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Are you Hygienic in your Mind???

Just keep in mind: the more we value things outside our control, the less control we

Just a tiny virus entered the world and our life has been changed tremendously. Normal living
has altered to " The New Normal ". Everybody started thinking about the future. Family and
friends have become one of the utmost importance and support in our life. Being at home
many turned into the Chefs. All of a sudden the PANDEMIC word became part and parcel of
our language. We started thinking and comparing about hygiene. This all happened just
because of a tiny virus, and our life has been changed significantly.

Sanitizers to keep our hand clean, masks to protect from virus, social distancing to avoid
infection these all things we acquired in our daily life to protect ourselves from the virus. But
in this all process we forgot to declutter our mind. We are not focused to clean our thoughts
and fill our minds with pure thoughts. What the tiny virus can do from the outside is less
harmful than what our thoughts can do to us from inside. James Allen said what we think we
become. We all are taking care and maintaining hygiene to take care of our health but have
you ever given any thought about cleaning your mind and filling it with the pure thoughts??

Self-control is strength. Right thought is mastery. Calmness is power.

-James Allen

We maintain our outer health but if we do not take care of our inner being then its impact on
our health is unpleasant. The primary reason for increasing the number of mental illness is
due to a lack of thinking clearly. Most of the time we are not affected by the situation or the
circumstances we go through rather we are affected by the views we take at those situations
or circumstances. We anticipate more on the things which are not yet in our perception. Many
reasons affect our thinking, mainly News and social media. We unknowingly collect all the
information from these platforms and we start comparing our life.  
Just one fearful thought about the future throws us into the misery. If we keep on thinking
over the same thought again and again which is yet to happen, its effects on our health and if
it continues, it affects our surroundings as well. We repeat more than 90% of the thoughts
daily. What we think reflects in our behavior and attitude. 
If you want to maintain hygiene in your life, start with your mind. I know it's not that easy to
do it but if you have patience and if you are persistent, you will see the change in your
attitude and life. you will have a more positive attitude towards life. follow these few steps….

1. Exercise at least 20-30 min a day: 

Exercise helps to relieve stress; it releases endorphins in your body and it triggers
positive feelings. It also releases dopamine, norepinephrine, and serotonin. These
chemicals play an important part in regulating your mood.

2. Declutter the Social Media

Almost everybody shows on social media that how happy they are, this is a strange
paradox of these online media platforms. While looking at others' life we start
comparing our life with them and negative thoughts take on our minds. Limit yourself
to use it, the world will go fine if you don’t use it. 
3. Read something inspirational Everyday:
You are what you read. If you read good stuff your thought process will change. you
will observe clarity in your thinking.

4. Meditate:
Meditation relieves stress, it helps us to understand ourselves. 

5. Practice Gratitude and journaling:

Journaling and gratitude are one of the major tools to keep us on track, understand
ourselves, evaluate our progress. When you write you think and when you think you
don’t lie to yourself and in this process, we change our thinking.

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