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Astrological Study of Ten Corona Patients

29 May 2020
Monica D Saxena

The current Covid crisis has shaken the world and has turned the lives of billions of people upside down. As the Corona
cases are multiplying exponentially, we are looking to understand what are the factors which make people more
vulnerable to catch the virus. The purpose of this article is to assist an astrologer in quickly identifying who are more
prone to contacting the virus and need to maintain better safeguards. Further once the virus is contacted, what are the
chances of recovery and when. Sharing the horoscopes of ten Corona patients to identify what factors are making
people Corona positive.

The key factors we looked at were as under:

 The strength of Lagna as a strong lagna gives a good immune system

 Condition of third and fourth house as the third house represents our throat from where the virus starts and 4 th
house are our lungs where it attached

 Condition of Mercury who is a natural karak of third house. An affliction here weakens the throat, chest and
lungs. Mercury is also the natural karak of sixth house of diseases.

 Connection of Dashas with 6-8-12 houses also known as the trik houses are considered adverse in D-1 and D-9

 Placement of Dasha lords in Fiery signs – Aries, Leo and Sagittarius as a fiery sign gives protection from disease

 Transit during the time of catching the virus

 Varshphal chart of person

Case 1: 26 Apr 1994, 14:00, Lucknow

The person got married on 16 February 2020 and had gone abroad for honeymoon. On return to India he was found to
be Covid positive. The person was diagnosed on 13 March 2020 and was fully declared recovered on 19 March 2020.
1. Lagna is strong as lagna lord is exalted in the 9 th house.
2. Third house from where the Covid bacteria starts is afflicted. Third lord Venus is in Rahu / Ketu axis. Third house
has Jupiter the 8th lord and Moon the 12th lord placed there. Because of connection of 3 benefic planets, there is
a protection. Fourth house is in Rahu / Ketu axis.
3. Affliction to Mercury Mercury is combust.
4. Connection of Dasha to trik houses 6-8-12 in D-1. Dasha running was Saturn – Venus – Mercury. The maha
dasha lord Saturn is the 6th lord placed in seventh house. Venus is well placed in 10 th house but is in Rahu/ Ketu
axis. Pratyantar dasha lord Mercury is aspected by 8 th lord Jupiter and 12th lord Moon. The dashas make a
complete connection with 6-8-12 houses.
5. Connection of Dasha to trik houses 6-8-12 In D-9 maha dasha lord Saturn and antar dasha lord Venus are in 6 th
house and PD lord Mercury is in 12th house showing sudden isolation.
6. Tatwa of planets Saturn is placed in Aquarius- air sign, Venus in Taurus – earth sign and Mercury is in fire sign.
7. Adverse Transit at catching the disease Covid has an incubation period of 1- 14 days. On 28 Feb 2020, Saturn
was transiting in the 6th house, Venus in the 8th house and Mercury in the 7th house. Venus was aspected by Mars
and Saturn. Mercury was Retrograde and Combust in 7 th house. All the dasha lords were afflicted.
8. Adverse Varsh Phal Lagna rising is Sagittarius and Saturn is in lagna in degree conjunction with Ketu. Lagna lord
Jupiter is in 12th house in gandant, aspected by Mars.
9. Suddenness of event The 8th lord Jupiter is aspecting MD, AD, PD lords which shows his sudden quarantine. Jup
is in third house conjunct with Moon the 12-lord showing he caught the virus during a small trip abroad.

The parameters show adverse time for the person but due to a strong lagna and benefic planets aspect he
quickly recovered. All the dasha lords are friends of each other.

Case 2 Prince Charles 14 Nov 1948 21:14 London England

Prince Charles was diagnosed with Covid on 26 March 2020. He was home quarantined and made a full recovery
on 1st April 2020.

1. Lagna is in Rahu / Ketu axis and aspected by debilitated Sun. Lagna is weak.
2. Third house from where the Covid bacteria starts is afflicted. Third lord Mercury is in exchange with debilitated
Venus and is in Rahu/ Ketu axis. It is also conjunct with debilitated Sun. Moon is the lagna lord in 10 house in
conjunction with Rahu. Fourth house is in Rahu/ Ketu axis.
3. Affliction to Mercury Mercury is in exchange with debilitated Venus and is in Rahu/ Ketu axis. It is also conjunct
with debilitated Sun.
4. Connection to trik houses 6-8-12 in D-1. Dasha running was Jupiter-Ketu- Venus. Jupiter is the 6 th lord in sixth
house. Ketu is conjunct with 12th lord Mercury and is aspected by 8th lord Saturn. Venus is debilitated. The dasha
lords makes a complete connection with 6-8-12 houses.
5. In D-9 The dasha lords are well placed and he was isolated in his own palace.
6. Tatwa of planets Jupiter is placed in fire sign showing quick recovery.
7. Adverse Transit at catching the disease Covid has an incubation period of 1- 14 days. On 20 March Jupiter and
Ketu were in 6th house and Jupiter was in degree conjunction with Mars.
8. Adverse Varsh Phal Lagna rising is Mercury and Mercury is in 2 nd house between malefic Sun and Mars. Venus
and Mars the second and third lord are in exchange. Saturn is aspecting Lagna.

He made a full recovery as his D-9 was good and benefic dasha was running. Dasha running was Jupiter- Ketu-
Moon. Jupiter, Moon are friends.

Case 3- 4 Dec 1965 11:30 Delhi

The person is settled in USA since many years. She was diagnosed with Corona and has since made a full
recovery. However, she has chances of a relapse.

1. Lagna lord Saturn is placed in own house in Aquarius.

2. Third house from where the Covid bacteria starts is afflicted. Third lord Jupiter is in 6 th house and is aspected by
Mars. Mars is also aspecting the 3rd house. Fourth house is aspected by Saturn and its lord is placed in the 12 th
house showing affliction.
3. Affliction to Mercury Mercury is retrograde and combust, and in Rahu / Ketu axis.
4. Connection of dasha to trik houses 6-8-12. Dasha running was Mars-Jupiter- Mercury. The maha dasha lord
Mars is in 12th house and aspecting 6th house. Jupiter is in 6th house and is aspected by Mars. Mercury is the 6 th
lord in 11th house conjunct with 8th lord Sun and in Rahu/ Ketu axis. The dashas make a complete connection
with 6-8-12 houses.
5. In D-9 maha dasha lord Mars is in 3rd house and in R/K axis. The antar dasha lord Jupiter and PD lord Mercury are
well placed in 4th house.
6. Tatwa of planets MD lord Mars is placed in fire rashi giving instant protection.
7. Adverse Transit at the time of catching the disease Covid has an incubation period of 1- 14 days. On 20 March
2020, lagna lord Saturn was transiting in lagna in close degree conjunction with Gulik. Mars the MD lord and
Jupiter the PD lord are in 12th house.
8. Adverse Varsh Phal Lagna rising is Scorpio and lagna lord has gone to the 12 th house and is conjunct with 8th
lord Mercury. Lagna is in pap kartari.
9. Suddenness of event the 8th lord Sun is with PD lord Mercury and in R/K axis.

The lagna lord is strong and dasha lords have improved in D-9 showing a quick recovery. The person was diagnosed on
29 March 2020, results came on 1st April and he was declared positive. Recovery date is uncertain as New York state
does not do testing to prove one is free from Corona. According to CDC if someone is free of high temperature for 72
hours without medicines one is declared Covid free. That date was 5 April.

 Likely infection was around 20 Mar 20– Mars- Jup-Mer-Rahu/Mars – explained earlier
 Test date was 29 March 20 – Ma-Ju-Me-Ju-Moon
 Result was Covid positive on 1 Apr 20- – Ma-Ju-Me-Ju-Moon
 Declared Free on 5th Apr - Ma-Ju-Me-Sat here Saturn is the lagna lord and is well placed.

The person’s Pratyantar Dasha of Ketu has started from 7 Apr to 27 Apr and the person has been asked to take all

Further, there is a possibility of relapse during Mars -Jup-Sun dasha from 23 rd June to 10 July 20 and the person has been
asked to take all precautions.

4. Case 4: 12 Nov 1955 16:37:42 Patna Bihar

The person was unwell since 26 Mar 2020. He first contacted fever which was diagnosed as Typhoid. His condition
worsened in 2 days and he was shifted to hospital where he was diagnosed Covid positive. He was on ventilator for
many days and finally passed away.
1. Lagna lord Mars is aspecting lagna from the 6th house. The 6-7-8 houses have malefic planets which adversely
affects lagna. Jupiter’s aspects give protection.
2. Third house has no aspect. Third lord Mercury is conjunct with Sun and Moon in 7 th house and is combust. It is in
pap kartari and dispositor Venus is afflicted in the 8 th house. Fourth lord Moon is conjunct with debilitated Sun.
3. Affliction to Mercury Mercury is combust and in pap kartari.
4. Connection of dashas to trik houses 6-8-12. Dasha running was Mercury-Rahu-Rahu-Rahu. The maha dasha lord
Mercury is the 6th lord placed in seventh house. Rahu is placed in the 8th house with malefic Saturn and Gulik
and Marak Venus. The dashas make a complete connection with 6-8 houses.
5. In D-9 maha dasha lord Mercury is aspected by Saturn and Jupiter. Rahu in the 6th house aspected by Mars. The
6-7-8 house from lagna have malefic planets.
6. Tatwa of planets Mercury is placed in air sign and Rahu in water showing increase of infection.
7. Adverse Transit at catching the disease Covid has an incubation period of 1- 14 days. The person suffered fever
on 26 March. Looking at the transit on 20 th March, Mercury the 6th lord was in the eleventh house and Rahu in
the third house.
8. Adverse Varsh Phal Lagna rising is Virgo and lagna lord Mercury is placed in the second house between
debilitated Sun and Mars. Saturn is aspecting the lagna. There is an exchange between 2 nd the third lord. The
lagna, 2nd house and 3rd house are connected and under malefic influence. Taking muntha as lagna, lagna lord
Sun is debilitated and conjunct with Mars. Varsh phal is adverse.
9. Suddenness of event Rahu the AD-PD-PD is in 8th house.

His fever started 26 March in Mer-Rahu-Rahu-Rahu. He was diagnosed with Typhoid on 30 th March when Pran
dasha was Jupiter. On 2nd Apr he was admitted to the hospital during the pran dasha of Saturn who is placed in
the 8th house. There was mis diagnosis as Saturn is placed in the 8 th house and in R/K axis.
On 3rd April he was finally diagnosed Covid positive when pran dasha of Mercury started which is placed in the
7th house. He has been on ventilator since 3 April. From 15-17 April he was out of ventilator for 48 hours during
Mer-Rahu-Rahu-Jupiter- Jupiter.
He was again put on ventilator on 18 April 2020 at the start of Mer-Rahu-Rahu-Jupiter- Saturn. Since coming
Sookshma dasha is also Saturn the situation is not favorable for the patient.

The patient passed away on 2nd May 2020.

5. Boris Johnson 19 Jun 1964 14:00 New York, USA

The Prime Minister of UK was diagnosed with Covid and was seriously ill for some time. He was also placed on
ventilator for some time and has since made a complete recovery.

1. Lagna lord Mercury is well placed in the 9 th house but is conjunct with Mars who is a malefic.
2. Third house Scorpio is the third house and third lord Mars is aspecting the third house, he is also the 8 th lord.
Third house is aspected by retrograde Saturn the 6 th lord. The fourth house is in Rahu/ Ketu axis
3. Affliction to Mercury Mercury is combust and conjunct with Mars. Its dispositor Venus is afflicted.
4. Connection to trik houses 6-8-12. Dasha running was Mercury-Venus-Venus- Moon. The maha dasha lord
Mercury is combust and conjunct with 8th lord Mars. Venus is well placed in 10th house but is in Rahu/ Ketu axis
and conjunct with 12th lord Sun. Venus is retrograde and combust. Moon is placed in Libra and is aspected by
Jupiter from 8th house. The dashas make a connection with 8-12 houses and its lords are combust showing
adverse health.
5. In D-9 maha dasha lord Mercury is placed in the 3 rd house, Venus in the 6th house and Moon is in Rahu/ Ketu
6. Element (Tatwa) of planets Mercury is in earth and Venus is in air element.
7. Adverse Transit at catching the disease He was diagnosed on 27 March. I looked at the transit of around 20
March and found that MD lord Mercury was in 6 th house and PD lord Venus was transiting in the 8th house. All
the dasha lords were afflicted.
8. Adverse Varsh Phal Lagna rising is Libra and Venus is placed in the 8 th house aspected by 6th lord Jupiter. The
benefic planets provide protection. The third house is majorly afflicted with aspect of Saturn, Mars, Sun and
Rahu / Ketu axis.

Boris was diagnosed on 27 March during Me-Ve-Ve- Mars. We have seen the affliction to Mer and Venus. Mars
is the lord of 8th house.

He was admitted to the hospital on 5 April when the Pran dasha was Rahu which is afflicting the fourth house
and conjunct with 12th lord Sun making him leave his residence.
On 6th April he was admitted to intensive care and now has been cured. He joined back office on 27 th April.
Coming Pran dasha of Jupiter is placed in Aries the fire sign.

He was also blessed with a son on 29th April 2020.

Case 6: 16 Aug 1968, 16:00, Allahabad, UP

The person is a doctor in UK, a specialist in Infectious diseases. She contacted the disease from one of her
colleagues and her husband also got it. No testing was done as in UK only those patients are tested who are
admitted in hospital. They self-isolated completely and recovered in two weeks.

1. Lagna is placed in the 9th house and conjunct with benefic planets and 9 th lord Sun. Lagna is strong.
2. Third house Aquarius is the third house and third lord Saturn is debilitated. Debilitated Mars is aspecting third
house. Third house is inflicted but has the aspect of Jupiter, Venus and Mercury three benefic planets. Fourth
house is in Rahu/ Ketu axis.
3. Affliction to Mercury Mercury is combust and in Magha Nakshatra. The lord of Magha nakshatra is Ketu. It is
well placed with 2 benefic planets and with Sun.
4. Connection to trik houses 6-8-12. Dasha running was Jupiter-Rahu-Rahu. The maha dasha lord Jupiter is in close
degree conjunction with 6th lord Venus. Rahu is placed in 4th house. The dasha makes a connection with 6 th
5. In D-9 Jupiter and Rahu are well placed in D-9 showing quick recovery.
6. Element (Tatwa) of planets Jupiter is in fire tatwa and Rahu is in water sign.
7. Adverse Transit at catching the disease She had fever on 17 March. I looked at the transit of around 10 March
and found that MD lord Jupiter was conjunct with Mars the 12 th lord and in Rahu / Ketu axis.
8. Adverse Varsh Phal Lagna rising is Capricorn and Saturn is placed in the 12th house conjunct with Ketu. They are
at close degrees. Mercury the 6th lord is aspecting lagna.

 She fell ill on 17 March 2020 during Jup-Rahu-Rahu-Venus- Rahu. Jupiter is the lagna lord in close degree
conjunction with Venus the 6th lord. Rahu in such cases acts like poison.
 She is herself a doctor and stayed in home quarantine for 2 weeks and recovered by 29 March 2020. She
was unwell during Jupiter- Rahu-Rahu- Venus, the sookshma dasha of Venus and recovered when the
sookshma dasha of Sun, the 9th lord started.
Case 7: 13 Nov 1986, 16:05 Delhi

The person was diagnosed Corona positive but recovered.

1. Lagna lord is exalted in the 10th house and is aspecting Lagna. Mars is also digbali in 10 house and 10 th house has
good ashtakvarga points.
2. Third house Third lord Mercury is retrograde and combust at very close degree with Sun. Fourth house is
aspected by Mars and fourth lord is in Rahu/ Ketu axis.
3. Affliction to Mercury Mercury is retrograde and combust.
4. Connection to trik houses 6-8-12. Dasha running was Ven-Mer-Ven. The maha dasha lord is in 7 th house and
conjunct with 6th lord Mercury. It’s in pap kartari. Mercury is the 6 th lord.
5. In D-9 The MD lords are well placed.
6. Element (Tatwa) of planets the dasha lords are not in fire signs.
7. Adverse Transit at catching the disease. Saturn and Jupiter are aspecting lagna and transiting over dasha lords.
8. Adverse Varsh Phal Lagna rising is Virgo and Mercury is placed in the 2nd house conjunct with Mars and Sun.
Saturn is aspecting the lagna. All malefic planets have made a connection with the lagna.

The strength of Lagan lord and good placement of dasha lords in D-9 safeguarded the person.
Case 8: 4 Jun 1961, 4:00, Delhi

The person had his own business and was head of the organization. He was very affluent and donated a lot of money. He
passed away due to Corona virus after a long illness.

1. Lagna lord is placed in the 4th house and debilitated. It is aspected by debilitated retrograde Jupiter and
retrograde Saturn. The immunity of a person goes down when lagna lord is debilitated.
2. Third house Third lord Mercury is placed in third house. Mercury is in Mrityu bhag. Fourth House is aspected by
Mars and Saturn.
3. Affliction to Mercury is in Mrityu Bhag.
4. Connection to trik houses 6-8-12. Dasha running was Saturn-Jup- Sun. The maha dasha lord is connected to 8 th
lord Mars and 12th lord Jupiter. Antar dasha lord Jupiter is debilitated 12 th lord. Sun is aspected by the 12th lord
and is placed in second house which is a marak bhav.
5. In D-9 Saturn the maha dasha lord is aspecting lagna. Jupiter is a marak in 7 th house and Sun is placed in the 8th
house in Rahu/ Ketu axis. D-9 shows adverse position of dasha lords.
6. Element (Tatwa) of planets the dasha lords are not in fire signs.
7. Adverse Transit at catching the disease. Saturn and Jupiter are aspecting lagna lord and transiting over dasha
lords. Sun was transiting in the 12th house. Corona was diagnosed at end March when eighth lord Mars was also
transiting over natal Saturn and Jupiter.
8. Adverse Varsh Phal Lagna rising is Aquarius and Saturn is placed in the 11th house is conjunct with Ketu. Saturn
is also the 12th lord and is aspected by the 6th lord Moon, eight lord Mercury and Mars.

The person died on 12 April 2020 after prolonged illness. Dasha running was Sat-Ju-Sun-Sat-Sun.
Case 9: 18 Jan 1984, 9:30 AM, Delhi

The person stays in Canada and was advised home quarantine. She has fully recovered.

1. Lagna lord is placed in the 9th house and exalted. It is conjunct with Saturn.
2. Third house Gulik is placed in third house and its aspected by Saturn and Mars. Fourth House is in Rahu/Ketu
3. Affliction to Mercury is due to aspect of 6th lord Moon and 12th lord Saturn. Conjunction with Jupiter gives
benefic protection.
4. Connection to trik houses 6-8-12. Dasha running was Mer-Rahu-Saturn-Jupiter and Mer-Rahu-Mercury. The
maha dasha lord is also the 8th lord and is connected to 6th lord Moon. Saturn is the 12th lord.
5. In D-9 has Vargottam lagna. Mercury is well placed in the 5 th house. Rahu is placed in the 6th house and Saturn is
6. Element (Tatwa) of planets the maha dasha lords and Prasanta dasha lord Mercury is in fire sign.
7. Adverse Transit at catching the disease. She was diagnosed on 1st May so we looked at the transit on 24 th April.
MD lord Mercury was debilitated and aspected by Saturn from the 12 th house. AD lord Rahu was transiting over
6th lord Moon. Saturn was transiting over the 12 th house.
8. Adverse Varsh Phal Lagna is in Rahu/ Ketu axis and aspected by Saturn and Mars. Lagan lord Mercury is in 8 th

The time of catching the virus was around 24 of April. The transit at that time was as under.

Birth Chart Transit Chart

Dasha running was – Mercury-Rahu-Saturn-Jupiter.

Transit on 24th shows The Maha dasha lord Mer was debilitated and aspected by transit Saturn. Third house has aspect
of natal Jupiter which gives protection. Here Ketu is transiting over natal Jupiter at nearly same degree thus neutralizing
its aspect. Venus the 4th lord is transiting over natal Rahu at the same degree. Antar dasha lord Saturn and Pratyantar
dasha lord Jupiter are transiting in 12 th house.

She most likely fell ill on around 30 April and was diagnosed on 1 st May. Dasha running was Mercury- Rahu-Mercury-
Mercury. Here Mercury was the eighth lord aspected by the 6 th lord. She was taken to the hospital in an ambulance but
was asked to be in home quarantine. She has high fever and body aches. She has recovered from 21 st May 2020 when
Pratyantar of Mercury ended and Ketu started.

Case 10: 14 May 1939 2:10 Sialkot Pakistan

The patient required surgery and was tested positive for Corona in two consecutive reports.
1. Lagna lord is placed in the 3rd house and debilitated. It is conjunct with Sun and Ketu. Lagna is in exchange with
exalted Mars. Further eighth house has the aspect of two benefic planets Jupiter and exalted Venus giving her
long life.
2. Third house has Saturn, Sun and Ketu placed there and Mars is aspecting. Fourth House is in good condition
with exalted Venus as 4th lord.
3. Affliction to Mercury is placed in the third house with Saturn, Ketu and Sun and aspected by Mars
4. Connection to trik houses 6-8-12. Dasha running is Moon-Jupiter-Jupiter. The maha dasha lord is the 6 th lord
placed in lagna and AD lord Jupiter is aspecting the 8 th house.
5. In D-9 Moon is the 6th lord conjunct with Mercury the eighth lord. Jupiter is placed in the eighth house.
6. Element (Tatwa) of planets the dasha lords are not in fire signs.
7. Adverse Transit at catching the disease. She was diagnosed on 24th May so we looked at the transit on 16 th May.
AD lord Jupiter is transiting in the 12 th house and retrograde. Its conjunct with retrograde Saturn.
8. Adverse Varsh Phal 12th lord Moon is in Lagna. Lagna lord is exalted in the 9 th house and with benefic planets
showing recovery.

Dasha running was Moon-Jupiter-Jupiter-Saturn-Mercury. We have seen about Moon and Jupiter. Moon as the
6 lord gives her injuries. Moon and Jupiter are 2/12 from each other. Saturn is debilitated and Mercury is conjunct
between two malefic planets.

21 May 20 Moon-Ju-Ju- Saturn is debilitated She had fallen in the bathroom and had a fracture at the
Sa-Sa in 3 House neck of Femur.
22 May 20 Moon-Ju-Ju- She was shifted to hospital during the same dasha
24 May 20 Moon-Ju-Ju- She was diagnosed Corona positive during and shifted to
Sa-Venus Covid hospital. Coming Pran dashas of Saturn and Ketu
are not good and her surgery would be performed once
she recovers.
27 May 20 Moon-Ju-Ju- Mars is exalted in Her children received a call that she is very serious and
Sa-Mars 12th house and Sat may be required to be put on ventilator. Saturn and
(00:15 to and Jup are Jupiter are transiting over natal Mars. The children
15:14) transiting over it. doubted the doctor and refused ventilator.
27 May 20 Moon-Ju-Ju- Rahu placed in 9th  The children contacted various sources who
Sa-Rahu house provided called up the hospital to ensure she is given
protection and correct treatment.
connected to right  Same evening doctor called back to say she has
people recovered, her Covid test report came negative.
 She was shifted from ICU to single room
29 May 20 Moon-Ju-Ju- Jup well placed in Second report came negative
Sa-Jup the second house
30 May 20 Moon-Ju-Ju- Mercury placed in She is expected to go into surgery for fracture.
Sa-Mer the third house
between malefic

She is expected to recover and come home at the start of Pran dasha of Venus who is exalted 4 th lord. The good
condition of Varshphal lord exalted in the 9th house and Pratyantar dasha lord Jupiter gives her protection.
Key findings of Ten Covid Patients

Connection connect Affliction Dasha
Patient Date of Birth on III and Condition
of dashas to fire to Mercury Running
with 6-8-12 element
26 Apr 1994, 6-8-12
Case 1 Yes Yes Yes Ra - Ra- Me Recovery
14:00, Lucknow houses
Case 2 14 Nov 1948
Prince 21:14 London Yes Yes Yes Ju-Ke-Ve Recovery
Charles England
4 Dec 1965 6-8-12
Case 3 Yes Yes Yes Ma-Ju-Mer Recovery
11:30 Delhi houses
12 Nov 1955
6 and 8
Case 4 16:37:42 Patna No Yes Yes Me-Ra-Ra Died
Case 5 19 Jun 1964 serious
6 and 12
Boris 14:00 New York, No Yes Yes Me-Ven-Ven but
Johnson USA recovery
16 Aug 1968,
Case 6 16:00, 6th house Yes Yes Yes Ju-Ra-Ra recovery
Allahabad, UP
13 Nov
Case 7 1986,16:05 6th house No Yes Yes Ve-Me- Ve recovery
4 Jun 1961, 4:00 8th and 12th
Case 8 No Yes Yes Sat-Ju-Sun Died
Delhi house
18 Jan 1984,
9:30 AM, Delhi 6-8-12 Me-Rahu-
Case 9 Yes Yes Yes recovered
houses Sat

14 May 1939
6 and 8 on 3rd Moon-Jup- Wrong
Case 10 2:10 Sialkot No Yes
houses house Jup diagnosis

The key findings of ten patients were as under:

 When lagna was strong, recovery was fast.

 The patients had afflicted third house (throat) and fourth house(lungs). When the affliction was caused by
natural benefics with bad lordships, recovery was fast.
 All patients had affliction to planet Mercury who is a natural karak of third house. An affliction here weakens the
throat, chest and lungs.
 The patients were running the dasha of planets connected to trik 6-8-12 houses. In case of dasha of natural
benefic planets who were lords of trik houses recovery was fast. When the condition of dasha lords improved in
D-9 recovery was there.
 When the dasha lords were placed in fire signs (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius), recovery was quick. The persons
conditions became serious and had to be put on ventilator where dasha lords were not connected to fire signs.
 Transit during the time of catching the virus was adverse.
 The lagna of yearly chart (varsh phal) of all the persons was afflicted and made a connection with trik houses,
mostly the 12th house of isolation.
 Connection of Rahu/ Ketu with third or fourth house - In 70% cases, Rahu and Ketu are connecting to third or
fourth house, mainly fourth house (6 cases). In one case Sat-Mars axis is on 4 th house which is same Rahu -Ketu
axis hence in 80% cases Rahu-Ketu connection was there.
 Connection of Mercury with third or fourth house In 80% cases Mercury makes a connection with third or
fourth house.
 Connection of Rahu/ Ketu with dasha – In 70% cases, Rahu and Ketu are connecting to dasha. In one case Sat-
Mars axis is connected to the dasha which is same Rahu -Ketu axis hence in 80% cases Rahu-Ketu connection
was there. It was found mainly with Antar dasha and Pratyantar dasha.
 Connection of Mercury with dasha In 80% cases Mercury makes a connection with dashas. They were Maha
dasha/ Antar dasha/ Pratyantar dasha.

The article is meant to help in identifying people who are more likely to be seriously afflicted by the virus so they can
safeguard themselves better during the pandemic.

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