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The PCM Personality Structure and the Six Types of

Personality – Promoter (7/7)

Magda Tabac January 20, 2021


If your Base Personality is Promoter, the following will be some of the defining
elements of your personality and behaviour:

You value initiative and view the world by experiencing situations and making
things happen. You prize adaptability and self-sufficiency.

ACTIONS – represent your main perception, and this is why you’ll be heard saying a lot
words like: “The bottom line” “best shot” “make it happen” “Go for it” “Enough talk”

If your base personality type is Promoter, then you are probably appreciated

Your charm, born from your direct way of communication and your well-aimed
compliments. Even if you may be considered tactless, you are appreciated as a good
and pleasant companion.
Your extraordinarily resourcefulness and your ability to get back on your feet after
any setback. You are always getting back in action.
Your ability to adapt to any new situation or environment. You like change and are
turned off by routine.


To stimulate your attention and interest, the person talking to you should use a firm
and directive communication style as you also appreciate communicating with this
directive style.
You are particularly efficient when faced with challenges, difficult and new things to
To feel good and be efficient, you require incidence i.e. lots of excitement in a short
period of time. You like the high level of energy and adrenaline in these situations.
Under distress, in an interaction with others, you may be impatient and see the
other as too weak. Then, if distress increases, you could take risks i.e. for your
health, personal safety or your business interests. You could become manipulative to
reach your goals without due consideration for others, overstep the limits, break the
You require a challenge or positive incidence in order to return being positively
motivated and naturally efficient.

Click here to check out the other Types of Personality:

Thinker Persister Harmoniser Imaginer Rebel

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