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Marcet boiler is a tool used to conduct the relationship between a saturated pressure and temperature
of water and also to determine the temperature of a body when being heated or cooled. There
are a few factors that are considered before doing this experiment.

Firstly, by making sure that there is no air in the boiler to prevent from obtaining a less accurate data.
It is important to extract the air from the boiler before the experiment is performed. This is because
the precision of the experimental findings may be affected by air. The proper equilibrium
measurements between the steam and the boiling water will not be achieved when the air is not
removed. To increase the pressure, a lower water temperature would be needed due to the partial
pressure of the air. The air trapped in the boiler, however, could lead to boiler failure.

Then, assuring the pressure gauge is showed at zero before commencing the experiment. It is
essential to follow these steps to prevent the failure of the boiler to work and acquiring an accurate
and precise results.

Graph 1 : Pressure (bar) versus Temperature ℃ for Heating process

Graph 2 : Pressure (bar) versus Temperature ℃ for cooling process

Graph 3 : Pressure (bar) versus Mean Temperature ℃



Measured Slope
Calculated Slope


1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5 6

Graph 4 : Measured Slope Against Calculated Slope

The theory can be compared with the experiment where pressure and temperature are directly
proportional to each other.When a water is heated in a container to a boiling point the tempreture
increases and presussre also increase in the case where the steam is closed in a cylinder, Their will be
internal pressure in the container and also internal forces. it is shown in the graph that tempreture is
relatively proportional to pressure.

Based on the graphs, the relationship between pressure and temperature is directly proportional while
there is a small deviation between the experimental slope and the theoretical slope. The percentage of
error that we got ranged -24.42% to 11.65%. The percentage error is negative when the percentage
error for the experiment shows that the experimental yield was too much.Differ when the percentage
error is positive , it shows that experimental yield less than the theoretical yield. This might happen
due to the measurements reading error and present of air in the boiler during the experiment.
Moreover, to minimize the error, students should take an average of multiple readings and avoid
measurement reading errors.

There are several sources of error of the experiment :

 Measurement reading acuracy

 Room temperature and pressure
 The stability of material
 The calculations of the data obtained

In this experiment, the water inside the boiler is heated up until it reaches its boiling temperature.
Water molecules will gain enough heat to change form liquid form to vapor form. According to PV =
nRT equation the pressure of the vapor increases and resulting in the increase of the temperature.
Thus, the water will transform into gas completely.

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