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2. PILOT TESTING OR FIELD TRY -OUT This process will gather empirical data to support
whether the material or the curriculum is useful, relevant, reliable and valid. Most field testing or
try out follow some form of research designs.

3. Using the principles of curriculum writing and backed up by the content specialization of the
writers and the consultants, the modules were written. The printed modules were reviewed by the
consultants and peers, however, there was a need to try out or pilot test the activities and the field
practicals by the users who are the student themselves. The try out or pilot testing assures the
teachers and the schools that indeed the curriculum materials are ready for printing and

4. Modification and revision are inherent characteristics of a curriculum. The pilot test or try –
out is a developmental process that gives the signal as to whether the particular curriculum can
already be implemented with confidence.

5. Curriculum Monitoring Monitoring asks the question: How are we doing? Is the curriculum
accomplishing its intended purposes? Monitoring is also important to determine is the curriculum
is still relevant and effective. Monitoring is a periodic assessment and adjustment during the try –
out period. It is like formative evaluation. It determines how the curriculum is working, such that
the monitoring report becomes the basis of a decision on what aspects have to be retained,
improved or modified. Monitoring also provides decision that would even end or terminate the
program. Usually, monitoring is done by the module writers, curriculum experts or outside
agencies. It is very important aspect of curriculum.

6. Curriculum Evaluation Curriculum evaluation as part of total educational evaluation refers to a

systematic process of judging the value, effectiveness and adequacy of a curriculum: its process,
product and setting will lead of informed decision. Evaluation should be useful and systematic.
The information gathered should be important for the improvement of and for final judgment of
the curriculum being evaluated.

7. 1. School – Based Evaluation Is an approach to curriculum evaluation which places the

content, design, operation, and maintenance of evaluation procedure in the hands of the school
personnel. The school personnel participate in the planning and conduct of school evaluation
activities. It is a participative evaluation where the control and management of the process rest
on the school personnel themselves.

8. Some advantages of the School – Based Evaluation include the following:

1. Accountability is shared by all, hence bias and conflict are minimized.

2. School personnel develop evaluation skills.

3. The real concerns of the school community are addressed by the evaluation.

4. Broad participation of school personnel provide opportunities for building school


5. Provides reliable and valid information on curriculum, resources and general school
functioning .

9. Accreditation This is a voluntary process of submitting a curricular program to an external

accrediting body for review in any level of education: basic, tertiary or graduate school to assure
standard. Accreditation studies the statement of the educational intentions of the school and
affirms a standard of excellence.

10. Curriculum and program of studies Program of studies includes the clusters of knowledge,
skills, attitudes, values and experiences that will provide students at any level with the necessary
competencies for effective learning. A list of subjects or courses to be taken and arranged in a
logical order compose the program of studies.

11. Classroom Management For effective instruction, the use of appropriate classroom
management is suggested. The teacher who implements the curriculum sees to it that
management of teaching and learning in the classroom follows procedure and guidelines to
enhance and create an environment conducive to learning. An environment conducive to learning
considers the physical factors such as classroom physical arrangements, ventilation, lighting,
cleanliness while human factors include the teachers’ attitudes , students responses, teacher-
students interactions. A good classroom management provides opportunities to develop
independent lifelong partners who uphold and observe democratic practices.

12. Instructional Processes or Methodologies How to translate action into the written and
planned curriculum is a concern of instruction. How should a lesson be taught? What teaching
methodologies should be used for particular type of learners? Is there a fit or match between the
lesson objectives set? Has teaching or methods of delivery accomplished the objectives set? The
decision of choosing and using the method of teaching and using the method of teaching is a
crucial factor in curriculum and instruction. There are varied teaching methodologies that are
compatible with the different learning styles of the student . These emerging strategies of
teaching follow principles and theories that enhance learning outcomes.

13. Graduation requirements Graduation means successful accomplishments of the curricular

program of studies. A student has to accomplish its academic program as prescribes in the
program of studies mentioned earlier. These requirements are clearly understood upon
enrollment in college by the students and by the parents for students in the elementary or high
14. Administrative Support for Effective Instruction A curriculum can be best implemented if
there is support of the school administration. In fact a school principal for example has a distinct
responsibility of a curricular manager or manager of learning. Quality instruction should be
sustained by requiring needed instructional materials, high quality of examination questions and
other support for effective instruction.

15. Evaluation of Academic Performance In curriculum, it is necessary that learning outcomes be

evaluated. After all the best measures of a curriculum is the learning outcome of the students.
The evaluation of students' performance should make use of valid and reliable tools which are
periodically reviewed and revised. Students should be informed and be clarified about the
grading system as well as the standards used.

16. Reported by: Maria Elenita A. Calvadores Lorena Yarso Noel Tilaon

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