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Name: ____________________________


Time and conditional clauses

Complete the sentences with will + the correct form of the verbs in
parentheses, or the Present Simple

1. If you _____________ (eat) another doughnut, you _____________ (be) sick.

2. You _____________ (fail) your test if you _____________ (not study) hard.
3. What _____________ you _____________ (do) if you _____________ (fail)
your test?
4. Our children and grandchildren _____________ (suffer) if we _____________
(not look after) our planet.
5. I _____________ (do) my homework as soon as this TV show _____________
6. When she _____________ (read) my letter, she _____________ (understand) my
7. Where _____________ he _____________ (stay) when he _____________ (go)
to Berlin?
8. We _____________ (stay) in the classroom until the teacher _____________ (tell)
us to leave.
9. If you _____________ (be) late, I _____________ (go) with you.
10. If she _____________ (not pass) her driver’s test, she _____________ (not buy)
a car.

Choose the correct answer, a,b or c.

1. I’ll wait here _____________ you are ready.

a. while b. before c. until
2. I think I’ll take a shower _____________ I have dinner.
a. while b. before c. until
3. _____________ I don’t have time to call you today, I’ll call you tomorrow.
a. If b. When c. As soon as
4. Shall we go for a coffee _____________ the class finishes?
a. if b. while c. after
5. He wants to buy a motorcycle _____________ he’s old enough.
a. before b. as soon as c. if
6. _____________ it rains, we’ll have to cancel the barbecue.
a. While b. After c, If
7. He’s having a driving lesson _____________ he gets home from school.
A. until b. when c. while
8. I’ll wait downstairs _____________ you put on your makeup.
a. while b. if c. as soon as
9. Stop at a gas station _____________ we run out of gas.
a. After b. when c. before
10. _____________ we discover life on another planet, will it be intelligent?
a. If b. When c. As soon as


Complete the sentences with might and a verb from the box.

arrive be buy leave

rain find win not like not understand

Take your umbrella. It might rain later.

1. Chris isn’t here today. He __________________ sick.

2. The food’s very spicy. You __________________ it.
3. He’s seen a suit that he really likes. He __________________ it.
4. Her pronunciation isn’t very good at all. You __________________ her.
5. The team has been playing very well. They __________________ the championship.
6. The traffic is very bad on the highway. We __________________ late.
7. I’m feeling very tired. I __________________the party early.
8. Don’t buy that camera yet. You __________________ a cheaper one on the

Put the verbs in parentheses in the correct tense. They are all in the passive.

1. Credit cards __________________ (not accept) here, I’m afraid.

2. We saw Romeo and Juliet last Saturday. It __________________ (perform) by
the Royal Shakespeare Company.
3. The offices __________________ (paint) next month.
4. My car __________________ (steal) three times since January.
5. The streets __________________ (clean) every day.
6. The letter __________________ (send) more than a week ago.
7. It’s freezing in here. __________________ the heat__________________
(turn off)?
8. If you park your car here, it __________________ (take) away.

Underline the correct verb form: active or passive.

Put the words in the correct order.

1. World / is / English / the / all / spoken / over.

2. Sine / has / nylon / 1932 / made / been
3. Mary’s / invited / I / to / wasn’t / party / why?
4. Will / when / be / new / bridge / the / built ?
5. Asked / car / design / were / they / to / new / a
Read the directions and write the name of the places in the blanks
Complete the sentences using the verbs in the box.

make tell give lose keep miss

1. Don’t tell Sue. She can’t _________________ a secret.

2. Anne _________________ me a ride to the party.
3. The Yankees _________________ the game 2-0.
4. Sorry I’m late. I _________________ the bus.
5. Martin _________________ a very funny joke.
6. Hang on! I have to _________________ a quick phone call.


Write another word with the same pronunciation

1. Brake break
2. new ___________
3. Sun ___________
4. Blue ___________
5. There ___________
6. Pair ___________
7. See ___________
8. By ___________
9. Week ___________
10. Right ___________
11. Waste ___________
12. Eight ___________

Total: _________/ 100

Good luck!

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