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Galloway 1

Kinley Galloway

English 1010


8 September 2020

Writing Style Habits

Writing Style habits, positive, negative, in between. Every person has a different style of writing

and different habits. These habits can either make someone a better writer or a bad writer. For

me some of my habits have made me an in between writer. I have developed some good writing

habits throughout my school years, which have consisted of writing in a quiet environment

where I can focus, having the people who I am around read over what I have written, trying to

have a strong topic sentence that will pull people into what I am writing, and a couple other little

things. On the other hand I also have some pretty bad habits. Those habits consist of

procrastination, not being able to find a good concluding sentence, trying to figure out how to

word everything in a nice flowy way, and using the Informal Speaking Habits. Due to all my

good and bad habits, it has made me an in between writer. There are times where I can write for

hours and then go back and fix words that I need to in order to make my essay better, while

there are other times where I can not think of anything to write and I sit in front of my computer

screen for hours just thinking about how to write an essay. Over the years my writing has

improved a great deal but I still have moments where I get so stuck I can not focus and it seems

like I will not be able to produce a good writing piece. Once I am able to come up with a good

topic sentence and body paragraph I am usually able to continue writing to the point that my

essay sounds good and looks good. To conclude my writing habits throughout the years that I

have been in school have both helped me at most times because I was focused and determined,
Galloway 2

but have also held me back because I have procrastinated. Some of my bad habits have improved

over time which in the bigger picture has helped me in school.

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