VITAMINS - Fat-Soluble - Thin-Layer (Planar) Chromatography W. E. Lambert and A. P. de Leenheer

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III / VITAMINS / Fat-Soluble: Thin-Layer (Planar) Chromatography 4437


Fat-Soluble: Thin-Layer Vitamin A

(Planar) Chromatography The structures of vitamin A and of some related
compounds are presented in Figure 1. The parent
W. E. Lambert and A. P. De Leenheer, compound, all-trans-retinol or vitamin A, is an iso-
Universiteit Gent, Gent, Belgium prenoid structure with Rve conjugated double bonds
resulting in an absorption maximum at 325 nm (in
Copyright ^ 2000 Academic Press
n-hexane or ethanol), in a high molar extinction co-
efRcient and in a sensitivity of the compound towards
Introduction isomer formation and/or oxidation. The formation of
isomers is catalysed by light and iodine while the
Thin-layer chromatography (TLC) is a very widely
relative amount of the isomers depends on the
used chromatographic technique allowing the separ-
wavelength and on the solvent used. The four exocyc-
ation of simple mixtures followed by a qualitative
lic double bonds can theoretically result in the forma-
identiRcation or a semiquantitative visual analysis of
tion of 16 isomers. All have been characterized. An
the samples. All this can be performed in an inexpen-
increase in the number of cis bonds generally results
sive and simple way without requiring highly sophis-
in a lower absorption maximum as well as a decrease
ticated instrumentation.
of the molar extinction coefRcient relative to the
On the other hand, high performance thin-layer
all-trans isomer. Vitamin A and the Vitamin A-re-
chromatography (HPTLC) is a highly instrumental
lated compounds are also sensitive towards oxidation
technique allowing fast and very efRcient separations
and peroxidation by contact with air. The presence
with quantitative results of accuracy and precision
of transition group metals is known to catalyse this
rivalling those obtained by the far more popular tech-
niques such as high performance liquid chromatogra-
To prevent degradation it is imperative to take
phy (HPLC) and gas chromatography (GC). The
special precautions when working with vitamin A-
small particle size (5 m) and the more uniform layer
related compounds, for example, storing the samples
of the stationary phase of the commercially pre-
at very low temperature, working under subdued
coated HPTLC plates are responsible for this in-
light, avoiding drastic reagents and contact with air
creased efRciency and sensitivity.
or peroxide-containing organic solvents.
This article focuses on the speciRc separation of
The lability of these compounds makes research in
fat-soluble vitamins by TLC. Strategies from sample
the vitamin A Reld a real analytical challenge. Espe-
preparation, stationary phases, mobile phases and de-
cially during the TLC process, special precautions are
tection modes will be discussed for each vitamin separ-
necessary, as will be described below.
ately. However, from the recent reviews published
biennially in Analytical Chemistry it can be seen that Chromatographic Conditions
the number of new applications of TLC to the analysis
of fat-soluble vitamins is diminishing all the time. TLC on polar inorganic nonmodiRed sorbents such as
The chemistry (stability) of the different com- alumina and silica remains very popular. Silica plates
pounds, will be treated because of its importance in can be activated by heating at 1203C for 1 h in an
TLC analyses. attempt to enhance resolution, while spraying the
plates with a solution of an antioxidant has been
reported to prevent degradation of the compounds on
the plates.
As with what is known from liquid chromatogra-
phy, chromatographic systems based on silica plates
with eluents of hexane, petroleum ether or cyclo-
hexane, with a variable amount of a more polar
solvent such as 8% diethyl ether, 50% diethyl ether
Figure 1 Structure of vitamin A. Related compounds include or 20% ethyl acetate, offer the best separation of
retinol (R"CH2OH), retinal (R"CHO), retinoic acid (R"COOH) the geometric isomers of vitamin A compounds. In
and retinyl palmitate (R"CH2OCO(CH2)14CH3). a similar way, high performance silica gel thin-layer
4438 III / VITAMINS / Fat-Soluble: Thin-Layer (Planar) Chromatography

Table 1 Representative RF values of geometric isomers of ever, is less efRcient than that obtained on para-
vitamin A compounds fRn oil-impregnated kieselguhr. Separation on a
C18 phase and on a silica phase (on one single plate)
Compound a b c d
has been used in a two-phase two-dimensional TLC
Retinol determination of all-trans- and 13-cis-retinoic acid in
All-trans 0.09 0.14 0.21 cream samples. The reversed-phase step served to
9-cis 0.17 0.23 separate the retinoic acid isomers from the cream
13-cis 0.23 0.28
excipients, while the silica sorbent was ideally suited
11-cis 0.12 0.28 0.28
for the separation of the two isomers from each other.
Retinal Generally, on reversed-phase TLC plates, methanol
All-trans 0.27 0.47 0.46
9-cis 0.52 0.50
or acetonitrile can separate retinol from retinyl acet-
11-cis 0.47 0.58 0.53 ate while dichloroethane with acetonitrile can separ-
13-cis 0.60 0.55 ate the long chain retinyl esters.
Retinoic acid
All-trans 0.34 Detection
13-cis 0.39
Quenching the Suorescence of the indicator Rxed on
a, Silica gel: hexane}ether (92:8, by vol.); b, silica gel: the thin-layer plate itself (F254) is a very common and
hexane}ether (50:50, by vol.); c, silica gel: cyclohexane}tol-
uene}ethylacetate (50:30:20, by vol.); d, silica gel: diethyl
nondestructive way to localize spots on a TLC plate.
ether}cyclohexane}acetone}glacial acetic acid (40 : 60 : 2 : 1, Of course, this can also be applied to vitamin A com-
by vol.). pounds. Retinol and retinyl esters on the other hand
can be identiRed by the yellow-green Suorescence
they exhibit under 366 nm UV light. Other tech-
plates eluted with diethyl ether}cyclohexane} niques to visualize vitamin A compounds include
acetone}glacial acetic acid allows the separation of absorption of iodine vapours (with the formation of
all-trans- and 13-cis-retinoic acid in gel formulations brown spots) or destructive procedures such as spray-
(Table 1). Separation of vitamin A from the lipophilic ing with sulfuric acid.
vitamins is also possible on silica plates eluted with Other spray reagents include SbCl3 or SbCl5 solu-
mixtures of benzene}petroleum ether}acetic acid. tions in chloroform, a 5% solution of phosphomolyb-
Under these conditions the water-soluble vitamins dic acid in ethanol and a mixture of equal volumes of
remain at the origin. Very often, classical TLC on a 1% aqueous solution of potassium permanganate
silica plates serves as a kind of clean-up step before and a 5% aqueous solution of sodium carbonate.
ofSine quantiRcation, e.g. for the quantiRcation of After heating the plate coloured spots appear for
vitamin A in fruits and vegetables. With the introduc- vitamin A. The same reagents are often applied to
tion of the smaller HPTLC plates, more efRcient sep- visualize vitamins D and E.
arations together with shorter development times are As an alternative a large array of dyes has been
possible. This has allowed the quantitative deter- evaluated as visualizing agents for fat-soluble vit-
mination of retinol and of -tocopherol in plasma amins, including vitamin A. The different dyes (ani-
with tocopheryl acetate as an internal standard. line blue, alkaline blue, brilliant green, neutral red,
In isolated cases kieselguhr plates or talc, starch or bromocresol green, bromothymol blue, thymol blue,
cellulose thin layers have been impregnated with 10% phenol red, helasol green, brilliant cresyl blue and
parafRn oil in cyclohexane. This was applied to bromophenol blue) are used as a solution of 50 mg of
a study of the hydrophobicity of a number of vitamin the dye either in 100 mL of water or in 100 mL of
A-related compounds and for a separation of vitamin a 2% aqueous sodium hydroxide solution. Evalu-
A-acetate from vitamin A-palmitate. For these studies ation of the plates is then performed 20 min after
the impregnated plates were eluted with mixtures of spraying or after acceleration of the reaction by heat-
methanol}water (95 : 5, by vol.) and of acetone}con- ing the plates at 1103C for 15 min.
centrated acetic acid (30 : 20, by vol.). For quantitative measurements, densitometric
Both the elution order of the compounds under evaluation can be applied to vitamin A compounds.
investigation and the composition of the elution sol- In this way, absorbance can be measured by diffuse
vents clearly demonstrate a reversed-phase type of reSectance at 290 nm using a mercury lamp, while
retention under these conditions. UV spectra can be recorded between 200 and 400 nm
Reversed-phase stationary phases such as RP-2 or with a deuterium lamp. Detection limits for retinol
C18 are also used in the analysis of vitamin A-related using this technique are around 160 ng mL\1 using
compounds. The separation on the RP-2 phase, how- 200 L plasma. By using tocopheryl acetate as an
III / VITAMINS / Fat-Soluble: Thin-Layer (Planar) Chromatography 4439

Figure 2 Structure of (A) vitamin D2 (ergocalciferol) and (B) vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol).

internal standard, the coefRcient of variance (inter tiation of vitamin D analogues, separation of vitamin
plate and intra plate) can be kept below 12.5%. D from other lipids (e.g. sterols, other fat-soluble
Using the dyes as a visualizing agent, the highest vitamins), determination of the purity of radiolabel-
sensitivity on a silica plate can be obtained with led vitamin D derivatives and analysis of vitamin
bromophenol blue (in 2% aqueous sodium hydroxide) D metabolites as a part of radioligand assays.
without heating the plate. Under these conditions
Chromatographic Conditions
3 g can be visualized. The same reagent applied on
a partition-type TLC plate (silica gel impregnated Polar inorganic sorbents such as silica gel or, occa-
with a 5% solution of parafRn oil in chloroform) sionally, alumina have been applied to the separation
resulted in a Rvefold decrease in sensitivity towards of vitamin D analogues. In this way, provitamin D3,
vitamin A. tachysterol3, lumisterol3 and pre-vitamin D3 were sep-
arated on silica gel and the eluting order of the com-
pounds could be correlated with the increasing
Vitamin D planarity of the compounds. Vitamins D2 and D3 can
Vitamin D and its structural analogues are a group of be separated on their basis of their hydrophobicity;
9,10-seco-steroids: their basic structures are shown in the double bond in the hydrocarbon chain of
Figure 2. The D2 series (ergocalciferol) is of vegetable vitamin D2 results in lower hydrophobicity compared
origin and has a side chain derived from ergosterol with vitamin D3. This was proven by comparing
containing an additional C22}23 double bond and the RF values of the two compounds both
a C24 methyl group, whereas vitamin D3 (cholecal- in an adsorption system (silica gel eluted with ben-
ciferol) is formed in the skin of humans and animals zene}methanol, 9 : 1) and in a partition system. For
and has a side chain derived from cholesterol. The the latter experiment, kieselguhr plates impregnated
conjugated system of three bonds results in a molar with a 10% solution of parafRn oil in benzene were
extinction coefRcient of 18 300 L mol\1 cm\1 with eluted with different mixtures of methanol}water or
a max at 264 nm. Both analogues are derived acetonitrile}water. In spite of the extra methyl func-
photochemically from their respective precursor tion in the side chain of D2 the double bond makes
(provitamin D). Indeed, irradiation of this provitamin this compound more polar than D3, as demonstrated
D results in various photolysis products such as by their RF values in the latter system (Table 2).
tachysterol, lumisterol and pre-vitamin D. Pre-vit- For the separation of vitamin D from other lipids,
amin D then undergoes spontaneous rearrangement e.g. in foods, in most cases silica gel plates are ap-
to vitamin D. In the human body vitamin D3 is exten- plied. In cases where vitamin D has to be separated
sively metabolized. The liver converts it to 25-hy- from sterols (cholesterol, -sitosterol, stigmasterol or
droxy vitamin D3 while further hydroxylation in the lanosterol), however, alumina may be the preferred
kidney yields, among others, 1,25-dihydroxy vitamin stationary phase because silica gel can show too high
D3. As with vitamin A, protection from light and an adsorption strength towards free sterols.
from air is of great importance for the analysis of In particular cases, multiple development of the
vitamin D by TLC. plates may be necessary, e.g. when vitamin D has to
TLC and, recently, HPTLC have found several be determined in cod liver oil. Despite the availability
applications in vitamin D analysis, including differen- of column chromatographic procedures or, more
4440 III / VITAMINS / Fat-Soluble: Thin-Layer (Planar) Chromatography

Table 2 Representative RF values of vitamins D2 and D3a

Eluent Compound

D2 D3

Methanol}water (v /v)
100 : 0 0.78 0.74
95 : 5 0.56 0.48
90 : 10 0.36 0.33 Compound R1 R2 R3
85 : 15 0.18 0.15
80 : 20 0.05 0.04 -Tocopherol CH3 CH3 CH3
Acetonitrile}water (v/v) -Tocopherol CH3 H CH3
100 : 0 0.60 0.55 -Tocopherol H CH3 CH3
95 : 5 0.50 0.41 -Tocopherol H H CH3
90 : 10 0.38 0.29
85 : 15 0.29 0.25 Figure 3 Structure of tocopherols.
80 : 20 0.23 0.17
75 : 25 0.12 0.09
green, can also be used to visualize vitamin D-related
Kieselguhr impregnated with 10% paraffin oil in benzene. compounds.
As already mentioned, for quantiRcation purposes
of vitamin D-related compounds, TLC is often
recently, of HPLC, TLC is still used in the clean-up of incorporated as a clean-up step before ofSine
extracts of lipid-rich matrices such as foods, tissues, measurement either by gas chromatography}mass
oils or multivitamin preparations. The same even spectrometry (GC-MS) or radioimmunoassay (RIA).
holds true for applications of TLC in the sample This clean-up function offers a certain future for TLC
preparation step for separation of the different and HPTLC, especially for laboratories specializing
metabolites of vitamin D. Of course, in biological in RIA and lacking HPLC equipment.
matrices the content of the vitamin D metabolites is
too low to allow visualization by spray reagents.
Typically, the areas corresponding to the compounds
Vitamin E
of interest are then scraped off and wetted with Vitamin E is a collective term for tocopherols and
a small volume of solvent to make it directly amen- tocotrienols, a series of potent antioxidants derived
able to a quantitative radioligand determination. from 6-chromanol by substitution with a saturated
Silica gel and silica gel impregnated with silver (tocopherols) or partially unsaturated (tocotrienols)
nitrate have also been used to monitor the purity isoprenoid side chain and one to three methyl func-
of radiolabelled vitamin D. The advantage of the tions (Figure 3). The principal form is -tocopherol
application of TLC for this type of study is based on (5,7,8-trimethyltocol) which in nature occurs in the
the fact that TLC offers a total picture of all impu- 2R, 4R, 8R conRguration. Tocol can be regarded as
rities, whereas in liquid chromatography it can never the unsubstituted parent molecule, while -, - and -
be totally excluded that some impurities are not and -tocopherol form a homologue series of tri-,
eluted. di- and monosubstituted tocols, respectively. The
Polar organic sorbents (e.g. cellulose) or nonpolar dimethyltocols (- and -tocopherol) are positional
bonded phases are infrequently used in vitamin D isomers.
analysis by TLC. However, separation on kieselguhr All vitamin E derivatives have strong reducing
plates impregnated with parafRn oil, described properties, with -tocopherol being the most biolo-
above, clearly demonstrates that nonpolar bonded gically active homologue. By scavenging free radicals
phases are worth evaluation for the separation of and other oxidative species, -tocopherol is known to
D2 from D3. protect membrane lipids from peroxidation. Other
functions described for vitamin E remain more con-
troversial. In the absence of air, vitamin E derivatives
Although not very sensitive, UV absorbance or Su- are quite stable to heat and alkali. However, in the
orescence quenching (the latter on plates containing presence of air they are rapidly oxidized by alkali and
a Suorescence indicator) are universal procedures metal ions. Vitamin E derivatives absorb light in the
that are valid for the detection of vitamin D. UV region (max 292}295 nm;  3530 L mol\1 cm\1)
Iodine vapours, 0.005% aqueous solution of and they are natively Suorescent (ex 205 and 295 nm;
fuchsin or a 0.05% aqueous solution of bromocresol em 330 nm).
III / VITAMINS / Fat-Soluble: Thin-Layer (Planar) Chromatography 4441

Table 3 TLC conditions for vitamin E-related compoundsa

Compounds Mobile phase Visualization Comments

-Tocopherol in rat liver 1D: Benzene}ethanol (99 : 1, v/v) 20 h at 110}1203C

2D: Hexane}ethanol (9 : 1, v/v)
-, -, -Tocopherol in feeds, Petr.ether}diethyl ether}acetic 0.004% 2,7-dichlorofluorescein -Tocopherol and -tocopherol
oils acid (90 : 10 : 1, v/v) co-migrate
-Tocopherol in pig organs 1D: Benzene}ethanol (99 : 1, v/v) Ethanolic bathophenan-
2D: Hexane}ethanol (9 : 1, v/v) throline-FeCl3
-, -, -Tocopherol and Hexane}isopropylether (85 : 15, 15 min at 1003C 10% copper(II) -Tocopherol and -tocopherol
-Tocopherol3 in algal lipids v/v) sulfate phosphoric acid 10 min co-migrate
at 1903C
-, -, -, -Tocopherol and 1D: Chloroform -Tocopherol and
-, -, -, -tocopherol3 in 2D: Hexane}isopropylether -tocopherol3 co-migrate
cereals and plant oils (80 : 20, v/v)

All separations were done on silica plates.

volume) offer the best separation. Of the four tocoph-

Chromatographic Conditions
erols considered, the difference between the RF values
For TLC separation of vitamin E derivatives, silica gel of - and -tocopherol was small.
plates have been widely used. Within the group of Alternatively, reversed-phase C18 plates have also
tocopherols migration is correlated with the degree of been applied to the separation of -tocopherol from
ring methylation. However, for the separation of - other antioxidants or from the other tocopherols.
from -tocopherol (two dimethyl tocols), often two- A new and interesting trend consists of the separation
dimensional TLC is necessary with an eluent based on of D and L enantiomers of tocopherol on chiral
petroleum ether and diisopropyl ether for the second plates (stationary phase, chiral plate solvent: pro-
TLC run (Table 3). panol}water}methanol (8.5 : 1.0 : 0.5, by volume) ac-
Resolution of the naturally occurring tocopherols tivated by heating at 1003C for 15 min). Because of the
and tocotrienols also requires two-dimensional TLC. different biological activities of both enantiomers, this
The separation between -tocotrienol and -tocoph- type of separation should be further investigated.
erol, in particular, remains an analytical challenge.
Both capillary GC and HPLC have now replaced TLC
approaches, but the solvents used in HPLC often rely The commonest mode of detecting tocopherols and
on solvent systems applied in earlier TLC separations. tocotrienols on TLC plates is based on quenching the
Traditionally, TLC on silica gel or on alumina has Suorescence of supports impregnated with a Suor-
also played an important role in the clean-up of escent indicator. Alternatively, tocopherols and
extracts of biological materials for the spectro- tocotrienols can be visualized by nonspeciRc proced-
photometric analysis of tocopherols/tocotrienols in ures such as charring preceded by spraying with sul-
the presence of a large excess of interfering lipids. The furic acid, perchloric acid, nitric acid or 10%
whole procedure, however, often included saponiRca- copper(II) sulfate in 8% phosphoric acid. More speci-
tion, extraction, column chromatography and two Rc visualization procedures are based on the reducing
successive TLC runs before the Rnal spectro- properties of the vitamin E-related compounds. In
photometric measurement. this way, ferric ions are reduced to ferrous ions which
Both silica gel and alumina lend themselves to react with , -dipyridine or bathophenanthroline to
separation of tocopherols from their decomposition form a red-coloured complex (Emmerie}Engel reac-
products (-tocopherylquinone, -tocopherylhydro- tion). Phosphomolybdic acid and a 20% antimony
quinone) from other fat-soluble vitamins or from pentachloride solution in chloroform both produce
other lipophilic antioxidants such as butylated hy- characteristic colour reactions allowing -tocopherol
droxytoluene, butylated hydroxyanisole, ethoxyquin, to be distinguished from -tocopherol, or all four
gallate esters and ascorbyl palmitate. tocopherols from each other. QuantiRcation of vit-
More recently, reversed-phase chromatographic amin E-related compounds after TLC separation
conditions have been evaluated for the separation of can be performed either off-plate or on-plate. Off-plate
-, -, - and -tocopherol. Kieselguhr G plates im- methods include scraping the areas of interest from the
pregnated with a 10% solution of parafRn oil in plate and eluting the compounds with an organic sol-
benzene and eluted with methanol}water (9 : 1, by vent, followed either by a colorimetric measurement or
4442 III / VITAMINS / Fat-Soluble: Thin-Layer (Planar) Chromatography

Figure 4 Structure of vitamin K and related compounds.

by GC determination. On-plate quantiRcation is based conversion to menaquinones, chieSy MK-4, by

on densitometry of the coloured spots obtained with microorganisms or by alkylating enzymes.
chromogenic spray reagents, on the native UV absorb-
Phylloquinone and the other K-vitamers are de-
ance or on the native Suorescence properties of the
stroyed in alkaline media and are sensitive to daylight
compounds of interest.
(isomer formation). The K-vitamers are easily re-
duced but are fairly stable towards oxidizing condi-
tions and heat. Both vitamin K1(20) and MK-n show
Vitamin K a characteristic UV absorption spectrum with maxi-
All K-vitamers are derivatives of the same 2-methyl- ma at 244, 249, 263, 270 and 331 nm (in methanol).
1,4-napthoquinone nucleus. The number of isoprene Their molar extinction coefRcient at 249 nm is of the
units or the number of carbon atoms in the side chain order of 20 000 L mol\1 cm\1.
can be used to characterize the molecules. Accord-
ingly, MK-4 contains four isoprene units, or K1(20) has Chromatographic Conditions
20 carbon atoms in the side chain (Figure 4). Three
TLC procedures for vitamin K can be divided into
molecules, each representative of a particular group
three main types:
of K-vitamers, are of special importance:
1. adsorption chromatography on silica plates for the
1. Phylloquinone (Vitamin K1(20)) is synthesized by
separation of cis-trans isomers
green plants and is found in chloroplasts of photo-
2. argentation chromatography (also on silica layers)
synthetic plants. Epoxidation of the double bond
to separate saturated and unsaturated homologues
between carbons 2 and 3 of the naphthoquinone
of vitamin K
nucleus results in K1(20)-epoxide
3. reversed-phase chromatography for the separation
2. Menaquinone-n, also called MK-n, is character-
of methylated and demethylated K-vitamers
ized by a propenyl side chain often containing
a large number of isoprene units (up to 13), with These three systems are complementary and will be
n indicating the number of units. Menaquinones treated below.
(ranging from MK-4 to MK-13) are synthesized by One major advantage of TLC on silica gel is that
bacteria (e.g. Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus silica gel has little or no tendency to catalyse the
aureus) degradation of vitamin K. This is in contrast to
3. Synthetic vitamin K3 (menadione or MK-0) does alumina-based separations. Separations on silica are
not occur in nature. In the body, menadione ex- mainly based on differences in polarity, which makes
hibits vitamin K activity by virtue of its in vivo the procedure the method of choice for the isolation
III / VITAMINS / Liquid Chromatography 4443

of vitamin K from other lipids. In this way, TLC of rhodamine B in ethanol, a 0.2% anilinonaphtha-
on silica plates developed with light petroleum lene sulfonic acid solution in methanol and a 10%
ether}diethyl ether (85 : 15, by volume) is included in solution of phosphomolybdic acid in ethanol.
the sample preparation for the determination of vit- Again densitometry (based on reSectance, trans-
amin K in lipid-rich animal tissues. Although no re- mission) has completely replaced visual inspection as
cent publications have been found, TLC on silica well as the ofSine quantiRcation after elution of the
plates is especially suited for the separation of geo- bands. Densitometry allows internal standardization
metric isomers (cis-trans isomers). and results in a higher degree of sensitivity and speed
Silica plates have been impregnated with 5}20% of analysis.
silver nitrate. Under these conditions lipids contain-
ing unconjugated double bonds in their side General Conclusions
chain form complexes with the silver ions and show From the above overview it should be clear that TLC
a higher retention than the saturated counterparts. is no longer the method of choice for the analysis of
Consequently, separation between saturated (K1(20)), fat-soluble vitamins. The major reason for this lies in
partly saturated [MK-n (Hn)] and fully unsaturated the great progress made in HPLC. Newer trends such
homologues (MK-n) becomes possible. On the other as HPTLC and densitometric scanning may give TLC
hand, in argentation chromatography the resolution a new momentum but never to the extent that it will
between cis and trans isomers is completely lost. again supersede HPLC as a routine technique for the
Silver ions are not destructive for vitamin K, so sam- determination of fat-soluble vitamins in foods or
ples can be eluted from the silica afterwards. How- biological materials. Undoubtedly, however, modern
ever, for high molecular weight menaquinones, instrumental TLC can offer automation, improved
irreversible adsorption to argentation TLC plates has repeatability and more accurate quantiRcation com-
been reported. pared to classical TLC.
Unlike in argentation TLC, where retention is cor-
related to the degree of unsaturation, in reversed-
See also: II/Chromatography: Thin-Layer (Planar):
phase TLC the retention is based on the length of the
Spray Reagents. III/Vitamins: Liquid Chromatography.
side chain. Both techniques are thus perfectly com-
plementary for the separation of menaquinones.
In addition to silica plates and argentation TLC, Further Reading
reversed-phase TLC has been applied to vitamin K-
De Leenheer AP, Lambert WE and Nelis HJ (1992) Modern
related compounds. Typical eluents consist of water
Chromatographic Analysis of Vitamins. New York:
and an organic solvent such as methanol, acetonitrile Marcel Dekker.
or tetrahydrofuran. However, because of wettability De Leenheer AP and Lambert WE (1996) Lipophilic vit-
problems with aqueous solvents, often nonaqueous amins. In: Sherma J and Fried B (eds) Handbook of
reversed-phase conditions are used with dichlorome- Thin-layer Chromatography, 2nd edn, pp. 1055}1077.
thane and methanol (70 : 30, by vol.) as eluting solvent. New York: Marcel Dekker.
Friedrich W (1988) Vitamins. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter.
Detection Poole CF and Poole SK (1994) Instrumental thin-layer
chromatography. Analytical Chemistry 66: 27A}37A.
As with the other fat-soluble vitamins, Suorescence
Sherma J (1994a) Modern high performance thin-layer
quenching can be applied to localize the position of chromatography. Journal of AOAC International 77:
vitamin K-related compounds on a TLC plate. More 297}306.
sensitive but often destructive for the compounds of Weins C and Hauck HE (1996) Advances and develop-
interest include spray reagents such as 70% per- ments in thin layer chromatography. LC-GC Inter-
chloric acid (5}10 min at 1053C), a 0.05% solution national 9: 710}717.

Liquid Chromatography

M. H. Bui, Swiss Vitamin Institute, Introduction

University of Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland
Vitamins are a group of organic compounds essential
Copyright ^ 2000 Academic Press to life in very low concentrations. They are either

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