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Flow torque limit 10,00 micro N.m

Flow velocity limit 1,000E-3 rad/s
Oscillation torque limit 5,00 micro N.m
Oscillation displacement l 1,00E-5 rad
Oscillation raw phase limit170,0 degrees
Oscillation minimum norma 0N
Oscillation maximum norma 0N
Flow velocity tolerance 5.00%
Oscillation torque toleran 1.00%
Oscillation displacement t 5.00%
Oscillation velocity tolera 5.00%
Temperature tolerance 1,0 °C

Peak hold step 1

shear stress shear rate viscosity time temperature normal stress

Pa 1/s Pa.s s °C Pa

0.1665 16.74 9.95E-03 2.016 50.1 0

0.2655 16.75 0.01585 4.012 50.1 0
0.2735 16.75 0.01633 6.008 50.1 0
0.2758 16.75 0.01646 8.004 50.1 0
0.2741 16.75 0.01636 10.004 50 0
0.2755 16.75 0.01644 12.016 50 0
0.2744 16.75 0.01638 14.012 50 0
0.2764 16.75 0.0165 16.008 50 0
0.2808 16.75 0.01676 18.004 50 0
0.2798 16.75 0.01671 20 50 0
0.2781 16.75 0.0166 22.016 50 0
0.2788 16.75 0.01664 24.012 50 0
0.2789 16.75 0.01665 26.008 50 0
0.2731 16.75 0.01631 28.004 50 0
0.2773 16.75 0.01655 30.016 50 0
0.2774 16.75 0.01656 32.016 50 0
0.273 16.75 0.0163 34.012 50 0
0.2769 16.75 0.01653 36.012 50 0
0.2795 16.75 0.01669 38.012 50 0
0.2824 16.75 0.01686 40.016 50 0
0.2836 16.75 0.01693 42.016 50 0
0.2818 16.75 0.01682 44.008 50 0
0.2701 16.75 0.01612 46.012 50 0
0.2805 16.75 0.01674 48.004 50 0
0.2798 16.75 0.0167 50.016 50 0
0.2802 16.75 0.01673 52.016 50 0
0.2876 16.75 0.01717 54.012 50 0
0.2824 16.75 0.01686 56.008 50 0
0.2857 16.75 0.01706 58.004 50 0
0.2809 16.75 0.01677 60.016 50 0

Temperature ramp step 1

shear stress shear rate viscosity time temperature normal stress

Pa 1/s Pa.s s °C Pa

0.2785 16.75 0.01663 2.004 50 0

0.2883 16.75 0.01721 4 50 0
0.2935 16.75 0.01752 5.996 50 0
0.2785 16.75 0.01663 7.992 50 0
0.2811 16.75 0.01678 10.004 50.1 0
0.27 16.75 0.01612 12.004 50.1 0
0.2829 16.75 0.01689 14 50.2 0
0.2699 16.75 0.01611 15.996 50.3 0
0.2746 16.75 0.0164 17.996 50.5 0
0.2856 16.75 0.01705 20.004 50.7 0
0.282 16.75 0.01683 22.004 50.9 0
0.286 16.75 0.01708 24 51.2 0
0.2676 16.75 0.01597 25.996 51.5 0
0.272 16.75 0.01624 27.996 51.9 0
0.2801 16.75 0.01672 30.008 52.3 0
0.2746 16.75 0.01639 32.004 52.7 0
0.2829 16.75 0.01689 34 53.2 0
0.2704 16.75 0.01614 35.996 53.6 0
0.2807 16.75 0.01676 37.992 54.1 0
0.2865 16.75 0.0171 40.004 54.6 0
0.2638 16.75 0.01575 42.004 55 0
0.2648 16.75 0.01581 44 55.6 0
0.2598 16.75 0.01551 45.996 56 0
0.2697 16.75 0.0161 47.992 56.5 0
0.2669 16.75 0.01594 50.004 57 0
0.2667 16.75 0.01592 52.008 57.5 0
0.2633 16.75 0.01572 53.996 58 0
0.2609 16.75 0.01558 55.996 58.5 0
0.2647 16.75 0.0158 57.992 59 0
0.2654 16.75 0.01584 60.02 59.4 0
0.2677 16.75 0.01598 62.004 59.8 0
0.2714 16.75 0.01621 64.004 60.4 0
0.2568 16.75 0.01533 66 60.8 0
0.2792 16.75 0.01667 67.992 61.3 0
0.2612 16.75 0.0156 70.004 61.7 0
0.259 16.75 0.01547 72 62.2 0
0.2655 16.75 0.01585 74 62.6 0
0.2526 16.75 0.01508 75.996 63.1 0
0.2545 16.75 0.0152 77.996 63.5 0
0.2657 16.75 0.01586 80.004 63.9 0
0.2627 16.75 0.01569 82 64.4 0
0.2665 16.75 0.01591 83.996 64.8 0
0.2555 16.75 0.01525 85.996 65.2 0
0.2505 16.75 0.01495 87.992 65.7 0
0.2687 16.75 0.01604 90.004 66.1 0
0.2567 16.75 0.01533 92 66.5 0
0.2581 16.75 0.01541 94 66.9 0
0.2553 16.75 0.01524 95.996 67.3 0
0.2551 16.75 0.01523 97.992 67.8 0
0.271 16.75 0.01618 100 68.2 0
0.2553 16.75 0.01524 102 68.6 0
0.2643 16.75 0.01578 104 69.1 0
0.255 16.75 0.01522 106 69.5 0
0.2601 16.75 0.01553 108.01 69.9 0
0.2548 16.75 0.01521 110 70.4 0
0.2526 16.75 0.01508 112 70.7 0
0.2557 16.75 0.01527 114 71.2 0
0.2583 16.75 0.01542 115.99 71.6 0
0.2595 16.75 0.01549 118 72 0
0.2552 16.75 0.01523 120 72.5 0
0.2543 16.75 0.01518 122.02 72.9 0
0.2535 16.75 0.01513 124 73.3 0
0.2519 16.75 0.01504 125.99 73.8 0
0.2573 16.75 0.01536 128.01 74.2 0
0.2577 16.75 0.01538 130 74.6 0
0.2601 16.75 0.01553 132 75 0
0.256 16.75 0.01528 134 75.4 0
0.254 16.75 0.01517 136 75.8 0
0.2501 16.75 0.01493 138.02 76.3 0
0.2535 16.75 0.01513 140 76.7 0
0.2574 16.75 0.01537 142 77.1 0
0.2601 16.75 0.01553 144 77.5 0
0.2573 16.75 0.01536 145.99 77.8 0
0.2592 16.75 0.01548 148 78.3 0
0.2625 16.75 0.01567 150 78.6 0
0.2582 16.75 0.01541 152 79.1 0
0.2572 16.75 0.01536 154 79.4 0
0.2616 16.75 0.01562 155.99 79.9 0
0.2623 16.75 0.01566 158.01 80.3 0
0.2596 16.75 0.0155 160 80.7 0
0.2606 16.75 0.01556 162 81 0
0.2625 16.75 0.01567 164 81.5 0
0.272 16.75 0.01624 166 81.9 0
0.267 16.75 0.01594 168 82.2 0
0.265 16.75 0.01582 170 82.6 0
0.2677 16.75 0.01598 172 83 0
0.2577 16.75 0.01538 174 83.4 0
0.2626 16.75 0.01568 175.99 83.8 0
0.266 16.75 0.01588 178 84.2 0
0.2686 16.75 0.01604 180 84.7 0
0.2665 16.75 0.01591 182 85 0
0.2747 16.75 0.0164 184 85.5 0
0.2701 16.75 0.01613 185.99 85.8 0
0.2776 16.75 0.01657 188.01 86.2 0
0.2761 16.75 0.01648 190 86.7 0
0.2783 16.75 0.01662 192 87.1 0
0.2851 16.75 0.01702 194 87.4 0
0.2816 16.75 0.01681 196.01 87.9 0

Peak hold step 2

shear stress shear rate viscosity time temperature normal stress

Pa 1/s Pa.s s °C Pa

0.2861 16.75 0.01708 2.016 88.4 0

0.2852 16.75 0.01703 4.012 88.7 0
0.3002 16.75 0.01792 6.008 89.2 0
0.3049 16.75 0.0182 8.012 89.6 0
0.3028 16.75 0.01808 10.02 89.9 0
0.3079 16.75 0.01838 12.016 90.3 0
0.3069 16.75 0.01832 14.016 90.6 0
0.3139 16.75 0.01874 16.008 90.9 0
0.3192 16.75 0.01906 18.004 91.2 0
0.3242 16.75 0.01936 20.016 91.4 0
0.3266 16.75 0.0195 22.016 91.6 0
0.3224 16.75 0.01925 24.012 91.7 0
0.3186 16.75 0.01902 26.008 91.8 0
0.287 16.75 0.01714 28.004 91.8 0
0.2694 16.75 0.01608 30.016 91.6 0
0.2645 16.75 0.01579 32.02 91.3 0
0.2633 16.75 0.01572 34.016 91 0
0.2652 16.75 0.01583 36.008 90.8 0
0.2687 16.75 0.01604 38.004 90.6 0
0.268 16.75 0.016 40.016 90.4 0
0.2768 16.75 0.01653 42.016 90.3 0
0.2688 16.75 0.01605 44.012 90.3 0
0.2704 16.75 0.01614 46.008 90.2 0
0.282 16.75 0.01684 48.004 90.2 0
0.2771 16.75 0.01654 50.016 90.2 0
0.2742 16.75 0.01637 52.012 90.2 0
0.271 16.75 0.01618 54.012 90.3 0
0.272 16.75 0.01624 56.008 90.3 0
0.2697 16.75 0.0161 58.008 90.3 0
0.275 16.75 0.01642 60.016 90.3 0
0.2691 16.75 0.01607 62.012 90.4 0
0.2792 16.75 0.01667 64.012 90.4 0
0.2769 16.75 0.01653 66.008 90.4 0
0.2706 16.75 0.01615 68.004 90.4 0
0.2802 16.75 0.01673 70.016 90.5 0
0.2701 16.75 0.01613 72.016 90.5 0
0.2707 16.75 0.01616 74.008 90.5 0
0.2685 16.75 0.01603 76.008 90.5 0
0.2685 16.75 0.01603 78.004 90.5 0
0.2753 16.75 0.01644 80.024 90.5 0
0.2703 16.75 0.01613 82.012 90.5 0
0.2704 16.75 0.01615 84.008 90.5 0
0.2786 16.75 0.01663 86.004 90.5 0
0.2725 16.75 0.01627 88.004 90.5 0
0.2753 16.75 0.01643 90.016 90.5 0
0.2698 16.75 0.01611 92.012 90.6 0
0.273 16.75 0.0163 94.008 90.6 0
0.2705 16.75 0.01615 96.008 90.6 0
0.272 16.75 0.01624 98.004 90.6 0
0.2745 16.75 0.01639 100.02 90.6 0
0.2703 16.75 0.01614 102.01 90.6 0
0.27 16.75 0.01612 104.02 90.6 0
0.2703 16.75 0.01614 106.01 90.6 0
0.2695 16.75 0.01609 108.03 90.6 0
0.2763 16.75 0.0165 110.02 90.5 0
0.2688 16.75 0.01605 112.01 90.5 0
0.2659 16.75 0.01587 114.01 90.5 0
0.2752 16.75 0.01643 116 90.4 0
0.2782 16.75 0.01661 118.02 90.4 0
0.2861 16.75 0.01708 120.02 90.4 0
0.2742 16.75 0.01637 122.01 90.3 0
0.2765 16.75 0.01651 124.01 90.3 0
0.2736 16.75 0.01634 126 90.3 0
0.2762 16.75 0.01649 128.02 90.2 0
0.2751 16.75 0.01642 130.02 90.2 0
0.2706 16.75 0.01615 132.01 90.2 0
0.2791 16.75 0.01666 134.01 90.2 0
0.2733 16.75 0.01632 136 90.1 0
0.2742 16.75 0.01637 138.02 90.1 0
0.2727 16.75 0.01628 140.02 90.1 0
0.2719 16.75 0.01623 142.01 90.1 0
0.2766 16.75 0.01652 144.01 90.1 0
0.2796 16.75 0.01669 146 90.1 0
0.2718 16.75 0.01623 148.02 90.1 0
0.2746 16.75 0.01639 150.01 90.1 0

Temperature ramp step 2

shear stress shear rate viscosity time temperature normal stress

Pa 1/s Pa.s s °C Pa

0.2753 16.75 0.01644 2.012 90.1 0

0.2822 16.75 0.01685 4.008 90 0
0.2722 16.75 0.01625 6.008 90 0
0.2743 16.75 0.01637 8.004 90 0
0.2733 16.75 0.01632 10 90 0
0.2776 16.75 0.01657 12.012 90 0
0.2659 16.75 0.01587 14.008 89.9 0
0.2738 16.75 0.01634 16.008 89.9 0
0.2712 16.75 0.01619 18.004 89.7 0
0.2745 16.75 0.01639 20.016 89.5 0
0.2786 16.75 0.01663 22.012 89 0
0.2807 16.75 0.01676 24.012 88.3 0
0.2771 16.75 0.01655 26.004 87.7 0
0.2723 16.75 0.01626 28.004 87 0
0.2776 16.75 0.01657 30.016 86.5 0
0.2773 16.75 0.01655 32.012 86.1 0
0.2816 16.75 0.01681 34.008 85.6 0
0.2781 16.75 0.0166 36.008 85.2 0
0.2788 16.75 0.01664 38.004 84.9 0
0.2828 16.75 0.01688 40.012 84.6 0
0.2781 16.75 0.0166 42.012 84.2 0
0.2855 16.75 0.01705 44.008 83.9 0
0.2796 16.75 0.01669 46.004 83.5 0
0.2811 16.75 0.01678 48.004 83.2 0
0.2795 16.75 0.01669 50.016 82.8 0
0.2913 16.75 0.01739 52.012 82.4 0
0.2838 16.75 0.01694 54.008 81.9 0
0.2842 16.75 0.01697 56.012 81.3 0
0.2838 16.75 0.01694 58 80.8 0
0.2798 16.75 0.01671 60.012 80.3 0
0.2829 16.75 0.01689 62.016 79.8 0
0.2861 16.75 0.01708 64.008 79.4 0
0.2805 16.75 0.01675 66.008 79 0
0.2904 16.75 0.01734 68 78.6 0
0.2905 16.75 0.01734 70.012 78.2 0
0.2847 16.75 0.017 72.008 77.9 0
0.2932 16.75 0.0175 74.008 77.5 0
0.2854 16.75 0.01704 76.004 77.1 0
0.2904 16.75 0.01733 78.004 76.6 0
0.2933 16.75 0.01751 80.012 76.1 0
0.2909 16.75 0.01737 82.008 75.5 0
0.2899 16.75 0.01731 84.008 75.1 0
0.2931 16.75 0.0175 86.004 74.6 0
0.2913 16.75 0.01739 88 74.3 0
0.303 16.75 0.01809 90.012 73.9 0
0.2923 16.75 0.01745 92.008 73.4 0
0.2941 16.75 0.01756 94.024 73 0
0.2952 16.75 0.01762 96.004 72.7 0
0.2944 16.75 0.01757 98 72.3 0
0.2946 16.75 0.01759 100.02 71.9 0
0.2973 16.75 0.01775 102.01 71.4 0
0.2974 16.75 0.01776 104 71 0
0.3006 16.75 0.01795 106 70.4 0
0.3005 16.75 0.01794 108.02 70.1 0
0.2972 16.75 0.01774 110.01 69.7 0
0.2956 16.75 0.01765 112.01 69.2 0
0.3033 16.75 0.01811 114.01 68.8 0
0.2984 16.75 0.01782 116 68.4 0
0.3006 16.75 0.01795 118.02 68.1 0
0.2937 16.75 0.01753 120.01 67.6 0
0.3011 16.75 0.01798 122.01 67.2 0
0.3099 16.75 0.0185 124 66.8 0
0.3011 16.75 0.01797 126 66.4 0
0.3078 16.75 0.01838 128.02 65.9 0
0.3031 16.75 0.0181 130.01 65.6 0
0.3066 16.75 0.0183 132.01 65.1 0
0.3123 16.75 0.01864 134 64.7 0
0.3091 16.75 0.01845 136 64.3 0
0.3034 16.75 0.01811 138.02 64 0
0.3086 16.75 0.01842 140.01 63.6 0
0.3099 16.75 0.0185 142.01 63.2 0
0.3074 16.75 0.01835 144 62.8 0
0.3061 16.75 0.01828 146 62.4 0
0.3106 16.75 0.01854 148.01 61.9 0
0.308 16.75 0.01839 150.01 61.5 0
0.3126 16.75 0.01866 152.01 61 0
0.3123 16.75 0.01865 154 60.7 0
0.3117 16.75 0.01861 156 60.2 0
0.3082 16.75 0.0184 158.02 59.8 0
0.39 16.73 0.02331 160.01 59.5 0
0.3172 16.75 0.01894 162.01 59 0
0.3197 16.75 0.01909 164 58.7 0
0.3205 16.75 0.01913 166 58.3 0
0.3145 16.75 0.01878 168.01 57.8 0
0.3193 16.75 0.01906 170.01 57.4 0
0.317 16.75 0.01893 172.01 57 0
0.3157 16.75 0.01885 174 56.6 0
0.3185 16.75 0.01901 176 56.2 0
0.3176 16.75 0.01896 178.01 55.7 0
0.3221 16.75 0.01923 180.01 55.4 0
0.3189 16.75 0.01904 182.01 55 0
0.3375 16.75 0.02016 184 54.5 0
0.3236 16.75 0.01932 186 54.2 0
0.324 16.75 0.01935 188.01 53.8 0
0.3272 16.75 0.01953 190.01 53.3 0
0.3352 16.75 0.02001 192 53 0
0.3256 16.75 0.01944 194 52.5 0
0.323 16.75 0.01928 196.02 52.1 0

Peak hold step 3

shear stress shear rate viscosity time temperature normal stress

Pa 1/s Pa.s s °C Pa

0.3596 16.75 0.02147 2.016 51.7 0

0.3364 16.75 0.02008 4.012 51.2 0
0.3271 16.75 0.01953 6.008 50.8 0
0.3259 16.75 0.01945 8.008 50.4 0
0.333 16.75 0.01988 10.004 50.1 0
0.3289 16.75 0.01964 12.016 49.7 0
0.3562 16.75 0.02127 14.008 49.5 0
0.3764 16.75 0.02247 16.008 49.3 0
0.3254 16.75 0.01942 18.004 49.1 0
0.331 16.75 0.01976 20.016 48.9 0
0.3344 16.75 0.01996 22.016 48.9 0
0.3317 16.75 0.01981 24.008 48.8 0
0.329 16.75 0.01964 26.008 48.8 0
0.3268 16.75 0.01951 28.012 48.8 0
0.3257 16.75 0.01944 30.02 48.8 0
0.3261 16.75 0.01947 32.02 48.8 0
0.3273 16.75 0.01954 34.008 48.8 0
0.3273 16.75 0.01954 36.008 48.9 0
0.3332 16.75 0.0199 38.004 48.9 0
0.3233 16.75 0.0193 40.016 49 0
0.3273 16.75 0.01954 42.012 49.1 0
0.3294 16.75 0.01967 44.008 49.1 0
0.3292 16.75 0.01965 46.008 49.2 0
0.324 16.75 0.01934 48.004 49.2 0
0.3219 16.75 0.01922 50.02 49.3 0
0.3239 16.75 0.01934 52.012 49.3 0
0.3327 16.75 0.01986 54.012 49.4 0
0.3208 16.75 0.01915 56.004 49.4 0
0.3292 16.75 0.01966 58.004 49.5 0
0.3303 16.75 0.01972 60.016 49.5 0
0.3261 16.75 0.01947 62.012 49.6 0
0.3245 16.75 0.01937 64.008 49.6 0
0.3274 16.75 0.01954 66.004 49.7 0
0.3254 16.75 0.01943 68.004 49.7 0
0.3274 16.75 0.01955 70.016 49.7 0
0.3281 16.75 0.01959 72.012 49.7 0
0.3218 16.75 0.01921 74.012 49.8 0
0.3278 16.75 0.01957 76.004 49.8 0
0.3387 16.75 0.02022 78.004 49.8 0
0.3221 16.75 0.01923 80.02 49.8 0
0.3403 16.75 0.02032 82.012 49.9 0
0.3264 16.75 0.01948 84.008 49.9 0
0.3237 16.75 0.01933 86.008 49.9 0
0.3291 16.75 0.01965 88.004 49.9 0
0.3241 16.75 0.01935 90.016 49.9 0
0.3265 16.75 0.01949 92.012 49.9 0
0.3312 16.75 0.01977 94.008 49.9 0
0.3214 16.75 0.01919 96.008 49.9 0
0.3268 16.75 0.01951 98.02 50 0
0.321 16.75 0.01916 100.02 50 0
0.3255 16.75 0.01943 102.02 50 0
0.3156 16.75 0.01884 104.02 50 0
0.3216 16.75 0.0192 106 50 0
0.3296 16.75 0.01968 108 50 0
0.3278 16.75 0.01957 110.02 50 0
0.324 16.75 0.01934 112.01 50 0
0.3414 16.75 0.02038 114.01 50 0
0.3361 16.75 0.02006 116 50 0
0.3255 16.75 0.01943 118.02 50 0
0.3267 16.75 0.0195 120.02 50 0
shear stress shear rate viscosity time temperature normal stress
Pa 1/s Pa.s s °C Pa la gelatinización los pláta
0.1665 16.74 0.009946 2.016 50.1 0 Las temperaturas de gela
0.2655 16.75 0.01585 4.012 50.1 0 El ‘breakdown’ o inestabi
0.2735 16.75 0.01633 6.008 50.1 0 La viscosidad después de
0.2758 16.75 0.01646 8.004 50.1 0 a reorganización o Setba
0.2741 16.75 0.01636 10.004 50 0
0.2755 16.75 0.01644 12.016 50 0
0.2744 16.75 0.01638 14.012 50 0
0.2764 16.75 0.0165 16.008 50 0
0.2808 16.75 0.01676 18.004 50 0
0.2798 16.75 0.01671 20 50 0
0.2781 16.75 0.0166 22.016 50 0
0.2788 16.75 0.01664 24.012 50 0
0.2789 16.75 0.01665 26.008 50 0
0.2731 16.75 0.01631 28.004 50 0
0.2773 16.75 0.01655 30.016 50 0
0.2774 16.75 0.01656 32.016 50 0
0.273 16.75 0.0163 34.012 50 0
0.2769 16.75 0.01653 36.012 50 0
0.2795 16.75 0.01669 38.012 50 0
0.2824 16.75 0.01686 40.016 50 0
0.2836 16.75 0.01693 42.016 50 0
0.2818 16.75 0.01682 44.008 50 0
0.2701 16.75 0.01612 46.012 50 0
0.2805 16.75 0.01674 48.004 50 0
0.2798 16.75 0.0167 50.016 50 0
0.2802 16.75 0.01673 52.016 50 0
0.2876 16.75 0.01717 54.012 50 0
0.2824 16.75 0.01686 56.008 50 0
0.2857 16.75 0.01706 58.004 50 0
0.2809 16.75 0.01677 60.016 50 0
0.2785 16.75 0.01663 2.004 50 0
0.2883 16.75 0.01721 4 50 0
0.2935 16.75 0.01752 5.996 50 0
0.2785 16.75 0.01663 7.992 50 0
0.2811 16.75 0.01678 10.004 50.1 0
0.27 16.75 0.01612 12.004 50.1 0
0.2829 16.75 0.01689 14 50.2 0
0.2699 16.75 0.01611 15.996 50.3 0
0.2746 16.75 0.0164 17.996 50.5 0
0.2856 16.75 0.01705 20.004 50.7 0
0.282 16.75 0.01683 22.004 50.9 0
0.286 16.75 0.01708 24 51.2 0
0.2676 16.75 0.01597 25.996 51.5 0
0.272 16.75 0.01624 27.996 51.9 0
0.2801 16.75 0.01672 30.008 52.3 0
0.2746 16.75 0.01639 32.004 52.7 0
0.2829 16.75 0.01689 34 53.2 0
0.2704 16.75 0.01614 35.996 53.6 0
0.2807 16.75 0.01676 37.992 54.1 0
0.2865 16.75 0.0171 40.004 54.6 0
0.2638 16.75 0.01575 42.004 55 0
0.2648 16.75 0.01581 44 55.6 0
0.2598 16.75 0.01551 45.996 56 0
0.2697 16.75 0.0161 47.992 56.5 0
0.2669 16.75 0.01594 50.004 57 0
0.2667 16.75 0.01592 52.008 57.5 0
0.2633 16.75 0.01572 53.996 58 0
0.2609 16.75 0.01558 55.996 58.5 0
0.2647 16.75 0.0158 57.992 59 0
0.2654 16.75 0.01584 60.02 59.4 0
0.2677 16.75 0.01598 62.004 59.8 0
0.2714 16.75 0.01621 64.004 60.4 0
0.2568 16.75 0.01533 66 60.8 0
0.2792 16.75 0.01667 67.992 61.3 0
0.2612 16.75 0.0156 70.004 61.7 0
0.259 16.75 0.01547 72 62.2 0
0.2655 16.75 0.01585 74 62.6 0
0.2526 16.75 0.01508 75.996 63.1 0
0.2545 16.75 0.0152 77.996 63.5 0
0.2657 16.75 0.01586 80.004 63.9 0
0.2627 16.75 0.01569 82 64.4 0
0.2665 16.75 0.01591 83.996 64.8 0
0.2555 16.75 0.01525 85.996 65.2 0
0.2505 16.75 0.01495 87.992 65.7 0
0.2687 16.75 0.01604 90.004 66.1 0
0.2567 16.75 0.01533 92 66.5 0
0.2581 16.75 0.01541 94 66.9 0
0.2553 16.75 0.01524 95.996 67.3 0
0.2551 16.75 0.01523 97.992 67.8 0
0.271 16.75 0.01618 100 68.2 0
0.2553 16.75 0.01524 102 68.6 0
0.2643 16.75 0.01578 104 69.1 0
0.255 16.75 0.01522 106 69.5 0
0.2601 16.75 0.01553 108.01 69.9 0
0.2548 16.75 0.01521 110 70.4 0
0.2526 16.75 0.01508 112 70.7 0
0.2557 16.75 0.01527 114 71.2 0
0.2583 16.75 0.01542 115.99 71.6 0
0.2595 16.75 0.01549 118 72 0
0.2552 16.75 0.01523 120 72.5 0
0.2543 16.75 0.01518 122.02 72.9 0
0.2535 16.75 0.01513 124 73.3 0
0.2519 16.75 0.01504 125.99 73.8 0
0.2573 16.75 0.01536 128.01 74.2 0
0.2577 16.75 0.01538 130 74.6 0
0.2601 16.75 0.01553 132 75 0
0.256 16.75 0.01528 134 75.4 0
0.254 16.75 0.01517 136 75.8 0
0.2501 16.75 0.01493 138.02 76.3 0
0.2535 16.75 0.01513 140 76.7 0
0.2574 16.75 0.01537 142 77.1 0
0.2601 16.75 0.01553 144 77.5 0
0.2573 16.75 0.01536 145.99 77.8 0
0.2592 16.75 0.01548 148 78.3 0
0.2625 16.75 0.01567 150 78.6 0
0.2582 16.75 0.01541 152 79.1 0
0.2572 16.75 0.01536 154 79.4 0
0.2616 16.75 0.01562 155.99 79.9 0
0.2623 16.75 0.01566 158.01 80.3 0
0.2596 16.75 0.0155 160 80.7 0
0.2606 16.75 0.01556 162 81 0
0.2625 16.75 0.01567 164 81.5 0
0.272 16.75 0.01624 166 81.9 0
0.267 16.75 0.01594 168 82.2 0
0.265 16.75 0.01582 170 82.6 0
0.2677 16.75 0.01598 172 83 0
0.2577 16.75 0.01538 174 83.4 0
0.2626 16.75 0.01568 175.99 83.8 0
0.266 16.75 0.01588 178 84.2 0
0.2686 16.75 0.01604 180 84.7 0
0.2665 16.75 0.01591 182 85 0
0.2747 16.75 0.0164 184 85.5 0
0.2701 16.75 0.01613 185.99 85.8 0
0.2776 16.75 0.01657 188.01 86.2 0
0.2761 16.75 0.01648 190 86.7 0
0.2783 16.75 0.01662 192 87.1 0
0.2851 16.75 0.01702 194 87.4 0
0.2816 16.75 0.01681 196.01 87.9 0
0.2861 16.75 0.01708 2.016 88.4 0
0.2852 16.75 0.01703 4.012 88.7 0
0.3002 16.75 0.01792 6.008 89.2 0
0.3049 16.75 0.0182 8.012 89.6 0
0.3028 16.75 0.01808 10.02 89.9 0
0.3079 16.75 0.01838 12.016 90.3 0
0.3069 16.75 0.01832 14.016 90.6 0
0.3139 16.75 0.01874 16.008 90.9 0
0.3192 16.75 0.01906 18.004 91.2 0
0.3242 16.75 0.01936 20.016 91.4 0
0.3266 16.75 0.0195 22.016 91.6 0
0.3224 16.75 0.01925 24.012 91.7 0
0.3186 16.75 0.01902 26.008 91.8 0
0.287 16.75 0.01714 28.004 91.8 0
0.2694 16.75 0.01608 30.016 91.6 0
0.2645 16.75 0.01579 32.02 91.3 0
0.2633 16.75 0.01572 34.016 91 0
0.2652 16.75 0.01583 36.008 90.8 0
0.2687 16.75 0.01604 38.004 90.6 0
0.268 16.75 0.016 40.016 90.4 0
0.2768 16.75 0.01653 42.016 90.3 0
0.2688 16.75 0.01605 44.012 90.3 0
0.2704 16.75 0.01614 46.008 90.2 0
0.282 16.75 0.01684 48.004 90.2 0
0.2771 16.75 0.01654 50.016 90.2 0
0.2742 16.75 0.01637 52.012 90.2 0
0.271 16.75 0.01618 54.012 90.3 0
0.272 16.75 0.01624 56.008 90.3 0
0.2697 16.75 0.0161 58.008 90.3 0
0.275 16.75 0.01642 60.016 90.3 0
0.2691 16.75 0.01607 62.012 90.4 0
0.2792 16.75 0.01667 64.012 90.4 0
0.2769 16.75 0.01653 66.008 90.4 0
0.2706 16.75 0.01615 68.004 90.4 0
0.2802 16.75 0.01673 70.016 90.5 0
0.2701 16.75 0.01613 72.016 90.5 0
0.2707 16.75 0.01616 74.008 90.5 0
0.2685 16.75 0.01603 76.008 90.5 0
0.2685 16.75 0.01603 78.004 90.5 0
0.2753 16.75 0.01644 80.024 90.5 0
0.2703 16.75 0.01613 82.012 90.5 0
0.2704 16.75 0.01615 84.008 90.5 0
0.2786 16.75 0.01663 86.004 90.5 0
0.2725 16.75 0.01627 88.004 90.5 0
0.2753 16.75 0.01643 90.016 90.5 0
0.2698 16.75 0.01611 92.012 90.6 0
0.273 16.75 0.0163 94.008 90.6 0
0.2705 16.75 0.01615 96.008 90.6 0
0.272 16.75 0.01624 98.004 90.6 0
0.2745 16.75 0.01639 100.02 90.6 0
0.2703 16.75 0.01614 102.01 90.6 0
0.27 16.75 0.01612 104.02 90.6 0
0.2703 16.75 0.01614 106.01 90.6 0
0.2695 16.75 0.01609 108.03 90.6 0
0.2763 16.75 0.0165 110.02 90.5 0
0.2688 16.75 0.01605 112.01 90.5 0
0.2659 16.75 0.01587 114.01 90.5 0
0.2752 16.75 0.01643 116 90.4 0
0.2782 16.75 0.01661 118.02 90.4 0
0.2861 16.75 0.01708 120.02 90.4 0
0.2742 16.75 0.01637 122.01 90.3 0
0.2765 16.75 0.01651 124.01 90.3 0
0.2736 16.75 0.01634 126 90.3 0
0.2762 16.75 0.01649 128.02 90.2 0
0.2751 16.75 0.01642 130.02 90.2 0
0.2706 16.75 0.01615 132.01 90.2 0
0.2791 16.75 0.01666 134.01 90.2 0
0.2733 16.75 0.01632 136 90.1 0
0.2742 16.75 0.01637 138.02 90.1 0
0.2727 16.75 0.01628 140.02 90.1 0
0.2719 16.75 0.01623 142.01 90.1 0
0.2766 16.75 0.01652 144.01 90.1 0
0.2796 16.75 0.01669 146 90.1 0
0.2718 16.75 0.01623 148.02 90.1 0
0.2746 16.75 0.01639 150.01 90.1 0
0.2753 16.75 0.01644 2.012 90.1 0
0.2822 16.75 0.01685 4.008 90 0
0.2722 16.75 0.01625 6.008 90 0
0.2743 16.75 0.01637 8.004 90 0
0.2733 16.75 0.01632 10 90 0
0.2776 16.75 0.01657 12.012 90 0
0.2659 16.75 0.01587 14.008 89.9 0
0.2738 16.75 0.01634 16.008 89.9 0
0.2712 16.75 0.01619 18.004 89.7 0
0.2745 16.75 0.01639 20.016 89.5 0
0.2786 16.75 0.01663 22.012 89 0
0.2807 16.75 0.01676 24.012 88.3 0
0.2771 16.75 0.01655 26.004 87.7 0
0.2723 16.75 0.01626 28.004 87 0
0.2776 16.75 0.01657 30.016 86.5 0
0.2773 16.75 0.01655 32.012 86.1 0
0.2816 16.75 0.01681 34.008 85.6 0
0.2781 16.75 0.0166 36.008 85.2 0
0.2788 16.75 0.01664 38.004 84.9 0
0.2828 16.75 0.01688 40.012 84.6 0
0.2781 16.75 0.0166 42.012 84.2 0
0.2855 16.75 0.01705 44.008 83.9 0
0.2796 16.75 0.01669 46.004 83.5 0
0.2811 16.75 0.01678 48.004 83.2 0
0.2795 16.75 0.01669 50.016 82.8 0
0.2913 16.75 0.01739 52.012 82.4 0
0.2838 16.75 0.01694 54.008 81.9 0
0.2842 16.75 0.01697 56.012 81.3 0
0.2838 16.75 0.01694 58 80.8 0
0.2798 16.75 0.01671 60.012 80.3 0
0.2829 16.75 0.01689 62.016 79.8 0
0.2861 16.75 0.01708 64.008 79.4 0
0.2805 16.75 0.01675 66.008 79 0
0.2904 16.75 0.01734 68 78.6 0
0.2905 16.75 0.01734 70.012 78.2 0
0.2847 16.75 0.017 72.008 77.9 0
0.2932 16.75 0.0175 74.008 77.5 0
0.2854 16.75 0.01704 76.004 77.1 0
0.2904 16.75 0.01733 78.004 76.6 0
0.2933 16.75 0.01751 80.012 76.1 0
0.2909 16.75 0.01737 82.008 75.5 0
0.2899 16.75 0.01731 84.008 75.1 0
0.2931 16.75 0.0175 86.004 74.6 0
0.2913 16.75 0.01739 88 74.3 0
0.303 16.75 0.01809 90.012 73.9 0
0.2923 16.75 0.01745 92.008 73.4 0
0.2941 16.75 0.01756 94.024 73 0
0.2952 16.75 0.01762 96.004 72.7 0
0.2944 16.75 0.01757 98 72.3 0
0.2946 16.75 0.01759 100.02 71.9 0
0.2973 16.75 0.01775 102.01 71.4 0
0.2974 16.75 0.01776 104 71 0
0.3006 16.75 0.01795 106 70.4 0
0.3005 16.75 0.01794 108.02 70.1 0
0.2972 16.75 0.01774 110.01 69.7 0
0.2956 16.75 0.01765 112.01 69.2 0
0.3033 16.75 0.01811 114.01 68.8 0
0.2984 16.75 0.01782 116 68.4 0
0.3006 16.75 0.01795 118.02 68.1 0
0.2937 16.75 0.01753 120.01 67.6 0
0.3011 16.75 0.01798 122.01 67.2 0
0.3099 16.75 0.0185 124 66.8 0
0.3011 16.75 0.01797 126 66.4 0
0.3078 16.75 0.01838 128.02 65.9 0
0.3031 16.75 0.0181 130.01 65.6 0
0.3066 16.75 0.0183 132.01 65.1 0
0.3123 16.75 0.01864 134 64.7 0
0.3091 16.75 0.01845 136 64.3 0
0.3034 16.75 0.01811 138.02 64 0
0.3086 16.75 0.01842 140.01 63.6 0
0.3099 16.75 0.0185 142.01 63.2 0
0.3074 16.75 0.01835 144 62.8 0
0.3061 16.75 0.01828 146 62.4 0
0.3106 16.75 0.01854 148.01 61.9 0
0.308 16.75 0.01839 150.01 61.5 0
0.3126 16.75 0.01866 152.01 61 0
0.3123 16.75 0.01865 154 60.7 0
0.3117 16.75 0.01861 156 60.2 0
0.3082 16.75 0.0184 158.02 59.8 0
0.39 16.73 0.02331 160.01 59.5 0
0.3172 16.75 0.01894 162.01 59 0
0.3197 16.75 0.01909 164 58.7 0
0.3205 16.75 0.01913 166 58.3 0
0.3145 16.75 0.01878 168.01 57.8 0
0.3193 16.75 0.01906 170.01 57.4 0
0.317 16.75 0.01893 172.01 57 0
0.3157 16.75 0.01885 174 56.6 0
0.3185 16.75 0.01901 176 56.2 0
0.3176 16.75 0.01896 178.01 55.7 0
0.3221 16.75 0.01923 180.01 55.4 0
0.3189 16.75 0.01904 182.01 55 0
0.3375 16.75 0.02016 184 54.5 0
0.3236 16.75 0.01932 186 54.2 0
0.324 16.75 0.01935 188.01 53.8 0
0.3272 16.75 0.01953 190.01 53.3 0
0.3352 16.75 0.02001 192 53 0
0.3256 16.75 0.01944 194 52.5 0
0.323 16.75 0.01928 196.02 52.1 0
0.3596 16.75 0.02147 2.016 51.7 0
0.3364 16.75 0.02008 4.012 51.2 0
0.3271 16.75 0.01953 6.008 50.8 0
0.3259 16.75 0.01945 8.008 50.4 0
0.333 16.75 0.01988 10.004 50.1 0
0.3289 16.75 0.01964 12.016 49.7 0
0.3562 16.75 0.02127 14.008 49.5 0
0.3764 16.75 0.02247 16.008 49.3 0
0.3254 16.75 0.01942 18.004 49.1 0
0.331 16.75 0.01976 20.016 48.9 0
0.3344 16.75 0.01996 22.016 48.9 0
0.3317 16.75 0.01981 24.008 48.8 0
0.329 16.75 0.01964 26.008 48.8 0
0.3268 16.75 0.01951 28.012 48.8 0
0.3257 16.75 0.01944 30.02 48.8 0
0.3261 16.75 0.01947 32.02 48.8 0
0.3273 16.75 0.01954 34.008 48.8 0
0.3273 16.75 0.01954 36.008 48.9 0
0.3332 16.75 0.0199 38.004 48.9 0
0.3233 16.75 0.0193 40.016 49 0
0.3273 16.75 0.01954 42.012 49.1 0
0.3294 16.75 0.01967 44.008 49.1 0
0.3292 16.75 0.01965 46.008 49.2 0
0.324 16.75 0.01934 48.004 49.2 0
0.3219 16.75 0.01922 50.02 49.3 0
0.3239 16.75 0.01934 52.012 49.3 0
0.3327 16.75 0.01986 54.012 49.4 0
0.3208 16.75 0.01915 56.004 49.4 0
0.3292 16.75 0.01966 58.004 49.5 0
0.3303 16.75 0.01972 60.016 49.5 0
0.3261 16.75 0.01947 62.012 49.6 0
0.3245 16.75 0.01937 64.008 49.6 0
0.3274 16.75 0.01954 66.004 49.7 0
0.3254 16.75 0.01943 68.004 49.7 0
0.3274 16.75 0.01955 70.016 49.7 0
0.3281 16.75 0.01959 72.012 49.7 0
0.3218 16.75 0.01921 74.012 49.8 0
0.3278 16.75 0.01957 76.004 49.8 0
0.3387 16.75 0.02022 78.004 49.8 0
0.3221 16.75 0.01923 80.02 49.8 0
0.3403 16.75 0.02032 82.012 49.9 0
0.3264 16.75 0.01948 84.008 49.9 0
0.3237 16.75 0.01933 86.008 49.9 0
0.3291 16.75 0.01965 88.004 49.9 0
0.3241 16.75 0.01935 90.016 49.9 0
0.3265 16.75 0.01949 92.012 49.9 0
0.3312 16.75 0.01977 94.008 49.9 0
0.3214 16.75 0.01919 96.008 49.9 0
0.3268 16.75 0.01951 98.02 50 0
0.321 16.75 0.01916 100.02 50 0
0.3255 16.75 0.01943 102.02 50 0
0.3156 16.75 0.01884 104.02 50 0
0.3216 16.75 0.0192 106 50 0
0.3296 16.75 0.01968 108 50 0
0.3278 16.75 0.01957 110.02 50 0
0.324 16.75 0.01934 112.01 50 0
0.3414 16.75 0.02038 114.01 50 0
0.3361 16.75 0.02006 116 50 0
0.3255 16.75 0.01943 118.02 50 0
0.3267 16.75 0.0195 120.02 50 0
a gelatinización los plátanos de cocción demandan mayor cantidad de energía que las demás variedades de musác
as temperaturas de gelatinización, bajas entre los diferentes clones, se explican porque el gránulo de almidón abs
l ‘breakdown’ o inestabilidad del gel (Vmax - VPC) está relacionado con la fragmentación mecánica, así, a mayor
a viscosidad después del enfriamiento (VPF) es un factor importante al momento de seleccionar un material para
reorganización o Setback (VPF - Vmax) se manifiesta con el incremento de la viscosidad durante el período de en
ás variedades de musáceas estudiadas. Una mayor temperatura de gelatinización en almidones nativos refleja un
gránulo de almidón absorbe rápidamente agua debido al debilitamiento entre las fuerzas de atracción de las mol
mecánica, así, a mayor inestabilidad mayor será la exposición al rompimiento del gel por causas mecánicas, debid
cionar un material para conservar viscosidades adecuadas en cada proceso productivo; el incremento en la viscos
durante el período de enfriamiento debido a que se restablecen los enlaces de hidrógeno entre las moléculas de a
dones nativos refleja una mayor estabilidad interna del gránulo de almidón, normalmente asociada con una mayo
de atracción de las moléculas (amilosa/amilopectina), fenómeno asociado posiblemente con una menor presencia
ausas mecánicas, debido a la fragilidad de destrucción de los gránulos que se manifiesta con la pérdida de viscos
incremento en la viscosidad de la pasta, que ocurre al finalizar la curva de empastamiento, está relacionado con
entre las moléculas de amilosa y amilopectina, lo que da lugar a la consistencia tipo gel, debida a la pérdida de ca
asociada con una mayor presencia de zonas semi-cristalinas y gran contenido de amilosa  
on una menor presencia de amilosa y una mayor de regiones cristalinas dentro del gránulo que requieren menos
con la pérdida de viscosidad en el sistema, lo que depende del tamaño del gránulo. A mayor tamaño se destruyen
o, está relacionado con el enfriamiento de ésta y se asocia con el fenómeno de retrogradación y con el contenido
ebida a la pérdida de calor en el sistema y al proceso de retrogradación que se genera.
o que requieren menos temperatura de calentamiento.
yor tamaño se destruyen más fácilmente, ya que son más susceptibles a la ruptura por las fuerzas térmicas o mec
ción y con el contenido de amilosa en los almidones. Este fenómeno de retrogradación está influenciado por vario
fuerzas térmicas o mecánicas aplicadas
tá influenciado por varios factores relacionados con la amilosa, entre ellos: el contenido, la longitud y estado de d
a longitud y estado de dispersión de las cadenas (moléculas) de este compuesto  
Sample density
Results file name
Run number
Results directory
Experiment was run on

Procedure name
Procedure notes

Step name
Step notes
Perform step
Initial temperature
Wait for correct temperature
Do set temperature
Perform pre-shear
Pre-shear variable
Pre-shear duration
Motor mode
Perform equilibration
Wait for zero velocity
Purge gas only

Step name
Step notes
Perform step
Ramp type
Controlled variable
Delay time
Wait for temperature
Motor mode

Step name
Step notes
Perform step
Ramp type
Start temperature
End temperature
Wait for start temperature
Ramp rate
Delay time
Controlled variable
Motor mode
Step name
Step notes
Perform step
Ramp type
Controlled variable
Delay time
Wait for temperature
Motor mode

Step name
Step notes
Perform step
Ramp type
Start temperature
End temperature
Wait for start temperature
Ramp rate
Delay time
Controlled variable
Motor mode

Step name
Step notes
Perform step
Ramp type
Controlled variable
Delay time
Wait for temperature
Motor mode

Step name
Step notes
Perform step
Do set temperature
Set temperature system idle

Geometry name
Geometry notes
Geometry material
Calibration factor
Gap offset
Geometry inertia
Shear rate factor
Shear stress factor
Measurement system factor
Fluid density factor
Normal force factor
Backoff distance

Sample compression
Compression distance
Compression velocity
Fine velocity
Coarse velocity
Other velocity
Current temperature system
Temperature control
Purge gas only
Temperature calibration

Cooling water temperature

Cooling water range
Bearing friction correction
Bearing friction
Bearing offset
Temperature system span and offset

Bearing mapping type

Number of mapping iterations
Instrument type (MType)
Firmware version
Configuration version (CnfVer)
Parameter version (PrmVer)
PCB Number
IP address
Software version
Windows version
Instrument inertia
Auto increment run number
Prompt for file name at start of run
Auto save results file
Results file storage
Temperature tolerance
Temperature duration
Wait for temperature even if OK
Gap tolerance
Gap duration
Override wait for gap
Velocity tolerance
Zero speed after pre-shear
Zero normal force before run
Zero timer before run
Non-equilibrium minimum velocity
Zero strain at the start of each flow step
Inertia correction
Collect negative shear rate data if stress is positive
Collect all points
Display flow point graph during run
Store flow point graph with results
Store images to the results for flow steps
Creep zero displacement
Store images to the results for creep steps
Standard creep image store frequency
Repeated creep image store frequency in repeats
Display oscillation waveform graph during run
Store oscillation waveform graph with results
Display strain control tries during run
Store strain control tries with results
Store images to the results for oscillation steps
Stress relaxation zero displacement
Evelyn Alegria
1,000 g/cm^3
Harina chontaduro
C:\Ta\Data\Dsc\Evelyn\SERVICIOS EXT_OTROS\2017
09/05/2017 10:51:23 a.m.

Flow procedure

Conditioning Step

50,0 °C
78,53 rad/s
0:00:30 hh:mm:ss

Peak hold step 1

Peak hold
velocity 16,75 rad/s
0:01:00 hh:mm:ss
0:00:02 hh:mm:ss
50,0 °C

Temperature ramp step 1

Temperature ramp
50,0 °C
90,0 °C
12,20 °C/min
0:00:02 hh:mm:ss
velocity 16,75 rad/s
Peak hold step 2

Peak hold
velocity 16,75 rad/s
0:02:30 hh:mm:ss
0:00:02 hh:mm:ss
90,0 °C

Temperature ramp step 2

Temperature ramp
90,0 °C
50,0 °C
12,20 °C/min
0:00:02 hh:mm:ss
velocity 16,75 rad/s

Peak hold step 3

Peak hold
velocity 16,75 rad/s
0:02:00 hh:mm:ss
0:00:02 hh:mm:ss
50,0 °C

Post-Experiment Step

30,0 °C

Starch cell
Starch cell
High temperature
5500 micro m
0 micro m
2,485 micro N.m.s^2
10800 1/m^3
10800 1/m^3
1,000E-15 m^5
1,000 1/m^2
1,35E5 micro m

1000,0 micro m
100,0 micro m/s
1000,0 micro m/s
3000,0 micro m/s
3000,0 micro m/s
Starch cell
Peltier plate - 0 micro m/°C
Water bath - 0 micro m/°C
Torsion oven - plate - 0 micro m/°C
Torsion oven - solid sample - 0 micro m/°C
Peltier concentric cylinders - 0 micro m/°C
None - 0 micro m/°C
Stress relaxation - 0 micro m/°C
Current temperature system - 0 micro m/°C
5,0 °C
15,0 °C
1,009 micro N.m/(rad/s)
0 micro N.m
Peltier plate - span 1,0000 , offset 0 °C
Water bath - span 1,0000 , offset 0 °C
Torsion oven - plate - span 1,0000 , offset 0 °C
Torsion oven - solid sample - span 1,0000 , offset 0 °C
Peltier concentric cylinders - span 1,0000 , offset 0 °C
None - span 1,0000 , offset 0 °C
Stress relaxation - span 1,0000 , offset 0 °C
Current temperature system - span 1,0000 , offset 0 °C
8.29 27/10/09
Windows XP 6.1
15,91 micro N.m.s^2
Consecutive steps of same type to 1 file
0,2 °C
0:00:10 hh:mm:ss
4 micro m
0:00:02 hh:mm:ss
0,1000 rad/s
Leave as is
Before pre-shear
3,000E-4 rad/s
10 s

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