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The PCM Personality Structure and the Six Types of

Personality – Thinker (2/7)

Magda Tabac January 28, 2021


If your Base Personality is Thinker, the following will be some of the defining
elements of your personality and behaviour:

You value facts and view the world by identifying and categorising people and
things; data and information are important for you.

THOUGHTS – are your main perception, and this is why you’ll be heard saying a lot
words like: “I think” “What options” “Does that mean” “Who” “What” “When” “Where”
“facts” “information” “data” “time frames”

If your base personality type is Thinker, then you are probably appreciated

Your capacity for organisation and detailed planning.

Your logic in structuring ideas or issues and explaining quickly and clearly to the
Your ability to take responsibility, making you a welcome person in both your
professional and personal relationships.


To catch your interest and attention, the person talking to you should use a factual
way of communication, asking for or providing data and information
You and others will communicate better through questions and exchanges of
To feel good and be efficient, you require being recognized for your thoughts and
accomplishments. “Good work.” “Great idea.” “A job well done.” are the praise
words you appreciate the most.
You require time structure and like to plan things in advance.
Under light distress, in interactions with others, you may want to demonstrate you
are doing things perfectly and you may reverse delegate (take back tasks you had
delegated beforehand, as you believe that you can do them better and faster). You
may also give too much detail in your explanations and insert needless
qualifications, thinking you make yourself seem clearer.
If distress increases, you could become over-controlling, attack others, and argue
about time, money, order, or cleanliness.
You require return to your logical and structured way of thinking in order to regain
your natural efficiency. Reassuring yourself that you are doing a good job, or having
others do this, is the key to your recovery.

Click here to check out the other Types of Personality:

Persister Harmoniser Imaginer Rebel Promoter

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