Nur Shafika (Occupation)

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AssalamualaikumWr. Wb.

First of all, thank to Allah Almight who has given his bless to writer for finishing this
book right in calculated time. Without his help, the writer would not be able to finish this
book. Blessings and greetings also may be abudantly to our beloved Prophet Muhammad
SAW that we look forward to his intercession in the afterlife.

In completing this book the writer faced many problems, but with the help of many
people all the problems could be faced. Big thanks to all the people who has given their hands
to help in finishing this book. This book contains a few explanation about professional writer
hopes that this book will help especially for those who want to become a professional writer
one day.

The writer realize that it is still imperfect. Hopefully this book can be used and can be
a medium for the reader to deepen their knowledge about professional writer.

Thank you.

Wassalamualaikum Wr.Wb

Makassar, May 2020

CHAPTER I...................................................................................................................................1

A. BACKGROUND.................................................................................................................1

B. THE AIM.............................................................................................................................1

CHAPTER 2...................................................................................................................................2

A. WHAT IS WRITER ?........................................................................................................2

B. WRITER RESPONSIBILITIES.......................................................................................2

C. WRITER REQUIREMENTS............................................................................................3

D. THE SALARY....................................................................................................................3

E. WORKING HOURS..........................................................................................................4





Writing is an unlimited space for expressing thoughts, ranging from just status on social
media, poetry works or short stories, even to serious themed content on blogs. Without
realizing it, writing has become an inseparable part of daily life.

In everyday life humans always talk, be it talking to others or talking to themselves in

mind. Thousands of words are automatically generated every day and are an instinct of a
human being who is a social being. Then what is the relationship between talking and
writing? Writing and speaking actually have similarities with identical twins, the same but
different. When speaking, the subject used is a collection of words and so is writing. The only
difference is the use of objects in expressing a collection of words that have been strung
together. The object used in writing can be in the form of a pen strokes on paper that can be
seen by the eye while speaking the object using sound to convey the words.

As previously described, based on the background. Then the aim of writing this book
are :
 To find out the definition of writer.
 To know what is writers responsibility.
 To get the information about the criteria of being a writer.



The writer is a term for people who do

the work of writing, or creating a paper.
Writing is the activity of making letters
using stationery in a writing medium or
media, expressing ideas, thoughts,
feelings through writing activities, or
creating an essay in written form.

 Ensure the accuracy and delivery of the value of writing.
 A writer also has high honesty.
 Pay attention to the code of ethics related to 3 things namely:
information element, educational elements, and entertainment element.
 Guarantee that the contents of the manuscript do not conflict with applicable
morals and ethics.
 Collectively responsible for the work and content of the article including its
methods, analysis, calculations and details.
 Make a statement that the paper submitted for publication is original, has
never been published anywhere in any language, and is not in the process of
being submitted to other publishers.


 A writer must have a great love for the world of authorship.

 The author must be able to master the
written material.
 A good writer must also understand
standard spellings, carefully see typos,
and know which sentences are effective
and which are not.
 The author must be able to follow the
brief from the client. This is why he must master variations in writing style.
 The author must be professional must be keen to read potential or valuable
 The writer must be creative and imaginative.
 The writer must be insight.


Generally writers will get 10% of published books. Illustration like this. For example, in
the first printing, 5000 copies are printed with the unit price of Rp.50,000. Means, 50,000 x
10% = IDR 5,000. So for one book, the writer gets Rp. 5,000. Then multiplied, Rp. 5,000 x
5000 ex = Rp. 25 million. In this first publication the writer gets Rp. 25 million. If the book is
reprinted (second printing), then the writer will get royalties with the same calculation. Etc.
The more that is printed, the more the author's income. Income obtained from the author was
not yet deducted by tax. Author tax that has a TIN is 15%. So, from the Rp25 million income,
it had to be reduced by 15%. Then the net income of the writer is Rp21,750,000. As for
writers who do not have a TIN, the royalty tax is 30%. Just reduce it, Rp. 25 million - 30%.
Net income is Rp. 17,500,000.


In producing a book with hundreds of pages, of course it is impossible to be done in a
short time. On average a writer takes a month to complete writing amounting to 150-200
pages. To that end, providing regular time can be a solution to completing the work. In the
author's time management, periodic writing can be done by setting a target. For example, in
one day the target must be to write 20 pages long. The target is enforced for six working
days. Sunday rested, then the process was repeated the following week. That way, most likely
will be able to finish writing according to the deadline.



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