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Young Beth Jacob!

Avram Bogopulsky
Rand Levin
Rabbi Bloom’s
Morning Class:
Shabbat Shekalim, March 5, 2011 t"ga, 't rstc y"f
Parshat Pekude pg. 530, Haftorah pg. 1213
Groups Begin @ “The Story of Note: Shabbat Torah Reading is divided into 7 sections. Each section is called an Aliya [literally: Go up]
Groups with the
10:30am, Parents please Isaac Bashevis since for each Aliya, one person “goes up” to make a bracha [blessing] on the Torah Reading.
Weisers -4:00pm
tend to your children Singer” @ 4:15
beforehand 1st Aliya: The Parsha begins Hakodesh, and the Shulchan -
Youth Morning Groups with the Mitzvah of Shabbos and Table are described.
Tots: Below 1st Grade with Teen Morning Groups the penalty for her transgression. 3rd & 4th Aliyot: The Menorah
Morahs Faye & Shayna Pre-Teen Girls: Torah Note that Pasuk 35:5 is classic and the inner Golden Altar are
Group 2: Active and Edu- Learning w/Bobbe proof of the Oral Law. Those described. The outer ramped
cational Programs with our Reitman -10:30am who deny the Oral Law must
Tweeners Groups Altar, the Washstand, and the
Middle School Helpers explain the literal translation of
Junior Cong: The Classic— Shalosh Seudos Mishkan’s surrounding enclosure
in classroom B this verse to prohibit having any are detailed. Pekudei begins with
Reborn with Mr. Weiser
burning flame on Shabbos. This an accounting of the materials
would forbid the use of lights, used in the construction of the
heat, and even Shabbos candles! Mishkan. (gold = 4,386.5 lb./ silver
It is the Oral Law which teaches = 15,088.75 lb./ copper = 10,620 lb.)
us that the G-d’s prohibition
5th & 6th Aliyot: The Kohein
was directed at lighting a fire,
Gadol’s breastplate and vest
not having a fire. Moshe asked
are described. The remaining
the Bnai Yisroel to donate the
garments of the Kohein Gadol
time, talents, and materials for
sy- and the other Kohanim are
Artsy Smart the construction of the Mishkan.
detailed, and Moshe inspects
Bloombery Pa h 6th.
Sunday, Marc
ncakes!! The Bnai Yisroel responded with
the completed Mishkan. Moshe
Sunday, 8:50-9 1:15pm unbridled enthusiasm.
kids 5-10, @
:20am certifies that the entire project
2nd Aliya: Talents and materials followed the exact details of
were donated and Betzallel Hashem’s instructions. Moshe
and Oholiav were appointed blesses the workers.
Get Excited! as chief architects and artists.
7th Aliya: On the 1st day of Nissan,
The response to Moshe’s appeal
Girls and Boys Mishmar-Wednesday @ 6:15-7:30pm-This week: Boys 2449, the Mishkan was assembled.
was so great that Moshe had to
Bloomberry Pancakes - Sundays at 8:50am-9:20am- Back & Bigger After every vessel was properly
command the people to stop
Parents/Child Learning-Motzaei Shabbos, 7:15-8:00pm in place, the presence of Hashem,
their donations! (see, miracles
Contact Mr. Weiser for details on Youth 619.933.6740 the Shechina, descended in a
do happen!) The outer coverings
cloud and filled the Mishkan.
of the Mishkan and the inner
tapestries are detailed. The
beams of the Mishkan, the Aron
Haftorah Shekalim Melachim II Chapter 12 Shabbat Schedule Mincha.....................................5:15pm
Shabbos Ends..........................6:31pm
In the year 3084 - 677b.c.e., Yeho’ash, the King of Yehudah, decided to Candle Lighting........................5:30pm
strengthen and redecorate the 155 year old Bais Hamikdash. Yeho’ash Mincha...................................5:30pm Candles Next Week................5:35pm
instituted a simple system of collection, known today as the “Pushka.” Shacharis Beis Midrash...........7:45am Weekly Schedule
A special box was designated next to the Mizbeach where all collected Daf Yomi..................................7:45am Sun Shacharis..........................8:00am
moneys were deposited. The money was then counted and given to Shacharis Main Shul................8:45am Mon Rosh Chodesh........6:10/7:15am
the contractors who dispersed the funds, as needed, to the workmen. Latest Shema..........................9:00am Tue-Fri Shacharis..........6:20/7:15am
The Navi specifically states that no accounting was made with the Youth Groups...........................4:00pm Sun-Thu Mincha/Maariv...........5:35pm
contractors, because they were men of integrity. Yehoshua was the sole Open Beis Midrash.................4:00pm NEW: Halacha Yomi..........9:00pm
survivor from the House of Dovid Hamelech following their massacre
Rabbi’s Class.................................OFF Late Maariv..............................9:15pm
by the hands of Queen Athalya, the daughter of Achav and Ezeve.

Learning In Your Community...

Save the Date!!! Wednesday, March 16 7:30-9:30pm Our community offers a wide range of learning opportunities, from Classes, to
One-on-One Learning, to Guided Learning. Every night from 8:00pm-9:15pm
Discovery Program taught by Rabbi Ariel Shoshan. Halacha Yomi 9:00pm followed by Maariv.
RSVP to Rabbi Samowitz. Donations accepted. Daf Yomi: Mon-Fri at 6:15 am, Sunday at 7:00 am, Shabbos at 7:45 am
Mr. Weiser What’s on Weiser’s mind? call him to find out: 619.550.5954
Thank You! Israel. FMI call the school @
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday
Kiddush is sponsored by David 858-558-6880 Prophets Hebrew Reading Tastes of Talmud Parsha
& Doris Silverman IHO Kitty &
W/Rabbi Marks W/ Rabbi Adatto
w/ The Rabbi
Raphael Silverman & families Mazal Tov!
6:30-7:15pm OFF 8:00-9:00pm
W/ The Rabbi
for looking after Doris & David. Happy Birthday Faye Snyder Women Tehillim Ladies Class
Talmud Talmud
w/Rena Cohen w/L. Bogopulsky
Seuda Shlishit is sponsored w/The Rabbi W/ The Rabbi
Condolences 8:30pm apt 101
by Suzanne Levin IMO of her
mother Ruth Levin on her Bill Lapp on the passing of his Open Beis Midrash Sunday after Shacharis&Monday-Thursday 8:15pm-9:15pm
Yartzheit and in gratitude for mother. Beis Midrash Learning: Bagel and cream cheese, fresh brewed coffee
Hashem for Shauna’s recovery. Refuah Shleimah every Sunday @ 8:45am. Come and get a chavrusa and study.

Welcome! Irving Bernhardt | Ruth Lave

To all guests and visitors here |Goldie Masliah |
Shauna Breskin |
Doni Lepor |
Thelma Radesky
SAVE THE DATE!!! Sunday, March 20
for Shabbos, please feel free to
ask us if you need anything. | Hadassah Hirschbein RSVP at or call the Shul office
Tzetchem Leshalom
Coming Up BJSD Annual Super Purim Seuda @4pm
Doris & David Silverman who
THS will have its annual are going back to Canada.
Chinese Auction/Casino Night
on Sunday, March 6 @ Beth

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