Assignment 3 Python

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(Affiliated to Visvesvaraya Technological University , Belagavi & Approved by AICTE,

New Delhi)
22 Mile, B.M Kaval, Opp. to Art of LivingUdayapura, Kanakapura Road, Bangalore-
Accredited by NBA for 3 years(26-7-18 to 30-6-2021),NewDelhi

Odd Semester Session (2020-2021)

Subject: Application Development Using Python Subject Code: 18CS55
Class: V Sem A & B sec
Duration: 1 ½ Hrs Max Marks: 50
Faculty: Anoop G L, Dr. Manjunath D R

Course Outcomes:

Course Outcomes:
CO 1. Examine Python syntax and semantics and be fluent in the use of Python flow control
and functions.
CO 2. Demonstrate proficiency in handling Strings and File Systems.
CO3: Create, run and manipulate Python Programs using core data structures like Lists,
Dictionaries and use Regular Expressions
CO4: Interpret the concepts of Object-Oriented Programming as used in Python.
CO5: Implement exemplary applications related to Network Programming, Web Services and
Databases in Python..

Cognitive Level: R- Remember, U-Understand, A- Analyze, Ap-Apply, Cr-Create, E-


Cogni Course
Q. Mark
Question tive Outcom
No. s
Level es

Define class and object? What are programmer defined types? Explain
with example. (5 Marks jan 2020) U 5 CO4
1 Illustrate the concept of pure function with python code. (5 Marks jan CO4
2020 ) Ap 5

a) Explain init and __str__ method with an example Python Program.. (6 CO4
Marks jan 2020) ( Model QP 2020) U 5

2 CO4
b) Define attribute'? With the help of python code, explain how
functions return instance values. (6 Marks jan 2020) AP 5
a. Explain the concept of modifier with python code. (5 Marks jan CO4
Ap 5
b. What is type based dispatch? Illustrate with python example. (5 U 5 CO4
Marks jan 2020)
Define polymorphism. Demonstrate polymorphism with function to find CO4
histogram to count the number of times each letters appears in a word and
4 Ap 5
in sentence. (8M- Jan 2019)

a. Differentiate between simple, multiple and multi-level inheritance. U 5 CO4

(05 Marks, July 2019)
b. Write a program that has a class Person , inherit a class Student CO4
from Person which also has a class MarksAttendance. Assume the
attributes for Person class as : USN, Name, dob, gender.
Attributes for Student class as : Class, branch, year, MA. Cr 5
Attributes for MarksAttendance : Marks, Attendance
Create a student S = Student ("1AB16CS005”, “XYZ”, “18-1-90", "M”,
85, 98) and display the details of the student. (05 Marks, July 2019)
a. Write a python program that uses datetime module within a class , CO4
takes a birthday as input and prints user’s age and the number of days, Ap 5
hours ,minutes and seconds until their next birthday. (Jan 2020)
b. Explain operator overloading with a python program. ( Model QP CO4
2020) U 5

a. Explain the process of opens a browser to a specific page and

downloading files from the Web with the requests module and also Ap 5 CO5
saving downloaded files to the hard drive with suitable example
7 program. ( 8 marks Model QP 2020)
b. Write a python program to give search keyword from command line CO5
Ap 5
arguments and open the browser tab for each result page. ( Model QP
Write a note on the following by demonstrating with code snippet. CO5
(i) Opening Excel documents with openpyxl.
U 6
(ii) Getting Sheets from the Workbook.
8 (iii) Getting Cells, Rows and Columns from the Sheets. (7 marks
Model QP 2020)
B. Describe the getText() function used for getting full text from a .docx U 4 CO5
file with example code( 6 marks Model QP 2020)
a) Explain how to retrieve a web page element from a BeautifulSoup CO5
Object by calling the select method and passing a string of a CSS Ap 5
selector for the element you are looking for with an example
9 program. (8 Marks) ( Model QP 2020)
(b) What is JSON? Briefly explain the json module of Python. CO5
Ap 5
Demonstrate with a Python program( 6 marks Model QP 2020)

a. Explain selenium’s webdrive methods for finding elements( 6 CO5

marks Model QP 2020) U 5

b. Write a program that takes a number N from command line and CO5
Ap 5
creates an NxN multiplication table in excel spread sheet( 6
marks Model QP 2020)
a. Write short notes on i)Creating,copying and rotating pages with CO5
Ap 5
respect to pdf( 6 marks Model QP 2020)
b Write a program that find all the CSV files in the current working CO5

11 directory,read in the full contents of each file,write out the contents,

Cr 5
skipping the first line, to a new CSV file. (03 M -

What five functions and methods do you have to call to create a bar chart? CO5
Explain them with a python program. Ap 5

Discuss the Creation, Encryption and Decryption of a PDF( 6 marks CO5
Model QP 2020) U 5

**********************All the Best************************

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