = A (5/4)
A= -18/5
B and C will be obtained by comparing coefficients of x2 or x or constants only in (2)

By Muhammad Afrasiab
contact# 03049954334
Teach Your Self A-levels
x2 , 0 = A + 2B
0= -18/5 +2B
B= 9/5
x, 1= B+2C
1=9/5 +2C
C= -2/5
Put A, B, C in (1)
𝑥−4 −18 9𝑥−2
≡ 5(𝑥 2 +1) + 5(𝑥 2 +1) (1)
(2𝑥+1)(𝑥 2 +1)
Q= 10 Express as a partial fractions form (1−2𝑥)(1+3𝑥 2 )
6𝑥+4 𝐴 𝐵𝑥+𝐶
≡ (1−2𝑥) + 1+3𝑥 2 (1)
(1−2𝑥)(1+3𝑥 2 )
6𝑥+4 𝐴(1+3𝑥 2 )+(𝐵𝑥+𝐶)(1−2𝑥)

(1−2𝑥)(1+3𝑥 2 ) (1−2𝑥)(1+3𝑥 2)
6x + 4 ≡ A(1+3x2 ) +Bx(1-2x) +C(1-2x) (2)
put 1-2x=0 or x=1/2 for A in (2) being distinct linear factor.
3+4 = A((1+3(1/2)2) +B(0) +C(0)
7 = A(4+3)+0+0
7 = A(7/4)
A= 4
B and C will be obtained by comparing coefficients of x2 or x or constants only in (2)
x2 , 0 = 3A - 2B
0= 3(4) -2B
B= 6
x, 6= B-2C
6=6 -2C
C= 0
Put A, B, C in (1)
𝑋−4 4 (6𝑥)
≡ (1+2𝑥) + (1+3𝑥 2 ) (1)
(1−2𝑥)(1+3𝑥 2 )
Use of binomial in partial fraction
 Tips:
I. Change fraction into partial fraction.
II. Shift all terms to numerator.
III. Use binomial theorem for expansion.
2𝑥+1 𝐴 𝐵 𝐶
Q=11 Given that f(x)= (𝑥−1)(𝑥−2)2 and such that f(x) can be expressed as 𝑥−1 + 𝑥−2 + (𝑥−2)2 , find values

By Muhammad Afrasiab
contact# 03049954334
Teach Your Self A-levels
of A, B, C .Hence or otherwise show that , if x is sufficiently small for x3 and higher powers are to be
neglected, then f(x)=-1/4 –x -27/16x2.
2𝑥+1 𝐴 𝐵 𝐶
= 𝑥−1 + 𝑥−2 + (𝑥−2)2 (1)

2x+1 ≡ A(x-2)2 +B(x-1)(x-2) +C(x-1) (2)

Put x=1 for A in (2)
2(1)+1=A(1-2)2 +B(0)+C(0)
3= A
Put x=2 for C
2(2)+1 = A(0) +B(0)+C(2-1)
For B, comparing coefficients of x2, in (2)
0 = A+B
0= 3+B
Put A, B, C in (1)
2𝑥+1 3 −3 5
= 𝑥−1 + 𝑥−2 + (𝑥−2)2 (1)

≡ 3(x-1)-1 -3(x-2)-1+ 5(x-2)-2

≡ 3[-(1-x)]-1 -3[-2(1-x/2)]-1 + 5[-2(1-x/2)]-2
≡3(-1)-1(1-x)-1 -3(-2)-1(1-x/2)-1 +5(-2)-2(1-x/2)-2
≡ -3(1-x)-1 +3/2(1-x/2)-1 + 5/4(1-x/2)-2 (4)
Using Binomial theorem
(1 + x)n = 1+ n(x) +n(n-1) (x)2+(n)(n-1)(n-2)(x)3+………
2! 3!
(1−1) (−(−1−1)
≡-3[1+ (-1)(-x) +(-1) (-x) +…..] +3/2[1+ (-1)(-x/2) +(-1)
2 (-x/2)2+…..] +
2! 2!

5/4[1+ (-2)(-x/2) +(-2) (-x/2)2+…..]
≡ -3[1+x+x2+….]+3/2[1+x/2+x2/4+…..]+5/4[1+x+3x2/4+….]
≡ [-3+3/2+5/4] +[-3x+3x/4+5x/4] +[-3x2 +3x2/8 +15x2/16]
≡ -1/4 –x -27x2/16 shown

2+5x+15x2 𝐴 𝐵+𝐶𝑥
Q=12. Find the values of A, B and C to satisfy the identity (2−x)(1+2x)2 ≡ 2−𝑥 + 1+2𝑥 2 Hence,
or otherwise, obtain the expansion of in ascending powers of x, giving the first five
terms in the expansion.
2+5x+15x2 𝐴 𝐵+𝐶𝑥
≡ 2−𝑥 + 1+2𝑥 2
2+5x+15x2 ≡ A(1+2x2) + (B+ Cx )(2-x)--------(2)
Put x=2 for A in (2)
By Muhammad Afrasiab
contact# 03049954334
Teach Your Self A-levels
2+10 +60 = A(1+8)+ 0
72 = 9A
A= 8
For Band C , compare coefficients of x2, x in (2)
x2 , 15 = 2A –C
C =2A-15
C = 16-1
C =1
x, 5=-B+2C
B =2C-5
B= 2-5 =-3
Put A,B,C in (1)
2+5x+15x2 8 (−3+𝑥)
≡ 2−𝑥 + (1)
(2−x)(1+2x)2 1+2𝑥 2
≡ 8(2-x)-1 +(x-3)(1+2x2)-1
= 8[2(1-x/2)]-1 + (x-3)(1+2x2)-1
Using binomial expansion
n(n−1) (n)(n−1)(n−2) (n)(n−1)(n−2)(n−3)
(1 + x)n = 1+ n(x) + 2! (x)2+ (x)3+ (1)n-4(x)4 …………..(1)0(x)n .
3! 4!
(−1−1) (−1)(−1−1)(−1−2) (−1)(−1−1)(−1−2)(−1−3)
2+5x+15x2 = 8[2-1] [ 1+ (-1)(-x/2) +(-1) (-x/2)2+ (-x/2)3+
2! 3! 4!
(-x/2)4 ……..] + (x-3)[ 1+ (-1)(2x2)
+ (2x2)2+……]
= 4[1+x/2 + x /4 +x /8 +x /16+…..]+[x-2x3-3 +6x2- 12x4 …..]
2 3 4

= [4-3] +[4/2 +1]x +[1 +6]x2 +[1/2 -2]x3 +[1/4 -12]x4 ……

=1 +3x + 7x2 -3x3/2-47x4/4.

By Muhammad Afrasiab
contact# 03049954334
Teach Your Self A-levels
Assignment 3 x
1. Express (1+x)(1−2x)
in partial functions. Hence show that, if x is so small that x 4 and higher powers of

x can be neglected, = x = x 2 + 3x 3 .
(1 + x)(1 − 2x)

2. 2. Express f(x) = (x+1)(x+3) in partial fractions.

(𝐚) If x is small, obtain an expansion of f(x) in ascending powers of x as far as the term in x 2 .

1 1
(𝐛)If x is large, obtain an expanstion of f(x) in ascending powers of as far as the term in 3 .
x x

3. . Find the values of A, B and C to satisfy the identity (2−x)(1+2x)2
in ascending powers of x,

By Muhammad Afrasiab
contact# 03049954334
Teach Your Self A-levels

4. 4. Express (x+2)(x2 +1)
in partial fractions.
6 + 7x
Let f(x) =
(2 − x)(1 + x 2 )
(𝐢)Express f(x)in partial fractions.

(𝐢𝐢)Show that, when x is sufficiently small for x 4 and higher powers to be neglected,
1 15
f(x) = 3 + 5x − x 2 − x 3 .
2 4

Q=13. The function ƒ is such that ƒ(x) =(1−x)(2+x)2 , (x є R, x ≠ - 2). Assuming that ƒ (x) may be
expressed in the form (1−𝑥) + (2+𝑥) + (2+𝑥)2 , find the number A, B and C. Hence, or otherwise, find the
first three noon-zero term in the expansion of ƒ(x) in ascending powers of x .and state the set of values
of x for which this expansion is valid .

By Muhammad Afrasiab
contact# 03049954334
Teach Your Self A-levels

By Muhammad Afrasiab
contact# 03049954334
Teach Your Self A-levels
Topic 4
 │ │is modulus sign or determinant sign .
 When it is introduced for negative number then it will become positive where as positive will remain
 When it is removed, then, it has two options positive or negative depending upon condition.
 Mathematically │ x │ = √x2 = ±x
{+x , if x ≥0
{ -x , if x<0
 Examples :
Q=1 Evaluate modulus value of each -3 ,5, 3 -π ,4-π , (5-8) ,(8 - 5).

│-3│ =3

│5│ = 5,

│3-π │ = π - 3,
│4-π│ = 4- π,

│(5-8)│ = 3 ,

│(8 - 5)│ = 3.
Q=2 Evaluate │-3│, │4│,│3-π│,│π - 4│, │5-8│,│8-5│
Solution :

│-3│ = -3

│4│ = 4,

│3-π│ = 3 - π,

│π - 4│ = π -4 ,

│5-8│ = -3,

│8-5│ = 3.

Q=3. Copy and complete the table for the following equations.
I. y = x2
II. y = │x3│
X -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2
y=x 2 9 1 1
y = │x │
3 64 8 0 1
X -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2
y = x2 16 9 4 1 0 1 4
y = │x3│ 64 27 8 1 0 1 8

By Muhammad Afrasiab
contact# 03049954334
Teach Your Self A-levels
Q= 5. . Copy and complete the table for the following equations where -2π ≤ x ≤2π.
I. y = Sin x,
II. y = │Sin x│
III y = Sin │x│
 Solutions of equations involving modulus function.
There are two methods to solve these equations.
a. Graphical method
b. Calculus method.
Graphical method:
 Make the table for given equation .
 Make a suitable scale .
 Draw both sides of equation on the same graph with same scale.
 The point of intersection/s will be the solution of equations.
 If only number of solutions is required then draw the sketch only without making table.
2. Calculus method:
Q=6 Solve │x+4│ =9
Option 1.
Remove modulus sign
±(x+4) = 9
Either (x+4) = 9 or –(x+4) =9
Then x= 5 or
–x = 9+4
-x = 13
x = -13
Option 2.
│x+4│ =9
As │x│ =√x2
√(x+4)2 =9
Squaring on both sides.
(x+4)2 = 92
x2 +8x +16 = 81
x2 +8x -65 =0
x2 +13x -5x -65=0
So x= 5 or x= -13
Q=7. Solve │x-5│ = │2x +1│
Solution: As │x│=√x2
Note: Always use squaring method.
√(x-5)2 = √(2x+1)2
Squaring on both sides.
(x-5)2 = (2x+1)2
x2 -10x +25 = 4x2 +4x+1
3x2+14x -24 =0
3x2 +18x -4x-24=0
(x+6)(3x -4)=0
So x = -6 or x= 4/3.
Q=8. Solve │x-5│ = 2│2x +1│
Solution: As │x│=√x2
Note: Always use squaring method.

By Muhammad Afrasiab
contact# 03049954334
Teach Your Self A-levels
√(x-5)2 = 2[√(2x+1)2]
Squaring on both sides.
(x-5)2 = 4(2x+1)2
x2 -10x +25 = 16x2 +16x+4
15x2+26x -21 =0
15x2 +35x -9x-21=0
(3x+7)(5x -3)=0
So x = -7/3 or x= 3/5
 Properties of modulus function:
 │a+b│≤ │a│+│b│
i. │2+5│≤ │2│+│5│
7 ≤ 2+5
7≤ 7
ii. │3 + (-6)│≤ │3│+│-6│
│-3│≤ 3+6
3≤ 9
 │a-b│≥│a│-│b│
i. │3-7│≥│3│-│7│
4 ≥ 3-7
4≥- 4
 │ab│=│a││b│
i. │5x8│= │5││8│
40 =40

 │a│=│a│
│b│ │b│
i. │8/9│= │8│
 Use of inequalities in modulus function:
Note : By multiplying and dividing with the negative number yhe inequality sign is reversed
otherwise it remains same.
I. If │x│≤ a , then –a≤ x≤ a
Solution :
│x│ ≤ a
Then ± (x) ≤ a
x ≤ a or –x≤ a
x ≤ a or x≥ -a
thus combining two above inequalities ,
-a≤ x≤ a.
Example: solve │x│≤ 5
Solution : │x│ ≤ 5
Then ± (x) ≤ 5
x ≤ 5 or –x≤ 5
x ≤ 5 or x≥ -5
thus combining two above inequalities ,
-5≤ x≤ 5.
II. If │x│≥ a, then x≥ a or x≤ -a
Solution :
│x│ ≥ a
Then ± (x) ≥ a
x ≥ a or –x ≥ a
x ≥ a or x ≤ -a

By Muhammad Afrasiab
contact# 03049954334
Teach Your Self A-levels
thus combining two above inequalities ,
a ≤ x or x ≤ -a.
Example: solve │x│≥ 5
Solution : │x│ ≥ 5
Then ± (x) ≥ 5
x ≥ 5 or –x≥ 5
x ≤ 5 or x≤ -5
thus combining two above inequalities ,
5 ≤ x or x≤ -5.
III. If │x -k│≤ a ,then k-a ≤ x≤k +a
Solution :
│x│ ≤ a
Then ± (x-k) ≤ a
x-k ≤ a or –x +k≤ a
x ≤ k+a or x≥ k-a
thus combining two above inequalities ,
k -a≤ x≤ k+ a.
Example: solve │x -2│≤ 5
Solution : │x-2│ ≤ 5
Then ± (x-2) ≤ 5
x -2 ≤ 5 or –x +2≤ 5
x ≤ 7 or x≥ -3
thus combining two above inequalities ,
-3≤ x≤ 7.
IV. If │x -k│≥ a, then x≤ k-a or x≥ k + a
Solution :
│x-k│ ≥ a
Then ± (x-k) ≥ a
x-k ≥ a or –x +k ≥ a
x ≥ k+a or x ≤ k-a
thus combining two above inequalities ,
k+a ≤ x or x ≤ k-a.
Example: solve │x-6│≥ 5
Solution : │x-6│ ≥ 5
Then ± (x-6) ≥ 5
x-6 ≥ 5 or –x +6≥ 5
x ≥ 11 or x≤ 1
thus combining two above inequalities ,
11≤ x or x≤ 1.
 Finding inequality form when solution is given:
Q= 9 find the value of a and k and write in the form of │x-k│≤ a when 3 ≤x ≤ 5.
Solution : As│x – k│≤ a is written as
-a ≤ x-k ≤ a
k-a ≤ x≤ k+ a……..(1)
3 ≤ x ≤ 5……….(2)
Comparing 1 & 2
k-a =3
k+a =5
solving simultaneously ,
a= 1
So │x- 4│≤ 1 will give the same solution as 3 ≤x ≤ 5.
By Muhammad Afrasiab
contact# 03049954334
Teach Your Self A-levels
Q=10 find the value of a and k and write in the form of │x-k│≥ a when 5 ≤x or x≤ -7.
Solution : As │x – k│≥ a is written as
a ≤ x-k or x-k ≤ -a
k+a ≤ x or x ≤ k - a……..(1)
5 ≤x or x≤ -7. ……….(2)
Comparing 1 & 2
k-a =-7
k+a =5
solving simultaneously ,
a= 6
So │x- (-1)│≥ 6 will give the same solution as 5 ≤x or x≤ -7.
 Finding critical solution for inequalities:
 Put equation after factorization equal to zero irrespective of < or > zero.
 Find values of x.
 Arrange in ascending order and make their intervals.
 Draw table and put in each box ,the relevant values of intervals.
 Check for the value in each interval.
 According to equation , get the product of signs.
 Get the answer according to the initial condition.
Solve (x-1)(x+2)(x-3) < 0.
(x-1)(x+2)(x-3) = 0.
x= 1 , -2 ,3
In order x= -2 ,1,3
Required intervals, x<-2 , -2 <x<1, 1<x<3 , x> 3
x<-2 -2 <x<1 1<x<3 x> 3
x-1 -ve -ve +ve +ve
x+2 -ve +ve +ve +ve
x-3 -ve -ve -ve +ve
(x-1)(x+2)(x- -ve +ve -ve +ve
As the three inequalities is < zero , so from table ,we will find where it is –ve .
Then solution is x<-2 or 1<x<3 .
 Miscellaneous problems and solutions:
Q=11 Solve │x-2│< 2x
When on one side modulus sign is there and on other side it is without sign then don’t use squaring
±(x-2) <2x
Then (x-2) <2x
-x < 2
x> -2……(1)
or –(x-2)<2x
x >2/3……(2)
A number which is greater than 2/3 is always greater than -2 but a number greater than -2 is not
necessarily to be greater than 2/3.
So the final answer will be x>2/3

By Muhammad Afrasiab
contact# 03049954334
Teach Your Self A-levels
Q=12 solve |𝑥|+1 <│x│
As denominator is always positive for all values of x ,so it can be cross multiplied.
6 < (│x│)(│x│+1)
6< (√x2)(√x2 +1)
6< x2 + √x2…….(1)
As √x2 = ± x so equation 1 will have two options.
6<x2 +x
x2 +x-6>0
By graph
As coefficient of x2 is +ve so the region above the x-axis is the solution i.e. x<-3 or x>2
By table.
The critical solution. Of equation 1 are x= -3,2
x< -3 -3<x<2 x>2
x-2 -ve -ve +ve
x+3 -ve +ve +ve
(x-2)(x+3) +ve -ve +ve
As (x-2)(x+3)>0 so solution will be x<-3 or x>2…….(1)
Option 2.
By graph
As coefficient of x2 is +ve so the region above the x-axis is the solution i.e. x<-2 or x>3
By table.
The critical solution . Of equation 1 are x= 3,-2
x< -2 - x>3
x-3 -ve -ve +ve
x+2 -ve +ve +ve
(x+2)(x-3) +ve -ve +ve
As (x-2)(x+3)>0 so solution will be x<-2 or x>3……….(2)
On combining the result of eq.1 & 2
A number which is greater than 3 is always greater than 2 but a number greater than 2 is not
necessarily to be greater than 3.
A number which is lesser than -3 is always lesser than -2 but a number lesser than -2 is not
necessarily to be lesser than -3.
x<-3 or x> 3
Q=13 Solve the following inequalities
a. <4
b. |𝑥|−1
c. |𝑥−1|
a. <4
Always multiply by square of denominator on both sides ,as it is not assured that it will give positive
value for all values of x in denominator.
By Muhammad Afrasiab
contact# 03049954334
Teach Your Self A-levels
(𝑥 − 1)2 (𝑥 + 1)
< 4(𝑥 − 1)2
(𝑥 − 1)
(x-1) (x+1) < 4(x-1)2
x2 -1 < 4(x2 -2x +1)
3x2 -8x +5 > 0
3x2 -3x -5x +5 >0
(x-1)(3x -5)>0
Critical solution :
Put (x-1)(3x -5) =0
x = 1 , 5/3
x<1 1 <x<5/3 x>5/3
x-1 -ve +ve +ve
3x-5 -ve -ve +ve
(x-1)(3x -5) +ve -ve +ve
Thus required solution is x<1 or x> 5/3.
b. |𝑥|−1
As │x│ =√x2
𝑥 2 +1
So 2 < 4
𝑥 −1
Always multiply by square of denominator on both sides ,as it is not assured that it will give positive
value for all values of x in denominator.
( 𝑥 2 −1) ( 𝑥 2 +1)
< 4(√x2-1)2
( 𝑥 2 −1)
(√x2-1)(√x2+1) < 4(√x2-1)2
x2 -1 < 4(x2 -2√x2 +1)
As √x2 =±x
So above equation has two forms.
x2 -1 < 4(x2 -2x +1)…………(1)
x2 -1 < 4(x2 +2x +1)…………(2)
Solving eq.1
3x2 -8x +5 > 0
3x2 -3x -5x +5 >0
(x-1)(3x -5)>0
Critical solution :
Put (x-1)(3x -5) =0
x = 1 , 5/3
x<1 1 <x<5/3 x>5/3
x-1 -ve +ve +ve
3x-5 -ve -ve +ve
(x-1)(3x -5) +ve -ve +ve

Thus required solution is x<1 or x> 5/3.

Solving eq.2
x2 -1 < 4(x2 +2x +1)…………(2)
3x2 +8x +5 > 0
3x2 +8x +5 > 0
3x2 +3x +5x +5 >0
(x+1)(3x +5)>0
Critical solution :
Put (x+1)(3x +5) =0
x =-1 ,-5/3

By Muhammad Afrasiab
contact# 03049954334
Teach Your Self A-levels
x<-5/3 -5/3<x<-1 x>-1
x+1 -ve -ve +ve
3x+5 -ve +ve +ve
(x-1)(3x -5) +ve -ve +ve
Thus required solution is x<-5/3 or x> -1
On combining the two solutions , x<1 or x> 5/3 and x<-5/3 or x> -1
Final solution will be x< -5/3 or -1<x<1 or x>5/3.
𝑐. |𝑥−1|
It can be directly cross multiplied because the denominator will be always positive due tom modulus
sign .
│x+1│< 4│x -1│
√(x+1)2 < 4 √(x-1)2
Squaring on both sides
(x+1)2 < 16 (x-1)2
x2 +2x +1 < 16 (x2 -2x + 1)
15x2 -34x +15 > 0
15x2 -25x -9x+15 > 0
(3x -5)(5x-3)>0
Critical solution :
Put (3x-5)(5x -3) =0
x = 3/5 , 5/3
x<3/5 3/5 <x<5/3 x>5/3
3x-5 -ve -ve +ve
5x-3 -ve +ve +ve
(3x-5)(5x -3) +ve -ve +ve
Thus required solution is x<3/5 or x>5/3.

By Muhammad Afrasiab
contact# 03049954334
Teach Your Self A-levels
Q=1 Solve │x+4│= 6

Q=2 Solve │2x-1│=│3x+2│

Q=3 Solve │x-3│= 4│x+1│

Q=4 Solve │2x-3│< 7

Q=5 Solve │2x-1│>│x+2│

Q=6 Solve │3x││≤│4x+1

By Muhammad Afrasiab
contact# 03049954334
Teach Your Self A-levels

Q=7 solve |𝑥−1|
< │x│

Q=8 Sketch the graphs of followings.

a. y = │x-4│
b. y = -2│x-5│
c. y = Cos x
d. y = │Cos x│
e. y = Cos│x│

Q=9 If f(x) = x2 -5x +6 , then draw the sketch of followings.

a. y= │f(x)│
b. y= -│f(x)│
c. y = │f(x) +2│
d. y = │f(x)│ -2

By Muhammad Afrasiab
contact# 03049954334
Teach Your Self A-levels

Q=10 find the value of a and k and write in the form of │x-k│≤ a when 4 ≤x ≤ 7.

Q=11 find the value of a and k and write in the form of │x-k│≥ a when x ≤ -5 or x≥ 3.

Q=12 Sketch on the single diagram, the graph of x+2y =6 and y= │x+2│. Hence or otherwise, solve
│x+2│<1 (6-x).[-10<x<2/3] 2

Q=13 Solve the following inequalities

a. 𝑥−1 < 2
b. |𝑥|−2
c. > 1[x<-4or 2/3<x<3 or x>3]

Q: 14. Find the solution set of the inequality >1
By Muhammad Afrasiab
contact# 03049954334
Teach Your Self A-levels

Q.15: Find the solution set of the inequality 10/x < 19- 6x

Q.16: Find the solution set of the inequality 𝑥−2 > 3

Q.17 Find the range of the values of x for which the following inequalities hold
(a) │3x+5│ < 4
(b) │2x+1/x-3│ > 1
(c) │x2+1│< │x2-9│
(d) │3-2x│≤ │x+4

By Muhammad Afrasiab
contact# 03049954334
Teach Your Self A-levels

Q18 .Find the solution set of the inequality:

< |x|
|x| + 1

𝐀𝐍𝐒: {x ∈ R: either x < −2 𝑜𝑟 𝑥 > 2}

Q19 .Find the range(s)of the values of x for which the following inequalities hold:
(𝐚) |3x + 5| < 4
2x + 1
(𝐛) | |>1
(𝐜) |x 2 + 1| < |x 2 − 9|
(𝐝) |3 − 2x| ≤ |x + 4|

𝐀𝐍𝐒: (𝐚) − 3 < 𝑥 < −
By Muhammad Afrasiab
contact# 03049954334
Teach Your Self A-levels
(𝐛) x < −4 𝑜𝑟 < 𝑥 < 3 𝑜𝑟 𝑥 > 3
(𝐜) − 2 < 𝑥 < 2
(𝐝) − ≤ x ≤ 7
Q20..Solve the following inequalities:
(𝐚) < 4,
|x| + 1
(𝐛) < 4,
|x| − 1
(𝐜) | | < 4.

𝐀𝐍𝐒: (𝐚)x < 1 𝑜𝑟 𝑥 >
5 5
(𝐛) x < − or − 1 < 𝑥 < 1 𝑜𝑟 𝑥 >
3 3
3 5
(𝐜) x < or x >
5 3
Q21. Solve the equation 4|x| = |x − 1|. On the same diagram, sketch the graphs of y = 4|x| and y =
|x − 1| and hence, or otherwise, solve the inequality 4|x| > |x − 1|.

By Muhammad Afrasiab
contact# 03049954334
Teach Your Self A-levels

1 1 1 1
𝐀𝐍𝐒: x = − or ; x < − or x >
3 5 3 5
Q22. Solve the inequality |y − 1| < 6.
In p
Hence solve the inequality |2x − 1| < 6, 𝑒𝑥𝑝𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑠𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑎𝑛𝑦 𝑛𝑢𝑚𝑒𝑟𝑖𝑐𝑎𝑙 𝑣𝑎𝑙𝑢𝑒 𝑖𝑛 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑓𝑜𝑟𝑚 ,
In q
where p and q are integers.

In 7
𝐀𝐍𝐒: −5 < 𝑦 < 7, −∞ <×<
In 2

By Muhammad Afrasiab
contact# 03049954334
Teach Your Self A-levels
Topic 5
The conversion of a larger number on base of a certain number is said to be exponential form and its
evaluation due to certain rules is said to be logarithmic form.
For example ,
100 = 102
1000 =103
10000 =104
8 =23
64 = 26
729 = 36
16807 = 75
Logarithm is basically divide into two parts.
I. Azimuthal form
II. Common or Natural form.


 Log based on any  Log based on “e”  Log based on

positive integer  Natural number common number 10
 log b a ln a  log10 a
 Where b is base in any  where base is e  Where base is 10
integer form.  e =2.71828

Now, these exponential form numbers will be changed to logarithmic form due to rule,
log is also written as lg . lg is generally based on 10 ,otherwise it will be mentioned.
If a = bc then it will be written as log b a =c . Where a>0 , b>0.
100 = 10 2 lg 10 100 =2
1000 =103 lg 10 1000 =3
10000 =10 4 lg 1010000 =4
8 =23 lg 28 =3
64 = 2 6 lg 264 =6
729 = 36 lg3729 = 6
16807 = 7 5 lg 716807 = 5

Q=1 Change the following exponential form to logarithmic form.

a) 2 9 = 512
b) 0.58 = 256
c) 34 =81
d) Pq = r
a) lg 2512 = 9
b) lg 0.5 (1/256) = 8
c) lg 381 =4
d) lg p r =q
 Derivation of logarithm rules from indices rules.
As already explained in “O” –Levels , the rules of indices ,
By Muhammad Afrasiab
contact# 03049954334
Teach Your Self A-levels
 am x an = a m+n
 am/an = am-n
 (am)n = amn
 am x bm = (a xb )m
 am/an = (a/b)m
 a0 =1 ,provided a≠ 0
Now as defined above if am = p then its logarithmic form will be lg a p = m.
1. lg a ( pq) = lg a p + lg a q
(if two quantities multiply then their lg will be added.)
Let am = p , an = q , m+n = r
Converting into lg form
lg a p = m and lg a q = n
as am x an = a m+ n
so pq = ar
changing back to lg form
lg a(pq) = r
lg a(pq) = m+ n
as lg a p = m and lg a q = n
lg a(pq) = lg a p + lg a q
2. lg a ( p/q) = lg a p - lg a q
(if two quantities divide each other then their lg will be subtracted.)
Let am = p , an = q , m+n = r
Converting into lg form
lg a p = m and lg a q = n
as am x an = a m+ n
so pq = ar
changing back to lg form
lg a(pq) = r
lg a(pq) = m+ n
as lg a p = m and lg a q = n
lg a(pq) = lg a p + lg a q
3. lg a(m)n = n lg a m
let lg a (m)n = p
mn =ap
As lg a a = 1
So taking lg on both sides
n lga m = p lga a
n lga m = p
so lg a(m)n = n lg a m
4. lga a =1
5. lg ab = 1
lg ba
6. lg 1010 =1
All these laws will now be converted to natural logarithm i.e.ln which is based on “e”
1. ln pq =ln p + lnq
2. ln(p/q) =ln p-ln q
3. ln ab = b ln a
4. ln e =1
Q =2 Express these in terms of m , n ,t as lg p = m , lg q =n ,lg r = t
a) lg (pqr)

By Muhammad Afrasiab
contact# 03049954334
Teach Your Self A-levels
b) lg (pq2r3)
c) lg √pq
d) lg 3√(p/q)
e) lg (p2q2/r3)
a) lg (pqr)
lg (pqr) = lg p +lg q + lg r using rule 1
= m+n+t
b) lg (pq r3)

lg(pq2r3) = lg p + lg q2 + lg r3
= lg p + 2lg q +3 lg r rule 3
= m + 2n + 3t
c) lg √pq = lg (pq)1/2
= 1/2lg (pq)
= ½ (lg p + lg q)
= ½(m+n)
d) lg 3√(p/q) = 1/3 lg(p/q)
=1/3 (lg p+lg q)
=1/3 (m+n)
e) lg (p q /r ) = lg p2 + lg q2 – lg r3
2 2 3

= 2 lg p + 2 lg q – 3lg r
= 2m +2n – 3t
Q=3 Combine in one term for the following using logarithm rules.
a) 2lg p -3lgq +4lgr
b) (1/2)lg p +2lg q – 3lg r
c) 4 lg p +2 lgq -2 lg r - 3lg s.
1. 2lg p -3lgq +4lgr = lg p2 – lgq3 +lg r4
=lg (p2r4/q3)
2. (1/2)lg p +2lg q – 3lg r = lg p1/2 +lgq2 – lg r3
= lg (p1/2 q2/r3)
3. 4 lg p +2 lgq -2 lg r - 3lg s. = lg p4 +lg q2 – lg r2
= lg(p4 q2/r2)
4. Solve each of the following equations, to find x in terms of a. where a > 0 and a ≠ e2.
(a) ax = e2x + 1
(b) 2 ln(2x) = 1+ln a.
(a) ax = e2x + 1
Taking ln on both sides
ln ax = ln(e2x + 1)
x ln a = (2x+1)ln e as ln e =1
x ln a = 2x+1
x ln a -2x = 1
x(ln a -2) = 1
x= ln 𝑎−2

(b) 2 ln(2x) = 1+ln a.

By Muhammad Afrasiab
contact# 03049954334
Teach Your Self A-levels
ln (2x)2 = 1 +ln a
ln 4x2 – ln a = 1
ln (4x2 / a)= 1
taking anti ln on both sides
4x2 /a = e1
4x2 = e a
x2 = (ea)/4
x =(1/2) √ (ea)
5. Solve the equation 32x = 42-x, giving your answer to three significant figures.
32x = 42-x
Taking ln on both sides
ln32x = ln 42-x
2x ln 3 = (2-x) ln 4
2x ln 3 = 2 ln 4 – x ln 4
2x ln 3 + xln 4 =2 ln 4
x(2ln 3 + ln 4)=2ln 4
x= (2 ln 4)/(2ln 3 +ln 4)
x= 0.774
6. By means of the substitution y = 4x, or otherwise, find the two values of x such that
2(4x) + 4-x = 3
2(4x) + 4-x = 3
2(44x) + 1/4x = 3………(1)
As y =4x
By substituting in eq.1
2y +1/y =3
(2𝑦 2 +1)

2y2 + 1 = 3y
2y2 -3y +1 =0
2y2 -2y –y +1 =0
(y -1)(2y - 1)=0
So y = 1, ½
If y=1 then 4x =2

By Muhammad Afrasiab
contact# 03049954334
Teach Your Self A-levels
22x = 1 =20
2x =0 , x=0
If y =1/2 then 4x = ½ = 2-1
22x = 2-1
2x = -1, x = -1/2
7. It is given that 4x = 82x+1, By expressing each side of this equation as a power of 2, or otherwise, find the
value of x.
4x = 82x+1
(22)x = (23)2x+1
22x = 26x+3
ln (22x )= ln (26x+3)
2x ln 2 = (6x+3 )ln 2
Canceling ln 2 on both sides
2x = 6x+3
-4x = 3
x= -3/4
8. Given the simultaneous equations 2x = 3y, x+y = 1, show that x= ln3/ln6
As x+ y =1
2x = 3 1-x
Taking ln on both sides.
ln 2x = ln (3 1-x)
x ln 2 = (1-x) ln 3
x ln 2 + x ln 3 = ln 3
x(ln 2 + ln 3) = ln 3
x ln (2 x 3) = ln 3
x ln 6 = ln 3
x = ln 3/ ln 6
9. Solve exactly 4x1/2 = 3 – 7x
Solution :
4x1/2 = 3 – 7x……..(1)
Let x1/2 = p
Then x = p2

By Muhammad Afrasiab
contact# 03049954334
Teach Your Self A-levels
Put in eq.1
4p = 3 – 7p2
7p2 +4p -3 = 0
7p2 +7p -3p -3 = 0
(p +1)(7p -3) = 0
P = -1 , 3/7
As p = x1/2 , p= -1
x1/2 = -1
if ln property is used then ln of –ve number is not possible so p≠ -1
p = x1/2 , p= 3/7
x1/2 = 3/7
x = 9/49
10. Express ln(2√e) – 1/3 ln (8/e) – ln(e/3) in form c + ln d, where a, b, c and d are rational numbers.
ln(2√e) – 1/3 ln (8/e) – ln(e/3)
applying ln properties
(ln 2 + ln√e) – 1/3( ln 8 – ln e) – (ln e – ln 3). As (ln √e = ln e1/2 = ½ lne)
(ln 2 + 1/2lne) – 1/3( 3ln 2 – ln e) – (ln e – ln 3). As (ln 8 = ln 23 =3ln 2)
(ln 2 + 1/2 – 1/3( 3ln 2) + 1/3ln e – ln e + ln 3. as ln e =1
ln 2 + 1/2 – ln 2 + 1/3 –1+ ln 3
(1/2 +1/3 -1) + ln 3
-1/6 +ln 3.
11. State the exact value of the constant k such that 3x = ekx, for all x.
3x = ekx
Taking ln on both sides
ln3x = lnekx
x ln 3 = kx ln e
x ln 3 = kx
k = xln3/x
k = ln 3.
12. It is given that ln a = x and ln b = y, Express ln(a2b/e) in terms of x and y.
ln(a2b/e) = ln a2 + ln b –ln e
= 2 ln a + ln b – ln e

By Muhammad Afrasiab
contact# 03049954334
Teach Your Self A-levels
= 2ln a + ln b -1
= 2x +y – 1
 Use of logarithm in exponential form y = abx
Taking ln/lg on both sides of equation
lg y = lg (axb)
lg y = lg a + lg xb
lg y = lg a + x lg b……….(1)
(Linear law). Y = mX + C……….(2)
On comparing eq. 1 & 2
Y = lg y , X = x , C = lg a

By Muhammad Afrasiab
contact# 03049954334
Teach Your Self A-levels
Assignment 5
1. Solve each of the following equations, to find x in term of α, where α > 0 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝛼 ≠ e2 .
(𝐚) αx = e2x+1 ,
(𝐛) 2 In(2x) = 1 + In α.

𝐀𝐍𝐒: (𝐚)x = In α−2
(𝐛) αe
2. Solve the equation 32x = 42−x , giving your answer to three significant figures.

𝐀𝐍𝐒: 0.774
3. By means of the substitution y = 4x , or otherwise, find the two values of x such that 2(4x ) +
4−x = 3.

𝐀𝐍𝐒: 0, −
By Muhammad Afrasiab
contact# 03049954334
Teach Your Self A-levels
3. By writing ex = u, or otherwise, solve the equation ex − 2e−x = 1.

𝐀𝐍𝐒: x = In 2
1 1 1 1
5. Solve the equation x 2 + x −2 = 2 (x 2 − x −2 ).

𝐀𝐍𝐒: x = 3
6 .Solve exactly 4x 2 = 3 − 7x.

𝐀𝐍𝐒: x =
α2 b
7. It is given that In α = x and In b = y. Express In ( e ) in terms of x and y .

𝐀𝐍𝐒: 2x + y − 1
8. Two positive variables, x and y, are connected by a relation y = kx n , where k and n are
constants. Explain why plotting In y against In x leads to a straight line graph.
Measurements correct to 2 significant figures give the value in table for x and y.
x 2.0 3.0
y 1.3 15
Find the values of k and n correct to 2 significant figures.
By Muhammad Afrasiab
contact# 03049954334
Teach Your Self A-levels

𝐀𝐍𝐒: k = 0.020, n = 6.0

9.(𝐢) Show that equation log10 (x + 5) = 2 − log10 x may be written as a quadratic equation in x.
(𝐢𝐢) Hence find the value of x satisfying the equation log10 (x + 5) = 2 − log10 x.

𝐀𝐍𝐒: (𝐢)x 2 + 5x − 100 = 0

(𝐢𝐢)x = 7.81
Q=10 Sketch the graphs of followings,
i. 𝑦 = |−|𝑥 − 3|| − 2 [3]
ii. 𝑦 = 𝑆𝑖𝑛|𝑥|; 0 ≤ 𝑥 ≤ 2𝜋 [3]
iii. 𝑦 = −|𝑡𝑎𝑛2𝑥| + 1; 0 ≤ 𝑥 ≤ 𝜋 [4]

By Muhammad Afrasiab
contact# 03049954334
Teach Your Self A-levels

By Muhammad Afrasiab
contact# 03049954334
Teach Your Self A-levels
Q=11 Solve the followings;
i. |2𝑥 − 3| ≤ 5𝑥 [3]
ii. |3𝑥 + 1| ≥ |5𝑥 − 1| [3]
iii. | |<3 [4]

Q=12 Solve the followings;

<3 [5]
ii. <2 [4]

By Muhammad Afrasiab
contact# 03049954334
Teach Your Self A-levels

Q=13 Solve the followings giving your answer to 2d.p.

i. 0.52𝑥−1 < 3𝑥 [3]
ii. ln(2𝑥 + 3)= 1 + ln(3𝑥 − 1) [4]

Q=14 Solve 𝑙𝑔2 (𝑥 − 2) + 𝑙𝑔2 (2𝑥 + 3) = 3 [4]

Q=15 Solve 𝑙𝑔2 (𝑥 − 1) − 𝑙𝑔2 (2𝑥 + 1) = 𝑙𝑔2 (𝑥 + 3) + 8 [5]

Q=16 Solve 𝑙𝑛|𝑥 − 4| < 5 [4]

By Muhammad Afrasiab
contact# 03049954334
Teach Your Self A-levels

Q=17 Solve exactly (3𝑥)𝑙𝑔3 = (5𝑥)𝑙𝑔5 [5]

By Muhammad Afrasiab
contact# 03049954334

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