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Answer #1:

The stage of pre buy in service marketing is very vital for the phase of the decision making of the
customer for the customers. At this stage, the customers may stay or leave the products for the various
reasons depending the how the process is evaluated. Also we can say, pre-buy stage in service
marketing refers to the stage in the decision-making phase of the customer in which he or she receives
service details through advertising, word-of - mouth, sales brochures, etc. If they are interested, the
buyers then look for more details on the product in order to arrive at conclusions on the sort of value it
will be able to provide them with. Depending on the type, difficulty, and price, the nature and scope of
this quest differ.

In addition, it should also be noted that services appear to elicit more skepticism in the minds of
customers, being intangible in nature, and this makes the task of service marketing especially important.
For attracting and maintaining the interest of potential customers, successful marketing strategies in this
regard will be crucial. This is the explanation for the significance of the stage.

When he or she is in this process, there are numerous steps a buyer goes through. You can delineate
these steps as follow

1. Knowledge of Need

: This marks the beginning of this phase of any significant case. This is the point at which the prospective
buyer becomes aware of their need for the item. Via ads; word-of-mouth; or any other such criterion,
this realization can be elicited. This awareness encourages more consumer intervention, and he or she
seeks further knowledge on the matter; introspects to explain his or her needs; and considers
alternative service providers as a replacement.

Alternative assessment: This is the stage in which the customer goes ahead and checks the data that he
or she may derive from advertising, word-of - mouth, etc. The customer also supplements this data with
other items, such as brochures, websites, online reviews, etc. The main elements of this evaluative
method can be divided into the following steps:

Analysis of the qualities of the firm's suppliers;

Reviewing information received from third parties

2. Decision making point:

This is the point at which the user eventually uses the scope of knowledge made available to him from
multiple sources, including ads, social media, third-party opinions, online reviews, etc. The customer
uses such knowledge to determine the prudence of partnering with the business by making a purchase
from it. The user goes ahead and makes a purchase of the said product if the analysis is favorable.

Habib Bank Limited will be an example of a service organization that is based in Pakistan. The bank is
one of the main constituents of the nation's baking market. As a service driven company that focuses on
raising capital, investing, developing customer-specific goods, etc. It is necessary for the bank to attract
the attention of its essential customers. It is only after this that the bank will retain its established
clientele and attract new ones.
Answer #2:

For the Visiting dentist scenario, the stages of Flower service can be applied effectively and evaluated

Have you ever experienced any of the following when visiting Dentist? You can’t find seat, the
receptionist is busy and doesn’t acknowledge you, staff are unfriendly, the waiting area is “cold” and
uncomfortable, the doctor you are meeting is late, the meeting area is untidy, feedback is slow or non-
existent, the invoice is vague and you don’t really know what you are paying for? If you answered yes to
any of these, you have first-hand experience of a concept generally referred to in professional services
as the Flower of Service.

Most of the professional service provides seek to satisfy their customers and by giving them legal
advises and core services, better customer service and to save for the future purchases. In most cases,
we can easily identify the core aspects of the service (e.g. legal advice, financial advice or accounting
services). Core services are the central component that supplies the principal, problem-solving benefits
customers seek

As we can see, if the services are good and on time, whenever the patient arrives at the dentist
appointment without interruption and being noticed by the receptionist, the patient will be evaluated
by the doctor on time and next time he/she will come again and consult the doctor.

Visiting a dentist is important as it helps to make sure that our teeth are in good condition. The service
that the dentist provides is important. The five petals from the Flower of Service that would help to
evaluate the importance of visiting the dentist are s follow:

(i) Consultation is an important aspect the customers or clients want that they are given customized
advice or personal counseling. When a customer visits a dentist and gets personal counseling it helps
them to understand the importance and be satisfied.

(ii) Hospitality is a method by which the dentist can make sure that their client or customers are
welcomed. They can offer them refreshments while they are waiting for their turn, providing clean
washrooms and comfortable waiting rooms helps to make their experience memorable.

(iii) Empathy can be defined as the ability or the willingness that the employee of the clinic has to listen
to the needs and wants of its customers. The clinic would make sure that if certain queries are made by
the people that are coming to visit the dentist. They listen to them very carefully and resolve their
queries. This would make the customer feel that they are being valued by the clinic and would come
again and again.
(iv) The staff of the clinic should give some courtesy. They should be friendly in a professional way to the
customer. So that they feel more welcomed at the institution.

(v) Availability: The clinic should make sure that they are available 24 by 7. They listen to all the
telephone replies or give feedback through mail whenever a query is raised by the client. This would
help the client to be valued and they would be able to evaluate the importance of the service.

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