First Activity

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First Activity

A: Charles Dickens was born in Portsmouth.

B: He started going to school when he was nine years old.
C: Because his father was sent to prison and Dickens had to work to support
D: His first job was in a shoe polish factory.
E: Oliver Twist was published in 1838.
F: Dickens cared for the poor of England.
G: Charles Dickens was buried in Westminster Abbey, London

Childhood: Infancia
Afterwards: Después
Owed: Adecuado
Clerk: Secretario
Shorthand: Taquigrafía (escritura rápida)
Throughout: A lo largo de; completamente
Concerned: Preocupado
Effort: Esfuerzo
Activity Two
Name Description
Oliver Twist -He was an orphan
-He is the protagonist of this story
Sally -She was an old woman
-She was nice and polite.
Agnes -She was pregnant
-She was very sick
Sra.mann -She was an old woman
-was an evil woman
-she treated the orphaned children and
Oliver badly.
Mr. Bumble -He was a big, fat man
-He wore a uniform and carried a big
-he had a bad temper and was very

Nowhere: En ninguna parte Kindly: amable
Troubling: Preocupante Dying: moribundo
Strength: Fuerza Sighed: suspiro
Received: Recibido Enought: suficiente
Such: Tal Whispered: susurró
Surnames: Apellidos
Frightened: Asustado
Lay: poner
Began: empezar
Actions in chapter 1
1. A Young woman fell down in the street.
2. An old women called Sally put the girl to bed, and then sat down by the fire
to wait for the doctor.
3. Sally said Take these things... The young woman said please, keep them
safe for my child I'm very sick! i don't think I'll live to the baby.
4. The doctor and Sally did everything they could, but it was to late. The young
woman die.
5. The baby was born and his mother named him Oliver.
6. No one knew the name of Oliver's father so Mr. Bumble gave him the
surname "Twist".
7. Oliver went to live in such a house with Mrs. Mann, an old woman who kept
most of money for herself and didn't take good care of them babies and
8. Oliver lived there and during that time he never heard a King word and he
never had enough to eat.
9. Oliver ask for more soup, Mr. Bumble picked up poor Oliver by his shirt
collar and began to shake him and beat him with his big stick.
10. Mr. bumble notice on the door of the workhouse. Do you want a boy to learn
a useful job? We will give 5$ to anyone who takes him.

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