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Galloway 1

Kinley Galloway

Mrs. Jackie Burr, Instructor

English 1010, Section 1

24 September 2020

Cereal, My Best Friend

A little building situated between Papa Murpheys and a parking lot. This little building is

where my friends and I decided to go. As I walked into this restaurant I was filled with warmth

and joy. Big cylinder tubes are filled to the top with all different types of cereal! There are so

many different kinds of cereal that I ate as a little kid that I had forgotten about. The huge

cylinder tubes are filled with the most amazing colors. Blue, green, red, purple, yellow and so

many more that you could possibly imagine. It was as if I was a little kid again getting excited to

go to McDonalds! Glancing around at the cereals in those big tubes as I made my way up to the

cashier. Two teenage boys leaning back in their chairs, looking bored out of their minds. One of

them asks what I want while the other just stares. I state what I want and he taps the Ipad and

gives me my total. I handed him my card and with one quick swipe, I was handed a small black

bowl with a spoon. After all of us paid for the same bowl we all walked slowly to the cereal we

had in mind. A childhood favorite, which for me is Fruity Pebbles. Oh how I love Fruity Pebbles.

I love how they just make my taste buds go wild because of their simple fruity flavor. The taste

is just like I remembered when I was a little girl.

Once we all got our first bowls, we all sat down at a table to dwell in the taste of our

choices. Of course the Fruity Pebbles were as delicious as I remembered. I just love how the

milk soaks into the tiny little colorful ovals and when you take a bite it is pure joy. After that first

bowl of cereal I wanted more, I wanted to try a whole new cereal that I was not very familiar
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with. I got up and looked around at those big cylinder tubes. I searched with such amazement as I

realized some of these cereals I recognized while others I did not even know what they were.

At last one giant tube of cereal caught my eye. Lucky Charms Marshmallows. This was

the only cylinder tube that was not filled up to the very top. This must be a favorite among a

bunch of people who have been in and out of this little restaurant. I walked over to the tube and

placed my little black bowl under the spout and pulled on the lever so the marshmallow goodness

would come out. With one pull on the lever, the perfect amount of marshmallow cereal came out.

I walked over to the milk and pulled up on that lever and watched as the 2% white milk filled my

bowl and poured over all the tiny marshmallows. As I went to sit back down I noticed how the

marshmallows were starting to turn my milk a slightly different color. It amazes me to think that

such simple things could do something so cool. The first bite of those marshmallows made my

taste buds want more. They softened in the milk to the point where it was not too soft and too

hard. It was just right in my opinion.

After this second bowl of cereal I still wanted to try a couple more cereals. I looked

around at all the cylinders and noticed the different color labels each cereal had. It interested me

to see how some labels were just plain with not so many colors while others had so much color

that it made the cereal look more exciting. The next cereal that caught my eye was the Dunkin

Donuts Caramel Macchiato Cereal. I got a little bowl of that one and I can for sure tell you that,

that cereal is amazing. It tasted just like a Caramel Macchiato that you get at coffee shops. Once

the Caramel Macchiato cereal was finished I could not eat any more. I was purely stuffed from

all those amazing cereals. I pushed my bowl away from me just like Santa might have after

Christmas Eve, and just listened to what everyone was talking about, and observed my

surroundings once again, but from a different perspective. This time as I glanced around I
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noticed how the building was smaller but had big windows surrounding it which brought sunlight

in. Outside you could see the different stores and the parking lot.

Inside the building behind me sat a couple of mini tables and chairs. Nobody was seated

on the tiny chairs , but were seated on the couch that sat next to some of these tables. On the

other side of the couch was a long table with a group of friends playing a game of cards. They

were laughing and enjoying their time here at this small cereal bar. When I turned back around,

our conversation that we were having turned into talking about the different ways each of us tie

our shoelaces. So random but it was interesting to see that out of the 4 of us we each have a

different way that we tie our shoes. We each showed off our unique way to tie our shoes then got

into a discussion about how we all would love to visit this place again.

In conclusion to being at Stirs for about an hour, I realized right away that this little

restaurant is the perfect place to come with friends and family. The atmosphere just puts you into

a good mood. I felt like I was a little kid once again playing at a McDonalds playground, having

the time of my life just because of cereal. I probably enjoyed this place more than my friends

because of my pure joy of eating cereal for almost every meal. Stir’s is a definite go back and I

know that I will be back soon to try some other cereals!

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