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Gepontic of the Philippines) - | RAGAWARAN NG EDLKASVEN, KLLTURA AT TSPORTE | (DEPARTMENT CF EDUCATION, CULTURE AND SPORTS) January 25, 1288 jureaw Directors Regional Directors Schools ‘Superintendents: Presidents, State Colleges and Universities _ Heads cf Privas colleges and Universities Moir tional Sen 9 dents Administrators: shout hy ‘the peaceful revolution of - for real freedom and demetrecy, atid “for the citizens to participate in ation building all demand a in the values,” the abritudes : llengs, the DECS has embarked” dusation desired to enhance dsented to educational leaders. Boe Although the framework was bas dies, and ‘roneultetions undertaken as ems ab all levels of the educa’ gonGinued after che: Congress. 4 “ephducted with tne clientele ipants were students, and experts trom state universities and” te educational institutions. @ evolved through feedback from these fi the tramework are being sent te the regional 1 division, dietrict: “and eehool” part of the curricaium “system, its validation onsulbative processes ifferent bureaus. seacters, admins as ots iGibended boo dee wace gatde tet the {tes and the schools in develoning their alues chart provides. hols in determining their priorities 3 Whether other values have th be added “An theiy specific localities. However “enhancement of Sotial responsibility, initiative. Upasaubcefulness must be internalized. by these involved the branstormation grocess: themeeives, for transformation should ba TES desited that this Order be circulated to all the schools ag acon as possible te assist tham in nlamming) their| values. education programs starting in the Schaol year 198€-1989. Ub is anticipated thab the initial. implementation of the prognam WILL OraVice feedback on how it was usew, and additional lists. of) Shared valugs identified in the various Localities os he im Accreport-oon the oo initia® OAinp Lemerita fof. ShALI- be submitted Go the Cenbrel Cffice Gn Aprit (See THis will he asad: as basis fer further improvenent in the sansequent iavtementation of Ghe wales esucetinn peaghem iv all sectors ef che school system: ae ce anit Wider “dissemination of © © Tivme ett ate ireds = QSGD.y LOURDES Re SUTSUMBING Seeretacy sua Reference: MES Memorandum? Nos ate ge 19R6 “undéy the Fellewing SS PRCoRAM, ECHO. USCHOOLE VALUES: EDUCATION eS jour and -desivables. | hey are perceived which an Suen ¢ Bed. attitudes ands behavion Soh ak are nets “in, bheretare, Meee be “ay apptobriate Tramework = as Bing the conten j 4 Values Ceguration hereby auggsrtad is dseagned the abstract inte. tha eractis. coved hy the fact that vatua, Elagarogmn, oF discussed at the Males such cas aiscintine live witless they are itera Refone, there ds need fa: md atte tive. spate gutdance of She fen aut Aonatter se rhe personal lite hee SuRk ebgnitive but invelves ali: ‘The teacher must acpeat nor on infact the totaly hay chiteren ieern many 4 tity witty bareny arid “Gontete for learnings be iv language or the values cf thrift and hand Hence, the teacher's. nete oral, values Bias valuee Leatning ‘Values ducal 2 Values have a social fanveion tommonly held values, families, thibes, societies, anit nations: They a1 the democratic way af life, “which pats a high premium on freedom and the tule of Lan. That is why, shortly after the Revelubion, _egereary | 1386, the DECB mate values eduewtion = pain support. in: le vision of "a. just an society," which calls tor a shared culture and commonly! aes suchas. "tr thy aabea ee freedam, loves” equi ty Jara] cEreamk: Bd he DECS thrust found 8 strong tution: of LST thE the DECS has embarke In’ the pursuit of this thrus 3 0 Mowing goal and opjeceives? ques Gsvestaen Ereurem wien the — GOAL, OBJECTIVES AND GUIDELINES education at all three 1 : is eluests an roretne development of the human parson, “committed to ane ko Oats of "a just end Mimane society" and di are seNt-actuaris iy beg develaved™ haan * r¢ mbued with a sense oF human akanats a eings with a sinse of resporsinelity | cgommunity ahd envirsciments” : Cara piadaceive perssne and wpb. eéeecibabe™ ta the “economic see denny. ang. severapment of the family and the nations : , as citizens. have a deep sense of Nationalism, and committed to. the progress of the pation a: well as. Oat fhe entire. world community. solidarity: and. bheaugh global y t | : | [ | i: | | | | molementation of the vrogram will éeveton | | | manite actual life an abiding faith in God ion Of his spiritual being. (Ebomist pe otientde Learns Tt foward the tokal nar ME heart, and entire beings son of the the wmique role of personal develapment and: anna the nation. “In the schoo plans cand: themse canarsness For othe. pers moevtant than! lesson ave the tearhers proper sense. ef o values, af their inner werth, and utmost respects he others. ' Velue | Meluss Con : a herein deseribed Seaehiny 930 Annot. be Ampaasd. ROE PUPpOrt to be a complete au fee enna stive: iit Of human vali femal; lecaby and -tnetitutyenat one ane “palerié i iy an attenpi ost an areerty esitatle value: systen an tha avis oF) an idgals which Nave te) ‘be AS intended bo 2 bree levels of she a DEBS 5 Phi ays) cara cur are bebe targett dampers may use 2 Hdewhity atieh Salue iv Bheci fie courses Ana soograurs Eg Basve 3) puenabive We DES franencta may thes reform cand “veviston: a instaiee, ayainet tue’ should bese ack Wh se Senevbing Sooan wet IGE bid ned wt the. ot parsonad i Liktaisiak a Filipine valae, at should He “compatible ve SH eked. G HSA A become a priage te nec Samsdasty, should have wider sonia y So phat ether yawns ouch oo geod ana. usebeee The. Human Besson, The Values Educalion Framanasky essnted, as bag S rationgl understandings thet is bevsay, > e philosophy humah person. Neve: eyuck*ieally. for ; of intermediate

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